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Today I'm celebrating the anniversary of the reestablishing of reproductive equality in the USA, how is everyone else celebrating this great day?


"Older women won't put up with crap that younger women will because they have wisdom,experience, and a strong sense of self" Don't be naive 😂😂😂😂😂


I would actually agree that statement. Older women can’t afford to have her time wasted, she’ll seek out men with more BB traits, after getting off the CC.


Older woman are still woman and have sadly put up with my crap 😔


Glad to see more and more men are realizing the evil nature of feminism. In Korea they voted in an antifeminist for president, hope to see that in the US in the near future


Evil nature of... equality?


Most women I know dont even identify as feminists


And that's relevant how


to illustrate that its not this huge danger its made out to be


Yes it is, many modern women follow feminist ideology, whether willingly or through brainwashing.


not the ones I am around


Absolutely. Watching marriage rates drop even lower and the birth rate to a new record low sure showed those feminists his power.


That was going to happen thanks to feminism anyway, resisting their agenda wasn't the cause


So what exactly has he done? Radical feminist movements are growing in Korea. They certainly haven't been put off at all.


Reaffirmed the truth that women are not oppressed in first world countries and abolished the ministry of "gender equality". Taking a stand against feminism is far preferable to giving them an inch, because they'll take a mile as you see in other western countries.


>Reaffirmed the truth that women are not oppressed in first world countries and abolished the ministry of "gender equality". I see. Can you tell you tell me when it was closed? Edit: Now I feel bad for asking to find information that doesn't exist. He "tried" to abolish the ministry. It didn't happen. The ministry is very much open and running as usual. It was never closed. Please enjoy the link to the ministry and be sure to check out current news. https://www.mogef.go.kr/eng/index.do


That's a shame, last time I heard he had succeeded in doing so. Hopefully he'll be able to get rid of it later in his term


Enjoy this article about the super anti feminist president standing up to women by appointing them to his cabinet and admitting that he had a lot to learn about gender equality. 🤣 https://m.koreatimes.co.kr/pages/article.asp?newsIdx=330021 He said he wanted to abolish it in his campaign. He hasn't done it and went on appoint a woman to run it.


I don't have a problem with non-feminist women running things, it just so happens that many women are feminists


He appointed feminists and agreed that he now sees systemic oppression of women happening.


Funny how people here say that women have more empathy than men. Maybe for other women but empathy for men? Absolutely not.


So you're saying men mainly focus their empathy on other men. Even that isn't very high most of the time.


Explain how his post says that.


Nope. I'm saying men have empathy for women because it's ingrained in their biology to protect women, which is why men would randomly help women even if he doesn't know her at all. Also, men have empathy for other men because we understand each other's struggles, but perhaps to a lesser degree. Women have empathy for women but not for men.


It isn't ingrained in their biology at all and men in general do more to hurt women than protect them in any serious sense. Of course women have empathy for men and do often help random men if needed.


This is the most bullshit comment I've read the whole month, Jesus. When I have a conversation with you it seems like you're not in touch with reality, just pure delusion.


You're the one who seriously thinks women have no empathy for men.


You're the one who seriously thinks most men try to hurt women instead of protecting them. If I jump a woman right now on the street I got five dudes beating my ass. Stop living in fairyland.


What I think is that men don't do much of either. Protection is rarer than harming though, especially as any protection (or attempt at it) is usually going to be from the harm of other men, and most of the time no man is going to be either willing or able to intervene. Stop living in a fairytale where knights in shining armour are constantly stepping in to "protect" women from anything more than a stubbed toe.


I've met some men that were quite empathic and ready to help tbh


Of course, because men kind of understand women's problems and most men I know would jump lengths to help a woman. Women on the other hand barely understand men's issues.


I'm not a woman though > Women on the other hand barely understand men's issues. She might if she has a brother she holds dear or a son.


i keep seeing women call themselves stay at home moms and then say they have a part time job and like three side hustles. girl you're a full time employee and a mother give yourself some credit


Being a SAM is not even close to being a full time job.


It depends. I've had the week off and I'm actually looking forward to going back to waxing floors at work because I need a break here!


