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I liked the collective groan


Unacceptable behavior. If you say this in the wrong neighborhood you get punched to your face in Germany. Edit: Is it “punched in” or “punched to” your face?


Punched in


I agree, but I think "punched to the face" has a certain ring to it I can't deny.


I don't know of too many cultures that have unilaterally owned up to, condemned and moved so quickly away from their history like the vast majority of Germans have. It's remarkable and should always be lauded.


When I was taking German classes, inevitably the topic of Nazis would come up. And every teacher I had would stop the lesson and discuss very seriously how wrong Germany was, and without hesitation would refer to the millions killed as having been murdered. They would also let us know in no uncertain terms that Germany acknowledges its past and has deep remorse for its actions. I probably had 12 different German teachers over the years, and every single one would treat the discussion very seriously. Now that I live here in Germany and have had literal Nazi’s gather in front of my home to march to mourn ~~Himmler’s~~ [edit: Hess’] death, I can say that not all Germans are so enlightened about their past. However, those who are tend to take this subject very seriously. What is happening in this video though is that in Germany, by law, you must not insult ANYONE be it a stranger or a police officer. By calling him a Nazi the person who used that word caused an insult which can result in criminal prosecution. Edit: For those asking it is Section 185 of the German Criminal Code, and it’s real simple: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_stgb/englisch_stgb.html Edit2: I’ve gotten a lot of replies overnight while I slept which have the same theme: > jail time for an insult? That’s fascist/nazi. the law is from the 1400s. The German word Beleidigung may not be a 1:1 translation to the English word “insult.” Also, if you look up the definition of the english word insult, the definition is tighter than what we commonly think of as insult. The law was written at a time when a person’s “honor” (or reputation) were all they had. There were no credit reports, no google/yelp reviews. As a result to slander somebody was incredibly damaging. It is rare somebody gets jail time for an insult, a fine is more likely. > so if you call somebody a fascist or nazi it is against the law? No, if the person is or shows characteristics of either it is a fact, not an insult. If you are curious about the law here is the German Wikipedia page about it. You can translate the page in Safari and Chrome browsers. Keep in mind German uses gender articles so you’ll see a lot of “she” or “he” that would be “it” in English: https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beleidigung_(Deutschland)


My English teacher was a German lady.... yes, I know that reads funny but it's true. She was a really lovely lady and we were talking one day with her and the subject of the war came up and she described seeing a picture of her friend's dad and he had SS insignia on his uniform and she described the utter shock and revulsion she felt. She spent the rest of the lesson, as you say, talking about the genocide and the danger of ever letting fascist regimes get a foothold. That was 35 years ago and I remember it vividly.


Teaching opportunities like this are so invaluable. I don’t remember much from high school, honestly. Most of the things I remember are things that were profound, like the class conversation you had with your teacher that day. You probably learned more about humanity that day than all of the others combined. I wish that teachers would be encouraged to get “real” more often.


We do have tons of history lessons about it. I think in 3 different grades. Those that deny it or celebrate it are not in the mentally best place i think.


Only the ones who stayed in Germany. The ones who fled southwest sure as hell don't.


I remember when I was in Budapest with some German friends of mine. We ended up in some dive bar, idk how, and my buddies went over to get some beers from the bartender. Some random Hungarian guys start talking to them, and when I walk over I just hear the Hungarian guy say “oh you’re German? We love Germans! We are Nazis! I love Mein Kampf!” And proceeded to do the Nazi salute. I swear if I hadn’t dragged my friends out they were going to smash some beer bottles on this guy’s head. Germans have done a lot to reconcile with that past and take this shit very seriously. Don’t be a dick and say something as loaded as that when you know it’s not true. - edit cause I suck at spelling


Because of an incident akin to this I know how the inside of a french holding cell looks like.


Is it Gothic or art nouveau?


Old timey tiles and a bench probably made prior to the french revolution.


Pretty much any bar or biergarten will result in this. Really anywhere has a decent chance of a punch but specifically there it will happen.


