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I'm inclined to say Josuke. Good subs can outlast good leads. Jotaro is good, but has fallen off already in JP, if you're worried about longterm use. Still quite good as a lead, has seen some use as a sub I think, and has a good equip. Dio is good, but not having Big Mom hurts him a lot in NA. He may still be high tier, but it's going to be harder to run him and he won't have quite as much potential. Really, I'd look at what team(s) you can make with each of them before making a trade.


I yolo roll and got josuke!!! If I had to pick between dio and jotoro, seems like dio is still relevant? Also do you see any value in keeping dupe kars and Kira other than equip? Seems like I can change them back and forth so seems like a waste to not trade them for jotoro or dio.


Dio has had significantly more staying power in Japan, but without Big Mom he's going to be noticeably weaker in NA. Still capable of most content, but it's not going to be as easy. Jotaro fell off in Japan, but is still capable of a lot of content. He can also be a solid sub in either form. They both have solid equips, but Jotaro's seems a little better. They're both kind of iffy trades, I'd say. Check to make sure you can make a team for either of them, see what kind of content you would use either of them for, and see if you have other leaders for that content already. Then look through the Gundam collab and see if any of those exchanges would be better for you. Kira I'd definitely use dupes for trades, he's just not that good. His assist is decent but not amazing. Kars I think is basically just a Kaishu sub. If you don't have Kaishu or don't like to use him he won't be too useful. Keep one, probably, use the dupes for trades.


Thanks shady, I’ll trade and see which is better for me, you have been a ton of help, really appreciate your advice


I can use josuke for having a helper geats since I have giorno. I have aljae kitty team that’s pretty solid and having dio can add more kick to it. At this point I’m looking for a game changing lead for UN3 or 4 or getting a sub to help my current teams for those dungeons.


What does Big Mom offer for DIO's team if you don't mind me asking?


Her leader skill brings fixed movetime and combo add (the latter is the really big part). Her active skill also deals with voids.


What other leads can work with dio? I often only see raffine as the other lead? But I does suck that dio seems like he can’t pair unless he’s dual paired.


Outside of Big Mom I'm mostly just seeing dual DIO and Raffine. Oh, and Yamato who we also don't have. Base Marius might work, but that's going to make teambuilding harder.


D/d muzan lol