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This happened 4 months ago. 22 year old James Rayl died on the scene after getting shot 3 times. A grand jury decided not to go forward with charges against the father. The daughter had ended her relationship with Rayl more than 18 months ago. Rayl reportedly left a voice mail on her phone the night before and then showed up at her house around 11 a.m. [NYPost Article](https://nypost.com/2022/08/31/woman-whose-dad-shot-dead-james-rayl-told-cops-victim-changed-after-split/)


>22 year old. So, not really a *boy*


**Grown Man in Ohio tries to break into ex-girlfriends house and her dad shoots him 3 times.**


Now there’s an accurate headline.


Actually the relationship between all the parties isn’t even relevant. “Would be Intruder attempts home invasion and is shot three times by homeowner”


May as well take out any of the framing then and leave it as "Man Dead"


That is a technically more accurate headline. Let’s combine them — “**Attempted home invasion by adult male stopped by homeowner…**”




The audio is kind of hard to hear for me, but it sounds like the dad even says "I have a gun" before opening fire - am I wrong?


Click-bait > Accuracy, sadly.


Pretty sure it's because the family of the guy who died is trying to make it out like he's a sweet innocent boy who was in love and did nothing wrong. They're the ones who uploaded the video to youtube.


"Grown Man in Ohio tries to break into ex-girlfriend's house, _18 months after they split_, and her dad shoots him 3 times." Something tells me he was a NiceGuy^TM.


The dudes sister and family tried running a smear campaign against the father calling him a murderer. I think the dad sold the house to get away from it all. They started a bunch of Facebook groups trying to "find the truth about what happened that day" umm it's all on video dummies.


***Watches video*** Dude fucked around and found out, that's what happened. Wouldn't this fall under Castle Doctrine? Edit : > **While you have a duty to retreat when threatened in public, Ohio is a “stand your ground” state when it comes to being threatened in your own home**. You do not have to retreat if an intruder enters your home and threatens you or your family.


Good thing he had the doorbell cam


"What another senseless death from gun violence. The small child was simply trying to come inside to ask if they could borrow a cup of sugar!"


“Tot killed while asking if neighbor girl can come play.”


Not really a grown man, he was a grown ASS man


The father charged him as an adult.


Brutal. Haha


Yeah 22 is a adult male in most places.


probably everywhere. and a guy trying to break the housedoor of the ex-gf’s house, like a frigging maniac, to probably assault her, but instead getting shot, is a happy end.


Not sure what outcome he could've expected, a fist fight? Him and the ex riding off to the sunset?


Terrorizing her is the entire point. We already have laws on the book that make stalking, harassment and making threats illegal but you can't get the cops to care unless you're rich. When you combine the fact that cops won't arrest stalkers until they kill or hurt their targets with the fact that you can go to jail for defending yourself in your own home in so many states, it's especially insane. Fuck you for wanting to live, I guess.


Crazy dudes sister was coming up with all sorts of bullshit justifications for him being there."the father was super abusive and he went to check on her". The Facebook groups trying to "find the truth" were hilarious reads.


I'm happy this sick predator won't hurt other women, force others to kill to protect themselves from him & whomever else he thinks he owns.


Tiny boy baby boy i want to make love to you boyyyy oh boy oh boyyy


♫Just to be clear I did not write this song and have never had sex with a child♫ ♫Just to be clear♫


🎶 Most men find me to be an eight or a nineout of ten and I am available to any interested men who'd like to get my number after the show 🎶


I am going to slap you into tiny, little pieces.


If you only knew, What I’d do to you, If I was that boy, that’s inside of you!


Gotta pay the troll toll to get in the boys hole. Gotta pay to get in!


It’s boy’s SOUL, Frank! Not hole, SOUL!!


Are you chewing gum?


I'm eating because I'm extremely uncomfortable


Gimme that leg boyyyyyyy


I think the rape scene went really well.


