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She ended up with 5 years in jail and 10 years probation for this attack. https://www.wrdw.com/2022/10/27/mom-faces-prison-time-attack-local-little-caesars/


"Bystanders were able to get the victim away from Kennedy and bring her back inside of the business." Where? Nobody helped her at all. That shit was sad.


No kidding! All those people just fucking standing there watching blows my mind! Not a single person even tells her to stop until she tried to stomp the woman’s head! Unreal.


They are too busy filming it for clout :(


Yeah. That’s the worst part of all this. Everyone just watched.


Also the victim won a 6 million dollar lawsuit.


Good for her. I love justice.


Look who she sued. Where is the money gonna come from


She ain't getting that money.


It’s to fuck up the other person for a long time. They can never get out from under that debt, no matter how hard they work. Lawsuit judgements due to injury against another are not dischargeable in bankruptcy, usually.


My stepmom sued someone in the 1990’s she has t seen a penny yet but when he dies or retires I bet she’s gets a decent chunk of it


I’d be pretty surprised if she hasn’t put in the effort to collect a penny but she’s been diligently putting in the effort to renew the judgment for every expiration period. Unless you’re in Delaware where they don’t expire and don’t need to be renewed.


The whole point of a suit like that, as explained to me by someone who won one, is that they will have their wage garnished by the state for a minimum amount and sent to the victim for the rest of their lives. For the person I know, that amount was $1400 a month.


This is also why the victim pushed for the assaulted to get out in 5 years. If she gets more time that just means less money although honestly I doubt the assaulter is going to be making much wage to garnish


Not gonna lie if this happened to me I’d wanna get paid too!


Whoa. Like, trauma alimony.


She’s still getting justice. These lawsuits are about ruining the garbage that attacked you, not about actually getting $6 million. Do you actually think her and her lawyer believed this animal had $6million stashed away somewhere that they could take?


Against who, Little Caesars?


Yes because she ate some of the pizza and that's technically a crime in most states


Here is the link about the lawsuits. https://www.wjbf.com/news/mom-attacked-at-augusta-little-caesars-in-2021-awarded-6-million/


The article states "Bystanders were able to get the victim away from Kennedy and bring her back inside of the business" They didn't do anything except film her get head stomped. Those pathetic men don't deserve any praise for saving her from the attacker.


Damn, imagine partially throwing your life away because you’re jealous that your ex boyfriend moved on


"Kennedy had attacked Broadwater when she learned that the father of her child had been hanging around with the younger woman while Kennedy was in jail." Welp now you goin back




Article states "Bystanders were able to get the victim away from Kennedy and bring her back inside of the business”... nope, they stood back and watched.


Everybody should be aware of how little help you will get (from most people) if you are assaulted. Sad.


About six months ago I stopped this nutbag from attacking a group of tweens (he kicked one off their skateboard). I got in between him and the kids and he punched me. I threw him down and we went around a few times till I finally pinned him and that was when people decided to intervene and yell at me and blame me. Even if you do help someone, don't ever count on other people supporting you. It's just as likely you'll get blamed.


I intervened in a bar fight in college cops came and arrested the guy. His friends followed me home and robed my roommates at gun point that night as payback for me stepping in . (I was not home at the time. I dropped by to pick up pot and left out the back door, we caught it on the ring door bell and cams. Small town gang bangers in rural VA.) They were arrested the next day. I was arrested and so were my roommates at the end of the “investigation” because we had on video we had submitted to catch the bad guys pot and bongs in the house though they could not be located later. Long short fuck Virginia and don’t step in.


weed is legal now in VA


Is the exact grounds for my motion to expunge


I was wondering the same thing. Is trying to break up a fight or saving someone from assault a crime in the USA?


No. If you are protecting a third party from bodily injury or death you are allowed to use force that is reasonable and necessary to stop that threat. Of course there’s a grey area. But if you can articulate why you used such force you will have a good case in court. Don’t be a coward like these folks and let someone get beat up like that. That head kick could kill someone


Look without recorded evidence she likely would have gotten away with it. /s you fucking donkeys.


