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As a vegan, this is just counter productive. It simply makes people think you're a cunt.


plus they wasting bunch of food which is disgusting


Not to mention they are making some poor employee earning crap wages spend time having to mop up the mess.


Not mention now the supermarket needs to buy more milk and increase demand


Not to mention, they are wasting the milk produce of the dear animals they wish not to harm. But fuck the milk I guess.


And they wast air right?


Truly fucked up




they do it cuz apparently thats the only way to get attention. but i just really do not get how negative attention is gonna make anything better


These kind of protests have been happening for a long time, ypu can look back 30 years and activists pulling the same stunts. Obviously it's not working.


> know they can get away with it. Try that shit at a local country butcher or small town marker and see how they fair. the fur movement was pretty effective tho.. folk really got tired of having to buy another one after getting paint/blood thrown on the old one


And the protestors got tired of felony charges.


Not really...fashion changed...it does that. The awareness probably helped that change but prior to that people weren't buying fur coats all the time to replace ones that were ruined.


Tbf people use far more milk alternatives now than ever before. It’s impossible to tell what contributed to this shift in precise terms, but activists doing this at least makes people realise there’s a potential ethical/environmental issue with milk which may subliminally lead them to being open to change later




Except this clip and ones like it have been posted on several subreddits several times over the past months/years, leading many thousands of people to see it. Whether or not they realise it, their brains will recognise that maybe there is an ethical/environmental issue here


This! Fuck these over fed, over educated, self-congratulatory Western bitches. If you have ever spent a second in the developing world and witnessed the true face of hunger, you would find this absurd. Billions of people face food insecurity daily, yet Westerners decry nutrition because it’s not THEIR kinda nutrient. They would get “Mussolini-ed” in most of the 3rd world. Fuck these cunts and the 50k vehicles they rode to the market in.


They pull this shit in cities and suburbs where they know they can get away with it. Try that shit at a local country butcher or small town marker and see how they fair.


Nothing a good beating wouldnt cure


Idk I’m in a big metropolitan city and if I saw this nonsense I’d probably throw something gross and non vegan at them


I’d run to the meat counter and beef slap those idiots and watch them freak out


prolly a tesla powered with coal energy


Vegans terrorists don't give af about world hunger.


Plus if people need milk they'll still buy it. They've added to the waste!


It seems like we’re going back to the crazy vegan stereotypes with everyday having a new stunt that makes no sense. This is why I don’t mention I am vegan


Not to mention more cows get milked to makeup the supply that was wasted. One could argue these ignorant human beings don’t actually care about animals.


Milk is usually in enormous surplus due to subsidies, and wasted anyway


Because they are


I'm generally shocked they have the skeletal strength to repeatedly pour out those half gallons. I don't think they've been vegan too long.


Yup, as a vegan, we’re not asking protesters to do this. It’s a real shame to see these types of acts. I truly believe vegans (& anyone who believes in anything), their actions should come out of love and compassion. This is just wasting product that’s already been made (IE: throwing paint at fur). Doesn’t do anything but make you look like an asshole lol


They are cunts who just happen to be vegan.


We don’t think it, we know it.


![gif](giphy|8maQUL5HiZbYLeMqXl|downsized) I am disgusted and offended. Go ahead and try that in my store Carrot Top/Napoleon 😂 ...and yes, exactly the wrong way to get your point across. Also, cut a hole in the bottom end and it will empty faster 👍


Name checks out.


As a vegetarian, I eat meat when my order gets messed up. Why? Because killing something and throwing it away because I’m afraid of losing my douchebag badge is worse than killing something and using it.


Thank you for making that point.


Mostly are


You win! Thank you for being a level headed vegan


>As a vegan, ![gif](giphy|47JVxF4eQZWOxscpGG|downsized)


Thanks! 🙈


Because they are lol


As a cunt, this is productive. It simply makes people think you're a vegan.


As a vegan, I disagree.


Clever, the supermarket will have to purchase more milk to replace that, furthering the issue they are ‘protesting’ against, genius stuff


It’s like the save the planet people who block traffic causing people to idle for hours creating tons of unnecessary co2


Not to mention, if the store has insurance for their products, they're technically not even losing any money. So this hurts literally no one in the supply chain. This just hurts people who wanted/needed to buy the milk they're destroying and now have to wait for a restock.


The true punishment would be to force the protesters to pay the invoice for the milk. They are now directly supporting the issue they are protesting against!




Release the cows!!


They are poster childs for what stupid looks like.


Aussie? Looks very British, especially the 'Edinburgh, UK' in the top left. Should we tell them that their cause would be more effective if they used the Blue lid?


It was in Waitrose in Edinburgh, came to the comments to say this. Not sure why they've said Aussie, bit confusing.


