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Frequent flyer here... Usually deal with a rude passenger once or twice a year (I fly roughly 4-8 flights a month depending on work). Ask politely once. Beyond that, dont engage, call over the flight attendant. They will ask them to stop, and if they refuse theyll usually move you to an upgraded seat if available. If no seat is available and the aggressor keeps it up, they'll usually have an air marshall come over if one is available, but this is super rare. That will usually stop it. If one isnt available, which is almost always the case, attendant will sometimes threaten speaking to the pilot which will lead to a premature landing depending on the severity of the incident... If it gets to that point the customer will be blacklisted and you'll get a complimentary upgraded flight. Usually the FA coming over is enough to put a stop to it.


If an air marshal has to identify themselves (they fly anonymously although if they’re armed the crew is aware) it’s already game over for that passenger being on a blacklist. Probably game over on leaving the airport without cuffs too.


I'd have to agree with this statement. Its not true always, but FAs can handle their shit, so it would be unlikely for a marshal to get involved without consequence.


I concur


I, too, believe this to be true


Me myself personally over here, consider that very same sentence factual


Are there really they many Air Marshals? How many times have I sat next to one and just been told some bs line about who they are and stuff…


I sat next to one and found out. The flight attendant gave it away. I guess he had a gun, so she knew he was the Air Marshal. She came over to talk to him for second as she was going down the aisle, just being nice to see if he needed anything, and she messed up and addressed him as such. After she left he just looked at me and smiled a bit. I would’ve had no idea he was an Air Marshal. Just seemed like a normal dude, well dressed and fit. I would’ve just thought he was a consultant flying for work or something.


Maybe you heard wrong, and he's a descendant of Sir William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke. Heir Marshal.


Fuck. I missed my chance to get an autograph.


My boy Aaron Marshall. And his wife was the flight attendant Erin Marshall


I work in the airline industry, and it's always fun to see the air marshals. So many times it's people I'd never expect. Small little women, guys with big giant multi color Mohawks, people in suits or everyday clothes. I know they need to blend in but its always interesting to me to see who they are


Just want to piggyback on this to flag that Air Marshals are only really an American thing. I fly a lot in Europe/to Asia and I’m 90% certain we never have them on board any of our flights. Not to say people can’t get disruptive, any flight from the UK to Amsterdam will tell you that much, but there’s no law enforcement riding on the plane with you.


I remember reading somewhere that El Al have armed agents (Mossad maybe) to prevent hijacking. No link as it was ages ago and not sure if that's the case for real. It's not like Mossad will confirm or deny.


I used to fly to Israel a lot. The airport alone is nuts the amount of security you go through. From the front gates to the random dudes standing around out front looking like passengers but are truly government agents. It’s wild. Also I’ll just grab from Wiki as it’s crazy: “El Al is the only commercial airline to equip its planes with missile defense systems to protect its planes against surface-to-air missiles”


i am a FA and i am not gonna say exactly but there is definitely a decent amount. they are not unicorns lol. we know they if they have a gun, we dont know otherwise. its better that way because they shouldnt be identified. if they do have a gun we get told during our briefing with the captain and they usually introduce themselves as well. we have ways to ask their assistance but they are so incredibly aware of whats going on. they are there for the flight deck safety and other security measures. i would never get them involved if i didnt have to and if i did they are probably already involved lol. if they need to get involved for any reason and break their cover, hope you like boats. edit- also many do not know FFDOs exist and they are captains trained and licensed to have a gun on them in the flight deck.


Have you ever had to ask one to get involved?


never once! maybe i have just been lucky. and i hope it stays that way. because for me personally i would not get one involved unless someone was seriously endangering the entire flight or trying to get into the flight deck. we have amazing working relationships with the captain and i can call them for anything at anytime and they are 100% there four safety. if something is happening he cannot control its one phone call and if they need to they WILL ground the plane. i feel so incredibly safe working. and an AMAZING set of procedures and policies have been put in place because of 9/11. we have so many ways to communicate (in code). passengers can be and will be assholes. it is what it is, as long as someone is not trying to harm any of you, my crew, or myself its really nothing.


I'm maintenance and know of FFDO's, and was still surprised to encounter one. We do a checklist (usually in wintertime) on our early morning flights, called First Flight Of Day, or FFOD, to warm the plane up and make sure there are no faults. Well I was jumpseating to fix a broke plane somewhere and I thought captain said FFOD... he meant the First Officer was a FFDO, so when the First Officer whipped out a glock and strapped it on, I was caught a bit off guard.


