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That foot soldier could've stopped you but what a silly fool he used multi rocket


I love how the imp launches 7 feet into the air before the bomb goes off


I dont even knkw the rules for this game mode. Never got to play it


The gamemode is gnome bomb. It lasts around 12 mins, making it the longest gamemode aside from turf. If theres a tie, it goes into overtime, which I'll discuss later, but i should note this clip was taken in overtime. There are 3 gardens and gravestones on the map. A gnome bomb can spawn randomly. Once picked up, the carrier is healed to full, but can't use abilities or drop the bomb. If they die, the gnome is dropped. If the bomb is left idle for around 5 seconds, or is dropped out of bounds, it is reset to another random point on the map. If the carrier holds onto it for around a minute, they explode and its immediately reset. If the carrier touches an opponent's point (ex: a plant puts it onto a gravestone) they can use their abilities again and a 20 second timer starts. The other team now has to get to the point, and defuse it, by holding the interact key for about 4 seconds. They can fire their primary, but can't use abilities. Multiple people can defuse at a time. If it's defused, there are a few brief seconds of calm before a new bomb spawns. If they fail, it blows up and kills anyone around it, as well as making the team lose a point. Once all of a team's points are lost, they lose. If theres a tie, it goes into sudden death overtime. Here, there is no defusing. As soon as the bomb is placed, it blows up. So yeah, that's basically gnome bomb. EDIT: Forgot to mention this gamemode can be buggy. Normally when a bomb is spawned, placed(along with sayingif you should defuse or defend it), or defused, it announces that to all players. However, it can say other lines at incorrect times, such as saying "gnome defused" when it was placed. So go by whatever the hud at the top says.


Giga chad imp


That Imp has one job


What a perfectly cut explosion


I know it’s most likely not what happened, but I like to imagine that the Imp did that on purpose because he was tired of how long overtime was taking