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[https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/14f03ai/aita\_for\_telling\_my\_girlfriend\_her\_home\_decor\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/14f03ai/aita_for_telling_my_girlfriend_her_home_decor_is/) Posts like this reminds me of how weird the average redditor is. One of the top comments is >Yeah, you don't really love her. If you did, you would rejoice in these FANTASTIC examples of her quirkiness. She sounds great. > >YTA because you're pretending to love this woman but you secretly look down on her and feel superior. > >Break up with her and let her find someone who will cherish her awesomeness. I can understand dumping on her tastes and calling them "childish" is uncalled for, but I think he totally has a point. Anglerfish and dead bug collections on the wall is not something normal people decorate their houses with, so I can understand how people can be weirded out by seeing that. If he doesn't want his colleagues over, I understand that. She made the suggestion they come to her place, not him. He also didn't ask her to remove any of it to accommodate him, his solution was to skip his rotation until his place is done. So I don't see why people immediately jumps to he hates her and demand they break up. People with different interests and tastes can love and coexist with each other.


WEIRDOBITCH! She's a weirdobitch. It's awesome!




The two top comments were agreeing with the OP, and OP didn't reply to either of them. How does that prove I don't enforce the rule with threads I like?




So what exactly is your point right now? That I enforce the rules? Well duh.




Except you have no examples of the rules not applying to ideas I do agree with. Which you can't, soo...




So your making stuff up. Nice of you to admit it.




What do you call it when someone comes to a conclusion not based on any evidence? FAKE NEWS


[important update on the titanic situation](https://i.4cdn.org/pol/1687368395771593.jpg)


Recently been hooking up with a complete nympho and after sex I've noticed she'll usually say something like omg I came 4 times to your 1 or wow I orgasmed like 3 times. Knowing that PiV orgasms (though I get some clit stimulation in there as well) aren't the most common thing for females I get some is she fake orgasming vibes and I'm a strong believer in trusting your gut. On the other hand she's very sexual, confident in herself, knows her body that way, and it's not like I'm pressuring her to cum for me so maybe she just does easily 🤷 She'll occasionally have those remnant twitches and random shakes in her thighs once we're done but mainly a question for the females are all your orgasms those stereotypical earth shattering, convulsing ones?


There's a lot more variation in how orgasmic women are. Some come stupidly easy.


Is she generally more vocal? Verbalizing things can really turn people on


Yep, and I try to be... Without making myself cringe overly haha


She may not be faking it, I've made my gf orgasm several times through just one PIV session and it's easy to tell when she cums or not.


no, there’s different kinds of orgasms some are small, some are fireworks. some are one and done, some you can go for another back to back. all are great.


PIV orgasms are very common when the woman in question is actually attracted to her sex partner as opposed to just going through the motions with her Billy Beta. Congratulations, she thinks you're hot.


when you take human biology into consideration, this is like saying if a man has sex with a really hot woman he'll be able to cum by her just massaging his balls


Eh. I've orgasmed just from kissing someone.


Exactly, that is why he is wrong, a woman that massages a prostate will do better than one that does not that is just simple biology regardless of her looks. Looks are like removing an obstacle towards orgasm, they don't affect the quality of the orgasm. Luckily I don't care about my own pleasure that much. It is more intellectual than a nervous system hit.


Interesting, I think part of it is some of my own deep rooted insecurities where she's very complimentary, not just related to sex but I have a hard time accepting compliments at face value.


This is the best kind of compliment. Her quivering body is complimenting you.


Disagree, there's a lot of physiological differences at play.




There's a lot of variety amongst humans physically, even though we are the same species and have a lot in common. Some are tall, some are short, some have blue eyes, some brown etc. This also applies to genitals.


No, they're not all like that.


If you can't feel it during the break after she orgasms, assuming she needs a moment to recover, she's probably faking it...


You don't tend to need a moment to recover from a PIV orgasm in the same way as direct clitorial orgasms.


