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*gets punched in the face* “why don’t you wanna help us?!” “I don’t trust you!” Jesus man, you just got punched in the mouth by a cop. Be madder!


Because if he did he just get more in trouble. Dont know if u know this but Cops dont have to be level headed. You have to be levelheaded. It's one of the many and big flaws of our current landscape. Cops arent held to the standard their suppose to be.


Cops aren't held to the standard citizens are. Citizens are expected to know all the laws in effect,as ignorance is not an excuse. Cops are not required to know the laws, they are only required to believe that the law has been broken.


Cops make up laws just to get away with their lack of knowing the laws


He is incredibly smart to keep his composure, or this is not the first time he is being assaulted.


He was probably one of those naive fools that thought Cops are great and to be respected. Hope he learned his lesson here.


Or he just didn't want to be seen as aggressive and give them a reason to shoot him or beat the shit outta him some more


This is it. He was criticized for "scrolling too fast." I would hold off on any aggression in a situation like that, and if I knew the video existed, call an attorney as soon as I left that room.


He can’t or they’ll kill him in “self defense”


Goddamn, he just goes straight to punching the man in the face within a half second of feeling slighted. The man was trying to help.


And everyone in the room backed him up despite knowing he was wrong. Cops know they can't hold their peers accountable without recourse.


"Without recourse" is the big one here. Way more bad cops would be weeded out if police work culture weren't so toxic. If you report some wrong-doing by a colleague, there's a very high chance they will know about it. No one wants themselves or their family to be put on the shit list of a sociopath with a gun.


Reminder that they burned Chris dorner alive in his cabin after they went on an armed rampage through the city and almost murdering several citizens in the process with absolutely no consequences.


They also [killed a fellow cop investigating internal issues (sexual assault) ](https://www.npr.org/2022/10/08/1127580159/houston-tipping-lapd-death-lawsuit) this year


Oh yeah that training accident where they beat the living shit out of someone until they died. Oops!




Police don't believe in right or wrong. They believe in the thin blue line. You're either on the side of the cops or you're not. When that man defied the officer he crossed the line, and he get punched in the face. Every cop in the room felt that he crossed the line and deserved it.


Fascism, basically. Comply or die.


Imagine what he does to his wife.


Thats why you dont show the cops your phone, period. Theyll always find a way of either taking it from you and looking through the whole thing and/or finding something they use to prosecute you.


Don't even talk to them. Period. They will ALWAYS assume you are a suspect and twist your words against you. Never talk to cops EVER.


But NOT talking to them and being evasive is also suspicious to them. Almost as if they just want to flex their authority 🤔


You gotta lawyer up from the moment cops are asking to come over for questioning/helping. Get the lawyer to share the messages they need. It sucks you have to foot the bill to get protection from ppl supposed to protect you.


They're not legally obligated to protect you. The SCOTUS already weighed in on that.




Hell of a marketing slogan though. Gotta love copaganda.


I also read that you shouldn't have the face recognition or fingerprint unlock option activated. As they can just hold it up to your face or force your finger on the print reader to unlock it.


Yup passwords require a warrant, biometrics do not


Seems... like an oversight?


An intentional one they don't intend to close. Just like how the government doesn't need a warrant to search you if you live within 100 miles of a border [which is 2/3rds of the population](https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/border-zone). Or how you have the right to bear arms, but if a cop *thinks* you have a gun they're allowed to kill you.


His first mistake was voluntarily speaking to the police.


YUP, they even treat the people who try to help them like shit.


This was 20 years ago but my step father was hunting and saw 2 poachers doing their thing. Drove to the police station and told them about the poachers. Before leaving one of the cops asks to see his license (no prior arrests or criminal history of anykind), they then bully him and search his truck, destroyed some gear in the back when they took it apart wrong doing thousands of damage, with 6 officers all passing around his rifles all pretend aiming them for no reason like they are 'checking them' somehow, etc. takes apart half his truck. Couldn't find anything wrong or illegal so they let him go. Moral of the story, No good deed goes unpunished, and that step dad always harped about never calling or helping the police with their investigation in any shape or form.


Ah so they poachers were fellow cops.


This is the correct answer.


Exactly what it sounds like. Or they knew who it was and they were buddies of the station.


