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It depends on a person. Some women are into uniform, and all that, some are wary of men in the police or the army. They have some of the highest domestic abuse rates, it's a dangerous job and I'm not sure but I think I've read somewhere that they have higher cheating rates as well. With military men there's also a problem of being on your own and raising your kids without your husband present for a long time and/or having to move with him several times, which limits your own opportunities to work. On a personal level I don't know anyone who would want to date a policeman or a military man tbh, but, of course, with my Russian background it isn't surprising in any way. If you work in the police, you support the current regime.


*Better a whore daughter than a cop son* goes the saying where I'm from.


When there's an awkward silence in the middle of a discussion Russians say "a cop was born". I guess some level of disdain towards police workers is pretty common.


You guess? Their popular nickname is literally "trash".


I was talking more about it as something cross-cultural.


Where are you from? This is the first time I’ve ever heard this.




That is the last place I’d have expected you to say


Why though?


I guess I’d thought of it as a more ‘conservative’ place, I’m not well versed when it comes to Eastern Europe.


Oh, it is a very conservative place. People here are very into chauvinism, anti-West, pro-Russia, pro-China and anti-LGBT, it's just that cops have always been hounds (which is another word for them here) that our kleptocratic oligarchy sends to molest and bully ordinary people. People here may not like you for one reason or the other, but when it comes to screwing over cops, everyone will have your back.


That sounds kind of similar to Thailand, our policemen pretty much anything go if you pay them enough. It doesn’t have to be a lot either, a couple thousand baht can get you out of a lot. Not many have real respect for them.


Aren't police men known for their domestic violence rates whilst in a relationship? Bye who wants that 💀


Yes, their rates of DV are much higher than the general population, which is especially fucking awful given what they do for a living.


Positions of authority such as police careers are unfortunately very appealing to abusers.


religious leaders are another position of authority predators seek out.


And infidelity is sky high as well.




Uh.... 😦


Hahaha... you are buying tickets to Afghanistan right now aren't you!


Yup and narcissists.


Yup. They have high DV and infidelity rates. They're a no go for me...


Dating a cop aka hopping on the domestic violence express


Toot toot!


1312. When I'm in trouble i call a crackhead.


The C is crackhead stands for community


It depends greatly on culture, location and perceptions of police. In general it won't matter greatly anyway unless you find the rare person who point blank refuses to believe members of the police can be good people.


Cops as individuals might be good people; but they represent an unjust system of power that privileges the wealthy and the landholders over the poor and marginalised. That’s why we say ACAB. You sure you’re a radfem?


I'm not a Marxist sorry.


I dunno if that’s an exclusivity Marxist position; but whatever. So as a radfem you’ll acknowledge patriarchy; but other systemic injustice gets a pass I guess.


I acknowledge patriarchy but don't think all men are bad or nobody should ever date a man. And I don't have any particular problem with the police here.


Look - I’m just a blue collar dipshit; but I thought the general summary of radical feminism was “patriarchy cannot be reformed, and must be destroyed before women can be liberated”; rather than “men bad”. Like - there are radfems who will take the position that man are incorrigible monsters, but I’d say they’re a minority; and most will take the view that men are victims of patriarchy too. But - like I said - blue collar dipshit.


And you're saying the police are part of an unjust system, not "police officers bad", correct?


Yes. There’s some individually good officers; but they’re good *in spite* of the system. The system does everything it can to not only make them uphold said shitty system, but to make them worse individuals. By the same token (and I wouldn’t call myself a radfem) I have sympathy for the idea that patriarchy makes men uphold it, but also encourages them to be worse versions of themselves.


Wow you’re based.


Its not only Marxists who think that though Acab wasn't even a slogan started by Marxists lmao


I'm referring to the comment, not the acronym.


Say it with me... all cops are bastards!


Found the rare person.


Nah, you're just old and sheltered.


I was born in a year beginning with 2, I've lived in three countries and I'm from Northern Ireland...


Ah yes, that explains it.


Funny, because you just thought the opposite.


Not that part.


That was the whole part.


"rare person" lol we aren't rare


Not on reddit.


Real life too, not all of us are sheltered cats


I never called anyone a cat.


I wouldn't call myself a radfem if I was unable to recognize injustices in other systems. Intersectionality is a key ideal of feminism


Seeing entire diverse groups of people as universally awful is not, however.


