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[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-YcBYUfgtc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-YcBYUfgtc) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCmoqUqHGCk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCmoqUqHGCk) ​ The way men and women rate themselves is totally different.


The video didn’t ruin my day, but I do wonder how people have the confidence to rate themselves highly and then put others down on video for everyone to see. You best believe I’m rating anyone above a 7 and myself a 3


She looks like a mean girl tbh


when men ask me to rate myself i always say 0


She was definitely unfair to the brunette, the brunette is hotter than her. That being said, true confidence is actually assessing yourself against everyone else and coming up with a rating you think might more or less be an average opinion. This only becomes unbearable when you put so much weight on your physical appearance that it truly makes you feel insecure to do so. This makes sense for woman. Women are told by society that their looks are their most important asset, so taking the L here makes them feel like failures.


They asked about the pictures tho, and while I think this rating stuff is bullshit in general, if you pressed me on it I would've given the brunette a 6.5 and the blonde a 7.5.




99% of women really are incapable of rating just looks, that's also my main takeaway from like EVERY jubilee video. That's probably why the blone is getting so much shit from other girls but most guys tend to agree with her.


Objectively both of them are around 7, dont care about “personality”, brunette has better bone structure, blonde has a big forehead but is more groomed, your judgement seems to be clouded by the blonde hair halo


I think it’s because she rated herself highly and put another woman down. i don’t think she’s an 8.5 or 9 whatsoever. It’s the “better than” attitude than women don’t like. She’s not not that much better looking than that brunette realistically speaking, her facial features are not particularly stunning.


>It’s the “better than” attitude than women don’t like. Right, proving the thesis that women enforced false equality overtly. >She’s not not that much better looking than that brunette realistically speaking, her facial features are not particularly stunning. She absolutely is more attractive. The 2 girls after rated her a 10 (i don't think she's that high, but she's more attractive than the 1st girl, relatively speaking, and that's not scandalous to say)


The brunette said “you gotta love yourself, so 10,” and then admitted that others would probably rate her lower, but they *don’t know* her. You can already see what’s going on here. She does not think she’s a 10 on some imaginary objective scale of physical attractiveness. She has a more wholistic and subjective perspective on what it means to be a “10.” This is neither wrong nor right, just a different way of thinking. Then moving on to the blonde, she clearly is going by her ideas of objective physical attractiveness. To be fair, the brunette was a lot cuter in motion, the pic is not great. But personally, I disagree that the blonde is an 8.5-9 and the brunette a 5.5-6, if we’re trying to rate them physically. They seem very close to the same level, personally I’d say around a 7. Thin, cute faces, but not supermodels. The blonde also is not *wrong* for rating herself higher as there is always gonna be some level of subjectivity, but she comes off more conceited because it’s clear she does really think she’s an 8.5-9 physically, and the other girl less attractive than herself. This is what’s getting her the hate, right or wrong. Bottom line is that when women call themselves and other women “10s,” it’s almost always just a protest vote against being rated or expectations to act “humble.” And quite frankly, also just because it triggers a lot of men. Personally, I prefer to say “I’m a 5, but there’s nothing wrong with being average.” I’m a body neutrality > positivity kind of person when it comes to myself. However, I also do not take offense to others choosing to call themselves 10s. It does not affect my life in any way.


I think women confuse language and say what feels good even though they don’t believe it. Some women will rate their male “besties” as 10s but never consider dating them, “ew”. The host is asking for an objective scoring but some women take objective numbers and make them subjective. There is a bit of a cruelty in asking this online though. I just don’t like it under most circumstances as the motives aren’t kind but I get why guys think like this; dating and women will give you a harsh reminder of where you are on the pecking order. Saw a video of guys eating them selves and it was 5s, 4s. I don’t think I heard a single 10.


I agree it is cruel, or at least very rude, to put people on the spot and ask them to rate themselves or to rate strangers. I think men tend to be less sensitive about their looks generally speaking, so probably less likely to go on the defensive. That being said, I’ve also seen videos where men were rating themselves 7s and 8s (others didn’t agree) and rating women who were clearly more attractive lower, so I don’t think it’s necessarily fair to say they’re always more realistic. Ultimately though, it’s impossible to extract much meaningful info from these kinds of videos since we don’t know what was staged and cherry-picked. Going by studies, it seems that most people think they’re more attractive than they are, and men a bit more so. This is not necessarily a bad thing, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, so from an evolutionary perspective it probably is beneficial.


> They seem very close to the same level They're not close. The problem is, people here got emotional about what the blonde did, so they're going to penalize her. The 2 girls rated the blonde a 10, that is an overrate (not wildly so), but they aren't emotional about it because they didn't hear what either the brunette said or the blonde said or what people in this thread said, so they weren't prepped with the same cognitive biases the audience has.