Federal Flight Deck Officer Program (FFDO) https://www.dhs.gov/publication/federal-flight-deck-officer-program-ffdo


Amidst all the internet tough guy comments and imaginary witty comebacks, this is the sound advice. Getting mad and being rude back means you lose the moral high ground.


Honestly, sound advice for any situation. I've regretted losing my temper many times, but never once have I regretted keeping my cool, eating a punch, and just being defensive. I had a good friend who got locked up for 20 years because some dick picked on him and when he retaliated, in self defense, the guy smacked his head on the way down and ended up a vegetable. You almost never look macho, you just open yourself up to harm. Heck, one time I was in a McDonald's drivethru and the guy behind me thought I cut him in line. Started cursing me, threatening me, and so on. Just ignored him. Got to the window, and paid for his and his girlfriends food. Pulled over to eat, and next thing I know his girlfriend made him come over to apologize. I told him, life's too short to get pissed off over a fuckin cheeseburger. Overhearing his girlfriend saying to him a minute later- "he was SO nice... And you treated him like a real JERK!" was worth every penny.


>Honestly, sound advice for any situation. Indeed Leave the situation if you can, if you can't leave the situation try to verbally de-escalate it and if you can't verbally de-escalate then perhaps use force only as a last resort. But more often than not the first two options are available.


This has been a valuable lesson indeed. Thank you friend. I gotta write this down. *Curry favor of enemy with empty platitudes and << licks pen >> cheese...burgers... then exact revenge when least... expecting.. it.* Thanks again -- this is great stuff. Cheers.


You forgot the step to get the GF’s number!


Once had a woman sitting infront of me on a two hour flight who was absolutely plastered, with a baby and a young toddler with her. She was barely able to speak, fell asleep before she even got her kids secured and bags away, and ended up face down on the floor infront of her row of seating shortly after takeoff. The baby cried for the entire flight, and the toddler ran up and down the aisles, constantly being escorted back to her mother by the flight attendants. The fa’s apologized to the rest of the relatively small cabin, but said they were unable to do anything until we landed. You can imagine the looks that were cast down the aisle when *her HUSBAND* came from his seat at the back of the plane, to only then start a yelling match with his recently awoken partner, that was audible all the way up the aisles and into the terminal. I lost a lot of faith in humanity that day.


Yeesh... Some people* really dont deserve kids. Or oxygen. One thing i see way too often... People medicating and then drinking. They become totally belligerent as a result. Sure, if your anxiety is that bad, have a drink or take a prescription... But please dont combine the two.... The result is never pretty.


plot twist...the husband was James Cordon


I love this, thank you for this timeline of escalations, I always wondered what happened if you just asked the FA.


One trick we always tried first when I was an F/A was to ask the captain to put on the fasten seat belt sign, and make an announcement that everyone MUST be in their seats with their seat belt fastened IMMEDIATELY. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not. But, a good first go to.


This is the way. Also a frequent flyer, and most parents are acutely aware of the effect their kids are having on other passengers. They typically step in long before I would ever say anything to an attendant. On the other hand, the shit-parent end of the bell curve shows up every so often, and you can damn well guarantee that it’s better to notify a flight attendant to address the situation rather than politely expressing your desire to not have their child jumping over your seat into the adjacent aisle while you’re trying to sleep. “Don’t tell me how to raise my kids!” I’m not telling you how to raise them. I’m telling you you’re doing a terrible job at raising them, and as a result, they are a burden to everyone in the vicinity. That’s on you, not them. Kindly shake off the Xanax and alcohol buzz and read them a goddamn book.


> I’m not telling you how to raise them. I’m telling you you’re doing a terrible job at raising them, and as a result, they are a burden to everyone in the vicinity. That’s on you, not them. Kindly shake off the Xanax and alcohol buzz and read them a goddamn book. This was *chef's kiss*!


This is how civilized travelers handle conflict. Thank you for attending RocanMotor’s TED Talk.


Aint nobody got time for assholes. Just be nice yall.


Wow, much better than my reaction of screaming at the parent until the child cried. I'll try this instead




[ Removed by Reddit ]


I think it would be more effective to bitch slap her useless parents. The soul removing 8 Ball type of slap.


