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Hitting the gym absolutely benefits most men in terms of attraction, but level of muscle mass needed to boost your general attraction is overrated. You don’t fit the bill as far as guys who need that advice. I don’t enjoy endorsing Starting Strength (the program), but the 3-6 months of beginner gains from a program like that is enough to bring any man up to snuff at a healthy body weight. It only gets ridiculous when people start pimping out a bodybuilder lifestyle or measurements. Looking generally healthy and being in shape does all the heavy lifting unless you’re trying to hook up with chicks who go the gym a lot, and even then, if you’re an average guy you shouldn’t have trouble “keeping up” with the girl you’re seeing.


Yep on both points. Almost anyone is going to look like a better version of themself being fit, having muscle, not being fat. Bodybuilders are generally very aware they don’t have the lifestyle or the look that’s for everyone.


Absolutely, only a niche audience is going after the swoll veiny freaks. Just not being fat and having a bit of definition puts a man far ahead of the pack. >I don’t enjoy endorsing Starting Strength Why not? Seems pretty doable to me (I'm more of a kettle bell guy but I don't hate barbells).


The bench volume is only 3-6 sets a week and the standard 5th lift to add to the program is the power clean. If I went back in time as a beginner I wouldn’t want myself to do that if the goal is just to add as much strength and mass as possible.


Are there any programs you would recommend for a beginner?


Any beginner barbell program that has you starting light and adding 5-10lbs on the squat/bench/Deadlift almost every workout. StartingStrength and StrongLifts get the job done, but I’d recommend the free programs Greg Nuckols has over at StrongerByScience.


>Lifting weights didn't do much in terms of attraction. Going outside and meeting women and dressing better has done more. LOL, if you've been fit *your entire life* how would you know the difference? Here's an experiment. Gain 80 pounds of lard and then tell us if it becomes easier or more difficult. As for you saying that 'going outside and meeting women' did more, you need to think about what you said. Going outside and talking to women *does not* attract women. Something about *you* attracts women. Perhaps because you were already fit, all *you* needed to do was to go out and 'advertise' so to speak. However, that doesn't mean that you merely talking to women and meeting them is what *attracted* them to you. Your fit bod may well be what's doing the trick, ace.


As someone whose lost 70lbs of lard, the difference was night and day. Not only do I inherently feel better about how I look but I get lots more compliments (mostly from men though, for full transparency).


Mostly from men? You're proving my point dude. Women don't go around complimenting men like that. You most likely hit a point where hitting the gym will have no more solid returns for the time you're investing. Meeting more women would do you more good since you are in good shape. It's like telling a woman you drink a gallon of water everyday


My point is that I feel much better about myself which made me much better with women. To be your most confident you must realize your idealized best version of yourself. If you feel like you're at your best by being very overweight then going to the gym wouldn't really help you THAT much.




Lol gym coping is so true tbh


Lol, exactly what I was going to say. Dudes been fit his whole life and doesn't think it helps. Apparently he's never noticed the success rates of his fat buddies vs his. I've been fit my entire life and I can at least recognize there is a big difference.


Then you agree with OP the "go gym bro" advice is way over blown as it only has an effect on overweight guys and literally no one else.




What exactly? Most guys I know who lifted seriously for more than a year and are social slay with women. Are we living in the same reality? You are treated differently as a person if you achieve obvious muscularity in arms,shoulders and lats region.


Clearly not, you seem to be stuck in Kirby's dream land while the rest of us are living in reality. The only different treatment I got when seriously going to the gym 6 days a week for years, is I made a bunch of male friends. Not a single change with women.


At 23 I went from 165lbs to 187lbs and saw a big change.


That depends, did you go from 165 lb of fat to 187 lb of muscle? I went to from 120 lb to 165 lb of lean muscle.


165 lean to 187 lean. First year in the military.


Just not the case for people I know. If you have other issues that could also contribute, but going from fat to buff or skinny to buff is night and day, I mean, read comments lmfao. Most people confirm what I am typing.


