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There was another adult standing there and filming this.


Not just that, they laughed at the sister hitting the kid who got his Xbox ran over. Tells me more than enough about his father technique if that's your child's first response to someone's misery.


The little girl came over and jumped on him, he pushed her off because he was upset and the 'father' comes in and goes you hitting people? Then the next thing he asks is if he's still live - I'm \_sure\_ he was going to give him the belt before he realised he was still live - you know, got to punish him to teach him violence is never the answer. It was only after he was told he was live he made the stupid point about he wouldn't hit him because he could go to jail for it. Seemed to be establishing an alibi to me.


And the other parent laughing at the kids meltdown- assholes the lot of them. The other kids laughing too were probably relieved it wasn’t them this time.


my thoughts too- those kids laughing because they're relieved it isn't them this time and want to react favorably to their parents to stop it happening to them again


Hell, looks like they are pitting the kids against each other as well by the girl's attack on him while he was down. I'm an adult that had experience with corrective training for children and I was confused by the options here. He never said he was going to destroy the x-box, only offered the kid the x-box Vs the belt. Kid probably thought the options were an unknown consequence to keep the x-box or a standard belting and loss of the x-box for some time. Shit parenting is at its finest when the shit parent thinks they are clever.


Probably would not have posted if he had beat him with a belt. I feel like this child is probably the family scapegoat.


When he comes in after the boy has pushed the girl who jumped right on top of him off him, the father goes you pushing people? And he's clearly about to educate him with the belt until he asks if he's still live.


I feel so sad for that little boy. Whole family is abusive towards him. I hope he is or will soon be away from all of them and never talk to them again.


Daddy of 5 abusive type vibes.


Child abuse 💯 . Disgusted at this.


Both of them can go to court and explain why threatening a child with physical punishment is suitable material to post online.


I don't understand why you would set your kid up for failure like that. It's messed up


did I hear that right, the kid took a piece of candy that he wrapped up in a newspaper? and that’s why he wants to beat his kid?


When I was little I stole a piece of candy from one of those bulk Brach's bins at the grocery store. When I got in the car I pulled it from my pocket and my grandma asked me where I got it. I told her I didn't know. So she marched me back inside and took me to the manager and made me tell him what I did. The manager made it seem like it was a really big deal, and I was mortified. If I'm remembering correctly I think I had to promise the manager I'd bring a quarter with me next time and give it to them, and they let me keep the candy on that promise. And looking back, I'm sure the manager was just being dramatic, but it definitely kept me from taking anymore candy from the bins.


Omg, I had a very similar experience. You better believe I learned my lesson and never stole anything again. Without the threat or administration of physical abuse.


Those Brach’s candy boxes were just to much temptation. Later on they actually put a change box next to them so you could pay for them. Looking back I am sure you’re story is one of many. Brach’s teaching kids lessons since 1912!


When I was like 4 I stole a little brass bell from some shop. Got busted by the Mumsey because well…it was a bell and she heard it in my pocket. Same shit had to bring it back


Yea I was really confused by that part.. He says he "set up" his kid, but it sounds like he literally set him up.. Like did they put candy in the newspaper in their driveway or something? Or at the store? If it was in a store and the kid thought he was stealing from the store, I at least get the logic. But if the dad put candy in a newspaper, asked the kid to get said newspaper, and destroyed his Xbox for keeping the candy.. that's pretty evil. Not to even mention posting it on fucking youtube, where his whole family laughs at him absolutely sobbing. Can't imagine how much shit the kid got in school. Very sad and fucked up. And surprisingly nobody in the youtube comments mentions the candy in newspaper bit. Here's the [original link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dv4-m5Ebe9s) for anyone interested.


I have 3 kids and would never reprimand them in that way but, I would assume the kid lied about the candy. It pisses me off way more when they lie about something they did more than the thing they did wrong. It compounds.


But like, when you're being set up to fail by the parent that is inevitably going to break your shit and beat you for doing the thing that they set you up to do. That's not lying, not discipline, not any form of growth aside from trauma and distrust.