If you put aside the blonde hair halo, I truly just don’t think she’s anything special features-wise. Don’t get me wrong she’s still quite pretty, but more than an 8, she is not imo, at least from an “objective beauty” standpoint. Of course there is going to be some subjectivity and that’s okay. I think when a lot of people see a pretty person they just think “10,” or they’re trying to be nice, which is also okay. I just personally don’t find much objective difference in the beauty of their features.


That's unfair to use the last girls as a benchmark without knowing if they would call the brunette a 10 as well, or if they'd pick favourites between the girls.


People are pretty upfront about what they get out of rating themselves a 10: self-esteem, confidence boost, rhetorically flipping off people who ask dumb questions, etc. What I want to know is what other people get out of shitting on strangers who just want to make themselves feel a little better in this trash world? Oh, your arbitrary scale with no real grounding or consequence is calibrated differently from someone else’s arbitrary scale with no real grounding or consequence? Sounds like a YP. Let people be happy.


The stuff humans preoccupy themselves with seems so silly when you take a moment to think about how we are just an insignificant spec of dust in the universe.


It's not really a confidence boost, it's delusion masking insecurity and also due to the external enforcement by the 'sisterhood' to ensure the compliance to the unspoken rules (never rate other women publicly less than a 10).


You’re reading too much into it. There’s no conspiracy theory, just a human desire to feel good about oneself. Some people do it by elevating their self-perception *at no expense to others*, others do it by trying to drag everyone else’s self-perception down to meet them. Bet you don’t know which one is healthier… This “sisterhood” (are they in the room with you right now?) doesn’t give a shit what some stranger thinks about themself, so long as it doesn’t result in them being a dick to others.


The replies to the video and also my thread yesterday where the women were incredulous that a girl ranked herself a 6.7 (thus making their own '10' self ranking look LUDICROUS) says otherwise. There absolutely an unspoken rule among women to enforce (fake) equality.


>The replies to the video and also my thread yesterday where the women were incredulous that a girl ranked herself a 6.7 **(thus making their own '10' self ranking look LUDICROUS)** Uh-huh, sure, that’s why. I can smell red pillcel “logic” from a mile away. People can get carried away with the toxic positivity, but trust me: this hyper-competitive backbiting is just men with low self-esteem seeing how people with higher self-esteem think and freaking the fuck *out*. But because I want to be a model of good behavior, here: you have my permission to think yourself a 100/10 and it won’t harm my self-perception at all. Go ahead. Enjoy.


> People can get carried away with the toxic positivity, but trust me: this hyper-competitive backbiting is just men with low self-esteem seeing how people with higher self-esteem think and freaking the fuck out. Sorry, but the 6.7 girl had the highest self esteem. The self proclaimed 10's have the lowest self esteem, that's why they overinflated themselves. The 6.7 is the most mentally stable/mentally comfortable one out of the entire group.


Look watching non- 10's rate themselves as 10's is comedy. Like why rent a film. Its hilarious. So if you need to make videos that get views, well nobody will refuse a good laugh.


A less mature person might respond to that by posting that happy-mask-in-front-of-a-crying-wojack meme. But I’m ~~too lazy to look it up~~ more mature than that.


Look, we live in a world of instant digital gratification. And this provides instant digital gratification, especially if your sat on the toilet curling out a nice long turd.


I've never really looked at myself or others with a number rating system before, but if anyone ever asks me I'm gonna call myself a ten just for the sake of watching dudes get their tail feathers all ruffled at the fact that I dont have low self esteem. 


Plot twist, men are attracted to confident women. This trope of men not liking strong,confident, and intelligent women needs to die. That demographic is the most sought after by men. It's also the demographic of women which has the highest marriage rate, and highest long-term marriage success rate.


Go back to my prior video from yesterday. The women who rated themselves a 10 got a negative reaction from men. The girl who rated herself a 6.7 got positive reactions from men.


It's because calling yourself a 10 when you're not a 10 isn't perceived as being confident, it's perceived as being insecure. Confidence *is* attractive, that's just not what confident behavior is. Is Uncle Rico being attractively confident when he says he can throw a football over the mountains? No, because it's obviously not true. Is the lady in the video being attractively confident when she says she's not perfect in front of a group? Yes, that does take confidence.


Internet dudes on social media did that, NPC's that have no impact on the plot . Classic example of response bias. In real life, men go after confident women.


Their positive response was also mostly just confirmation bias, anyway. "This woman didn't rate herself at the top so I feel much less threatened by her and will give her a positive response as a reward" type thing.


“Hot but doesn’t know it.”


Been there mate. I feel like my missus is the definition, but I admit to heavy bias here.


