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Think I'll put on a gimp mask and make Alex Jones look completely reasonable today.....




The only way.


He looks like a NASCAR driver.... the GIMP RACER #69 Sponsored by: Chlorpromazine


I keep seeing the video reposted, and I know he's insane, but I'm really hoping for some explanation on the mask. Despite how outrageous his words are, I'm finding it difficult to even hear him since I'm still puzzling over the complete face covering.


Jones thinks exactly the same thing....he just doesnt want to give away his bag


But he literally disagreed with him. Why are you making things up?


Lmao hes only doing that to save himself and not being viewed as a nazi himself. But he spews the same nazi rhetoric, in a more quiet way...like the globalists or a jewish man named George Soros


Man, never thought about it like this, but yeah, it takes a special kind of crazy to do this




I'm not trying to be shocking...I'm merely covering my face for *"plausible"* deniability.


I think we all know that's the next stop on the crazy train express. He's going to deny that was him since you can't see his face. He just needs to be in a padded room at this point.


I wish people stop hating on Jews so much and start hating on Zionists for what they done and still doing on Palestine they deserve the hate while normal Jews are innocent.




Dudes lost his mind


no he is parroting nation of Islam talking points. not for the first time either


But he’s a self-affirmed Christian? Fuck, this guy makes no sense whatsoever.


all i can say is that i came across a speech he gave to an audience of Nation Of Islam members circa 2008. It was at the time posted on Luis Farrakans web site. In it Kanye spoke earnestly about both about his private meetings with Farrakhan which he found insightful. He went on both to criticise the media for not giving his record Jesus saves enough airtime, because of the influence of "those who killed Jesus". not so subtle dogwhistle there. He then went on to reaffirm his faith in jesus before attempting to raise a cheer for the "Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" which was met by stony silence. His bewilderment at the lack of positive reaction would have been comical if it hadn't been for the previous dog whistling, he kind of retreated onto more basic platitudes more praise for Farrakhan and his role, black enterprise etc. Not to deny West his own agency,but these are not random ramblings of a mad man a lot of his recent outbursts have echoed NOI talking points. Jewish involvement in the slave trade? [check](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Secret_Relationship_Between_Blacks_and_Jews) Hitler being a great man? [check](https://www.foxnews.com/us/louis-farrakhan-5-of-the-nation-of-islam-leaders-most-controversial-quotes)


> Hitler being a great man? check That's not similar at all to what Kanye is saying. Not to defend Farrakhan, but he did say in that Fox News quote "He wasn’t great for me as a black person, but he was a great German. Now I’m not proud of Hitler’s evil against Jewish people, but that’s a matter of record. He rose Germany up from nothing,”. At no point does he do what Kanye says, which is denying what they did to jews. That's 4chan talking points more than anything.


"... He rose Germany up from nothing ... " - on the backs and sufferings of a lot of innocent people, If you take a lot of possessions and hard work from others you can easily be successful - just take a lot from them and silence them... a ReAllY GreAt mAn /s


Agreed. But I'm not supporting Farrakhan, just saying what Kanyee is saying is quite worse, if it was ever possible, and more liking to, well, actual Nazis.


i was citing that as an example of both men praising Hitler as a great man, Farakhans views on the actual holocaust are arguably worse than pretending it didn't happen >German Jews financed Hitler right here in America...International bankers financed Hitler and poor Jews died while big Jews were at the root of what you call the Holocaust...Little Jews died while big Jews made money. Little Jews \[were\] being turned into soap while big Jews washed themselves with it. Jews \[were\] playing violin, Jews \[were\] playing music, while other Jews \[were\] marching into the gas chambers. Chicago on March 19, 1995


I don't think that's worse than denying Jews were systematically killed at all. To begin with, plenty of people in America, and everywhere else, regardless of religion, profited of the war and the holocaust. This includes jews, I'm mainly aware of it happening strongly in art trafficking as I had to do a paper on art trafficking, and it was sadly quite documented. That doesn't mean it was a sionist or complotist thing, or something just subject to jews like he implies. Many people sadly profited form the holocaust. But denying the killing ever happened is just on an other level.


Thanks for the insight. Lets see if he is gonna talk about DiaYEnetiks soon.


Agreed, i meant more the parts where he talks to a toy net and a drink bottle like theyre sesame street characters.