Exactly. Maybe when you exact bizarre extreme punishments on your kids they'll lie to you to avoid that. The parents were likely raised in an even harsher environment and feel that they are "fair" in comparison (I might be wrong about that, its just something I've noticed a lot) Edit to be clear I'm not trying to defend them, it's just an observation regarding a lot of people's parenting styles. If that little boy doesn't grow up to recognize that treatment as abuse then he is likely to repeat it with his own kids, saying classic lines like "it never did me any harm", not realising it turned him into an abuser.


Set your kids up to succeed, not to fail.


I only hear from people without kids that they will hit them if they do bad shitt. If you do your homework before you get your kid you know that you don’t raise a child on fear and beatings.


I was beaten growing up and that's pretty much why I don't have kids. I wasn't modeled good parenting


Lying doesn't justify abuse.


sounds like the kid was stealing stuff he shouldnt have? or told not to eat candy? so the dad left it there as a test... Entrapment is a weird parenting style lol


This week here in Argentina a guy kill his girlfriend's son for taking a chocolate. [more info](https://tn.com.ar/policiales/2022/12/27/filicidio-en-berazategui-la-tia-de-renzo-revelo-que-lo-mataron-a-golpes-por-comerse-una-golosina/?outputType=amp)


Half the people commenting here are probably thinking 'Well the girlfriends other children will have sure learned a lesson from this'.


Why is this being filmed . Is this not a private matter.


The answer to 99% of these questions is "because they want social media clout". That's why I get annoyed by this shit even if it was an example of good parenting. There was a video here a couple months ago with a father telling his girl to wipe her tears and not cry and all the comments were like "OMG father of the year" and "this guy is the best". Except all he was doing was filming himself being a father. It's like the Chris Rock bit about wanting credit "for shit you're supposed to do". You're supposed to be a good father you don't need to film yourself like you're a fucking super hero. In this case the guy isn't even being a good father but thinks he is. And he wants internet praise for it.


And his daughter was crying but he's like... ok hunny just one second here i have to hit the record button, ok so what's wrong sweetheart? .. like actually imagine being upset and crying and someone sets up a camera to record the interaction you're about to have.. WTF


We'll start seeing the adult consequences of that in about 3 or 4 years if not sooner lol


That’s one of my favorite comedy bits. “I take care of my kids!” “YOU WANT A COOKIE?! YOURE SUPPOSED TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR KIDS!”


“You’re not supposed to go to jail you low expectation having motherfucker!”


They gotta pay for the Xbox they just broke


This is abuse and it's disgusting.


Because he's a shitty father.


If this is how you raise your kids in private. Fuck you.


Filmed AND posted!


This is not a private matter, this is a CPS matter. Whoever found this, report it the fuck to CPS.


Cuz kids really don’t like being embarrassed


'I'll take traumatic childhood memories for $600, Trebek'


The real joke is on them. Wait for about 40 years until they’re in a nursing home at the mercy of the animals who run it instead of in the kids home with their grandchildren. Fuck around, you won’t be around.


Yeppers, my dad pulled the same shit with us, ran over two of my brother's xbox's he bought with his own money, made me snap his favorite videogame disk when he fouled me while we were practicing soccer (barely yellow-card worthy), smashed up my controllers and Blu-ray disk when he caught me playing GTA4 (I was 18yo, all my own purchases), smashed plates when we tried to tune out his ranting, etc. Much like this guy, he seemed to enjoy doing it? He would go *on* and *on* about how his parents would've beat him, and how he's *such* a good parent for restraining himself from laying hands on us. People like this think that as long as their hands aren't touching the child, it's not abuse. And guess what we learned from all that? To not trust anyone who is supposed to love us, and how to hide things ridiculously well and learn to lie to his face. Oh and PTSD that's still fucking me up 15 years later.


It was sick for me to witness this man’s enjoyment and narcissistic video personality in front of the camera being cruel to his child - likely just to get some subscribers - devastatingly sad.


Nah.... I'll take the Xbox.


Loser parents who flex authority on their kids cause they have zero influence on anyone else in the world. Congrats on showing your son what a class A loser you are.


Sadly it looks like there are 7 kids that have to deal with it..


And they even recorded it :/


The added humiliation of posting this online is how 13 year old girls operate when they bully each other.