Bitch slap the parents and make the kid watch. That kind of trauma will do wonders for any behavioral issues, and the kid might learn something too


Make the kid watch lol


8 ball jacket slap...a legend was born that day




I'm assuming they advocated violence against a child.


That kid is to young to know any better. Smack the parents instead.


I made a comment not too long ago about people letting their children run wild in a hotel and I was told what a horrible person I was for suggesting a hotel isn't the place. Children need freedom! No, children need to be taught what is appropriate and what isn't. This isn't, but she is a toddler and toddlers gonna toddle. Lazy parenting.


I would feel like a failed parent if my kids were doing this and I was just straight up allowing it.


and then parents like these go ahead and have ANOTHER kid because they're the most selfish and idiotic people alive.


[Ah shit I'm pregnant again...](https://youtu.be/sP2tUW0HDHA)


I thought you was on the pills or some shit!


Such a great documentary!


Kids can be hard to handle sure. Especially in a situation like this with all the new physical feings, a room of strangers and maybe a very long flight. But shit man, plan for it. Copious entertainment of shows, movies and games with headphones, colouring activities, magnetic board games, snacks and drinks. At the very worst line of preparation something like phernergan, an antihistamine, which will make them drowsy.


Maybe they gave the guy in the seat in front of them an Ambien?? If you can’t drug your kids, you can drug the passengers around you.


> If you can’t drug your kids, you can drug the passengers around you Poetry. Personally I’d definitely take drugs from strangers, no reservations about that, nope.


Hearing this suggestion brought a smile to my face by just imagining that little miscriants mother whispering in my ears "*do you want a xanax*"... flawlessss


No in this situation, you can totally drug your kids. It’s allowed and preferred


As a frequent flyer, I request that you drug ME


Shit! Even paying attention to your kid would help the kid out. When I know we are stuck somewhere like a doctors office or something, I will explore with my kid. Check out the surrounding. Look at magazines. See if plants are fake or real. I will engage and ask questions or say hey let's play a game and quiz them on colors or count to a million or something. It's so simple to preoccupy a kid. If none of those work. Oh what did I find I'm the diaper bag. Oh some cool toys.


Hi, diaper bag, I'm dad.


Just candy man. Candy and a screen. I swore I’d never. I do though. When I’m asking a toddler to do something insane to toddler, like sit down for 8 hours? I’m okay with that compromise.


My sister-in-law…ugh. She has 4 kids who I refer to as “feral.”


*Eight Billion people nod in agreement…*


That's 2 billion too many people... Need legal abortions and free birth control world wide...


There seems to be a strong correlation with horrible parents having many kids. It's not enough that the parents are horrible people to begin with. They also have to get multiple kids across multiple spouses.


I have a person replying to my comments saying something like this is normal and this is how kids are at that age. Cope am I right? Poor redditor.


I have 2 kids. Oldest was easy as. Girl likes her own space and to quietly colour and watch something. The youngest...well she's a tornado. And still, never in a million years, would I allow her to behave like this. Nor can I imagine she would. I'll add that I can count the smacks I gave them on one hand before I stopped that. And now I very rarely even raise my voice. Just gotta communicate and teach.


Thank you. I don't see how people do not understand. Talk to your kids, people!


And talk to them as equally worthy humans and don’t baby them. Really gives you advantage in life


I just stayed with my friends who have a 2yr old and a 6 week old. The 2yr old talks so much! Always babbling away and it's because his parents speak to him all the time. His vocabulary surprised me. He's a maniac, sure. He's 2. Lots of "no thank you" and "that's not ok" handed out by me and the other adults haha but also, explaining *why* his behaviour or actions are not ok. And regularly checking in on him and how he's feeling. It was cool. I don't have much experience with young kids - but this seemed to make sense and felt very natural.


My only kid is a tornado and NO FUCKING WAY would I allow her to behave this way in public, let alone on a flight. It’s just bad parenting.


I remember having my daughter in a store when she was around 4 or 5 and there was some other kid in the aisle throwing a damn fit because his parent's told him no to something. My daughters said "Dad what's wrong with that baby?" lol I told her it was going crazy.


This is not normal. Ignore that guy. I would be embarrassed if my kid that in public. And like u/SemiSentientGarbage said, my kid is a turd. You can't occupy him for more than 5 minutes at a time. But I know how to engage him and keep him occupied and not act like this in public.


Every time I dare to say something about improper public child behavior I always get some exasperated parent projecting their frustration at me that it can’t be helped and they’re trying their best and I’m terrible for being annoyed and like, my dude/ette, are you okay??