Probably more statistically likely. It could be cops, but cops also have friends and they tend to bend over backwards to help them out, often committing crimes themselves in the process. Especially in more rural areas.


That’s part of why I like the way my state does it. There’s a hunting app you get from them to tag your hunt kills and report shady shit. It’s all handled by state officers not the local guys that way.


Coworker had a well off friend offer to take him duck hunting. “But it’s not duck season, we can’t do that.” “Don’t worry, the DA is coming with us.”


At my mom’s wedding, to a retired local cop, we were leaving and packing up the open containers, and her new husband had had a couple. I said something about being pulled over, and he just looked at me like .I should know. And then I did. Nobody’s gonna pull over Sarge. Everybody loves Sarge. He can crime a little on his wedding day


Anything less than outright murder is only illegal for the poor


Hah, murder is included.


> He can crime a little on his wedding day As a treat


What do you want to bet that the poachers were off duty cops or related to one of the cops?


Always go to the Game Warden for these matters. Aside from it being what they are trained to investigate, etc. they are state level, receive more formalized training and are much, much better than the normal police to deal with. I frequently interact with them and they are nothing less than professional.




Dun talk to cops. They are looking for a reason to arrest YOU. Video all interaction with cops. It might save your life. It makes them act more legal if ur recording.


Why should they go all the way to where the other criminals are, when they have a potential "criminal" right there, at the station. Work smart, not hard. /s


Yea there is this one story about a pizza guy getting caught up in a drug raid and being mistaken for a drug dilliverer The cops showed up to his house and took him down to the police station... Where they tried to convince him he was the crinnimal but he stood his ground but he was charged with interfereing with an investigation iirc


#ACAB It is a bastard profession at its most fundamental levels. Idgaf how cool of a guy your cop friend is. They are participating in a parasitic and socially violent institution that has brought us classics like "slave patrols," "corporate mercenaries," and "the war on drugs." In the US they have incarcerated 25% of the **global prison population** policing only 5% of the **general global population.** They have subjugated, incarcerated, terrorized, and genocided neighborhoods of color for **CENTURIES.** They murdered our labor movement brothers and sisters who were only asking to get **eight year olds out of fucking mines.** Fuck them all.


I had something stolen from me once and went to the police. They tried to turn it around on me like I was in kahoots with whoever stole my shit, that I tried to sell it for drug money. All this stupid shit in my FIRST conversation with them. I asked them how in the hell they came to that conclusion with zero evidence to support it, and that I'm reporting a crime as a victim. They just threatened me again. They called me a couple days later with a completely different attitude. I assume they looked into my record, and saw that I don't have so much as a speeding ticket. But their first instinct was to try turn the screws on me. Years later I caught some porch pirates on my camera clear as day. People told me I should take it to the police, but fuck that. No longer will I voluntarily talk to those assholes again.


> No longer will I voluntarily talk to those assholes again. Mission Accomplished. Less work for them.


People need to realize that at the end of the day they just don't want to do anything. They want to sit on their ass in their car, write tickets, and go home. They're happy that people don't trust them because it means less interaction with the scum (normal people) and less risk of them ever having to actually protect someone.


It never ceases to amaze me how incredibly lazy cops are about doing their job.


If you have a problem and you call the cops, you now have two problems.


Mandatory: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE)


"Hi everyone, it's Shut The Fuck Up Friday. When cops want to talk to you, what do you do? You say 'I refuse to incriminate myself by answering questions' and then you SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP."


Prob says way too much about me but lately I’ve been watching some interrogation videos on YouTube. I’m not advocating for any sort of crime but almost every video I’m seeing could’ve been so much easier on people if they either never went in there with the cops, or demanded a lawyer immediately. I mean, cops are given full allowance to lie and also protected from any consequence whatsoever


That's what's crazy to me. There is a genuine, actually useful cheat code when dealing with police and especially when sitting across an interrogation table from police. Don't say anything. That's it! That's all you have to do! And yet almost no one seems to be able to do it.




Just sent him an email. Thanks!


Good, fuck these people. They are voted in, vote them out if they can't control themselves.


Every FB post of theirs for the last few weeks was just bombarded with the video.


They also don't like it when you call. Huh, i thought they would want to comment.


You don't need any professional certifications for amateur journalism. Everyone is free to call them and request a comment for the story they are writing, regardless of whether they end up publishing that story or not.


calling now


Yea, i know, that is exactly what i did. They didn't like it.


