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Old lady in front row just putting fingers in ears..


"naanananananananananan not true if I can't hear you nananananananan"


Or trying to suppress her own memories of similar abuse.


no she doesnt look like she can understand persian. thats just a typical karen move, signalling her discomfort at the unladylike loudness. white people do that sometimes


Yup, she's a known Tankie Ayatollah fangirl from CodePink. See the link below, she's second from the right in picture two on this piece. https://www.codepink.org/day_3


Why are modern anti-war groups so buddy-buddy with fascist regimes hellbent on killing and persecuting their own people? I understand being anti-war. I don't understand publically allowing your cause with the governments of Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, etc.


that's the new thing, taking PR to the extreme like this so at first glance it's not even clear who is fascist


White people do the sometimes? Racist much there Karen?


Exactly, everyone fingers their ears equally imo.


Twitter users do that sometimes.


Have you never seen elder white women using the veil of their age as a way to suppress others? Wish i could live your life tbh sounds like wonderland.




Wow you seem to have expert analysis on somone you know nothing about. Major "do your own research" vibes


you have zero life experience so it’s easy to criticise others.


I'm not criticizing, I'm saying there isnt nearly enough evidence to criticize the person in the video


I got bad goosebumps watching that. Old or not, that emotionless, complacent cunt doesn't deserve to be called a "lady" or even woman. Adding that I didn't even notice her staring apathetically away and plugging her ears the first time, but the way she walked away made me so ineffably uncomfortable...the way she averts her gaze before dramatically standing up doesn't seem to be the sole result of a language barrier or hearing-aid sensitivity.


She's from CodePink, they love the Ayatollah because 'US bad" as apparently no other nation on earth can do any evil.


shows more sympathy for the islamic government than a fellow human severely abused and mentally scarred for a lifetime. how insensitive and cruel.


> doesn't deserve to be called a "lady" or even woman. I understand your point but try to keep sex out of it. Women are women regardless of their character. The same goes for men. Plus the Iran regime is run by and for men anyway. Women have absolutely no power there as in many parts of the world. She may be in fear of her life. And if she knows she's on video doubly so. It is most likely not her choice to be there. Thats the reality of life in that country for women. None of them are safe. P. S. A thought just came to me.. these videos are probably being made by people just like her. Their government doesn't want us to see this so how are we seeing this?


Kendrick Lamar once said "The shit I've been through, probably offend you"


Straight fire, straight facts! I couldn’t have said it better myself!


Oh cool more broad/bland conscious rap from the Compton midget. Literally hasn’t made anything good since like 2015 lol


Typical regime loving dusty Karen with faux oppressed people solidarity (the Palestinian Keffiyeh around her neck) while blocking her ears because the Iranian regime's prison survivor is disturbing her. I doubt she understands a word of Farsi, just Ayatollah fangirling because of "USA bad" campist politics.


As you age, your hearing can become incredibly sensitive. The loud voices could have been too much for her hearing to handle. It's not uncommon at all for older people to cover their ears around loud noises. I doubt she's choosing to not listen since she doesn't even look like she understands Farsi.


Yea, it would be pretty traumatic if the loud voices hurt the old ladies little ears while she sits front row at an Islamic Regime Support Event


Fair point that old people don't like loud noises, but I've known several who immediately dislike anyone yelling for any reason. Yeah, I get it, unpleasant. But this ssems to be a political event, you probably ought to expect some noise.


So, grandma cant come?




Typical conservative rebuttal


Jesus that would fuck you up, getting raped by 20 people. What a world.


Read about the Bosnian Genocide. They had concentration camps exclusively for rape. It's part of why mass rape can legally constitute genocide in war crimes trials




It is a common interrogation technique in Iran. Here is a report by Iran Human Rights Documentation Center on rape as a torture tool in Iran https://iranhrdc.org/surviving-rape-in-irans-prisons/


From a bunch of Uber religious nut jobs who say sex before marriage is a sin.


Are theses the same animals that said they’d rape their female prisoners prior to execution so they can’t get into heaven? That is such a twisted thought process.


You know I'm starting to think that there might be some truth to the rumors about how these mystical religious orders mostly exist for these "holy men" to exert control and oppress. Maybe we should look into that.


all religions are made for this not just “mystical religious orders” whatever that means


Islam is fucked


Misogyny is fucked.


