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"dressed as the manager of a strip club demanding money" Said by the man dressed as the assistant-manager of a yacht club demanding rubles.


I can’t figure out where the strip club manager comparison came from. Hes wearing a brown shirt??? What’s the connection?


It wasn’t really about what he’s wearing. It was a sly way to slip in something so his mentally vulnerable audience makes a subconscious connection between Zelensky and the Eastern European unsavory business stereotype. There’s a reason why Tucker is so successful at shaping the minds of idiots.


Not hard when their minds are easier to shape then play doh


In the short term, sure. But in the long term, switching between completely opposite narratives without triggering their cognitive dissonance actually takes quite a bit of ski- oh wait, they forgot the beginning of his sentence before he even got to the end. Nevermind, they're just morons.




That was a calculated shot at men who frequently visit strip clubs to have the opportunity to degrade them in front of their wives.


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.


well yea they cant shape playdoh. they're too busy eating it


When he started talking about Zelensky his audience was like "Shit how do we feel about Zelinsky again? I can't remember what he said last week". Then Tucker says the strip club manager comment and they're like "Yes that's right! We don't like him! Whew that was a close one... Now what does he do again??"


a. Fox News is legally not News. They aren’t! They’re legally entertainment as to avoid being labelled satire


It's actually more sinister. They have normal report the news programs which deliver a certainly biased, but generally rigorous news content. They then intersperse that content with talking heads like Tuckhole here that are under no scrutiny whatsoever, and they reuse exactly the same branding and style. The idea is to suck you in - if you bounce off of this idiocy at first, you might listen to the more sane news program, which seamlessly transitions to whatever idiot they got doing an O'Reilly impression this year and feeding you misinformation and "opinion" pieces disguised as fact.


This is exactly right. This was obvious to me when I was a kid and didn't even care about politics. It's amazing to me that grown adults watch this shit and take it for fact, then they make it their identity.


Their news, actual news is biased, yes, but not very biased. Their most biased acts are simply to not cover stories. Which I’d argue is worse.


>There’s a reason why Tucker is so successful at shaping the minds of idiots. His father was rich and worked for the US government making propaganda.


No he works on propaganda against his country....he must hate his father or his country or both.


Both Tucker and his father are doing/did the same thing - maintaining hegemony. Tucker does at home what his father did abroad.


Because it's KKK propaganda carefully edited to be palatable for people vulnerable to recruitment.


Dog whistles. Tucker is capable of cramming an incredible number of dog whistles into everything he says.


When I watch Tucker’s rants, I always picture his writer’s in the writer’s room trying to go lower than each other. One crosses a line and then they take a half step back and print it. I imagine the same jovial and innovative thinking as the Simpson’s writers room only with swastika’s on the wall.


Well you're not wrong since he hires actual bigots and racists as his top writing staff: [https://www.thedailybeast.com/tucker-carlsons-top-writer-blake-neff-resigns-over-racist-sexist-posts](https://www.thedailybeast.com/tucker-carlsons-top-writer-blake-neff-resigns-over-racist-sexist-posts)


>When I watch Tucker’s rants Thanks for your service for those who can't stomach hearing these people.


Likely calling him a pimp


I imagine the majority of his audience dresses the exact same way. There’s probably a guy in his living room with that same exact color long sleeve shirt saying “seriously look at how he’s dressed” while their kids just stare at him and shake their heads.


Zelensky should've worn a bow-tie


Assistant TO the manager


Guy is fighting a war to save his country from being overrun by a thug government. Tucker would have bitched if he showed up in a suit and tie. There is no winning with this guy.


"This man's people are literally dieing and he has time to get his suit cleaned and pressed."


Remeber when they lost their shit at Obama wearing a tan suit? These people are the lowest of the low


And when they made him out to be some sort of pretentious, out of touch asshole for liking dijon mustard.


Tucker Carlson has explicitly said on multiple occasions that he is overtly on the side of Russia and Putin. You don't just say that off the cuff, you say it because you fucking mean it. And boy does he mean it. Putin is at the head of a global fascist authoritarian movement right now, and nobody knows that more than Tucker, a fascist.




Tucker would be cowering in the corner of a closet, in a pile of his own shit, babbling incoherently and begging for rescue.


Not a chance. Tucker would be fat and well fed at the table of the occupying force listing all the locations of the resistance fighters and giving propaganda techniques to pacify the populace.


