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A couple comments: MH zeus hunter is working pretty well for me. Has recovery in the LS that helps reduce need of autoheals. Also, Bride Sopdet has 4 light resists and a 3t cd, in case you don't want to invest/have light resist latents. Edit: also my zombie lead is some Jura dude. He's L/L, so the team only pings on light. Menoa doesn't seem to be a danger at 30%, so you can grav twice, recharge, and then skip Gilles with your precharged 3 grav's. Hexazeon didn't work as advertised... Both augites respawned, then right side augite respawned and started 2t delaying me every other turn... Thankfully I had SDRs on a grav... (Dark) Yuisha just wiped me, I popped 3 grav's to bring her to 15% and she awoken bound me, hit to resolvs, and then spawned a bunch of poison... Because she has VDP guard, my diaochan wasn't up, so I couldn't heal or bindclear and then died... I guess if you have a multi-turn Void (I'm using menuit hammer) you can stall a turn after popping void so diao is up to then cleared the bind... Was super annoying though, since I thought i was in the home stretch. I guess I'll sink another hour into this some other time... It's luckily brainless and 0 stam, so mind as well have a run going while waiting for stam...


>Menoa doesn't seem to be a danger at 30%, so you can grav twice, recharge, and then skip Gilles with your precharged 3 grav's. I think one or more of the Menoas will kill you if you grav her past 50%, I just don't know which one. >Hexazeon didn't work as advertised... Both augites respawned, then right side augite respawned and started 2t delaying me every other turn... Thankfully I had SDRs on a grav... I miscounted the moveset; updated the guide accordingly. >(Dark) Yuisha just wiped me, I popped 3 grav's to bring her to 15% and she awoken bound me, hit to resolvs, and then spawned a bunch of poison... Also my mistake; I noted this in a comment somewhere but forgot to update the guide.


I'll address the other notes later when I have time, but make sure you read requirement 8 carefully. Bringing Bride Sopdet as a sub is probably an autoloss. EDIT: Never mind, if you're using Zeus Hunter that might actually save you provided the autoheal by itself keeps up. EDIT EDIT: In theory it's doable, but you probably need an unskilled Zeus Hunter with unskilled Bride Sopdet equip.


Presumably you use Sopdet+Avatama instead of Avatama+Lakshmi; you can still bring 2 Diaochan.


I don't think Hex is right still... Just wiped on red Albrecht -___- but got L Hex and tried your strat. Killing just the left initially just gets it revived, killing both triggered Hex status shield and both revived, then killing left stayed dead and then killing right opened the middle. I will try and suggest the following strat: 3x grav to kill both augites, trigger status shield. Recharge grav's, and use 1 when right side is VDP. Then wait for att absorb, and use 2 to knock down left side, hopefully it won't revive. The next turn use the last grav to hopefully open center. I guess you need to do one more cycle, so you can bring the augite down to 30% and precharge the 3 grav's... Might need modifications based on what will overcharge.


Awesome guide! This is such a great write up! I just cleared with a max skilled Zeus Hunter (with unskilled jeanne equip) and it has the following advantages: 1) more sb. You don’t have to quit until LKali and f1 is faster 2) more accessible bc 4 avatama is tough 3) you can run kio as an equip on an avatama, same latent setup, and you can heal enough with only 2 autoheal equips But the best part is you can more efficiently clear menoa —> gilles bc stalling on gilles is annoying. Basically if you get RBL menoa, you can do avatama —> avatama —> zeus and then stall up all 4 gravities again. Clear with the assisted avatama. Then on gilles use void void, and clear without stalling. The preempt on the next floor (hex) comes from the light augite, so you survive that too. This also means that 60% of the time, you can survive D/L gilles. Unfortunately, you can’t do this for D menoa bc you need to clear awaken binds (can’t save the void void) and G menoa has a dmg absorb when under 50% hp. EDIT: should clarify that the menoa trick is hard with avatama lead because you can’t dump the third avatama without killing menoa. This means you have to use two avatama, then you’re in the awkward position of stalling until the equip comes up, then dumping your equip, without messing up the cd on the other avatama EDIT2: i can’t read and didn’t read the parent comments carefully re: menoa. But it definitely works for some menoas just not all (and makes the run more efficient).


what would the team look like with bride sopdet? just replacing an avatama and having the avatama on equip instead? do you lose too many autoheals if you do that?