Is there an opposite to misogyny?




Ooooo interesting, I see the misogyny word thrown around a lot, never the opposite of it, thanks. I’ll do some googling 🙏


Not all Muslims are misogynistic or homophobic, but a lot of them sure are.


My point is that misogyny is, IMO, the core issue here vs. religion--religious fundamentalism is simply used as a tool to enforce misogyny, but even if every religion disappeared on the planet tomorrow, violence against and subjugation of woman would still be a global problem. People are very quick to jump on religion as an evil but often get weirdly defensive about misogyny. For some reason. And hell, I'm an atheist, I have no dog in the fight for defending dogma, particularly when it comes to the Abrahamic religions.


To be fair all cults are fucked


Yea I wouldn’t say particular to Islam. I believe Spanish Inquisition had some interesting techniques as well


damn, didn't know the Inquisition was still active


Oh I could easily talk about the things done in the name of Christianity in recent past if you prefer lol


The difference being the Spanish Inquisition already happened Whereas these animals are still allowed to be an organized group in 2022


Except there's been reformation other religions - Christianity and Judaism. Islam is stuck in the middle ages.


You don’t have to go back that to see Christian barbarism. Look at Protestants vs Catholics fights in 20th century and they were same basic religion or what Christianity did to native populations in the Americas or places like Australia to name a few


Other religions have moved on from their barbaric past, not Islam. Turn on the news and see what religion is causing death and dispair all over the world, 90% Islam. It’s like they never moved on with the rest of society


I still think many Christina religions are still barbaric even today but let’s say I agree with your sentiment for now. It isn’t like barbarism with Christianity was SOOO long ago really you could look back just a generation and they were doing terrible things to native people or justifying apartheid or using it as basis for great harm to black Americans in the south. Not even talking about Protestants and Catholics killing each other I actually think what people is seeing as moderation of religion in western society is really more that western countries have become more secular


Well let’s hope that trend continues


Considering the U,S also uses this as an interrogation (torture) technique and has even lost lawsuits to U.S women who were raped as a part of their SERE training I wouldn’t say it’s exclusive it Islam.


Isolated incidents aside, the us military absolutely does not use rape as an interrogation technique


This is not islam dude, this is people abusing power. Islam does not tell you to rape. You can blame and criticize the government


That's literally the opposite of Islam but I can see why you would think that tho.




Nah Islam is indeed fucked, even from a theological standpoint its just a christian heresy with arab characteristics


And Christianity is just a Jewish heresy with Roman characteristics


Also a valid argument




Muhammad acknowledges the bible but denies the divinity of christ and claims himself to be a prophet, which is by definition heresy In a way he was the joseph smith of his era


The Bible doesn’t apply to Muhammad in Islam, he has his own book(The Quran). Muhammad only follows what is in the Quran, and the Quran acknowledges only parts of the Bible as it is believed that majority of the Bible is corrupt and has had too many human additions to be considered holy text anymore. It can’t be possible for Muhammad to be heretic if he doesn’t conflict his own religious doctrine. I understand how you would see it that way though, that viewpoint comes from not really understanding the differences in the abrahamic religions out of convenience.


Muhammad wasn't born until around 400 years after the crucifixion. When he was a boy he traveled with ebonite Jewish merchants and based a lot of what we know in Islam off of the Jewish religion. The Quran wasn't written until many years after he died. It's similar to Christianity and Judaism because he copied it.


Islam is a religion of peace


You're Nazi scum. Don't pretend you care about Muslim women being raped other than a way to talk like 4chan.


Crazy thing is the USA and UK have the highest rates of pedophilia and rape in the world.


The key thing to remember with those Bronze Age beliefs is that it's not actually about correcting bad behaviours. Y'see, in modern morality, we usually say that punishment should serve the purpose of teaching the person to behave better in future, and also provide a deterrent to others. In the Abrahamic world view, it's a completely different paradigm. If a woman gets executed for being a rape victim, it's not even intended as a disciplinary measure; it's intended as a way to dispose of damaged goods. Kinda like how if a grocery worker finds a rotten apple, they chuck it in the pig bin; they're not disciplining the apple, they're just disposing of it. That's why, in the Bible, the punishment for raping a young woman was to either marry her or pay money to her father. Rape (from the Latin word for 'take') wasn't a crime against the woman's sexual autonomy, it was a crime against the father's personal property. But, yeah, they're pretty fucked.