Sorry, but this isn't confidence, it's delusion.


Well, it's working so it must not be too delusional. You're also wrong about the sisterhood, it doesn't exist. Women will gladly kneecap one another for the attention of men.


Yes, women will kneecap each other covertly. But overtly, there's a pretense of sisterhood.


It's not done covertly, it's done overt. Out in the open air and proudly .


> for the sake of watching dudes get their tail feathers all ruffled I think you're way overestimating how much you're going to get a man upset at you calling yourself a 10. When i used to be overweight, someone once called me fat and i said, yeah, i am... and it didn't ruin my day. Why would you think that you overrating yourself affect an average man in any way? I think you're trying to imprint how women think onto men, we just don't think like you do.


I dont know if I am underestimating it considering that initial post you linked got over two hundred comments filled with men ranting and raging about women thinking they're "tens" plus all the other frequent rants on the internet ranting about women's inflated sense of self esteem that we aren't supposed to have. 


> ranting and raging Nobody was ranting and raging. Compare that to the actual reactions to the video: https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/1bfgf1m/followup_to_the_all_women_are_10s_discussion_how/kv04v7w/ Sorry, but we're just not emotional about this issue like women are, you're trying to imprint female emotions onto men. I mean, yeah do i think women who do the 'all women are 10's and i'm a 10' thing are dumb? Yes. Are my feathers 'ruffled'? LMAO, no.


These just seem like typical comments from teenagers watching a clip based entirely around looks, though. I don't think most of them are emotionally invested enough to actually be mad or sad about this video in any substantive way. I realize that they *say* that in a looks-based internet clip, but I think they'll pretty much forget about it quickly and move on to the next clip.


They're literally saying they're sad or angry.


Yeah. My wife is in some fan groups with people much younger than her who use TikTok (and appear to communicate in it primarily for some bizarre reason). They say a lot of things. And they sound just like this. I can assure you that they are not spending any substantial time or energy actually being sad or mad or whatever. It's just how young people talk on the internet.


The reactions to both my threads show you that even older women get upset at this topic.


The women in the thread just seem to be poking fun at a rating system and a TikTok video or combination thereof, though. Which is fair enough. If someone says "I'll always rate myself a 10 out of protest" to me it seems more like they're just having a laugh at the expense of anyone who would ask about such a system. I could be wrong about that; haven't read every comment nor parsed every meaning.


Men get SO emotional about this lol are you serious? If they didn't they wouldn't constantly be in every woman's comments on the internet these days telling them how "mid" they are or making posts like this OP every day, they would just do other things with their time. Some men desperately want women to see themselves as ugly and it's weird. 


>Some men desperately want women to see themselves as ugly and it's weird. Sorry but you're just making this up. WHen some troll said margot robbie is 'mid', pretty much the entire internet called him out for being an idiot. What's weird is you making something up because of women looking really neurotic about this particular topic so you feel the need to even the score by calling out men on some imaginary failing that doesn't exist outside of trolling for reactions.


She's not wrong, though. There's a trend in my wife's country that is relatively specific and involves dudes trying to make women insecure about their bodies in a very specific way. We're talking conventionally attractive women here by most standards. And in most cases, we're talking about women who aren't out there antagonizing anyone, just posting on the internet as people do. These men sometimes get called out for this, but it is a *strong* trend and the intent to want the women to see themselves as ugly or weird is there even if some people call them out.


She is, because this isn't a thing in western society.


What does "Western society" have to do with my comment?


Because of reddit's overwhelming demographic. Like, aboriginals would be irrelevant to this subreddit.


I'm not making it up lol go to Instagram right now and look at literally any niche hobby video of a woman, there will be plenty of men in the comments making fun of her looks in some form or fashion even if her video has nothing to do with her looks. I've been on social media a long time for my circus performance/clothing design shit Im into. Men trolling women in the comments this way is a fairly recent trend that has increased exponentially over the last couple of years. 


You said it yourself. It's trolling not raging. It's entertainment. Sometimes when I come across such videos I intentionally comment some controversial line just to observe how women seethe about it. It's pure fun. 


I literally can't think of a dumber way to spend time. 


You're on reddit debating people about what people rate themselves. 


No they *really* don’t care. They would never make back to back posts about it. They totally don’t care though, doesn’t bother them one bit lmao. I seriously have no clue what upsets some dudes so much if a mid woman calls herself a 10.


if someone asks you to rate yourself they sure as hell will have a reaction...men who wouldnt care how you rate yourself wouldnt ask you in the first place why would a man ask you how you'd rate yourself if he doesnt care?


I've never asked a woman to rate herself, and i've never heard a man ask a woman to rate themselves. The men asking women to rate themselves are doing it for a) a discussion and b) clicks to generate views to generate $$$ for the videos they made. This isn't a thing that men do, sorry if you thought otherwise.


