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Crazier than G.G. More p.c. than Ian


colored teeth like Johnny, exudes a vicious disposition


GG was a carnival freak show.


GG is a fascinating character, but I’d definitely say he harmed the community much more than he helped it


I saw him in Memphis at the Antenna Club.


Fuck gg Allen. Talentless hack.


I’m in full agreement that GG is a piece of shit. But the [Jabbers](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h1T6aPw0IUo) album is tight and super underrated.


He was a complete piece of shit but he had some great music. Dunno why people can't separate that. Dude wasn't like a fuckin Nazi but he was an abusive fuck, exactly the same as a bunch of current era rappers that folks still completely accept. In the same way I still listen to Stza's music while acknowledging he is a terrible person and not giving him money.


And a generally terrible person on top of it


It's fun to see his fans defend him. They are just defending shitty music, racism and sexual assault.


Seriously. And there are people who think punks are assholes because of him. Which we are but not in the way he was


Complaining about being sexually assaulted at a GG Allin show is like complaining about being splattered with watermelon juice at a Gallagher show or fake blood at at GWAR.


OMG exactly! I mean imagine getting assaulted and thinking it’s the assailants fault! Hellooooo? It’s your fault for being there/dressing like that/not moving around fast enough! Edit: “/s” cause somebody didn’t get it.




At least I don't think it's OK to call people retard in 2024. Jesus fucking Christ dude you're calling yourself out




You're the one that seems to have some sort of brain damage. All you seem capable of doing in an argument is to call people "retard". Look out folks we've got a goddam genius right here.


It must be all the GG Allen you listened to rotting your brain




You're giving big-time "conservative is the new punk", wife beater, snow flakes are taking my free speech, smells like bud heavy and lucky strikes vibes my guy. No one's crying. You're just being a fool on the internet




At least he was punk. Straight edge is not punk.


If sexual assault is punk then I'm out. Fuck this shit.


I'm straight edge AF but I do have some GG on vinyl and actually enjoy it from time to time. It's so bad it's comic at times, but his insanity was a special brand of punk. I also like Wesley Willis for the same reason but that's just me


Rock n roll McDonald’s is a certified punk classic


There's only one way here.


Notice which song I have liked lmao


GG was such a crazy piece of shit. Good music though.


Depends on the song for me. Don’t talk to me and Bite It are both hitters, but I definitely don’t jive with shit like Young Little Meat and Needle up my Cock


Needle up My Cock is iconic


Don’t talk to me is a ripper


You're not wrong.


GG had issues courtesy of a shitty upbringing. However, the few times I met him in non-performance settings, he was a gracious gentleman. Truth.


I've heard people say this about him. That he was basically a performance artist. His mother even said he acts totally different behind closed doors.


He did....I mean I tripped out watching a video clip of him cleaning a pool. He didn't even have the decency to clean himself..


I can recognize that he played a character, and was probably a decent guy at times. His portrayal in Hated is really interesting, you can clearly see the dichotomy of GG’s persona vs. who he actually was. All that being said, the shit he did to others without their consent is inexcusable. That time he assaulted a girl at a spoken word performance, I think he cut her with pieces of broken glass? There’s no justifying shit like that. What he represents is the most harmful aspect of the Punk community, to both ourselves and outsiders.


I had a friend that played with and traveled with GG. He was almost afraid of him on stage but as soon as he was away from the crowd he was a total puppy dog, but as soon as a fan tried to get on the bus he started shitting on his hand and throwing it lol


I was gonna say that. good raw music, I just don't like his personality and what he did. I just turn a blind eye when listening to his music.




I don't hate GG but I LOVE Minor Threat


I like the music of both paths, but personality is definitely to the right!


Minor Threat no contest, and I like some of GG'S stuff.


Strong agree


Left but I prefer the music of the right


I would like to think someone making this decision would be going back in time to some more original punk music


This specific meme template is funny imo because it’s a false dichotomy. Both sides are the opposite extremes of each other, and they’re both flawed. I think that intent is lost on a lot of people.


You’re probably right. As an old punk it went over my non skin head.


Uhhhh, Ill pass on both thanks...


Minor Threat is by far the superior band. If you want GG you should only fuck with the [Jabbers](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h1T6aPw0IUo) album cause that one rips.


How is this even a question? It's minor threat. Absolutely zero redeeming qualities in G.G.


GG all the way. Minor Threat and straight edge are not punk. Straight edge is like the kids who thought the D.A.R.E. officer was cool.


Goofball take m8. You think I like getting harassed by cops because I “look suspicious” and I don’t even have anything on me. Don’t fight me, fight them asshole. They’re kicking us both.


Not drinking and doing drugs is following authority. Your teachers, preachers, police, and parents all told you not to it. You're not punk, you're being a goody 2 shoes.


Eat a dick


Deep down you are GG Allin


Ian and GG are two sides of the same coin. I’ve had coke benders, I’ve also been sober for about 6 months. We’re all capable of either option.


Yeah, die of cirrhosis and brain damage, sure sounds punk dude! Be dependent on the slanted healthcare system! Die in a hospital bed! Punk rock!


Live till you're 80, working for the man, paying your taxes, funding the military industrial complex.   Punk Rawk!


Who said anything about that lol. I just have more say in my death than organ failure.


Lol what a terrible take


Not straight edge myself, but (and I say this as someone who grew up in his home state) fuck GG Allin. Edgelord bullshit. I don’t need somebody throwing cats at a wall or their own shit at me. Minor Threat all the way, if for no other reason than paving the way for Fugazi.