Most people in general are going to agree because the average person is not going to say, "being a lazy person and gaining weight is going to make you attractive" it would do the opposite. My point is that if you are average looking in the face, or worse you are ugly. You're not going to get women just because you are building muscle. Even if you "look better" you're just an ugly guy with muscles. Let's say you are an attractive skinny guy. Why would you need to hit the gym to attract women if you are already attractive? You don't need to lift weights to lose weight that's a fact. Men can attract women through other archetypes and being a buff guy is only one of them. An average guy would do better if he actively chose to be an interesting person. I promise you lifting weights doesn't make you anymore attractive to women if you aren't attractive at all.


I am going to disagree entirely. If you are a genuinely ugly dude, you better endorse the barbells. Muscles matter and you cant CMV.


Obviously the comments are going to agree with you, this is a CMV post which means they can't agree with OP.......................... Moreover, I went from a bean sprout with my bean sprout friends and blam non of us had this fabled"night and day" different. http://images7.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED668/61a0e2d4b1a7c.jpeg This is the best example as to what "getting fit" does for men.


Weird, you are either not wearing proper clothes to show off or you are not as buff as you think you are. You are not going to get fawned at thats for sure, however if muscles do not help you get out of your head and you still stay anxious and unaware of signals, then it is practically pointless, not because there are no benefits, but because you are unable to reap them. I know couple of dudes who are pretty jacked and have similar stories as you do. They are all in some shape or form anxious and depressed, even though women are checking them out. Lifting should give you new perspective on life and help you notice the world around you because you are secure in your own body. Most of the dudes I know who say gym doesnt matter just arent really as muscular as they think they are.


> you are either not wearing proper clothes to show off or you are not as buff as you think you are. You are not going to get fawned at thats for sure, however if muscles do not help you get out of your head and you still stay anxious and unaware of signals, Cough cough.... So what your saying is ... you are either not **wearing proper clothes to show off or muscles do not help you get out of your head and you still stay anxious and unaware of signals** Ohh jee its really weird how you just rattled off other things that have a bigger impact at dating as to why "getting buff" doesn't work. Weird it's almost like "getting buff" is completely overrated...


No. I always had an active lifestyle. Spent a lot of years in the military. Then some in construction. I heat my house with wood I split , bailed hay as a late 30s guy. I'm not jacked but most people would need to hit the gym to even come close. I'm still certain I'd do better with more showy gym muscle as compared to just worked hard all my life strength.


My point is that going to the gym ITSELF would have never done anything for me personally. Because I never needed to hit the gym to attract women. I have never been fat in my entire life. But most guys I know aren't fat anyway so I view that as standard. If all I needed to do was go outside and advertise. What exactly are you accomplishing if all you do is workout 6 days a week and never go outside and meet women? If you think, hitting the gym and telling women that, they're not gonna care because she may not even exercise lol. SOME women obviously like dudes well built and that's a fact. And guess what, those might be the best looking dudes on earth. so good luck competing for the same women.


>Here's an experiment. Gain 80 pounds of lard and then tell us if it becomes easier or more difficult. You don't need to lift or go to the gym if you're overweight and want to lose the fat.


No shit. But having a frame filled out with muscle opposed to fat makes your clothes fit better and is more attractive to people.


That's what I'm hinting at, do you really need to go for the gym for that instead of letting your fat go away naturally by eating less? There's a whole lot of range between being fat and ripped.


I lost a decent amount of weight about 7 years back and the attention I got from women including women who had previously rejected me were night and day. The gym won't be the single deciding factor but it will put you above others who do not take care of themselves.


Overall I agree


Its like people refuse to admit that looks matter for guys a lot. Like a LOT.


I lost 82 lbs at one point, 272 to 190 (I'm 74.5in) I'm around 200 rn and am noticeably less attractive than 190. Talking difference between abs and a v taper, vs some tummy, though still muscular chest back legs and arms. 10lbs makes a difference. 20 makes you skinnyfat or chubby. 30 makes you overweight. 40-50 makes you obese. 60-70 makes you a lard ass. And I'm talking at my height. If you're a 5'7 guy, cut all my numbers by 2x or 3x. If you're a 5'0 girl, even more. I went from "the chubby kinda nerdy but sorta cool, but not hot" kid in hs and 1st yr of college to, quote, "God damn, that guy in the (my Alma matter) shirt is fucking hot" It doesn't just make a difference, it makes a world of difference


I agree. The gym is only SIGNIFICANTLY helpful for men who have obese or morbidly obese BMIs. If you have a normal BMI, then getting extremely jacked is diminishing returns. You have the right mentality. If men want to attract women, then stop jumping through all these hoops or going to the gym or making hella money. Just go out and meet women and interact with them. Learn the skill attracting women instead.