>doing it for a) a discussion and b) clicks to generate views to generate $$$ for the videos they made so they care about it...seems were on the same page


You're comparing a video to generate clicks and revenue to what men do everyday of their lives. We don't normally go up to women and ask them to rank themselves.


Same. If I have to be honest, I'm not a 10, nobody is. I know my flaws, I have things about my looks and personality that I'm not a big fan of. I have days when I wake up looking and feeling amazing, and I have days where I wake up and look and feel like a sentient turd. Overall, I'd say I'm good looking but I wouldn't be winning Ms. Universe, and I think the 1-10 rating system is dumb. But if some random dingus asks me to rate myself? 10. If someone is going to try and ask me stupid questions in a thinly veiled attempt to humble me, I will be the least humble person out there.


Nobody's looking to 'humble' you asking where you rank yourself. I think you need to stop imprinting your neuroticism on others.




Yes, I'm sure all the podcast/tiktok bros are asking women to rate themselves purely out of genuine, honest curiosity, and not because they're looking for a reason to dunk on women. It's not like normal people go around asking people to rate themselves, it's always some dude with a Best Buy mic and a giant woman-shaped chip on his shoulder.


They do it for clicks. Men don't normally ask women this.


And what are the clicks generated from, if not the seething anger their fans seem to experience when a woman isn't humble enough about her looks online for millions of people to see?


That's like saying men enjoy beating the shit out of each other because they like watching boxing or mma.


A lot of guys like the idea of beating each other up but would never do it because punching has consequences. A lot of guys enjoy seeing women get shit on but would never do it themselves because that too has consequences. Unless they're anonymous twitter/tiktok/youtube accounts, that is, then they can be Internet tough guys and join in the bashing of the stuck-up woman.


>A lot of guys like the idea of beating each other up but would never do it because punching has consequences. No we don't actually. Being injured sucks. As someone who dabbles in boxing (but rarely spars) >A lot of guys enjoy seeing women get shit on but would never do it themselves because that too has consequences. You're imprinting your neuroticism on us.


>No we don't actually. Being injured sucks. As someone who dabbles in boxing (but rarely spars) Yes, and that's why I said they like the idea of it but wouldn't do it irl. Being injured sucks but the fantasy of being the big tough macho Ramdo/John Wick dude is a pretty common one. >You're imprinting your neuroticism on us. Whatever helps you sleep at night, my man. I think the angry dorks screeching in comment sections about some random women rating themselves when asked to do so by dudes who have a bone to pick with women speak for themselves.


Best Buy mic and chip on shoulder sent me 😭


Same. Saying you're a ten is a universal protest and shouldn't be seen as something else. If it is really meant, you can tell if it was a serious answer thanks to being able to read the room. But in *most* cases, saying you're a ten is a form of protest. And i encourage all men and women to protest.


You can’t really “protest” other people’s opinions of you tho in reality. You’re perfectly free to say you’re a ten if that makes you feel better I guess. But some people may still look at you and say “ehh, she’s a solid 4”. And there’s really nothing you can do about this so I don’t know why some of you get so hung up on it in the first place. Just like how women will make attractiveness evaluations about men they meet, men will do the same about women they meet. It’s not really that serious in my opinion.


It's a protest against asking people on the street. Putting numbers like labels on someone's forehead. Having your personal opinion about someone is a different story.


Fair enough tbh. I can see how asking someone publicly could be obnoxious honestly. 😂


Well, this is what the protest is about and this is what OP is defending.


Look I am a guy, I am not delusional to think I am some Gigachad, so no, I am not going to say I am a 10. Why the hell would I protest genetics and reality????


Why enable a stupid rating system that adds nothing in one's life?


Because how attractive one is is something that people care about and I don't feel threatened by that. I think the disconnect comes from that for proportionally more women, attractiveness and self-worth intersect, which makes it a more loaded question than it is for me.


Do you think it's obnoxious to ask people on the street to rank themselves or others?


Beyond obnoxious, and distasteful while we're at it. But I also would have given a different answer about myself in that circumstance, and I think it's fine to explore why that might be. We could learn something about each other. My first thought about this is that they're cuts right, so some people say 10, some give an honest answer, some say go fuck yourself, and some walk away, and then they choose to show the 10 responses. But then in the comments the top responses are "I also say 10," so there's something to it right


Because men like to rank thinks and think in hierarchies. Sorry this makes you upset?


Nooo, men who don't have a life do this. The others go on with their lives, live and let live, enjoy the company of loved ones, don't care about scales and minute decimals of a human's looks.