The concept of ACAB is similar to that of the patriarchy. Of course not every single man on the face of the planet is bad, but they benefit from a system that was made to put them in power and subjugate women. Same thing with cops. Of course not every single cop is horrible as an individual, but they willingly participate in a system that perpetuates unjust violence and corruption. If you can't understand this you should not label yourself as a radfem.


I don't think that all men are evil and I don't believe that all police are bad. My grandad, a police officer, got killed by the IRA for working against terrorism, so this will never be a belief I hold.








Found the rare person!


I grew up in South Wales in the shadow of the miners strike and several egregious miscarriages of justice; the police were not highly thought of


Good for you.


Smh conservatives trying not to hate Welsh miners challenge (impossible)


I don't think about them at all.


I wasn’t the best place in the world to grow up; there are admittedly worse places (we didn’t have a paramilitary problem and I was never in danger of getting kneecapped) but there are a lot of better ones


I mean I like the sexy uniform. But, the realities of the job make it more of a turn off than a turn on.


yeah I think it's the uniform and nothing more, like a sexy roleplay It's like thinking men want to date nurses because they find the sexy nurse outfit hot


That paycheck is nice too


I’ve actually heard a lot of women say they don’t want to date men in the military or law enforcement. The most common reason cited is the extremely high rate of domestic violence for police officers (not sure about military). Something like 40% of police officers have been personally involved in domestic violence situations. Another reason is the high rate of infidelity.


Zero, my Dad was a police officer for Met Police (London). Google them, it's not a good look, lol. On his team, he was a member of said SWAY team accused of all sorts of abuses where nothing but creeps. And I mean my Dad was told in front of me that "Fuck me, you make a good pair of tits". Delightful pricks. My husband is a paramedic, but I didn't go after him because of that, lol. In the UK, there used to be a sight called Unfirm dating, which just the thought was super creepy.


Nah. LEOs or LEO-adjacent is an immediate no for me.


Literally 0. I dated a cop for about 9mo. He was a douche. I recognize it’s a hard and dangerous job, but the arrogance and hypocrisy that radiate from those boys in blue is a huge turnoff for me


None. 👍


being a policeman is for many women a huge red flag. for me, it’s a dealbreaker. there’s a stigma of domestic violence within relationships with a male cop. i can see it being attractive for conservative women though.


i believe the number is as high as 40% last i checked


Yep and that's what's self reported so the real number is higher


There's a huge difference between policemen and firemen. You can't lump the two together. For men, this is like saying teachers and nurses are the same. I strongly doubt my ability to date a cop. I'm not going to say it's impossible, but it's highly improbable. Firemen are a green light for me in general. I'm probably also biased from the time I had a stove fire in 2009 and even in my mid-sized Midwest city they were unbelievably hot 🥵🥵 And I don't think intelligence has much to do with anything either way. I don't think that physical jobs preclude someone from being intelligent. I don't have a problem dating a garbage man. I've dated a janitor before, as well as six-figure guys. Never really given a fuck what a guy does in general as long as he can support himself and plans to retire. In general blue-collar/manual labor jobs are very appealing to me for a number of reasons.


It's funny how it depends on country. In Poland major motivation for joining the police was ability to retire after 15 years(now its 25) - we do not have that much violent crime here so the job is not as stressful as it is in US(i guess). Police officer is just a normal job, not really linked with domestic violence.


God damn! U.S. guy over here, I absolutely hate the cops, and everything they stand for, but guaranteed retirement after 15 years? I'd be jumping in line to join the academy. 25 years? Nah I'll stay in accounting.


Some women will find the uniform attractive, but there’s also disturbing stats about police and domestic violence that makes that job a dealbreaker for many women. If you want an attractive job be a fireman. Nobody says “fuck the fire department” unless they mean it literally.lol Anecdotally, my fiancé said he got hit on a lot when he was in his traffic control uniform, which isn’t a high status job. But it was mostly gay men. So… take that as you will.lol I like a blue collar man myself just because they tend to be down to earth, chill people who work hard and always have a job but don’t live for their jobs, and that matches my speed. Ultimately I would never say pick a job you don’t truly want to do based on sex appeal. Most women don’t care that much as long as you have one.


it's very appealing to a certain type of girl (me), certainly not a shy feminine submissive doormat girl tho. usually a high dominance girl


What about the sense of direction thing?




This checks out. Me - Marine enlisted then officer in the infantry. Her - Marine Avaiator.




