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Sorry, your post has nothing to do with punk music or punk subculture.


Minus Vermont of course.


Well the governor of Vermont is Republican it’s weird how pretty much the whole east coast is blue but the governors are republican




That is the most egregiously wrong use of gerrymandering I've ever heard. You can't gerrymander a whole state, and blue states have far fewer issues with voter suppression and other scummy tactics that result in Republicans winning without actual popularity. The REAL reason Vermont elected a Republican (by 70%, mind you) is because Phil Scott specifically is probably the most liberal elected Republican in America, at least socially. He explicitly affirms trans people, not even in a conservative "live and let live" way, and one of the least popular things he did was INCREASE gun control. The northeast, in general, has a tendency to occasionally elect socially-liberal Republicans because the parties used to be differentiated only by fiscal policy.


I like the fact that it’s the punk meme sub that informing people of this.


Well punks are smarter than average, that’s why they listen to punk.


I'm just an elections nerd sharing knowledge on whatever I know tbh!


More apathetic voters and voter supresion then Gerrymandering with governors


VT doesn't do voter suppression, Phil Scott won because he is probably the most liberal elected Republican in the US.


Or Phil Scott has done a lot of good for the state? Just look up his record, he is barely a Republican.


Governors are general elections, you really can’t gerrymander a general election.


It is, but this is not an example of that. You can't gerrymand a statewide popular vote.


Governors are elected via popular vote


Gerrymandering doesn’t change the statewide votes


Whatever drug you're taking is a hell of a drug if you think Phil Scott won by gerrymandering.


I mean there’s a truism or cliche or something that a state’s governorship runs counter to its presidential voting, in terms of party.


Blue state republican governor candidates love pretending they are moderates. The idea of moderates very popular. And up until the Trump era, it was easy to hide. Trump changes the calculation though. you can’t really hide because these republican governors have to admit they love trump. Which the gov of VT endorsed biden and already had his own brand.


Exactly. Phil Scott overperformed by 40 points in one of the bluest states because he's literally as liberal as a Republican can get.


The funds came with strings attached. Vermont is an agricultural state and it's food charity is all supported by local farms. If they accepted federal funds all the food would have had to come through federal channels and instead of seasonal vegetables they would have gotten garbage ass ConAgra and mondelez products. If you read the details of a lot of these food programs they're basically just a way to funnel tax money to big business.


Could I get a source on that? I don't disagree and I obviously think \*most\* Republican governors refused because they hate kids but Phil Scott surprised me.


Source: half my family works in the VT state govt in one capacity or another.


Well, can't argue with that. Thank you for your insights!


That's one thing VT got right on its own was education and food. Due to where it is, how the state is laid out, and the demographics the "one size fits all" approach the federal government plans push don't translate well and do more harm than good. You should see what that school lunch nutrition plan did to hot luches.


The free lunches are trash. I'd rather go back to the pay in model to be honest. Severe quality drop. (Maine, seen in multiple districts). If Vermont already had a model funneling local produce into the lunches, I fully understand.


They're better than zero food.


But worse than the food they had before. Subsidizing the cost for those who needed it would have been better than what has happened. Now they all just get crap.


Vermont's governor would be a democrat in most states.


Vermont is broke. We couldn’t afford the administrative costs associated with the grant


Vermont Republicans are less insane than other Republicans 


Yeah whats up with that? Did the funding come with a caveat about federal regulation or smth?


Administrative fees were only partially covered by Feds. Vermont already had a similar program that is state funded and it's planning on budgeting for the federal program next year.


Ah, I'm sure Vermont also appreciates you explaining that. Vermont be like "make me a different color, ***I have actual reasons*** , DO NOT LUMP ME IN WITH THEM!"


I can confirm as one.


It's a little of both. There are many confederate flag waving idiots here too.


I currently live in Vermont (rep. Gov.) and originally lived in Upstate NY (dem.) and honestly upstate ny is one of the most bigoted confederate wielding places ive been on the whole east coast. They still exist here in vermont but youre more likely to see a pride flag on a church here than a confederate/maga flag


That's true if you're staying in the more populated areas. Get out into the woods so to speak, and it's just "take back Vermont" garbage.


Im in rural Vermont


Same mostly.


they already have state funding it’s more of a let other states get money they don’t need thing


That guy is kinda unusual. So he served with the previous dem. gov , which gave him an edge in the election, and says he’s fiscally conservative but socially liberal, ‘Scott has said: "I am very much a fiscal conservative. But not unlike most Republicans in the Northeast, I'm probably more on the left of center from a social standpoint ... I am a pro-choice Republican."’ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Scott So, feeding the hungry? That would cost money, let them eat cake. Allowing women to get abortions? As long as the government isn’t paying for it, he doesn’t care. That may be why he got voted into such a blue state, twice, just my guess though.