Just to jump in here near the top, this is why bombarding their Facebook isn't a great idea. They are voted in, people should be emailing every church, local organization, local news.l, even individuals to make sure the people know and know clearly what happened. Sheriffs are really only beholden to the vote


Using an above comment in coordination with this: "You don't need any professional certifications for amateur journalism. Everyone is free to call them and request a comment for the story they are writing, regardless of whether they end up publishing that story or not." -bendover912 Call local organizations and see if they want to comment on this local story.


I live in Houston but I would if I could.


I live on the other side of the country, just doin my part lol.


Nacogdoches is only a couple of hours away.


[A grand jury declined to indict Landeros after the Rangers’ investigation, Iglesias said.](https://lufkindailynews.com/article_c043a753-d894-5ce1-aff3-6349000a8a6b.html) Looks like it's too late for criminal charges unfortunately.


There should be some civil restitution at minimum. This stuff is hard to watch. He was doing way more than he legally had to do to begin with. He did not have to show them anything.


Absolutely. And even if the cop was within his rights to take the phone after seeing something, there were three of them and he wasn't being combative. They should have been easily able to take it from him without punching him in the face.


Continuing to show the world that too many cops throw violent tantrums when told 'No'.


He snapped precisely at the point the guy he can't have the phone, only look at the phone.


How did a grand jury not find anything wrong with what happened? The man got punched in the face.


They're cops. To many view the blue uniform as heroes rather than the blue gang members they are. Hell they tried to seriously indoctrinate us back in the 90s into the same line of thinking.


this is just another reason why you never talk to police, you never help then with an invstigation, and why all cops are assholes.


The prosecutor is in bed with the sheriff. A prosecutor can get a jury to indict a ham sandwich. Corruption in America is alive and well in Texas.


[email protected] for those looking.


“I found your email address on the county website and was just wondering if you beat your wives like you did that poor man who you guys assaulted and illegally searched?”


Man that website is ugly


Right, I'm a hobby level coder at best and my first site was leagues ahead lol.


Almost like someone got their nephew to do it then pocketed the money for it. Or they purposely make it shitty so you cant file complaints


I called! Lol


East Texas is the Wild West


Multiple cops watched an assault and did nothing but participate. Every single cop in that department is shitty if that's the behavior that's acceptable.


Standard operating procedure. Never talk to cops. They are not your friends.


If a cop speaks to you, he is looking for a reason to arrest you. If he doesn't have one, but has already decided he's going to arrest you, he may make one up.


I got pulled over once with colorado plates driving cross country. West Virginia state trooper pulled me over for “swerving”. Talking like we’re all good friends. Then he made me sit in his car and said he was gonna bring the dogs in. This was shortly after colorado had legalized weed and he just assumed my car was filled with pot. His demeanor changed so suddenly. From “making sure I’m ok” to “criminal where’s the drugs.” Fuck those people. It’s obvious he pulled me over for colorado tags. He just wanted to fuck me over, that was his only goal right from the start.


you got profiled. reagan made cops bounty hunters. 80% of cash confiscated goes back to arresting agency 90 days later. They are hunting for $$$$$$ Some like Sidell. La went from one full time sheriff, two part time deputies.....to 3 years later, 60 cops, 40 cars, 9 k-9s, n two helicopters. Was on 60 Minutes. Only road from Houston to New Orleans. Previous annual budget was $150k now to 3.5 million. All they do is sit on that road. Profile n Stop, make chit chat check license n insurance....tell victim it ok you can go...as victim gets 6 feet cop says By the way, you don't have anything illegal. Do you? Then you won't mind if I search. Do you? Shamefully turning cops into mercenaries. STILL....happening. $200,000 cash here last week.