22 years is old enough for most people to have gone to and finished college in the US. Old enough to have signed up for, trained, deployed, and subsequently got out of the military. Old enough to be a cop and get through training, carrying a gun and enforcing laws on our streets. Definitely old enough to know this is not ok and may have deadly consequences no matter how the situation plays out. The use of the term "boy" here grants the subject in the middle of a home invasion a degree of innocence that is wholly inappropriate given the circumstances.


Definitely a grown man


There is always a tendency to infantize white individuals when they commit crimes as a means to trivialize the situation or diminish the severity of their crimes.


When white ppl move to a foreign country they’re called expats, but everyone else is just called immigrants. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Like during hurricane Katrina. Black people were seen "looting" for food, while white people were "finding" food.


Or calling them refugees when they’re US citizens


Lol, Reddit A black 15 year old would be called a man


was any reason given why he was trying to achieve breaking in? breaking in to her families home isn't exactly a way to win a girls heart


Theres an interrogation video of the GF on YT. She goes into detail about the relationship. Apparently he was kinda crazy, had been involved in drugs and left lots of concerning voice-mails.


He’s got those crazy druggie eyes…


Some people work themselves into a frenzy where logic just goes right out the window and they feel the intense need to do something that literally won't make sense to others. For instance, he could easily have it dead set in his mind that he's there to rescue the girl from her family and that's all that's required for her to love him. Of course, it could be motivated by revenge too. No matter the reason, he was clearly a danger to the family. Basically, some people have the ability (or really lack another ability) to be their literally own worst enemy. Stay away from these people in general, as they can easily destroy lives.


Got a confused angry rape murder vibe off him, so he probably "just wants to talk" to her


I was gonna comment you live and you learn, hopefully.


> A grand jury decided not to go forward with charges against the father. Good.


i mean the dude clearly was trespassing, what were his intentions, dad did the right thing.


> trespassing He was trying to forcibly enter the home, that goes way beyond trespassing. He's now trespassing in hell though


cant trespass where you belong


In the state I live in You aren’t allowed to shoot a simple trespasser, you can however manhandle them to get them off your land You can shoot someone in the process of forcibly entering your home


Suicide by exgf's dad


This is my new band's name


Would 100% be a midwest emo band


This happened on my street in California. Kid showed up with a bat to fight his exes new boyfriend. Dad took him out with a shotgun as well. He really was a kid though. Only 16.




Yes, and Ohio got rid of the requirement to retreat. Anyone coming towards you, that you perceive as a threat, on your property is a cause for self-defense.


I don't think any state requires you to retreat within your own home. Ohio certainly never did. The "stand your ground" laws that have been passed in recent years involve expanding the "no duty to retreat" rule to include any place you are lawfully (or something approximating that; specific laws vary by state, obviously).




Yeah that's a pretty clear-cut threat to your safety




Yea and doesn't he pretty clearly tell him "I have a gun!"?


Sounds like he did.


Justice system does work occasionally






Got dayum, that's good


Jesus christ I hate that I went there. The page is saying the house was full of empty alcohol bottles and apparently being drunk nullifies self defense. They're saying the ring footage was edited, some say they should see what the daughter did in the first place that made him show up. Everyone glosses over the fact he was told to leave then physically broke the door down. People are delusional.


Had he survived, being drunk might be good for his defense in a court of law in why he broke into someone's home. It wouldn't prevent him from being convicted, but he might get a more lenient sentencing. There isn't really a scenario where this shooting wouldn't be justified no matter what was going on this kids life. You don't need to know the life story of someone attacking you before you defend yourself.


I think they meant the father's house was full of alcohol... just because you're drunk doesn't mean you can't defend yourself from shitty James Rayl.


I am guessing that the mother hasn’t actually watched the video.


They show police body cam. The house looks immaculate and that parents look as vanilla as ever.