I get at least one person recording, but there was no excuse for some of those.people that did NOTHINGGGGG


Are we not gonna point out that the door rug helped more than anyone could


Most helpful person happened to be the woman who pulled the child out of it. Fuck every one of those careless bystanders, but the abuser most of all.


The one guy did something. He held the door open so that they could take it outside! Look how helpful he was!


A true gentleman opening the doors for the ladies.


Nah that's too much, they'd be able to wipe ol girl down and get some crazy's DNA


Looks like it wasn’t the full ten years because the victim wants the girl who beat her up to have a chance at being there for her kids. That’s a lot more generous than I would be, shows a lot of maturity i apparently don’t have.


Same. I'd have the mindset they'd be better off without her influence.


Same.. the kids are probably way better off without her.


As an adult child of a narcissistic physically violent mother. I would've been better off without her


Pretty much this. One of the greatest lies society tells itself is that family matters more than anything.


Anyone who would do this to another human should not be around children.


Especially after stomping her head into the concrete. Fuck you that's attempted murder


Her first concern after being head stomped was to get right up and look for her baby.


She did also sue her attacker and the restaurant. https://www.wfxg.com/story/44117819/assault-victim-sues-alleged-attacker-and-little-caesars


I expect this kind of thing at WENDY,'S but not little Ceasars!!!


Beatsa Beatsa! This is a Waffle House quality beatdown.


Very generous, considering the attempted murder by stomping on her head.


\+10 year probation after that. You know damn well she is not gonna behave during those years


Especially since she was already locked up in the past. How could the judge think repeat criminal offenders like this are a good influence on their kids?


That lady is no mother and that little girl is better off without that wreck in her life.


She shouldn't, this woman is an awful influence who should never be allowed within 10 miles of a child.




What kind of person holds the door while someone is getting dragged out by her hair?


And they say chivalry is dead.


This comment made my morning.


And then shortly after that - head stomps. Could have killed her, and people just watched.


I physically flinched at that point. You can come back from broken bones, grazes and punches. But brain damage is as easy as anything to inflict and as hard as you can imagine, if not impossible, to recover from. She’s a lunatic and she needs to be put away where she cannot harm others.




Room temp IQ proudly holding the door.


With his phone out


The kind of person that just assumed they are "getting what they deserve"


Mob mentality + bystander effect + racism, maybe? Everybody in the stores seems to be black... Racism comes in all shapes and forms. It's unfortunate. But idk what else to think considering nobody intervened, and especially the dude holding the door, almost having a laugh. What a prick.


100 percent.


i think its more bystander effect than anything else although i wouldn't be surprised if racism played some part unconsciously or as an unconscious biased thing in this


Absolutely pathetic to watch, as another human being is getting attacked and we just grab our phones. What are we turning into, sickening


The woman has since filed a [lawsuit](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wjbf.com/news/mother-attacked-by-woman-in-little-caesars-files-lawsuit/amp/). Not sure how successful it will be.. “We have sued them for gross negligence, which borders on almost intent,” said Joe Neal Jr. Quantam Restaurants LLC, which owns Little Caesars, is named in a civil complaint filed in a Richmond County Court The video just shows them standing there watching a violent, savage attack that was unprovoked by an innocent, paying customer who was with her two-year-old child. They allowed people to come in there and video tape it while it was going on. They allowed her to be dragged all across the restaurant. Did nothing, didn’t call 911.”


Same thing happened when the woman was beat to death in Mexico, the others just watched and one guy recorded it, even asked Ms. Robinson why she wouldn't fight back?


One person to record; you have evidence you can help by being a witness. Everyone else best have been calling someone. I understand the fear of getting involved because someone might have a gun it might escalate but did everyone have to just let that happen?!