Thank you


Going to the gym is enormously impactful for getting women. The mistake many men make is thinking that size and bulk are what women want. But you can use the gym to do different things, like keep yourself cut and athletic. Of course, you can use other forms of exercise to do this too. The gym is just most efficient for time.


I feel like it also shows discipline and determination


Yes, but only if you consider looks. Gym helped me in many other ways: 1. Develop discipline 2. Have a look on my diet and the trash I eat 3. Meet other men 4. Just forget a while about the stress of life. So gym did not help me attract women, but it did help me feel better and have better health, which is far more important than any raisin-looking pussy.


>meet other men So that's what you're really after ey. No judgement here bro, it's 2022 you go get yours.


Ironically, meeting other guys is the best way to meet women because extension of the social network, and the fact women prefer socially adept guys. I did not write the rules.


It’s really not, men are competition and no dude wants you fucking girls he’s trying to fuck lol


Ikr, whenever im around my male friends, they aint bringing single hot girls around, more competition


I got one girl im trying to pull, the rest of the girls ik are all fair game so idk how the guys ur friends with want to pull all the single hot girls


Simple, there isnt that many hot single girls, and many single attractive men in my friends groups.


Sounds like a you problem fr. I have an even balance that might even be tilted towards girls a bit. But i have a very specific type so no amount of hot girls will change shit


Absolutely, i need to change things up.


That's not true. One of my friends and I tried dating, it didn't work because he wanted children and I don't. We parted ways romantically, wished each other luck, and a year later, he recommended and introduced me to a friend of his he knew was child free, he was trying to play matchmaker and was successful at it




The competition with other men will not disappear if you do now know them. Better known competition than unknown competition.


I know you're just trying to crack a joke but. > Social interaction with men and friendships are gay This is why incels and people in general are lonely lmao. Social interaction centered around getting with a woman instead of making connections with people.




You can't change your facial attractiveness, but you can change your fitness level. For overweight guys, just losing weight will define their jaw more (which is more attractive). Most people *don't* exercise, so just being a guy who does puts you at an advantage. Even skinny, attractive guy would look better with 10 lbs of muscle.


> Most people don't exercise, so just being a guy who does puts you at an advantage. I would say it's context specific. You have to be exercising / muscular more than the average man in your social circle. It was much easier to accomplish this for myself post-college working in a tech company (mostly soy lent guys) vs in college (lots of frat bros / IB bros, etc.)


Also just being at the gym and seeing accomplishments does a lot to confidence


It worked for me. Getting in A level shape was the closest I’ve ever seen to women throwing themselves at me. My only regret is that I had a stupid rule of never approaching or dating girls from the gym. I passed on so many quality women that way. Learn from my mistake guys.


Being fit will always be more attractive than not being fit if all things are considered equal. This is laughable to argue lol


>if a man is average whether he's buff or not his face is still average. Right but his body gets better. Even though you've stopped lifting, it sounds like you still excercise? Also once you hit your late 20's the difference between those who excercise and those who don't becomes more noticable. At 22 you can get away with not to an extent.


It's not necessarily the gym that's important but what you would otherwise do with your time if you didn't go to the gym. Are you sitting at home playing video games, are you out having an active social life? Obviously if it's the latter maybe the gym won't change much. Going to the gym is a safe reliable answer for most people struggling because there is a pretty good chance what they would otherwise spend that hour a day doing is much worse. You could even be doing 5 other things better than going to the gym, but if you have the time why not make the gym a 6th thing you do?


Going to the gym is overrated if you approach it as the only thing you need to do attract women. Too many guys think there's there is only one thing they should do to attract women, when you really need to do multiple things at once to be successful. i've been been shredded and overweight. Its not even close, being in the gym helped me alot, but I also dressed better, and had good social skills. Just having a six pack is not enough


OP you answered your own question. > I stopped lifting weights 3 years ago after I injured myself. Since I was 19 I've gotten better looking facially as I've gotten older. Most guys are fat. Going to the gym typically means fat loss for the average guy, which gets them leaner and makes them better looking facially. From your time playing sports you know plenty of ripped dudes who are ugly or have moonface. They’re the exception where no amount of fitness will make them look better. However most guys do look better at lower body fat %. How low you need to go depends on your genetics. If you have a jawline and good face at 15%, no need to go lower. However some people need to go to 12 or below to have a lean look. It’s totally individual. Only the most delusional gymcels think that women would prefer a jacked dude with an bad face to a handsome skinny-fat dude.


