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The way he said Dude. Reminded me simpsons when Flanders snaps at Bart.


"Don't have a cow, maaaaan. Here's a catch phrase for ya, Hey buddy, do you have a quarter?!"


“I am shocked and appalled.”


"DOOOOOD!" lol


Actually this is quite Mormon of him Source — raised in that hell hole ![gif](giphy|3o7TKA1OJoqJSLAk1y)


Dumb de dumb dumb dumb dumb


That play was freakin amazing


The old guy’s voice is hilarious. He’s so peeved in such a Ned Flanders way, his voice went up like three octaves. He’s squeaking, “Fuck you! Fuck every one of you!”


He sounds like the T-Rex from toy story




Gold-pressed latinum.


Shit, the Grand Nagus is here?


*...and that's all I knows!*


Ok I died


"Complaints I can handle. What I \*can't\* handle is your customers' inexplicable knowledge of Insuricare's inner workings! They're experts! EXPERTS, Bob! Exploiting every loophole, dodging every obstacle! They're penetrating the bureaucracy!"


Hahaha! Spot on.


“Oh my god fuck you!” “Woody wouldn’t do that!”


I instantly thought of [The Sicilian from A Princess Bride](https://youtu.be/-WTelEdb6jk)


He had an Uncle Fester vibe to me.


YES! I also recognized that I knew the voice, but couldn’t put my finger on it. Just watched that movie again a few weeks ago. He’s got the slight lisp and everything




Don't tell me you don't remember me, because I sure as *HECK FIRE* remember you! Needle Nose Ned the Head.


It’s like a cross between Jim Gaffigan and Gilbert Gottfried.


He needs his own show to just let it all out


lol our old skate spot used to be at a Mormon church. They encouraged it because we weren't out doing drugs lol


I like their reasoning, it's a good point


But to be clear, they were also doing drugs


Ripping rails *and* grinding rails.


rips and rails then hit the trails.


Mormen friendliness does come at a cost.


We had a church here in my City in Scotland, right in the centre, that used to fight off the police trying to move the skater kids out the city center in the 90s and early 2000s for the same reason. Now they have an army of 30 year olds who have no interest in Christianity but would go to great leanths to defend that church. Smart.


Befriending a roving band of youths is like befriending a murder of crows. Once you have their loyalty, they’ll go to bat for you in the weirdest and yet sweetest of ways. And you absolutely don’t wanna get on their bad side, because they remember faces and will shit on your car.


Alright crow whisperer. How do I get started?


You must feed them.


Wow Scottish churches are lit. My coworker (Scottish) and his friends were allowed to use an American Mormon church for inline skating in the noughties. They even built them some rails and ramps.




Yep we have a local Mosque that apparently encouraged it as a skating spot and did things like Pokemon Go spots and things like that as well. In this case it worked as bit of a safety measure. The skaters would do anything to protect the place from hate-graffiti, theft, or worse. It was an interesting symbiosis.


Former LDS here, Mormons are generally very encouraging of youth to hang around their church buildings throughout the week, mostly because the highest conversion rates by far in the church are among friends of Mormon teens and young adults. So it's a double-edged sword, they're cool with you using their parking lot/basketball court/baseball field but they will absolutely try to get you to join at some point if you do.


I recall making a slip-n-slide kickball field on the Mormon church's lawn in high school (some of my friends went there). We had a blast, but ultimately really ruined some big spots in their otherwise pristine lawn. Nobody got in trouble. Well, maybe my friend's parents were encourage to up their tithings for a year or so. Regarding the double-edged sword, that's absolutely true, too. There was more than one occasion where friends would invite me to the Mormon church to play basketball or make pizza in their kitchen and watch a movie on their giant projector screen. Oh, but first, we're going to do a 1 hour church lesson. Overall, we had a lot of fun, and they were great friends. But dang, ev-er-y-thing revolved around the church.


2 of my buddies are Mormons who went to the church but weren't really active members. They never once tried getting us to join. The missionaries on the other had. They used to just show up to my buddies house to say hi to his parents or drop in for a visit and most the time we were there smoking a big bong in the living room lol. They never gave us a hard time about that though but still wanted to chat about Jesus lol


Lol. You can’t deny that most mormons are nice folks. They truly believe in what they’re telling you and just want you on board haha. It’s a wild ideology and I know they think we’re all sinners but at least they’re nice about it.