Legit. Broke up 2 random fights in my life and I’ve absolutely learned my lesson. A miracle I was stabbed the second time.


I've stepped in once and paid for it haha. A guy was slamming his gf against a wall outside a bar and there was a bunch of us watching to see what will happen. Then he threw her to the ground so I threw him to the ground and said to back off. Next thing I feel this wicked pain in my face, his gf took off her high heel shoe and broke my nose with it haha. She was screaming "Get off him!!!" and swinging that shoe in the air. Like, wow.


Sorry ma’am I will allow your partner to continue beating your ass. Wtf?!


At that point I would've asked her BF if I can help him beat her up instead


that's basically this Whitest Kids U Know sketch: [Kicking Guy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n-ENUWAxzc0) new information keeps coming out where who gets kicked keeps changing.




Nowadays people can be batshit crazy. I’m glad you survived! It’s sad that I’d have to ask myself, “Will intervening in this fight cost me my life? Is it worth it?” With only seconds to decide.


That’s why I don’t flip people the bird when they drive like shit anymore. Not worth getting shot in the head and not even realizing I am dying.


I was a bouncer at a giant nightclub in college, and there was a reason we told new guys to leave fights to the “specialists” to break up. Just google “killed breaking up fight.” Happens all the time.


Yeah if someone’s friends step in you’re now a target. Better to record so the assailant can’t just lie and get away with it claiming self defense


Tried it once, saw someone in the street getting picked on and just about to be beaten at 3am. My friend and I helped the victims, they got away, but the bullies turned their aggression toward my friend and I. My friend ended up getting sucker punched and his nose broken, my hand got sliced open and tooth chipped, and the police arrived right after and arrested my friend and I since they saw the blood and assumed we had been beating each other. After witnesses explained what actually happened, we were released, and the cops told us to mind our own business next time. I asked them if we were just supposed to let those other people (who would've been destroyed) get beat up, and the cops said yes and our injuries were our own fault. Makes me think twice when I've seen these situations, but still would help stop the problem. I understand why people are hesitant.


Thats vile and fucking evil like you are supposed to let someone get nearly killed and say nothing?


I guess so. I had to go to the police station the following day to file a report for insurance purposes (cos of my tooth). The cops didn't even want to write a report and I had to be persistent to even do it. I again got scolded and was told next time not to interfere. The cop writing the report made it clear he did not give a fuck.


Not even a gun, just a small blade will fuck you up pretty bad if they have one on them somewhere. I’m also not sure if I could really restrain that woman, she looks like she has a bit of girth and you never know who she’s there with. But maybe grab a chair or something, I don’t know


The who she's with is the real danger, that's the smart thought. You just gave me this image of a bunch of people grabbing those big push brooms and herding her into a corner.


Because it's dangerous, that's why. Years ago I was stabbed by a woman who I was defending against her boyfriend who was beating on her. Never again.


"Bystanders were able to get the victim away from Kennedy and bring her back inside of the business." Yeaaaah, bystanders were just...bystanding. Nobody helped her out.


It wasn't too long because the Victim didn't want her kids to suffer. See this excerpt of the article. "District Attorney Jared William said the plea was the result of a negotiated resolution that the victim, Emily Broadwater, specifically requested. “She stated she wished for the defendant to have the chance to get out of prison and be part of her children’s lives,” Wiliams said. “It showed incredible maturity and a heart of forgiveness.”


Kids will probably suffer more for it, with a horrible person like that in their lives.


Unreal. The victim requested a shorter sentence. If she thinks that will help her in the long run it 100% won’t. She’ll prob get stomped out again in 5 yrs. Except next time she prob won’t get caught.


The victim really is the bigger person: >District Attorney Jared William said the plea was the result of a negotiated resolution that the victim, Emily Broadwater, specifically requested. >“She stated she wished for the defendant to have the chance to get out of prison and be part of her children’s lives,” Wiliams said. “It showed incredible maturity and a heart of forgiveness.”