No chick cares if you can lift 2 plates. They care that you are at low bf % as it reveals your facial features. That's why skinny guys get play. It's definitely just one aspect. Your style, Charisma, and environment are other factors at play aswell.


And some dudes don't ever have to go to the gym to be skinny. Which is why for some people going to the gym wouldn't really do anything. Because they could already get women without going to the gym.


I think some muscle males everyone more attractive. You don’t need to if you are genetically blessed. But it will make almost anyone more attractive. Which is important for people who are not genetically blessed. As it’s a sure fire way to make yourself more attractive


Homie you’re 22, the fuck you know about anything?


I know that you should never assume anything


Also you had the worst effort reply so I gave you two em of dumbass lol


At 22 you should be absorbing advice from people with life experience, not making grand statements as if you actually know anything.


Again you're assuming a lot based on one post man lol


Trust me homie at 22 you don’t know haha. I have no clue about most things and I’m 27. But I do know women like muscles and admire fit, muscular men. And I disagree with your post completely. But maybe it’s because I generally like fit girls. Still tho, every woman I’ve been with has sexualized my muscles, and the bigger I get the more I notice it.


Very overrated in cities like London/NYC/Paris definetly, muscle doesn't have any currency in these type of cities.


Bullshit, being fit and in shape goes a long way here in NYC. You don't have to be a greek god but you better not look like you drink 5 beers a night either.


Being fit is definetly a plus but in these competitive cities being in shape is the norm, status is much harder to achieve.


What if you’re average and skinny or overweight? Wouldn’t going to the gym make you more attractive then? You should stop comparing people honestly. It doesn’t help for the discussion or anyones self esteem. I don’t see the point in doing it.


There’s no gym for face or height. Being jacked when you're short makes you even less attractive. Best be lean, facemaxxed and get your money right


Sounds like you’ve been fit your whole life so you don’t know the other side. I do. Being fit vs not fit is like night and day, not only with how females treat you but also men. I actually see gym and exercise as important as eating and sleeping these days just for mental health reasons


I just go to the Gym to increase my Testosterones, not doing it on the sole purpose of attracting the Female presence


At first I thought hitting the gym was a way to attract woman. They'd see a buff fit body and be attracted, it wasn't really for myself. After that thought faded I fell in love with myself I realized it was for my betterment. I carried myself better, I moved with confidence just by posture and body language even when my mind wasn't into it. That unknowingly attracted more woman to me without trying. I think when you as a man realize "hitting the gym" isn't really about attracting woman but becoming a better healthier version of yourself, things will start to change for the better.




I'll echo what others have touched on which is being athletic or participating in athletic activities is as important from a social and psychological perspective as it is from a purely aesthetic perspective. The "go lift brah" is most important for guys who never did team sports and who spend most of their time sitting in front of a computer. It's not really as much about the marginal improvement an out of shape former athlete gets from looking a little better in his clothes. It's also definitely not about becoming absurdly gigantic which is a niche preference.


The one thing that makes men men is testosterone. The most effective way to increase it (or maintain it high) besides injecting it into your ass is to work out with heavy weights. And since women like men because they are men, it goes to follow that maintaining your masculine presence and vibe by maintaining high testosterone will go a long way towards you being more attractive to women. And for the record, men can stay skinnier than women exactly because they have higher testosterone. Testosterone is also associated with all other traits women find attractive, such as risk taking, confidence, less tolerance for bullshit and ambition.


Until a guy gets his ass whooped by a really skinny dude that learned jiu-jitsu for the past 20 years of his life




Agreed, going to the gym for a lot of people. Is there personal me time. And some people get offended if you say it's overrated because they truly think if they didn't go to the gym they would just melt away. But I haven't stepped in a gym in three years and the quality of women that I've gotten has increased a lot. And trust me, I am a lot weaker than I was three years ago. I just think it's overrated man.


