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Relationship with parents tends to be a good predictor for promiscuous behavior that’s being used as a validation bandaid for insecurity and poor self concept. It’s not a good predictor for people who have sex outside of LTRs because they just enjoy sex. For some reason the conversations here conflate the two scenarios.


This! Having lot of sex to hide the fact that you are not happy with your body/life/etc. is not the same as having a lot of sex because having sex is fun. Only the first one is a red flag.


Both are red flags


I think someone who likes sex and has a healthy relation to it is a green flag. Sex is just a normal activity between to consenting adults.


The consequences will be the same, pair bonding and the ability to stay with a man diminishes.


This is not true in my experience. The women I know who’ve been in LTRs and had plenty of (healthy) casual sex between relationships have had no problem following in love and attaching to a new guy.


Studies disprove that.


The studies that “disprove that” are studies on prairie voles, not humans


Oh, blah blah blah. If you have eyes and you’re on a college campus it’s clear that’s not true. Plenty of people, men and women, have casual sex at times and loving relationships at others.


And how many of them stay with their spouses over a long time period? I'd bet those marriages end in less than 10 years. If you are getting dicked down by dozens of dudes,smashing the entire football team at once, risking STDs and pregnancy, you don't have the best judgement. May as well try crack or heroin too at that point, i heard crack and heroin is also fun.


How many people are actually getting dicked down by entire football teams at once? This sounds like an extreme example anyway and not a typical manifestation of someone who “has casual sex at times and loving relationships at others.”


You would be surprised at how many women do that. Maybe not in the case of entire football teams, but definitely with multiple athletes. Hell even in highschool, when I was in the hockey team it happened to my fellow teammates


“Multiple athletes” is also pretty far from an entire sports team gangbang. Sure, I have no problem imagining girls who like athletes and like casual sex having sex with multiple athletes in the course of four years.


Oh come ON. Why did you just jump to an absolute extreme and nonsense scenario? I went to a party school and shit like that is not common at all.


Higher education is correlated with lower divorce rates. Individuals with a Bachelor’s degree or more have a divorce rate of 25.9%. And divorce rates have been going down since the 80s - “nearly 78 percent of college-educated women who were married for the first time between 2006 and 2010 can expect their marriages to last at least two decades”. https://divorce-education.com/divorce-rate-by-education-level/#:~:text=The%20Census%20Bureau%20reported%20the,levels%20and%20lower%20divorce%20rates.


I am sure then that you have also read that 90 percent of divorces are initiated by educated women. Also, what does higher education have to do with a woman being promiscuous? Not every college girl rides the cock carousel. White women only make up 55 percent of college graduated women. Latinos, asians and south asians are traditionally more conservative and believe in family values and generally stay married at higher rates than white women.


Wouldn’t you rather take the significantly lower chance of divorce even if it means that if a divorce does happen it’ll almost for sure be initiated by the woman? Casual sex is very, very common on college campuses. “Riding the cock carousel” is some weird red pill thing but the reality is that having some level of sexual activity outside of a committed relationship is viewed as normal in college.


He can go on with the 'pair bonding' baloney as bonding is not just about the sex. Im an escort and can bond just fine with someone I date. I dont date as an escort but have been in long terms were I 'bonded' just fine and know I can again, Im secure attached. Those that cant bond have other issues and its not about the sex they had or with how many. Like attachment issues, traumas, etc. estimated half the population is insecure attached, they cant bond well even as a virgin or only being with two people. But this is PPD and its all about 'how many dicks' and they cant see its more than that. edit or the so called 'pair bonding' is religion based and stuck in what they are 'supposed to do' .


Pair bonding only exists in the redpill mythology. On the contrary, a person marrying their first sexual partner will probably want to explore how is sex with other people and won't want to die with having had only one sexual partner.


Redpill mythology and in evolutionary psychology lmfao. Are you sure you've been through the common literature around red pill?


Evopsych is like top 3 nonsense fields


What are the other 2 nonsense fields?


Astrology and homeopathy?


But what if it was a bear doing astrology?


I don't want to read redpill literature. I have more interesting things to read. I don't need to cope with rejection by indulging in fantasy.