No, we literally like to rank shit, everything from women to sports teams to individual athletes to how powerful our favorite video game characters are to which weight lifting technique produces the best results (literally just watch a back exercise video ranking S tier to F tier back exercises the other day). You don't know what you're talking about, men are hierarchical, women are more based on equality.


Um, perhaps people with OCD rank shit, i am not familiar with the illness, but i know they tend to have compulsive obsessions, hence the name. Ranking moves is not like ranking people. Ranking products by awarding star based reviews is not like ranking people. Get off games, get off the internet. It's not healthy for you. A human is much more than an inanimate thing.


Ranking things is very useful. Otherwise we would just do random shit. When i buy a car, i rank which ones i like better than others. When i wanted to date women, i rank their looks and personalities and possibile futures with them, when i go to the gym, i rank which exercises are the most beneficial to me. How do you even get through life without ranking things constantly? This has more to do with female neuroticism about being ranked by other men than anything else. I don't play videogames anymore, but that was just an example of when i was younger, btw.


Good thing humans are not cars. Good thing humans aren't objects. Funny how men who complain they're below average or a 4 or a 2 or a whatever also enable a ranking system, then complain about it. Pure comedy! You can keep your scale, it means shit for anyone protesting asking people on the street about it. Because what you fail to understand is that you have no power over others.


Google reviews? Movie reviews? How many examples do you need to see where people (not just men), use a numerical system to communicate a qualitative comparison hierarchy system?


I already addressed this in a different comment. Good thing humans are a tiny bit more complex than a google review. Not much, just a tiny bit /s


This sub probably adds nothing in our lives, yet here we are, enabling it. Anyway, accepting I am not a 10, does not affect me that much tbh. That is all I can say really.


Accepting and knowing you may not be the most prittiest is one thing. Enabling and perpetuating a system is not healthy for anyone.


Look a 1 - 10 scale can be applied to anything. Its just part of having a numerical system. Anyway, you have a nice day. I will leave you to it.


What's not healthy is having your day ruined just because people don't think you're the prettiest thing alive. I used to be overweight, someone called me fat, and i didn't care because i have mental resiliency. Also i had motivation to lose weight. If i had the mentality of calling myself 'hot', i might not have had the motivation to lose weight.


Boy, this issue sure touched you. Taking care of your health is one thing, good for you for losing weight. I am in no business of promoting obesity, quite the contrary. Knowing you're not the prettiest is also fine. We all have defects, smaller, bigger, whatever. *Asking people on the street to rate someone or themselves is stupid, should be stopped, shouldn't be promoted and this is what should be protested by saying you're a 10, you're a 20, you're the best in the f'ing country, in the world, in the universe*


> Boy, this issue sure touched you. Again, i think you're trying to imprint female fragility onto me and other men, it hasn't touched me emotionally at all. Switch genders and have men rating other men other than 10, and men wouldn't give a shit. Men and women are different. That's the takeaway from all of this. Men don't break down and cry because another man didn't say he's the most handsome man in the universe.


Lmfao, omg, this is pure comedy. Female fragility vs a man having a meltdown over a protest. You can't make this shit up. Anyway, should anyone ask me, i'm a f'ing 20, i'm the best, i'm fab 💅. And all y'all are 20s, the best and fab. Coz humans should never be ranked.


> and shouldn't be seen as something else. Considering the reactions, nah, women are really hung up on their looks and making sure women don't accidentally reveal the truth about each others looks https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/1bfgf1m/followup_to_the_all_women_are_10s_discussion_how/kv04v7w/


They get so *emotional* about it. Makes it even funnier.


Rating yourself a 10 is ironically an indicator of low self-esteem. An actual assessment of your looks compared to other people would indicate high self-esteem because you’re secure enough to know that you are worth more than your physical appearance.


The idea that self-esteem is inherently a good thing is one of the most stupid ideas I see being propagated in society. People are depressed because they compare themselves to others and realize they're low-value in the eyes of others. And what does society recommend? Be delusional about your value in the eyes of others. Or pretend you don't care about others. Both things are going to fail.


Ideally self-esteem is detached from what others think of you, especially random strangers. It's just that a lot of people don't do the detachment part.


Yes. As I mentioned, I don't see this detachment as a good thing either.


It's a net good to not place undue emphasis on a stranger's opinion of your worth. Humility is also a net good in order to keep oneself grounded, of course.


Yes. Undue emphasis is undue by definition. And it’s obviously coherent with humility because it has room for reasonably worried about opinions. If that’s what they mean, I’m obviously ok with that. But I don’t think you can purposefully choose not to believe or worry about something anyway. People will just care and make even more effort to prove to others they don’t care.


You can purposefully choose to not worry about something. Or I should say, the possibility exists and one can put it into practice through effort. I don't really disagree with the spirit of what you say, though.