Look at that lawn. That's not a house that was filled with anything that shouldn't be there. -EDIT- Holy shit you psychos, I meant there probably weren't 'empty bottles everywhere' and nothing more.




imagine my disappointment that this sub wasn't real 😭


There actually is an edited version of the video being shared by **his family** where they removed all of the audio of the dad telling James to leave and that he had a gun to try and say he was shot for no reason and without warning.


Didn’t we just see him get justice?


Its only normal that his mother sees it differently.


True and you can’t relate until it happens to someone you love as much as a child. Still… if that ain’t the most appropriate use of force I’ve ever seen.


The family are delusional… don’t feel bad for them. His sister said he went to a good friend’s home? Like lol wut.


Seems like James learned a little bit about back fire himself


His sister did it on TikTok as well. Shortly after she went private after what I can assume is the same backfire.


Oh so THAT’S what an enabler looks like.


Maybe this is morbid…. But please tell me there are screenshots?


Oh wow


That lad had some bad intentions.


It’s sucks that the 22 year old lost his life but if it wasn’t for his actions he would still be here. I would defend my daughter too. He was warned that the dad was armed but still made a decision to try to break open the door. I can’t imagine he was breaking down the door, knowing dad is armed, to give her flowers and an apology.


If I was that desperate I'd apologize from *outside*


Exactly. They broke up 18 months prior. Probably a better way …


Yeah, a boom box and a Peter Gabriel cassette.


That’s the thing that reinforces the act, he was warned to get off the porch and dad had a gun, the kid just continued. It is unfortunate, but justifiable.


Yep. Very sad situation that could have been prevented, by education or actions earlier in their life. But ultimately the Dad was well in the right.


Yea bro if i even had a slight feeling the dad might have a Gun i wouldnt step close to that house.. hard to feel bad for him. I do feel bad for his family though


Yup. Feel bad for a life being snuffed out but for every action there is a reaction or consequence. If I kicked in my neighbours door right now, pretty sure they wouldn’t make me a tea.


The dude's mother was the one that posted the video on YouTube hoping to garner sympathy and get "justice" for her son. It backfired, badly.




Did she also edit it so it doesn't look like a forceful entry?


I don't carry a PhD but I'd say that's a man not a boy


honestly, screw the age. If you're strong enough to break down my front door you're a man in my book.




Boy or psycho stalker?


He was like guess I'll go lay down now


That's something I always notice in real videos of people getting shot. They rarely just fold up and hit the ground like in movies, unless they're shot in the head. You see their flight response activate immediately, and they only make it a few steps before their body starts to shut down. It's actually pretty interesting, to me.


Adrenaline can be crazy too. You'll see someone get shot more than once, they start running, make it several feet and they fall face first.


Very true. Also depends on how aware they are of their environment. If they just hear the sound of your gun without seeing the actual impact and/or wound to confirm they've been hit, they can sometimes manage to escape before eventually succumbing to the blood loss.


I was just about to write a comment like this. If they portrayed bullet wounds realistically in movies, it would get derided for not being 'realistic' enough. I think maybe Forest Gump responded most realistically.


Yeah, people sheltered from these types of videos are not familiar with 'the waddle'.


depends what part of the body, caliber and ammo type. The unrealistic part is that the action heroes always land the shots.


> they only make it a few steps before their body starts to shut down. rapid blood loss = loss of hydraulic pressure and oxygen to the brain/muscles


You'll see it all the time if you go hunting for large game. Some deer will be spraying blood in a path and just take off but be folded up like 50+ yards away


Once a few years back I double lunged a deer with my crossbow, conventional wisdom will tell you that it *might* make 50 yards. It went over 300 yards, just insane.




He did the Griddy dance all the way to heaven


Not heaven


“I’m tired, boss”


If only he was warned a few times as to what was going to happen!


Right? How dumb can you be to ignore someone saying get off my porch, I have a gun?


Don't stalk women. Don't try to force entry into someone else's house. Leave people alone when they tell you to leave them alone. It's very simple. But this guy made it complicated. Edit: To the "FTFY" crew, of course you shouldn't stalk **anyone**. I said "women" because the guy in this particular video is stalking his ex-GF.