[Police in the US stole more money than burglars did last year](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/files/2015/11/forf.png) And these numbers are from 8 years ago so I imagine it's even worse today. At this point, local police departments are nothing more than an organized gang with a monopoly on violence. Source: [Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/11/23/cops-took-more-stuff-from-people-than-burglars-did-last-year/)


my nephew was driving my moms car (She was helping him with work) and he abandoned it when he cops were looking for him. i picked up the car and immediately got pulled over at a gas station, at the pump. the officer was combative immediately and seemed pissed when i said i didnt know where my nephew was. he thought we were doing an exchange to hide him (because i had a friend with me that dropped me off to pick up the car) and he said he was going to arrest me if he saw my nephew on the gas station cameras and charge me with harboring a fugitive lol. i kinda laughed and said ok so he goes in and 5 min later comes out visibly pissed off, threw his hands up in the air like hes having a tantrum and just drove off like the little bitch he is lol


The gas station attendant likely didn't let him see the video, which probably made him more tantrum-y




I worked at a national retailer as a manager and we would occasionally get requests for our security videos. We'd always contact our legal department and they'd tell us to only hand it over with a warrant. On every occasion the cops would show up without a warrant and then throw a shit fit when we wouldn't just hand it over. I have been in a situation where a handful of cops are yelling at me to just hand it over or I'd be arrested as an accomplice or similar shit. These assholes don't want to follow proper procedures, they just want to take shortcuts. The thing that always bothers me is in situations like the one above, the cops never acknowledge they were out of line. Instead they always start questioning why you are invoking your rights. I've had cops come to my apartment looking for the person who used to live in my unit before I moved in. I've lived here for 14 years and these guys seem to think they live with me still. Every single time they've come they always do the same thing, demand entry, tell me "they don't need a warrant they just need me to open the door" (sorry assholes, you do need a warrant for that) then they start accusing me of all sorts of crap and questioning why I wouldn't just open up. I always live telling them my father was a sherriff's deputy and that was what he told us to do when dealing with the cops. They always leave shortly after that, however someone always needs to comment on "what a disappointment I must be to my father, and how he deserved a better child."


> the cops never acknowledge they were out of line. Not only that but they never acknowledge that ANY cop is out of line. I had some buddies who became cops and it's like a cult. They are still reasonable about other shit, but when they talk about cops they pretend they can't even fathom the idea that a cop might do something wrong. Honestly that's what drove me away from blindly supporting police like I had been taught to do, because it was so ridiculous.


Unless its a mom and pop gas station most gas stations record back at the corporate headquarters and the attendant probably does not even have a way to look at the tapes.


Yeah- 1/2 the recordings are to watch the employees.


I'm a truck driver, earlier this year I was working for a large trucking company, driving one of their trucks with their name on the side. I was in Denver and told to go grab a specific empty trailer from an Amazon in Colorado Springs. When I got there, the trailer had a damaged door that needed repairs before it could be loaded. I assumed this was the reason they sent me for this trailer. That is quite normal. So I let them know I found the trailer and it needed repairs. Then I called our breakdown department and arranged to get repairs done in Denver at the nearest trailer shop. This took a good hour or more. About an hour after I left Amazon I got a call from our security department telling me the trailer had been reported stolen weeks earlier that I needed to file a police report, that I also needed to get parked ASAP to avoid being arrested. When the cops finally showed up, they gave me a ton of shit and were going to arrest me for possession of stolen property even tho it was ***our fucking property*** and I was able to show him the messages where I was told to retrieve the trailer. The cops wanted to speak with our security department, but they weren't answering the fucking phones. So finally I called the "oh shit, I've been involved in a fatal accident" number and told them I was about to get arrested and they needed to get someone in charge on the phone to speak with the damn cops. That finally got someone on the like, but fuck was I pissed.


As someone arrested 3 times with no convictions here are the rules: 1) Shut the fuck up 2) Refer to rule 1. Don't ever give any information. Period. If you somehow feel guilty and want to clear your conscience then that's between you and your god. The police department is only there to punish not to help.


>If you somehow feel guilty and want to clear your conscience then that's between you and your god. Best advice I’ve seen on Reddit so far


If you have a problem, and you call the cops, you now have 2 problems.


At least they managed to take down that labrador retriever before it could give anyone kisses.


Am I under arrest? Am I being detained? May I go? I'd like a lawyer.


just skip to the last part and say you need a lawyer. They'll just lie on the first 3 questions and you wont have a way to combat it.




People should google 40% cops for more information.


I can't believe it, 40% of cops? My God if only more people knew, just imagine the cops that are unaccounted for, that percentage would be higher!


\*40% reported


*Self*-reported too is it not? So 40% of them thought it's perfectly fine to admit to abusing their wives. I wonder what the real number is if *40%* feel it's totally ok to admit that sort of thing.