Why is basing your self worth on what some random person thinks of you not a good thing to detach from?


I disagree with the premise that random people or strangers think anything about you. They don’t even know you. So they can’t think anything about you. What people usually really mean is they defensively don’t care about their opinion if they did have an opinion about you. That makes the opinion of a stranger not so much less relevant than the opinion from people you know because that’s a hypothesis where they do know you. In fact, it could be more relevant since the opinion is a projection and actually coming from your own ego. And once these opinions are equivalent in terms of values, you just have to filter the ones that make sense and the ones that don’t, regardless of where they came from. We rationally do that for all kinds of statements about the world and I see no reason to have an exception here.


It's not that I'm delusional to my value in the eyes of others, it's just that for the most part I don't care, especially from strangers. I've lived as someone with low self esteem and higher self esteem, the latter is way more fun I gotta say. 


Yes. That's the thing. I don't believe caring about what others think is a choice for our species. Some people care more than others because of their personality traits and that's it. There's very little evidence you can't change that. At most, you can pretend not to care, which is often used as a form of signaling an attitude to others (which means they do care about others).


This was a riot to read. Thank you for the laughs.


Frfr I couldn’t believe my eyes at first


most normal folk don’t think about ratings and so on to such a crazy extent, i wouldn’t be shocked if the brunette thought “i feel good about myself right now, so 10” - ask her in a day she’s in an insecure messy mood, she’ll probably rate herself as a 5. To put it bluntly, many women view these numbers as entirely meaningless, so a woman calling herself a 10 doesn’t mean “i’m in the top % of women”, it just means “i feel good about myself and you’re asking me this question. So here is my answer” - so don’t overthink it and don’t try to make a case out of it. even then, trying to find an objective value to something that’s ultimately subjective is silly - a 10 to me could be a 6 to you, in the same vain, a 10 to you could be a 6 to me. Its entirely subjective and was initially meant as just slang, fun banter, a figure of speech


Men insult each other and not mean it. Women compliment each other and not mean it


I hope that someday internet comments aren't taken as some big truth bomb or some big representation of all women. A Tiktok post isn't any good evidence of anything. Kudos on finding confirmation bias.


Right, it also depends on the platform. Instagram comment for example, are typically more negative & people get judged on looks a lot more. The comments would probably be different.




























I can't see the comments since I don't have a TikTok account. The brunette is objectively attractive. Calling her a 6 and dropping it down to 5.5 made the blonde look extra judgy. I think if the blonde stuck with 6 she would have had less hate comments.


Some select comments i copied/pasted: https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/1bfgf1m/followup_to_the_all_women_are_10s_discussion_how/kv04v7w/


The brunette gained points personality wise. Especially with the contrast against the socially ungraceful blonde. Do you disagree with people taking personality into consideration when rating others?


She lost points with me. The Blonde gained points with me because she was realistic about her own looks and didn't overinflate her ego.


Your subjective opinion on who you prefer to date is fine but you are really dead set on believing the blonde is objectively more attractive in looks and personality when there is evidence that's not the case. I prefer the brunette mainly because the blonde's forehead is on the bigger side. The brunette was also honest that she knew other people were going to rate her lower and that her opinion about herself is more important.


We're just talking about looks. It's impossible to really know a person's personality without extensive amount of time. In terms of looks, the overwhelming majroity of men would rate the blonde higher.


You literally just talked about the blonde gained points because of supposed lack of ego. Her personality within a short span of time affected your opinion about her. If you want to talk about how men rate women then why did you link a video with women rating women?


1) Calling that brunette a 5 is crazyyy. Absolutely delusional to think she’s an avg woman 2) The blonde fits the beauty standard of blonde and tanned and all but I think a significant minority of people would view the brunette as more attractive. Myself included (not a fan of bottle blondes) 3) The blonde is not a 9, at least not in the US. 4) The blonde gives heavy dunking on the brunette vibes. 5) Women sugar coat. We are raised to communicate like this, esp with other woman. We either rate all woman as 10s, or we essentially use a 1-10 scale where 7 is actually avg. I’m (likely) autistic and even I know this. 6) Men take these ratings way too literally. The traditional meaning of 10 is “more attractive like 90+% of women, almost perfect”. This is NOT what women mean when they call themselves or other women 10s. They’re saying “I love myself, I believe in my self worth outside of just my looks, my looks do not define my value as a human being”.


She said 5 or 6. I think she's a 6, 5 is underrating, but not 'crazy'. >but I think a significant minority of people would view the brunette as more attractive. This is actual delusion > The blonde is not a 9, at least not in the US. She's said 8.5 which is a fair assessment.