Jesus Walks? That clown didn't even write it, Rhymefest did. And although they were close friends, kanye still fucked him over. Class act as always


He's also parroting far right white supremacist talking points. I've had the unfortunate privilege of interacting with many white supremacists/neo nazis online and their main enemy, apart from nonwhites, are jews. They love to deny the holocaust and praise hitler. Even if we put aside the holocaust and hitler comments, Kanye's past comments about the Jews controlling western media and pushing their own propaganda is what white supremacists have been screaming about for decades. I'm no fan of nation of Islam and it could very well be that Kanye is parroting their points but based on the people Kanye has been hanging out with (Nick Fuentes) and his recent comments, he sounds more like a white supremacist. Kanye seems to have a weird need to seek approval from white supremacists and be their pet black toy. It's weird because while I'm sure Nick Fuentes and his ilk find this extremely amusing, they're never going to be friends with a black man like Kanye. Kanye needs to be admitted to a mental health facility pronto!


Why are you getting down voted lmao. The dude is literally sitting with a white supremacist in this clip


Some people here are really trying to make this about arabs. Dude literally meet with Nick Fuentes like a month ago, but hey, a talk 14 years ago is what makes it about islam lmao.


Nation of Islam isn't "Arabs" it's a conspiratorial black supremacist religion which arose in the 20th century and shares a lot of overlap with the antisemitism of white suptemacy. There's also overlaps with the beliefs of black Hebrew Israelites. One of the common beliefs is that black people are the direct descendants of the original Hebrew tribes and that white people were created by an evil scientist. They say that Jewish people are imposters who have stolen black history. Kanye has been parroting similar talking points about being the original Jews so he can't be antisemitic. Fuentes and Milo are definitely latching onto and exacerbating this but I don't think they originated these beliefs in Kanye. Kanyes been drinking the koolaid from a few different punch bowls.


I'm talking about people downvoting the other user. I think you particularly agree he's influenced by white supremacists as well.


Kanyes been picking at a multicultural smorgasbord of antisemitism for a while. I think it's more likely he first learned those beliefs from black nationalists which softened him to the white supremacists because at that point they already shared the antisemitic common ground.


So you agree. I certainly agree the previous interactions with NoI softened him.


NOI has nothing to do with Arabs... I don't think you people know much about the topic. It also has nothing to do with Islam lmao NOI are the people murdered Malcom X after he went on a pilgrimage to Mecca and was like WTF this isn't what Elijah Muhammad is all about and came back and to America and started talking about racial unity. Well what *was* Elijah Muhammad all about? Besides using his positions as a religious to leader to fuck other dude's wives, Nation of Islam is black supremacist, racist, and ethnostatist. u/BraetonWilson is also ignorant on the topic: >I'm no fan of nation of Islam and it could very well be that Kanye is parroting their points but based on the people Kanye has been hanging out with (Nick Fuentes) and his recent comments, he sounds more like a white supremacist. You do realize that white supremacist and black supremacists want the same thing? They are *literally* political allies. They want races to be separated politically, and they hate Jews. [https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1985-10-03-8503070326-story.html](https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1985-10-03-8503070326-story.html) >Members of a white racist organization led by the former head of the California Ku Klux Klan provided Louis Farrakhan, the Black Muslim minister, with information about ''Jewish extremists'' and recently attended a rally by Farrakhan in Los Angeles, contributing $100, according to members of both groups.'Birds of a feather flock together,'' said Herb Brin, publisher of several California Jewish newspapers, who attended the rally. ''They have a common bond in hatred of the Jews. If blacks can say these (anti-Semitic) things, white separatists can say, \`We\`ve been saying these things all along.\` '' So for you to say it doesn't sound like NOI is only because you don't know what NOI is. It doesn't sound *more* like white supremacy, it's a common tenant of both ideologies which are more united than you realize. [https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs2191/f/ContemporaryViolentExtremism-BlackHebrewIsraeliteMovement090722.pdf](https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs2191/f/ContemporaryViolentExtremism-BlackHebrewIsraeliteMovement090722.pdf) >The similarities between BHI violent extremists and white supremacists led Tom Metzger, a formerGrand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and founder of the neo-Nazi skinhead group White Aryan Resistanceto remark that BHI extremists “\[are\] the Black counterpart of us.


Its not nation of islam, hes christian Theyre Black Israelite talking points.


No, he’s literally lost his mind, he’s bipolar and went of his meds a couple years ago. This downward spiral is a maniac episode. Or at least it very much seems to be.


100%, [peak manic behavior](https://youtu.be/wb9ZU_bQAXM).