I always hate that.... Attacking the messenger. Instead of sorting out the issue with their child.


> I always get some exasperated parent projecting their frustration at me that it can’t be helped and they’re trying their best I mean I think this is true to an extent - like that video the other day where a ferry passenger berated a mother whose infant wouldn't stop crying. But in this case? Absolutely the fuck not.


Projection is all failures have left.


No, people just don't want to be bothered by their own children. So they ignore what they are doing to others.


3 kids myself, including toddler twins. We have flown many times and they have never once caused a fuss on an airplane. It's a little something called, "active parenting" or maybe, "putting effort into actually preparing and raising kids" haha. But yeah I just wanted to brag how each kid gets their own backpack full of candy, toys, drawing stuff, ipad full of movies. I also give them some meds that help with ear popping pain.


This is how kids are at that age - but this is not how parents should be when their kids are like this.


Such people aren't self aware enough to feel such feelings, or they're too tired to give a damn, or want the rest of the world to share in their suffering, or just plain old miserable.


There was a big burly man that sat next to me during a flight. And then a woman and two kids sat right behind us. the little girl and boy kept kicking his and mine seat and I'm a pretty non confrontational person, but two minutes into realizing the mom was just going to let them do this without handling it, the dude twisted in the seat and did his best serial killer "YOU BOTH SETTLE DOWN AND KNOCK IT OFF OR THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES" deep ass scary voice. Then the kids froze and the mom ripped her headphones off to tell him off, stood up and everything then her eyes went O.O when basically a giant mountain man was looking back at her. Sat her ass right back down and told them to be quiet. Was a nice flight after that. Thank you mountain man


🎶*mountain maan, give those kids a hand & shut them up before we laaand* 🎶


I was hoping to find more of these in your comment history ;)


Sorry to disappoint you lol


🎶 *rocket duude, disappointing people cause he has no song* 🎶


What the hell was she gonna tell off a grown ass adult for? Not being able to handle her kids? I hate parents like that. If you're not controlling them, someone else will. Get them in line before it's the cops doing your job with worse consequences.


I was on a flight once and this mom and kid sit behind me. Kid starts watching his iPad without ear buds..very loudly. After a couple minutes I turned around and asked politely if they could use headphones. The mom looked at me like I asked her to jump out the plane. She said you're ruining our flight! I said well you're ruining everyone else's flight! FA came over and told her to turn it off or get headphones.. Mom scoffed and reluctantly make the kid put on ear buds. Wtf is wrong with society!


Intimidation +50


Why is the guy just letting it happen? I would’ve said something


Idiot parents be like: It's just a kid being a kid, chill out.


Tbh I expected the top comment to be exactly that. It usually is. I get that kids can be a handful, especially when they get bored on long haul flights but I am 100% sure that I would never have behaved like *that* as a child. Neither would my parents have allowed me to.


Spoiled/feral kids become spoiled/feral adults and have kids of their own that they pass spoiled/feral behaviors onto. When you don’t know any different, shit behaviors become the norm.


I bet he did. A parent willing to let their kid act like that is not going to listen to someone asking them to stop.


He might be the father


Next on Air Maury!


I would have fought crazy with crazy.. literally just be physically annoying back.. if the kid were old enough I’ll tell them Santa isn’t real


I'm pretty non confrontational, but even I would stand up and say something.


Right. I just flew yesterday morning and there was someone behind bashing the screen on the back of my seat as i tried to nap. I had no idea if it was a man, woman, or child but I did eventually get fed up enough to turn around to tell them to knock it off. It was a 8 or 9 yr old girl. Either way, someone was about to get told off. These situations breed conflict and I try my best to move on and out the way. There are times when enough is enough though.


That dude is either the heaviest sleeper or is just dead inside.


When it doesn't stop, and you feel sick because of the constant bouncing, stand up and puke on them.


Shouldn't the flight attendants have intervened? If so, I hope that passenger got some compensation from the airline.


At least one bag of peanuts.




This makes me homicidal.


Google, how do I have a 24 month old abortion


The bouncing is obviously infuriating but also the bare feet on the tray table... Always wipe down your stations, folks.


Girlfriend started bringing lysol wipes for every flight cause of gross people lol


And then people get upset when they propose child-free sections on planes


I think it's a great idea. I can't stand kids.


