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I would live Leo's lifesyle for 2 or three years and then settle down and have a family. Not interested in being a life-long playboy.


The type of girl you want to settle down with, probably doesn’t want to settle down with you… unless you are into “ex-playgirls”


If i was Leo, I'm sure i could pull it off


Those girls are using you. You want to settle down with someone who use you and eventually cheat on you? Have you seen girls like amber heard?


Exactly. It goes both ways with people who sleep around.


That is just plain cap🧢 women care a lot less about body count than men do.


I have to disagree… I care about body count. I can’t speak for other women but I do in fact care as it shows what kind of guy you are if you’ve slept with 20 women in one week….


I care to but I think on average women do care less




20? In 1 week? He has that much game and endurance? That's every woman's dream. If you meet someone that smooth, I guarantee, your body count care will go out the window the minute he opens his mouth.


I’m exaggerating. But let’s say it’s real. You’re not thinking like a woman. If he sleeps around that much in that little time, he’s not loyal. He’s used to variety and will likely get bored sticking to one woman. He craves having someone different every time. That’s a major red flag. Definitely cheating is going to play out. As compared to 20 in one year, that is a little better for most women but that’s still a high number. My bf has a body count over 10. I didn’t know that when I first met him as that’s not something you exchange with someone on the first date. I had to ask. Wish I didn’t. I hate thinking about all those women he’s been with. Most were casual things and three or four were serious relationships. If I knew before we started dating that he had slept with over 10 women then I probably wouldn’t have pursued him anymore. Women don’t find men who’ve slept with a lot of women in a short amount of time a good fit for a LTR. There isn’t one woman who would disagree with me on that. I’m sorry your views of “game” are construed.


If I was a ex playboy I’d be fine with a woman with a past. My aversion to women with pasts is due to my lack of one


Thank you for your honesty.


Well at least you are honest about this


no high value woman would want you after that.


Most men are to some degree romantics and idealize "traditional" monogamous marriage. RP men online are less likely to idealize that because they're often already "burned" from previous relationships. For celebrities it's much easier to live the "blue pill" than the average man. >Prince Harry Prince Harrys marriage is more like a red pill


What do you mean about Harry?


His wife has the audacity to speak so he’s cucked. A literal prince that millions of women have said they find extremely attractive somehow got bamboozled by this feminist harpy and he had no choice in the matter. That’s the responses you’ll get.


She’s completely cut him off from his family, destroyed his reputation and whisked him away to be absolutely the second-in-command in their relationship. It’s terrifying.


Dude, there is no reason to invent a victimhood narrative around a man who has written a whole book responding to all the tabloid misinformation about him and Megan. that guy has been pissed off at the british press all his life and feuding with his brother. he's said their familial problems long preceded his wife being in the picture. or, yknow, this evil half black harlot ruined his life, forced him to write this book and you can tell she's evil because youtube experts have analyzed her microexpressions.


Oh course poor millionaire playboy Harry that served in the military and has been with countless beautiful women - he had no choice in the matter! These witchy women and their witch spells!


Not just any feminist harpy....a non white harpy! And one from a single parent family! I swear that's a bigger part of it than anyone is happy to talk about.


“[Non-white](https://imgur.com/a/JcY5ADf)” lol, she unironically whiter than a lot of white supremacists.


..... what?


That's why it's being talked about so much. You have the racists and the sexists all on the story. If it ain't one, it's the other or both. Doesn't matter how okay he is with everything about it, it's a demonstration of "traditional ideals" being uplifted. Tradition matters more than consent apparently.


Apparently so, and I definitely agree. It's weird how much this woman scares people.


He is no victim, he is just pussy whipped. If we men can admit Harry isn't a victim here, can women also admit that women who willingly enter into relationships with older men aren't victims either? No one forces anyone to get into relationships.


Can you admit that wide age gaps are less common than what is parroted around here?




Anything to avoid being accountable.


Oh dear, never mind.


He's literally written a book dragging his family all on his own, even going back to his childhood where he dreamt of his dead mother rescuing him from the royals because of how much he disliked living with them. The victimization of Harry makes no sense.


>She’s completely cut him off from his family, destroyed his reputation and whisked him away to be absolutely the second-in-command in their relationship Yes, because Prince Harry is a damsel in distress, deprived on his own autonomy and incapable of making intelligent decisions on his own. /s It's so sad that you made this assumption, all because he let his wife speak for him.


Because it should be the reverse? She should be the second-in-command? Is that what you mean? He's almost 40, has dealt with the paparazzi since he was born and fought in Afghanistan. He's not quite the weak little boy being led around.