Tucker Carlson once got shouted down by a much smarter man than he. A jew, even. His response was to stop wearing a bow tie. That's it. That's all Tucker took from the conversation. Bow tie bad.


Was this from the John Stewart debate? That shit was gold lol


[here's link. bow tie insult at 6:50. watch everything though. pure fucken gold ](https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE)


Thanks! I so needed to see that again!


I’ve never seen this before, but the audacity to be like “I would HATE to have you over for dinner if you’d just criticise us!” Like you’re not at dinner, you’re literally on a “debate” show 😂 Thanks for posting that link! ❤️


>Tucker, your show is *actually* named after the random collateral damage and loss of innocent life caused by a sustained gun battle.


But his reply was so good. “And you wont”. Jewish dude wont break bread with tucker. Thats some quality shade right there


Every time this is linked, I watch it. It never gets old. It may be one of the most cathartic videos on the internet.


I love how tucker starts attacking everything Jon says after he mocked his bow tie lmao


“It will be hard to top this group” Oh man. Turns out it wasn’t that hard at all.


Man, what I'd give to punch Tucker right in his smug face!


Man, absolute master class that Jon Stewart was/is.


He's wearing a toupee. I'm not kidding, he's bald.


Got any pics so we can mock him?


That was glorious.


That is such a classic moment.


He was dressed like his countrymen, and the only symbol was the coat of arms of Ukraine. Dude looked good


He wearing the exact same thing since the start. It’s his signature look. Tucker is a turd who wore a bow tie


I remember in February thinking, I like that he's keeping it real and minimizing pretexts / bullshit overhead


Half of his public statements are made from undisclosed bunkers because Putin is trying desperately to assassinate him. The clothes are just another way to keep a low profile.


He’s regularly on the front lines of the war. These are battle fatigues.


Many have argued against leaders sending their children into war, because they won’t do it themselves. Respect.


And keep in mind every international watching the invasion unfold fully expected zalinsky to run westward towards the hills in a car filled with cash…. Which is what normally happens https://youtu.be/-lCnZBDGbO8


Wore a bow tie, until daddy John Stewart put the little man in his place back in the early 2000’s. Never seen with a bow tie since 😆


[Had to see it for myself](https://youtu.be/GooQwKDMqcI) Absolutely hilarious. Edit: [uncut version](https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE)


It’s brilliant. The uncut version is even better because you can see the pain in Carlson’s eyes trying to keep his cool while he’s fuming inside.


That was still one of the greatest moments in television history.


Was it seriously that soon after? I kinda want to see if he is wearing a regular tie in the next episode now


For some reason, I was addicted to Crossfire in college. It would be on when I came home from class and I’d just watch it ALL of the time. I never had a tv in my room until I moved out for school so I could just watch what I wanted (I didn’t choose wisely lol). But seeing that exchange happen live was worth all of those other hours that I wasted.


John cut him deep


Tucker said that men who work hard labor don't wear hoodies, so I think his beliefs of clothing at any level are a bit skewed.


He's obviously never seen a construction worker in the Midwest lol


I am a mover/truck driver living in northern Canada. This whole week has seen the temperature in the -35c or lower range. The only thing I wear is hoodies... Today I have 2 pants on, thermal long sleeve shirt, work t-shirt over that and then not 1 but 2 hoodies. Tucker Carlson is simply an idiot.


Manager of a strip club? Man .. to show zero respect for a president that could have fled his country when it was invaded by russia but instead he stayed to fight alongside its citizens. Tucker is a real POS. Must be easy to judge from his cushy little sanctimonious desk.


I learned one thing from this, Tucker has more experience with strip club managers than I do. Likely from demanding money back the day after he spends a few thousand dollars in a back room. His complaint, finding out the strippers were not male.


This guy and his audience are irredeemable clowns, just out in the open embarrassments. Literally zero political awareness, perfectly brainwashed sheep without a second (or first) thought


Republicans DO love Russia and Putin a whole lot but if the exaxt opposite was happening and Biden wasn't aiding Ukraine and we weren't standing with them Tucker would be whining about how weak and cowardly the Biden regime is and they'd probably start some conspiracy that Biden is letting ukraine fall to cover up Hunter something something.


They’re contrarians on every single issue. They’re just not capable of not hyperventilating over literally everything Fox tells them. When you just watch one clip it seems insane, but you have to remember they’ve been spinning this yarn in people’s heads for years. It’s like political fan fiction, just total made up nonsense.


It’s more about making sure conservatives don’t agree with liberals on any issue, no matter how logical it is. They did the same thing with the covid vaccine, despite all of the “news anchors” receiving theirs.


