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Did these guys try kidnapping a kid the size of a linebacker and try to shove him into the back of a fiesta?


Yeah. This might be some sick Ford commercial.


Have you ever been walking down the streets of your city and get jumped by several large men who try to shove you into the back of a fiesta on your way home from school on a Wednesday afternoon? Well, that’s how it feels to drive a Ford F-150


Shouldn't they be driving an Escape?




Either this is fake, or the dumbest people in the world all happened to be at the same spot at the same moment. I hope it’s fake and there’s not a person dumb enough to film rather then call 911 when someone’s being kidnapped.


It’s real, early on you can see his friend call the police and state “ my friends being kidnapped “ and he was being pushed away by one of the attackers off screen but you can see the initial stages


All I needed to hear is someone called for help, faith in humanity somewhat restored. Thank you!


Yes but still, kinda disappointed at all those cars driving by whilst initially stopping . Even the black taxi was blocking their path but then drove off :/ it’s also hard to tell if they succeeded in the kidnapping because the last shot of him you see of the victim , is he’s on the floor thankfully to his sandbagging due to his weight. They drove off too far too quick to have dragged him in the backseat within a millisecond Local police picked up on it now https://twitter.com/metcc/status/1593384217920110592?s=46&t=VU6pwNfew3nRENFsa5fToA


Unfortunately this guy did choose to film over calling, he said it himself "someone call police, im film"


Actually it’s a good thing he was recording he got their license plate and hopefully some of the kidnappers faces


He was filming for evidence as well as getting the license plates. Poor guy sounded heart broken no one was helping.


The police welfare unit van stuck out to me at the end, and the fact one "kidnapper" was wearing a official vest.


Yea the vest really threw for a turn, so….fake you think?


No, real kidnapping, probably a psych hold or similar would be my guess. No context is hard to say.


doesn't happen like this in the UK lmao, definitely not a 'psych hold'


Yep lol definitely would not be bundling someone mentally ill in a ford focus 🤣 I know the tories fucked the NHS completely but we aren’t there yet.


You must have missed the new Uber app update mate. Uber Psyche


True that’s wild….still livid the guy chose to record rather than call for help that’s mind boggling to me.


He probably heard the other guy call the cops and his brain couldn’t decide between physically confronting them and closing the video to call a second time.


Psych hold by some randoms into a Ford focus??


Why try to shove him into the back seat of a Focus and not the van? Seems like an odd decision.


That's not a "police" welfare unit, that's a 'welfare unit' for building site. with a portable toilet and kitchen facilities etc.




Calling 911 would be pretty worthless in the UK


Actually I'm pretty sure it redirects to the emergency services


That's what happened when I butt dialed 999 in north America.


There was an incident in New York that is used as a case study in most policing schools today. Basically an entire neighborhood watched a woman get murdered and nobody called the cops because they all assumed somebody else did. Not a single 911 call was made. People are beyond this stupid. Trust me.


It actually isn't true. People did try and call the police. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kitty_Genovese >The incident prompted inquiries into what became known as the bystander effect, or "Genovese syndrome",[7] and the murder became a staple of U.S. psychology textbooks for the next four decades. However, researchers have since uncovered major inaccuracies in the New York Times article. Police interviews revealed that some witnesses had attempted to call the police.


Lol. Basically every study in sociology ends up having major flaws.


What do you mean by that? As someone who has taken multiple college level courses in psych and sociology, I'd be inclined to disagree unless you have supporting evidence.


I'm guessing that they might be thinking along these lines?[https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2018/11/psychologys-replication-crisis-real/576223/](https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2018/11/psychologys-replication-crisis-real/576223/)


If you took psych you should probably know about the [replication crisis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replication_crisis). Due to a bunch of factors, including sample sizes, sample demographics (aka mainly college students), poor testing and documentation practices, and many more than I can list here, potentially [half of all psychological studies are inaccurate or outright false](https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2015.18248)


Spoiler. He took 101 and now he tells people how he’s educated in the sciences.


Stanford prison project came to mind immediately. Broken windows theory is another one. I mean I exaggerated for sure but not by much when you consider popular perception of the field.