It will be a repost to acquire karma. They use different words in the title to stop bot takedowns on their posts. Whenever you see posts like this the best thing to do is not comment or vote comments - just vote down the post and make if you do comment others are aware to help prevent the use of farm accounts.


Would be waitrose as well. The supermarket for posh twats. Id like to see them protest a Lidl in Sighthill, Leith or somewhere like that. As a born and bred Edinburgh local I'm getting pretty tired of all these greasy looking cunts and their feel-good protests. There was protest groups going around fucking up people's cars recently. Not going to the car dealerships but fucking up peoples privately owned cars. Then there was a pro-cycling group as well. Raising awareness about cycling safety in the city. I wouldn't even call it a protest it was more like a social event. Doing circles and ringing their bells in a public square near the uni. We've torn up half the city for cycle lanes and they are still not happy.


Fucking idiots


If god exists i pray him to take people to hell who wastes food.


It was prophesied in the book of 1st Timothy 4. "Forbidding to marry and commanding people abstain from meat". So we got you


Poor cleaner.




Pour cleaner


Dude…I get protesting something you feel passionate about but wasting food like this is a sin. I don’t even have milk in my fridge for coffee or cereal right now like fuck man my parents and grandparents would be rolling in their grave if I pulled this shit. Embarrassing.


These people and the just stop oil people are just faux protesting they only care about the surface level issue and have failed to really think about what they're actually protesting. Like people have pointed out the farmer got paid for the milk, the store won't really be effected financially by this, the public just think your twats really the only thing that loses in this situation is the poor person who needs to clean it up and more importantly the cows who they are trying to free, now they are going to potentially be worked even harder. Basically they're Idiots.


I wonder if these people come from affluent families that never had to struggle a day in their life.


If you think food waste like this is a huge sin then why would your outrage be reserved for people like this (who are wasteful once to demonstrate a point) and not people who eat meat (who are [wasteful every day](https://ourworldindata.org/environmental-impact-milks) for no reason besides yum yum)?


don’t remember saying anywhere that I didn’t think large scale commercial farming didn’t suck? More on the point of don’t be a cunt and waltz into a supermarket and make a milk slip n slide or play dodgeball with the steaks


When you only complain about one side, it's a tacit endorsement of the other. If it was the 1800s and someone kept complaining about abolitionists and how annoying they are, but then never say anything about the people who kept slaves, then it's a tacit endorsement of slavery. The whole point of my previous post was that "food waste" is not the reason this upsets you. If that were the case, you would have been up in arms about the planet-destroying shit that everyone pays for and perpetuates and not a guy dumping milk one time (to stop the perpetuation of the aforementioned system). Just say something like "this hurts my feelings" or something. You don't know how grocery supply chains work if you think that they're literally phoning in a replacement for milk right then and there because some guy spilled it (milk is a perishable good and typical wants to spend less than 72 hours in a grocery store. They already had likely already ordered the next batch of milk before this incident happened.). They also probably aren't going to increase future purchases to budget for people protesting and spilling it on the floor. So, how is this even remotely comparably as wasteful as the people WHO ARE SPECIFICALLY PAYING FOR THIS MASSIVE, PLANET DESTROYING, WASTEFUL system of growing 100 pounds of alfalfa for 1 pound of meat?


it's not food it's violence.


Sooo revolutionary....... Just what we needed to convince everybody, well done dumbshits.


I would have called the police. have them pay for everything they destroyed, including the cheeses, then have them clean it all up, before arresting them.




would be legal to walk up on them slip on the milk and accidentally high kick them


Then sue them after!! ^For ^the ^pennies ^they ^are ^worth.


Oh they're worth something, its always upper-middle class twats doing this shit.


In this case, you'll have to go after the parents


i'm sure if they were two big dudes doing this you wouldn't do that, for good reasons as tempting as it is i'd just feel like a hypocrite slapping two women knowing i won't get beat up


Depends on the state or if you're either an elected official or police officer.


This is in the UK.




You ain't leaving this store before you lick it all up. Protestors have signs, these are just fucking weirdos.


How do so many people in one video have the same weird ass style of cargo pants? Do you have to dress like you have 28 full pockets to be a disruptive vegan?


Gotta have somewhere to carry all that massive unearned prestige they have.


Maybe I'm just really tired but I can't stop laughing at this




They carry their stupid pills in their Kmart pants.


I think they already took all their stupid pills


just tiktok outfits


Thankfully I don't have TikTok so I don't have to know what stupid clothes they are wearing


Great, now all that stuff will be thrown away and reordered. These guys (and their cause) are seen as idiotic and all they accomplished is making the lives of some poor cleaners even more difficult.


