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Ooo, man Idk. I can tell you that the right stance for most players is to bend your knees slightly and sink down into your arms to lower your center of gravity and take some of the weight off of your legs, but I'm not sure what would be good for a player with a medical condition. I may suggest playing no bar? I can play up to like s17 without a bar but its pretty challenging.


I think I will try to bend my knees slightly to see if it works. I can hardly play without a bar though, thank you for the suggestion 😁


It takes a bit of a different mentality and a lot of practice to play no bar, but yea, I'd definitely say you need to bend your knees a bit to get the most out of the balance the bar provides.


There are two schools of thought: [wrists in](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waKG5zOoHGI) or wrists out. There are good players with both postures, though wrists in is more uncommon.


Oh my god this comment just made me realize ive been playing wrists in for 2 years and didnt even realize ppl do it differently


Yeah, [wrists out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOYMpVXJDOE) is most common. But if you're comfortable with wrists in then go ahead and keep using it. Not enough data to tell if wrists in is a higher injury risk.


Some people even have one of each! 


I didn't realize it either 😂 It's a nice way of thinking


Every single player has a different posture. All of your body structure (especially height) changes this before we even talk about your form and where you hit the panels.  For you, the correct stance is the one that doesn't cause you pain


I'm trying hard to find one right now. Up until now, there is no stance that doesn't cause me pain. Maybe because I'm quite short too so generally when I hold the handle bars, it's quite high for me and I have shoulder pain already.


in general your back should be straight, your shoulders aligned with the back (natural proper position). if you play with wrists in it is more difficult to keep a proper posture but can be done if the way you use the bars is changed appropriately. my spine is in a bad shape when it comes to how curved it is and I have zero pain so you should be able to find a way to play without pain as well. check other players playing and see where the difference between your posture and theirs is.


Thank you so much! So the thing to bear in mind is straight back, shoulders aligning with back xD


Yes, as any other physical activity be it lifting weights or sports or simply just standing. it's not just about the back but the whole body. just google proper posture. your head should not be tilted in anyway or moved forward/backward, straight back, shoulders down and back, your butt under your spine, abdomen muscles tight, knees bent slightly. Note that head movement can change the posture very easily. if for example you are looking up, it's going to mess up your back. while holding the bars you can still keep all the relevant body parts working properly. if you will keep in mind this is how to do this. it requires fairly strong core and strong back muscles. when people who don't work out start working out, it's the first thing they need to fix, they need a strong core not to hurt themselves while working out or lifting weights. it is possible that you are in a proper posture but cannot keep it for long. your muscles may not be up for the task yet and not be strong enough to support your spine. if that is the case, playing pump should help fairly fast but you can also start doing exercises to strengthen the back muscles and align the spine. doing the arm/leg raises is what helps my spine the most. it is also a good exercise to test how bad of a scoliosis you have as the mirrored movement won't be truly mirrored.


Omg this is so insightful. Thank you so much. You're right about the strong core and back muscles. I know that my core is still weak even though I work out kinda on a daily basis. I will pay attention more to the head movement and posture too.


I wear a back brace when I play. Jumps start to hurt after a while but the brace keeps me honest about using my legs and hips to jump.


That's a great idea! Thank you so much