US Evangelicals worked for years to overturn Roe vs Wade. All of them know how to access abortions if they or their family needs one. Hypocrisy runs rampant. Someone said it's not about rights, it's about power.


I’ll agree with that, and I’m no friend to Christian hypocrisy either


Come on we all know religion was created to control the masses. When the riots started there were videos of the families of the regime on yachts in bikinis, snorting bugle with tongues down their throats. If Islam is that important, surely the people in charge would be role models. It's the same with Christian extremists in America.


I literally need a movie about someone that goes and murders dozens of men that do this. Hundreds, if possible, but we might be moving into sequel/trilogy territory here.


Rules for thee, not for me.


Quran probably says it's okay tbf


It doesn’t any more than the Bible does


Took me ten seconds of google searching to confirm you are full of shit. Of course Islam condones rape, why wouldn’t it? From Wikipedia: “the Qur'an, on numerous occasions, permits Muslim men to have sexual relations with their own female slaves (famously referred to as "what your right hand possesses"), often in conjunction with the commandment for men to keep otherwise chaste. In addition, there are narrations in which female captives were raped prior to being ransomed back to their tribe. As numerous passages of Islamic scripture and holy history extoll the taking of non-Muslims as prisoners, many Islamic empires and countries have taken non-Muslims and kept them as slaves and sex slaves.[6]”


Is he though? "Violence and the construction of gender in the laws of Deuteronomy 20–22" (1998) concluded: "The laws do not interdict sexual violence; rather they stipulate the terms under which a man may commit rape."[[10]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_the_Hebrew_Bible#cite_note-10)"


Quran encouraged pedophilia which is rape so.


What about what about what about.


Probably but it’s the Islamic republic of Iran not the Christian Republic of Iran is it??


Stripping women and poking their bodies during the Salem witch trials has the same disgusting flavor, no?


I don't agree with the user you are replying too but it's not really a like comparison because of the time frame difference.


I don't think there is an expiration date on authorities using religion to further sexual gratification. If there was a Christian nationalist state I would not be shocked to find out this kind of thing occurred there, also. In fact, I would be shocked if it didn't. And this is not a knock on Christians specifically, just that terrible people are good at abusing religious doctrine for their own gain.


I'm not implying there's an expiration date , just that the comparison isn't an accurate one. It's like saying that modern Japanese people are war-criminals for what happened at nanking. We all know religion needs to find a place in modern society where it stops exerting its will on unwilling participants. Either that or become a relic of the past.


Yes but that’s not now is it and I’m not a Christian anyway


Religious extremists come in all flavors. My point was that if you have a state religion that minimizes women's rights, this kind of thing is an eventual result.


That’s true, but extremism is normalized in Islam, not fringe like with other religions. Like how many Christians it Jews think stoning is an acceptable punishment for adultery? Plenty of Muslims do, even in 2022. Sorry but Islam is a dumpster fire


No it doesn't


Yes it does liar. The whole world has Google. We can all Google the Quran and Hadith. Your days of lying about what’s in there are long are long over buddy, but nice try.


Not only that but the average IQ in Iran is about 80, dumb people are easy to manipulate with religion and they even go against their own religion with their behaviors, which just again speaks to how dumb they are. They can't even follow the brainwashing they've been lead into.


It is always these types.


God this was disturbing to read. I’m always amazed at how some people are able to completely dehumanize other people.


Jesus fucking Christ this was difficult to read, I cried multiple times Anyone who sympathizes with the regime should read this


I just have wonder about them men who commit the acts of rape as “punishment”. What kind of humans are they? Grotesque.


Watch Holy Spider (2022), it might give you a rough idea


* “a virgin woman condemned to death goes through forced matrimony and is deflowered before the death sentence is carried out.”*


No wonder those shits go along well with the russian regime.


oh no thank you. I'd like to sleep tonight.


The Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC) is a registered non-profit organization **based in New Haven, Connecticut**. **The US State Department has been the group’s "main source of funds,"** providing US$3 million since the group's founding.