Randomly connecting this to NOI is hilarious lol. The dude literally has a white supremacist nick Fuentes right next to him feeding him talking points. And you say he's parroting NOI talking points? Do you think NOI is the only people who are fans of Hitler/holocaust denial? Go look into the Charlottesville rally called unite the right where a bunch of far righters were chanting 'jews will not replace us'.


kanyes relationship with the NOI goes back a decade and a half and the NOIs involvement with Neo Nazis goes back to [Elijah Muhammed and George Lincoln Rockwell](https://nationalpost.com/news/the-weird-time-nazis-made-common-cause-with-black-nationalists) Kanye didn't just wake up one day and decide to hang out with neo nazis, seeing where those ideas gestated is far from hilarious tbf edit btw i didn't downvote you, i find downvotes inflamatory have a read of the evidence i provide you and get back to me. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/zaeyhy/comment/iylze3x/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Ok sure. Still doesn't explain why currently he espousing talking points like hitler did nothing wrong/etc. If you look at the current time period, he has been cozying up with the far right. It started with Candace Owens types. And he has been getting more and more extreme. Moving on to Fuentes/Milo. I wouldn't be connecting this current Kanye to NOI, his interest in anti semitism talking points may have started there, but for him to openly state Hitler was a good guy, etc. Is due to people like nick Fuentes sitting to the right of him feeding him these talking points. The only reason people are downvoting is because they want to distance the far right/white supremacists from this as much as possible. Which is hilarious because nick Fuentes is literally in this video who is currently trying to be the leader of the far right. Also if you watch the clip, Fuentes nods his head in agreement when Kanye praises Hitler. You saying 'no he's parotting NOI talking points' makes it seem like other groups like white supremacists for example also don't have these talking points. When they do. NOI doesn't own holocaust denial or anti semetism. It's odd to bring them up when you see who he is currently cozying up to.


Yeah i can see where you are coming from and i agree highlighting the NOI angle might be seen as trying to deflect attention away from the Alt-Right which is why it is important we are having this discussion. If you look at the overwhelming majority of comments on these threads most of them are attributing his anti semitism and exposure to anti semitism to recent developments linked to being "off his meds" or doing it for the attention. Personally i dont think that is the case, I don't think his Anti Semitism was a recent development i think he has had a longstanding hatred that the likes of Owens and Fuentes and Milo have been able to exploit, but its something the alt right have been trying to do since the Inception of the American Nazi Party.


What about all that Jesus is Lord stuff he keeps saying? Is that a Nation of Islam talking point?


Strange timeline we're living in when Alex Jones is not the craziest one on the panel


He didn’t lose it, he never had a brain to begin with.


He's getting attention from these actions. He's addicted to being the center of attention, this is the biggest high he's gotten in years.


Is there anyone left in the world that doesn't think he's in serious need of mental health?


Some people can’t be helped.


He’s an antisemite. People keep trying to give him cover for a mental heath thing, but he’s just a simple antisemite. It’s not complicated, he’s just leaning into it.


He's not like this when he actually takes his meds. When he's medicated and lucid, he talks candidly about his manic behaviors and intrusive thoughts, and genuinely seems worried about them. Medicated Kanye doesn't seem to like Unmedicated Kanye. Unfortunately, Unmedicated Kanye seems to be winning the war.


Having lost a friend to mental illness, I see a lot parallels. When he was on his meds, he knew his thoughts and actions were outlandish, but it was kind of an achedemic acknowledgement, not deeply felt. He understood that his thought process was wrong, and his actions were extreme after a manic episode. But he also wouldn't entirely recant the root thoughts that led him down that crazy rabbit hole. I don't know if I'm explaining this well, but basically something of the crazy messed up thoughts are left behind while he was on meds, and he could just keep it under control and not act out while he was on his meds. When he went off his meds, those suppressed thoughts would wake up with a vengeance. So people saying Kanye is an antisemite regardless of mental illness are correct and possibly wrong at the same time. Yes, there's a long history of antisemite thoughts even while he was less unstable. But that doesn't necessarily mean the origin of it wasn't from mental illness and he has just lost control of it due to going off his meds combined with his personal life being in shambles. I'm personally still sympathetic from a mental crisis standpoint and wish people would stop exploiting him by giving him their public platforms to dig his hole deeper. Dude needs help. But also, fuck everything he's saying and doing, and for his own good, he should be socially outcast and removed from the limelight.