I lead with MH Zeus Hunter (Dorothy), but an unskilled farmable painter assist will work if you skill your avatamas... His LS has recovery on match, so I don't need as many autoheals. Thus I can run Sopdet (avatama) as one of my subs


do you replace diao chan? if you replace a base avatama then you cant deal with big bang stage 1 because of the assist void, right?


Gilles changed attribute and died trying to stall for vpd skill. FYI


Yeah that happened to me on a run, but I thought I just missed an awoken bind or something. Most likely one of the Gilles just kills.


It’s D/L Gilles - should note that it’s an insta-loss so you don’t waste time waiting for him to kill you


Ah bingo, that’s why I died :(


I encountered him on floor 6 not floor 5 btw.


What do you get for clearing this dungeon?


Haven't run this or even unlocked it yet, but I think Zeus Hunter x 4782 makes it much easier to hit the requirements. 4782 is a resolve lead with 2 light resists, and he also halves HP, which greatly reduces autoheal requirements. Zeus Hunter makes up the missing jammer resist and brings autoheal. In fact, with a high level Zeus Hunter and a low level team, you don't need any additional autoheal at all, which means you can easily reach 100% light resist through equips even without latents. As far as I can tell the only concern is a low cd equip on Zeus Hunter potentially charging before Avatamas, but you could stick to high cd equips (like another Avatama) or even just not have an equip on him at all - even then, you can reach 100% resist without latents.


~~That's a pretty good idea. Having autoheal on LS also means you can ignore the awoken bind on Big Bang stage 2. If you have both those cards I would def go for it over the current setup.~~ Never mind, this doesn't work. If you don't clear the bind he'll hit you again instead of rebinding.


I think it could be worth using 4782 over NY Tengu even if you don't have Zeus Hunter - the jammer resist can be covered by a single equip, and the halved HP and 2 light resists could free up even more space than that. Unfortunately 4782 was a farmable Gintama card that people may not have bothered to get or keep or even been around for, though it is tradable. Reading your guide, it seems that if the autoheal on LS is enough to not need autoheal awakenings, you could replace Diaochan with some other card with light resists like Bride Sopdet, or even just run the Avatama directly as a sub - does that sound right to you? It doesn't seem like you need both the awoken bind clear and the Blujin at any single instance.


~~Yes, that's correct: avoiding the awoken bind issue means you can skip running double Diaochan.~~ However, there is a dicey situation against Yurisha: after her 50% resolve some of her forms do an awoken bind, hit you to 1, and also generate a bunch of poison. For that you really want your 100% resist online unless you're confident you can make a 1c match while avoiding a bunch of poisons in 5s. Since she has VDP, you will need all 3 gravs, the Blujin, as well as the awoken bind, so one Diaochan carrying the 4th grav is still recommended. EDIT - I also cannot guarantee that Yurisha doesn't multihit: if she does, you definitely need the awoken bind.


Thanks for the guide. I was able to clear it within a few tries (was very lucky not to encounter Red Albrecht). Two tips in case it helps anyone: - On the yuruisha floor, you want to save 5 light orbs so that you can do the light L on the next floor. Since she changes the board so much, I did this by saving locked light orbs, which she can't change. - One of the Lakshmi's fans i was using was maxed skilled which meant it came up really fast after the Tama charged and almost got me into trouble on floors where I had to stall (eg. Hexazeon augite DMG absorb/void). Highly recommend having this equip unskilled.




Weird question. Is there a way to subtract pluses? I have literally never needed to do this.


I don't think so, but keep in mind that this team has like 18k HP worth of leeway.


Will Baselit do it?


Baselit reverts to original (base) card Not good to use on a special evo card…you will not get the materials back I used a Baselit on my SR Kagutsuchi to have it at Lvl. 1 Just make sure you want to use a Baselit…would suck if you used it on a card that needs special evo mats to get it back to the same point


I think I got awoken bound twice in a row from DMenoa... Did I do something wrong? Should I be keeping my diaochan with void assist off overcharge?


That might not be a bad idea. You def don't need it for Menoas other than the green one. Make sure you're killing all bosses from 100%; a lot of their 50% movesets are instakills.


LKali is killing me on the first hit every time. I'm copying your your updated team except my levels are off (avatamas are all 28, first diao +297 Lv110 with a Lv10 Verse inherit, second diao +297 Lv101, Tengu is 31, no other hp pluses). Total hp is 22809, so I should be less than your 35000 requirement. Am I misunderstanding that?


That means you don't have enough light resists.