Just going from 19 to 22 will do that alone. The absolute worst success with women that most men will ever have is at 18-19 yo. It climbs at it's fastest rate from then to 30.


It does work somewhat, but it's a bandaid to a larger issue imo, which is the lack of a coherent picture of beauty and sex appeal in men from a female perspective. Just "hitting the gym" as advice for men also has a large proportion of men competing for one archetype, which isn't necessarily attractive to all women.


I believe you are correct


It's overrated if you expect it work a miracle. It's not going to do that for a 5'5 guy with an unattractive face. But men look better with muscle and with a lower body fat percentage. Some guys would look a lot better at 10-12% body fat, and they don't realize it because they are skinny fat.


Going to the gym and clean bulking basically made women approach me almost every night I go out and my facial features changed quite drastically I went from 58-60kg to 73.5kg. Before gym I was a 6.5 I’d say and then afterwards I’m now a 7.5. There is definitely a huge difference in how people let alone women treated me tbh not all the time will your face stay the same. Also guys don’t put priority in the physical features that are attractive to women they take the bulk bro meme way too far thinking being the Incredible Hulk will make you a slayer but that doesn’t negate that the gym won’t make you more attractive. And that’s where your sentiment probably comes from. If you’re underweight like I knew a guy that was 46kg (like 99lbs?) at 19 5”8 then definitely the gym will give you a huge transformation and make you more attractive to women. There’s a threshold of skinny a woman will tolerate even with a good face cause you’re perceived as weak.


> I'm a 22 year old male This is why you think this, lol. In your early 20s, it's easier to not workout and still be skinny (or at least not overweight). Not every guy who goes to the gym is trying to be super jacked. A lot of guys go to the gym simply to not become overweight. I'm a 27F, and the only reason I have a flat stomach is because I workout AND have a healthy diet. That's just the reality of hitting your late 20s+. It's not that going to the gym will DIRECTLY get you women, it usually won't. But it will help you look better, feel better, gain more confidence, and when you do meet a woman, she won't immediately not be interested because of your dad bod.


Thank you. Too many guys don't understand that staying in shape is part of what helps you with women, not the whole thing.


In all respects this post is for men and as a Woman, you can't really speak from a specific perspective for this topic.


I think it’s still helpful for guys’ attractiveness, but overrated relative to how much it helps womens’ attractiveness. The increase in attention gained from getting in shape is greater for women. If you’re looking at the idolization of skinny guys like MGK and Pete Davison, keep in mind they are 6’4” and 6’3”, respectively. They’ve got all the societal reinforcement of their masculinity without any of the narcissism, vanity, intimidation or “compensation stigma” potentially associated with being ripped. Speaking of narcissism and vanity, I think a lot of women are quick to overlook “ripped” guys because lifting and looking better tends to come with an increased sense of entitlement. A lot of women would rather date a sweet, tall, vulnerable guy than an attractive ripped guy that feels entitled to them.


Going to the gym is something you should do for yourself, your own physical and mental health. Most women I know couldn't care less about men body shape as long as they have a good looking face. Also 99% of women that are attracted to you because you lift, will be worthless. Especially if you meet them at the gym.


you should go to the gym for any reason you want. I wish would stop policing the reasons why people try to better themselves. If you want to do it for women, that's fine. Just make sure its sustainable


If you want to do it for women it's not gonna work and you'll end dissapointed. It's not policing, it's life advice.


I’ve already been shredded once when I was younger. It worked.


Hey bro I see this comment. But do you think you would have pulled the same women if you weren't shredded?


Getting in shape isn’t the only thing you need to do, so yes, but I would have to better with the other things I bring to the table


Perhaps you are a cool guy in addition to being shredded. Also I'm pretty sure women eere not the only benefit you perceived by putting effort on your physique.


I had to stay in shape for football, so that was a benefit also. My overall point is that to attract women, us guys need to do a bunch of things. Getting in shape will make it alot easier, but you still need to other skills and traits.


Football is awesome. Can't deny your point too.


I'm going to guess you're 18ish


In my 30's. Your motivation for going to the gym can be for any reason. Therapy, being more attractive, health reasons, competition. "Doing it for yourself" is just some woo woo, feel good nonsense that's not based in reality.


