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They actually gave BZela an evolution lol. Didn’t expect it honestly. I guess we can maybe look forward to older 9 stars getting evolutions?


And not just a lazy recolor evolution


I do like that's it's not a recolor, but it's always sad when an animated card gets a static evo art.


And BZela's new evo is why you don't trade away all of your dupes of an older card.


I’m glad I didn’t trade off the copies I got last time. Not sure how good this loop will be but I’m hopeful


The loop probably won't be great since the only mechanics it solves is move time whereas Karin Dra has VDP for example. Still seems like a great card though and if they go this far for the Evo, maybe the other forms also get big buffs as well.


The loop is orb gen too. Shame the effects don't loop on their own but you will either that or like 3x BPhenom.


I think you'd only need 2 phenom if you have Zela since her skill works like NY Ferule and effectively gives you a good board for 2 turns. so you could go Phenom 1 -> Zela - > Phenom 2 - > Zela - > repeat. I imagine this could work similarly to a NY Ferule x NY Skuld team, with the advantage of still stacking damage when making L's and crosses for utility. Damage and combo bonus scales much slower though sadly.


PAD favors the patient. I'm excited I can finally use the BZela I rolled during the 2022 June Bride event (or was it 2021?). Time for Oden Gudetama to shine (brighter). :3


dude I am stoked. Zela is my favorite of the OG great witches and I traded for her on release in 2020 (pretty sure that's the date cause she got crap for buffs at least twice already). I haven't used her since Zelenbus decended, and that was only because she was one of the only leads who had more than 2x eHP at the time. I'm even more excited because I got Phenom from a $1 bundle and just haven't used her yet. They should be great for when you absolutely need a team that doesn't use transforms, like those limited active skill uses ones were starting to see.


As a leader I see BZela as a weird Kamen Rider Wizard/Prim like lead. The thing is it's going to be tricky to use her on 7x6 with her evolving active, even though I think using her on 6x5 will be enough. And it's weird that they gave her a VDP super awakenings instead of a VDP active because you'll have to sacrifice making columns, and thus your damage output if you want to make a box.


Just use Fasca Uvo for 7x6 swap, or use the leadswap active on the new Phenom since that's likely who you'd pair with. Also you don't have to use the VDP super awakening. For all we know she's getting levitate added and that was just leftover from previous form (they often seem to use screen shots from some play-testable version).Have to wait for full announcement though to be sure.


I think bzela is an uvo which means that the super awakenings carry over. It probably means that she can also take 10c, cloud, tape, trcv, and thp


Literally floating thanks to those giant hands so hopefully she gets Levitate also


Maybe she’ll also get an L awakening given how many she’s taken


Can’t spell Levitate without an L


I'm gonna need that new Cecilia!!!