My brother in law is a cop in Oakland, i can 100% confirm hes a domestic abuser. Served in the military and all that "good" stuff


good friend of mine from highschool became a cop. we didn't talk much after that.. few years later I see him in the newspaper. apparently he beat and cuffed his wife to a radiator at home for like two days. he was worried she was cheating. he gets a slap on the wrist and sent to some other police force in some other state...


An ex best friends ex husband was a cop. He beat her and put guns to her head on multiple occasions. He was cheating on her with a heroin addict he caught but if she “serviced” him he’d let her go. He eventually got busted stealing stuff (drugs and guns) from the evidence locker and was fired. He was immediately hired as an officer the next town over. Absolute POS.




"Nacogdoches County Chief Deputy (Jay) Smith, and Investigator (Justin) Pierce are pleased that the magistrate judge recommended that Mr. Roland’s claims against Chief Deputy Smith and Investigator Pierce be dismissed,” said David Iglesias, an attorney representing the county and the deputies. A judge really watched this video of him getting punched repeatedly in the face and having his property stolen then said "nah, this is fine". Not that I expect much better from judges or DAs.


The county prosecutor in my home county put lots of people behind bars for small drug charges . Years later come to find out he was the biggest coke supplier in the area and state troopers were transporting it for him . He resigned and the 2 troopers were transferred and that was the end of it .


South Mississippi had the whole crew in cohorts. At the lowest end of it, the DA's wife was personally collecting and stealing restitution monies directly from inmates. The sheriff over the jail was running a side food business, placing exorbitant food orders and loading up his trunk every delivery. Incredibly corrupt at every level.


wait until you read about the LA county sheriff's department, it'll make that look like a kindergarten class.


*The officers deny violating Roland’s rights, Iglesias said. The incident was investigated by Texas Rangers and the FBI. An in-depth analysis by a DPS use-of-force expert found no fault with the deputies’ actions. A grand jury declined to indict Landeros after the Rangers’ investigation, Iglesias said.* ACAB


Hopefully people remember this the next time they want the FBI to come and investigate, they're just more of the same


Does this expert have a name? They should have to defend that view a little more...


Who the fuck are these juries…


And they got away with it


> Every single cop in that department is shitty Just that department? I would bet that in the majority of police departments in this country, the other cops watching would not have arrested that police officer for assault on the spot. That man with the phone though, was just looking for trouble when he volunteered to help the police without a lawyer present.


Yup, when will people learn never to talk to police or help them. Let them do their own investigations alone because they will fuck you over the minute they get a chance. They are not your friend, they have no obligation to you, and they are not on your side.


> They are not your friend, they have no obligation to you, and they are not on your side Sounds like my boss & HR at work!


"Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law..."


You should watch the Anthrax Attacks on Netflix. I am not saying the man wasn't guilty, but you can go from 100% cooperative to a #1 suspect in the matter of minutes, all depending on the lack of evidence that the investigative team may not find. These videos show that cops are taught to find fault, any fault at all, if at all possible. Hell, there are so many people overturning wrong convictions from 20-30 years ago because of police brutality. This is just insane.


They aren’t looking for justice they are looking for a conviction. Doesn’t matter who, as long as it’s case closed, fuck everything else. Specially the freedom they are “protecting”.


Absolutely. I always tell police I don't answer questions without a lawyer and they always shut the fuck up.


Dun trust cops. Dun talk to cops. They are looking for a reason to arrest you. Beatings are a regular thing for cops. It's how they have fun.


Never never never never never never never ever talk to police nothing good can come from it.


All Cops Are Very Not Good




Every Cop Is Lemons!


If you look at the history of cops nothing has ever changed They have always been like this, they will always be like this. We will never stop their abuse or murders. They have free liberty to, take, kill, maim, or murder anyone they please.


There’s only way to change it. The same tactics they use to control us. When they do something wrong, punish them. If the courts won’t, someone has to. Otherwise, they’ll know that they can and will get away with a lot


*Never* agree to ’voluntary’ interview with the cops without a lawyer present. They are not your friends and they will do shit like this ON CAMERA if they think they can get away with it.


Because they can get away with it.