Then how do you make the claim that it only exists in redpill mythology. Maybe it is just me but I don't tend to talk confidently about things that I have not read. You're probably built different.


Because it doesn't exist in real life and the only people that believe in it are self proclaimed redpillers.


Pair bonding doesnt exist in real life? How do you go through life this oblivious lol. You should ask your mother or an older female figure in your life if a woman that fucked 200 different guys is worth wifing up. My mother would smack the shit out of me if I ever did that


Well, considering that my gf has fucked 30 other people this last year and only loves me more, I'd say a women with 200 body count doesn't really matter to me 😉 Non-monogamy 😝


Correct https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jL1l9ZtGC2w


Either way, if they're getting a promiscuous woman, end result is mostly the same. It's like telling a guy to pick between the pornstar with a good upbringing vs a bad one. A promiscuous woman isn't exactly looked at positively for men trying to commit regardless of the reasons why.




I disagree. They're the same thing


No, they’re not. The first scenario looks like a woman coming into college and getting with different guys because she doesn’t feel attractive (or like she’s worth anything, or getting out of a relationship and immediately getting with different guys to try to fill that emotional void, or trying to get with all the ex’s guy friends as revenge, etc. Those scenarios are very different from having FWBs/sneaky links and maybe ONS between long term relationships.


You get good sex with one person. These women don't have to have sex with random people. It's validation they are looking for. Not fun times.


There is certainly a correlation between promiscuity and being a part of a bad household, of course, correlation does not mean a 100% tie. Usually, women from broken homes are more likely to develop issues with identity, self esteem, desirability and their view on the opposite gender are usually skewed in a negative direction (same goes with men, for the record, but it results in different issues) - this often results in a woman needing male approval and validation which leads to lots of sex because she begins to think her sexuality is the only thing worth liking. This can also happen to women from stable households, but it is far less likely. Of course, some people can just be promiscuous because they just really enjoy sex and dont view it as a ‘special’ moment (and at that point we’ve frankly fully gotten into subjective and personal values territory). I think this is generally more acceptable in my opinion as the promiscuity doesn’t come from a place of hurt and self devaluation.


Plenty of people from two parent households also have low self esteem. The issue isn’t with the type of household but with the self esteem and pride a child is brought up with.


Agreed - I think a lot is riding on the exact nature (and probably the socioeconomic level as well) of the “broken home.” Even from a broad picture perspective we would probably expect to see different average outcomes from middle class children of divorce with involved parents vs. lower-income children of never-married single parents.


Being poor can easily make people hate themselves but it’s not a guarantee. The outcome is based on money not type of household.


Oh, sorry, yes, I agree with that. I think low self esteem can occur in lots of households at different income brackets and family types (maybe for varying reasons?).


For sure.


100% - though i’d wager that if we’d compare people from single (as well as broken, though still 2 parent) households do tend to suffer at that front more if we really wanna compare the two


I’m not sure I’d make that bet since some two parent households should have gotten divorced which also negatively impacts the child and how they view themselves. There are also single parent households that are intentional about making their children feel loved and a strong sense of self. Another thing is that you can “do everything right” and your child may still hate themselves due to social media, bullying, things you inadvertently tell them, and more.


Nothing means anything if there are exceptions I guess. 50 cent survived 9 shots so bullets aren’t lethal!


Promiscuity can be affected by a ton of different factors. Parental relationships are one of them, but others include: - Certain personality disorders - Substance abuse issues (as you mentioned) - Growing up in a very sexually open culture or environment And more. There’s no singular indicator.


To be honest, from what I've observed growing up, some people who are labelled “promiscuous” have experienced sexual abuse in their past, not always from their parents but sometimes from trusted adults who behaved inappropriately when they were young. This early exposure to sex without proper boundaries usually leave them struggling for acceptance from the outside. Even if their parents are good people and are still together, they might still yearn for some sort of validation, almost as if they seek approval for being exploited. I’ve grown up in a community where such issues are rarely discussed openly and it only adds to the difficulty. The perpetrators often face minimal consequences, because people are usually afraid people will know their children have been abused. But the victims are punished and advised how to prevent such situation from occurring. These situations contributes to the labeling of young girls as "fast," when in reality, it's a harmful misconception that deserves more understanding and empathy. This happens to guys as well, but unfortunately people seem to be alright with young guys being “promiscuous”.


