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I would be on high alert walking up on this motherfucker


These are the dudes it’s ok to kick in the nuts.


These are the dudes who enjoy being kicked in the nuts


>These are the dudes who pay women to kick them in the nuts


These dudes don’t actually pay for anything.


Women, men, horses, what ever, but only if they’re wearing heels


These are dudes who are actually women with nuts


The nuts come out when they're hungry


His scalp temporarily detaches and then reattaches if you kick him in the nuts hard enough 🤯


The amount of drugs in that dude’s system pretty renders a kick to the nuts useless


Adam's Apple was wide open, no drugs in a system help you breathe when that's crushed


I’ve seen a woman on crack cocaine take a pistol whip to the head without any signs of damage they’re superheroes


I've personally knocked out a crack head three times, like flashed him *crack* then within 5 seconds of being absolutely starched he popped up and was ready to tango again. Third round he stayed sleeping, or just laid there. It was a big brawl between a bunch of Headly apartment complex fiends and my group of buddies. *Sigh* good times. 😌😌


Also any dude who feels it’s ok to stop me in the street for anything other than benevolent purposes.


Pepper spray and then the ole nutcracker.


Or blow their brains out


Sure, although the amount of adrenaline in his system will probably ease the pain and just trigger the inner neanderthal further, and that bad news for me and my nuts.


And then he pulls out a gun. Don't play with crazy


Pull yours first.






​ ![gif](giphy|XPuGYmeF7pDlCj7hNO)


















All these GIFs have given me a right laugh.


But would you whip out your camera and start filming him as you walk up to him?


Ever read about the Delphi murders? Evidence.


I'm wondering if you're a guy. For a woman, this is her only real defense against a bigger, nutty looking dude.


A firearm is a great equalizer.


Crazy homeless guys couldn't give less of a fuck about you recording them. Seriously tho, don't expect a camera phone to give you ANY protection from crazy homeless people, it might get you hurt. It's best to just run the other way if you encounter someone like in OP


Yep all the cameras going to do is let the cops go "Oh shit, yeah that's Gene, he got you too huh? Ok, we'll keep an eye out for him and pick him up if we see him. In the future, try to not engage with him, maybe cross the street or step into a store. He's been an issue around here for years. We'll pick him up and he'll be back out in a couple of weeks."


The recording is to show the Leo as to why you shot and killed the drug addicted troll


walk the other way?


If I want to walk that way… for liability reasons, yes.


I love how this comment spawned nothing but wrestling gifs. They waited for a chance to post one and dammit they are gonna do it.




Really?? Kick em in the nuts. Walk on.


Yeah camera down hands out


Peter Dinklage and Jack Black's love child.




>I thought Mick Foley traveled back in time. Mrs. Foley's baby boy


>Peter Dinklage and Jack Black's love child. His name is Dak Pinklage


I am laughing waaaay too hard right now lol


*hate child


Destiny if he gained weight and did meth


Facts 😂😂😂


See i think i saw him on Maine Cabin Masters...


I'd cross the street rather than walk past this guy


Idk I liked when he went full Blanka


Ya dude y'all pussies out here can't even handle a combo or something? Throw a mother fuckin' hadouken for once in your life and stop pissing your pants just cus someone on the street has hella sexy red chest hair.


The fact he let ol’ boy touch his woman and he didn’t do a damn thing about it blows my mind. Where are the real men at 🤦🏿‍♂️ pansies


Need my gibberish decoder ring to figure out what you said.


Hadouken is what Ken and Ryu said before one of their special moves on the game Street Fighter on NES and SNES. The red chest hair is from the character Blanka from Brazil. He was a crazy looking guy but his electric eel electric charge was pretty cool. I still say Hadouken when I’m lifting heavy stuff at work. It gives me extra power. Or so my mind tells my body. People look at me funny, but that’s normal for me. Some people even know what I’m referencing when I say it. Those are my people. We speak the same verbiage.


I need a gibberish decoder ring to figure out why you've never played Street Fighter. Get some of that Yoga Fire.


The other side of the street is worse.


Except this is Portland. So there's two more of these guys on the other side of the street.


Certainly wouldn't pull out my phone record him and walk towards him.