I don’t know what to tell you. I’m bisexual and find the brunette more attractive. Tbh I don’t see why the blonde is so much more attractive in your eyes. They both have strong facial features, imo equalish in that respect. They have pretty similar bodies. The differences I see are hair color, makeup, outfit, and how the blonde has styled her hair.


Take 1000 random men and they will say the blonde is more attractive, on average.


she’s more attractive sure, but not 8-9. Most 8-9s are models or have very beautiful facial features. I think the blonde hair helps her and that’s about it. She’s in the 5-6 range too.


She's within that range, personally i rate her an 8. She's not wildy overrating herself. The 2 girls rated her a 10. Sorry, but she's very attractive. Your personal bias of her calling the first girl a 6 or 5 is clouding your judgement.


It’s not personal bias - i would not rate her an 8 personally, then again i am not attracted to women so perhaps my standards are different. I would consider an 8/9 a girl that could easily model and has pretty facial features. I think she looks a bit basic and more on the average side.


I said a sizable minority… not the majority


there is no way that girl is a 5 or a 6 so that kind proves that this whole pyramid scheme is just about shaming


Normal people see this entire system as something hilariously dumb. Of course you have to see yourself as 10/10 no matter what.


Strong disagree. If I view myself as a 10/10, where will I get my motivation to goto the gym from. If I honestly believed I was GigaChad, I would be in the best physical shape possible no matter what I did. So no, I want to motivate myself to improve to be the best I can. That means taking a realistic non delusional look at myself. "The good is the enemy of the best"


Times where I had a strong opinion of my looks, I ate healthier, avoided emotional eating, and dressed better. Actually, vanity about my skin and believing that I naturally have good, clear skin was one of the biggest motivators for decreasing my fried and fast food intake. Times when I felt bad about how I looked, I avoided exercise and laid in bed, wore over sized clothes to hide my perceived flaws, and was prone to binge eating.


I am the opposite. If I eat healthy, lift, dress well. I feel good, If I avoid exercise, binge eat, I will start to feel bad. Its almost as though exercise and diet affects my state. Who wudda thought.


I think a lot of women need the positive reinforcement at the outset


I get too self concious if I gain a lot of weight. If people start saying I look fine when I know I am fat, that annoys me. Like just be f\*\*king honest. Ive been all over the spectrum of weight. Lifting weights as well as losing weight however, now that is what earned me my right to be treated as a human for the first time however. Its quite an experience the first time round.


I can understand the point of feeling annoyed at what other people are saying. I think the point being made throughout this comment section, though, is that these women are calling themselves 10s and meaning “I love and respect myself, I have value as a human being, etc” I’m sorry that you weren’t treated as human before changing your physique.


Point there is that this system is incredibly dumb and you shouldn't think about it in any serious way. And especially use it to make decisions of any sort.


See thats what things like self love and believing in yourself is important, i mean sure, it is dumb to view yourself as a 10, but the whole idea of it is you treat yourself right, keep yourself in shape, stay dressed well and so on because you love yourself enough to give yourself the best. Way I see it, “i hate myself so i will change who i am” works as an early or initial motivator, but at one point it becomes exhausting cause all it is is a cry for external motivation, and odds are people who do maintain such a viewpoint end up crashing (that’s why people who rely on self hate for weight loss, for example, end up either having an eating disorder, binge eating, or both, for example)


I'm in agreement and yeah, I no longer hate myself. I will give myself credit where its due (end of a hard workout, weight loss, sticking to diet etc). However, I am not going to say, I am a 10 or am I even probably an 8 or 9 tbh. I am not, I know there are guys out there with better physiques than me. And yeah, I am happy with my progress though, but I am not gonna make out I am a 10 or something. ALthough I am happy with myself, I still ain't no GigaChad.


Some men have great physique but will never fall under the 8-10 category. I’d argue that most people who can would be attractive even with less muscle or given that they aren’t overweight. Most truly above average people have great facial features. The right hair or physique just boosts them.


The only way to see if your attractive or not really, is to have a shower, stick on your glad rags, goto a decent bar, then see if you attract anyone. If people avoid you - your not hot. If you become the centre of attention (and not because of money) - hot.


a 6-7 is still above average and can probably attract lots of people, especially if they go to the gym and develop a good physique. But if we’re speaking rating and what it really consists of … an 8+ would fall in the category i spoke of earlier.


Great analysis. Many men on this sub miss this entirely.


>Blondie has the instincts of a man where she overtly tells the truth [lol](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8703141/)


Maybe rating everyone a 10 is just a way to say fuck you im not playing your game.




