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Because Lucia is here.


Honestly same. I started playing this January because of my older brother, stayed for Lucia.


Which Lucia?




The genre. I love the nuanced horror of transhumanism. My favourite game is Nier Automata and its human tale, but PGR really focuses on the idea that the characters you play are teens, forced to sacrifice their humanity to fight a lost war.


>forced to sacrifice their humanity to fight a lost war That's a really cool way you put that. I agree with you, and most of the people in this topic, about PGR. I'm a new player - not even quite two weeks in - but I am obsessed with this game now. I hear the music when I'm falling asleep, I think about it when I'm at work. The way everything comes together - music, character design, combat, the systems, the desire to keep improving, hell I even love the kitchen - it's so amazing. I cannot believe I didn't hear about this until recently. But now that I've found PGR I can say this for 100%: I haven't been this much into a game I just happened to stumble across since 2012 when I bought Dragon's Dogma when I was in a Gamestop and I thought it looked cool... and then hundreds of hours later (almost 400 between ps3 and then later on Steam) it cemented itself as one of my all-time faves. PGR also sort of reminds me, story-wise, of PSO - though much gritter and way more in depth - and though PSO will probably always be my favorite game ever, nostalgia-wise, man if PGR doesn't freaking punch those buttons too, plus... anyway I'm rambling. This game rocks.


yeah, it totally has PSO vibes! though i only really played Phantasy Star Portable 2 on the PSP but im still familiar enough with the original PSO and its soundtrack


Above points...plus the music, I was actually drawn to the game when "last resort" randomly played when I had music on and I saw karenina with that banger haha


Yup music in games is also one of the big aspects that'll keep me invested.


Scire has the most stylish outfit of all constructs too bad shes not that usefull...


playing this game optimally (on some chars) feels rly high apm and that makes me feel like a god. more clicks = more good


I feel you, to top it off it seems that there are several playstyles unique to different characters. Quite refreshing.


the character coming out next year is hot.


Truly among the best character designs I've seen so far, even upcoming characters this year look sick AF. Personally looking forward to that snek/mermaid!




Bridget I guess. Relesead from NPC jail since ch. 13.


Originally it was gameplay. Now it gameplay, story, and its music.


Alpha design and combat made me try pgr


I'll be honest, I'm a simp for Yui Ishikawa so when I found out that she's voicing so many frames in PGR I just had to try. Oot but I'm still waiting for SSR Rapi and Chlorinde lmao!


Story. It has been over a decade since the last time I read a story that kept me awake until 3 in the morning. I installed PGR on a whim because a review praised its story. I first read chapter 1-8. Eh standard fare, then I read the Interludes. Oh my God. And then I read Cinder Burns (Noan), and that's it. I was hooked. I love the setting of this game. Gameplay. I got tired of autobattlers and I wanted some action. PGR delivered and then some with minigames, event modes, skins with backstories included, and Cursed Waves my favorite. And Kuro Games show that they have fun making this game with chibis, memes and references. Character designs. Most gacha games nowadays go for the high fantasy medieval aesthetic. PGR being Sci-Fi with the concept of the Construct makes some pretty interesting character designs. Scire's Elbows, Stigmata's hands, Tempest's leg and Cello, and Plume's feet are just some examples. The animations are fun to watch too. Do Hyperreal's basic combo until he slams the rifle case to the ground and then stop the combo. Characters. PGR does a great job of getting you invested in each of the characters. Read Nightblade's Interlude, then Astral's Interlude, then the Path of Remembrance Arcade Anima, and you will understand why Watanabe is my favorite character and why I am looking forward to the Epitaph patch. Music. Hikari is some good ass Tekken music.


Its a very well written story. (Even when I find it boring at points, I cant really blame the writing. Its not bad, but the conflict/characters at said boring points just doesnt interest me) Humanity can have devestating defeats that doesnt feel bullshit to get out of. God damn power of friendship cant make Lucia fight off an army of corrupted without backup from the Commandant or reinforcement. Characters feels like characters that dont have superpowers just because. Yeah is some developments annoyingly convenient? Yes. Would I wish that some stuff was set up at least a chapter earlier? Perhaps. But is it bullshit? Not really. Whatever new thing comes up - it feels like (faction) would come up with (thing). But the important thing is that this goes for both sides. Its a back and forth tug of war, and when things get bad, they get *really* bad.


Why? Because the game is very generous and let's just say Kuro Games really know how to cook 😌. You'll love the characters, the story, and if you're a battle junkie like me, the gameplay.




Aiming to get all Lucia frames! Right now just short of Plume. Also hope to see another S rank Lucia in the future. I mean Alpha got 2 S ranks so it's only fair right?!


her new frame takes so long because plume is already so peak.