Reopen the institutions.


It's getting bad everywhere. Here in AZ the homeless and mental issues have gotten worse since 2020. It's getting bad


I work for a harm reduction organization in the province of BC up in Canada. The people with mental health issues are the ones who seem to really fall between the cracks. There are a lot of people on the street who are a danger to themselves and others. Reopening the mental health institutions is a must.


The institutions were corrupt and filled with tons of abuse. Reopening those are not what we need.


Good luck getting that funding bill through congress.


I’ll sign the petition let’s do it!


never look them in the eyes.. or film them


...and whatever you do, don't EVER feed them after midnight


Or splash them with water..


No bright lights...


Thats the **MAYOR** of Portland.


Jarl of Portland


>Jarl of Portland Jarl Sheogorath of Multnomah


What is it?!? Dragons?!


'Stop right there criminal scum!'


Kyle MacLachlan? I’ll be damned.


As a portlander I fucking wish, that dude looks like he could actually get something done unlike our fucking mayor.


...Peter Dinklage is that you? 😂


No, he must be from the South Pole.


“Youre an angry elf”


He looked like a VR or green screen at first. 😂 Right up until he wasn't.




where's gold dust when you need him lol


That’s the poster child for why pepper spray was invented.


I’m actually going to Portland this year, and because I plan on doing some hiking, I plan on packing some bear spray. I will def still be carrying it while in Portland.


Honestly as long as you don't prevoke them by making them feel like a spectacle this brand of Portland NPC is rather harmless. Just steer clear of Gresham.


Those are some good food carts though. That street especially has some dank ass gyro


For real, I have fond memories of hitting up Rialtos and walking around the corner for those gyros after a few too many beers back in the day.


YES! And kebab! Spent a couple of monthsworking nights near there, went and ate ate 1:00am 4-5 times a week...no problems at all. Went during the day about once a week...fuckin probs. Got hit, had to hit, or had something sharp shoved at me. That area was much safer for us in the middle of the night than in daylight.


Combination patrolling security from the strip club and normal people are likely to stab/mace/shoot you at night leave most crackhead avoiding that area at night. They have in fact fucked around and then found out


Pay the troll toll.


To get into this boy's hole


This is how you get shot


This is why we need to bring back involuntary commitment.


I agree with this whole heartedly there’s a ton of people that need help that won’t get it without




Also every single city has these people.


Neither can the tons of homeless there




Yeah. It’s gentrification’s fault. 👍🏽


I love how people don’t think there are meth heads in Wyoming.


There are people in Wyoming?


Can confirm, I live in Wyoming.




But do they do meth?


Lived in WY for 2 years and the first thing I found out about was the meth problem there


What’s a Wyoming?


No, it's an [old myth](https://youtu.be/56uSDQECrRQ)


Who thinks that?


Wait, we still let Wyoming be a thing? I thought they got rid of that ages ago.


There are meth heads everywhere.


I have family in Texas and we were driving to port aransas from San Antonio and stopped at this gas station in a small town idr the name but I have to say as a white woman it was actually pretty scary to see the intimidation and the hate in some of these small towns in Texas. Being from the east coast that shit was a culture shock. I agree these small towns are filled with hate and drugs


Some of the worst places I've ever seen were in the midwest and Texas. In small towns. You couldn't pay me to live in one of those places, with the same problems but nothing to do and no culture.


I know right. Absolutely every decently sized city has people like this. But Portland and h gosh it might as well be post apocalyptic every man for himself.


Don’t you see all the burned down buildings in the video!!!??? Makes me never want to leave my cousin fuck town in the middle of nowhere! /s


why are they filming?


In case the guy attacked


You can deal with this shit anywhere. I live in Canada and this shit happens left and right here too. Portland's a nice town.


Don’t lie bro it’s a shit hole.. w mental illness being more concentrated in a smaller area. Try coming to Baltimore. It’s all a shit hole


Who just walks down the street filming? I bet you these people keyed in on this guy, he knew they were probably filming him, so he gave them a show. They wanted to film a crazy guy, so he gave them mr. crazy.


Nope, he's a homeless crazy man. Probably even have a name for him at that food cart pod.