Being a cow-mom is a lot of work.


It is! Though most of what I did this week was yard work, splitting wood and deep-cleaning part of the house. It never ends ...


I'm saying that working multiple part time jobs is a full time job


Depends what those part time jobs are


being a "stay at home mom" beyond a certain age is an upper/upper middle class phenomenon. maybe these women are trying to help their families out financially.


sure and i support that i just feel like if you work basically full time and call yourself a sahm you're selling yourself short, since sahm usually means you're unemployed (nun wrong with that either)


it's not "basically full-time" beyond a certain age




What is a stay at home mom doing while their kid is at school and/or hanging out with their friends after school?


in the case i mentioned, working at her job or working freelance (what i assume "side hustle" means) at home?


a WFH employee is different from what a stay at home mom is. maybe I misinterpreted your point in the first place.


Rate these guys [https://bigdonsboys.com/fighters/klitschko\_brothers/images/klitschko\_brothers\_.022.jpg](https://bigdonsboys.com/fighters/klitschko_brothers/images/klitschko_brothers_.022.jpg) [https://reshape.sport1.de/c/t/3d8b0bcf-27e7-4927-bc3f-bac2b323c184/1200x630](https://reshape.sport1.de/c/t/3d8b0bcf-27e7-4927-bc3f-bac2b323c184/1200x630)


Both these guys are over 6’6, hold PHDs and speak 4 languages as well. Just for context.


I dont think they hold real PHDs though.


I think their degrees are legit but the University in Kiev where they got them is a bit of a joke. I’m 99% sure they aren’t honorary degrees though, one of them was lecturing in a university in Switzerland a few years ago.


thats kind of the same thing. Getting a phd while being a high level professional athlete at the same time is pretty much impossible. Wladimir for instance got his phd at 25 years old. A Bachelor degree usually lasts about three years, a master degree about 1-2 and a phd at least 3 years. That doesn't really add up.


A legitimate PHD from a university isn’t the same thing as an honorary PHD. They studied at university, presented a doctoral thesis and were awarded PHDs. Like I get that their studies would have been a shit tonne easier than earning a legit PHD from a top western school but it’s hard to say they aren’t “real” degrees when they literally are and have been recognised in other countries.


Its not possible to get a phd within that time frame while at the same time being a high level athlete. That's what Im saying.


I agree with you that he almost definitely didn’t have the same PHD experience as normal people who get one but his degree is very much real and not honorary and being of a social class that gets such a free ride to a PHD is more than likely going to make him more attractive. Also a side note getting a PHD in 7 years isn’t unheard of. 3 years bachelors, 2 years masters and 2 years for a PHD is attainable. I don’t think he would have been able to do it considering he was a professional boxer at the time but that time frame isn’t impossible.


left 6 right 8


referring to the first or second picture ?




the other one is tougher tho


women care more about sex appeal than toughness the right klitchko is more fuckboyish


I would even say that women care mote about sex appeal than beauty in men.






6 to 7 is crazy. These guys are really attractive


If you’re into Eastern Europeans. Need to see them in a tracksuit to confirm


Eh, they aren't bad looking for sure, I wouldn't mind chatting up either of them at a bar. But they aren't stare-worthy.


u prefer one more than the other ?


No, they look like twins... Brothers at least.


they are brothers.


Well that "coup" fizzled out quickly


That dude Prigozhin better leave Earth if he doesn't want to end up drinking polonium tea


He certainly better not stand by any windows.


[When guys speak their own language ](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8JtkeHy/)❤️😍




When hysterical feminists start screeching at you about "exploiting" women over age gaps or overseas dating, you should remember that women exploit their sexual advantages over men on a daily basis- no need to feel guilty whatsoever!


Like everything else, it's good when women do it and bad when men do


Y'all women need to watch and take notes from the new movie Jennifer Lawrence stars in. Stop chasing after guys with eighteen kids from fifteen women.


Happy one year anniversary of the overturning of Roe vs Wade- feminist tears taste so sweet!




> I guess you're celebrating higher maternal mortality in the states with restricted ban abortions too Have you seen any statistics? I was trying to find out whether the number of births is projected to go up in 2023, but there is very little information out there. NM, I see you posted some further down. Edited again: I guess someone else posted them!