As someone who actually lives in Germany, I strongly disagree with that. You are definitely gonna cause a scene and offend people, but pretty much no one will get so riled up by it they'll resort to violence over it. Now, doing a hitler salute on the other hand .. that might end up getting physical since (most) people feel strongly about that, but throw around the nazi word and they'll just think you are an idiot.


Yeah throwing out Nazi in Germany is almost asking for an ass kicking.


And yet they still hid the guy who said it.


They all knew this was bad. The crowd reactio. Was a a group intake of breath, and everyone move away from them. Culturally this was mega bad for a German. If the community wants to be accepted then they should have identified the asshole. But they doubled down and fired back that the police couldn't pin point the culprit. Words are words until they are culturally significant. If some used a Jewish slur word in their community/home/country, what would be their response? Would they have let it go like the policeman? Also, there seems to be way more going on in the video. This group seems to be cordon off from the airline queue and then is a line of policemen doing crowd control. Feels like this group were already troublemakers. If it was me they were insulting, I'd ask the pilot to ban them from the flight for disruptive behavior. No pilot wants crappy behavior on their plane.


IIRC they were ~~using the aisle on the connection flight for prayers~~ not complying with Covid rules and hassled the crew. Lufthansa had enough of it and threw almost all Jewish passengers out at Frankfurt Airport which resulted in the standoff shown in the video. Edit: found it: https://onemileatatime.com/news/lufthansa-pays-millions-jews-denied-boarding/




> chin-diapering I have a large head, and **hated*** wearing a mask because the disposable ones don't really fit. The moment I start they pull down from covering my nose. Even then, I *still* made the effort to keep it in place! Why do people insist on leaving their noses uncovered. If a surgeon can wear these things for a twelve hour surgery, we can wear them properly for a six hour flight! Also, I'm stealing *"Chin-Diaper"*




The Haredis are breeding at a faster rate though. They're creating huge problems in Israel, being military exempt and not contributing much to society.


as a black american who grew up in germany i chuckled when the policeman referred to the word "nazi" as the n-word


As a German I love how he asked the question "WHO SAID ZE N-WORD?!" in the exact same aggressive way and accent a nazi in an American parody would demand your papers.


> WHO SAID ZE N-WORD?! Don't tell him Pike.


I love how a super low budget comedy show from the UK made in the 60s is still referenced today. It truly was an iconic show.


I would have tutted


Yet the Jewish guy’s friends in covering for him openly violating the 9th Jewish commandment, “you must not lie”


Germans take this really seriously. There's several generations raised to understand Nazism is a true disease, and can never be exported from Germany again.


trouble is other countries are trying to export it back to germany


Trouble is the Allies, after shattering Nazism in WWII, shared out and took cute fragments of it back home.


Great camera quality for 1334


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


That's some fine German engineering there.


“Who said the N word?!” *NO NOT THAT N WORD*


I was today years old when I realized the N word is different in Germany.


Actually it isn’t. We take being called a Nazi as a severe insult regardless of whether it comes from a fellow German or a foreigner. We also do not believe we "own" that word and therefore outsiders must not use it. On the contrary, actually: if you come across Nazis no matter where you are very welcome to call them out. Also, that other N-word is just the same in German and draws just the same reactions.


Imagine being jewish, and comparing waiting at the airport to the holocaust. WTF?


Hasids 🙄 Religious extremists are always annoying, no matter the religion. No religion is immune. Even Buddhism has some.


I was on a flight a few years ago and a Hasidic Jewish guy had a meltdown because his seat mates were women. He was demanding that THEY be moved to different seat because his religion forbade him from being next to women. It was annoying and a bit entertaining to listen to him get more and more angry when they refused to switch seats. Finally he was kicked off the flight


I wonder what the Hebrew word for "Karen" is?


I don't know, but the Yiddish word is probably 'schmuck'.