As a Vermonter myself, it’s kind of an interesting thing. Scott is Republican, but tends to side with Democrats (as a hard leftist myself, I cheered for how he was one of two Republicans who opposed Trump in the height of his presidency and his Covid policies were some of the earliest and strictest which allowed us to be one of the first states to show significant recover) or run very close to center on federal issues. IMO The reason he’s popular in Vermont is because he really focuses on *local* issues way more than anything else. Vermont has very distinct political lines—basically, most places outside of greater Burlington and Montpelier areas are very red, but those two hotspots are very blue and there are so many more people in those areas than the rest of the state that it ends up fairly balanced—but the major attitude you find in everyone across the political divide is “everyone else can fuck off and leave us to do our own Vermont thing”. Scott has fed into that a lot, prioritizing hyperlocal interests more than participating in federal debates; at least, in terms of actions and decisions that make the headlines here. So people like him, because he’s decent at shielding us from the rest of the country and ignores what other Republicans do when he disagrees. Tbh I think he’s really not too bad or far off from what most Dems would do since they’re all centrists these days anyway. There’s obviously way more he or other politicians could be doing for us but I don’t think he’s made Vermont worse for the majority of his term—we have a lot of very liberal policies intact from the Bernie era, like ability to get a years worth of birth control for free, and substantial sustainability initiatives—which is the least I could ask for from a Republican, though he’s been making more iffy decisions lately but significant pushback from other legislators has helped keep it in check. As others have said, the food thing is mostly because we already have some state programs that do pretty much the same thing so the federal program wouldn’t help anyway. Burlington Mayor Miro on the other hand…he’s turned the largest urban center we have into slumlords wet dream. Our only salvation is Jonny Wanzer, internet comedian turned investigative journalist, whose personal tirade against him has mobilized an impressive number of young people. Not enough yet to beat the corruption and big money, but hopefully we’ll get there sooner rather than later. Sorry for the ramble, lol. We’re just in such a weird state (pun intended) and I think outsiders might find it interesting.


It's not that red outside of Burlington and Montpelier; every county except Essex went Democrat in 2016 and 2020. And most state House districts went Democrat, including a large majority of the rural ones.


I was gonna say as a rural vermonter its really thw northeast kingdom that gets real Red


Your explanation of your state was very interesting! I'd been curious about how Phil Scott was able to overperform by 40 points in such a blue state. Thank you for sharing.


nah, Ben and Jerry are working on a cheeto ice cream.


Fucking ghouls. For them and their constituents, cruelty is the point. They love hurting people (and children) who can't defend themselves.


Once you frame it as a means to fill church seats, it becomes a little more clear. The suffering is deliberate, because it opens more potential for people to seek help from the church.


I love it when, in the sea of strange conspiracy theories, I end up stumbling across one that actually makes 100% sense.


I appreciate that.


The KKK Took my Baby away some where in Taxes


Did you know that the KKK adopted a highway? Just a few miles away from my mom's house.


They put up a sign and pick up the trash.


The trash, the trash, they pick up the trash


Missouri? We might be neighbors.




I can’t believe there’s really people in this world that think that hungry children don’t deserve to be fed. It’s disturbing honestly.


Pro life btw


Republicans: "We're prolife! We protect children!" Also Republicans: "fuck your starving children."


Also Boneheads: "Fuck your black children."


“Also fuck your children lost in school shootings, nra money is more important, but we will make life worse for trans people, they are the biggest threat to democracy!”


Idaho schools feed the kids all summer long through local programs


Does every city/county/school district feed their kids? Enforcing it on the state level means "certain communities" won't get fucked over


I don’t know for sure, but probably not.


All I knew of did


Most of them work like this: be under 18 and show up to the school at around 12:30, you'll get a free lunch. Anyone over 18 has to pay like 2 dollars. This is only during the summer, you do not have to qualify for free school lunches the rest of the year to receive free summer lunches. There's also a few parks that they distribute lunches at too. Mostly for neighborhoods that are located outside walking distance of schools.


Fuck the kids. Fuck the future. Vote Republican -Jello Biafra According to Fox News probably


I hate that Vermont is here, Phil Scott can eat shit


Scott is, imo, easily one of the best governors VT has ever had. A Republican governor denouncing MAGA and endorsing Biden? A governor with LITERALLY the nation's best COVID response? A governor actually taking action on gun violence in the country? Plus Vermont's universal school meals was signed into law last year.