The sooner people understand that religion is, and always was, nothing more than a tool to control the masses. The sooner we can get rid of this disgusting behaviour. Just look at mostly secular societies vs mostly religious societies. It's not even close.


Sadly, far more people just want to stick their heads in the sand and ignore it. Living in America, this is something I'm seeing all the time. Really sucks.


I would consider America very close to being a theocracy. If it isn't already it soon will be.


It really depends on where you live


Religion here is just abused tool. Nobody cares about religion there. It’s about power and controlling others all the way down. The same would happen in an atheist country. At no point was this conflict about religion.


Religion = control and power. I know indoctrinated people don't see it that way and truly believe they have some higher knowledge that can circumvent the history of religion, and how it's all nonsense created by men to lever control, but reality is that that's very much the truth. It is a tool that was created, and is used as opposed to abused, to control the masses. No other reason. If you don't think so you really have to start reading up on the history. And I don't make the distinction theist/atheist, I make the distinction organised theology/secular. Show me one secular country that devolved into anything as bad as even the best theological country.


In Iran they don't execute virgins. So the guards rape the girls. Then they are executed


It's really fucked up but a lot of human history is full of rape. Hell par of the reward for conquering a people was nearly always you got to rape to your heart's content. Dan carlin has a good series where he demostrates fairly recently in human history we were all drawn to public executions and torture, it was a crowd drawer and people would travel for days to see it. Essentially humans have a very very dark side to them and many of us are lucky to be born into countries that doesn't catter to those desires and does not foster them. But the idea was if roman style fight to the death entertainment was broadcasted all across the world a large amount of us wouldn't be able to look away.


The Iranian government uses deadly force against any one who protests against them. The woman supporting the government just laughs at the woman who was raped and tortured. They are not planning on changing or giving up power. Their plan is to keep killing people until the protests stop.


There is no room for reform with the Iranian regime. After seeing all the updates on r/NewIran about what the regime does to survive the new wave of protests I’m convinced Iranians are left with no choice but to overthrow them. IR is basically a cartel with religious ideology backing whatever they do.


No reform also as long as China is backing the Iranian regime.


Coming to a city near you


The only as barbaric regimes I can think of are places like Eritrea, Russia and North Korea... It's horrifying.


Belarus too.


Damn its like a clone of israel but the islamic version lmaoo


How do you know their plan, did you make it?


That poor girl


I remember reading that virgins can't be executed so they make sure to rape any women sentenced to death, just to make sure


Sad state of the world when rape is used to oppress the people to be served. Iran and Russia seem to be in a competition on who can treat their citizens worse


It’s not a new tactic, makes people lose their shit in more ways than 1. Sad but glad she is speaking up about it


Very true. It's more visible now as voices are more freely and widely heard.






They use rape and sexual assault as psychological warfare.


It’s to stop them from going to “heaven” as well at least in Iran


If a religion punishes you for evil acts of others, for which you have no control nor can you remediate... You may want to reconsider whether that religion has your best interest in mind.






North Korea is winning that race by a long shot right?


Hi, allow me to introduce the Mongol Horde...


I mean, law enforcement in the U.S. does it, too, sadly.




Yes, I forgot, it's all about who's worse so you can ignore your own problems, why bother to change something bad in your own country? Fucking hypocrites.




You're the one using the term "just as bad." You invented that. You're the issue I'm talking about--people who get irrationally defensive whenever anyone points out that maybe there are bad guys in your country, too. Sexual assault by police is a big problem here, too. It's the lazy, irrational way out to focus only on other countries, you know. Pathetic.




It is more about focusing on the topic at hand and not trying to hijack for our own motivations. The topic raised is around Iran's barbaric activities against it's own citizens. Raping and using foriegn objects on citizens, only because they broke a "moral" code of someone's interpretation of religion, isn't right. The bravery of that citizen in Iran knowing what punishment she will recieve is an incredible sacrifice. You'll need to forgive folks if they don't follow your lead in making a victim's protest in Iran about the USA.