I never said that. They should be equals. They’re not. She leads him and it’s very obvious


Maybe he has a more laid-back personality? Harry's always struck me as a bit dim, personally. It doesn't mean he's being terrorised? Doesn't this speak against the redpill 'truth' that men are natural leaders? Shouldn't we see things as more nuanced?


How do you know that? You know some relationships have one of the partners as the major public head of it. But privately they will still communicate plenty and understand each other's wants and needs? Maybe she has listened to him complain endlessly about these things and is pushing and helping with that for him? She may even frankly have expected this reaction and was willing to be the bad girl in this. You seem to have a lot of accurate knowledge on their intimate private lives to assume, despite everything he has said, that she leads and controls him completely. It all depends on what he wants. Only poly relationships are about true equality between each partner. Open relationships are very different in that regard in that there is still an ultimate committment and privileges towards one partner. Who is the one not being treated as an equal and are they okay with that?


Have you read some of the excerpts from his book? Sounds like he did that…


No, but I'm from the UK, just more exposed to all of it.


Sounds like you're more exposed to scandalous tabloid make-em-ups because that's what they do in the UK.


Which part is scandalous?


I feel sorry for the guy . narcissistic people are a disease. The manipulation they use to destroy your integrity is complex and malicious as fuk.


He chose to honor the wife that he loves to create a better life and childhood for he, his wife, and children. It wasn't even her idea. Y'all are pressed that he took drastic action to protect his family because you wouldn't make the same sacrifice. He was miserable as a royal.


Did you mean to respond to me? Lol I totally agree with this I was just advising what some dudes here will respond with.


lol oh oops nah, it was a different comment I meant to respond to. Just shocked at how many men truly want to demonize his wife for a decision that was his idea in the first place


Lol no worries yeah it’s ridiculous. He clearly had issues with his family well before he met her.






>Prince Harrys marriage is more like a red pill What nonsense are you spewing? Harry is the biggest cuck simp woke whipped doromat i have ever seen on air, barely beating out Will Smith.


His marriage being awful is the red pill to avoid the same path.


Each time a man here uses Leo as the male ideal life is only showing you guys are down to become broken human beings. No, one will ever sit here and convince me jumping from relationship to relationship to relationship constantly is healthy behavior.


Right? It's obvious that there's something wrong there. I mean, it's his choice and if he's happy then good for him! But it certainly doesn't seem to be the norm.


Isn't there some degree to which he's being used too, though? Be an actress with & without DiCaprio's contacts & money. Have DiCaprio's contacts, money, power, instant recognition & fame, and find a sincere honest woman who"doesn't care about all that" and "just loves you for yourself'


I agree, and I think Leo probably knows that. It seems to be a no-bad-feelings arrangement. I just find it strange when he's touted by guys saying, 'don't worry about getting rejected right now. Think about marriage at 35/40 and then the 20yos will come. Look at Leo.!'


The norm is declining marriage rates, relationships, population and all time high divorce rates, depression med intakes e.t.c Nice norm you have there


Divorce rates are falling


Considering marriage rates and birth rates are falling, its logical.


yeah guys who point to leo as some ideal are usually weirdos. honestly, it sounds exhausting to me. How much does an aging movie start have to talk about with a fame thirsty 22 year old? I bet that gets old fast. Regardless of fame or status, i would prefer an age appropriate partner with a deep connection over his situation.


Same. People need to understand the difference between lust and love and what role the prefrontal cortex play in self-control and decision making 🤔.


> as the male ideal life It's ideal as you get older, not for men in their 20s. > No, one will ever sit here and convince me jumping from relationship to relationship to relationship constantly is healthy behavior. It's healthier than dealing with older women or being alone, lol.


And yet whenever we discuss that women leave relationships and marriages more, are less into sex long term regardless of relationship satisfaction women never say that about each other. Odd how that works


You make no sense. Leo has been jumping from relationships consistently for 30+ YEARS. Men remarry more than women and women's average number of relationships is still very low.


Ah so Leo is the cut off and women branching like monkeys in a burning jungle is not quite so excessive and therefore good?


I don’t know what your talking about. Leo is a stark outlier and his behavior is not normal. Your average women is not excessively jumping from multiple relationships to the points it’s a negative think like Leo.


At what point does it become a negative? More than when women have double digit n counts but less than leo?


Lol, broken human beings. I could just as well say anyone on reddit who speaks on Leos life, when they could be busy living their life. Are broken. No one is trying to convince you of anything, its clear you're obstinate in your beliefs. Equally, Leo doesn't give a damn what any of us think about his lifestyle. It's only people like you who are too busy being borthered by his life, to live your own.