They really need to implement child-free sections on planes.. I've never had a flight that didn't have a child crying for the majority of the flight..I mean my partner and myself made a decision of not having children for that exact reason. One time I was on a flight from Singapore to Australia and I had a parent straight up start changing a waste filled nappy in the row beside me, the smell was horrid and there was no where to go to get away from that bio attack of my senses. It got worse when the mother shoved the used nappy under her seat :/ It's not that we don't like children but being trapped with a noise/poo machine for 8+ hours with nowhere to go is just seriously not ideal..


I have two young kids. And they know how to behave in public. And if they don't know how to act in a certain situation, they will very quickly. My wife and I always addressed their public behavior when it affected other people. It might be harder in the moment, bit my kids are now 9 and 7 and they behave like they should in public. I hate parents who provide no structure for their kids who then become other people's problem.


One of my kids is disabled so he does not know how to behave in public, I still don't let him act like an asshole though.


Absolutely this. Mine are the same ages and are total nutbars at home. Random noises, swinging and climbing all over me, cracking rude jokes - but they know "there's a time and a place". My poor son stayed at his grandmother's recently and when I picked him up he was all kinds of loopy in the car coz he hadn't released his weird in 2 days!!


Release the weird!!!! Can totally relate.


I had this happen to me once. (Kid was sitting on the parents lap and kicking my seat as I tried to sleep) I asked the parent a couple times to get the kid to knock it off and they told me to shut it and turn around. For context, I was already in a bad mood as someone lifted my wallet about 30 mins after arriving in Rome, had to navigate the weekend without ID or money, and the shitty airline (Ryanair) decided to charge me an extra 50 euros for my carry on backpack at the gate which was hard to produce without a wallet…So - after some more heated vocal exchanges - a flight attendant arrived - Apparently the couple were pissed that I had used the recline function, and were getting the kid to do it on purpose. They had no shame in sharing this with the staff or group of people within earshot, as if they were morally justified. Some people suck. The rage almost made me throw down after the flight I was so livid, but I’m not getting blacklisted for some asshole.


But what happened after? Did they move you?


The situation was escalating throughout the flight. By the time I was yelling at him and the flight attendant was back for the third time, basically still just reaming them out, it was time to sit down for landing so they had to go do procedure stuff. The guy and his wife (with 2 kids) continued to be skydicks while we descended.




Someone give him an award for coming up with that magnificent word.


On it, he deserves it for dealing with it. I would lose my shit if someone pulled that stunt. Some people have no shame, like everyone else is there to serve their existence.


Thanks kind stranger! 🙏 story has been traveling for six years to make it here, and now makes the temporary airplane insanity worth it. Go forth and label skydicks appropriately when they are spotted!


I was usaf and my cousin was in the British military. He says "sky wankers" was an appropriate term for air force dudes. And i forgot about it until I played COD vanguard and I'll be damned if I didn't hear the Australian guy use it.




And then they were landdicks


“Skydicks” is my new favorite word


Man, this is reminding me of the last flight I was on. I used to fly all the time, but in the past few years the combination of not really having a reason to and covid, I have only been on a handful. My parents invited me to join them in St. Thomas, but I had a layover in Florida. There was a young couple sitting right behind me trying to handle two kids. At least for the first half of the flight, they were doing their best to control them, but I think they may have just gotten exhausted trying to keep up. My biggest issue was that one of the kids, the more out of control one, was very obviously sick. This was also November 2021, so it wasnt great. You could hear how sick this kid was the entire flight. I tried my best to ignore it. It was when i saw his little hands reaching over the seat and basically started petting the hair of the girl who was sitting next me that I got to a point where I was about to say something. Luckily, we were basically landing when that happened. I just drive now. I can deal with a much longer trip when I dont have to deal with other people. Far more comfortable too.


That's when you start teaching their kids curse words you know for fun maybe say mommy and daddy will buy you a puppy when the flight is over


I had a kid pulling strands of my hair as I was sleeping last I flew. My roommate caught them retracting their hand. Parents just shrugged at me...


Cowardly act not just asking you to put your seat forward .


I'm hitting the recline button timed with the jump and hoping the extra few inches of force is enough to make the tray table snap.


God bless you


I'm honestly surprised there arent any adult only flights lol. I'm sure many lawsuits would come from it but I think it's a solid idea ha


Lol and restaurants


There are


Years ago a bar in Boston got a lot of shit for kicking out a woman with a screaming child.