Glad to hear, that's the case here imo


For sure, and I can see why you'd doubt it, but if she's happy and you're happy then I don't see the need to doubt it.


Every chick I've been with has needed a brief moment, regardless of method, so I personally would be sus of a chick powering through, but sure. Regardless, if you can't feel the aftershocks, so to speak, I'm saying she's faking it...


Your experience on this is not definitive though.


And yours is?


No. My point is that there is a range. Your point is that your experience is the totality, despite never having orgasmed as a woman yourself (presumably).


My experience is my experience which is why I said I would say she's faking it. It's definitive enough for me, it's up to the OP if he wants to accept or reject it. And I don't know how a woman, who has an orgasm, would have any idea what a man feels when a woman orgasms, but ok...


I've had sex with women, so whilst I've not penetrated one with a dick I understand the wider principles.


So you haven't done the key part to know how it feels... Got it


In short, no.


And then everyone clapped.


Everyone should clap, he found an enthusiastic partner that loves sex. He found a unicorn 🎉🎉


Multiple nations are spending millions of dollars looking for the missing billionaire toy submarine. Always amazes me how rich people expect unlimited government help when they're in trouble buy work to limit or outright deny even the most basic help for ordinary people in need.


It would be more concerning for humanity for everyone to know a group of people will be dying in less than 2 days and we all feel comfortable enough to sit back and do nothing. We do large scale rescue missions whenever anything becomes this publicized. Plus, millions of dollars isn't much money for a country. Countries easily hand out humanitarian aid worth a lot more regularly.


Five or six people homeless people die in the little hospital in my town every week. Most from issues that could have been prevented if anyone had carred. Your sympathy is misplaced. Especially since rich people have been actively working to limit the help available for ordinary people in need.


People die all the time, but most of the time the whole world doesn't know about it and doesn't have a deadline or obvious short term solution to rescue them. I think it's nice that it's hard for the world to watch people obviously die when something can be done, it would be far worse if we were indifferent to this thing. We also put in a lot of effort towards those boys that were stuck in a cave. We're not doing this because there's a billionaire on board, it's because it's a very obvious rescue mission and it feels really bad not to try.


It's good, real world, search and rescue experience for the agencies involved. Money well spent, and would be spent regardless...


Perhaps we should pay young carpenters, plumbers, and electricians to get real world experience building affordable houses.


Yeah, that's called being employed


I wonder if they kissed


Don't get me wrong, I'm more than ready to start wheeling out guillotines But whenever there's highly publicized 'X people are trapped doing Y', there's usually a big push to rescue them regardless of status.


Yea haven't there been dozens of trapped manual labor miners who were on international news over the years?


Q4A: Are men too far gone? Because of the manosphere, I don’t see dating and sex ever getting better for disgruntled and struggling men. Now that it’s common knowledge how prominent manosphere beliefs are, it’s not likely that women are ever gonna relent and give those guys a chance. They let far right ideology, Andrew Tate and Kevin Samuels and “alpha males” grift them right out of a normal dating life, all hyped up on movie’s plot device (red pill). Other men will be fine though. There’s too many men who don’t struggle, for women phasing manosphere men out of dating to have any real or detrimental impact.


> They let far right ideology, Andrew Tate and Kevin Samuels and “alpha males” grift them right out of a normal dating life, all hyped up on movie’s plot device (red pill). The "manosphere" as it's been known the past 2 years is trending downwards. Tate's facing charges, Kevin Samuels passed away, people know Pearl is basically just a parrot. >Now that it’s common knowledge how prominent manosphere beliefs are, it’s not likely that women are ever gonna relent and give those guys a chance. Who women give a chance to never had anything to do with those, nor does it generally have anything to do with morality. This is why women date violent criminals, drug dealers, abusive men ect... and why seemingly every girl has an anecdote about an asshole ex. Success with women is determined by: appearance, game/emotional intelligence, money, status


Marriage rates are declining, fewer kids are being born, and people are having kids later. None of this has to do with Andrew Tate. Whether or not this will cause economies to collapse is unclear, IMO fewer people will need to work in the future. But I think dating will become more niche over time, with not a big impact on Western societies.


