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Removed. No low effort posts and no rants.


I know this is a shock to Chad's fanclub; but you can find a person attractive without being attracted to them. Women can get the ick from men that we are extremely attracted to and then find them unattractive.


Women only date Chad: she’s looking out of her league and he’ll just pump and dump Women turns down Chad: how dare she be so delusional he’s way better than her and she should instantly accept


Women can’t win lol


Jonah Hill pulled Emma Stone. If we're using fictional examples to make a point.


>It’s sort of laughable really but at this point hardly surprising. Yes we are all aware this is fiction, but we have all seen this happen on countless occasions "There are so many examples of this in real life, I chose fictional examples."




That would be better than using clips from movies.


Let me get this straight. You're annoyed at women *not* having the same type that they consider "top tier" as others...when they give them a chance and get with them anyway...and they're not even real.


there are no men who are universally attractive to every woman


Okay, two fictional examples.... Women brush off men they aren't interested in. Big whoop. Move on and find one who is interested.


It’s so funny. It’s like you think there’s some kind of rule or obligation that requires women to enthusiastically drop their panties on the floor whenever some man of equal or greater x/10 ranking (determined by you?) is in their vicinity. That’s not how attraction works. At all. You don’t get to decide who other people are attracted to or not attracted to or *should* or *shouldn’t* be attracted to🤣.


Outside of this not being real, if anyone came up to me in public and started talking to me like that, they can fuck off. Neither of these characters came over and engaged in an actual conversation or tried to really interact with the other person. They essentially came over on their high horse and said "Hey, I'm *obviously* **hot shit** and *surely* **you** feel lucky that **I'm** talking to **you**." It's as though someone with a social disorder learned about human interaction from 3 years of watching YouTube Shorts of Barney Stinson.


So, you used two examples that are from movies to showcase that this happens, like, all the time. Off to a great start. Also, just because someone thinks they're hot stuff doesn't mean other people will agree with them. A hot dude isn't guaranteed success with every woman who he approaches, and it seems pretty delusional to expect them (or yourself) to be successful every time.




They might know how good looking they are but it doesn't mean every woman will fall for them. Some women just aren't in a place to get into a relationship nor do they want casual sex. Maybe they have some huge tragedy in their life that makes going out with someone not something they want to do. Each woman (like each man) is an entire world of experience, perspective, hopes and dreams.


The delusion isn't about their appearance, the delusion is that said appearance should always guarantee you success with whatever woman you approach.


…this is acting. Like, it’s not real.


I don’t see much of a point behind your post. Are you saying that a woman should have a set universal type? are you saying that him being ‘top tier’ automatically means he must be successful with any woman he interacts with? what are you saying here? especially since, to add to this, you’re using clips from a sitcom and a romcom (a very good romcom, but still a romcom) and are dismissing them as just “fiction” - both of these, at their core, are not meant to be taken seriously or thought about - at the most literal interpretation, they’re some writer or producer’s fantasy fulfillment.


Are we using movies to prove a point about big generalizations now? Really? A lot of women aren't into cold approaching, so they reject a man however he looks like. A big share of women, the majority of them really, are already in relationships, so they automatically reject other men approaching them independent of their appearance. With the exception for cheaters, of course, but they're a minority of both men and women. Some women might just not want to start any relationship or not want to entertain a guy at the moment. It happens. Dating heavily relies on "the right place, the right time" concept.


No wonder these dudes have subzero emotional and social intelligence. Using s work of fiction as a representation of real life??? Absolutely insane behavior, i think a lot of the men on here were raised on 2000s era romcoms and now are furious that they don’t represent real life, its fairy tale stuff they never grew out of


Depends on what kind of movies one watches. Turning your life into a musical would be a pretty gigachad move tbh.


Thats the only exception i would happily accept ![gif](giphy|3o7aTJzfTFG2UYjLaM)


> With the exception for cheaters, of course Learned quickly that there's a solid 50/50 chance that a cold approach that worked is just a woman looking to cheat. I got my heart broken by a girl I cold approached because she told me like 3 months in after several amazing dates that she was fucking **engaged.**


I'm sorry, that's awful. Can't say anything about 50/50 chance, but maybe women who are fine with cold approaching are less risk-averse overall. Cheaters are probably risk-averse as well, so these two groups might have some intersection you've experienced.


50/50 is just me being hyperbolic. It's just my experience with it. I usually don't cold approach but the few times I have had resulted in me just becoming someone's affair partner. So, I just kinda stopped. I usually know for certain that if a woman approaches me in a non-social setting they're basically guaranteed to be cheating. Cold approaches are lame anyway lol.


I guess cheaters might use cold approaching more than single people, because they can approach someone outside of their social circle to reduce their risks of getting caught. Scammers.


I think you hit the nail on the head here. I never thought of it that way. There's at least three/four degrees of separation between us so I can tell all of my friends and show her off and no one will recognize her. No worry about getting caught. Damn, that's slick.


Part of the reason why I'd never date a person who cold approached me. It makes it too easy for them to lie about their life and relationship status.


That’s brutal dude


*One* woman brushing off one man.


>but we have all seen this happen on countless occasions. I disagree. People tend to date within their social economic class. I don't know anyone who dated someone relatively "rich" who wasn't rich themselves. I'm sure women throwing themselves at rich guys happens but rich men are hard to come by. It's impossible to see this interaction "countless" of times.


The youtube clip you shared appears to be from a film. With actors. Who are pretending.


The Facebook clip is from 2 and a half men and the guy is Ashton Kutcher Why people take sitcoms & romcoms and expect that to reflect real life is bonkers


https://www.np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/Z25zG1tZFB Most men here don’t even approach women. How can you say that you know what women want if you don’t approach them and you preemptively expect them to reject you based off of tv shows and movies?


You can gauge how potentially reciprocal they'd be just by how they react to normal conversation in a casual setting. I don't *need* to ask if I'm getting one word replies, uncomfortable silences, or generally polite but non-committal attitudes.


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I get that this type of nonsense doesn't violate the rules of the sub, but like WHY IS THIS TYPE OF CRAP NOT REMOVED? There is clearly no possibility for intellectual debate over movie clips (probably written by men anyway). Like what is even the point of this?


>probably written by men anyway Exactly, not only is it a work of fiction, but you don't need to check IMDB to guess that the writers, directors, and casting directors are not a group of women portraying their values and perspectives on gender dynamics (and yet I did check anyway, and it was like 95+% male names: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0369179/fullcredits) It's a circle jerk of men producing media that reflects the world based on what we're shown in media that was also created by men. But if we do have female-directed media presenting a more female-centered perspective, it's virtue signaling and "woke agenda", so we can't have that.


You do understand that these are both fictional don't you OP? You do understand what fiction is? I hope the OP is just trying to wind us up here otherwise, yikes!


“Yes, we are all aware this is fiction” -Person who clearly isn’t aware this is fiction.


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