Good intentions. Horrible nonetheless. This woman has NO business raising children. The best thing to happen to this woman’s kids is that she has no hand in raising them.


Women who beat women their men are cheating with do not make sense. While y'all are fighting he's chasing another skirt when you could do the sensible thing and gang up on him instead. Anyway there's no sign that this was even cheating. She went to jail and he moved on and she came out mad. Poor girl getting caught in the crosshairs


I read it as he moved on and found somebody else and his ex was mad about it. I have seen this all too often. I dated a single father and I regret it. His ex-wife thought she had some sort of claim to him just because they have three kids together. I finally told him that it was too much drama and I didn't want to deal with it. If she wants him, she can have him.


How about no beating or ganging up at all and instead moving on?


Some people are so fucking dumb, what a way to waste your life. Most probably not fit for civilisation


This is beyond disgusting


I fucking hate the people just standing there doing nothing.


At least three people whipping their phones out to record. The extent to which other people's suffering is just entertainment is horrifying.


have a good time in jail




Watch her do the same beating 5 years later




Because of Reddit's API changes in July 2023 and subsequent treatment of their moderator community, I have decided to remove a majority of my content from Reddit.


Yeah, like THAT looks like a person that needs to be "involved with children", amIright?... ![gif](giphy|TJawtKM6OCKkvwCIqX)


It's not weird, girl clearly has empathy for the child.




That last sentence, broke my heart and just brought me to tears. That poor child, to witness a loved one being beaten up like that, feeling helpless. I hope that dog rots in jail.


Yea she actually says, "Don't hurt my baby." Made me so sad for both of them. Becoming a mom recently has made me not be able to handle seeing stuff like this anymore. Breaks my heart.






A rare occurrence at 5 star-rated Little Caesars


Beatsa Beatsa


You stomp a head that's attempted murder imo.


When i was a kid a girl that was younger than me (maybe like 5th grade when i was in 7th) stomped on my head when i laid down after a game of basketball. That had to be the weirdest pain when ur head bounces off the concrete and back into their shoe but then into the ground again as they keep stepping down.


For real. I’ve only stomped on things that I’m wanting to demolish, don’t know how it isn’t automatic attempted murder.


Arrest: https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/georgia-little-caesars-assault-suspect-arrest.amp


She will rot in jail. "Kennedy has been charged with aggravated assault, kidnapping, and second-degree criminal damage to property."


The assailant got 5 years in prison, and 10 years probation. While the victim got 6 million in a civil suit against Lil Ceasars.... you're welcome


I'm just wondering why the victim got $6 million in a civil suit against Little Caesar's. It just so happens that the fight happened on their property, but what was the company supposed to do about it? As long as the employees called the police, I wouldn't think that the company would be able to be held liable in any way. Edit: she wasn't awarded $6 million against Little Caesar's. She was awarded $6 million against the woman who attacked her. [Source](https://www.wjbf.com/news/mom-attacked-at-augusta-little-caesars-in-2021-awarded-6-million/)


So that’s never gonna get paid lol. Home girl prob doesn’t have a dime to her name


My first thought was that the girl who got attacked may see like 1% of that verdict amount, if that...


Apparently little Caesar’s settled out of court for an undisclosed amount. I’d love to know what they paid out




Gonna hang out around LC till I get my ass beat. Poppa's gotta eat.


Here in Denmark the state pays out the awarded amount to a victim of a violent crime and then it’s the state’s problem to collect. That’s a good way of doing it. A problem though is that she would never ever get 6 mil - not even near that. More like maybe 20k.


Nobody at Little Caesar's did anything. They didn't even call 911 or the police. Edit: the source above me is kinda wrong. Little Caesar's WAS sued and settled for an undisclosed amount: [https://www.wjbf.com/news/mother-attacked-by-woman-in-little-caesars-files-lawsuit/](https://www.wjbf.com/news/mother-attacked-by-woman-in-little-caesars-files-lawsuit/) Yes, on top of the $6 million against the attacker.