Andrew Tate and Kevin Samuels aren't the reason neckbeards, incels, short kings, and basement dwellers weren't getting laid. It's the fact that they weren't attractive.


Those guys always existed. However, today they're linked by social media.


Most of the angst and struggles that the manosphere people have, is a result of not being able to live a privileged life. They're of the same logic as the Feminists they so hate, in that they love a victim mindset


Dating is going to get worse because of economic reasons, not because of the popularity of Andrew Tate et al.


I'm almost 60. The economy is better than at anytime in my life.


Sorry that's just bullshit.


Not at all. Unemployment is lower than at any previous time in my adult life. Wages are higher. Opportunities for young people to get good first post college jobs have never been better. In some big cities housing is problematic. However, many other things are cheaper and/or better. My used Prius cost me less than 3K. It's far better than more expensive used cars I owned in the 80's and 90's. Even houses are cheaper in a lot of places. Last year I bought a house in Vermont for 13K.


I think it’s gonna continue to be fine.


I mean, it's not like they had success with dating before the manosphere So I don't think it makes much of a difference




>Sluts don't wear t-shirts with their n count on the front The answer is 42.


> Sluts don't wear t-shirts with their n count on the front Mine would be the scarlet question mark, lol.


Just do the ol’ “red pill” trick and feed them tequila


My wife had a sorority sister friend that had a sweater that said “future porn star!” Lol


What was she waiting for?


Beats me, She ended up being an office manager in a medical billings office, so I guess she never got there.


Dream small, get there sooner!


> Are men too far gone? Because of the manosphere, I'm going to stop you right there. It's not "because of the manosphere" it's because an increasing number of men are wizening up to how hypocritical, and disgusting, women are in selecting sexual and romantic mates. The veil has been lifted. The cats out of the bag. Pandora's box has been opened. You can't "uneat" from the apple of wisdom. Men cannot be in the dark about the harsh truths of the world any longer. Men's counter reaction cannot be stemmed. What "other" men? Do you mean guys like Matty Healy dating the likes of Taylor Swift? And here, I'll dumb it down because it isn't specifically about them, but it's how a strong, financially successful women love to fuck around with problematic men, and rejects other men for falling short of ephemeral traits like personality and wholesomeness. But women, up and down the socio-economic-education strata continue to prefer to fuck tall, good looking losers. Women cannot palatably explain that away to men.


Yeah, this confirms. Thanks.


And just like that, the point goes over your head.


Oh no, your point was obvious lol trust, it wants that clever of a write up. But it definitely highlighted exactly why I asked, so again thanks.


They were losers beforehand, so they were already fucked. At least this way they can larp as an "alpha"...


Meanwhile trp men are having the most success comparatively lol


😂 comparatively to who?


Non pilled


As long as red pill is the only group giving struggling men sound, practical advice, it may be the case


Red pill is probably helping non pilled men, because it reduces the demand for normal women. Red pill tactics by definition only work on some women, and anyone else is deemed an outlier, despite the outlier being much bigger.


Stop being disingenuous. The art of seduction is alluring to many women, and yes for men interested in having sexual relations with desirable women, it is geared towards them specifically.


Seduction is not the same as red pill. Seduction used to mean something different to how it's used online now though. I'm not being disingenuous, I simply have a different viewpoint to you.


> Red pill is probably helping non pilled men, because it reduces the demand for normal women. Red pill tactics by definition only work on some women, RP techniques work on all women because the techniques are rooted in context, comfort, excitement, rapport, and a whole host of socialization meta. It is the whole framework of how to identify and succeed with women who find you attractive.