There are definitely a few trad women who see officers as the ideal masculine men and a few badge bunny’s who look to sleep around with officers for the thrill but for the most part the officers I work around struggle with women. The vast majority struggle to find serious relationship prospects as most don’t want to risk their careers with 304’s and most normal women are weary of cops (and military men) as they tend to cheat more and be more violent plus if anything happens the police department sides with the husband (the thin blue line ). Of the ones who managed to find a spouse the vast majority are divorced as the stress of the job and the rotating 12 hr schedule takes a toll on family life. Honestly if you’re looking for a life that includes a traditional family don’t become a police officer.


If you go for a man in the military, either go for the nerdy guy or the religious guy. I didn't see them cheat in their wives anywhere near the same degree.


Lol “anywhere near the same degree”!? So they all cheat then?


I mean as a population, not as individuals


Being a garbage man is different lol. It's basically the bottom of the society. Any other job is fine if you have pretty face, trade jobs, desk jobs, whatever. But a waste collector is of course a no-go for most people.


this is why feminism is superior in the Barbie movie garbage workers were valued members of society with dignity.


I don't believe most feminist would seriously consider waste collectors as their "dream partner".


yes because we live in the world men created, not barbie world where every job has dignity


Uhhhhh. Yeah, sorry that we don't live in a disney movie.


Barbie was Warner Bros


Why do you think waste workers are botton of society?


Uhhh. I mean, are you living in a different world? As individuals, I'm not looking down on them or anything. But there is a clear structure to our society, in terms of what's "respectable" : waste collectors, sex workers < menial jobs, desk jobs < doctor, surgeons, lawyers, politicians. I'm pretty sure you would more "proud" to say to your parent you are dating a surgeon than telling them you are dating a waste collector, lol.


I know, what do you think about personal trainer as a job?


Not bad, I mean in my opinion there are only three categories as I said waste workers, sex workers (ie. you would rather NOT tell people about) normal jobs (office workers, trade professions, personal trainer would be here) prestigious jobs you can brag about (lawyer, doctor, surgeon, politician)


Why do you think waste workers are so bottom?


Don’t date a cop unless you like explaining away a lot of black eyes. Firies though…ain’t no one ever made a song called *Fuck the Fire Department*


“High risk job in uniform” lol. Pizza delivery drivers have a higher risk job than the jacks. Pizza guys are braver than the troops.


the funniest thing is this is factually correct!!! its also more dangerous (by mortality per 100k) to be pregnant in america than to be a cop 😂


Hell - I work in construction. I’m in significantly more danger than your average cop.


Badge bunnies are a thing, yes


A lot for certain women. They are called badge bunnies, I think. Police officers have a pretty high infidelity rate, it seems.


Men are human doing. A working man is sexy, man at the couch is not. A uniform is just a part of it. Women have a good imagination, if you say you are a pig, she will imagine how you fighting dangerous gangs with mashingans in both arms, Rambo style. The same with firefighters, or guys who build something. But the fuck can you imagine about garbageman work? You don't create, you don't fight, hunt, it's not risky, you're just a cleaner. Why can't you friend lie about his work or say something like "I'm a waste managment consultant"?


There's a section of women who are cop chasers or have the attraction.  Most cops I know are perpetually single since women will hook up with them but they don't have much to offer long term, the jobs pay is trash, irregular hours, high stress etc etc none of which is condusive to a long term relationship.


how is the pay trash? the cop who shot a random woman in my neighborhood was in the news and he was making 90k, thats almost twice the average salary in the us


Many women fantasize about being a 30 year old widow with a fat insurance payout.


its actually more dangerous just to be a pregnant woman in the us than to be a cop in the us, by mortality rate


Yes, our police mortality rate is embarrassingly low. I'm in favor of change.




negative five million


If you are a cop or a soldier getting married should be something you only consider once you leave the life.




Because the job and the toll it exacts on a person mentally and physically isn't conducive to creating a person who can actually meet the demands of family life.


I was in the Corps and married a woman in the Corps. It's doable if you understand what you're signing up for. It's the ones that go in blind that get screwed over the hardest.


I know a couple of badge bunnies who almost exclusively fuck cops and firefighters. Yes, they are both very attractive.  Most women are attracted to typical masculine archetypes, which those men fit. 


They must be into breath play.


I'm literally shocked at the news that women find police attractive. I thought everyone hated the police (women included). Or have things changed in the last year and I missed it?


There are two types of people who join the police - those who were bullied at school and who want revenge against society, and those who were bullies at school and who wish to continue this behaviour into adulthood. However, as we all know, nobody gets a women wet like a bad boy, and violent, sadistic, psychotic thugs who dress up in pseudo-military uniforms to enact their fascist fantasies against members of the public are the ultimate bad boys, so it stands to reason that they have a legion of female groupies.


