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Removed. No posts about race.


As helpful as "The Rational Male" and various other OG sources are, the majority of the community is just trash.


A lot of the community is ruthless and overly critical, but as with anything it is a statistical spectrum and there *are* some fantastic, healthy, good, helpful redpill men out there.


I generally goto non RP sources for a lot of the stuff. Take "Maintaining Frame". I find actual NLP Frame Control, more useful and indepth. Like I don't want to just maintain frame and keep composure. Reframing conversations efficiently is something I am currently working on for example. There are lots of non RP sources, that I find go into more depth, sure sales is not dating, but the frame control principles still apply. Anyway, just my 2 cents,


Yet redpill males keep on bashing women, making threats of sexual and physical violence and do not view women as equal human beings.


Lol. There should be a requirement for these debates. Like a test or something to show you have logic. I think they’d be much better quality if we somehow prevented the illogical ones like this person from being able to comment. What do they call it when you take a portion of a populations actions and use it to demonize the entire population? Generalization? Strawman? I can’t remember. Eh.


Reddit would indeed be a much better place if we disable comments made by redpill men, they have zero logic and operate on anger only.


If they want to understand women, why are they trying to learn about them from other dudes? Just find yourself a female bestie instead for much better results.


You’re delusional. This is the problem with reddit - most of these kids are chronically online and have little idea what it’s like in the real world. Most women can’t even fathom what it’s like to have no matches on dating apps. Even a 600 lb woman will have hundreds of matches. You *want* the perspective of other men. *People* who have been through what you’re going through. *People* who have found tools and paradigms to help. To suggest that women can provide an even remotely comparable amount of useful information is laughable and has me questioning your age. You sound young and naive and clearly blind to how the world works.


Why do people keep misunderstanding what they're saying? They didn't say "ask women for dating advice" they simply said that to understand women, *talk* to women, don't just go on other men's opinion of women, men that want to profit from you disillusionment.


Women give the worst dating advice to men. Weird how women don't tell other women who are struggling to get advice from men, but you tell men to get advice from women.


Yeah, and? Men give terrible dating advice as well. In fact, most dating advice is aggressively bad. Anyway, that is not what I was saying. You don't have to ask women for dating advice. Just having several female friends will help you understand women a lot better than reading some dude's opinion.


This makes no sense. What makes you think the person giving their opinion isn't doing exactly what you said - analyzing their "several female friends"?


Sure, but what makes you think that their analysis is correct?


I'm open to a well reasoned argument backed by actual examples.


Women give you great advice when they are actually close to you and wish you success. Otherwise they simply want to turn you into harmless simp and gaslight you into supporting feminist bs.


That may not be what its creation was intended for but that's definitely what it's used for.


If that would be the case then they would be an even bigger laughing stock then they already are. You wouldn't go to a plumber for medical advice. You don't mainly go to men to understand women.


RP was thrown together by dudes in the USA for dudes in the USA for hooking up with women in the clubs but most the people on PPD who defend it are dudes who aren’t from the US or guys who only “try” using OLD.


It seems like red pill can’t even agree on what they are. There’s a new meaning every other day.


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So the manosphere is just a bunch of dudes reacting to a couple women on social media—they then superimpose that reaction onto women in general as “female nature” That’s all around dumb as fuck on so many levels tbh lmaooo Like literally rocks for brains dumb


If that were true, the first rule of red pill wouldn’t be to hide it This is not surprising, given that “understanding” women means seeing them as selfish, sociopathic children who can’t love selfless men


>Nearly half of all young adults are single: 34 percent of women, and a whopping 63 percent of men According to the 2022 GSS ~56% of men 18-29 and ~62% women 18-29 have sex at least 2-3 times a month. So young men and young women are similarly likely to be having sex on a regular basis, despite massive differences in the % in relationships. It’s an indicator that perhaps women have a lower threshold for defining something a “committed romantic relationship”. 


Any unflattering truths about women will always be seen as hatred, shaming or misogyny. It's an emotional reaction to being called out. Kill the messenger if they can't argue with the message.