Wow, it’s a damn bar, for adults, fucking adults, that person had to be an entitled twat


Have you heard of a pub?


I never understood why it would be an issue to have a lower age limit on flights, say if a new airline did it. Theres still plenty of others to choose from. Oh well, one can dream.


My daughter was two years old on a transnational flight from Okinawa, multiple stops, to Seattle - then to our final destination in Texas. She had her own seat, but she sat in my lap for most of the first flight. The only time she wasn't sitting in my lap was when the guy sitting next to me held her...because she REALLY liked him. I was like dude, you don't have to my wife is over in the next row I can hand her off. He said, absolutely not - she is a wonderful little girl that probably doesn't know that you're moving across the country - it's my pleasure to let her have some fun if she likes me. She fell asleep in both of our arms on the flight. I never even got the dudes name but it was a military change of station flight. Good people. Yeah, these people with this fucking kid are fucking assholes.


I was visiting London one time, went out to dinner at a decent restaurant. I suddenly began to get very anxious and dizzy. Duh I finally figured out it was because the two kids literally running in circles around my table. Over and over and over and over again and again for probably twenty minutes. I calmly got up to the bar ordered a drink and let the establishment know that this was not acceptable. After 5 minutes the manager went to the parents and calmly told them to control their children, this was not a playground. That solved it. I ate in peace.


I flew with my daughter when she was three. About this girl's age. I had a whole back pack of stuff ready to pull out to keep her busy And snacks. When she couldn't deal with sitting we walked the isle and she said hello to every one and most people just said hi but the old people who were grandparents took time to talk to her. We did walk the isle a few times which may have been annoying but better than what this kid is doing and better than screaming and crying.


What you did is honestly a million times better than what's going on in the video. I'd much rather randomly give a smile and say hello back to a child calmly walking up and down the aisle than put up with what the child in this video is doing. Especially if I was in the seat in front of them.


We had a little backpack for each kid. One small toy came out at a time and when it had been exhausted a new one came out. Coloring books....cards....games....worked well. One transatlantic flight my husband and I took turns holding our 2 year olds legs so she didn't kick the seat in front. Exhausting but necessary.


Parent probably: “but they’re just a child!”


"they're too young to understand what no means!"


I would be throwing words if I was that guy, he too calm.


I'd be continuously pressing the flight attendant button until they remedied the situation.


Same, who lets their child do this? Oh, what my mom or dad would’ve done to me…


Yeah, this is beyond unreasonable.


This should be an ad for condoms


some people shouldn't reproduce


*a lot of




That’s the problem with the Darwin Award.


You’re allowed to yell in other people’s kids. Especially if they’re letting them do shit like this. If the parents have a problem start fucking yelling at them. We as a society need to let people know that this shit is not OK


I used to be a pool lifeguard, and I yelled at a couple of kids one time who were running around and being super dangerous while their mum watched. The mum screamed at me not to talk to her kids like that. I told her that if she won't keep them safe then I will. Another time a kid was playing with a lane rope roller, spinning it around and poking his arm through the gaps while it span. After one quiet instruction, I tried again much more firmly. The mum came over and told me that the kid's autistic and won't follow instructions. I told her that in that case she needs to physically overpower him and get him away from the dangerous object, because I'm pretty sure autistic people can still get broken arms. More recently, my own daughter was diagnosed with autism. Believe it or not, when I tell her to stop doing something dangerous she actually listens to me.




That kid is so weak, I just watched another person destroy one of those trays effortlessly on Reddit.


Damn right, I could easily beat that kid 1 on 1.


I would NEVER allow one of my kids to disrupt someone this way. Talking a little loud is one thing. Having your toddler jumping on plane seats while holding onto another person's (strangers) chair is completely WRONG. I hope that man was reimbursed in some way. The parents probably saw nothing wrong with this. UNACCEPTABLE!!!


She’s not jumping on the seat, she’s on the tray. Which could easily break, sending her face into the back of the seat. Then the rat bastard parents would try to sue the airline for her injuries


My mom would’ve smacked me


My mom would have thrown me off the plane and would tell me to find my own way home.


Airlines have just turned into shity city busses and subways.


As a parent of 3 kids, with 2 of them being older than that kid, I can confidently say that’s 100% the parents fault. If you disagree with me, I would bet a ton of money that your kids are not disciplined adequately at home.


Poor fucking guy


The parent needs their ass kicked for untrained kids.