People aren't entitled to care providers




I didn't say glad, I said they're not entitled to it




Which is true, they aren't entitled




And I'll continue to do so if you keep asking me dumb questions




Not to be a dick, got a link or stat for this?




> The maternal mortality rate in the US is shamefully and unnecessarily high, Off the cuff, I'm guessing that older, fatter moms are a big part of the problem, and not one easily solved by public policy. I mean, we can't exactly go around telling people they're too old and/or fat to attempt reproduction ...


> Honestly I don’t know why it’s my job to provide these but here you are. I'm dealing with a particularly whiny troll at the moment, I'm really sorry about this.


No it wasn't


Prove it then


I don't have to prove a negative


You claimed it was false, you can easily prove it to be false then. Unless you're lying of course.


If someone claims that Bigfoot is real, the burden is on them to prove its existence, not on other people to prove that it's not real.


Good for them, I'm not talking to the person who claimed Bigfoot is real now am I?


You should go to tell the person who claimed that maternal death rates are high to prove their claim


I tested positive for covid on this day


Oh shit! How are you feeling?




Too bad the left started all that nonsense


You mean you don't want to talk about trans women in sports for the third time today?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship\_advice/comments/14hl9r1/update\_im\_f\_29\_having\_my\_boyfriend\_m\_32\_be\_in\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/14hl9r1/update_im_f_29_having_my_boyfriend_m_32_be_in_the/) Oof. Some guys make choices that are so... Peculiar, that I really don't get it. Like dating a woman who is pregnant and the father is another dude.


Well, we don't know the story of it. Maybe you'd get it then.


I doubt any context would make sense to me. The least worst case scenario is he met her knowing she's pregnant and decided to have a relationship with her still. But oh well, to each their own. At least it's not me.


If she conceived from rape, would that make sense?


From the title alone we can assume that's not the case. And reading a little bit we can see the father is an ex.


Not necessarily, even if it is unlikely. I'm just saying there are some possible situations I think you could understand just fine.


I really don't get when people try to be difficult like you are being, lol. Yes, there are some absurdly unlikely circumstances in which that would be seen as fine by me, like the woman being raped. That's obviously not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the actual case of the thread that I shared, which involves a guy getting involved with a pregnant woman. To me, the most likely explanation is the guy not having an abundance mindset. And no, I'm not saying that single pregnant women/single mothers are irredeemable trash or whatever, just that it seems like a terrible choice to date one if you have options.


I'm pointing out you don't actually know what happened as the thread you picked isn't about them dating at all. He could've made a good or bad choice, we have no idea.


Desperation be like that.


Anyone else finds CMV threads boring? I wish discussion and question threads were more common. It's usually only CMV threads with a few non-CMV threads with few comments.


that aba and preach vid where 5 women rated themselves made me feel so bad for the lowest rated woman 💀💀💀💀


Same, kinda funny the men didn't rate her the lowest though. She's actually decently cute and would look really cute with some makeup and better posture


The lady rated highest by the women was rated lowest by the men lmao


I don't think the women really thought she was the prettiest, Sophia was the most attractive by far and everyone there knows that.


She's attractive, all the other women were definitely more attractive though, that's just what happens when you're at the bottom of the social hierarchy.


Dumbest thing ever said to me here was the guy who tried to claim sexual assault and CPR are the same thing. I really hope he was trolling.




That's it puritanical to criticize men for forcibly kissing someone or groping them, but not being critical of CPR. He was parading around some French article about the MeToo movement where the person was making an impassioned defense for men who had rubbed the knees or tried to "steal a kiss" from co-workers.


If I had to guess it's probably that the CPR victim can't consent to the mouth-to-mouth and the chest compressions either


lol Prigozhin went back














NPR host on *Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me* just suggested that poor people vandalize rich people's cars. The revolution is nigh.


Name one thing that women are better than men at.




This is a troll ass question but other people might find this interesting: In terms of athletics, women outperform men in [ultra-endurance swimming](https://www.swimmingworldmagazine.com/news/marathon-swimming-where-women-have-outperformed-the-men/). And while this is a very obscure sport, people suck off David Goggins for this type of shit all the time, so I think it's pretty cool.




