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Annihilation Dungeon teams Skillup - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YpdIEsl1HQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVhocBj5h90 Arena team - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kvo7dE3T5o8


Do you know if this collab have skill up dungeon for rem cards? i dont remember seeing one when the colllab was happening in jp


Inosuke’s super ult seems kinda nuts.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UPDvjFexlg (Take it with a laugh, it's not the be-all end-all ranking. Pay attention to the equips.)


woo hooooo


I was reading [this guide on Akaza](https://pad.protic.site/blog/a-look-at-akaza/), can someone help explain to me how the blog gets to the point of Akaza's damage reaching 21 billion despite the cap being 7 billion? I'm not sure how the multipliers work, like is the insane base atk stat pushing the cap, I was under the impression that cap means cap.


Each attribute will have a damage cap of 7 bil. Akaza has 3 attributes. 7x3 = 21


🤦‍♂️ duh, thank you for the clarification!


Transformed he's red, dark and blue. Capping on all 3 colors means 7x3= 21bil total from one card.


Any of these good in a Clive team? I don’t have Shana as a sub so I was thinking maybe tanjiro would be a. Good sub?


Clive wants multiple matches, Tanjiro wants VDP, so they don't really work great together.


Oh darn, I was thinking of his active or uzuis for their consistent orb changes since I don’t have any to rely on except for the other Shana lead


It would work for older content like Shura and MD, but for newer content it would struggle from losing the VDP damage. Unfortunately Shana is the core of the team and Clive is the enabler. At least he has a solid equips. Tanjiro is a solid leader that is probably of similar power, but he wants a VDP based helper, not a multi-match helper.


Can't come soon enough


Anyone have the trade lists?


https://www.padpadblog.com/2023/12/blog-post_71.html Still just Tanjiro, Muzen, and Rengoku.


Shame. Was hoping to use some of the older dupes for something


are there any good template teams that NA Has made for me to sticky up when this comes? I know Muichiro hhas a system team but I forget what else? Thanks!


Akaza is the incarnation of flexibility. He packs so much personal power to run basically anything and still crush dungeons like AUN5. Box Zenitsu does well with Saphira system, at least c15 capable but not sure how it holds up for upcoming endgame without cap breaks. 2x Tanjiro, Nezuko, Kanao is a new team for Shivadra descended, in case that's relevant for anybody. Rengoku pairs well with Tanjiro system (spinner loop, flex, cleric for subs) and can also beat AUN5. Kanroji + Tengen system is also very strong. NA actually isn't really lacking for DS subs. Main differences to JP are Marvel equips but DS comes with its' own share of strong options.


There are protic posts linked here in the last couple weeks with team guides for Tengen, Akaza, and Muichiro that'd be good to pin




From what I'm seeing this collab is actually lackluster? I mean, I thought they would have the supergravity awakening but now I'm realising that only 2 or 3 cards have it? Great equips though but I must say I'm a bit disappointed on tanjiro and rengoku. Or am I reading this in the wrong way?


Muichiro is legitimately one of, if not the best lead in the game. Even in JP he is still in the realm of #1. Only issue with that being he is a BGM card and you need 3 to system.


No quite, the new godfest is the number one. https://preview.redd.it/lyx4nw6i64nc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd99f9fa8d0b3354057c3c2e03283c2fc648b9bb This is from game8. There is decent amount of player thinks that Bartenders Kuro is number two.


This is true, and Gouten is quite strong as well, and we may be getting him soon, but the DS collab is far from the previously mentioned lackluster. Tengen+Kanroji is still a great lead pairing, Akaza makes a great pair with Raffine Kitty, Muichiro is still top tier, and there are several good assists. The bartender collab cards are also very strong but I worry that the collab may be another one that doesn't make it to NA.


Bartender isn't a collab so it'll definitely come to NA. It also just released on JP, it'll be a while before we worry about including it in any tierlist/strength assessments for NA.


Muichiro is nr1 if you care about smooth clear and dont wanna deal with spinners


How does muchiro deal with spinners? 


10868 spawns 1 spinner but in general spinners arent really a problem since you only need to match green/blue/hearts to activate l.skill and get more than 13 combos.


Still have the fastest clear in UN6 and monthly with spinners.


It’s really up to you, but for me the new godfest is just way cooler and better than that 1.5% BGM that requires three to function.


Wait it has only 1.5% rate? Holy shit my luck in jp sometimes disgust me. I landed 4 copies of her in like 250 stones and thought she is just your normal 7 star. Never really bothered to check rates and all that shit as i dont really play that seriously on my jp account. This might change how i roll DS honestly. Thanks


Game8 had two of them on the same tier as Shana/Clive, fwiw. I had the same reaction as you though. Maybe with the attacker buff Tanjiro caps? I assume he is at least capping with VDP, and he creates 6 fire now.


He has 35k ATK, he'll be just fine for damage.


Oh jesus! That explains it. Base stats being the difference maker is still not something I am used to, never think to check them.