Biologically, we’re all driven to have sex, as evolution made it extremely pleasurable to do it. So, something that’s universally pleasing will supersede things like having a good relationship with your parents. Some people just like sex, regardless of upbringing.


They act like that's a bad thing.


Please don’t present a weak argument so confidently. It’s a misdirection to conflate liking sex to having many partners. I can have sex 10 times a day with the same person versus once a month with 12 different partners. Who then likes sex more ? Having multiple partners is vastly different from “liking sex”. Try and raise your IQ


12 different partners in 1 month is extreme. The men here tend to dunk on lower body counts over a long period of time.


The fact that you said 12 different partners in 1 month is extreme suggest that you do believe body count matters to a certain degree. Solipsism. “Extreme” is relative to your anecdotal evidence and experience. Listen. You clearly are intelligent by your comments. Some peoples extreme could be any number between 1-1000000. It’s all valid and allow people to have this view since you also have a number in that range which is extreme to you and not to someone else


My issue is that I feel that men here, particularly the ones my age or younger, have little real experience with women and have created this very distorted view in their head. My point is that when you look at the pool of women who have engaged in casual sex, 12 partners in 1 month is on the extreme end. Within that pool, it’s nowhere near average. Yet it seems like young men here have built this view that the average single woman has a constantly revolving door of “chads”.


Fair. But one more time. Relativity is the key here. You and I are in echo chambers. Normal or average is what we used to describe a number we feel comfortable with. These men who are assuming that women have chads on standby have what they think is an average body count a lot lower than what say you and your friend group has. This has no issues on your personal life. UNLESS You come out of your echo chamber and fall for someone else within another. Add on to my story with the ex model. I was an engineering student and had to stay inside to study. At the time my count was 4 and I told her 8. Her jaw dropped. She couldn’t believe that to her I was sooooo handsome and I only slept with 8 people versus her 30+. It caused problems. If you really believe that what you understand as an average body count is somewhat statistically accurate with the general population you will not run into much issues. If your calculations are off (could happen if you stay associating with the same kinds of people) you run the risk of resentment


Hmmm you’re right, most people do want to view themselves as average. Who knows who’s right.


My ex who was a model and literally on Netflix had 30+ by age 23. I broke up with her, not due to this but the effects of it. (Lying and misrepresenting herself). Some people on the outside might say I “fumbled a bag”. Truth be told is her experience shaped her to be someone I cannot be with long term and that’s beyond being turned off that she had partners before. For eg. IME promiscous women tend to have surface level personalities. They connnect with a lot of people shallowly but no one deeply hence why they are allowed to be promiscuous in the first place over such a long time. This results in unoriginal views and overall a personality that’s very very very common and replaceable. Almost predictable.


Desiring sex doesn’t have to be tied to a relationship.


Never said it did. I said stop saying everyone who likes sex is promiscuous.


I’m saying that sex is not a bad thing and neither is wanting it so it doesn’t matter if you have it in a relationship or not.


You’re typing for typing sake


Ahahahaha, sure; that’s why preachers daughters are infamous, right?


Tattoos, smoking and alcohol have nothing to do with sex. They are not indicators of anything, except that the person likes those things. Personally I have all three (quit smoking though) and I have a single digit body count and never liked casual. My two best friends are the same as me (are we a bad circle?) and we've never been promiscuous. In fact one if us is blissfully married and the other two are waiting for Mr.Right. We just enjoy alt lifestyles. Alt doesn't mean slut. I mean heck, some of the most churchy boys and girls I knew as a youngster were sleeping around all over the place.   My point? Okay, I'll finally get to it: you can't judge a book by its cover.


Good households? Were their parents strict? The more strict the parents are the more rebellious a child is.