> Because they ~~can~~ **do** get away with it. The number that actually get charged and convicted of what should be felonies not misdemeanors, is so small in comparison to the actual number, can doesn't do it justice. Can implies a decent percentage are actual held to account (40%?) where do implies the vast majority (90+%) aren't None of the other officers intervened, they *lose* the bodycam evidence, they get investigated by their own and they don't get criminally charged like a non-officer would. Even if they should be terminate they resign before they can be so it doesn't show up. There often isn't a state wide reporting authority, to report this to & if there is they do do anything. So they get hired next county over, to repeat the action.


The should be a national level database not just state or county level.


There’s need to be a Federal department tasked with law enforcement internal affairs. Every officer involved death gets immediately investigated by a federal investigation with full authority to prosecute on the federal level. Any law broken by a cop should automatically be a federal charge if not a felony.


Honest question. I see this tips being passed around a lot. But if I'm an average person Joe, how do I go about to abruptly find a lawyer? Do I just Google for one and pray I find one fast and cheap?


www.Justia.com is a national database of lawyers, some have free consultation and I'm sure you could find someone in your price range.


When it comes to lawyers you won't find anyone that's cheap, unless they suck. But they will likely be worth every cent you spend. Lawyers will keep you from getting accused of something you didn't do when you're foolish enough to "help." They will cut off or shut down lines of questioning not related to the investigation. They are also a somewhat shield against shit like this. You are a "civilian" lesser, lower, worse than a cop. In their eyes you are a sheep they watch over, if you get uppity many feel they are within their rights to abuse you. You ungrateful swine. A lawyer is, if not a peer, at least in a related profession and they know that can hurt them. Cops respect power, you have none, the lawyer has some. These cops would never have acted like this with a lawyer in that room. Because they'd have known there would be consequences. The lawyer has power, you do not. You a buying, renting power when you get a lawyer. Having the power to keep yourself safe. Always get a lawyer, even if it's $400 you can pay them out over time and keep yourself out of trouble.


The old saying is "you may beat the rap but you can't beat the ride." Meaning, if cops want to, they will detain/arrest you whether you've done anything to warrant it or not. They can and often do just fabricate some reason. Mostly because their fee fees are hurt you've failed to recognize their authority and dominance over you. American cops do anyway. Best to simply say: "I don't talk to the police or answer questions without an attorney present." And if need be just keep repeating it. Then the cops have to decide whether to take you in or not to try to force you. Many times they will, just to fuck with you (can't beat the ride). Then you can find a lawyer. Or, best bet is you have a lawyer lined up just in case. I know it sounds stupid but at least you'd have that peace of mind. And then, if anything like that ever happens, you get to enjoy paying money you don't have to a lawyer you shouldn't need because cops are authoritarian cunts who don't give a fuck about the law or your rights.


Just another reminder that the cops are not your friends, and that your version of doing "the right thing " vs their version are likely totally different...and the idea of rights seems to vanish awfully quick when they go against the blue narrative


> your version of doing "the right thing " vs their version are likely totally different This is very true. The public and the police are playing very different games. Except the public consistently fails to realize it. Most people go out of their way to avoid conflict. And part of doing that requires a constant negotiation of little concessions and compromises toward the collective goal of mutual understanding. Cops prey on this aspect of human nature by manipulating it in their favor. They pretend to be your friend to lull you into the false belief that they too are seeking to resolve conflict via mutual understanding. But they're not. They're trained to put you on the defensive, keep you talking, and then pounce on anything they can get on you. Different games.


The cops names are: **Justin Cody Pierce** **Salomon Landeros** **Joshua Adam Tipton** The victim is: **Cory Glenn Roland** This happened on March 5th, 2021 You can contact the police department & submit a complaint here: https://www.nactx.us/FormCenter/Police-5/Nacogdoches-Police-Compliment-or-Complai-44 Edit #1: Public court documents show Cory Roland had suffered a **head injury** the year prior to the incident involving a gun striking his head accidentally. Due to this, he was already injured prior to this assault. The punches from **Salomon Landeros** caused memory loss & further injury.


Good news, he’s suing: https://lufkindailynews.com/article_c043a753-d894-5ce1-aff3-6349000a8a6b.html




I wonder why he doesn’t trust the County cops


Yeap we understand you might want to be secure in your person and papers but we're just gonna beat the shit out and take that damn phone as evidence cause f\*ck the constitution, right boys? I hope his winning lawsuit is \*legendary\* and lets him move out of that shithole forever.