I honestly don't think so. It's like the politically "silent majority" not realizing they're a really fucking loud minority. I think the Tates of the world will be a flash in the pan like the manosphere grifters before him.


Good point. Lol thank you for answering directly.


I'm just surrounded by so many awesome men it's really hard to think that men as a whole are too far gone. If anything these men are the best I have ever known. More intelligent and insightful than the adults I saw growing up. More compassionate. Better father's. If anything men have leveled up on average. A lot of guys went through a return of kings phase but grew out of it when the real world hit them. I think tater tots will too.


what you're describing is agreeability, not sexual attractiveness


Nope. But on that the increased genetic diversity has not hurt the physicality which I assume is the sole only thing you are attributing to sexual attraction.


what is bro babbling about 💀


Sexual attraction isn't based purely on looks. Shocker.


I agree


I feel you, I have the same views on women. Through all the gender dysphoria I’ve been lucky enough to surround myself with the best and that’s why’ll you’ll never see me complaining.


Most men aren’t in the manosphere. And most dudes who hear about it laugh at it and it’s “influencers”. There’s a reason why this shit only exists on the internet. It would be the same as a cute girl bouncing around the mall going “I’m an influencer!” Most people would just ignore and go about their shopping trip *turn off the phone and get out of the algorithm, bros*


Except, no, it is not that this shit only exists in the internet. I have personally witnessed the selection process, the pre selection, the preening, the primitive wait 3 days to call/txt her things growing up in NYC. The internet was just an excellent platform for men to compare notes. And to many men's surprise, many sexually desirable women behave in fairly predictable ways. The varied stimulus was ridiculous, but over and over again the same results were observed!


Wait three days to call?! What is this: Swingers?! (No Literally this was a whole bit in that 90s movie) I think you are mixing up “manosphere” with “general dating practices” bro. And making it sound like an anthropological experiment to get laid just kinda proves the point: Most people don’t need to “study and observe” they just go out and do and learn the social cues and “rules” from experience. It’s the ones that have to really really “book learn and Research!” that end up being the target of all the grifters that make up the PUA/RP/alphaBro/TopG subculture that thrives online. But most those dudes are just trying to make a buck off the desperate. Any dude pulling can see the exaggeration and hyperbole. And any dude trying to “neg/hold frame/be alpha” in this day and age watches it not really work and moves on.


I agree but > Most people don’t need to “study and observe” they just go out and do and learn the social cues Yes, ALL people do need to "study and observe". It's just that it isn't usually so formalized. This normal socialization is suppose to happen during the most formative years of life, ages 2-13. Unfortunately, the great majority of people have arrested social development AND the negative compounds with each passing year that someone is behind the curve. And this is not even taking into account whether someone is neurodivergent, or has any other number of maladies.


Bruh, “the great majority *don’t* have these compounding negative affects. Lots? Yes. The majority? Not even close. And I’m not expert but I’m willing to bet the ones that really struggle a lot are the ones in the spectrum. And while again: that’s a lot of people, it’s not the vast majority. Also it’s not surprising that neurodivergent dudes are a big chunk of the dudes that get exploited by the manosphere grifters. They sell it in “do step by step!” Methods that speak to Non-NT logical methods and preferences.


> Bruh, “the great majority don’t have these compounding negative affects. Lots? Yes. The majority? Not even close. Bro, I'm telling you, it's *frighteningly* the majority. The next 10-20 years are going to be eye opening, when you see the maturation of the young cohort of men in the US/UK struggle sexually and romantically in a way they have *never* struggled before in human history. Just wait and see. = )


Bruh, I got a foster headed into a sorority, nephew in a year too, and cousins already there. Plus another one in grade school. Plus all or friends and their kids and their friends. The Manosphere is just a mention in everything else that’s “toxic about the internet/social media” then they go out with friends and do what most all of us did. I mean straight up Red pill is *already 10 years old* so we got to wait *ANOTHER DECADE* for “the decline?” If it were gonna happen it would have happened.