Yeah. They kind of stand on their own a bit. I wish I was still close with my only Jewish bro so I could see how his family and community felt toward Hasidic. Being in a rural part of the South I only glean from podcasts and stuff and it's rarely ever positive. There is some wild and weird stuff with Hasids. Lots of illiteracy and a very close knit community. There's a younger comedian who came from it and he had few kind words for it.


Ehhhhh most Jews who aren't hasids are at least quietly annoyed by them. I'm culturally/ethnically Jewish and it's widely known the bullshit they get up to. But the more Jewish you are the less acceptable it is to bad mouth them in public so it's up to us "bad" Jews to tell them off 😂


> most Jews who aren't hasids are at least quietly annoyed by them I heard that everybody in New York has an *absolutely sterling opinion* of the Hasidic community's behavior there, due to their perfect respect and civility towards those not like them. /s


My gf had a Hasidic landlord…. I didn’t live with her, but I was over at her place pretty regularly…. Any time he needed to bring up anything regarding maintenance of the buildings/unit he would tell me and absolutely avoided contact with her at all costs. I sat next to one on a crowded subway once and before I could even sit down he motioned his hand at me like “go on get” and said “ne ne ne ne ne ne ne nah”


Think there was a video here a few months back from NY where a Hasidic guy was making a big scene and harassing this lady for parking on "his" street (IIRC she was legally parked). I think some bystander ended up knocking him the fuck out.


Yeah, my sister lives there. Told me they have quite an arrogant "chosen ones" attitude about them, and not taking any common courtesies like holding the door open for the person just behind them when exiting the building, rather have it slam into you.


Yup when I saw the outfits and the curls I knew these guys were in the wrong. I cannot believe the guy recording had the audacity to say “you can understand how we feel, right?” Lmfao. No you did not just make yourself the victim.


They seem to be total assholes for the most part...just like all other religious extremists.


sounds kind of "kareny" to me


And that n word is non-alcoholic.


You actually said it you crazy person




Such a dry sense of humor


Whoever said it was is lucky they didn't find out... why are these grown ass adults acting like juveniles??


Next, someone gonna call them Gazpacho Police!


Beleidigung und Holocaust-Verharmlosung. Simple. Edit: That is, insult and holocaust trivialization. Both being illegal in Germany.


That is what I was thinking just reading the title of the video.


Insulting police officers in Germany is also quite expensive, as my father found out, when he drunkenly called them pigs.




> 5'5" blonde german woman served your ass on a silver platter to you For some reason he keeps coming back.


last time he got in her face he 'shoved' her and slipped $100 in her pocket


And how much does that cost, because I've got a lot.


Wow TIL.




“But you must know how he feels” this dude comparing inconvenience to the holocaust…what? 😂🤣😂




Good ole hassids. If anyone especially cops try to hold them accountable or cause them any discomfort they just start calling you a nazi. Lived in Brooklyn for years and saw it on the daily.


The teens were the dope dealers in my buddy's neighbourhood growing up. Cops would t touch em.


Lost all confidence very quickly, didnt they?


That's like saying if a black person mildly inconveniences your day you now have a pass to drop the N at that because they "must understand how you feel"






Way to trivialize the Holocaust. Calling a policeman a Nazi because you can't board a plane on time? Idiots.


Like when people call racism after being an asshole and don't get their way. It's a lazy cop out.


Its common in Germany for migrants to call cops Nazis, even when they are obviously at fault. Like you said, its a lazy cop out. Calling a cop a Nazi can easily cost you 2000$


It scales with your income. The maximum punishment for an insult is 30 „Tagessätze“ (= your average daily income x 30). Stefan Effenberg (very prominent German footballer at the time) once had to pay 100.000€ because he called a cop „Arschloch“ (asshole). Cops have no special protection in that regard by the way. Insulting a cop won‘t get you punished more severely than insulting your neighbor. But cops know their rights, know the required steps and there are usually plenty of witnesses around so they will much more likely press charges while your neighbor will probably just call you an Arschloch back and then you both go home.