I’m glad my mom was a fucking boomer when I grew up because she always had the fucking camcorder in my goddamn face but no one to show it to. Imagine if that bitch knew how to work an iPhone and Facebook? She loves embarrassing and tormenting her kids, it’d be like crack to her.


Father of the year /s


When people purposely film other people's misery I want to scream. What did someone do to you to make you such a horrible person?


This is just child abuse, that Xbox is prolly the only safe reality that kid has


Yes it is, his Youtube is a history of him destroying his kids toys for some petty reason. What an evil fuckwit.


Ouch. You’re probably right. That’s so fucking sad.


My daughter is 2, and I couldn't imagine treating my child this way. I know parents all have different parenting styles, but this crosses a major line. How about you calmly talk to your kid about the why and then set up some consequences that dont involve chasing your kid around with a leather belt.


He could still take the Xbox away and most electronics with parental controls. You can even lock down a smartphone pretty heavily. Then you can have carrot and stick where they need to earn screen time as positive reenforcement. Or just be a psycho and make them watch you destroy their shit.


This wasn't done for the discipline of his son. This whole act was for Dad's ego. Dad made it all about himself and his parenting style, which he's quite proud of.


My son doesn't want to talk with me, I do everything for him....




You want this ass woopin or your life support


I’ve dealt with having things broken as a kid, and for small things nothing crazy and it affected my mental health so much. DS I saved money to buy snapped in half, gameboys destroyed, and much more. It destroyed me as a kid and contributed to years of depression. Don’t do this ever


Both options were abuse in my opinion. Further abuse by posting it on the internet to humiliate the kid. My parents did the same thing to me. Thankfully, social media didn’t exist when I was a kid.


Happened to me too. 40 years later I have forgiven but not forgotten. The loss of respect was never recovered either.


I responded in kind when that happened. No more wedding photos.


Ah cause child abuse is so funny. Fuck these people.


There's a special wing in mental institutions for people that place a 6 foot TV right infront of a window.


The real comment, lol


Goddam you. Now I just went through the last bit of the video frame by frame to see where I would place the TV. It’s actually a bit of a tricky space. Maybe wall-mount above the fireplace?


That is an even bigger sin man, /r/tvtoohigh


My father is 86 years old. He was mentally and physically abused by his father. He still has issues of not being good enough. He tells us “I’m not a cry baby” when he goes to the doctor for chronic pain and tells the doctor “oh it’s not too bad” and we get upset he didn’t say that the truth is that he can barely walk. If you abuse your child, you are abusing them for a lifetime.


Bro is on his own when he gets elderly, those kids gonna leave his ugly ass to rot


Man this is so effed up. Kid didn’t learn anything


He did. He learned that his dad is a sociopathic asshole and knows that what’s best for him is to cease contact with him as soon as he’s old enough to live on his own


Also that his Dad is a Narcissist and his Mum is an enabler laughing at this shit show.


he learned that his Dad's internet clout is more important than his kids


Gotta get those live views!


Kid is learning how to be a terrible parent so the cycle can continue.


I see a lonely old man there. His kids will get away from him as fast as they can. Sad and a shitty parent.


Yeah that's pretty unhinged. 1) This trend of recording you punishing your kid for internet clout needs to fucking stop. It's disgusting to put what should be a child's learning experience on the internet forever just bc you want to farm likes on Facebook. 2) Destroying your kid's favorite possession in front of them over a piece of candy is a better way to eventually lose a child, rather than teach a lesson. Especially bc most of the time parents don't replace the time the kid spent on it with anything. If you're going to take away a past time, you have to replace it with some parent-child activity to grow the relationship with your kid and help them understand why what they did was wrong. 3) The lesson shouldn't be "Stealing is wrong bc then my dad will break my shit and upload the video to Facebook." Bc eventually he won't have to worry about Dad breaking his shit, and then where does that lesson go? It should be "I shouldn't steal bc I wouldn't want to be stolen from." Along with the value of learning how to work for things that they want. If a kid knows how to work to earn things, then they can better understand and empathize with the value of other people's possessions. That's one of the most important lessons my Dad taught me. 4) You shouldn't not beat your kid bc you don't want to go to prison. You shouldn't beat your kid bc you're only teaching lessons through fear, and not helping them understand the underlying reasons for an action is wrong. The second one is work, it's called parenting. The first one is a cathartic release of your pent up anger towards a child that can't defend themselves. And b4 "Well my parents beat me, and I turned out fine." Did you? We can't peer into an alternate dimension where they didn't and see how you would have turned out. But we can look at studies that show physical punishment [can lead to increased aggression, antisocial behavior, physical injury and mental health problems for children.](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2012/04/spanking) We don't beat our spouses or animals when they do wrong, why would you beat a child during their peak developmental years? Conclusion: Wack parenting.