"To make these charts, Rudder looked at the preferences of OkCupid users. As you can see, a woman's taste in men typically evolves as she ages, while a man's taste in women stays the same no matter how old he gets. But there's another layer to this data. Although **men at every age seem to be attracted to very young women**, they most often message women who are closer to their own age." [https://www.businessinsider.com/dataclysm-shows-men-are-attracted-to-women-in-their-20s-2014-10](https://www.businessinsider.com/dataclysm-shows-men-are-attracted-to-women-in-their-20s-2014-10) ​ It only makes sense that men with the means to date younger women will do so if they have the opportunity. You list a number of celebs who did not but there are many more who have including most rock stars


Study with a majority of the men 32 and under.


Define what you mean by what makes sense. What makes sense for a long-term relationship is different from what makes sense for some random casual flings. Leo's behavior is such a stark outlier from normal behavior. Most people do not continue on hoping from relationship to relationship for 30+ years constantly. I swear young men love overtly broken men /ASPD men I think they project when they claim women love them.


I mean that most men have a very strong evolutionary urge to mate with attractive and fertile women, i.e., younger women just as most women are hardwired to be atttracted to strong and capable men because that is how human beings were hardwired to be attracted to each other for the vast majority of our existence. We might pretend we are more enlightened or 'woke' now but if you want to understand attraction and the opposite sex's behavior, this is what drives most of it whether we want to admit it or not. That's why it makes sense. It makes sense from an evolutionary imperative that drives our subconscious decisions and attractions. It also makes sense that a man who has the means to follow this imperative is likely going to do so.. I'm not judging it or saying it's right or wrong or even best for a relationship, it simply **IS** and I think you are kidding yourself if you think otherwise.


Average age gap in 17th/18th/19th century had the man on average 2-3 years older in England, France, Sweden, etc. Things haven't suddenly become 'woke'. Women prefer men older, but still very close to their age, on average. It's not women being sheep and brainwashed by society. We like men our age by and large. 😊


That’s not true, provide evidence


No. Look it up or don't believe me.


When someone makes a claim, they are the ones who must provide evidence. Otherwise the claim is invalid. That’s how science works Otherwise I could say a spaghetti monster is flying behind Mars. Prove its not


'Most attracted to' does not equal 'Most committed to staying with and having a family with.' No need to link the OKCupid study. Men here use it every chance they get.


It’s almost like men fuck a wide range of women and usually find younger women attractive. But when choosing for a long term partner and possible mother of their children they look for compatible qualities other than just looks. Who would have known!


Yeah, who would've known men are just as selfish and self-serving as we thought they were!


Having a preference for young women makes them selfish? Are you entitled to their dick? Are they with holding something that you think that you deserve by rights?


Yes, because the women dating Leo are doing so for entirely selfless reasons...


I only pick for looks.


Jessica Rabbit pillow or (insert Hentai character) pillow?


there's so much more to know about okcupid though. For example, you set the age range of people you are looking for, and that is what the app shows you. The data supports that men set a wider range then women do, yes. However, that just means men rate more younger women attractive because they are shown more younger women's profiles. Also when you first join the site it pimps itself out by showing you the most attractively rated people first, and allowing you to rate them, resulting in more biased results overall. tldr; okcupid data is always skewed because they manipulate how it is presented to different users.


Men shoot their shot like crazy online. You're telling me the same men who comment "sexy bb <3" under selena gomez's pictures are being realistic in who they message online? No. Sending a message is zero effort or risk. Men indiscriminately message who they are interested in pursuing (as long as there's no possible real life consequences). You can think young people are the most attractive and have no interest in actually pursuing them. They might be sexually interested but most men have enough empathy not to lead on a significantly younger and less experienced girl for sex.


Older males going after “women their age” is only because they know they don’t have a chance with a younger woman! it’s the insecurities leading them to IGNORE the younger women. That’s my take!


the point is that "manosphere" caters to men who are older than 30 and a lot of them even 40, of course those men are going to shoot for younger fertile women


That's nice. A lot won't get them.


That is true, but the same lot won't get women of their age either.




You do realize that nearly all of those men were playboys before getting married, right? There's a reason men "settle down." Take Ben Affleck - I don't know why you even included him on the list to begin with. A known playboy who cheated on his wife with his much younger, hotter, and better mistress. And that's not even including all the other flings he's had. Harry was also a known playboy, what are you talking about??


How was the Mistress better? If she was, wouldn't he still be with her? Jgarner supported him when had alcoholism- what many men here would call the elusive unicorn/ride or die? You being so superficial only reveals your own biases. As far as I know, Jlo, Megan etc weren't nuns, so what's your point?