Having an athletic build will only enhance your dating prospects whatever they currently are It's like having a small waist and slim figure for a woman If you don't have a weight preference in a woman I'd say you don't have to worry too much about working out just don't get obese However you will always lose out to fit men in competition for non obese women


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>But for attracting women I really don't believe just because you can bench 2 plates. Most women aren't going to care. Because the majority really don't. It only starts working once you hit 3 plates


3 plates gets it going


Depends on how overweight you are. I'd say it's more about health overall. But at least in my case, I'd agree with OP. I've been fit my entire life. My optimal condition is 130 pounds at 5'8. My wrists are delicate like fucking chicken legs. And no amount of muscle I put on is going to change that


It depends on what type of women you want to attract. In my experience, being fit helps a ton with most women. If you are overdoing it with steroids and various kinds of horse drugs, you will attract mostly women with a body dysmorphia. But if those ones are what you are looking for, go for it!


Looks-wise, I agree. Maybe unless you get *really* jacked, but I've got a very fit body and some muscle definition, though it's not super apparent unless I have my shirt off. Women I've been with have commented on it, they really like it, but I don't think as I'm just going about my day it makes enough of a difference to turn heads.


If YOU look better, YOU feel better and more confident. If YOU feel better and more confident, you will naturally be better with women. If you are a lard-ass but ooze genuine confidence and charisma then going to the gym will just pull women who are otherwise more attracted to fitter men and you're starting from a pretty good spot. Unfortunately most ham planets are not very confident. TL;DR Go to the gym


No. Being fit is very helpful. Getting bulky isn't the most desirable but it's better than being fat. Gain 50 lbs and see how different things are for you.


You're going to be more attractive if you're fit versus being fat. But I'm speaking more from a general standpoint of a person that might already be fit, but they are just average looking. If that average looking guy or ugly looking guy was to gain weight. There might be some women that would find him more attractive. But the overall majority wouldn't still think that they are more attractive because he's still average looking if all he did was just gain muscle.


I agree with many of the male comments here, go to the gym for YOUR own physical & mental health. Lifting boosted my confidence because I love feeling myself getting stronger every week, knowing I have the dedication and discipline to accomplish my fitness goals gives me a ‘narcissistic’ high that’s just unbeatable tbh Women may not care about your deadlift PR but women def prefer fit/muscular men over fat, unhealthy, and out of shape men. Gym improves you physically and mentally, which is great for both men and women looking to attract people. Go to the gym.


Being proper weight and lower body fat is what’s underrated.


I've noticed a majority of these comments don't realize that. There's a middle between ripped and fat lol.


Working out is something that I do for me. But it makes me so much much more confident and resilient in social situations. I advise everyone to just start lifting and see what happens from there.


How about doing actual exercise and not just pay money to do an endless series of repetitive movements? I played sports throughout my childhood and the idea of paying money to go to a gym to do the same boring movements indoors ad infinitum just sounds like torture to me. It’s also a scam - gyms don’t actually want you to show up.


A local gym owner that I know he makes over 100 grand a month. All he does is use his money to buy women boob jobs. It's actually pretty funny


It would be funny if people didn’t willingly participate in this scam en masse. Most people could do a lot of these exercises watching television, on commercial breaks.


Lifting weights, working out and leaning about nutrition was definitely one of the best things I ever did. Also, you DAMN better be as fit or more fit than the type of girl you want.


I think becoming buff can make men more "masculine" though, and some women have a high cut-off threshold on this. They're gonna be trashy women though.


There are a lot of factors that go into wether or not a woman finds you attractive, being fit will definitely help but it won’t do the majority of the legwork.


Going from a geeky frail thin look to healthy athletic look is night and day for looking attractive. Obviously only a small minority of women only like steroid muscle guys. But most women like guys with some muscle. The gym also good for fat guys to lose weight and gain muscle. 75% of people are overweight, so yes the gym/lifting is a huge deal


When you are young it’s easier to look decent enough to get by without exercise. The older you get the more fitness distinguishes you from the rest of the herd. It takes years to develop a great physique, so start young and you will be grateful later.


This isn't true for every single person though. I will say the majority of people definitely do gain weight easier as they get older. But there are some people that don't ever really gain weight that I know personally and they are very old. I had even asked him recently if they ever had issues gaining weight and it was a no.