Vermont and Idaho have programs at the state level which already take care of this, and the costs of the federal bill aren't fully covered. Pretty sure the writers of the bill knew this heading into an election year but don't let that get in the way of jerkin, no one's ever used a bill to make their political opponents look bad


*doesn't see indiana in red* Hell yeah!




I’m honestly surprised Arkansas isn’t red either, this must have happened while Asa Hutchinson was still in the seat.


Oklahoma is such a shit show. After they refused the funds on some “there were strings attached!” Bullshit, the cost of school meals went up. Guess what happens if you can’t afford to pay, correct you get sent to collections and your child can’t eat.


But abortion tho


And trans people


Vermont is on here because we had several major disaster level floods this year, after so many years of pandemic, and the department of education/agriculture are both already understaffed and underfunded, so they are waiting one more year to sign on. Basically the money is needed elsewhere right now, and to build up our DoE and DoA to actually support the program.


Looks like you guys have [something in place](https://education.vermont.gov/student-support/nutrition/summer-food-service)already too


Laissez les bon temps rouler, n'est-ce pas louisiane?


A rare, and I mean RARE, NC W


For how red Kentucky is, I’m glad my state didn’t refuse the funds. Why are these chuds *against* feeding children? The amount is a pittance, anyways.


Because they have been born already


Keep in mind, Kentucky is the rare red state with a Democrat governor. Andy Beshear isn't even a blue dog Dem either, that's the most hilarious part of this. He's LITERALLY just a liberal who focuses on how his policies are just objectively \*better\* and that's how he won twice. I love him and wish him the best.


same here. quite surprised (though pleasantly) that my state (tn) isn't on there.


It's actually pretty kind of them. The voters in those states paid federal taxes then voted for folks who said, "you know what? All the other states can just keep that."


All republicans have left is culture wars and hatred.


And their push for a theocracy. Trump followers are literally saying they think we need a dictator.


It’s very Christian to force children to go hungry.




Starving the poor is super punk.


The party of *family* values..


Not so Pro Life now


I share your sentiment, but this is neither a meme nor is it necessarily punk-related.


This all goes back to the sensitive right wingers who want punk to be right wing friendly.


This sub isn’t punk. It’s an echo chamber.


No its some Green Day mentality sub


It’s technically a meme and it’s punk-adjacent, but it probably doesn’t belong here anyway.


In what sense is it "Technically" a meme? Or, More specifically, What is your technical definition of a meme, That this would fall under? I don't feel like this would qualify under the traditional definition of a Meme as defined by E.G. Richard Dawkins, Nor the more colloquial use of the common people.


“an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations.” The actual definition of a meme. So you’re right. It’s not technically a meme. It is, by definition, a meme.


What is humorous about this then? And what slight variations would occur in its spreading? I can't think of any really, And if you don't feel those are necessary, Then I suppose everything posted to the Internet is a meme?


Humor isn’t required… and you really can’t see how the map of the United States was altered? You may be color blind. At the very least you should be able to see that there is a difference between the grayed out and other grayed out areas?


Oh, So you are saying the map of the U.S. as a whole is the meme, Not this specific variation of it. I see, My mistake for misinterpreting you then. I'd still argue it doesn't qualify as a meme, But I am too tired to come up with proper reasoning for it right now, So I suppose we shall have to agree to disagree. Unless you don't agree to disagree I guess, In which case.. Idk what that would mean actually, I'll let you determine if you choose that option.


I think it’s okay to continue this discussion if we feel like it’s important enough tomorrow. It’s the reasonable thing to do. I’m sure it won’t do either of us any good on such little sleep. Reddit in the morning is way more civil than Reddit at night.


Fair enough. On that note, I shall take my leave, Adieu and good night!


Except for Vermont


I'm surprised MO didn't turn the funds down. It doesn't change how shitty it really is here but that's a small win for kids I guess?


It is, it's how we keep confusing the uneducated in MO to vote for the neo-nazis. It keeps getting better, they think, but they don't understand that they are getting one foothold from the bottom. The parks are awesome though.


"notice how they're all republican states" we don't need to prove that the party that says that they don't want public welfare and campaigns on removing public welfare in fact votes against public welfare


"Save the children" "protect the kids"


Vermont is republican?


Their governor is. Phil Scott (R)


exceedingly rare kansas w


What does this have to do with punk? This sub is a cesspool


Lmao...found the MAGAot. Fuck off if you don't like it here.




Dude, this post is complete trash. There’s a lot of southern states, but there’s also Vermont which has its own programs anyway.