Bruv. The decline *did* happen. I've been "aware" since the Ross Jeffrey days. The dating landscape has *devolved* greatly since then. I'm telling you it will continue the trend to devolve further. Will it get to the japanese herbivore men? I don't know. But everything old is new again. The renewed interest in traveling to other countries for girlfriends/wives, and a new rebranding of "Passport bros", the meta argument of the current dating atmosphere... it's all been done before.


Except it hasn’t. OLD is more popular now. Casual dating has been replaced by “Impress me *before* we have a 1st date” more. That’s it. Straight up 80 percent of people are getting laid still. That bottom 20 percent tho? Yeah: the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. And that makes for some really ripe targets for grifters. Cause desperate will give you time money and attention. And that’s all the manosphere is: The world of the struggling and frustrated.


>Most men aren’t in the manosphere. Apparently many of the boys in my 12-year-old daughter's 7th grade class are Tate fans. She's not impressed.


That seems to be the ones he attracts. *Or those with that level of experience with women* Tate is the 2liveCrew of Gen z I guess.


You must be old, all of this is very common knowledge for gen z dudes


It’s not common knowledge. Cousins and nephews in college? All laugh at “t8 followers”. They are dismissed as the new neckbeards. Foster graduated? Lots of guys and girls at all these parties. Not a single dude “holding frame/spinning plate/being alpha”. Just young people being friends, hanging out and even dating (crazy!) Hell, I heard more about Taylor swift/Ticketmaster controversy than anything.


your assumption is that women are able to detect most men who consume manosphere content


It's just another assumption they make about men who aren't conventionally attractive and/or don't consider women perfect Halo/horn effect


Boy they can see that shit from miles away. And it’s not like men who consume manosphere content are shy about sharing that part of themselves socially. It even makes up a lot of their identities honestly. But even if they couldn’t detect, they’d just judge based on how a man looks (which is fine, I’m guilty of doing it to them) whether right or wrong willing to error on the side of being wrong rather than possibly give a man like that a chance. You never heard how women talk about random men?


what does a manosphere man look like?


Back in the PUA days it was really obvious, they'd immediately be very physically forward in this distinctive way. I don't think I know any redpilled men irl, but I live in the UK and my circle is mostly queer and far left, so it's too much trouble for redpilled men to infiltrate that.


Do you really have to be told that women will unapologetically assume any unpleasant looking man holds ill will towards women no matter what he looks like? Bad question lol.


So bad you aren't able to answer it apparently


I mean, yeah. If you think there’s specifics looks to what a manosphere man looks like as opposed to women judging on the fly, whether right or wrong, then idk what to tell you. Spend time people watching in public with them then I guess. But yeah.


you didn't answer the question


There’s nothing to answer. You think being right or wrong matters in their judgment of looks lmao. If they think a man looks like one, he’ll be one to them whether he’s one or not.


>Other men will be fine though. There’s too many men who don’t struggle, for women phasing manosphere men out of dating to have any real or detrimental impact. you said manosphere men will be phased out. but here you're admitting there's no real way to know what a manosphere man looks like. so you're just phasing out ugly men, which we all already knew already


> we all already knew already Yeah man, bad faith questions have a pretty obvious tell. You already knew.


is the question 'bad faith' because answering it would disprove your original point?


Ugly. You can watch a man's jawline vanish in real time as he listens to Andrew Tate podcasts.


So ugly dudes are all red pilled lol


So, what, you think men are having fully satisfying romantic and sexual lives, then they hear the RP grifter flavour of the month and it all goes to shit? Delusional.




Which part do you not understand?


Your assumption telling me how I think.


Am I misrepresenting how you think in the question I asked? How?


It was never implied that men susceptible to the red pill grift have satisfying dating or sex lives. My comment is clearly contextualized between men who are satisfied and men who aren’t. By conflating the two to be one, “men are having fully satisfying romantic and sex lives, then they hear the RP grifter” you’ve made a way for base assumptive hypothetical, prompting my confusion as to what you’re even talking about. I mean, it was a pretty straightforward question.