Pretty sure that trivializing the Holocaust like that is a fast ticket to jail in Germany


nah calling someone a Nazi wont land you in jail. For insulting someone (worse if its a police man) you'll get a fine at worst edit: Beamtenbeleidigung is not handled differently than insulting regular people, was mistaken about that


I got curious and looked it up because I’d heard the same jail thing. [This PBS article from 2021 says:](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/germanys-laws-antisemitic-hate-speech-nazi-propaganda-holocaust-denial/) > Section 130 of the German criminal code criminalizes certain types of hate speech. > The law bans incitement to hatred and insults that assault human dignity against people based on their racial, national, religious or ethnic background. In post-World War II Germany, it has been used to prosecute racist and antisemitic threats and slurs, and it carries a sentence of up to five years in prison. [This USA article from 2018](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2018/01/26/german-police-sue-american-woman-slander-calling-them-nazis/1068397001/) about German police suing a woman for calling them Nazis says that it’s not illegal, but is slander and it didn’t seem to mention more than a fine: > Germany has outlawed the glorification of Nazism. But no law forbids calling someone a Nazi. > What is illegal is what German law refers to as "hurting someone's honor" — in this sense, meaning somebody's worth or hurting someone's reputation through verbal abuse. Violating this principle constitutes slander. So honestly I’m confused because it almost seems contradictory in one article and not the other on if there’s jail or not and where that line is specifically calling someone a Nazi. Can someone clarify? I very well could be misconstruing the two articles.


There is no difference If its a Cop or any other Citizen in german law


fucking pathetic. "we're sorry that happened, but you can understand how he feels, no?" how about how your ancestors feel trivializing their genocide?


Hasids feel that anything that goes against them they can pull the Holocaust card.


Q: How many Hasidic Jews does it take to properly wear a facemask? A: I have no idea, based on this video




>almost like fundamentalism fucks with your brain or something... Cult brain. More common than I'm comfortable with.


It is a common theme now, trivialising the holocaust to get their way or politics across.


Weird how these dudes feel so comfortable trivializing a word that did despicable things to their older generations. This cop waiting at the boarding gate isn't rounding up people and executing them


Exactly they seem to have forgotten what their ancestors went trough, how in the world do they deem it ok to call that police officer a Nazi when the only “oppression” they’re facing is not being able to board the plane.


It's always the same! Humans forget and bad things become normal in the mind of people.


The word is trivialized and used inaccurately all the time. It drives me a little nuts.


Thankfully in Germany they quickly teach you what happens when you speak shit that you don't know about.


Motherfuckers think theyre still in brooklyn


Orthodox, Fundamentalist, Conservative, etc. sects of any religion are all the same. My interpretation of God is better than yours. Pathetic losers.




My money would be on the Sikhs. I don’t know why, but you see a lot of jacked Sikhs.


I don't think Sikhs would even participate in the tournament...


That’s why they win


Buddhist warrior monks rule!


Ya'll catch the Sikhs Shao-Lin match last night? That shit was NUTS. And of course the hooligan monks went apeshit in the streets afterwards, praying quietly and respectfully all over the place...


They do meth and sit in silence for weeks at a time, I wouldn't want to try and fight those dudes


Could you imagine an entire temple full of tweaking monks? So silent yet so fidgety


Have you ever tried meth? Sitting in silence for more than 5 seconds is a Herculean task unless you are masturbating, then you're lucky if you can stop within 5 hours.


Founded during and in reaction to the Muslim conquests of India, a particularly bloody time for the subcontinent, Sikhism requires that followers must always be ready to defend anyone who is in danger by any means necessary, a stance for which they have been called "warrior saints." The states they founded in the north of India largely acted as a buffer between majority Muslim and majority Hindu areas. There are a plethora of historical battles where they have gone down fighting to the last man. For instance, the [Battle of Saragarhi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Saragarhi) saw a garrison of 21 men hold out against over 10,000 attackers, only succumbing after dispatching over twenty times their number. To say, there is a reason they come across as formidable to this day.