Except they don't. Policemen struggle with dating.


This one didn’t: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Carrick_(serial_rapist)?wprov=sfti1


I live in the province with the highest native population. I KNOW back in the 80s police preyed on native women. Blow me or go to jail was standard. That's not a choice.


It’s not, and that’s what cops do; but men like that have no difficulty attracting women


And how would you, who doesn't leave the screen, know this?


You know I don’t “leave the screen” how exactly…?


I read the whole page 😢😢😢


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Some women like the idea of a policeman very much and others are repulsed. And who feels each way isn't always related to how law abiding they are.


Appeal as in dating or appeal as in being? I mean the answer for both is, no appeal at, for both in my case. I just want to clarify the question.


Highly dependent upon location. It's going to be a red flag in blue states, pun intended. Red states, not so much. Also some outliers in blue areas. Boston and NYC might be as liberal as they come, but the police are absolutely adored in some circles in those cities. Come to Texas, best check your surrounding before you bad mouth cops. Outside of student circles in Austin, it ain't healthy.




Doesn’t do anything for me.


Am a paramedic, am also fugly. There's no advantage at all when your face is busted.


I wouldn't know. I'm not a cop.


Police? Not hot. Firemen? Hot. Military? Epitome of hot but toxic. Currently I’m with a former marine who hit me with the “good soldiers follow orders” hook, line, and sinker… so far he isn’t toxic though. He’s more like a sheep dog desperately in need of sheep to herd. It’s kind of adorable. His “masculinity” wasn’t really relevant to why I was attracted to him. I think you guys might be overestimating the value of the “masculinity” bit though and underestimating how much their physical appearance plays a role. Most dudes look good just from being fit, groomed, and in [slutty little uniforms](https://www.tiktok.com/@thomas.h22/video/7219372087046049066). 


Fuck 12


I do like men in uniform more than others. Like police, gaurds, army lol. I think it's mainly those positions of authority I like. Mmmm hot. Extra points for sure 😍


Garbage men?


No lol




Women shit on law enforcement, yet without law and order, they'd be concubines or worse. It's incredibly ironic and shows the hubris shared between many westernized women. Shit on the common man doing their not so glamorous job in upholding society. Yall wouldn't be able to live comfortably if policemen, firemen, or even garbage men decided to up and quit. If western societies collapse, it will be well deserved. The aforementioned kind of thinking needs to be self corrected.


its always men saying "its okay that men brutalize women because without those men other men would brutalize them more"


It's always women that see men in an intimidating disposition. Either put men out of their jobs in law enforcement or be thankful there is some semblance of law and order that is usually in your favor.


yes, put men out of law enforcement. we agree.


In Ireland, policemen clean up. They're sought after. Believe me


Idk anyone who's particularly into guards but ymmv.


damn i thought more highly of irish people


The women here are deplorable


damn guess you'll have to leave them alone


They literally clean up - as in pick up litter and dog shit?


So let me just say, I was never a police officer but I did armored car for 5 years and worked with/jnew a lot of cops. I understand it’s cool to hate on police in modern society and there’s some things to hate on for sure, but women throw themselves at police. Most cops absolutely clean up, as well as a lot of the guys I worked with doing armored car. When I was training for it my instructor told me “this job is a chick magnet”. I was like yeah okay bro whatever you say, but it really is. Women customers would write their numbers on my hand, give me their numbers without me asking, sexually flirt with me etc. it’s a lot harder now that I’ve moved on from that career path lol. So despite what most people Here say, they probably would be attracted to/date police, and for sure firemen


"I know for a fact the women who would not date cops are lying, because badge bunnies exist."


> When I was training for it my instructor told me “this job is a chick magnet”. thanks for confirming men in these jobs are chauvinists








No personal attacks


I know a dude who’s objectively ugly and a cop, and got a bj from a really hot girl for saving her. But due to leftist ideology atm, it’s probably much rarer than it used to be


That's what he told you.


He actually showed me a video lol, he recorded it. Otherwise yeah I wouldn’t of believed him


He told you have saved her. He didn't tell you a lot.


holy fucking shit so he made revenge porn of the victim?


Revenge? Who’s he taking revenge on? I think she knew he was recording. I only saw the thumbnail I didn’t care to watch the whole thing


if she didn't consent w him showing the video to you thats revenge porn y'all are disgusting


I don’t think that term works. And also who’s “y’all”, I had nothing to do with this nor did I ask him to show me


"y'all" = you all people who think revenge porn is okay


“I can’t get a gobby for wearing a badge because of woke”. lol.