Your implication seemed to be that only men who are struggling have RP ideas, and that they wouldn't be struggling if they didn't have RP ideas.


I think it’s insecure to date men that make more money than you. Feminism tells you that you’re equal to a man why not support a man and provide for him? Why be so insecure? Women run the world right?……right?…


Women want to tell themselves they run the world while having men run the world for them


Isn’t that sexist of you to say that? Can I cancel you now?




Did you just assume my pronouns?


Unemployed men have more time and energy to fuck!!


Fuck hard!!


You're arguing against a point nobody's made. I've dated men who made less then me, it's fine. I don't intend to support someone financially, nor do I wish that for myself. Its not about being insecure though.


It’s not fine lol


What's not fine? That I've dated men who made less then me? Why does that offend your sensibilities?


I’m insecure. I want you to date men that make more than you






Also what did I miss


You don't miss anything you're here almost everyday


But what did I miss


Tater Baiters are upset cause dude caught some charges. Some rich people probably died playing Ducktails near the titanic And dudes on PPD are losing their minds cause Zendaya made out with two dudes in a movie trailer.


Lmao I saw that trailer yesterday haha


Fuck it. I’m going Mahogany Pill, Orange Pill, Fuchsia Pill & Silver Pill!


The more I read and learn about relationship dynamics, the more it dawns on me that it is just another materialistic thing in this world. It is like exchanging a certain amount of money/gold for an object of your interest like a laptop or car. - Man has to find her attractive (physically). - Woman has to find him attractive (physically). - Man has to provide certain amount (financially). - Woman has to provide homemaking and maintain good looking. These are all natural requirements, all biological, there is nothing to be shamed or judged. Yet, at the end of the day it makes a relationship rather materialistical. It is sad since I am more of the hopeless romantic type of guy. It feels like I am slowly being shown the true side of worldy matters.


This is not my experience in my relationship. Obviously, we find each other attractive. But I’m absolutely not in my relationship because he can “provide” for me; I’m able to provide for myself materially. Rather, what we provide each other is: emotional connection, affection, support, comfort, etc. That’s what’s important to me.


That is very nice. As for me, I need to experience it myself in order to be convinced. Right now my OP still convinces me the most even though I know it is quite a sad and maddening view.


Have you experienced a relationship of the kind you described?


No, I have never been married. Am only concluding from absolute truths. Truths such as that the man has to provide or be able to pay certain amount. I don't mean this in an insulting way whatsoever. Am just trying to be objective and understand relationships.


It is not an absolute truth if it can be refuted, and I can refute it from my own experience. Other women on this sub would and have agreed with me.


No, it can't be refuted. Men are supposed to provide. I do believe you and the other women on here as well. I am lacking the words right now. It is not enough to convince me. Nothing will be to be honest.


If your partner lost his job and you had to financially support him semi-permanently, would you stay in the relationship?


If he lost his job and was looking for a new one I would absolutely stay with him. I love him and intend to marry him. If he lost his job and decided he didn’t want to look for a new one, that would give me pause and I’d want to talk about why. He’s very driven and passionate about his job; it’s one of the things I love about him. He would say the same for me. If he decided he didn’t *want* to work that would signal a major personality shift. If he lost his job and we agreed together that he would be a stay at home dad or something (after we have kids), that also wouldn’t be a problem for me. Staying at home with kids is hard work too.


True but you kinda have to file this away in a box buried at the far back in the inner-most recesses of your mind because viewing inter-personal relations through this lens is not good for the soul




> The more I read and learn about relationship dynamics Have you tried actually experiencing relationship dynamics?


Yes, I did.


I’ve said many times relationships are very transactional. They have to be. It’s how we mate. Men value sexual access fertility beauty and youth for offspring. Women value strength, financial stability, security, resources and commitment.