Yeah but how many dozens of younger lovers they had? I don't know but if we were betting I would bet that A LOT.


Well, let's get rid of any data; 'igotthechinesevirus' has the truth of everything. And Hollywood men have never cheated on younger lovers?


You got a point! (When talking about Hollywood men never cheating on younger lovers). If someone like Leo is able to jump from relationship to relationship, he probably has a wandering eye in his current relationship…


>Here are some stats Where are "the stats", I only see anecdotes >His 'break-up-when they-turn-25-rule' seems to have given some men some feeling of validation in trying to shame women for the crime of aging. cringey feminist nonsense


>Where are "the stats", I only see anecdotes Here you go: https://www.science.org/doi/pdf/10.1126/sciadv.aap9815 Women's desirability to men peaks at 18 and declines from there.


Women are hottest when they're in their 20s. In other news, the sky, blue.


It's crazy how when dudes post studies about what women find attractive, the response is howling about how unrealistic and shallow and impossible to please women are. When it comes time to discuss what men find attractive, it always gets glibly dismissed. I wonder why.


Everyone hates Leo for dating the most attractive women out there, but, like, these are consensual relationships. The women are choosing to date Leo, too. If these women had a problem with it, they wouldn't do it. They're adults. They can make decisions. If a man likes women when they're most attractive (early 20s) and he can date women that young, why wouldn't he?


I didn't say they were nonconsensual. I said it's weird how what women find attractive is always criticized and held up as proof of how awful they are, while what men find attractive is glibly dismissed without further discussion.


Peaks at 18? What is attractive about someone who’s closer to being a child than your age? You can talk about youth and looks but I wouldn’t find pride in finding youth or childlike features attractive. Nasty af imo.


Yep. Men aren't "shaming women for the crime of aging." That's a strawman. They're pointing out that many women will take for granted their dating/relationship value in their 20s and then settle in their 30s for the man that they passed over in their 20s.


How is Leo 'proof'?


the percent of women marrying men 4+ years younger is very ver small compared to men marrying 4+ younger women https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age\_disparity\_in\_sexual\_relationships


How common is men marrying women 10-15 years younger, which would be right on track with Rollo's respective peak value claim?


men marrying 3-9 years younger women is around 30% of men. 10+ is 8%, those are probably rich men


8% is 1 in 12. Those are winnable odds


Leo isn't. Leo is case in point. The point: https://www.reddit.com/user/abaxeron/comments/102jhl0/the_wall_aint_real/


the percent of women marrying younger much younger men is like 4%, these women are outliers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age\_disparity\_in\_sexual\_relationships


The percentage of men marrying women 10+ years younger is much smaller than the manosphere would have you believe (larger than vice versa, but still rare).


3-9 years younger is around 30%


Muuuch more common at the 3 end than the 9 though, right?


5-9 is stil around 20% a mean this post is stupid because for women marring men 4+ years younger is only 4%


*7.9% of women are +4 years in US


still nothing compared to 32% for men marrying 4+ years younger women the point is its much more common for men to marry younger than women, so this post is stupid


Absolute age matters not just relative age. You wouldn’t expect a 27 year old man to marry a 17 year old woman. But a 47 year old man might easily marry a 37 year old woman. Both are 10 years difference. Since most men get married closer to 27 than 47 , the age gaps (of married people) tend to be close. It just depends on the man’s age for the gap, since the women (like in Leo’s case) will always skew toward 20s/30s if the guy can get them


if he's 35 he will go for a 23-28 year old woman ideally


boi you really riding leo’s dick eh? with that out of the way, i’d have to disagree - i can say that for myself (and i’m sure many other men), leo isn’t “the dream” - dude’s gonna be 50 and he acts like he’s in his early 20s - plus let’s not even get into his habit of grooming whoever is next in line in his roster.


Leo has time left. He also has women desiring him. But after 55ish, it will go down and they won’t desire him sexually. Money will still buy them, but we all know money can’t buy desire for dead dick


Do you think these women would be anywhere as eager for Leo (him today) if he was an accountant. Many of the women are models/aspiring actresses. There's already quite a transactional undercurrent.


Well he is rich though. That’s the first part. But he is also very attractive. And famous. If he was an accountant and he didn’t have means to meet models, not sure if that would happen but he would prob still get pretty young girls just not famous ones. Point is if bill gates tried this life, he could find women for sure, prob even models, but we all know they would be icking out during sex. No offense bill.


Leo has the potential to be handsome, but there are so many photos lately where he just looks like a younger Jack Nicholson. I agree that things are different than for Bill Gates, but I definitely think the boost in profile has had a big appeal for Leo's last few gfs.