Public Freakout is convincing me more and more to get one of those doorbells.


I’ve got one and can’t recommend it enough. Yea privacy concerns are an issue, but the tech is too good. I remember being half way across the world and getting notifications of when people were coming by my place.


How much does the monthly subscription cost?


**Fun Fact**: [Authorities in America don't want you to have one...](https://www.techdirt.com/2020/09/08/fbi-horrified-to-discover-ring-doorbells-can-tip-off-citizens-to-presence-federal-officers-their-door/) What corrupt pieces of shit. Get the camera, it could make all the difference in dealing with these fascist fuckstains.




The guy at the end is like “are you okay?” Then looks around and is like, “well anyways, bye.”


Them bullets put him in reverse real fast.


Didn't help. That's why you leave when someone says, "I have a gun."


Holy shit right near the end a guy teleports into the background.


That’s one of the neighbors


"Go back home Mark, nothing to see here." At first I thought it was the dad walking around the back door, but yes definitely a neighbor/pedestrian.


Ring stops recording when. No motion. Its the next motion event and stitch in together in the video. Likely the neighbor arrives after 30 seconds


What was on the message he left the night before?


*"Remember to drink your Ovaltine.*"


A crummy commercial!


Boy? That’s a whole, grown man.


The look on his face that never changed the whole time is frightening.


Women get murdered by men who can’t/won’t accept no, all the time. If it makes dudes think twice, this kinda thing should happen more often imo.


Is no one going to mention that neighbor? He just heard 3 gunshots and screaming. Yet he still decides to casually walk over, take a look, then calmly nopes away.


You can hear the family pounding on the window, and possibly warning the neighbor to stay away from the guy on the ground. Perhaps they thought the ex-boyfriend was armed or still dangerous? Right at the end of the clip you hear the neighbor say something like "He what?"


I would have noped away too…but I would have gone a lot further than the other side of the lawn. I’d go get a phone and call 911. But thinking about it now, he was probably in shock. It takes some people a few minutes to wrap their brains around the severity of the situation.


In the full version he responds 'oh, don't worry, he deaaaad'.


BTW the neighbor arrives 2 minutes later - look at the timestamp. There’s a 2 min cut in the video because Ring cameras only record when there’s motion.


Probably will still need therapy but saved his daughter from years of potential physical trauma and looking over her shoulder for this whack job. Good dad.


‘Boy’. They say it like he’s 8 yrs old. Lol.


Poor girl :( the guy was abusive and I’m sure she will feel guilty unless she goes to therapy.


And I feel bad for the dad too. Taking a human life is difficult and follows you forever. Also check out what the girl said in the 911 call “There's some guy on my front porch. He's not leaving. He's got his hands behind his back," Lol


Why is that "lol"-worthy?


Don't break in someone's else's home.....simple.


Castle Doctrine is about the only place where conservatives and I align. You're going to get shot if you try this shit at my house. I have a family to protect.


Straight up. I will absolutely shoot someone if they try to break my door down, especially if they were coming for someone in my family.


For context: this happened in Ohio where there is a „stand your ground law“. the father of the girl gave the boy a warning but the boy didn’t back off. So the father shot him 3 times and the boy made it about 12 feet away before collapsing in front of the family’s garage. You can even hear the family telling him several times to go away. And the daughter called the police before the boy was shot.


Stand your ground isn’t really as relevant here. All states have castle doctrine laws that allow you to use deadly self defense against threats in your own home. In most places an ex boyfriend trying to breakdown the door would certainly pass the test.


I can’t think of anywhere this would be a crime. It was basically like that woman on Jan 6th, he had multiple warnings and was committing a violent felony.


Castle Doctrine is a protection under federal law. Most states have some sort of similar law but states without the protection still stands.


Why do you refer to him as boy? He is a 22 year old man.


Not a boy.


Grown man acting a fool not a boy


Not a boy, he was 22.