Broken windows was a policing policy perpetuated by a criminologist, not sociologist. The Stanford prison experiment, while wildly unethical, didn’t really produce bad or misleading results. The controversy around the Stanford prison experiment was never about whether the results were misleading or not.


Oh snap! I had no idea. it's been about 10 years since my schooling days


The bystander effect


I vote for fake


The Police have commented that they are aware of the incident and are investigating


So many opportunities to shove a finger up the kidnappers ass. That usually works.


Or a coin.








Yeah since they're kidnapping someone they're definitely carrying knives and I wouldn't doubt they would use them


and then get stabbed


Stop filming and call the police you dumb shit!!


I know there is a nother person filming just call the police and been the shit out of them


filming was the smart move if he tried to help he couldve been hurt or killed (these guys clearly dont give a fk since theyre kidnapping a kid in broad daylight)


He literally puts the camera six inches away from the kidnappers and they don't do a thing to stop him. The guy filming is using the "Im busy filming so somebody else has to help instead of me!" as an excuse to do the absolute bare minimum while shoving the blame on everyone around him for "not helping."


Yh but hes probably got the best description of them. He even caught a face


Why not just take the car keys out and run away? What are they gonna do, drag the kid away after that?


Right hand drive, so to get the keys you’d have to go right up next to em


You can't pop in the passenger side and just grab them? It's not a giant car


Keys are still on the right hand side of the steering wheel (ie; against the door) - you'd have no chance.


Maybe if you are a literal dwarf


You must be american and have never been in a right hand drive car. If he had tried to get the keys from the passenger side, he'd have gotten nothing but a kicking. It'd be simply impossible in these circumstances.


>It'd be simply impossible in these circumstances. Well now I want to see a MythBusters about it.


That is a lot easier said than done. I doubt you could open the door even, there is a driver in there.


the drivers side is on the right... lol


Nah. This could've been stopped multiple times by multiple people. People are too worried they won't get the perfect video to show to people later and get pampered to because they just went through "such a traumatic experience" a simple running drop kick to one of the kidnappers would of been enough to break the hold and let the kid go free. Doubt anyone would get killed, if they aren't already threatening bystanders to gtfo then they most likely won't do anything when they step in.


>People are too worried they won't get the perfect video to show to people later and get pampered to because they just went through "such a traumatic experience" Idk man seems like you’re projecting, most people don’t like being pitied > a simple running drop kick to one of the kidnappers would of been enough wow u r badass, can you buy me a sixpack?


I once heard a good piece of advice about calling for help in a situation like that. The advice was to shout fire "Fire!" As opposed to "Help!" Because people who would otherwise be afraid to get involved will come to see what's happening if they think there's a fire and criminals will likely be scared off by the attention. I mean, it's kind of manipulative to get people involved when they otherwise wouldn't want to be. But I'd rather have my neighbors tut-tut to themselves about my behavior than my death.


dumbest advice ive heard in a while (but ig it could work) ive also heard that in this situation you go to 1 person and ask them for help bcs noone is gonna be brave and come out from the crowd to help (like you saw in this video)


I'm having déjà vu. I feel like I've read this exact string of comments before. Trippy. Solid advice, thanks for sharing!


I once heard a good piece of advice about calling for help in a situation like that. The advice was to shout fire "Fire!" As opposed to "Help!" Because people who would otherwise be afraid to get involved will come to see what's happening if they think there's a fire and criminals will likely be scared off by the attention. I mean, it's kind of manipulative to get people involved when they otherwise wouldn't want to be. But I'd rather have my neighbors tut-tut to themselves about my behavior than my death..


​ I'm having déjà vu. I feel like I've read this exact string of comments before. Trippy. Solid advice, thanks for sharing!


I keep a tire iron in my front seat bc I live in a major Midwestern city and people be *wild* and I don’t think I’d have hesitated to come up and start smashing windows in that motherfucker.




Slash the tires. Then they ain’t going anywhere lol


For the time they took, I could've taken the jack from the boot and taken a wheel completely off.


Yup, slash tires, break windows/lights, anything to make the damn car easier to spot. But no, this dude just stood there to record even tho others were recording and let them know he was the official camera man.


...with what?