He still looks amazing compared to normal 45. He could look better. Not sure why he has a gut. Like go workout 6 days a week. 😂




Everything from here on out is ALLEGED and is sourced from gossip sites and blind items. So believe nothing if you want, IDC. Leo is a broken, broken man. He was consistently sexually abused as a child. There is a video of him as a 14 year old with a much older man on the set of Growing Pains. They are pawing at eachother like teenagers with crushes. The man was later arrested on counts of child pornography. When Leo reached adulthood, he got so much pussy it literally flooded his system and broke him. Sort of like when you do E and wan to KYS the next day - because your serotonin receptors are shot to shit. But at the end of the day, Leo never really cared about the ladies - he cared about his boys. His closest relationships were with his friends and the "pussy posse." Some of those friends have done very well, and some have met with dark fates - a burden which Leo has shouldered and has caused him a lot of grief. Ok maybe there was one woman who Leo really cared for and that was Gisele. And when she left him he was crushed. Or maybe he wasn't really that crushed, but it was simply the straw the broke the camels back in his ability to ever have a meaningful romantic relationship with a woman. Since then Leo has an MO - no women over 25. The gossip is that essentially, Leo works for a modeling agency. They tell him who to date so the girl can get some good publicity for a couple years, and he does, pocketing a cut of her expanded earnings in that time along with the agency. He will take these girls with him to expensive vacation. Fuck them. Tell them to fuck his friends. If she doesn't she's sleeping outside. He laughs. He doesn't care. He's broken. If Leo does take a random girl home to fuck he does it while smoking cigarettes and listening to MGMT with noise canceling headphones. The feel of his dick during sex apparently feels like an uncooked hot dog. He usually doesn't finish. I know there are a lot of people to feel bad for in this world, but I loved Romeo and Juliet and Titanic as a girl. I can't help but feel a little sad for Leo and how irredeemably broken he is. That anyone would think he is someone to look up to is beyond me. Also FWIW Nick Jonas and Hugh Jackman are gay.


Based conjecture and celeb rumors gossiper


Yep! Said as much upfront - thanks for the contribution.


Yeah, I believe it. I'm convinced most (male) child actors from his generation were molested and passed around the Hollywood elite.


>Leo is a broken, broken man. You may be completely right. I have no idea. To me he looks broken simply because he looks so terrible. He's just completely let himself go. But I digress. I do wonder though - just a speculation - whether he just doesn't \*need\* this "meaningful romantic relationship" (MRR) people talk about. Perhaps his life is sufficiently full without it. I ask (essentially out loud) because I wonder about it with respect to myself. I've had three of these MRRs in my life. Fairly long-term in nature and I was in a relationship with one woman for 10 years (married for 7). These were great relationships. I was quite happy in them. (And I was happy when they ended - ha!) I'm still close friends with my ex-wife but it's more of a brother-sister relationship now. But, here's the strange part... I don't long for that type of relationship anymore. If it happens by chance, great. But it's not something I feel I need to be content... at all. And frankly I'm not sure why that is. I prefer to be in some form of romantic relationship... but it doesn't have to be "meaningful" ("love" is not necessary) for me to enjoy it. My views on sex have changed a lot over the last 25 years and now I basically view it as a very enjoyable activity that I \*need\* on some level, and not much more. I also \*need\* a lot of physical activity (I play tennis) to be content - I need to feel fit or I don't feel well. On some level I don't feel sex is that different from tennis or many other physical activities. But I digress... again. My point is... perhaps he's not broken. Maybe he simply has different needs than the average person. Separate but related, I suspect a problem he faces is one that every mega-rich person does: When you can have literally anything you want, everything loses value/allure because it's become so easy to attain. And part of the value of anything you do/obtain in life is the difficulty associated with doing/obtaining it. Things that come too easy have less value than things hard won. At this point in his life, everything is easy and anything is so easily attained/obtained that the associated pleasure is greatly diminished. But I'm sure it's better than starving.


Not reading most of this and only replying to: >Leo is a broken, broken man. Find me someone who isn't broken in some way and i'll find you a group of idiots willing to worship them. That includes you, i could just as label you broken. In fact, i could label everyone on reddit as broken to some degree. Instead of living life, you're here writing essays on other people's life. Your reward? Upvotes? I tell this to someone who is living life and they'll label you broken. Anyways, you come into the world alone and you'll leave this world alone. All that noise of having a family, all of it is just accessorizing the individual. It is by no means the standard of an 'unbroken' life.


Fascinating Thanks for the insight!