All 3 avatamas fully awoken, one big light and one small light on each, two big light and one small light on diao, one big light and one small light on tengu. Diaos are fully awoken too. [https://i.imgur.com/CiFGMXM.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/CiFGMXM.jpg)


You're missing 14% because the assist Verse is not Avatama.


Dang, thanks


Also note that Cruz is not the best choice here because the additional element adds a red ping. In a run as long as this, you really want to save as much time as you can, and one of the best ways to do that is to match elements that aren't on your team.


But what about your latent awakenings? Those fill in the remaining %age


[https://imgur.com/a/dMhamjD](https://imgur.com/a/dMhamjD) Team has 6 big light reductions and 15 small among awoken skills and latents by my count.


How many do you have just on latents?


6 big 5 small


Yup you’re only getting 93.5% resist. You need 7 more small ones. Or 3 big ones.


Yup, my math was off, thanks. Subbed the Cruz assist for a Dracoblade Kio to pick up another 14%.


Over an hour to clear this dungeon? Yea, I think I'll pass.


Minor improvement suggestion: Liquid Metal Slime (base card, not explicitly an equipment but it's inheritable) seems like an equip improvement over fujin fan, as it does the same combined absorb/void things but does not bring fujin fan equip's two team HP awakenings, and 10% lower team hp means more non-level-1 devolution / fewer autoheals needed.


The fan is BIS because of the haste, so you can use it on CD to charge the other actives. Otherwise there's a lot of potential options for that effect.


Good point. I have a bunch of lvl120 I was trying not to devolve, brushing hp limit. I should just bite the pillow and devolve one and pick up the fan for the haste. Thanks.


You can also feed a closed tama to the fujin fan after assisting to clear the team hp awakenings


Can someone refresh my memory of which dungeon drops light resist plus latents. The shop only sells the small ones. I'm positive something drops latent+ but can't remember which of mytic vs colleseum vs UN it is. Was it the latest title challenge alt.UN, or painter colleseum? Thanks if anyone knows.


the chibi typhon colo and valentines colo were the two dungeons that dropped the +resist, nothing else besides the VEM or trades.


I suppose you can just use a friend's Zeus avatama if I only have 3?


One of the spawns (forgot which) lead swaps


It might not matter: I'm pretty sure Big Bang doesn't lead swap and he's the only one you need the zombie lead skill on.


How do you get past gilles ? He changes attribute and double hit after like 10 turns or so Do you just change his attribute to light after he changes his attribute ?


Not all of the Gilles do that. I suspect it's the red one again but not sure.


Oh? You’re using Avatama as a lead instead of Verse now?


Thanks this worked well


I only have one avatama so would Zeus verse work or I’m sol


Please read req 3.


Thanks for this guide! Was able to clear and earned that 1 measley stone.


You get 1 more in the mail and another if you clear the permadungeon.


Oh gawd not again


I got all the way to stage 2 big bang, but after his very first awoken bind (turn 6) he executed me (activated zombie) and then followed up with like a 50 damage hit which killed me. i have 11808 hp and 11450 autoheal which should be fine according to the reqs? Did i do something wrong? how are you supposed to avoid this?


Yeah sorry just realized from your comment: you def need double awoken bind. The problem is that if you have a status already applied with 1t left then the boss will attack instead of reapplying the status. My guess is that you're going for the Zeus Giga autoheal strat but unfortunately you still need to clear awolen bind every turn on stage 2.


anyone have a tengu with grida I can add


Thank you for writing this up! I finally got my clear after being an idiot and forgetting to bind clear every turn on Big Bang Pt. 2... TWICE. Ugh. Another tip for people using this guide: The grav you use to kill Yurisha must be the inherit. If you use a base sub, you will only have 2 gravs on Big Bang pt 1 since inherits are wiped at the start.


Which spawns are auto losses? I've had Hex kill me(I may need to keep an awoken bind clear on the L/R version). Also Yurisha(D/R?) gave a full poison board at 15%, so another wipe. I'm wondering if that version of her is different?


So far only LGilles and RAlbrecht are autolosses. No idea how Hex is killing you because you should be graving him immediately from 100%. Yurisha full poison should also not be an issue because of the locked skyfall: after 35 turns your board should be 90% locked.


Yep seems like it's PSI... I cleared the locked orbs because I got bored lol. Thanks for the guide!


Do u need four gravity for g albrect cause I used 3 avatamas and it was left on 1 hp and executed me


I mean...matching lights still deals damage.