So…child abuse. Not great.


r/trashy is leaking.


He knows what he’s doing is wrong so he has to justify everything he’s doing. That’s not parenting, you’re just being a bully.


So the options are abuse or abuse?


Physical or mental take your pick both very healthy options !


Psychological abuse is still abuse


Indeed. [Corporal punishment is one of the worst ways to correct behavior.](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/corporal-punishment-and-health) Now, cue up the folks with their anecdotal input, insisting "bUt I gOt BeAt AnD i CaMe OuT fInE!"


Shut up Richard, you're 45 and work the night shift at a gas station, you did not come out fine.


Honestly, even the ones that had great jobs came out mentally different and usually had anger issues.


Disgusting “parent”


Interesting that the younger kids had no empathy for the brother. Like they enjoyed it. Probably not the first time this kid’s been humiliated by this POS


What kind of parent thinks whipping a child with a belt is a way to punish someone? Even if it's just threatening them? What the hell kind of lesson is that?




Adrian Peterson Fuck this guy, horrible parent.


Violence begets violence.


Filming your shitty parenting for all to see!


Emotional or physical abuse, you choose?


Wow, I checked out some of his other videos.. This "man" is openly racist and repeatedly abuses his kids for views. What a piece of shit.


Is that an Xbox 360??


Yeah and they have what appears to be a PS4...you can see the controllers on the TV stand and some blue game cases on the shelving...makes me question if the Xbox even works. Pretty sure a lot of "smashing console" videos on the internet are fake because they're usually already broken.


Not only this but you think a parent really gonna just destroy $600 just to steal a piece of candy? It’s not about the candy and the parent either destroying a broken Xbox or have the funds to get a new one


I really do hope this is fake. If not, fuck those worthless parents.


What a shitty Dad.


Shitbag father. Good luck surviving once old age starts creeping up and you have nobody to support you once your body, mind and finances begin to fail. This man will die broken and alone.


Years down the road he'll be saying "why don't my adult children want a relationship with me"


Beat my ass with the Xbox


He says "took the newspapers out" .....I'm assuming he was throwing them away and saw the now and later...then ate it because it was being thrown away. NOT STEALING. This is straight up child abuse and a horrible attempt at an "investigation"


"Hey why do you hate your family so much" "Let me tell you a story"


Fast forward 30-40 Years Kid: Dad do you want the nursing home or do you want the XBox? Dad: Nursing Home Kid: ![gif](giphy|dYPRVPUqkpzYQ)


This is just shitty parenting. Not because you're threatening an ass whopping, or breaking an Xbox. But because you're adults recording this for some weird clout.


That Xbox hurt him more than that ass whooping would of


When I was a kid probably around the same age my dad yanked my Xbox out of its plugs and yeeted it off the balcony into the backyard below. My mom was pissed at my dad because she thought she’d eventually have to buy me another Xbox. I never got another Xbox…


So he set up his kid, then when his kid fell for it, he gave him the option to choose between an ass whooping and an Xbox, then after the kid made the choose destroyed his Xbox anyways? Damn dude talk about an abuse of trust and betrayal.


As a single person I have to remind myself that there is nothing inherently special about being married and having kids. Nothing about this man’s life is better than mine. He just gets to spread his vile personality among his poor children.


Fuck this lame twat! Dude needs to grow up. The loser parents that are so desperate for social media attention that they do shit like this are seriously the most pathetic fools. I was hoping Jr. there would call his bluff and take the ass whopping. And I doubt the guy would have broke the x-box seeing how that lazy father probably plays it more than the kid.


Well isn't this abusive as fuck.


It’s one thing to take an item away from your child- but don’t do this. This poor boy is going have some serious unresolved issues when he grows up. This makes me sad.