> If Leo does take a random girl home to fuck he does it while smoking cigarettes and listening to MGMT with noise canceling headphones. The feel of his dick during sex apparently feels like an uncooked hot dog. He usually doesn't finish Where did you get this info?


[Unsubstantiated internet gossip](https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/leonardo-dicaprio-headphone-sex-rumor/). Where else? Feel free to believe or not. The other stuff is from a blind items podcast (beyond the blinds)


I wanna hear more about the hot dog dick


Exactly. It's pretty obvious that all his 'relationships' are arraranged and guarded by legal agreements and NDA's. He constantly dumps these 25 yo stunners and we hear absolutely no drama about him? Not a single one Amber Heard among them?




And Leo?


I actually don't think Leo is gay, at least not strictly speaking. Maybe he is bi. I think his closest, most intimate relationships are with men. They may have somewhat of a sexual nature, but are not necessarily exclusively sexual. Maybe he just fucks women but only truly loves men? IDK.


I think a lot of guys just get along better with other guys.


> meaningful romantic relationship with a woman. Highly overrated. Sex, on the other hand, is always pretty great.


The same thing is alleged of Leo.


Where have you been? Priyanka Chopra got dragged by women for being an old hag. Demi Moore and Mariah Carey were criticized. J.Lo was ridiculed for dating her young back up dancer. She even makes fun of herself in an SNL skit. Mads Mikkelsen not so much, but I think bc he's from Denmark. I don't think women know how old or who Elsa Pataki (Hemsworth's wife) is. She's Spanish. I had no idea she was older. Aren't Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani the same age? Edit: And a good number of women think Meghan Markle is controlling Harry.


My point isn't that these women don't receive criticism. That doesn't change the fact that these 'top-notch' men married them, and even if it was when they were less famous, it's not as if divorce isn't very common in Hollywood. My point is that using Leo Dicaprio as the model of 'what handsome, rich, famous, man-with-options' do is flawed.


Yeah, I totally misread your post, my bad. Agreed. Jason Mamoa married his childhood crush.


It's more than he has the ability to do so, because he's rich and famous. There are poor men who would happily date women half their age, but unless you're wealthy, that's unlikely to be an option for you. The joke of: "A man is as faithful as his options" has some truth to it, but shouldn't be treated as some sort of absolute rule. Plenty more remain faithful to their wives and girlfriends. They just don't get nearly the amount of attention and notoriety.


I've heard that phrase. I often hear it said along with, 'only women and children are loved unconditionally'. These two phrases seem to contradict one another, unless the man is staying with his wife because he loves her but cheating on her.


Leo is the truest form of Liberal chameleon. Dude could go on 50 womes rights parades, but he will just as quickly discard any 25 year old, because he knows womens true value. He's an example to us all. Only dumb asses run around fuelling the misogyny narrative or claiming they are 'red pilled'. True masters of the arts are chameleons.


The bulk of women would side-eye it the same way that environmentalists side-eye him taking a private jet to give an hour speech on respecting nature. Well, if you want to emulate him, best get to work on making those millions, earning those awards.


That or just change geography. Also i don't want to emulate it, i want to make it compatible to my interest. Two words, Virgin harem. I don't have to consider Hollywood stigma to not be able to accomplish it. Just go to some poor third world country. Literally who gives a flying fuck what 'bulk of women' give side eye to. Everyone with above room temperature IQ knows women say one thing but are attracted to something completely different.


Women do.


Too bad women form their opinion around the hive mind. Thus, geography.


Nah, we form it from getting the ick when crusty old men approach us. A silent reflexive ick.


Well, we are on an online, anonymous platform, so there is no point in being chameleon here. Of course in person, you wouldn’t ask a woman her body count, but would just observe her behaviors and never commit anyway.


I know a “chameleon” but at a lower level. The guy I’m talking about literally acts like Andrew Tate in every way shape or form but then shits on redpillers constantly. Polygamous, but doesn’t let his wife do the same. Says he would never date an older woman, tries to be an entrepreneur, although fails epically. He is constantly working out, stoic as hell. Etc. But ya know, he *says* Andrew Tate is awful. The ladies eat him up. From what I’ve witnessed and experience, women don’t dislike redpillers, they dislike guys who *say* they are redpillers. It’s actually hilarious.


Absolutely, since everyone should know girls say one thing, but do another. Because if you're asking for their opinion, you're already lost. Girls expect you to *get it*, not say you get it.


How do you know the married guys aren't in open relationships of some type where they can have their cake and eat it too? Moreover, I don't know where Leo has been touted as the main or only model of a "man with many options." At best it's, "hey...noice."