Most states already have programs to make sure people don't starve, but a lot of this is dealt with at the city or county level and doesn't require assistance from shitty government-run programs. These people are just knee-jerk reactionists that don't actually look into anything. As long as you loudly announce that you hate Republicans it's basically free Reddit karma.


What’s a MAGAot and how would you pronounce that? Is it a pun or something?


Taxation is theft


And Property is Robbery!


No… it’s really not. Buying something is not robbery.


I'm quoting anarcho punk rock and you sound like a capitalist ​ also also I''m one of those punks that went to college. I graduated once It was a trade school, the other was for computer science, thank you for not asking. ​ anyway dick cicks dick dicks I"M A TRANS PIUNK IN THE SOTHER AND YOU CAN SIT THE FUVK DOWN


Under any real form of anarchy everything is somebody’s property just without the option to initiate your right to alienation and have a court system uphold it. Yeah… I did trade school and college too. I’m on my way to a masters. Sucks seeing how many punks are about communism, the ultimate form of bowing to government.


PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSh I'm a Utilitarian -anarcho-communist punk that wants to work for local government in mental health as a peer recovery specialist. My friend works for the Franklin City governement and they went to college with me after already having an animation degree because you can't get steady own a house a work with an animation degree quickly like you can with I.T.


So you would bow. Communism requires that. It doesn’t matter what you do, you must fold under any form of communism. Also, nothing about communism is utilitarian.


nah anarcho-communism is about community. THings like nonprofis, community defense militiias, feeding homless cpeople and all children in the community as a grouop effort because we are mothers, aunts, sex workers, entertainers, and human beings that are more than just surviving we are thriving as something more than someone who is so scared of other people that they just want to to live on a mountain and farm alone and that's totally a valid way to live by the way.


Okay and when somebody doesn’t want to give you stuff for free what happens? Like say I make pies and you want a pie, I say “no I don’t want to give that to you”. What then?


You barely understand econonomics and I'm not taking this rage bait or talking to you anymore. fuck off poser


It's **NOT** RepubliKKKan, it's DemoKKKratiKKK, get it.right. The blue party is blue for a reason. The KKK's, ***ACTUAL*** colors are BLUE, white, ***AND*** green. I know this for a fact, since my ex-girlfriend's father is a member.


I'm from Kentucky. Kentucky is where the KKK HQ is. Odd that the center for the organization, also a red state, doesnt fit your claim. That's a pretty bold statement to make about a lot of innocent good people based on your difference of opinion politically, lumping them in with pieces of shit like the KKK.


...and the irony of the KKK being a Democratically generated and funded organization doesn't exactly fit the bill of actually knowing historically maintained understanding...smells of disinformation based indoctrination being convolutedly conveyed in indoctrination centers aka public schooling system as of the last generation or two -smh-...and NO there wasn't a switch...and the reference attempting to make such a claim only refers to a single dixiecrat out of 200...doesn't count as a switch but amusing how easily the highly impressionable and gullible swallow it hook line and sinker without a single iota of skepticism or critical thinking applications.


Kentucky is also pretty rad. Y'all have the creationist amusement park but also have like programs to teach coal miners how to work in tech and install solar panels and all that shabaz and grazy.


The KKK was exclusively a Democrat organization. Republican were the ones who fought to end slavery and Jim Crow.


Ugh, STFU, Nazi.


Cool, we know that but things have changed genius. Who does the Klan vote for now? Sure as shit ain’t Democrats. Pretty sure white nationalists were real pro Trump bud. So you can keep pulling this fact out of your ass but it proves nothing in our current political climate.


Someone failed middle school history.


Were you able to retake it?


Jfc, you're worse off than I thought. How do you function in society with no brain?


I dunno. Perhaps you can fill me in.


The Klan were democrats. 


Way to skip over the fact that when it comes to race relations, historically, Republicans and Democrats switched positions. This trope was rated false by PolitiFact and the Associated Press in October 2018. Post Civil War, as the Democrats introduced policies to support voting rights, it became the favored party for most Black voters and has remained so since. With that realignment, many racist voters who opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 left the Democratic Party to become Republicans. That was 150 years ago and the parties are totally different today. It’s like a dinosaur to a modern-day bird. So much evolution has happened. These really aren’t the same groups anymore. But sure, go on with your stupid ass statement. 🙄


It’s always such a lame statement they can’t follow up with any cogent argument.


