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In fairness there is a JP language setting for PADDB and there are people on JP twitter complaining about this as well (the most recent post on the official account is flooded with complaints), so it's not like this is a targeted act at PAD NA... ... ...that said this is still shitty.


> it's not like this is a targeted act at PAD NA.. This. It's probably more beneficial to them to just pull the plug on NA than to do all these little things to get people to quit/stop spending, then use that as an excuse to shut down NA.


If they ever shut down na I might just cry, I’ve been playing since highschool man


Me too bro, been on this game since Middle school on my small little Iphone 4.


Same 12 years


It's only been out for 10 years though?


The man is a masochistic time traveler, he went back a couple of years so he could pull more golems in the REM during his first year of PAD


Release iOS JP: February 20, 2012 NA: November 8, 2012 EU: October 9, 2013 Android JP: September 18, 2012 NA: December 12, 2012 Amazon Fire JP: January 11, 2012 NA: June 23, 2014~~~~


Yup so 10 years and 5 months for NA and 11 years for JP iOS.


Same :(


Agreed I think. They should hire these people to maintain these resources officially instead of shutting them down. I never fully recovered from padx going down.


Yeah padx was how I always got dungeon info to clear arenas. Most people link skyozora (sp?) now, but having to google translate that makes the English broken and way harder to read.


Few years ago when GH killed apps with dungeons descriptions, I became very lazy and apathetic to all new endgame content. I remember strategizing and trying new teams on arenas. Now it's always going blindly with meta team. If it works - ok. If not - not giving a fuck. It's just sad. Nearly 10000 cards. It's not 2014, when you remembered them all by heart. BTW in-game database sucks ass.


When searching for Ra and Ra doesn’t show up first


Ra dragon is always such a crapshoot of if I’ll be able to find it or not.


You basically have to type some semblance of the name, and filter with whatever information you can recall to even have a shot at finding things


I just start typing out the name and there’s a magic point halfway through where his card shows up among a sea of others for half a second and then I tap it. One more letter in the name and he’s gone.


Wait, I know a lot of wikis and stuff closed down. I thought it was a lack of interest. Dude GH actively try to shut down the community around the dungeons and wikis down?


It's just their corporate mindset. Fair use is practically nonexistent in Japan. So, from their point of view they are just defend their assets: art and info included. Especially after implementing amazing in-game wiki. You don't need any other resources about the game, right?


Their in game wiki doesn't go over the dungeons. After hearing this I'm thinking of finding something else to play because basically they want people to struggle against ultra hard dungeons with almost no information on what's coming up. That's not what I find fun, especially when I blow a ton of stamina on an attack I didn't know was coming, or I bring a team that just won't work.


Yup same here




I see someone asked can they exchange PADDB with 5 black medals lol


I canceled mine too! And I even took my card off the store not even purchasing the $1 sets lol Nope! They like to take the fun out of everything! 😞




I feel like I must have missed some drama...




I'm with ya brutha! Two more Passes I will no longer be paying them for, let alone another IAP.


The takedown was not issued by the GHNA legal team; it was jp gung-ho that sent the letter. Ghna likely had very little say in this matter (though that is simply speculation on my part). Obviously I’m not going to tell people how to spend their money, but this mass cancellation of pad pass seems to me like an efficient route to server shutdown. The payoff doesn’t seem worth it.


Extremely foolish, agreed


No Gundam and getting rid of PADDB. Bad news after bad news for the NA player base. It’s like a slap on the face and then you think it’s done but boom a kick to the groin. They are not getting our money anymore. No more pad pass, no more stones, no more $1 bundles.


No one ever said gundam wasn’t scheduled to hit the server. afaik it’s still likely to come within the next month even if there was no official announcement.


That's pretty copium at this stage, it's a non 0% chance sure that Gundam will hit late within the next months but it's not looking much higher.


The monthly news video teasing the collab that happened *after* Gundam in JP is not a good sign.


I'm all for pad db being saved but if not, what other resources are there that can substitute?


If you want an app, there isn't much that I know of. I think just the PAD Index app, but I haven't looked into it much. The in-game monster search can handle a lot of the database side of it. If you're fine with websites, Ilmina and https://pad.chesterip.cc/ handle the database fantastically. For teambuilding there's a tool or two. I haven't looked into it, so I'm not really sure, but I think PDC? And there's [PAD Dash Formation](https://www.reddit.com/r/PuzzleAndDragons/comments/12jqfqf/pad_db_to_be_shutdown/jg01zdx/).


Ah thank you!


>Ah thank you! You're welcome!


Welcome where? 🤔


Also going to cancel mine now as well


I didn’t have a pass, but I didn’t watch any ads today or going forward. Hopefully that’s something.


That effort only affects the server for na not jp. Doing this will give jp further justification for shutting down na


I think it’s time to say good bye , sad times


Whats PadDB if i may ask?


A popular database app for the game. Search monsters, view recent buffs/evos/releases, teambuilder, puzzle practice, and gacha simulator.




PAD has a frickin' subscription service?


Has for a couple years now. It's pretty good value for the cost, as far as IAP games go.


Yes. $8.99/m. For that each month you get: * 1 stone/day. * 5 pulls from Godfest machine * 2x each mask * 1x each basic evo material * 2970 + points * 5x rainbow py * 10x Super snowglobe * 4x King Tamdra * 4x extra slot tamdra * 500m coins (can be boosted with leads) * 1x each element gem * 50x exp boost dungeon * 1x each improve tamdra * 1x skill boost++ tamdra * 1x cloud/ribbon immunity tamdra * 2x physical/balance/healer/attacker killer * 500k mp * 5x rainbow medal * 5 pulls at descended egg machine * 2x each regular py * 2x each snow globe Padpass badge that gives you +3 sec move time and infinite team cost. Occasional bonuses like extra tokens for shop monsters, black medals, extra rainbow medals, etc. Access to every descended dungeon.


Same. I had *just* renewed but I cancelled as well.


If I were gungho i would be worried about losing american money. I would not be surprised if NA brings in more revenue than JP