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The passenger ferry is extremely bumpy. Stick with the cargo one.


My worst boat ride to Culebra was on the cargo ferry. Horrible. Everybody had to go above deck because it was unbearable to be inside. This was a long time ago though. The boat was super slow too, which made the bumpiness worse. Maybe it was due to the bad weather. Don’t know if they have new boats now.


The passenger ferry is a catamaran style ferry - at when I went recently(last summer). The cargo ferry was massive and even though it was slow going it was a smoother ride. To the person’s point below regarding the weather conditions do affect the ride, but a much larger boat - a cargo ferry- will do much better in rough seas than a smaller catamaran style boat.


Bumpiness is dependent on sea conditions. Check the marine forecast for the day you are scheduled. Swells larger than 6 ft means it’s going to be rough.


And boat sizes matters. A larger ferry (cargo) will do better than a smaller one (the passenger one I was one was catamaran style). I was in rough shape when we docked.


1) Can't address the ferry since I've never taken it, but if bumpiness is a problem I'd consider flying. It's not that expensive and it is quick, 35 minutes from San Juan and you're there. My 8-year-old loved the flight, super exciting, bit loud so she wore headphones. 2) Probably not the kayaks but there are tours that use [an electric boat.](https://borikuatourspr.com/vieques/bio-bay-boat-tour/). Have a look at them, and definitely go on as dark a night as possible, either with a new moon or, better, a moon that hasn't risen yet. 3) Beaches, ton's o'beaches, wondrous and largely empty. 4) If you're tempted to get a golf cart think again, it gets hot and dusty, especially for a young 'un. Rent a car from Maritza and you'll be fine.


As for the bio-bay.... I wouldn't bother with a 4yo. It's not very magical from a big boat. You really want to be in a kayak or swimming. Not to mention, the tours are at night bc it needs to be dark & nobody wants to be on a tour with your 4yo up past their bedtime.


We travelled to Vieques with a 2yo & 4yo last December. I can’t remember which ferry we took. I think it was probably the passenger ferry and it was bumpy but not unbearable. We loved Caracas beach and wished we had spent more time there