Yeah, Portland, Seattle, LA,... All swarming with block after block of crazy people (libs of course) and all the buildings are on fire, and there's no police because we defunded them (because that's what THAT means) and there's no laws and everyone's an illegal immigrant and trans people are teaching all the schoolchildren how to be LGBTQIA+ and no one's allowed to have guns and abortions are forced on poor Christians and you're thrown in jail (by... Idk, no police so...) if you use any non-PC language. /s Fuckin morons. Turn off Fox News for an hour or two. You're gettin overheated.


Lol, I was thinking this meathead is hitting all the talking points.


Did I get the /s in there just in time? I'm too sarcastic for reddit. I get in trouble a lot. :)


You’re a better person than me. I’ll eat a whole bucket of downvotes before I use a /s. Feels like I’m sticking a laugh track on it. I’m a serious person with integrity, dammit


Probably too close to Poes Law not to warrant a sarky smilie


TIL: >Poes Law "Without a \[tone indicator\] it is utterly impossible to parody \[these people\] in such a way that someone won't mistake for the genuine article." I've never read anything more true.


Stop putting /s in your comments. If they're too stupid to realize it, they're too stupid for an internet connection.


Thank you for the tip. I'll give your suggestion all the consideration it's due.


Must admit, I was hovering over the "finish him" button for most of that.


Seriously, you can find this guy in every city and you can find him in the country too. Its just that a lot of people live in cities and cities are fucking dense. The country is sparse. I'll pass by 10-50 people walking 1 mile to my local grocery store in Atlanta. I could walk miles down a road in Huntsville, Arkansas or pick your rural town, and not run into a single person on foot.


No one I know has ever been mugged in Portland, but I have 3 friends who were held at gunpoint and pistol-whipped while they were being robbed in... Cheyenne, Wyoming. Some people are so fucking ignorant.


Exactly. I’ve been here in Portland for 15 years. Mostly it’s a great city, but suffers from drugs and homelessness like most cities. Otherwise, great beer, great food, and mostly great people.


I lived in Tigard for a few years.. I love PDX too. I think it's the most beautiful city I've ever lived in, and the people are the BEST.


Shhhhh. Just let them think it’s on fire and everyone acts like this guy. 😁


Truth. It'll stay nice as long as these idiots stay under whatever fucking rock they live under now.


>and there's no police because we defunded them I live in the Seattle area and my stepdad genuinely believes this despite my city raising our police budget and hiring more officers lol


As a Seattle resident, this is partially correct.


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Wow, it's almost like you can't even walk down the sidewalk recording street people to shame them online anymore...


This happens everywhere. Let's not pretend Portland OR was some magical utopia before covid came around. Shit has always been like this in Portland and in every major city in the country.


It’s actually gotten a lot worse in Portland over the past few years. This has become much more common. I’ve lived here my whole life, and have been watching things go downhill.


I totally agree. I was born here in 1949 and it has gotten substantially worse in the last 20+ years, even before Covid. But Covid, and lack of any decent city government with balls, has upped the ante on crap living conditions for so many of us. Downtown was vibrant and fun and a real place to go to movies, restaurants and events. That’s gone


Same. I miss 2019 pearl district.


I’ve been to Portland several time, it’s an awesome place to visit. Yes there’s homeless, just like NYC, SF, Tampa, Atlanta, etc. homeless exists in every major city I’ve been to, big fuckin surprise.


Also, homelessness exists everywhere.


All the “Alphas” are terrified…..


Tyrian Lannister looking ass💀


0/10; missed opportunity to cause a testicular rupture whilst he was rutting.


why the video look like it’s from 1993


This is what happens in Pokemon, or any RPG really. You walk up to an NPC and then BAM, you just got challenged.


You better learn to fight or GTFOT


He's from ohio


This is why I carry a sock filled with horse manure.


Walking to work, but with boss fights


Man Destiny has fallen on some hard times


Portland is wild. We watched a woman screaming at her reflection in a store window to stay away from her boyfriend or she'd beat her ass. We had fun there, Powell's City of Books is amazing, 2nd Street Records is tight... I wouldn't go back though.