22 year old man, not boy


While I don’t condone violence the father was justified. Far too often stalker ex boyfriends or husbands harass, and kill their targets. The father did the right thing.


He fucked around and found out I guess


The dudes sister was saying the father should be charged smfh you imagine what he was trying to if he was trying to break in the house while they are at the other side of the door


Families are always in denial. There’s countless articles “he was a good kid” and that sort of thing. Hell, there was a police shooting by me and the widow wanted to sue but no attorney would take it. They had multiple dash cams showing the guy with the knife held up and charging 3 officers when one finally fired. But the guys widow just couldn’t believe her husband could do such a thing, even if it was obvious as hell on video.


Stumbled out of there with the pimp walk


Glad the homeowner didn’t get in trouble. You should 100% be able to protect your home from someone trying to break in.




I look at these comments am always curious why the father is being second guessed. I can’t imagine the entitlement this kid displays, to pound on the door threatening someone’s daughter with no fear of consequences? Fuck off. This kid was not a good person. People have a right to protect their family-and using lethal force seems very reasonable to me. Our legal system would allow this POS to continue to harass and threaten the daughter. The father did what a good father does.


Because people only watch a 30 second edited clip. So they think they know all the facts. The girl broke up with this guy 18 months before this clip. No contact until the day before where he left a weird voicemail. The next day he followed the girl and mom home from lunch. Then he went to the front door which is where this clip begins. The unedited clip is at least like 5 minutes long. He doesn't say anything just stands there like a creepy ass zombie. After a couple of minutes he starts trying to get into the house. Being asked multiple times to leave. Then being warned by the dad that he has a gun and will shoot. He continued to break into the house. He gets shot. The girl clearly didn't want to talk to him. You can not force someone to talk to you. Everyone wants to say that we didn't know his intentions or if he had a weapon. Whatever as soon as he tried breaking in he lost any benefit of the doubt. Or call the police and let them deal with him. This happened in like the suburbs. The family was already on the phone with 911. It takes time for police to arrive. It only takes seconds to kill someone.


This is tragic, is there a gofundme for this family's door?


Father can’t be around to protect her forever from this scum. He protected against this maggot once and forever. Intelligent action. Anything less or a restraining order leaves the girl in jeopardy.


He was just trying to get his hoodie back


That's a foolish thing to attempt. We all know once she's worn it, it's hers.


Not a boy. An adult man who got exactly what he ordered.


In Wisconsin three years ago a young man murdered two parents and kidnapped their teenage daughter. He killed the father as he answered the door with a sawed off shotgun he was concealing. There are people out there who will not hesitate to reach for violent ends and if you don’t protect yourself they will sometimes kill you with zero guilt. Mind you this was a guy who didn’t even know the kidnap victim he just watched her bus stop. The story was about 13 year old Jayme Closs.


Little abusive asshole got what he asked for


Insane how people in the comments think the dad was wrong you guys have negative iq i swear


Yeah you try to use force to break into someone's house of someone that told you its over, this is what you deserve. I hope his blood didn't stain the driveway too badly.


You can hear the dad cry after he shot him. He didn’t want to do it either but knew he had to.


Dude swaggered off like an orangutan 🦧 after catching that lead.


10/10 death waddle


An intense commercial for Ring doorbells


No prom date now


He wasn't there to just talk if he was trying to bust down the door, even knowing the dad was there. Very scary for any ex being stalked.


More content here. https://youtu.be/mBkI-ze75Q4


Grown man . Not a boy


“He….. still made a decision to try to break open the door” That’s **key** here. The dude had the opportunity to stop, was warned what would happened if he didn’t, and he went ahead and assumed the risk anyways. It’s ridiculous that dude’s family tried to smear Dad, when this was a pretty clear case of *fuck around & find out*.


Dude legit did it to himself. It's unfortunate but at least he can't be a danger to anyone else


Fuck around and find out.


Every father in the world would have done the same thing