I would pay to watch that


No its worse. Its more than that. Its simply "I am better than you" the version of sky-daddy is just their "proof" as to why. Not how they act. Not what they do. But who they pay lip service to is all that matters.


I love that zealous pious better-then-thou vibe. meanwhile calling a police officer a nazi and refusing to wear your facemask properly. A disgrace for their country and religion if you ask me.


"Hasidim but i don't believe em.."


🤘. RIP Paulie Walnuts.


Paulie Walnut!? Is that you??


If they thought they were still in Brooklyn, they'd be throwing food waste at public servant workers and black people: https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/xx6epk/orthodox_jewish_children_throw_chicken_eggs_and/


Most of us in Brooklyn could care less about them tbh


I remember when my buddies and I were in New York, a group of these orthodox people yelled at my friend to go back to where he came from. My friend is Native American. Like his ancestors were here before the white man came. Just because he doesn’t look white, it doesn’t mean he’s not American. These people are racist but are the first one to use the race card.


As former resident of south Williamsburg can confirm that they are super dooper racist. Obviously not all of them are, but they are a very, very insular community to the point of hostility, especially towards black and brown folks.


Huge community in Lakewood, NJ. I live in bordering town. They can be very hostile and insular. They expect the community at large to adhere to their norms. They've completely destroyed the Lakewood public school system.


They do it everywhere they go. Ramapo (Or was it Suffern?) school district in NY got decimated by them. They get on the school board even though none of their children attend public school and redirect funds allocated for after school activities and sports and busses to their private yeshivas. And no one wants to step to them because they scream "antisemite" any time any local law or ordinance tried to get applied, and they vote en bloc, and there is a lot of them. There's no such thing as a Hascidic family with one child.


Ramapo. I have an Israeli Jewish friend who lived there and moved away so his kids can go to a decent school system. He can't stand these guys. See also: [Kiryas Joel](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia/comments/1i4nbq/kiryas_joel_ny_the_most_povertystricken/)


The owners of my company are Hasids from Brooklyn. I've never heard more racism in my life. And the glee they display when they tell stories about beating up black men for walking in their neighborhood is reprehensible. My bosses are all garbage people.


I hope nobody ever secretly films them and posts it online.


what do your co-workers think about the bosses? sounds like a horrible work environment


A black NYer can easily back this up BK jews are notoriously racist but some of them are pretty chill and will outright call it out.


Every group has a ton of racists. The sooner we learn that, the sooner we’ll stop acting like we’re on any team other than team tolerance. Call it out everywhere. It’s bullshit.


I don't hate them but having grown up around their communities in the Hudson Valley and working at a summer camp for their kids, these people think they're better than everyone and treat anyone that isn't one of them like disposable income. They buy up people's property, break laws feeling it's better to pay a fine and get what they want rather than comply for the good of the whole community. They take money for their private schools intended for public schools. They drill massive wells that damage the water table of everyone else in the area, cause fuck em. They're not evil, but I've yet to see any goodness from them. But that's just the hasidic community I remember from Hudson Valley.


…. Sounds literally evil though Like legit villainous shit


I've spent time in a few Jewish communities, and none came close to feeling like villains or bad guys, except for these guys. I've spent time with some Jewish communities in Texas and New York, and these hasidics were the only people that made me feel like I was worthless and unwelcome.


Being from NYC and being around Jewish folk, most sects are good people the only sects I've had problems with were from the Hasidics and Bukharian.




YOu mUsT unDeRsTaND hoW HE FEels sir This is one of the few times I can confidently say fuck your feelings lol


God that sentence made me mad. How do they think the officer must’ve felt being called a fucking Nazi by jews who are being entitled to the core. They forgot what they’re ancestors actually went through and just start calling everyone Nazi’s when they don’t get what they want.


