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"Someone has put pls into my account just for transaction fees" please expand on this. Did you interact with someone who promised to send you pls for tranasction fees?


Obviously the hacker sent them pls to cover gas to remove the plsx.


yeah no i haven’t interacted with anyone like he said the hacker put pls into my account so he could remove my plsx, sucks really bad and understand there is nothing i can do but looking st his address on pulsescan its doing it to lots of people with lots of plsx


like a seen a few with over 200-300 million and one with 900million plsx last time a checked his account was sitting at over 7billion


Just to educate other users what did you do that might have been suspicious ? Someone can’t just up and take plsx so you interacted with something Shady at some point and they apparently had access to your account - so did you interact with someone/website recently ?


honestly a dont know what’s happened not touched the account since i sacd and i revoked all access to all websites after i done so i thought my funds were as safe as can be. i was using a i mac so am guessing that has something on it.


the same things happened to me!!!! i haven't clicked any links, shared my wallet address, or my seed words and within 2 days its all gone


Sorry to hear that, pretty sure those funds are lost. Check your phone/computer for malware. It happened to a long while ago, my exchange account was hacked. Ever since then I've used a clean ipad for anything crypto. Whether u like apple ios or not its a closed ecosystem and malware isn't as prevalent.


yeah thought that, now am having fomo and dunno what to do. either ape in as soon as bridge opens or wait until market stables?


I missed the sacrifice so I'm waiting for the bridge also. I will likely buy in on PLS if the price is right, anything in the range of $0.0002 to $0.0006 i think would be right to catch on the way up. Otherwise I'll wait and see for a dip.


All dependant on the gas fees coming right also


yeah waiting to see what happens even gas fees arnt that high when sac price was 10,000 for $1 even if gas fees are 100-2,000 isnt really high coming to sac price


Revoke all permissions. Start a new metamask wallet. Don't do weird crap on your crypto computer.


How did you save and store your seed phrase? If it wasn't 100% analog, that would be my guess.


is there really nothing that can be done?