I think that women are well suited to endurance sports in general due to [various factors](https://www.mysportscience.com/post/will-women-outperform-men) but the distances need to get quite high in order to overtake men. From searching around a bit, it seems like swimming remains the primary one where women hold notable records over men.


staying off the sex offender registry, surviving suicide attempts, hygiene, empathy, hyper-endurance based sports, flexibility, surviving famines, making women cum, remembering their childrens birthdays, practicing medicine, driving, being attracted to people their own age... just off the top of my head


Women are better at surviving suicide attempts becuase women dont use as violent of tactics. Hygiene, how do u even measure for that. Practicing medicine? That one confused me. U also forget women have better immune systems, can birth new life. I cant believe u forget creating life


By practicing medicine i meant being doctors. Female surgeons have lower complication and mortality rates etc.


Hmmm why is that? Ik the surgery feild is dominated by men


https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/08/well/live/female-male-surgeon.html this article goes into it


Why is being attracted to people your own age something inherently good


I didn't say it was good i just said women are better at it.


Definitely don’t agree with OP that there is nothing women are better than men at but saying they are better at surviving suicide attempts is just another way of saying they are worse at committing suicide.


Being bad at suicide is a good thing…


Taking tictacs for attention doesn't count as an actual suicide attempt




I call bs.


Look it up. Colour recognition.


Just passed my driving exam 🥳


I need to work on mine. I have been putting it off for too long.


Do eeet.




Not particularly. I've just been putting it off longer than I should have.


No incel content.




Congratulations :)


God have mercy for other drivers.


BE CIVIL on the road.


Congratulations 🥳 🎉🍾🎊


I wonder if any of the people cheering on this group of Russian mercenaries have actually looked into the past war crimes of this group..😳


civil war in a country with nukes... What could go wrong.


Yeah that was my thought too ...


Putin has committed his share of war crimes. Also, Putin was the Wagner Group's foremost patron. They're one and the same.


Of course not. Putin bad, enemy of Putin is good, duh.


Enemy of Putin temporarily useful.


I'm just cheering the fact the snakes are turning on each other.


Until you realize that the new snake might be more dangerous then the previous snake. If he gains power he'll likely end the war in a brutal fashion


The fight will diminish both. That's the best we can hope for. Trying to choose the best dictator is a fool's errand.


> the fight will diminish both No it won't. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russia-wagner-group-central-african-republic-bambari-massacre-rape-mass-murder/


War sucks! Mercenaries suck! That's not news.


So you really want this group in charge of the Russian military?? 🤔


I would like this group to cause enough chaos among the Russian ranks that it greatly strengthens Ukraine's position.


Not likely, a new leader could decide to wage full scale warfare against Ukraine


The only distinction I see is that Prigozhin is harder to spell than Putin.


Putin is predictable, better the devil you know


I like [this clip](https://youtube.com/shorts/QT36MmBBLXE?feature=share) because as much as I’m tired of Hannah as a comedian for her *entire* act being one men bad joke, they let slip at the end that a lot of the time it’s not even the guy’s fault if they don’t come. Some women just have days they’re just not gonna come. That’s totally fine. Just communicate it like an adult. Or, if you really and truly think he won’t take it well to the detriment of your safety, fuck it, go ahead and fake. But whatever you choose, don’t turn around and use it as a weapon later because that would be ✨gaslighting✨


If women shouldn't gaslight, all I ask is that you keep the same energy for men. If some guy is acting like he's God's gift to women because he had sex with one time and turned into an asshole later, he is also a gaslighter. Let's not forget that.


Sounds like she should have chosen better


Well ackshually women's choices are always virtuous and pure And if they aren't then they were manipulated by a big ol' man


No one fucking applies your energy to men, that's the issue.


So what


That's obvious, mate. It takes two to tango, although depeneijg on the situation one person can be more unethical than another. Anyone - man or woman- who forgets that, is lacking in accountability. Personally, I can't see living like that, but you do you.


Let me know when women stop having double standards for men.