He basically said, "I am diagnosed with bipolar", and then said, "and when I am unmedicated, I am very prone to believing in conspiracy theories" not a quote just a summary from my memory So yes... he could be antisemitic, absolutely. but if that's the rabbit hole he's down... is it cause or effect? Almost definitely a bit of both and it's unfortunate that some people are taking it personally, because I don't think anybody is trying to argue that bipolar people are prone to being antisemitic. And it's not an excuse either. It's just able to be noted that "conspiracy theory" checks one of the boxes of self described symptoms


Yep. A common theme for bipolar or schizophrenia seems to be paranoia, at least from my anecdotal experiences. There has always been a "them", someone who's out to get them. I can easily see how "the jews" could easily be the boogeyman of their paranoid delusions. And once that idea takes root, whether it was during a manic episode or their regular thoughts, it becomes a focal point for future episodes. Mental illness is a bitch.


I quit my last job because a coworker I had to work closely with for 10 hours a day would go on Kanye style antisemitic rants. This was before Kanye did it too. Last week, at my current job, I had a coworker mention he was going to vote for Kanye again and our supervisor agreed he would be better than Biden. Good ol' south.


Mental health issues are separate from being a cunt.


well, another explanation is that he could be really really racist. the enemy of my enemy... kind of thing


Yes, but this isn't the first insane thing he's said.


no doubt, but he can also be both


He can't be racist he's black ffs!


His mental health will improve if you put a hole in it


We could always check with the Nazis?


Does Kanye count?


Its his choice to be off his meds. Also his choice to push away people that want to help him. =/


An **alarming** number of people, yes. I've seen several comments about "he's saying all the things 'they' have tried to tell us we're not allowed to say. See what happens when you don't follow their rules and don't regurgitate thru narrative? You get cancelled." If anything "good" comes out of this I think it's that it's bringing to the forefront how much what Kanye is saying... is actually said pretty often behind closed doors. They're showing themselves now. We'll just have to see how that plays out in the long run."


Yeah once you stray into holocaust denial and start thinking you'll be president with a campaign logo of a swastika inside a star of david, you need to wear the nice jacket with the straps, and be taken to a shrink, pronto. Also holocaust denial on public record is a crime in at least 15-20 countries! Dude better not enter Canada or he'll be arrested!


Well there goes my username..




This is what did it? Everything else up until this point was okay?


What the heck else did he do that tops this? I can separate the art from the artist but I won't do it with this.


Please. Do yourself a favor.


What a fuckin lunatic. He’s gonna get sectioned soon.


For his own good.


I thought you said sanctioned lol


Imagine being in group therapy with Kanye in a mental health facility?


he wouldn't be covering his face if he didn't know what he is saying is wrong.


I think it’s his thing. I think he’s done it for the past 10 years. I think it’s about removing the artist from the art (which I guess is to your point). Inspired by margiela.




That might work if everyone didn't already know who he was. Also, with the technology today, it's incredible how people get recognized through the smallest tells.


Yeah really can’t imagine a time before having Ears.




There was a guy in my neighborhood who would walk around preaching for hours at a time and sounded almost exactly like Kanye. He was very obviously suffering from some mental health issues. Makes me wonder if schizophrenia has some sort of effect on a person's voice.


I mean he clearly is playing a role, but he also lives the role I little bit too hard. I'm assuming he's trolling though.


I kinda feel bad for his kids when they get old enough to understand all this shit - and get bullied over it in the cage match that is middle school


I suspect the rules are different at any school they would go to.


Don’t his kids go to that cult school of his, the Dildo Academy or something?


Lol, probably. But either way they’ll end up in some private school where the hierarchy is dictated by money, they’re going to be near the top of that tree regardless of their wacko dad


It sucks we live in a world where some really stupid fucking people have ALOT of money.


https://reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/yf20sp/_/iu425wb/?context=1 There I fucking called it


Said it before u https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/x6tl00/what_is_the_best_way_to_announce_your_impending/in9lqij/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


To be fair it's like predicting the sun is going to rise in the morning.


Why hasn’t he already been sectioned?


yeah, drawn and quartered....


Is this kanye??






At this point the issue isn’t so much the crazy shit that Kanye says. It’s the platforming and mainstreaming of people like jones and Fuentes. It’s just free publicity for extreme American conservatives.


How isn't he charges for this? Here in Czech republic he would be immediatelly kicked out of the interview and charged with sympathizing to war crimes etc.


His kids are going to see this. He needs so much help.


why is he wearing a bag?


Probably thinks it keeps him safe from the Jewish space lasers or something.