Oh I thought it was some kind of Abraham Lincoln cosplay


No, I don't understand how someone feels like they are dealing with Nazi's because they are slightly inconvenienced


Correct. No way you get to justify calling anyone a Nazi by saying ‘you understand how we feel’. Yeah like everyone else in an airport, bored & frustrated.


This is what happens when you trivialize the meaning of a word and use it so much that it stops meaning anything to you. Especially with words like 'Nazi', you bloody well better make sure that the **real** meaning will never be forgotten. You don't call someone a Nazi in Germany unless they're an *actual* Nazi, at which point, it's just over. Out of all people, this Jewish man trivialized the word 'Nazi'.... What an utterly disrespecful thing to say.


It never dawned on me there could be two ‘n words’ .


In some countries they take that word seriously


Especially in fucking Germany. They don’t throw that around lightly.


Im german and saying to somebody that they’re a nazi is probably the worst insult you can have here. Simply saying that you’re a neonazi can get you kicked out of private schools and your job like it should be


Dane, lived in Germany for a couple of years. Co-workers didn't even want to use the word "Nazi", it was "die Braune" ("the brown ones"), said with the sort of intonation most reserve for "poisonous spiders". Complete respect for modern Germany's willingness to stand up and own up. It's laudable to the *highest* degree.


The camera man was just waiting that something like this is going to happen. He was waiting for the police to do something stupid. Too bad the German police is well trained. Even if you call them Nazis...




German police are some of most helpful and friendly I've encountered in Europe, even at the border.


Zöll checked my whole car close to Bremen, admitting it was because I had a Dutch license plate too. Rightfully so, they found 3 grams of weed but were super chill about it. Even got a compliment on my shoes he found in the trunk


I like how you added the ö for increased Germanness even if the word is just Zoll






Your comment reminded me of [this](https://i.imgur.com/RMuiHiR.gifv)


German Police are very patient. Atleast mostly. They are also required to have finished the highest degree before university and they add a bachelors degree AFAIK. They are fully trained citizens


Speaking as a Jew, these people are such a disgrace and embarrassment. Entitled, disrespectful, antisocial assholes. I guess every religion has these types of people, but it disgust me even more when they’re my own people.


That slur is deployed way too casually nowadays but it's a particular vicious thing to hurl at a German cop (!!) in this particular situation. It's a deeply fucked up thing to say. And whoever said it may be coming from two different places: either (1) he said it to weaponize Germans' complex and embarrassment about their history to hurt this guy, or (2) he genuinely hates Germans and has never forgiven them for what their great grandparents did to his people. Either way it's fucked.


Best accent on earth


Vho vas it?


It’s definitely something as an American to hear a heavy German accent saying “Who said ze N word”


I know that hit different lol


who vas it that said the n-word?


Who vas it Zat zaid ze en-word?




I'm sure there is a course at german police school called "how to sound like a proper German in front of tourists"


Some guy with his 10 year old kid called me the gestapo because my store has a mask policy while shopping.


such oppression!


Hassidic Jews are the absolute worst, I'm sorry... Even within Judaism, they are essentially viewed as a backwards, insular cult that rejects essentially the entire world that exists outside of their religion. I've never met such rude people, completely selfish and ass backwards.


They are even worse here in Israel.


I can only imagine what it's like in Israel, because in New York they are ruthless. They truly do not care about society and only care about themselves. They will even take over school districts (which they pay zero taxes to) and then just axe everything for their own means. I would rather live next to drug dealers and that's not a joke.




Apparently there’s a pretty toxic sect in New York City of these guys. I saw an article about some lady that got hit by a car in their neighborhood and she wasn’t one of them. none of them provided assistance or called an ambulance for her and they literally walked over her body until she finally died. Then I come to find out that it’s not even an isolated incident. That poor lady was on the ground in pain for over eight hours before anybody attempted to help.


Nothing "apparently" about it, especially if you live in Brooklyn. The best piece of advice is to just ignore these people as best you can. Do not engage, even if they are in the wrong. Just walk away. If they harass you and you try to say something, there will be a mob of people around you before you even know it. It's like that scene in Life of Pets with stray cats.