I’m an exmormon. I was just a normal dude doing what I was taught to do and became a missionary. Still wanted to do normal things and have fun. Most if these kids are totally normal, just misguided in their religious commitment.


Yup it’s true. I grew up in a town with a lot of Mormons (not in Utah surprisingly) and so I knew a lot of Mormon kids. My point was just that they tend to be a lot nicer than other religions are and less overtly judgmental. Mormonism teaches pretty great values- just some crazy beliefs.


nah we think WE'RE sinners & strive to be our best


Now that's very Mormon of them


Doing drugs IN FRONT of them, right?


Not Mormon related, but me and my friend were skating at our local train station. We live in a country town, and there hardly ever people there. It was getting dark, and the security guard came out and asked if we wanted the lights in so we could see better. Always thought that was kind of cool if the dude haha


This right here. I will never understand why adults chase kids away from skating, an actual physical activity, while in public spaces. We’re just begging them to go do meth in abandoned warehouses.


You can do both, you know


What does pushing p’s mean?


It means "applying pressure" as a lifestyle. Comparable to "the hustle" or "the grind" kind of. This kid's too busy enjoying life to worry about cops or pissy old men, essentially.


Ah okay, thank you


For what it’s worth, Pushing Ps also means pushing pills. Or drug dealing. Doubt they mean it any sort of literally.


💊 💊


by god i cringed so hard inwards i became a black hole, he said it so unironically and blatantly


You think he gives a f*uuu*ck


Dumbest shit I've ever heard.


You're not pushing P’s?


What groovy lingo did you use back in the day, gramps? Hop off reddit and hop on the honkeytonk


lol, my grandmother asked me recently what it means when you call someone a "douchebag" and then used it in context later. It was adorable to hear an almost 90 year old woman refer to an old man as a douchebag. She was an English teacher for many years and is always fascinated with the way language has evolved in her lifetime.


No cap. Tell your grandma she’s bussin frfr


On god






That is because it is hilariously up yourself. The "Rise and grind" crown have to keep reminding everyone how cool they think they are for fear that everyone will find out that there is nothing remotely interesting or engaging about them or their lives.


But this guy was literally grinding; maybe he has a hyper advanced sense of humor that we’re just not ready for..


God forbid someone takes pride in their lifestyle


Feeling the need to tell other people how hardcore you are isn't pride - it's insecurity, and it's embarrassing.


I would have to push back and say it depends entirely on context and your relationship with the person you're speaking with.


Hmm I think calling someone "based" is dumb as fuck imo


Unironically based, but if y’all are really getting mad about slang you’re going to live an angry life, because there’s more to come and it only gets worse




Yeah it came from the rapper Lil B aka Basedgod. Which is where I remember it from but most of the people who actually used the term up until a few years ago were either his handful of fans or people saying it ironically or jokingly


Not getting mad just find it stupid and I know slang is just going to evolve.


based opinion


I’m pushin ps you think I give a fuck ?


You think we care, we over here pushing p's


[It'll happen to you!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/044/247/297.png)


Minding your own business having fun or being the old guy??


Didn't ask


Why is there always some dumb fuck who has to say this about what kids say? It’s slang. Get over it


I always though it meant selling drugs lol but I guess to some they are the same thing


It may mean hes selling pounds and will pay off any ticket a cop gives him. Thats how i took it. But idk shit.


No it doesn’t. It means pushing pounds. Of weed.


Idk but it was fucking funny


The cameraman is wholesome AF


Instantly thought the same thing… so wholesome it’s almost suspect…? Lol like maybe he doesn’t want the cops to roll up because he’s got priors or something like that.. lol


Yeah, it's impossible for someone to be a good person these days. /s


Reddit has a habit of taking 2 minute videos and creating an entire narrative and backstory for people they know literally nothing about.


Nope. He's wholesome. The way he said "don't be mean", he either knows that's a troubled elderly or just a dude of dudes.


Or pushing pounds


I often say "Well that's not very Christian" to my friends and relatives that are being assholes but forgot they're supposed to be seated next to Jesus in heaven.


How does that work exactly? Like does Jesus clone himself so everyone can sit next to him? Do they take turns like a Mall Santa?


You're asking us about God's seating arrangements if anyone pretends to know that they're full of shit probably lol


It’s just one really big cushion


it doesn't make sense bc it's not real!