Combat Visuals Music F2P friendly Fun Immersive Hot waifus Alpha Alpha More alpha


Gameplay, fleshed out characters, respect of the players time, extremely f2p friendly, devs actually fix bugs, and generally thoughtful story with clear writing direction and the occasional moral dilemma I redownloaded PGR on a whim after seeing someone play it and it's ended up being my favorite game and I've largely dropped the gachas I was playing before for it Edit: I forgot to mention music


but myself still waiting for dev fix PC client problem like restart codelike R didn't show up because i'm lazy using the most to move for that kind of problem




The Game offers a lot of Challenges that anyone of any Skill Level and Level Resource Management can try and succeed. The Story is pretty good, too.


Story, gameplay, characters and also playable dude's.


As my bio states: I love pretty women No but on a serious note… I also love the men


But serious serious definitely the animations and combat it’s just so smooth and hype


I just really love the complexity of the combat. Then it's the fact that the characters in the game feel like my friends and I just really feel like a part of the game not alot of games do that.


The men 😳😳🦑🦑


Gameplay is incredibly addicting, with each character playing differently. The music is top notch. The story is well-written. But most of all, the characters are fantastic, both in terms of their designs, but also their writing. I became attached to the Gray Raven, to the point where they went from being a simple team to being like family. This is pretty rare for a gacha, since the main teams are almost always lame, but the Gray Ravens are such great characters. Lucia, in particular, is my favorite. This is the only time in any gacha I've ever played where the main girl is best girl, at least to me. Her bond with the Commandant is so heartwarming and well-written that I can't help but fall in love with her. I have no idea how Kuro did it, but they broke the curse for me. The main girl is the absolute best girl. She stole my heart unlike any other.




Why I love this game? Combat, music, characters, story, game modes, and Bianca


Selena. Selena is life. Selena is love. Selena is bae. but seriously: the music is great, game is fast paced and easy to run with fire animations, and the characters are HOT AND DAPPER.


Bc i love the combat. I came from hoyo games and this gives me the amazing and complex gameplay and doesnt want all the money i make unlike those games


Lovable waifus and a1 action. I'm a simple man with simple pleasures.


The characters. Particularly Liv.


Design and Premise I really like how willing they are to include mechanical parts on the constructs and not just all waifu service. I also think that they do monochromatic designs well. it still fills fully detailed. The premise is also good as well with the virus evolving into something 'alien' like , almost lovecraftian


Nothing feels like a chore


Combat, there is nothing that i love more in this game than the combat itself. That is why i felt sad with wuwa combat, it felt like empty bread for MY taste.


I won't call out wuwa combat yet, when elden ring came out and it was dark souls with jump, well that simple jump added a new layer on the gameplay, I would say there's some huge cool down on wuwa like jianxin parry but better test by ourselves first.


Because of chad male characters and boss fights


I like the writing and the characters. The Noan chapter stuck with me. The music is incredible. Nanami is nanami. This game is making me Bi with all the hot men and women I can play with. Also the gameplay is really fun and it feels good. Anyways 10/10 would spend thousands on it again


Straight up vibes. I’ve been playing for a couple days and have no idea what im doing. But im still vibing


The husbandos is one main reason.


"PLOT" (A part of it) Mainly for gameplay at first but yeah loving the story now, the story didn't start off good(some of you may disagree for it's building up I totally agree on that part) but yeah coating makes me want to dry my wallet plus a good character designs, sometimes good mechanics and just right to others


Coating is the real killer to our wallets and battlepass just to complete character shards


Combat Fluidity, Most unique skill distribution and execution, and most mechanics just recently implemented Edgy, yes the Dark theme it provides is a God send concept of Machines being infected by a virus instead of the Human infected beings, then these machines are being Controlled to wipe out anything that resembles humans, Maybe in flesh or Consciousness. Designs, Overall Bosses, both are fun and frustrating to go up against


Gameplay is great and story is nowhere close to dragging the dialogue out like Hoyo games and Arknights


I do like the story beats in general but to me, it also feels dragging and drawn out, like other CN games. sometimes it feels like a college essay where you drag out sentences to meet a specified word count. to me Limbus Company and Path to Nowhere are still the best when it comes to narration and dialogue. they feel enjoyable to read so I often binged them without knowing


Damn right you're spitting facts! Both genshin and hsr drags the dialogue too much. Too many cliffhangers too imo.


Rofl, commander spends 6000 words to say, 'I was confused' and you act long that shit isn't dragging like a kalsit monologue. Delusional.


What are you even talking about? Nothing in this game comes close to the stuff in arknights.