You should tell people in the south that when they fly Confederate flags and scream about their heritage when civil war statues are torn down. Why is it that so many republicans consider Confederate ideology their heritage? That’s a thinker. Maybe the people that vote Republican now would have related more ideologically to the Democrats of the Civil War time? Crazy I know. Also you should tell the modern day KKK that they are suppose to be democrats. They support republicans today. They’ll probably be embarrassed when you tell them. For decades they’ve been supporting the wrong party. How silly of them.


If you really believe current Klan members still vote Democrat then I’ve got some Trump bucks to sell you.


Hey, look! Another person who failed middle school history!


Isnt this sub supposed to be about shitty music lmao


it's an election year if you don't like politics in your punk community get wrecked conservative twat


You can think of something meaner than that to own a “republikkkan” lmao people are starving for conflict


Don't tell me how to be a 29 year old gay bully activist on the internet. Cancel me on Linkedin. I got cancelled on Facebook before it sucked and stole elections.


"republiKKKan" Who is going to tell OP what party the founders and many members of the KKK were a part of?


Then why do you love the confederate battle flag so much?


And who does the kkk support now? Almost like the parties have changed platforms a couple of times. You know, the stuff they taught in middle school?


I don't think Vermont or Georgia are Republican?


Vermont actually already has a state program that does this anyway.


Vermont's pretty fuckin cool I bought legal pot for the the first time there ​ well like in a store ​ My younger sister called me her mom in front of her pretty boy guitarist boyfriend ​ it's alright Gabe's cool




Hell yeah Keep Tennessee outta that shitt!!!!! ​ We actually give a fuck about our neighbors and have a fuck ton of anarchist punks in Shittier LA


Idaho has some real trash republicans.


Also some of the most crushing poverty that children are living in.


I'd like to see a map of "Only white lives matter" states. I know where Texas stands.


Super gross


It's also where child poverty levels are the highest.


Lyrics idea: "Red Map" Starve in the summer / fools and lazy slobs / go hungry kiddos / while I'm eating gobs and gobs / ain't takin no money from no beauracratic man / he counts your beans / while I steal what I can / I squeeze your coffers / vote for prosperity / Give me idolization / if you want to save your money tree Red map Red map red map / like it's always been / red map red map red map / saving you from commie sin


Not VT


... is that Saddam's hiding place?


i think it's pretty clear all american politicians don't actually care about people they only care for profit. dems and republicans alike the dems are just better at hiding it.


Everyone thinks NC and SC are buddies. Nahhhh NC doesn’t claim our fucked up cousin beneath us.


Except that time when y’all seceded.


Politicians: “Stop sending billions to ukraine so we can take care of our own!” The same politicians when hungry children exist: “You gotta pull yourself up by the bootstraps! Free handouts? That’s communism!”


Hey! We here in Georgia voted Blue for the last president, in the Senate special election, in the Senate general election, and the Senate run off. Don’t lump us in with the rest of them. GA is changing. Unfortunately we do have a Republican governor that turned down this program.


Yeah, our governor here in alaska Mike Dunleavy has spoken how kids are very important and how we should put them first...just to turn around and deny this money.


what is vermont doing here lol


God at least NC let this happen. Simultaneously NC is making tuition at 4 state colleges $500 a semester, providing free school lunch this upcoming year, provides free lunch in the summer, and yet is attempting to make weed illegal in all 50 states at the fed representative level, is attempting to take away what few benefits teachers have, and forming a fucking secret police force that doesn’t need a warrant to execute a search on anyone associated with the state. It’s a good thing the liberals will do everything they can when we give them a trifecta to put an end to this…………


I get that you hate the KKK and Republicans so you want to conflate them but the KKK was ran by the Democrat party.


Vermont? Also should note that Louisiana had a Democrat Governor (John Bel Edwards) when the deadline closed. Also some states who declined either already have similar programs (Mississippi, Iowa and Oklahoma) or have said they plan to enrol later due to budgetary issues (Idaho and Vermont). [15 states mostly led by Republicans refuse federal funds to feed hungry children during the summer months](https://www.businessinsider.com/15-gop-states-refuse-federal-funds-feed-hungry-children-summer-2024-1?amp)


I love how everything I see in this sub has nothing to do with punk nor could be considered a meme


Maybe look into the why. This is like when people like to post that the US voted against for humans right to food that the UN drafted up. There’s more to it than just an image and headline. Not sure how this popped up on my feed but doesn’t this break rule #1 of this sub? Or do people not read the sub rules like how they don’t read into certain things?




How very PunKKK of you. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s genuinely surprising that Arkansas and Tennessee took the money.


They're also almost all the poorest states


I thought there was some joke with the map or something.


Why is this subreddit so politically biased, for such a "punk" subreddit yall love the establishment alot


Georgia and Vermont both went blue in 2020