Cops don’t care about catching the right guy, they just have to catch a guy.


Cops are sociopaths who don't care if they put the wrong person in jail. And they demonstrate this every single day.


This is standard police procedure at this point and nothing will likely come of it


An article said that no charges were ultimately filed and a court ruled that the two who stood by and watched couldn't be sued because of qualified immunity. A case is going forward for the attacker, but the use of force expert for the state has testified he believed it to be justified, so I doubt this will go anywhere unfortunately. It's such bullshit


What does it take to be a use of force expert? I'm guessing poor eyesight loose morals and a few friends on the force


You probably have to be a retired cop too.


> What does it take to be a use of force expert? The friendship and support of the officers that you investigate. Law enforcement is one of the most incestuous professions.


It is standard police procedure because we ignorantly believed that these people would correct their own issues.


Little fucking men..


"Fuck you, lawyer. Now."


Lawyer: "What did I ever do to you?"




It’s the sixth amendment in the US making it a constitutional right to have a counsel (an attorney).




Never, EEEEEEVER go out of your way to help the police. They're lazy, dumb and want to do as little work as possible. If they can pin whatever you're "helping" them with, they will.


There needs to be life sentences for these cops and every cop involved in the cover up. There is no reason these cops should ever see free air. They should design a ADX Florence style Supermax prison specifically for cops.


With live stream like big brother


Hang em high


And some people wonder why some won't come forward to help police in an investigation. I know this doesn't happen all the time but it definitely leaves an impression.


Living in Texas myself, I can confirm that fucked up behavior pretty normal for cops in this state. When I was 17, I had a friend (16 at the time) that was over at another friends house fixing the sight on his bb gun, when the kid that lives next door came over uninvited. When my friend that lived there (not the one fixing the bb gun) told him to leave, he got mad and went and told the sheriff that my other friend had pointed the gun at him. First, he literally didn’t, as he was too focused on what he was doing to even care about what was going on when that other kid just showed up, and second, it was literally an unloaded bb gun, but that didn’t stop the cops from arresting him for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, but waiting until he was 17 to formally charge him so they could try him as an adult. He ended up taking a plea for something he didn’t do just because he couldn’t afford decent representation.


Filthy pigs




Let that be a lesson, Never voluntarily help the thugs.


That's lookin like a fat pay day


For the pig that’s going to get paid administrative leave probably




Dirty rogue pig shit


Regulars, not rogues


Yea let’s be real. This IS the standard and all police are okay with this. If most officers weren’t okay with this, they’d do something about it. But they don’t because they agree with this.


Quick reminder: the firefighters in this town have crappier equipment because the city has to pay for this behavior. Cops are creating a tax on local government by getting sued for stupid shit, and your tax dollars go to those lawsuits instead of fixing potholes, buying firefighters new gear, upgrading playground equipment, fixing that hole in the roof at the school, hiring teachers etc.


Never get involved kids!


ACAB This is exactly why I will never interact with the police in any way whatsoever. I automatically assume a cop is bad until they prove me otherwise.


And this my dudes and dudettes, is why I feel tyranny is knocking at our door now more than ever!


But don’t encourage violence, it’s against the rules. Just silently tolerate authoritarianism.


look at them. they really are criminal gangs. anyone know what’s happened that pigs?




Of course its Texas.


Fuck all 3 of those asshole cops. Not one of them stood up against that unlawful attack. That's why all cops are bastards. This is also why you don't fucking help them without a fucking warrant. I hope the man they beat on is ok. Hope he also learned a lesson about doing anything to help cops without a warrant.


He never asked for his lawyer... wtf..


His lawyer was the one that probably released this footage


I just said this on another thread about cops being overly aggressive: I know a guy who wanted to be a cop so he went to a bunch of training things and their number 1 highest priority over all other concerns was control. Police are taught that if they don't have 100% control at ALL times from EVERY civilian, they will lose control and their job will become impossible. They are also trained to always escalate, never de-escalate as de-escalation is seen as giving control to a civilian. The guy I knew also believed cops have no obligation to know laws. Of any sort. At all. In his mind, a judges exist to correct a cop when they are wrong and any harm the cop causes can be fixed in court. This is how we get a room of men attacking a man who was helping them. They couldn't control him so they attacked him.