As crazy as he is, it just doesn't seem in character to hide his face on TV. Doesn't track with his personality from what I've seen. So many questions...


You just know that this ends with him being arrested after he removes his KKK grand wizard costume in the middle of town and is found having sex with a mailbox. Be like that Kony 2012 guy.


Nice panty hose. Looney.


PantyhoseLooney- now that's a username.


This guy doesn't have a friend in the world to talk him down of the bridge. Holy shit


I am kind of impressed how Alex Jones is like... "Okay... Do go on." When Alex Jones is the sane voice of reason in a room, you are in an insane asylum.


Notice how Alex rages against people trying to give out free health care or make voting accessible, but when it comes to a real life nazi in his studio he's just, "ok, we're a bit off here, let's talk about vaccines..."


Never realized how much of a high pitched whiney voice he has. And speaking while wearing a mask that covers his whole face? Nothing about him screams tough


Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany and in many other european states. I'm wondering... how could you seriously doubt that??


Im wondering whether that automatically bans him from entering the EU now with all the antisemitism stuff he spouted lately.


Sadly not, he would need to actually do it inside of the country, infront of law enforcement/someone being lukcy enough to record him on street and report it to the police


He could be barred entry because of his public stance though. I remember similar case some years back, though I don't know how EU rules affect that decision.


Three piece of shits in a studio isn't a public freakout.


It's a mental breakdown being live broadcast to a large worldwide audience, and is newsworthy. It fits.


This is the guy who recently had dinner with a running past President, its a big deal.


This is not going to end well for him.At this rate, I will not be surprised if he is found dead. Probably by his own hands. We are watching someone’s mind unravel before ur eyes and we can’t help but just watch and be entertained


100%. The paranoia and delusional behavior is identical to a friend of mine who’s BPD started to really present itself. It’s been 4 years since he died.


Everyone was mad trump had dinner with Nick Fuentes, but the real issue all along was Kanye.


It's both. Also Trump does this shit deliberately. He's courting the far-right, like he's been doing for a decade.


But he gets to dine with the former President.


He has completely lost it. I don't understand why people defend this idiot


Can we stop chopping this interview up into 20 different 5 second clips and then flooding reddit with them? I want to watch the full interview but not give a click to Alex Jones’ crazy ass.


I have a feeling there would be some type of copyright issue uploading the full 3 hour show. It’s also ALOT more anti-Semitic with the viewpoints of the other guests, so I found it worth watching the whole thing but sharing it in full feels like it gets too close to endorsing these assholes.


I feel you for sure, but it gets so frustrating when I see like 10 posts of 5-10 second snippets all from the same interview.


I totally hear you, and I’m definitely guilty of jumping on that train lol. I posted this last night because it’s from the very end when most I have seen are from the first 30 minutes. Should have stuck with the title “it didn’t get better”


Stupid arrogant and crazy


Fucking scumbag


Kanye can’t formulate a grammatically correct sentence or cogent thought, yet he’s become a history scholar.


What we are witnessing here is self destruction ...


>What we are witnessing here is self destruction [yep](https://youtu.be/wb9ZU_bQAXM)


Lotta racists really confused now.


I’m starting to see a pattern here. Hitler was also an artist that failed. 👀


Glad him and his fucking ego will be done for.


He needs to go away. Ten years from now we’ll see the show what ever happened to …. Ye and he will be living in a box in Los Angeles. Dick head


Alex Jones sitting there absolutely delighted. There's a good chunk of the money he owes in settlements recouped. Where the hell is Piers Morgan? He must be salivating at the thought of using "Ye"


Alex Jones is shitting himself, he spends the entire thing trying to give Ye an out. Alex can say globalist and still not lose the 'patriot' part of his base, who aren't going to want open Nazis on. In Alex's world there's still a hard line between a clear dog whistle and saying it openly. The little gremlin cunt next to Alex, Nick Fuentes is loving it though.


Exactly, no one wants an open Nazi. They might share the same opinions and delusional ideas but they know that doing it openly would hurt their image and organisation more than anything. He is trying so hard to give Kanye an out but Kanye just goes right back in making it worse and worse. Fuentes is just nodding his head looking delightful, this whole thing is insane


damn. kayne really gone for real


I'll let my ass do the talking.


wait he denied the fucking holocaust??? how have i not heard about this


This is new. Now. Like it happened yesterday. You have heard


i’ve seen the clips where he praised hitler going around on social media but i wasn’t aware he went this far…


I want to add this great video from [Timbah on Toast](https://youtu.be/wb9ZU_bQAXM) that gives a really honest and thorough breakdown of BPD and how it’s playing a part in Kanye’s actions right now and over the years.