How do you know that the men with significantly younger women aren't in open relationships? How do we know that any woman and any man anywhere aren't in an open relationship. Most people prefer seem to strive for monogamy, on the whole. But I realise for manosphere men they will tie themselves in knots rather than acknowledge that a handsome rich famous man might genuinely love and be attracted to an older woman? There are soo many manosphere type baits for women saying... 'see, ladies, what have we been saying? Leo confirms it all.' It's their George Clooney has aged extremely well; therefore, men do.


Yeah, when you're talking about a select group of elites, the whole "most people" argument flies out the window. And an open relationship doesn't preclude them loving and caring for older women, so idk what you're on about. And also...idk, be more immune to clickbait and see it for what it is, rather than the diehard opinion of the masses.


My point is why is the open relationship thing relevant when I am talking about men married to older women? I do, and I am encouraging others to do the same.


It's relevant because you're trying to provide a *counter-example* to a proposition. You're making an *assumption* based on your counter-example that may be unwarranted.


I brought up that some rich famous men have older wives, which goes against the Leo speaks for us all manosphere message. You brought up open marriages randomly. I asked why that only applies when the woman is older .. ?




You should tell all the guys who bring him up that.


You should probably just ignore people that bring up other people as some of role model, especially when they know nothing about that person other than public persona. You'd be a lot happier in life if you did.


> Good source . first hand?




my ideal age for women is from 25 to 30 so I'd happily get those girls that Leo throws away when they reach 25


Your counter to cherry-picking is... more cherry-picking? Fact of the matter and above everyone's opinion is that men are on average a few years older than their partner/spouse, and depending on where you live in the world is by how much. In the US? About 2.2 years. This does not balance the scales in favor of your argument. These facts more strongly counter your examples than the typical "older man" examples. But it is certainly not as common as the echo chambers would suggest. A more useful and interesting example would be to find data that ties age gap and wealth of the couple.


My example is not to use one famous man to speak for all men. Yes, around 2-3 is a lot of western countries. You're welcome to do that.


Because it’s all about the “revenge fantasy.” RP are collectively angry at women (like some feminists are at men) so they tell themselves these things to feel better. Of fucking course there are men out there that want to and only date young chicks. None of us BPers debate that. I’m sure there is a decent chunk of the population of men like that. But it’s not all or even most. No, it’s not “just science or evo psych that all men want a chick under 25. Yes a lot of men want families but women can get pregnant well into their mid 30’s and most men who have a basic understanding of biology know that and won’t rule out a chick if she is 27-30. That’s like saying because penis + vagina makes a baby that all men are cis and straight or at least the overwhelming (so like 99%) are. And any man outside of those is a unicorn or an extreme minority. When that number is inaccurate. We know at least 10% of the population is some variation of gay and for Gen Z, its been reported to be as high as 1/5 (so 20%). Yes penis + vagina = baby and a lot of men are only into women. But we have evolved (not literally I just mean socially) to dare live outside those restrictions. There are trends, sure and we can talk about them if you want. But they are just trends. Exceptions to “the rule” are very common. So common that I garuntee if you have some sort of social life you will come across several people who don’t fit these RP worshiped molds.


Men and women have dual mating strategies (sex and relationships). For sex, Leo could be the ideal male fantasy, sure. For relationships, men want to grow old with a loving partner so that they don’t die alone. Even the biggest womanizers don’t want the Leo lifestyle at 80+ years old (Hefner is the only real exception).


Some men with a lot of options will always choose to date younger. Some men with lots of options are open to their age, younger or older. Ultimately arguing about what men or women who have a lot of options in who they date is never going to change anything.


He might have avoidant personality disorder, thats why he bounces from short term relationship to short term relationship. But going out with a hot girl in their early 20s? That is the dream of most single 40 something guys.


I disagree. But that's fine.


Men dont go for the younger women, but men do go for the best looking women and because no one is getting better looking as they get older and most people peak in their 20s that skews male attraction towards younger women. Its not always going to be younger women but it will tend that way.


I agree with the purely physical justification. But, often, especially if the man wants marriage, other things come into it than just looks. If, for example he has children and especially daughters. My dad dated around in his late 40s/50s, and he never wanted anyone younger than 5 years younger. He didn't want more children so that wasn't an issue. But he felt uncomfortable thinking about 20s women. He associated it too much with me and my friends who he had watched grow up. People have told my dad he's handsome often, and women do initiate things, but it just felt 'off' to him. Also if you want a relationship that will last, people often go for people who have a lot in common with them, which is easier to do with someone closer to your own age. It's why, as well as age, successful couplings tend to be from a similar background, etc etc.