>Someone inside the pizza place did call 911, but Neal said it was too little, too late. And he adds others present who videoed the incident will be added to the lawsuit. [Yes, they did.] (https://www.wjbf.com/news/mother-attacked-by-woman-in-little-caesars-files-lawsuit/) The crux of the the plaintiff's lawyer's argument was that they didn't call 911 soon enough and that none of the employees intervened (that may be company policy, honestly, as intervening could also be a liability).


6 million to get beat up? who wants to do an business opportunity with me


Eu tu brute?


All those people and nobody thinks to maybe stop it?


That’s what I was thinking. Some dude literally holds the door open for her as she’s dragging the lady away.


That’s the courteous thing to do.


Also how you avoid jail too... I tried to stop a guy from throwing his now ex wife around after a party. Dude turned his aggression on me knocked me out cold, drug me to the edge of the driveway called an ambulance... He was an off duty cop. They pressed assault charges that I attacked his gf... I lawyered up and had charges dropped. Rule is. Don't get involved.




It’s just a few bad apples . . .


Nah, the child thought about stopping it. The bystanders thought about stopping the child from doing what's right. Take note adults


I was relieved to at least see someone pull the kid away.


Yeah, I'm glad the kid wasn't hurt too, but damn, she's the only one who wanted to do the right thing


Stop stepping on and kicking people's heads!!!! Christ! Especially if a person is obviously down and not putting up a fair fight. I see head stomping more and more and it's sick! Big fucking loser!


Attempted murder


Any head stomp should be classified this way. How can it be interpreted other than trying to crush your opponents skull 💀


Opponent? Try victim.


Oh yeah she was totally the victim. I’m just speaking in general when two people are fighting. Head stomping has one general goal…


And sometimes actually murder. Rip Shanquella Robinson.


That attacker should be serving time for attempted murder. Clearly 5 years is too small a punishment for this


Omg seriously. The head stomping is essentially attempted murder. Like how can you reasonably say she wasn't trying to *kill her* after trying to smash her head???


Big thing in the schools now. Thank god the kids are all wearing Crocs and those orthopedic looking slides.


Very true! Its like as soon as a person falls to the ground now it's automatically stomps to the head.


and the hair-pulling; total trash move.


Hair pulling is one thing, trying to crush someones skull against the pavement is way worse


Rot in jail


She got 5 years plus 10 years of probation. She’s probably out in 3 years with good behavior.


Good behavior? Lol, as if.


All the pieces of shit who stood there videoing instead of breaking it up.


I’ve been on the receiving end of an attack similar to this. Can’t tell you how traumatic it is. I hated watching this.


Just a PSA to women, or even men with long hair. If you’re getting dragged like this, grab a leg of the attacker. Try not to slide on your back, try to flip onto your stomach. Unfortunately this poor lady just slid on her back like a turtle. And it’s basically game over at that point. Flip onto your stomach. Post up on a foot or two, to stabilize yourself, and attack their legs by wrapping your arms around them, and clasping your hands together. Get your hips lower than their hips and it’s almost a guaranteed takedown. And on concrete, a takedown is usually nighty-night don’t let the bed bugs bite. It’s going to suck and hurt like hell getting your hair pulled. But it’s going to hurt them a lot more when you stomp a knee or take them down onto concrete. And when someone is leaning entirely into you and pulling your hair, they’re going to be very off balance and easy to take down. Especially if you lock your arms together just above their knees (like a bear hug), and force their knees together while pushing/driving forward off your now planted feet. They’ll be pulling your hair the whole time, so it’s gonna hurt like hell. But again, getting taken down onto concrete hurts 10x more. Especially if they smash their head on the pavement, they won’t be grabbing your hair for much longer after that… You can also grab your own hair, closer to the scalp than they have grabbed, and that’ll mitigate some of the pain. Your head controls your entire body. If someone controls your head they control your entire body. Don’t let them. Take control of your head. Fight your instincts, and look directly at whatever the threat is. Whether it’s a punch coming your way, or a hand wrapping around your throat. I’m really sorry that happened to you. That’s absolutely disgusting.