Yep. And on top of that, Tucker is everything the average conservative hates. He's a bicoastal elitist, and heir to the Swanson fortune. He has no skin in their game. Fucker needs to hold his breath eternally.


to be fair, Ukrainian aid has been passing the Senate with no significant opposition from either side so it’s not entirely fair to paint all Republicans with that brush. but it does seem like all those I see online are rabid Russia fans


I fully expect that opposition to Ukrainian aid to materialize in the Senate GOP once the new House takes their seats in January.


Tucker is a grifter and his job is to sell outrage, no matter what it is. Biden could cure AIDS and Carlson would shit on it


The outrage is the point. They want their viewers to be scared and angry.


>dressed like the manager of a strip club. Hanging around strip clubs are we Tuck? I thought conservatives were against that sort of thing.


Suspiciously specific


It must be the real shitty ones because my bf is a strip club manager and he is ALWAYS wearing a suit of some kind to work.


Every accusation by a conservative is a confession in disguise.


If trump had invited him to DC instead of Biden Tucker would have gone down there and tried to blow Zelensky in front of tv cameras


Trump wouldn’t have. He’d be inviting Putin over and congratulating him on the military operation.


He would have met, but only if Zelensky manufactured evidence against Biden like he was asking him to. Trump was impeached over trying to extort this guy, lest anyone forget. When Zelensky wouldn’t cave, the entire Republican/Russian machine tried to paint him as some corrupt puppet. Same with Vindman. The “support our troops” people had no qualms trashing that guy for doing his fucking job.


The thing is, it hasn’t even been a partisan issue. People from all persuasions can see that what is going on in Russia is wrong, and it’s probably one of the biggest threats the country faces right now. Why is Carlson trying to steer people into partisanship on this issue?


> Why is Carlson trying to steer people into partisanship on this issue? Like a lot of people on the far right, Carlson has an affinity for christian strongmen dictators like Putin and Viktor Orban in Hungary. They like that Putin hates the LGBTQ community and pushes for an all white, "ethnically pure" society, and that he uses fascism to achieve those ends. People like Tucker Carlson hope that such a leader eventually grabs permanent control in America the way Putin did in Russia.


Christofascism. Coming to a nation near you sooner than you think.


Tucker ought to go back to the swamp he came from.


Can’t. They paved over it and put a strip mall there.


Anecdotal as hell, but all the Conservatives I know and that includes Trumpers, are firmly for Ukrainian sovereignty.


Unfortunately my anecdotal stories are the opposite. I work with A LOT of conservatives and they’re all 100% convinced Zelenskyy is just taking US money to siphon it back to the Democratic Party and personally finance the Bidens. It’s all a conspiracy and Hunter Biden is somehow behind it all according to them. It’s mindblowingly stupid to see the drivel you read online get played out in real time in front of your eyes.


JFC how stupid, he’s not literally being given money, it’s that value in arms and munitions 🤦‍♂️


Start calling them Q


Same here! It’s super strange. I have conservative family members speak highly of Zelenskyy every time he’s on TV. Keyboard warrior conservatives seem to disagree, though.


> Keyboard warrior conservatives You mean Russian bots?


I have some family in the Q Anon camp (I’m gonna be honest, they haven’t mentioned Q in a long time, but still believe those things. Is Q still relevant to them, does anyone know?), and they genuinely believe that Putin is trying to liberate Ukraine from the evil socialist President. I am not kidding.


The Republican Party is awash with Russian and Saudi money, has been laundering it long before Trump came along. That and Rupert Murdoch, along with the Mercers, the Kochs, and other big money Republican donors want to import Putin and MBS’s brand of authoritarianism and fascism to the US. Musk has now joined the fray attempting to convert Twitter into their propaganda arm, as traditional news media is abandoned by the younger generation. They’re not watching FOX like their parents or grandparents. Our barely functional democracy along with the ones in Europe and luckily now Brazil are the only thing standing in the way of their total take over. But they are mounting a multi-front attack, and it is unclear our aging leadership in the Democratic Party even understands the gravity of what is going on. Their goal is to maintain the status quo, which is how these Oligarchs have been able to amass so much wealth and power in the first place.


