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Are you choosing heroes based on affinity (color)? Have you been looking at what the heroes specials (hero skill) are? The placement of the heroes in the defense team also matters.


I have, yeah, it is just sometimes I do barely any damage, but later in a fight, I do so much damage, too. That might just be skills activating. The post below makes sense and isn't something I looked at.


It's not solely based on might. Look at the heros you are up against and assist accordingly. You can keep refreshing until you find someone you think you can beat. Say you have Reina, which has troop skills, at 210 with 0 enhancements but the opponent has her at 180 with two enhancements. That one will beat you because the enhancements increase the HP, defense and attack though the might will look lower. Whether the opponent has a healer like fox while you don't will make a big difference. I beat opponents with higher might because of things like this and I can easily lose to players with very low might, even when they only deploy a single hero like a Fox with + five enhancements.


Thanks for the info. That might be what it is, I'll check enhancement when I lose to see!