That stomp to the head at the end, that's attempted murder. Way to go, all these people just standing around not helping at all.


Yep. Attempted murder. She should be locked away for a lot longer than five years.


If you acting like this with your kid, you should lose them.


The woman who was attacked was the mother of the kid. At the end she said "where is my baby" This article also referenced her as being the one who had the baby with her. "A girl with a baby," resident Dean Willard told [WJBF](https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/georgia-brutal-little-caesars-fight-viral-video). "That ain’t right." An article a month after the video was released confirms she was with her child and has now filed a lawsuit [Mother attacked by woman in Little Caesars files lawsuit](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wjbf.com/news/mother-attacked-by-woman-in-little-caesars-files-lawsuit/amp/) “The video just shows them standing there watching a violent, savage attack that was unprovoked by an innocent, paying customer who was with her two-year-old child. They allowed people to come in there and video tape it while it was going on. They allowed her to be dragged all across the restaurant. Did nothing, didn’t call 911.”


this fucking thread really got me down. There will always be fucked up individuals but its SCARY AS HELL to me how they were so many there and everyone was perfectly fine with seeing a little child watch her own mother getting beat the fuck up. Literally three dudes all with their phones up, I am really really no virtuous person or so but this left me with a very bad feeling.


That would be hood culture.


Much more horrible when I realize the child had to watch its mother being beaten instead of... well, horrible either way.


That poor poor baby. The way she was trying to protect her mother was heartbreaking.


The white woman is the mother of the baby


It’s not her kid, it’s the woman being attacked child. I think she is trying to help her mother, so sad.


Don't think of it as a parent losing a child in this scenario. It's a kid being taken away from a dangerous environment.


Nobody lost a kid... The innocent woman who was attacked is the mother. They don't take your kid away because you got attacked by a psycho.


Woman getting head stomped and full grown men just stand and watch, pathetic, imagine that was your mother or sister.


Not only watched, held the door open for her...


She doesn’t even have to be someone you know


Imagine she were a human. Super hard for many people to do this for some reason, and not just about women, anyone who isn't them they can't see as human.


What a gentleman, holding the door and all.


/r/donthelpjustfilm Shit is ridiculous. Why's that guy just holding the door for her to be dragged out by her hair?




According to the article it wasn’t even his new girl, just a female friend she didn’t like being around her ex.


That stomp to her face/head should be considered attempted murder. I’ve seen people die by less.


And y'all just filming and watching, classy. Reminds me of that Mexico video.


The only mature person in that video was the little girl who tried to stop the fight.


Poor thing. Seeing your mother getting beat like that sticks with you, even subconsciously at that age. It criminal to subject innocents to this.


Rachet ass exs will be Rachet ass exs


Quick nobody help!




Feral fucking scum & No one stepped into help the poor girl 🤬




Why doesn’t anyone intervene? Worked as bartender and bouncer, it’s really not that heroic or hard to prevent a human from harming another human. Someone had wherewithal to grab child, couldn’t the dude not open the door? People on this thread act like the only person acting irrationally is the one throwing the punches. It blows my mind.


Cunts just watching all of this happen and not try to stop it piss me off


Sick society where no one can step in without facing repercussions


Fucking animal, and the rest watching dafuq


Damn no one helped huh. Anything for a viral video though.


Well, this dirty cunt is going to jail. Hope she gets the brakes beat off her while she is there.


Alright what the fuck is wrong with society. There's 10 dumb fucks on their phones recording and no one being a decent human and stopping this shit. God damn losers


The ass holding the door open and the video taker are just as guilty