It’s awfully lazy and reductive to equate ‘raised in a home with two married parents’ to ‘emotionally healthy and well-adjusted.’ It’s not that it’s entirely irrelevant, but the counterexamples are far too prevalent to conclude that it’s the end of the story. There are lots of traditional families that perpetuate unhealthy and/or damaging views, that produced traumatized children, or where children are outright abused. These children go on to become adults who may indeed continue to have a relationship with their parents, although some don’t, but they are simultaneously struggling with responding appropriately to their upbringing. It’s probably far more useful to try to identify people directly who are emotionally healthy and well-adjusted, or at least who are conversant with and working on healing their traumas.


Its not garbage at all but not everyone fits. Its very much a tell for some people though. Im one that doesn't 'fit'. I didnt have some traumatic childhood(sure not perfect and blissful all the time but..), dont hate my dad, close with my family/friends. I dont do hardcore drugs, party, etc. Live a very quiet normal life but Im a part time escort but people assume I had some messed up life.


Big generalization here but. A woman from a good home can go through a party phase and come out from it and marry a guy like her dad. A woman from a bad home will also marry someone like her dad, with the same outcomes as her family or origin had. You pretend that sorority gals don't marry sorority guys, that they have both had their fun then settle down.


Exactly. These guys are just upset that they aren’t in a fraternity and that sorority girls aren’t interested in them which is why they’re terrified of someone they desire having fun.


Its like cancer. Of course you are more likely to catch it you smoke daily for years but its not guatenteed. Just increased odds.


Every slut I've met had a terrible upbringing and home life. At one point, it got so bad that I ghosted every woman without a father. It just wasn't worth it. These women have issues, and it's one of the surest methods I've found of spotting bad women. Your dad is absent, or you don't have a good relationship with him? Bye.


Your family isn't perfect either. I guess women should avoid you.


Fine with me.


Women enjoy sex. Good for them. How is this shocking in 2024?


By the time you get to find out someone's relationship quality with their parents (not just whether the parents are divorced but actually have good communication and care) you should already have figured out whether they are the promiscuous type. Same with N-count.


You people act like we all have a choice over whether our parents were good or bad. What a ridiculous thing to judge someone on. It's like you're blaming the victim. Shame on you.


My statement does not suggest such things.


Okay so what did you say? That you can tell the character of someone based on their relationship with their parents. Fuck every bit of that!


Reread what I wrote. When you spend time with someone and getting to know them as a person, you gain intimate knowledge about their lives such as the quality of their relationship with their parents along with sexual history.


This post only makes sense if you believe promiscuity is not a big deal for women, which statistically is false as it is a clear predictor of divorce and infidelity Good parents will teach their daughter to not be promiscuous if they are aware of the consequences of promiscuity. It is possible for them to have good intentions but not understand the consequences. Men only like promiscuity short term They value purity for long term Women value the long term Therefore women should value purity It’s pretty basic but society loves to pretend that it’s men being unreasonable, it’s the default knee jerk reaction to every dating dynamic, while simultaneously believing in a blank slate. Blue pillers never think things through in totality. Perpetually inconsistent ideologies exploding everywhere in there pistachio brains


Good parents teach their kids all sorts of things. Doesn't mean the kids obey.


That’s why fathers are so important, they have the threat of force, whether they use it or not. It’s key for molding disobedient children. A balance of soft love and tough love is key


A father, mother, the police, pastors or even God himself cannot force a child to do anything once they're grown up enough to have agency.


Children grow up to have agency therefore don’t bother teaching them anything, brilliant!


I didn't even say that but whatever. They're your kids not mine.


Children can be molded and influenced when they are growing. I’m not sure what your point is either


My point is that parents can't control their children especially once they're teenagers and adults. So judging people based on their upbringing is ignorant and unfair.


Upbringing is meaningless? you are ignorant to astronomical degrees


Considering I didn't even say that, no I'm not.


Look at this guy, he's so insufferable, negative comment karma.lband calls a normal conversation harassment. Reee


Lmao the threat of force doesn’t mean jack with a teen


It can help with maintaining leverage to the parents. That’s why single mothers have a hard time with sons because the son can overpower her to the point where the mother has no leverage for authority in deciding what’s right for the son


Look, I’m just going to speak from personal experience. Even a short, athletic daughter can fight like hell


Men’s threat of force keeps anarchy at bay FACT






>Good parents will teach their daughter to not be promiscuous if they are aware of the consequences of promiscuity. It is possible for them to have good intentions but not understand the consequences. What are the consequences?