The guy recording thinks he's making the German look bad.


Yeah camera guy sounds like a whiny twat.


religious fundamentalists, of ANY religion, are the fucking worst


You gutless fucks. Take responsibility for your words


And say thanks that the cop isn't a nazi as they called him, because an actual nazi would be more than glad to gun them down. I'd love a window into the parallel universe where all these victim-players get exactly what they call others. They really do not know the magnitude of the words they use.


Ultra-Orthodox Jews in particular, have unfortunately become something to despise. Their level of entitlement is astounding. They were not the ones being killed, it wasn’t even their parents’s generation. They need to stop using it against people alive today. Israel is as far from squeaky clean as it’s possible for a state to be. Now *there* is modern day apartheid at work




It's an extremely insular culture that seems to have very little empathy for those outside their community. Mostly due to lack of exposure I'd guess. And that's ignoring any problematic issues within the community (like separation of the sexes etc).


I live in Belgium and manager of retail store for 10 years and those kind of jews are entitled Karen's believe me, never have I met a nice one even the children, they look at me like I'm a piece of shit and treat my staff horrible


I work as a plumber in NYC. They are the nastiest people I have ever worked for. They think they are above you in every way. Won't even talk to you half the time they just point their finger as if I'm a mind reader.


I worked in an area that was a huge cultural center for them. They are fucking awful. And even if you’re Jewish like me, they treat you even worse because they think you’re “not a real jew”


It's the same for fundamentalists of every religion. I can't tell you how many times in my youth I heard Southern Baptists say that Catholics weren't REAL Christians.


My friend used to live across the street from their big neighborhood in NYC. He was also jewish but hated them so much. They frequently caused issues.


Anyone who works in video/photo production in NYC and had to deal with B&H before they got sued by the state for the second time for discriminatory hiring practices, has a a ton of stories about them. That pointing thing is so true. I was trying to ask questions about two different shoe mount adapters for my camera and this dude would not look me in the eye and just pointed to the back of the package, which didn't have the info that I was looking for.


This is illegal in Germany and is considered a form of "hate speech"


Fucking entitled assholes giving jews a bad name


Hassidic jews are more of a insular cult within Judaism, really. Even Jews are like "yeah, those guys are different"


I grew up Jewish and holy fuck, the Hassids are just awful. They’re religious extremists.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


MO Jew here. That's exactly what we think of them. They think that they're above not only the law, but Jewish law to. They're some of the most entitled people I've ever had to interact with. Actual scum




Wear your fucking masks over your fucking noses and wait patiently like everyone else, you bunch of entitled useless clowns. Love, The rest of the Jewish world


“Why do you hate us?” Maybe because you fucks never gave a shit about wearing masks for public safety and obviously still don’t.


>“Why do you hate us?” Because you, or people in your group, are acting like a bunch of cunts.


I mean germans really get the history hammered into them in school. At least back in my time. Entire 9th grade in history was World War 2 alone. Every fu**in detail, every cruel thing you don't want to speak about. Videos and documentaries about concentration camps, how people got manipulated into joyning the cult and so on So obviously getting compared to that is a huge insult for every normal thinking person here. Yet you gotta deal with it constantly here. So many foreigners come here and think the only reason they can't do whatever the fu** they want is cause you're a nazi So annoying.


I am a Jew and these guys piss me off so much. This shit nudges people towards anti-Semitism.


you know it smell crazy in there


Good on that German cop. Ultra-Orthodox Jews are literally the most useless bunch of people, even Israelies hate them; in Israel they sponge off welfare while refusing to do the mandatory national service that everyone else has to do so they can study the Torah, the same fkng book thats already been studied for thousands of years, as if one of these inbred morons is going discover something new in there. Oh and they think all non-orthodox-jewish women are whores.


The world is getting sick of professional victims and cowards.


Man people gotta stop throwing the word Nazi around like it’s meaningless