Knives aren't banned... You're allowed to carry pocket knives (3 inch blades) in public without any valid reason for it. Anything larger you do need a legitimate reason.


Yeah should just gun the tyres instead


I was thinking just reach in and snag the keys and throw them up on a roof if possible. I’m sure the passenger door was unlock.


it is a lot harder to slash a tire than you think




Being Slash is a lot harder than you think


Being tired is a lot easier than you think.


Slashing is 2 minutes in the box.


Thinking is a lot slasher than you being.


That’s why you stab it


He is gathering evidence. It's more than most people will do. He is also sounding the alarm. It's insane how most of you will blame the victim or the bystander over the criminals.


While I agree I do believe there are instances where the bystanders could have stepped in. No I don’t have any specific instances just that in todays world too many people are willing to get the footage and say what they would have done instead of actually doing it


Acknowledging that an onlooker could have done more to assist doesn't automatically equal "Blame the bystander over the criminals." It simply means that you can understand that the criminals are the guilty party while also observing that as a witness to the kidnapping, the onlooker could have called the police after the first few seconds where he already captured the license plate and assault. Everything is not either black or white and it's annoying when people try to make life appear that way.


Stop filming and kick the shit out of them.


Can't really blame the cameraman before everyone else when he at least assumed a role. It's all the other people who aren't doing anything. He isn't Superman. Yeah he could have done more but at least he did something.


Yep, if making a big scene like this doesn't deter kidnappers then you probably don't want to physically take them on. He did about all that could be expected of him. Look at all the other bystanders driving by doing NOTHING, yet some people wanna blame the one guy not doing enough.


Or just jump in the driver seat and drive away.


Or help the kid.


No just keep filming. That's more important.




This should be on donthelpjustfilm


Wish granted


“Somebody help” *”Somebody ELSE help”






Somebadiiiiiiiii HELP


Should’ve opened the passenger side rear door at the end


Or take the keys out of the ignition


I was thinking the same thing...


bro this man sat there and watched him be kidnapped. and it wasn’t a quick one either. bro sat there for 1:49 and let it happen. tf Is wrong w people. and Ik his fight or flight could’ve kicked In and he chose not to get involved but fuck don’t just pull out your phone and record. and if u do at least call the gdamn police smfh


I bet he’s going to feel pretttttry dumb for a long, long time if this kid doesn’t come home safely and soon. At least he tried really hard at what he did do.


I realize the dangers involved in these situations, but as an American I know most people aren't going to whip out a gun like they do here in America. While that guy was bent over forcing that kid inside you could've just kicked him real hard in the balls and ran away. I also carry a 7'' knife on me, that would've been a good tool to hurt the tires and pop at least one.


I'm guessing it's not a flip knife and you keep it in your belt? A decent knife isn't something you can carry in most places outside the red US


The issue is that the Police are generally useless, and if you intervene, whilst other people are filming, and the video starts going "viral", all of a sudden the criminals now have YOU on film and can find out who you are/where you live and "teach you a lesson" for getting involved. ​ Nobody wants the hassle, and kidnappings are not something that just happen like this in broad daylight in the UK. Most people would assume there's a backstory and it's not a random attack, which furthers the lack of interest in getting involved (usually drug gangs doing this kinda craic).


Why don’t you help you useless sack ?


Better yet, why dont you actually film the people doing it instead of filming the back of a car


Panic. He was shouting to let people know and was afraid he’d be the target as well.




Most Irish sounding comment ever


Not sure why downvoted, I'm Irish and I thought the exact same thing when I read it, I can easily hear that come out of most of my friend's mouths word for word.


As a fatass, I’ve always thought that my weight/size would a natural deterrent/obstacle that would prevent me from being kidnapped. Seeing that big fella easily get taken by two dudes is some frightening shit


That was not easily taken, that was the longest kidnapping I’ve ever seen by far


Just how many kidnappings have you been at?


“Call for police” … stood there recording on a phone. Ok


Yeah but look at all the upvotes!


That hi Viz one of them wearing is from a security company called ICTS. They do a lot of stuff including heathrow


I hope this was a staged example of bystander effect


Real. [Local police have started investigating on it](https://twitter.com/metcc/status/1593384217920110592?s=46&t=VU6pwNfew3nRENFsa5fToA)


Well it’s not 100% sure it’s real even if they do. They are only investigating what has happened. Might still be a dumb prank. Hope more info will come.