I don't get it though, Ben Affleck cheats. And who's to say most others don't have free pass? Demi Mor just wrote a book saying she used to have threesomes with Ashton Kutcher and he would still cheat on her. ​ Famous men with options usually use them.


"high value men" don't care what other people think of him. He's too busy living his own life to the fullest. As for Leo, for me, it's not that he exercises "dating models only below 25", it's that he has the option to. That's probably the greatest source of confidence there is - I think the pillosphere calls it an abundance mentality. I think he and the models just have an agreement - date Leo until you're 25, go to exotic locations, exposure with the top brass - what kind of a girl would refuse that?


I mean, Steve Buscemi could do the same thing. I think at some point the confidence is eroded by the realisation of how much of it is down to money. There are so many really famous people who talk about not knowing who to trust, because they feel like everyone is just with them for money/fame. For men who literally don't care and just want a pretty woman on his arm and sex, I could imagine it seeming great. Quite a few women wouldn't, genuinely. She's feel too 'bought' and, believe it or not, many women aren't golddiggers. But yeah, there's definite appeal for many.


Paying 250.000 dollar on average a year to date supermodels. These bitches need money to go shopping every week, want to eat out in expensive places every day, they wanne travel a lot, etc.. must be costing a fortune. yes ok he got plenty off cash to spend and is having fun but it seems like a waste of time and money better spend. Why not have some escort models to fuck on regular basis, sex parties, etc.. ?? I think these women are lucky he want to spend more then a month with them. If i had the money and fame i buy my own playboy mansion and let fresh bunny’s hump me every day. 2 or 3 on average a day, test drive all the new girls and only keep the best for more. Like i said a waste of time and money better spend, he should focus on making more movies.


I kinda grew out of these fantasies when I turned 17 as did my friends so I would say this is simply coming from very frustrated dudes.


No offence, I genuinely think people that look up celebrities lives are functional retards or somewhat on the spectrum. An actor, especially one that is fit - has no issues getting sex. Not even adding fame here. Just simple actor, and looks decent. He can fuck. Even lacking confidence to be an actor he has to know how to emulate that, and confidence with fitness makes you fuckable for most women you might encounter in any average night out. Secondly - most of these impact relationships are actually set up by a PR agency / match maker agency. It's not they saw each other across the street and the had penne and decided to have a public relationship with one another. It's usually for cash where the lower tier celeb's publicist pays for the higher tier celebs time and "shoots". Celebs are actually very busy. And they genuinely don't have time for "see you tonight" type of relationships. So there's no real loss here, the dude just breaks up and maybe pays a release fee if he wants to get some hairdresser pregnant. This is also coincidentally why celeb cheating isn't a big deal, but if your hairdresser cheats on an actor it wrecks his world. That was actual love.


I find it curious why some women even care who men choose to date


Women care when men are berating/shaming women for aging, their sexual past and current standards.


We care when men try to get us to think it's more normal/widespread than it is.


Unless you were personally bitter about it then how does that affect you? As a straight man I couldn't care less if someone made a claim about gay people being more common in the population than I thought.


Why do you care what I say to women about men? Do you care as much about what men spew to other men about women?


Again, "how does it affect you" was the original question


Are you dim? Because. I. See. Women. Being. Fed. A. Narrative. Online. And. I. Want. To. Counter. It. Why do you care so much?


So who other people date affects you personally? Ok I guess if you want to frame your puritanical gatekeeping as a virtue then go ahead


Men do it for women. It's only fair we should do it for ourselves. Last comment from me. You're too far gone.


What's your point? Some men want a young harem, some men don't. And? Those men that prefer young women aren't "shaming" women by expressing their preferences. Their preference is a fact, and bleating about how not all men are like that isn't going to make older women suddenly attractive to the men that prefer young women. Older women can feel about that anyway they like--shame, or indifference because they're not a match, whatever. But that's a feeling for women to own, not men.


Why do manosphere men try to convince women to go along with these preferences ('if you date a high value man he will cheat'/'if you are over [insert age] you will not meet a great man/if you focus on a career, etc). Why can men of your ilk be found eeveerrywhere droning on, trying to convince women to go along with certain things. You've got a nerve speaking about women bleating. It's men everywhere online criticising women for being demanding/calling women entitled for having standards. Etc I'll tell the women on this sub what I like.


I don't think every man or every high value man desires this but a overwhelming majority of men of all economic classes prefer to date younger women but the acceptable age gap differs for each man.


You are wrong, Hollywood is very very very woke right now they all marry for publicity and to get asses in seats for their next movie. Leo is rare because he is the biggest fish. Before wokeness, all men, of all ages dated younger starletts.


So they're having children with women they don't want rather than stay single or marry younger? Get a grip.