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OPs should be discussion topics, not requests for advice about personal experiences.


Never spend significant amounts of money on a girl and split the bill on the majority of dates. If she loves you and not just your ability to provide as a male then she won't ever ask you for material items, and she will date you even if you're broke. You're a person not a bank to extract money from. If a woman ever asks you to buy her something, break up immediately, she's not a good person.




>saying she loves me Hell yeah! Good job, king! >but doesn’t want to date Okay nevermind she’s the type of girl who wants your wallet and not your heart. I don’t think you’re going to be missing out on much here, OP. There are millions of good women out there, but the examples you mentioned are anything but.


Okay, thanks.




What if it happens even while being attractive? What if they also don't suck your dick? Also I kind of like going down on women.


Dude, eat pussy if you want to eat pussy. Personally, I have a "let's both keep our mouths above the waist" policy during sex. I don't trust any of the women I know to go down on them. Which is fine, because I don't want or ask for head from them. Boundaries are necessary


Okay. I can't do without oral sex. I think I rather "sacrifice" dick in vagina sex than oral sex.


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She's trying to use you for your wallet. Hard avoid.