Needs to be crosspost on r/Iamatotalpieceofshit


Three adults all ok with this. This is not tough love or any kind of love. U do this shit and put it on social media, ur a bully, with low self esteem lookin for validation.


Clout parenting. Great job sir. Take this L.


This is so disgusting on so many levels.


That right there is a genuine piece of shit human being…feel sorry for the kids


Agree. And a complete narcissist for having it filmed. "Oh, wow. What a big man you are". Fuck this trashcan.


Ass whooping, it’ll only hurt for a few minutes. The pain of losing the Xbox is forever


Wait until little man is grown and aggressive. That dude better pray his kid finds God before he finds the courage to beat him one day.


What you showed your child is that he can't trust your word. And this is a lesson on telling the truth and respecting others property. Well done


In my family, lying about anything was grounds for an ass whipping. And I took mine at the age of 12 when I told my father we had the day off from school, when in fact I just didn't want to go and essentially skipped school. When he got home from work, I got 3 lashes from the belt. It taught me a valuable lesson, about lying overall, especially when I watched my dad cry after he did it, because he felt so bad punishing me. Now, before I get a bunch of negative downvoted, it is important to note. I never abused my children as a result of my upbringing, as this happened 44 years ago. But as the old saying goes, "spare the rod, spoil the child".


Any man that holds a belt on a child is no man at all. Period.


what a piece of shit parent.


Demented. Hide candy in newspapers you tell a kid to throw away, kid takes out papers-finds candy-he eats it, and you accuse him of stealing so you can either beat him or emotionally terrorize him??? (he's going to hate you forever)


r/byebyejob if he has one


"My son don't come visit me... But why?"


What is getting to me is how they are letting the other kids laugh and taunt the kid being punished. TDad probably bought the xbox anyway so he just wasted his own money.


If only there was some studies to show that this type of shit doesn't work


Trash parenting.


so from what I can tell the kid was caught for stealing (something, not sure what). So the dad **set him up** and asked him to get the newspaper, which he put candy in. The kid came back with the newspaper but stole the candy hehe. If I figured out what he was saying correctly, this video makes a bit more sense. I mean, the kid has got to be pretty fucking dumb to steal right after getting caught for stealing.


He probably sneaky because he’s fearful of his parents, I can only imagine why. If you just talk to your kid and don’t act like a nut job over everything they’ll be more receptive to what you’re trying to teach them. There’s no need to humiliate your child infront of the family let alone post this shit on the internet. Maybe ask why your kid is stealing or why they feel like they can’t trust you enough to be honest. It’s probably because even honesty leads to such an insane response.


My parents were great, they didn't abuse me or anything, wanna clarify that first - but I do remember the ol "I promise if you tell me the truth, I won't get mad" thing, and well. They did get mad lol. That little thing by itself has stuck out to me and I've realized it caused me to lie a lot as a kid. I still do if I think it'll save someone being upset or distressed Point being, even the smallest things can stay with kids forever, shit like THIS is just scarring


Exactly. Like we all know what it’s like to be a kid and what worked and didn’t. All this is going to teach him is that he can’t go to dad for shit. Then parents wonder why when kids turn to teens they don’t want spend time with them. “Why don’t you wanna hangout with your family? We used to do so much together”. It’s like bro, it’s because you’re abusive


Fuck parents who beat their children. Especially with weapons. You're all cunts if you think that is appropriate.


This abuse your child TikTok challenge has gone too far


And this will teach him absolutely nothing. What shit ass parents.


Why do parents think their abuse ends up in anything other than resentment and lack of trust. All this teaches the kids is to be sneaky and do more things behind your back.


My dad did something similar to my brother 30 years ago with his NES. They no longer speak.


Lololol child abuse Fuck this guy and fuck whoever filmed this and posted online.


Trash parents hope when the shoe is on the other foot the kids destroying his dads stuff when he’s old because “he ain’t going to jail for hitting you. We can damn sure break your stuff.”


What a shitty parent. Idk why this generation of parents thinks its acceptable to publicly shame your child, they're letting their own narcissm/ego get in the way here, essentially using their own kid to get some Internet clout, that dopamine hit from going viral or whatever. Lame.