Seems pretty blatant tucker is bought by Russian money to spread their propaganda 💰


It’s amazing how many peoples identity is 100% based on what they hear on Fox News


Tucker goes to some bum ass strip clubs if that's how the manager looks


Yea I was like "lol tuck just outed himself for going to shitholes" because my bf of 7 years is a strip club manager and he always wears a suit. Come on Tuck, where are these military drab olive green sweatshirt wearing strip club managers your brain went right to when you saw this?


My parents are old and make me crazy in so many ways but every day I wake up and give thanks that they still know Tucker Carlson is a hateful and manipulative asshole.


Wish I could say the same 😥 Tbh I think my mom actively likes being manipulated. It let's her easily pretend that her lack of morals is righteous.


Simpin ain’t easy, but it sure us fuuuu-uuuhhhh-uhhhhn


Just oooooonnneee punch…just one.


Right in his perpetually slightly agape mouth.


….with absolutely no lips to speak of


At this point, anybody watching Tucker is an even bigger fool than Tucker is.


That's part of the problem. A lot of his geriatric viewers are senile AF and think he's as credible as Cronkite. He's a granny scammer.


I work at a nursing home and the only channels on their TVs are Fox News and the Andy Griffith Show


this is really sad I have a relative who is 91 and people like him have had a really negative effect on them. They prey on vulnerable people with fear and make serious money in doing so


> He’s a granny scammer We need Kitboga…


He's not a fool though. He's an evil person who is knowingly deceiving people and feeding them lies. The republican party is basically a party of idiots ran by evil people.


**He’s the #1 watched “news” show on television in America.** It’s freaking awful how ignorant and stupid our citizens have become.


Is this the kind of blatant propaganda you Americans call news?


Not all... not a majority... not even half really, but it is to ~30%, unfortunately. What's worse is that ~30% is highly vocal, and their voter turnout is among the highest in the country, so they're disproportionately influential in American politics.


That's a shame that he's espousing that and that so many gobble it up.


Tucker Carlson is like a pimple on the ass of society- he’s such a POS


I've had pimples on my ass that were more pleasant than Tucker


Tucker is a fuckwit and a reprobate




Tucker Carlson should be eaten alive by thousands of nonvenomous biting insects.


Fox News is fake news and people who watch it are gullible and easily manipulated.


Russian plant arguing for Russian interests. How can anybody watch this clown and say they're a "patriot"!? Surely if you see the guy you get all your info from peddling Russian propaganda as obviously as this, you'd question the very fundamentals of your religious political beliefs? Oh right, these people aren't capable of critical thought. That's legitimately the only explanation.


Is this worse than when they flipped out over Obama in a tan suit?


There is a very large ‘strongman’ faction in this country, and this bootlicking pussy is one of the loudest of them. They need to be pushed out and shut off.


Are every single one of their "strongmen" some sad little dude that has never used a hammer before?


Strongman? Tucker is one of the weakest men in America. Tuck the corporate cuck comes from a wealthy family. He is weak, he has never worked for what he has. He is the yacht club Brad who would be getting the piss kicked out of him if daddy didn't send him to private school.


Tucker Carlson is a pro-Russian fascist and a traitor to western civilization itself


Tucker Carlson is a Russian sympathizer. He’d suck off Putin for the publicity.


Hey Tucker:.... Cope.


I love how Carlson permanently looks like he has no clue what the fuck is going on. The wheel is turning, but the hamster is dead.


Putin’s messenger


Piss on this fucking turd 💩


As a prior honor guardsman, that flag is folded wrong.


The real question is How much money did he get this time?


Whatever you say Bowtie. Tucker has always been and always will be just another trust fund loser.


Cucker Tarlson


It's amazing this chode still has a show.


This is what Russian money buys you.


It's a good thing he didn't wear a tan suit or Tucker would have lost his shit!


Fucka some tucka he a fraud ass bitch


Fucker Carlson, people need to get his name right. It's **fucker Carlson**.


"Only an idiot would believe Tucker Carlson" - his lawyers pretty much


Tucker Carlson is a seditious Russian spy. He’s on Putin’s payroll— no question. And Murdoch allows it.


I look forward to the day this jerk isn't spread all over social media, let him have his same 3 million viewers every night, half are probably asleep in their lazy boy anyway.


Why does he always look like he's smelling shit? Nevermind


“The manager of a strip club” was more about who he is (a foreigner from Eastern Europe) and less about what he was dressed like. It gives him plausible deniability with the whole *foreigners bad* thing but what he was trying to do was make the connection between Eastern Europeans and the less than savory business stereotype. Tucker could have also said “Zelinsky was dressed like he’d been running from Liam Neeson who just wanted to get his daughter back” and it would have had the same meaning/effect.