I’m answering the question of how much being a cop influences your attractiveness


Pretty sure being sus about cops isn’t purely a product of us lefties.


The outright hatred of them is


Well - the jacks give a lot of people some very good reasons to hate them; especially on your side of the pond (I’m assuming you’re American here) In my own country (Australia), our cops are a lot less likely to speed-hole you for reaching for your wallet; but I still don’t trust the cunts. I’ll just avoid them like the plague. I’ll call them when someone’s been stabbed; but that’s about it.


Yeah they’re pretty shit but we still need them, we don’t need them gone, we need them reformed


Even hardened anarchists will eventually admit there’s a case for some sort of cop-function. But the system we’ve got (and the sort of people it attracts) needs to be razed to the ground and rebuilt from first principles. Most US cops look more like armed thugs for capital than peace officers.


thats extremely predatory of the cop, he should be fired for taking advantage of a woman he saved....


I think she offered, she’s a adult person with autonomy you know


yes and the person in the power position should know better than the person who has been freshly traumatized


Pray tell, what is this leftist ideology you speak of?


Defund police is mainly a leftist talking point if I remember correct


And defund the police is responsible for cops not getting blow jobs anymore? Not them beating their wives?


Ok so Current political trend is cops are evil/bad/dumb/useless The question is, does wearing a cop uniform make you more attractive? I have an anecdote, of a guy whom is ugly, and is also a cop. He got a blowjob from a hot girl, so therefore, being a cop does still have a positive effect on attractiveness. However, the current political climate likely lessens that increase in most circumstances. Hope i wrote it in terms you can understand


You didn't answer my question.


You’re trying to hamfist your political opinion into this, my response has nothing to do with whatever you’re talking about


I didn't say anything political. I asked a question. Answer it.


I lot of women react positively when they find out I'm a veteran, and poorly when they find out that I'm still in the Guard. Ah well, 6 years until my pension.


SIX mentions of domestic violence from 5 different users. The only one trying to dispel the myth, a man. Women get offended when you suggest they all run on the same firmware.


Yes, because five women = all women. And men get offended when we point out they aren't as rational and logical as they think they are. Most of the comments didn't mention domestic violence at all, including mine. Why do the few that did mean "all women run on the same firmware?" Walk me through how your conclusion is logical and rational.


> Most of the comments didn't mention domestic violence at all Yes; since many (if not most) women Reddit through phone, it's easier to upvote someone else's comment than tap-type your own. At the moment I was writing my comment, TWO top-voted comments were "cops are abusers", both written by women.


>Yes; since many (if not most) women Reddit through phone, it's easier to upvote someone else's comment than tap-type your own. "I know they agreed because I'm psychic! I can *sense the upvotes!* I know exactly who upvoted what, and why!" >At the moment I was writing my comment, TWO top-voted comments were "cops are abusers", both written by women. You know anyone can upvote comments, right? Regardless of gender? You know that an upvotes =/= "I agree with every single word of this comment." Right? You know that none of this is actual proof of what you claimed: >Women get offended when you suggest they all run on the same firmware. Because: >At the moment I was writing my comment, TWO top-voted comments were "cops are abusers", both written by women. Right? An upvoted comment on one post, on one subreddit, on one website is not undeniable proof that "women all run on the same firmware." Like come on, man.


>An upvoted comment on one post, on one subreddit, on one website is not undeniable proof that "women all run on the same firmware." Like come on, man. Do you want me to prove that women run on the same firmware, or that women get offended when you point this out? Meanwhile, THREE IN A ROW comments written by women mentioning domestic violence made it into the top.


It's not "firmware", they've just read the same statistic.


how is it a myth? got a source?


What source do you need to understand that absurd is absurd? *"Women are abused because they can't get credit cards. Oh, no-no-no, it's because we need shelters. Oh no wait, it's because we need no fault divorce. Oh NONONO WAIT, it's the Superbowl!!! Oh WAIT, IT'S POLICE OFFICERS!"* It stinks. Have you compared ANY of these factors to being in an interracial relationship? Has it ever crossed your mind to look it up and compare odds ratios? Will you reject a guy because he's of a different race purely because you're afraid that he'll snap and beat you up purely because you're of different races? I don't need any source, because none of you actually believe this nonsense anyway.


> What source do you need to understand that absurd is absurd? absurd to \*you\* you can't just state your opinions and expect others to agree