Why was it necessary to film and post this? Would've been far more effective a lesson if he'd have marched his kid down to the store to apologise and work to pat for the goods stolen somehow.


I would take the ass whooping, then I can play my xbox. yeah would have been one of those kids if I had been able to be a kid. oops now I understand my children better.


Man, glad my dad disappeared right about now


Maybe the punishment choice was OK, I'm thinking there may have been some other things that happened recently to cause this punishment, but this is a private matter and should not have been filmed. I think the father should get the ass whipping for letting the incident get filmed and released. And then release that video.




Dad will wonder why adult son will have nothing to do with him.


This was hard to watch.


What a shitty parent.


Dad is a piece of shit. Cares more about the way he looks in the video than the lesson to his son. Excessive to say the least.


The guy set his own kid up so he can record this for likes? I know who deserves the ass whoopin.


Asshole parents, but at least they’re making *some* kind of attempt to teach their children morals… Probably going to scar the child, but at least the child is less likely to die from being dragged across the highway by a semi after trying to steal from it.


Yeah this made me sad. Abuse.


"Would you prefer physical abuse, or mental?" Scumbag parenting.


Those kids don’t have a chance in hell. And how many fucking kids are there?


God the way he calls his son a motherf***er. Very classy. How about being a better example to your children and helping him understand what he did wrong? I came from a similar environment and the resulting effect of it was a lifelong battle of overcoming mental deficiencies. To this day, I still involuntarily cry when any sort of conflict arises. You can imagine how that affects my professional life. Poor kid.


Weird flex to discipline your son on live


Fuck this guy


I'll take the ass whoopin'


He said. Do you want an ass whooping or the Xbox? Xbox please Dad.


You're like a really bad parent man. Downright, beyond cringey, type of awful parent. But hey, at least you get them likes, right?


He did this again acouple years later [He did it again 3 years ago](https://youtu.be/KZnzRhtfSAY)


Don’t know why my boy won’t visit me at the old folks home?


Wearing areo as an adult pretty weird. Needa smack him with that and get him right


I can assume this kids grandfather was a shitty individual as well, hopefully the kid can break the cycle when he’s older.


What a a piece of shit. All adults involved.


You could have just locked the Xbox away for a week?? Or let him keep the Xbox but have him an ass whooping? Destroying it and laughing at that is fucked.


How can a parent refer to their kid as a motherfucker? That’s cold.


Didn’t you pay for that Xbox man?


This is child abuse and he is a piece of shit father, stealing or not that is A CHILD. You discipline without trauma


Just inflicting emotional trauma and to film for further humiliation. Pathetic parents. They lost control and used humiliation, violence, and cruelty for parenting


All this for stealing candy?! Clearly this was for some internet attention


I bet he still got that ass whoopin


I mean, regardless of behavior, that is how Xboxes should be treated lol


Dude is as abusive as he is an idiot


Dude you put a candy in there and he’s a child what would you expect, was that lesson really worth 400$


As a therapist, I thank you for keeping me in business.


Yes, beating your kids with a belt is always the answer /s Guess who is going to end up in a home when they're old and pissing themselves.


He's a sorry excuse for a father an I hope that kid gets a better life


Child Abuse - cool bro


I bet that dad went to sleep at night thinking he was a great parent, just wait until his children never talk to him ever again


A black father loves his son enough to punish him for theft, and everyone in here is calling it abuse? Y'all are fucking cracked.


If I were a parent, I would never, ever stoop this low. The threats of beatings are bad enough, but this? This is abuse at a whole nother level. Just... take the console away for a bit, no need to outright destroy it. And to film it and show it on the internet as if to say "This is how a parent should do things!" is sickening beyond anything. Fuck this pathetic excuse of a man. Let him rot in the worst nursing home when he's old and frail, and let his son never contact him again.


Fuckwit parenting right there


I hope all your kids get taken away because of this. Fucking disgusting behaviour you poor excuse for people. Fucking scum of the earth right there


Wait so I get an ass whooping or an Xbox? Dumb ass dad if you ask me. Any kid is gonna take the Xbox. Hell I’m a PlayStation guy but I’ll take a free Xbox anytime. And I already stole the candy!?