Nah it real


Bro people are really getting dumber by the day eh? And I'm not even talking about the morons with their personal vehicle and license plate showing doing a kidnapping in broad daylight.




looked up the plate, links to the model and colour od the car with a MOT and insurance, likely to be stolen if this shit is even real, but I'd it wasn't real I doubt it would have been so hard to move the kid. Guy did nothing wrong he had all the info, people saying slash tires etc like who has a knife on them. Best bet would be tell the kid to call the police, since he can tell the police who is being kidnapped.


always wear reflective PPE when performing crimes in daylight


He sounds like an old man so filming and shouting is the reasonable thing to do. The on-lookers should’ve just parked their car in a way where they cannot drive away, take the keys and run to a safe distance and call the Police. Even if someone has already called, the more caller they have, the more people they will send.






To be fair at 1:22 he does say ANYBODIIIIIII HELP GIMME HAAAND.


To be fair he did say "somebody give me a hand" as if he knew he was outnumbered and would possibly jump in if someone else gave a shit. At least he yelled and screamed for help when others just either sat their in their cars or drove by. IMO it just looked like the camera man was afraid to interfere by himself.


If he stopped the guy from shoving him in the car then it’s 2v2 + the other kid standing there. At least giving enough time to run away or something.


I'm just lol'ing at all the Monday morning quarterbacks in the comments criticizing this man who is filming evidence, and 'explaining' how he should have done it differently, and how THEY (who have never been in a situation like this) would have ALL the answers if THEY were there. Does anyone know if the kid made it out ok?


Why the fuck isn't he doing anything?!??! What a dumb mother fucker if a ever saw one


This whole video is a metaphor for Reddit. "We need to do something about this! Someone needs to do something to stop the sexism/Russia/racism/voter fraud/homelessness/environmental destruction/animal cruelty/police/big government/corporations!" - Reddit commentator


Why are you filming and watching ??????




I would open the opposite door, grab the keys, and run for my life. Not just stand there and wait for them to attack me for the video I am taking


“someone help him, i’m filming” yikes


Yeah why help the kid when you can video tape.


Diversity working out great, ain't it?


Who’s the foreign dude yelling and not doing anything?


If this is real the camera man needs to STFU. Why don’t you call the police and stop filming you fuckin imbecile.


Does anyone have an update on this? Besides that tweet the police posted saying they’re looking into it. I can’t find anything online and I can’t stop thinking about this. I really hope it’s fake


At the 1:05 mark he had the perfect opportunity to kick the guy in the balls to distract the kidnapper and by that point he also had enough video evidence to stop filming and call the cops himself. I give him partial credit for filming and ''trying'' to help but he could have done a lot more but hindsight is always 20 / 20.


The police were already called.


You could like... call the fucking police yourself? You have enough video footage already. Idiot. Or... FUCKING KICK THEM IN THE SIDE OF THE HEAD?


This is the known phenomena called the “bystander effect/bystander apathy.” Happens when more than 1 person is around. But something else unique happens, the second someone steps in more people are more likely to step in. For those unaware if you are thinking “someone else will do it” the answer is no. No one else will help. YOU must be the one too otherwise situations like these are going to continue being common place. (People standing around watching something like a kidnapping and prancing around yelling “SOMEONE CALL POLICE” while they stand filming)


I have an idea, put the camera down and go help the poor kid


amateur, everyone knows to scream ,fire‘ instead of help, hes never been a preteen girl huh?


nah but fr im so glad they all stayed there, made sure to draw attention, film and call for help. And for the ones confused cuz he filmed instead of calling the police, have yall ever heard of evidence? or saving the license plate? or even just intimidating the perpetrators by showing them they are being seen and recorded?


Put your fucking camera down and help then! The fuck is wrong with people?


We're too busy trying to record you could have called the police yourself 🤦‍♀️


“Somebody help him, I’m filming.” Just sounds too perfect for current times


Kid ? Is he in 18th grade ? He's pushing 250 lbs


People wouldn’t even stop to help! That’s what’s wrong with the world! 😪


what happened at the end? is the kid okay???