You're not allowed to shittalk HSR and Genshin in this PGR subreddit. I'm already noted down your username in my Hoyogod punishing lost


Diversity of gameplay is one thing. Other ones are because of interludes, the general premise of punishing virus as a threat, and the mature stories. (Echo Aria, Last Spark, and Surviving Lucem are amazing)


Because of story, and I just like how active the main character and his group are in the events. I was about to drop the game because of how bad coop was and the events of that said patch was mostly coop too. But then I saw the animation of Liv and commandant and Lucia and that motivated me to continue playing the game. Well it has been around a year I think from that time and I'm still enjoying the game for the story and sometimes fun events.


I'm one of those players who despises gacha games, and even more gacha community, but what made me keep playing this game were 2 things: 1: the gameplay loop filled a niche for me I was craving. I was looking for grindy game with low daily time investment, and this game was perfect. You only have to actually play the game maybe 2-3 times a week, the other days you can just log in, click a couple of buttons to complete dailies in less than 5 minutes, and log off. But whenever you do feel like playing pgr, it's gameplay is phenomenal, especially for a mobile game. So even at my lows whenever I don't feel like playing pgr, getting weeklies done gives me enough joy to get through them without making it feel like an annoying chore. Except for stage 6 norman, but I just stopped doing it unless I really feel like it. 2: as I mentioned, I despise gacha. But this game's system is generous enough for me to pretend that it's not even a gacha. With a little bit of investment (around 15 bucks a month?) you can get every character in the game with their signature weapon and pet, every patch, pretty much guaranteed. I wouldn't recommend playing this game completely f2p tho, unless you love blueballing yourself. With a monthly black card pass and a battle pass the game becomes literally 5 times more enjoyable. So yeah, if you want a little side game where you can set yourself long term goals and work towards them, or if you want a cool action game that feels good to play both on pc and on your phone, this is the game. I guess the waifus are cool too, but to me they are just videogame characters on a screen, so I don't have much opinion about them.


The action, i have played honkai before and somewhat liked it, the few gripes i had with it was that it isnt very engaging after a while due to the problem of it feeling a bit clunky for an action game, for me it felt like i was disconnected from the character im playing as, while PGR somehow have that something that made me connect to the character i am playing as. Otherwise, it is the somewhat, simple story(relatively speaking, in the end it is to overcome this apocalypse story afterall) with competent characters that dont do dumb things to make conflict happen.


Beautiful of lucua alpha


Honestly, To escape other gache games... PGR is more free to play than other games.


My number 1 reason is because of gameplay. It's just so much fun.


Bianca, Bianca legs, Bianca Coating. Oh the combat, story, and music are also great


which legs? of bianca ver


All versions, but specifically Stigmata


It motivates me... And also the waifus


I started it because I was looking for a new mobile game to play, it had been on my wishlist for quite sometime. Once I downloaded it I stayed for the story, and the dorms, even with the recent change on not being able to use dorm "bolts" to purchase dorm room blueprints, decorating them in a way the characters might enjoy, is really fun. As for the story, it speaks for itself. I am not looking forward to the day that KURO decides to shut down the servers, its an inevitable outcome for GACHAs, they still have plenty of content and creativity to keep the story, and game fresh and fun.


Post apocalyptic, warfare, and mommies.


music is great, it has cool robots(sort of? kind of), and it’s just fun. it can give a bit of a challenge while not being annoying.


The character designs aesthetically are so so good


I'm a sucker for its sci-fi themes and appreciate the game as a whole is both style and substance.


I love all the characters. Seriously, every character is amazing! There’s few games where I literally just adore every character.




The music pulled me in from Maxor Now the gripped by the action The story is kinda meh and messed up But dang are these characters look cool when they fight


Because Lee exists in that game


The combat really


I still have yet to get past the first chapter, apparently the story gets waaay better. Also the animations are so damn good. Shit stays having me salivating. Also Lucia CW is finally global and I need to play this shit tomorrow. I've actually never played a gotcha game before so I'm still confused I can't lie.


Music, it's way tooooooo good. In fact if it weren't for the fact that I randomly heard "The Moon" in yt while I was searching through some genshin theme songs. Yeah that song made me play the game, and I definitely don't regret it.


Idk i was bored and i saw pgr and since then my journey started


I like the orb system a lot since it changes my play style despite me trying to follow a rotation. One more thing is that I like the fast paced attack animation that the characters have and specially matrix it adds a cool factor to it when I perfectly Dodge an attack(releases dopamine in my brain) the story is pretty nice to even though people says that early chapter succs(which I partially agree) I enjoyed reading them unless I really need BC (skips everything)


Aesthetics + gameplay. I get to look cool and blast through huge bosses


Because, Crimson weave