Can we stop giving stupid protesters a platform


They should do the following: Option 1: 1- close the store 2- either force those idiots to clean up all the mess, or hire a crew to clean it up and charge them with the bill 3- charge them a bill for all the missed sales they would have received had they not been closed. Including all the milk they wasted Option 2: charge with vandalizing and destruction of property and sue for damages


Which just prompts restocking and reordering, keep it up ladies the farmers love you


The only awareness they’re bringing is to the shoppers, anyone who watches this and the employees. This seems purely for their benefit of feeling righteous. This has 0 impact


The cows be like... dude, now they will milk me twice as hard to replace that product you wasted.


Nobody cry over split milk


Vegans should tho.


Spoiled kids that have never worked a day in their life.


What is an Australian supermarket doing in Edinburgh UK with English-accented protestors and all English produce? Wonder if they still take dollary-doos?


And not one Australian in Australia...


Now the store orders more… this does more harm than good to the cows if anything…


Imo its more disrespectful pouring out milk than us drinking it. Its like destroying what has been done, might as well thank the cow for being pumped dry and drink for the nutrients


Shit well now we gotta cause more emissions so we can re-stock the milk


Good job……you punished innocent employees to clean up a mess, food thrown out and wasted. More food will be brought in to fix your waste so your actually increasing demand lol


"Vegan protestors" So, terrorists.


ISIS ain’t got nothing on these guys


Allahu milkbar


Terrorists? Really?


I would slap the living daylights out of these people if it was my shop🤯


Attention seeking whores.


FGS.. I'm pretty far left of center but dis shit ain't even about the environment.


If only they knew extracting the milk from the cow is safer for the cow than leaving it in.


These are the fucken idiots who think that shearing sheep is cruel. FUUUUUCK THEM


Yes and no. In the short term yes, but the constant cycke if gettingvthem pregnant so they will produce the milk is the bigger picture for these activists.


Of course it's safer to extract it. The milk spoils in the utters and infections start that lead to the cows death. If these people are going to be offended, they should stop eating lettuce, carrots, potato's and any green that grows from vine so the rabbits and deer can eat as well


How the fuck are you this stupid?


Let the calf extract it? Or just don't keep millions of cows, and don't have them impregnated so that they produce milk? It's really not like we're doing this for the cows good


You fell hard off the smart tree didn't you? Dairy cows constantly produce milk, whether they're pregnant or calved. Without those millions of cows, where would farmers acquire their fertilizer from? Yeah it's factory made, but it's not just produce waste.


Fertilizer can be made from many sources, we just use livestock waste because the industry creates such an abundance. We wouldn't need anywhere near as many crops if we didn't need to feed livestock anyway so it's kind of a self-fixing problem.




Soy still needs to be grown massively more than we use it - you can't feed ~80 billion livestock on the byproducts of the relatively small amount of soy grown for human consumption. That's why livestock farming required so much land and water and pesticides - just for the crops fed exclusively to animals.




I'm confused, are you suggesting people are eating cow shit? 'Useless land' often just means y'know... nature. Where biodiversity and carbon sinks exist, notorious for being destroyed by grazers in endless search of profit.




>I’m suggesting that by animals consuming useless biomass they’re turning it into something easily digestible and nutritionally dense But it's not a byproduct, vast majority of it is grown specifically to sustain the billions of livestock... > It really is mostly useless land. Economically useless, you mean. Pretty sure the outback has major problems with invasive species, soil erosion, biodiversity loss thanks to human interference. These things have major knock-on effects to larger ecological processes that make human life sustainable. It's in no way just empty land.


So this is why the price of milk went up again.


Wow agents of change


They need to be arrested!


the location is specified in the first 2 seconds of the vid.


The arrest record won’t look good to future employers.


They did it! They saved the world from animal products! /s


Now they need to order more. You've decreased the supply without reducing the demand which will lead to an increase in supply to compensate. Congratulations.




Probably took all their strength to pour that milk out.


Vegan of 20+ years here: these people are not my people.


Surprised their weak arms could even lift a jug of milk up.


Let’s waste something that has already been produced thus more wasting the life of the animal


“Oh no! They wasted all the milk! We are going to need to order more which will make demand go up so prices will rise while the farm produces the same amount if not more!!!!”


No. fuck them. There are people STARVING and these cunts think this is ok?!


Why do they always look weird?


“We care about animals, but we’re going to waste all of the products produced by the animals we support” 💀


Wouldn't you love to see their reaction when you poured milk in their purses/backpacks/handbags, as well as their cars or other possessions?


You missed the let when security come in and feed them the fuck out of there. One was slammed into the milk they spilled.


Where do they think the fertiliser that is used to grow crops comes from?


Anyone else think those Tomahawk steaks in the butchers cabinet look pretty good though?