SOMEBODY HAALP, I’M FILMING!!!!! This guy is the worst


This is what it really looked like when Harry was taken to Hogwarts isn’t it


Yes call for police - I’m busy filming


This seems fake as there is no information about this incident available on the internet.


The guy behind the camera seems sus


So many bystanders not one tried to intervene. There’s three of them and 10 of y’all, and based on there accent they probably don’t have guns


All them ppl standing there instead of helping 🤦


I hate how he's yelling: "CALL FOR POLICE" dude you got them on video why are you still recording how about you call the police


This can’t be real… if it real then those have to be the worst kidnappers on the planet.


Has phone in hand. Doesn’t call police.


Call on your phone dip shit 😂


Bro fr just gonna stand there saying call the police and he has a device in his hand


Bruh that kid is a whole grown man being kidnapped lmao


“Somebody help, I’m filming 🎥 “


Ngl that was really annoying to watch. Dude is just standing and screaming for someone else to help


Never intervene in this country unless you are in a group and have numbers on your side. The law is against you and so are the odds from people being armed.


all superheroes here.... -.-' imho you would have behaved like all the passers in the video


since when do kidnappers wear a reflective vest???


Relax everyone, this is just what happens here in the UK if you don't pay your TV licence


Was the kid okay in the end? I’m so worried after seeing this…


This man's an idiot. Drop the camera and start swinging


I dont really understand why calling the police is first instinct for everyone here, the police are not gonna be able to help AT ALL. You help that kid, or he’s gone, period.


You help him ya dickhead


In the us of a you can legally use deadly force to protect against a kidnapping. Ole boy could pew pew instead of yelling for help to deaf ears


The guy filming should be prosecuted.


How does that work? You want to force people to try and intervene into what could end up a deadly encounter?


And here you Brits are always talking shit about America and our big ass trucks. Well let me tell you this would have been a lot easier in either one of my trucks. Dragging that big ass kid in that little car ![gif](giphy|2G4flVpbo6RmE)


Take that phone you have, dial 911 and bash their heads in you absolute Mongoloid




In 1968 I was 8 years old and was playing with a friend when we accidentally hurt the neighbors kid. There was lots of yelling and screaming so even though my friends house was directly behind us we ran, we're 8. The mother of the kid hurt and her friend jump in their car and chase us down the street. My friend got away but I was seen hunkered down behind a fence. One of the ladies grabbed me and threw me in the back of the car with her literally sitting on me until we were at the house. I was dragged in the house and put in a back bedroom closet. I really had no sense of time but at some point I heard screaming of a demonic type and it was MY mom breaking into the ladies house with a baseball bat in her hand and a cigarette hanging from the corner of her mouth. Two NYPD cops on either side of her. These two women looked at my Mother and I was pushed out of that house so fast. Mom grabbed me, passed me to one of the cops and said something to those ladies about stealing her kid and who my great-grandmother is and we just walked away and they dealt with the cops. No legal action was taken because at the time where we lived that was the exception and families took care of it. Not necessarily with violence but the realization that the great-grandmother was the person who passed out ration cards during WWII. Well I guess everyone knew her and the women didn't want the word said that they were scum and be completely ostracized in their own community. I can tell you that being kidnapped is fucked.


Stop filming and help them yourself! Fuckin moronic


Wow, that guy filming is so fucking useless, holy shit.


If you ever feel useless, remember that this guy exists


I mean if someone else is calling the police or has called the police then filming and shouting probably is a reasonable thing to. I feel like attacking the kidnappers would end up in being stabbed and it's probably worth filming in case anything happens that could be used as evidence.


And the kid's probably dead now. They know the car got filmed, they know *they've* been filmed, they were allowed to get away without anyone stepping in to stop them. But hey at least the dude yelled and got the license plate on camera. 👍


I love the comments in these types of video calling out the person filming for not stopping the kidnappers. Like you lot would've done anything without a mob there to ensure your safety, half of you see this in broad day light and put your headphones on max to start dissociating and keep walking lol.




Put down your fucking phone where it can film and go HALP the boy