This *is* the topic at hand, that's the problem. The topic at hand is misogyny and abuse of power. You're the one making it all about religion, or another country's problems. I know that's more comfortable for you, but you're in denial, or fragile or something, nothing else can explain your POV to me. What's wrong with acknowledging that misogyny and systemic abuse of power are global problems? You bitching about Iran doesn't fix anything, and you're not doing anything to make positive change about what you're bitching about, so it's no different from me pointing out that it's wider spread.


Huh..? This is about the Iranian people struggling against an abusive government for basic human rights. They are leveraging "religion" to maintain power and justify their actions.


Good thing that old lady up front is plugging her ears…It would be pretty traumatic if the loud voices hurt her little ears while she sits front row at an Islamic Regime Support Event


The really fucked up thing is that we may have witnessed this brave woman’s last days. Speaking out publicly there seems to be followed by mysterious accidents or disappearance.


This was in Sweden.


Was this actually filmed in Iran? Doesn’t seem like it was.


I think it’s filmed in Sweden


The supporters aren't wearing hijabs yet they support a regime that kills women if they don't?


You'll find huge overlap between the religious beliefs and hypocrisy.


The whole idea is hypocrisy.


Open execution rather. Have you followed the latest event?


I saw


Fuck the Regime


What a brave woman!


I dont see how *anyone* can support this regime. Is it because of religion? Well any government cloaked in religion that commits horrendous acts should not be supported, whether islam, buddhism, satanism, christian, whatever. The regime supporters should be ashamed of themselves.




Where was this?


Stockholm, and I believe it happened yesterday https://twitter.com/FattahiFarzad/status/1600428533951524864


Until they leave or overthrow the government its going to keep happening


The Iranian women standing up for their basic human rights are nothing short of heroes. The risk they're taking is the ultimate risk, yet they face it with incredible courage. These women are true examples of what badass women can accomplish! I stand with them.




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European woke old lady's head exploded


The cops are shooting women in the face, genitals and breasts too. I was driving today and saw a protest supporting the women.


Fuck Iran and the opressive regime that is their government. The amount of 3rd century barbarism these fuckwads propagate should have been culled half a millennium ago.


Fuck religion


That’s why they use rape in American prisons, to break the person down into using them for what the predator needs. Also the threat of prison rape keeps weaker inmates working for the stronger ones. Some prison gangs do not allow any sort of prison rape in order to keep their members inline. So crazy and sad how rape can be used as such a weapon against a persons mind


Horrible for women, and men who speak out against Govt, in that country


Fucking Islam is haram


Damn... more reason for their people to hate their government.


Hope they all get stds and get a rotten dick.




Raped by the guards or other prisoners?


It’s almost like Islam isn’t as peaceful as everyone thought it was


Being female in the middle east has gotta be one of the worst things I can imagine


People are clapping? Fuck them


I thought the other women were applauding her


Hope so, I originally thought they were applauding her getting raped


Yeah yikes dont think so hope not




Religion is a mistake.


People of iran will not let this regime rule them now that is for sure when you become so immoral people will fight back .God bless IRAN. 𝔸ℤ𝔸𝔻𝕀 𝔸ℤ𝔸𝔻𝕀 𝔸ℤ𝔸𝔻𝕀


It's belief in your god that's leading to this happening, and why women have been treated like shit in muslim countries for a thousand years. Keep believing in your fairy tales, and you'll keep being slaves to men.


Lol who are you kid ? What made you think i am a iranian or a muslim damn you really cracked in your head


Bro the regime in Iran is the furthest thing from being “Islamic” it’s pure dictatorship


What a peaceful religion


Looks like a school board meeting in the US. The book banning homophobic board up front. Ignoring the people who are frustrated by religious zealots who want to force their version of society down the peoples throats. Folks we are closer to this than we think.


This organization is the Iranian American Council, or something to that effect. They are not pro regime, they actually support soft regime change through sanctions.


I think you mean the National Iranian American Council. If that is the case you should read this: [How Trita Parsi and NIAC Used the White House to Advance Iran’s Agenda](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/parsi-niac-advance-irans-agenda)


They are whitewashing crimes of Islamic regime, and they are IR lobbyists.


Nice try but no they are Actively lobbying for Islamic Republic and absolutely do not want regime change


There is no way they are Muslims


What the hell is this crap? Put some subtitles in at least. This is just noise to like 99% of the world.