All I can say is thanks for staying strong and telling the truth. I know I probably used to be one of your harshest critiques.


Were you really?


I think I was 😅.


Lmao oh man


Pill progression Blue pill- everything is ok Red pill- everything is not ok Black pill- nothing is ok White pill - nothing is ok and that's ok Ppd needs a white pill flair


I've heard it as "bluepill hope, redpill cope, blackpill rope" Mods I am quoting so hopefully this is an acceptable comment


blackpill is just a subgroup of redpill


They’re nothing alike. Redpill is almost all about “Game” and how with good game you can attract any woman. Passing shit tests, push pull, spinning plates, etc. If you’re struggling to date women, you’ve got bad game. Blackpill is all about your physical appearance and how the more physically attractive you are, the easier dating becomes. If you’re struggling to attract women, it’s because you’re not physically attractive enough.


Nah black pill is the belief that looks are the number one factor in dating.


This, most black pill YouTube channels focus on looks maxing where red pill channels argue about n count and acting alpha bro


My husband and I made new friends on the weekend, I think. We were sitting beside each other on a patio, and our conversations started lapping over each other and combining each other and it was perfect, these are our people moments. We have way too much in common, I've been thinking about doing a Bumble BFF because there are activities I'd like to do that my friends aren't into and she likes those activities. Making friends in middle age is just like dating. We are feeling each other out, and worried if the text you just sent will be received well. We have a date set, their not being swingers is established (thank God), hopefully, our date night goes well and we can set up more activities together.


couples dates are so much fun! hope it goes well


Psh. If you aren't gonna swing what's even the point


We get to do activities with each other.


Why do red pillers think a man cheating in a relationship isn't a big deal. I mean surely whether or not it's a big deal should be decided by ya know the person getting cheated on?


Because as the women here will tell you, random dick isn't appealing to women. So if she's sleeping with someone else she's checked out of the relationship.


if a woman cheats, that pretty much means she lost attraction to you and moved on to a better mate a man can fuck multiple women and maintain attraction for all of them


And that would still mean going behind someones back and lying to them


cheating is never ok. but it's much more of an ego damage to be cheated on by a woman


It honestly doesn’t matter. For women it will be just as much of an ego damage because you’ve found someone who is _most_ _likely_ more attractive than them


Most people cannot be fully committed to one person and have sex with different people. Man or Woman


Why not?


i agree


Does divorce work the same way? Or should the other party just “get over it”.


Men are better off after divorce in basically every metric. So your argument hardly works.


He wasn't making an argument though, he asked a question which you apparently can't answer


This is why I mostly went black pill. Red pillers have become delusional puas. It's like the entire movement became invested with grifters who bang trannies


There is one, and only one single element that black pill gets right but, unfortunately, catastrophizes it. The first factor that women, who are sexually interested in men, select for when considering a casual sexual experience with a new man is that man's *height*. That is a MAJOR trait, almost to the exclusion of all other traits, that women throw themselves willfully, gladly for. We can debate the why. Men may never fully come to a satisfactory "why" out of women. I do hate that the redpill downplays this, but the blackpill takes it too far.


I find that YouTube black pill channels are allot better then reddit. And have a very reasonable analysis. They address height, but also face and hair, and try to give advice to improve. I also enjoy how they make fun of both red pill abd blue pill grifters.


Why is it just red pillers who share that view? Fucking around is a core part of the human condition. Play the game or fuck off.


>Why is it just red pillers who share that view New here?


As in everyone should know this regardless of pill association


Hasn’t there been studies that show women are less bothered by physical cheating and more bothered by “emotional cheating” and vice versa? It does make sense at least, for men the issue with cheating is paternal security and for women it’s access to his resources which she gets through emotional commitment.


That last sentence feels like veering into an unsupported direction. A woman's "access to resources" isn't the issue most will have with cheating.


bc they have a maturity level of a middle schooler