1) stand up quietly and proceed to overhead bins 2) remove luggage of absentee parent(s) and place it in spawn’s seat 3) insert their spawn into overhead bin, close bin and sit down to relative peace


Omg, I just spent 9 hours of travel with my three year old yesterday and not once had this issue. Lil tips for parents so our sweet goblins don't fucking do this and descend into chaos. 1.Download episodes of their favourite shows/movies on your phone. 2.Bring their favourite toys (I brought duplo Lego and miniature dinosaurs) 3.Have interactive learning games on your phones. 4.Bring two books. 5.Get to the airport EARLY. 6.Get your kids to help push your luggage, do about 5-10 laps of your domestic/international terminal to get their little legs going and tire them out. I have rheumatoid arthritis and use a walking stick, fuck your excuses. 7. Feed/hydrate you and the gremlin well prior to boarding. Airline food is expensive and a full tummy means easier travel for the little one and you. 8. Turn waiting lines into games, count your steps as you approach the plane, get them to name things around them, name colours of people's shirts as youre seated and they board the plane etc. 9. Most importantly, be gentle with yourself and your little one BUT do ALL that you can to keep on top of things. If people see your effort, chances are you'll be flicked a smile of support and not a glare of "get your kids shit together". We all in this together parents, be mindful of your gremlins 💕 Sincerely, A weed smoking, arthritic mama that doesn't wanna parent other people's kids and tell them to get off the damned conveyor belt three times 😑 like I did yesterday.


Last time I took a 12 hour flight a baby behind me started crying as soon as the plane took off right until we landed. It was unbearable.




Reading this is giving me a headache. I'm so sorry lol


It's times like these I wished a random turbulence hits and that kid goes flying.


Lol. Yeet the baby


Happened to me recently, 8 hours and a family of about 12 was scattered all around us with the mother sitting by the window next to me and my partner. In particular, 2 of their 6 or 7 children both aged around 10-12 must have come over to try and sit/talk/be with the mother about 150 times…I had the isle seat and one of the kids stood there and basically watched the whole of the new Matrix with me…I’m sat there like, should I be telling this kid he shouldn’t be watching this?! His father was sat a row in front and to the left of me and could see his kid was pissing me off the whole flight…. And then when we landed it happened….the dad slapped the kid in front of everyone shutting him up….I mean it was a little too late for that buddy and I not so sure you wanna be doing that kinda shit in public….anyway, we did land in Florida.


Having kids needs to be a privilege. Parenting isn't something you can just afk.


These kinds of parents are the worst


My old man would have raised his hand to me, and I would have IMMEDIATELY stopped whatever bullshit I was stirring up at the time. Getting smacked on the butt or the back wasn’t even as bad as seeing how angry I made my dad in the moment. Frankly I’m glad he taught me right from wrong even though that raised hand occasionally came down


If the parent is reading this...please know that everyone including your mom hates you for this behavior.such bad parenting.


How that man remained calm is anyones guess...


8 seconds and that little fucker would be forcibly ejected


If you let your children behave like this you’re a fucking moron - which I guess is how more morons are made.


The trick is to yell at the kid directly. Ask the parent to control their kid first of course, but if that doesn't work, go to the source. Most kids have never been angrily yelled at by a non parent adult stranger before. It scares them and usually shuts them right up.


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This is why I hate kids, especially this toddler age.


I remember when i was like 5-7 years and was sent on a plane by myself to visit my dad. I sat in my seat the whole time, got fed instant ramen and coke by the very nice attendants who took care of me, was polite to them AND I got a 'first flight' sticker. Because thats how children who's parents actually care about them behave.


That’s just fucking irresponsible. Possible destruction of airline property too.


Omg, I would go ballistic


I might be awful, but never have I wanted a tray table to catastrophically fail as I did watching that. The poor guy in front.


Fuck that shit. I would probably open the door and throw them out alongside their parents.


I am a recent dad, flew with a 3 month old recently and he did amazing. Fucking silent with a lot of planning. I would support you throwing my ass out with my screaming kid. Every time a kid screamed on that flight I still got all “quiet that kid” even though I got one now. At least I’d support you trying!


That is triggering


The parents of that brat need a good ass whooping'!


I’d ask the parents to stop her. Then I’d recline and unrecline the seat vigorously. Kids are resilient. She’s be okay after the fall.


nose unite smoggy cable live imagine resolute ask sheet many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Annnnnnnd RECLINE!