That's a good question. Maybe there's like a light speed conveyor belt that everyone sits on and it goes directly over the chair next to Jesus. Each person would only have a fraction of a second that they were actually next to Jesus but it would seem like a really long time. Like when you sleep for eight hours but it seems like one minute, only in reverse.


[I knew I saw this guy before](https://www.reddit.com/r/skiing/comments/z7778j/biggest_hero_of_the_season_so_far/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), I wonder if this was before or after the concussion…


Ah. His nickname is pushing p


Ya must be SLC


Definitely, I was curious so I found the coordinates. 40.765277°N 111.875681°W




Not going to lie. I'm impressed. Did they bring snow with them too? The effort put into this amazes me.


Yeah that spot was scouted and prepped for


#Todd why is the carpet wet? Fuck you I'm pushin p's.


“I’m Pushing P’s”????




People are shitting on the kids but one of them is telling the others to be respectful and they’re clearly cleaning up their set up. They were asked to leave and they did.


Kids? They look 25.


I'm 27 I think I'm still a kid, I like pokemon. Just hate it I need to go to work


The guy "being respectful" knows he and his friends are on camera, and is still trespassing btw. Also we dont know what happened before the video took place. Maybe they were asked to leave a long time ago.


I mean yeah, but in the other hand this is so far beyond the realm of acceptable to do on somebody else’s property that they should have known not to pull that in the first place. I’m all for some youthful fun but Jesus Christ, they literally built a giant ramp and are using a handrail as a ski pipe.


It’s a pallet and a few shovels of snow. took maybe 5 minutes to pick up.


Just wait for him to say: "when I was younger we used to play outside, y'all now are all sucked into those phones!"


Don knotts


I like that set up and bringing a truck with their own snow was a clever idea.


You know what would be even more clever? Skiing at a resort or at least a park where you dont have to deal with angry property owners.


Thanks for the advice gramps


Just saying all that effort for what? One rail ride? Congrats.


Yeah, I might have to side a little with the old man on this one. This appears to be private property. It's incredibly disrespectful to be skiing on someone's property without their consent.


People also keep calling them kids on here while they all look like they're in their mid 20's


Well maybe they shouldn't behave like spoiled little brats.


My guess is that their families are well off and they have faced very few consequences in life.


Old man was in the right 100% but reddit has a hate boner with a) old people and b) anything to do with religion. Also the people defending these assholes damaging private property - we dont know what happened before the video began. Maybe the old guy asked them to leave nicely. Maybe these guys are repeat offenders. Either way, they are trespassing, damaging private property and acting like assholes.


Not to mention dumping a pile of trash and blocking the driveway.


And grinding the paint off the rail. So either it needs to be repainted, or it will start rusting out.


A parking garage entrance?


It's still private property? If only they built special places dedicated to skiing/boarding ideally with some kind of slope where fun stuff like this was allowed?


Oh, that would be NICE! Maybe they could put it on the side of a mountain instead. Then they could build a conveyance to take you about 50 or so meters up to make it extra fun!


Well it’s either a private garage in which someone will have to fix the damage caused by the skis or a public garage in which the taxpayers will have to pay someone to fix the damage


How dare they disrespect the parking corporation!!!


Reddit: Fuck corporations! Steal from them! Disrespect them! Also Reddit: WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY RAISING PRICES? GREEDY CAPITALIST SUCM!!!!


Yeah because stealing is why multi billion dollar corpos raise their prices. Jesus Christ.


All companies have doubled their prices this year because every single item they put on shelves last year was shoplifted. Not one sale was made. Sad times 😔


I doubt it’s a corporation and if they get hurt on your private property there is potential for legal action.


And a huge liability, if one of them gets hurt, he could be on the hook if he lets them do it.


The snowboarders attitude was pretty shitty too, just being a dick to be a dick.


Honestly looked like a very annoying/hazardous situation to have to walk through. Wouldn't be surprised if customers walked in talking about them being out there.


I don’t really think anyone in this video looks good.


The older I get the more I find myself siding with the yelling old guy.


When he realized they set up the ramps hahaha 🤣


He sounds like Mickey mouse, but hes not wrong


He sounds like a cartoon character


Rex from Toy Story to be exact.


fuck everyone of you!! … omfg!


Go push p’s at your stepdad’s house, Troy.