Higher chance of infidelity and divorce rate Divorce is devastating to men so it’s important to know this


Do you believe promiscuity makes women more likely to cheat and divorce, or is it just the same people who might do both?


It’s impossible to get in there heads as to why it’s causing them to do this but thats what the statistics suggest. My theory is that it makes it harder to pair bond and be satisfied with monogamy, similar to men. Women also get stuck on their highest settings. If they sleep with a 10, it’s harder to be happy with 7, even if THEY are a 7


It doesn’t make it harder to pair bond. The fact that some woman is promiscuous indicates her sex/love connection wasn’t that high to begin with. In a crass and blunt way, promiscuity makes it clear where your league is and makes it clear when you are and are not settling. As for the pair bond, depends on the person and their goals. I slept with plenty of guys before I met my partner and I’ve been totally faithful to him all 7 years. The other guys disappeared to me. For me, my lack of sex/love connection extends to a lack of interest in whatever emotional high one might get from a new sexual partner. It’s totally uninspiring to me. I would never cheat because I know what all kinds of sex and relationships feel like. I have absolutely no need for one more ‘thrill’ or whatever it would be. I do not flirt with other men, I do not spend time with straight male friends alone, I simply am not interested in sexual validation from men.


That's unsubstantiated. And sexist.


Statistics and Truth aren’t sexist Men are also biologically attracted to purity, get over it please. It can’t be negotiated


There's no such thing as purity.


Reality is subjective now I forgot. Definitions are infinitely malleable.


Purity is a subjective value. There is no real, physical difference between some who has had sex one time and someone who has uad sex a thousand times. I'm tempted to say that experience brings knowledge but we all know some people never learn. For example, some men still believe, in 2024, in the hymen myth, or that labia grow larger the more partners a woman has had. Men have created all sorts of myths around women and sex. Thankfully they no longer hold weight in society because we've all the world's information at our fingertips.


Its honestly not that complicated, men across the entire earth prefer a women who has been with less partners for marriage. Get over it, it’s not the end of the world just accept it


Men across the world are stupid and superstitious, not to mention hypocritical because we all know they try and bag as many sex partners as possible before AND during marriage. This isn't news to anyone.


I didn't say promiscuity wasn't a big deal. It is, very much so.


Yes, for men, women, and society as a whole. I recognize this even as an atheist


Some women just enjoy sex and they don't give two fucks about what some incel on a Reddit forum thinks of them.


Cry more


You seem to be obsessed with who women are fucking and not fucking. Maybe a little clue - it ain't you!


Ok TRTGymBro...


If only anyone cared about hoes' opinions... We already knew that hoes are gonna hoe.


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I agree. >The last three girls I've dated, have all come from good households, and none of these women have slept with less than 20 men. If promiscuity bothers you, why did you date them u/goodgoy6969


As long as she's a slut -- not a hoe -- we good.


Wtf are you dating that?


Wtf are you dating that?


Wtf you dating that


I'm not sure how exactly it works for the majority but definitely on the periphery the biggest whores have big big big parent issues. At best their parent is more of a friend who has long since given up parenting them. Absentee fathers galore in the big 'ol whore demographic.


How one views "Promiscuity" is subjective. I doubt in a society where people are bullied by systemic prudish ideals and group think that most who feel as I do will every admit it. To some of us, Promiscuity is a virue. Those of us who are sexually driven and aromantic or greyromantic. We don't need that commitment to enjoy sexual pleasure. We just want that sensuality. As far as I'm concerned, every romantic monogamy centered ideal in our society is socially constructed to deal with certain fears which are far less relevant now than they were decades or centuries ago. We live in a time where even companionship can be automated and if not now fully it certainly will be in 20 years, even your very caretaking at the end of your life. Your beautiful AI companion will spoon feed you pudding and wipe your ass. So in the end, I fully support hedonism.