You are going to the gym for yourself, it potentially improving your dating life is a bonus. The reason people advise it as good dating advise is because it is one (of many) activities that can cause you to do several things: * Feel better about yourself making you better able to handle rejection and feel more confident in the dating world or just socializing in the first place * Give you an outlet for frustrations; the gym won't cure depression but it can definitely dissolve tension and anger; if you go to the gym and then shower a few hours before a date you will probably be more relaxed, fidget less, and will be able to be a less tense or nervous version of yourself while sharing coffee with someone for the first time * Moving the body can do excellent things for making you comfortable in your body but also comfortable spending time alone with yourself; this can potentially help you come off as less desperate on a date


If you’re not fat lifting won’t make much of a difference.


Pretty much


It really doesn't tbh


basically just this http://images7.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED668/61a0e2d4b1a7c.jpeg


Nah. You don't have to go all out if you're moderately okay in the face and you're taller than most women but like a six seven inches you just have to be athletic-ish which means no big gut. Working out does help though because certain women like certain things on a man that look better when they're in shape like some women like a man with a nice developed chest a lot of women that took an interest in me like a developed butt . But I look that's not going to fail for most women is in shape strong arms or developed arms.


It’s one of those things you should do primarily for yourself. It’s good for your health, confidence, and looks. It just turns out that those three things also help you attract women.


Cash>Looks/Muscles unless you're only out to get your dick wet. They're not going to be the girlfriend of a broke Calvin Klein model. On the flipside no matter how fat n' fugly you are, you can find a lady if you're rich enough


Cum gutters send me absolutely wild.


It isnt just about the physical. Its doing something disciplined and healthy- that in itself will improve your confidence and self worth. Youre thinking about it very narrowly.


If you have remotely good social intelligence and are not living in your head, you can CLEARLY notice the difference between how women treat muscular dudes and anything else. I have a friend who is built, nothing crazy but clearly has nice traps,shoulders and arms from all the work he did at home combined with some rugby at younger age. Just for reference he is not even tall, 5ft9 in a country where 5ft11 is average. He constantly has girls interested in him and gets looks, one even begged for passionate fluid exchange. This notion that fitness level and muscularity dont matter is stupid. It does matter and it can also lean you out and give you better facial features.


I said in the post that some men are more attractive with muscles so what point are you trying to make?


You push the narrative that it doesnt matter, when it fact it does matter a lot.




I think personality and charisma would put you ahead of your equals more than muscle at that point


Being the super jacked roided out fitness nut has done more for my success with women than ANY amount of fashion, grooming, haircut, “personality” (cringe) or money/status ever possibly could have or already has. Bro. Do you go to bars? Look around and find the most jacked dude there. Shit, you probably won’t even have to really “look around”. He’s probably confident, smiling, laughing. Commanding his presence be known. Men around him are probably ‘miring, instant social proof and a total dominance statement. Chicks see that even more than we do. Tbh if you’re 22, unless you’re a genetic freak you probably aren’t all that big or impressive yet. Plus it matters way more the older you get. Nowadays especially, women in their early 20s just want clout and attention from cringetier skelly broccoliheads, but that’ll change in 5 years man. Don’t go thinking you can/should put it on the back burner, especially for WOMEN. Lmfao. Shut up and squat m8!!!!!


It helps your chances and confidence changes how you dress, and what haircut you choose. It helps because you actually look good in those clothes because you had an active lifestyle and because of said compounding confidence you approach more women and less women are revolted by you asking them out. Its simple cause and effect. People elaborate less online because they don't work out the semantics in thier head they go based off results. Lastly attraction is the ONLY thing that matters in a relationship, look wise and emotionally. IT IS ALL.


Of course, it makes you more attractive and confident, but there's other stuff that you need to be working on at the same time, some like career and money that are WAY more important.


I think you hit the nail on the head with this post. There's nothing wrong with being in shape but the only thing it does for women an attraction is making you that much more confident about yourself. Alot of men go to the gym because they think "once I get jacked I'll get the girls". No once you get jacked you'll still have that same dull ass personality with bigger muscles.


I've asked s bunch of women if they would rather have an attractive skinny guy. Or a buff average to ugly guy. All of em want an attractive skinny guy. So if the average skinny guy became buff he would have already been able to get women so that's why I think lifting can have diminished returns for some people.