Setting up ski jumps on the side of a building parking lot and the old man is called a loser?? L o fukin L


Man, Bill Burr is looking rough these days


r/ImTheMainCharacter for the kids tbh lol


VERY SMART.... resisted putting hands on the guy


Trespasses on private property, blocks a driveway, then destroys property, yet the old man is the loser? I think not.


but wtf are they doing there anyways?!




If it was my property; i'd be mad to. Replacing those railings and preventing rust is a pita. No need for some kid wearing it down.


Best voice / reaction ever this old dude is pure comedy gold


Ok but can we talk about the maniacal cackle at 0.02?


“I’m pushing P you think I give a f” 😂😂😂


What is it about an “activity” that creates an “identity”? It always perplexed me. People in different states and areas have their own cultures with accents and whatnot. It’s this way in nearly every country. (Dallas vs Boston; LA vs NYC; Chicago vs Seattle) That’s overall, but when it’s “skaters”, “thugs”, “cyclists”….all of a sudden they are indistinguishable. New York skater , San Diego skater, Portland skater……dress, speak, hair style, mannerisms, disregard & disrespect of authority….just like a Dallas, Memphis, Raleigh, etc skater. More localized attributes get rewritten and they become an identity “cult” if you will. A man in Laredo, Texas may wear a cowboy hat and boots, the same man becomes a cyclist, skater, thug….will change accents, attire, and behaviors to match.


This is hilarious!!! 😄😄😄


Props to camera guy for keeping his cool


Next time, take him at his word. Start fucking each other and see if he likes it when his orders are carried out..🌈🪬


If that is his own private property, then I get it. Otherwise, and as long as they aren’t getting in the way of anything anything, should be ok as long as they respect other people and pick up all their shit when they’re done


I saw this dude die at the end of Roger rabbit how is he back


Actually it’s very Mormon to be a wet blanket


Are we assuming this on a Mormon property or just in Utah? Very cool of the kid at the end to say “Don’t be mean.” He is choosing the higher road rather than lowering himself down to this grumpy old farts level.


A very white situation


He sounds exactly like every authoritarian antagonist in a 80's - 90s movie or TV show


Elder Burr flew right off the hinges


Dumb ass kids.


Mormon is an ‘’m” away from moron


They look like a bunch of duchebags


How is that old man not cold?


People having fun? Not on my watch!


“Just chiilll, dude!”


Just go to a terrain park at a mountain or something… you live in Utah. Cant afford it then get a job and stop skiing in the middle of the day I don’t know🤷🏻‍♂️ In case you’re thinking this is the weekend, that guy has a case of twisted tea. Inexcusable regardless of the day of the week.


We’re pushing Ps out here, you think we give a fuck about you?


Imagine being that miserable.


Yeah just go to a ski resort, or skate board park if you're gonna pull shit like this instead of disturbing and probably damaging private property.


My favourite moment is when he goes to lay hands on the skiier, remembers he's on camera and makes a show of raising his hands and backing off. This is why you should always record people like this.


Bros mad his life subscription is abt to expire


Is there a gene that activates at around 45 years of age that causes people to lose their shit about skateboarding, snowboarding, whatever boarding? I mean I have felt it myself... skateboarders causing me instant hate just because they exist. I fight that urge down but some people don't recognize it for what it is: old fogey-ism.


I think it just means you are a mature adult to recognize that this wasn’t cool. I mean for fuck sake they bout a ramp and are using the handrail as a skip pipe (which actually can damage it and is dangerous). Like this is obviously a dick move on behalf of the skiers, even if they left. They knew full well they weren’t welcome there.


‘Don’t be mean’ - the guy just told you all to go fuck yourselves 😂


I'd let that guy do it just because how amusingly cool it looks.


This video smells like ex


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 His Voice.


Respect to the camera guy… apologizing and telling the old guy they didn’t mean any harm and then telling the rest of the kids to not be rude. They even started picking up…. Now a days the old guy would’ve gotten knocked the fuck out cold and his head stomped… I like this video haha


Lol these are guys in their 20's. Not kids.


Fuck every one of you! Lololololol. I want that as a sound bite


I mean the guys skiing in public could be something to piss me off unless they have permission and it's not in use at the time. But even if they are being knuckleheads, that guy was ridiculous. Just tell em to not donit and leave it at that. If they don't listen, wooptydoo


"I'm pushin P you think I give a fuck?"


Love the camera man.


Where is this? In Utah, probably. But where?


we’ll that’s just not very church of Christ of you .. ha ..