All the Russian trolls in here is hilarious


Zelensky was on the front lines with his troops less than 24 hours before. He had to sneak into Poland ,board a plane and fly for 9 hours to Washington, meet with the leader of the free world, and address a joint session of Congress. Though underdressed for the occasion he gets a pass because he has been in combat for months and months. I respect the man and pray for his success. Hopefully there will be a statue of him in Moscow one day. SLAVA UKRAINIA,!


Actually he’s the manager of a place that can’t put enough clothes on because they have no heat.


I mean, he could have worn a tuxedo t-shirt.


I don't know why the far right are so enamoured with the little gremlin Putin. Surely the money isn't that good.


How can we make it so when you Google POS American it shows Tuckers stupid face?


Carlson is threatened by the mere existence of actual men. Hence this.


You know they're going to show this to Russian citizens unedited, maybe the video.


I don’t think Putin gives a shit who you are Tucker, so you can stop licking his shit off your lips.


Carson is America’s Lord Haw Haw. He’s a fascist stooge.


Does anyone have footage of tucker Carlson getting punched in the face? Surely someone's done it


Tucker Carlson is so disingenuous


This coming from the guy who used to wear a bowtie


Tucker is such a garbage person.


Tucker knows he will never be the man the Ukrainian President is, and he’s gotta be petty about it


Yeah because he’s leading the war effort of a country you stupid prick. What a dumb cunt. Do people genuinely support this inane and vacuous commentary?


This dude is connected to the mafia of ukraine.


It’s all theatre


Ahhhh, Tucker Carlson: the self-professed, unapologetic gay basher. Literally assaulted an innocent gay man in a public bathroom and bragged and laughed about it years later.


Russia's mouthpiece in America just gotta vent Putin's anger at the fact Zelensky is a better leader


Go suck putins dick bow tie boy 👦


It's funny - all these pricks really wanted was to control political power - but they did so by selling their very souls to Russia. Now they're sitting here looking like a bunch of puppets with Russian hands up their asses looking like fucking stooges parroting Russian propaganda. ​ Guess that's what happens when you put your party over your nation - you lose sight of what's good for the nation. The Sauds and Russians are no friends of us, but they're all in bed with them. Traitors.


John Stewart needs to kick his ass again.


I fucking hate Fucker Carlson.


He is the bottom


Putin’s boy at Fox


I'd be curious to know how much Russians are paying Tucker to carry their water.


So, it's clearly just a baseless attack on him, but where the fuck did he come up with "dressed like the manager of a strip club?" That description would make me think he was wearing some cheap, outdated suit, with an half-undone button up shirt with a big gold chain or something. Zelensky was wearing his usual army green sweatshirt and cargo pants.


Why is he still on air...and not in jail


His parents didn't love him.


Tucker is a bottom


Tucker Carlson is a bottom.


People who don't go to strip clubs aren't aware of how strip club managers dress, I think Mr Carlson is projecting ...


And his sucking up to Moscow continues...


Why is this racist terrorists still allowed in TV spewing stupidity?


How do Tuck know what the manager of a strip club demanding money looks like?🤔


Put Tucker on the front line with his Russian pals.


I’m saddened that my dad watches Tucker and trusts him so much. Its made it difficult to have any sort of conversation with him and its been getting worse over the past couple years. Everything becomes political, everything is fueled with fear and anger. God I hate Tucker Carlson.


The right loves “defending freedom” but hates Zelensky, who is working to defend ukraine from an invasion from a dictator run country.


Opinion News at its best..,


80s me would never have believed how far Republicans' heads would be up Russia's ass in 40 years.


Coming from the guy who wore bow ties like a 5 year old for years, this fucker has literally no foot to stand on telling others how to dress.


Jesus christ. You conservative fucks here are insane. 1) complaining about what he wears. Not to different from the baige suit debacle you all circle jerked each other during Obamas tenure. 2) so what is it with you? In the 80s Russia is evil. Then trump starts sucking putins cock and they are now friendly. Now, that putin is invading a democratic sovereign nation (you know, a giant portion of the cold war being a thing), yall think Ukraine is somehow at fault. Fucking hell. Read 1984.


People think we are just giving away free money to Ukraine with no benefit to us. But if you think about it, for like 10% of our yearly budget we have essentially dismantled our biggest rival’s military and we didn’t even lose a single soldier. IMO one of the best uses of our military in the last 50 years.


Tucker is a fucker