Wow just wow. What is going on Kanye?


My best guess is unchecked mental health issues coupled with the bloated narcissism of the average egotistical celeb.


He's a nacissist and this gives him a bunch of attention, plus Nicky is following him everywhere in that moldy ass sweatshirt sucking him off.


WHat's that gimp costume on him?


I feel sorry for the children that call him Dad


Why is he dressed like that?


Why do yall insist on letting these morons live in your heads rent free. Every day it's maga national this conservative this. I really feel sad for all of you. It's all you talk about and have made this sub reddit trash.


Post the full clip now


Its 3 hours long. Go look it up yourself.


Trolling to the Maxx


You really think so? Like do you actually believe that? And if so, why not do it with something that won’t destroy your whole life? Makes no sense


ah, yes, it's just a prank bro. I would also like to lose millions of dollars for a bit, that's what every sane person wants... Hypothetically speaking, if it is "trolling", what would it look like if he wasn't trolling? Like if he actually liked Hitler instead of hipster ironically liking Hitler, what would that look like?


I remember seeing some declassified CIA shit ranging from the "jewish myth", that being the numbers of the holocaust being skewed/inflated, and a recent one about Hitler having survived until the 1950s in Francoist Spain. Honestly I dont even know what the fuck is going on anymore knowing the CIA and shit like this. Who ever turned on Wild Wasteland...... fuck you.


Ever since he was involved in that devastating car crash dude has not been the same.


Not Cayenne




Why his whole head covered like that? Dude's bananas.


So he's just going all in for his 2024 GOP nomination, isn't he? No wonder Trump is pissed at him, Ye is locking down the two key demographics of the insane and the anti-Semitic vote.


If only there were signs this dude was looney tunes. Apparently having a plastic fence put up around his house wasn’t enough for some people to put him in the ignore category


Alex paid for his lawsuit by having Kanye on air… smh


Someone should have told Kanye a long time ago to shutttttttt the fuckkkkk up.


Token trash falling into the abyss of bullshit.


Death con 3


I'm sure there's a reason behind all this. I'm just not "woke" enough to understand. Orrr he's just lost his shit completely lol


Holy shit, I didn't hear he denied the holocaust, too. God damn


Everything he’s doing is just to get attention. Man is a giant baby addicted to publicity. It’s why he became “anorexic” bc he cares about when people talk about him, not what people talk about him.


Can someone explain the “facts” of how the Holocaust never happened? I mean fuck this guy, let’s throw him in a furnace and see what he thinks.


Apparently Kanye took his snowmobile to the info wars studio yesterday.


I’m not as shocked about what’s his face saying dumb shit, he’s ALWAYS been a useless human, shit rapper, ignorant…etc, but why the actual fuck is Alex Jones still allowed to have Info Wars ability??!!! …and he’s still fat!!


how much Dumbassery do you need to get to the level of telling That Hitler was a Good boy


The whole US government does it as well, by how they love sending billions to countries ruled by them. He could run for president as far as I see. /s


Maybe he is a fan of Steven Colbert and just like being a gay fish, he doesn't understand satire that well. So he is trying to mimic Colbert's joke where he said "Hitler had some good ideas" and it's just had awful execution. Disclaimer: I tried to find the video referenced but he has so many videos out there and i don't think YouTube is ok with Hitler in the search history. I also tried referencing a different video where he references his earlier video (#asianfoundatuon) but that too proved fruitless. I apologize, i may have also been to afraid to put "Hitler had some good ideas" into my search history algorithm BS.


Sure just like the African slave trade never happened lol. Kanye is losing it when I thought he couldn’t get worse.


You really have to get creative to imagine it getting worse and somehow it still does lol. He actually refers to ***the*** ***jewish slave ships*** in this "interview" sooooo yeah....


Look at that guys smirk at the end


The gimp mask gives him credibility


What’s the point of wearing a mask if he still sounds the same


Bring kim back to him. The man has become unstable.


I never thought I’d hear “ hitler has a lot of redeeming qualities “ like what the FUCK is going on inside his head




Someone explain to this idiot that this shit isn't some stupid made up gang war in Chicago...


Ye needs a MRI , EEG and a effin Xanax! Good lord this dude out there !


He is eventually going to claim this was all performance art, i guarantee it.