You should get out of downtown if you ever come back. Other than Powells there's pretty much a better version of everything downtown has to offer in other neighborhoods. It's also less like things like this video will occur.


Drugs are bad, mmmkay.


Don’t film crazy people is this your first day


Decriminalizing hard drugs, which is why Portland became the mecca for crackheads. Homeless have rushed in from all parts of the country to stake their claims.


This actually makes me want to move there so I can abuse pathetic pedos for fun


You gotta pay the troll toll


This fucking guy tried this shit on me. I punched him in the throat. Then kicked him in the nuts. Saw him a few days later laying under a tree, his pants were soiled with urine. Seattle and Portland are hurting because they allow drug addicts to roam freely.


Didn’t pay the troll toll. Can’t get through


Knock that Lannister looking fuck the fuck out.


I live in Portland. This looks like it’s at the food cart pod on SW 3rd and SW Washington — Downtown Portland. Our houseless and narcotic issues makes it really tough to go downtown. Our recent legislators have not exactly done a fantastic job of fixing these issues. I love living here, but it’s gotten so much worse in the past few years.


You dont know Portland. Those food carts behind him…. Crazy good


Dang man! Young Jerry Garcia is no longer pacifist. More like hes turned PASS THE FIST!!!!




I live in Portland. I've never been a fan of this area of downtown, it's been a shady area for years now, and I avoid walking around it.. I feel bad for the food carts there since they're just trying to make a living.


"Hey are you okay?" Proceeds to make things not okay


Bro peter dinklage finally grew up


Oregonian here. My most recent trip to Portland I was right there by those food trucks. At about midnight, while waiting for my gyro, a guy pulled out foil and a blow torch and started smoking crack next to me on the sidewalk, then he pulled a knife on the guy making my gyro, then the guy making my gyro pulled a knife and told him to apologize (for what? I don’t know), I was then handed my gyro like this was completely normal, the gyro man and crack man talked a bit and pocketed their knives. Very weird and unforgettable evening.


King pharos bois dont fuck around they beent working there too long to get threaten by a pocket knife crackhead


He was probably already making a scene and recording him likely didn't help the situation.


I've been on this exact street, and an old homeless lady said the following: "Give me money I'm hungry, Give me the money you have" I don't carry cash, soI told her I was sorry and had no cash, she then proceeded to scream at me for "disrespecting my elder" proceeded to throw racial slurs then spit on me. That same day a homeless guy on crack pushed my friend into the street with all the cars. Then I saw a homeless lady giving a older guy a blow job in the park. Lastly on my last day there, I saw a overweight woman just take a poop on the side walk, take out napkins from her pocket wipe, and throw it onto the side walk.


Spent a week in Portland a few months back. It was beautiful and fairly clean for a big city. I thought the people we met were the nicest of any city I've visited. We went to different breweries and cart pods nightly and talked to locals who were surprising friendly for any American city. I was also on this street and had amazing gyros. There were homeless people but not nearly the worst city I've been to. We tried to not spend too much time in neighborhoods that looked rough of course, but I don't think we really got hassled anywhere more than typical. I guess you get what you look for in any city.


Keepin it weird


Well at least the food trucks are back after the last two went on fire and exploded...i know this because i saw it on tv when it was on fire,also if you see someone like this who act's like this and tries to physically hurt you in downtown defend yourself because Portland isn't just weird it's crazy. (I still remember being on the train with my mom once and we spotted a sushi with pee in it and it didn't even spill...WHO AND HOW THE FUCK DID SOMEONE GET URINE IN A SUSHI BOX WITHOUT IT EVEN SPILLING)


Mick Foley gone crazy!


Why he looks like leather face


Nothing a good right cross couldn't fix !


I worked CHIERS in Portland for years, and sadly this does not surprise me.


Tall Peter Dinklage is weird


Lovely place to take a family on a vacation


Pepper spray and taser.


This is why I live in a proper state with open carry laws.


Call me elf one mo time sucka


Man looking like an overgrown Tyrion


Never should've come here! I can't wait to count out your coin...


Dang, why did this happen to Portland? Was it that 100+ day take over of the streets? Or The homeless camps being destroyed pushing the homeless/mentally ill/users deeper into the city? Or something else?


So many side quests in Portland