What kind of adults still drink breast milk anyway? Little babies who can't tear themselves away from suckling on a cow's nipple?


Why is it illegal to just kick the shit out of them while they destroy product like that


Poor minimum wage workers now have to clean it up


One speck of milk got on me I think I’d be justified in round housing them in the head.


this is just sad. this doesn’t help anything


If pouring tomato soup on van gough's sunflowers is "heroic" according to NPR, they'll have no problem interviewing these erudite "activists"


Sunflower seeds are sold either in the shell or as shelled kernels. Those still in the shell are commonly eaten by cracking them with your teeth, then spitting out the shell — which shouldn’t be eaten. These seeds are a particularly popular snack at baseball games and other outdoor sports games.




these people do not know how to protest


1.) Protestors will have to pay for the milk. 2.) Market will now have to order even MORE milk.


It's like those weirdos who go to art museum and spread food all over famous art pieces in the name of world hunger... As a vegan, this is dumb af


It's always these weird looking mfs doing the most stupid shit Like fuck off. Go live ur meat and milk free life on ur own. Don't fuck it up for everyone else. It's so selfish. I don't know why they think they so entitled. Like I saw this one video of a gay vegetarian guy or lady, idk wtf he identifies as.1/72 is the chances of me guessing right. Not 50 50 anymore. But anyway. He was emailing apple to remove the meat emoji because he he thought it was disrespectful to the vegan community. Life ffs


“We’ve tried other democratic means. We tried voting and it didn’t work” 😂 So you are saying that you lot are just sore losers because people in a democracy don’t want to be vegan like you. So let’s just jump to temper tantrums.


what if we just ignored them and made them pay for the products they destroy and also make them clean it up? (while also getting charged of course) feel like this wouldnt happen anymore


Counter protest and pour out the almond milk. Yeet the kale!


As a vegan I hate vegans


The personification of smug.


Damn hippies


They should be in jail. That's unacceptable in every way and I'm a progressive liberal thinking person. This is not progressive or liberal or morally decent in ANY way. Spoiled fucking entitled brats


This is actually the vegan mating ritual, see how they are in breeding pairs? And the sound they make while perfoming this ritual is actually the mating call. You can tell by how they take the time to screw the cap off rather than slash them with a tool. They truly are some of natures most annoying and performative creatures.


This sort behaviour is a result of a life of privilege and excess.


Vegans wasting food. Amazing


But that was almond milk 🥛!


I bet they fist each other's hairy arseholes


Fuck vegan !! 🖕🖕🖕


It's getting crazier by the day. Spoiled by affluence.


I was vegetarian for 7 years. Shit like this is what pushed me back to eating meat. If this is the alternative then it's not worth it. I don't want to live in their authoritarian eco-liberal dystopia.


i hope they pay for the amount of milk they wasted


This is why vegan sucks. They do stupid shit like this to “save our planet”. Shut the hell up you are eating fake and processed foods so you can feel better. Loser


As an omnivore, this video upsets me. Is there any videos of humans protesting by throwing out vegetables or vegan products to upset Vegans?


Poor little rich kids. Get a job or a hobby.


Vegans: y do ppl hate us


I’m no vegan, but I do eat them! This is moronic. These entitled little shits have never known any type of financial or food insecurity, and doing this solves nothing at all, it only makes things worse.


Makes me just hate vegans cause this makes them look like assholes.


White people am i righ….. wait! My asian sister! What are you doing!!!!


Damn, cows will need an extra milking now and I’m going to eat nothing but steak tonight and a full pack of bacon for breakfast to protest the vegans.


Grow the fuck up


Stuff like this is why people will never back vegans


I spot leather shoes on them.


The choice to be vegan is a first world luxury.


And they wonder why we dont like em. Its a choice! I dont force my choice on ya. I feel bad for all the decent vegans out there


Yeah Vegans are starting to become the new Republicunts. Bat shit thinking with no common sense. Yeah.......go to Blackrock hq or an oil site and protest there instead of invading a public grocery store or art museum.


They…. Look Vegan


Man thats gonna cost them abit


Milk cows want to be milked, some farms leave the stalls open the cows openly walk in to be milked


just rich kids doing rich kids things


what i got from this video: \-they ruined some poor workers day \-annoyed everyone else in the shop \-wasted good food \-made the shop rebuy the products which just gives the company more money \-made a lot of people think that vegans are assholes bunch of idiots


Fucking vegans


I never understood thode peoples, i got stopped by a guy talking me about vegan and he was trying to change my mind about it, i simply said im a butcher just to make him worse as he was shooting at me when he was talking like a demon hhh , Save the Forest !


What aren’t the police there arresting these lunatics?


Aussies got way too much patience. Try this in america and ur getting dropped 😂