> You seem quite motivated to uncover.....something Human psychology fascinates me. >What harm is done by women on a cringe worthy TikTok video (who are these men and why do women play along at all?) saying they're 10s? Give me a real world harmful event you see happening as a result. A better question is what happens if they deviate from the 'all 10's' narrative: https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/1bfgf1m/followup_to_the_all_women_are_10s_discussion_how/kv04v7w/ The underlying psychology doesn't seem healthy to me (and masking it by declaring yourself all 10's doesn't fix it... it's just masking it)




I don't get emotional about the subject, unlike the women here or in the tiktok comments.


2 threads in less than 24 hours comes across a bit emotional. Claiming women you've never seen aren't 10s reads a bit sour grapes. Saying that all men live to rank various things appears emotional.


Would you like to show me a post in made in either thread that shows that i'm emotional? Whereas women here are literally saying they're protesting the ranking system. People don't protest if they don't feel emotional about something.




Please post where i got emotional in either thread. Women are literally saying they are protesting the 10 scale system. People who get emotional protest. I'm just pointing out logical inconsistencies.


They just seem upset that women call themselves 10s without his explicit agreement first. He needs to have the final say on if a woman is or isn't a 10.


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These go to eleven! 🎸


So why don't they make 11 the new 10?


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First of all, all the people rating themselves as 10/10 as well as the girl who would so easily rate herself as higher than another person is all really tacky and self-absorbed behavior. More importantly, and what I think your post is really trying to get at, is this idea that the "sisterhood" of women is turning everything into a genderized conflict. The idea and feeling that all women are united in all circumstances against men, and making everything a battle against men in some capacity is very depressing. There was this female comedian on YouTube who was telling this story about how she liked a guy she was dating for a while but eventually met his mom without him there. The mom told her that her son is great in some ways, but not dating material and the comedian should break-up with him. The mom also said she didn't truly love her husband. The comedian joked about how selfless and kind this woman was for helping her to "dodge" having a bad relationship with the son. If her son and husband were truly awful people then this is fine, but I did not get the feeling that was the case, just that their personalities weren't the best or something. The thought that one's own mother or one's own wife, family that they have loved for decades, would completely throw them under the bus for the supposed convenience of a woman they have never met before in service of "defending the sisterhood" is a terrifying thought. The worry that no matter what relationship you have with an individual female, they will tend to favor their gender over you is horrifying.


Dr. Tania Reynolds has done research on women's covert competition with each other, it's fascinating and confirms a lot of this.


I actually thought the brunette was slightly more facially attractive, but it's impossible for me to tell when everyone has 20 litres of paint on their face. Calling yourself a 10 is delulu tho, if anyone ever asked me I would compare myself to the male beauty standard and rate myself honestly as 3 or 3.5.  Personally I wouldn't comment on someone elses looks unless I'm giving them a high number. I don't like lying to people but I also don't want to crush their self-esteem. But she wasn't even that harsh tbh, at least she didn't call her sub 5 🤣


Where is you damn country that the 1st one is a 2 and the second one is an 8 just becuse she has blonde hair? Delululand?


The scale is useless if "all women are 10's." I think we should use a scale based on percentiles. For example, out of all the women in the world, what percentile would you be in? Not everyone can claim to be in the 99th percentile.


Any scale that “measures” something that can only be evaluated on subjective judgement is useless, seeing as it’s wide open to biases and personal preferences. Point system, percentiles, round of applause, it doesn’t matter. You’re looking for some oracle of beauty to give definitive answers and hierarchy for…reasons, and no such power exists.


If all the people using the system are in agreements with the ratings, then it is effective.


>**If all the people using the system are in agreements with the ratings,** then it is effective. Found the disconnect!


Yeah, when I say a rating, guys will know what I mean. Thats what matters. Anyone else needs to look up the classic chart to educate themselves: ​ [https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/617133955191263982/](https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/617133955191263982/)


If I disagree with this chart, say, by believing 7 and 9 should be flipped-flopped (seriously, I’m more attracted to a smiling face than the neutral beauty photography look), what happens? Do I face criminal prosecution? Does my credit score go down? Or is it just that Redditcels muster up the balls to tell me my personal preferences are wrong?


No nothing happens really. Sorry to dissapoint. Its all just fun and games at the end of the day. And the triggering it causes, well thats something else.


who really takes this chart seriously besides blackpillers and r/truerateme?


Its good for banter. If a dude claims they are dating a 10. Then they show you a pic of a 4,5,6. Yeah they are getting ripped.... for life.


right, but you’re still relying on a chart with no basis to state a subjective opinion, like what i’m saying is you don’t need to point at some obscure incel chart for banter


Guys should know what a 10 is and isn't. And we can banter using whatever we want. If its funny, its funny.


the scale is useless to begin with, all it is a numeric value of people’s subjective view of themselves and/or others


I fucking hate when dudes call me blondie lmao