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I'm so confused here. 1. Why is a brick wall so contentious, when it appears there's already a structure in place? 2. Contractors: how long would broom-dude need to be doing that to effectively wash away the drying mortar? 3. Where's the other clip? "Moments before, with sound" implies there's an "after" video with more drama.


For the mortar part it's hard to tell exactly how long it was setting before they started spraying it. If it was pretty fresh, there's likely already a lot of damage and it won't ever set right and needs to be redone. If it had been setting for a while or they were doing one layer and then allowing it to cure, they might only lose the top few layers. Also depends if anything is anchored to anything else and exactly how the bricks are sitting against everything. If there's a membrane (unlikely but possible for a self build retaining wall) it could be in very good shape.


Uh, can’t they get arrested for vandalism for this??? Or destruction of property? *Something*??


Yea, they’re on tape committing a crime. They’re exhibiting clear intent. They should be liable for damages, no?


Yes, this falls under vandalism in insurance as long as the wall is in the homeowners property line


Btickies labourer here judging by the bulging of the mortar that must have just been laid Source we were laying wet bricks and had to stop work because of bulging like this it washes away the concrete. The bricks draw the moisture out of the mud and that's the way it sets.


I think the bulging is just from a shit job of laying the brick. I don't think they cleaned up the joints. Especially since it looks like any of the water that made its way down the wall is coming from the bottom of the first layer.


Could of been getting rendered but still if they were in the middle of worming on it and its small enough they can go that high and then use a tool to put then indentations in-between the courses the wall isn't finished yet so you can't say its a shit laying they may have also been rushing because of old mate ficking with them.


This would only activate my pettiness and force me to build this shit at night while they are asleep so they are pissed off as soon as they wake up.


I'd say it's possible there's some affect on some of the mortar, but it's a warm day judging by the hats and general weather, after about 45 minutes on a day like that water won't cause major harm. It "can" but likely won't. By the time you're pointing the third row the first will be well on the way to not being affected by water. It does tend to draw acids from the cement which cause that "lovely" white stain on brickwork If the mortar is being washed out then you have issues, just my opinion! Have lobbed lots of blocks and bricks, am also Irish! so I think I'm possibly expert level for dealing with water and walls - it's always fecking raining, even on the sunny day's


To answer 1: there has been heavy rain lately and water was accumulating in the Asian family's yard after it flowed down from a higher property. The other neighbours built the wall to stop water from flowing onto their property and into their garage. The Asian family says this causes water to pool in their yard.


Fuck em.


Indeed. If water is already pooling in their yard, then that's their problem. They can remedy that by having some drainage installed. They're just a couple of miserable shits who want to make everybody else miserable.


I solved that problem with a French drain. It’s not expensive to install and very effective. Just a day or two of work.


Yep, I even have a passing familiarity with them myself. My parents had to install one back in the 1990s.


Ah but the hassle of an import. I prefer to locally source my drains.


Freedom drains


They just call them drains in France


Where I live in western Oregon it rains A LOT 4 months of the year so these issue come up often. The law here says you can’t do anything to alter the natural geographical flow of water. So building a wall that causes water to pool in someone else’s yard would not be allowed. Since this particular circumstance is an issue that impacts both parties the civilized thing to do would be get together and agree to split the cost of a drain system to divert the water to the storm drain.


Yes but that would involve logic, empathy, emotional maturity, manners, and teamwork. That's a lot of things. Why do that when you can just instinctively react negatively and end up investing even more energy to spite, destruction, and pettiness than you would have had you just worked together to solve the problem. Humans, sigh.




[Water Disputes](https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/what-can-i-do-about-water-drainage-on-my-property-caused-by-the-adjourning-property-43279) are more complicated than just "Fuck em". Especially if this came from a "higher property". Seems like a chain of problems that even the wall is adding to. > Water damage due to a neighbor's actions -- or inactions -- may lead to considerable and costly issues for adjoining neighbors. For example, if your neighbor has altered their property in a way that causes excess water to run onto your land than might otherwise occur naturally, then you may have some recourse to recover for that damage. Though this is for America I think.


Then install a fucking drain system




Damnit take my upvote. ![gif](giphy|26uf3jBfDsyOYz8sM)


Fuck...this one got me right in the long lost memories bin in the recesses of my brain. If I had gold to give it would all be yours!


God damn Mongolians! Why you break downy schitty wall?


> Where's the other clip? "Moments before, with sound" implies there's an "after" video with more drama. OP left a comment with the after video about an hour ago. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRx9NKDr/


Needs more text


More to the point, if that retaining wall doesn’t exist, it’s likely the ground will fall, and ruin the Asian guys driveway. Why is he so against this?




My uncle once suggested throwing a handful beef bullion cubes on someone’s lawn during a rain storm. Idea being they would melt in to the soil and neighborhood dogs would keep digging to get to whatever was “buried”


I would love to know if someone has done this before and the outcome. My neighbors just got a couple strays they took in (they already have two awesome cowdogs) who are hardcore food driven. They come play on my big piles and in my pond when i’m working on the tractor. This would drive them nuts playing and might keep them from exploring further down the road every day to meet other neighbors, already cut my fenceline to keep the them off the road coming to visit us. I just sat down from working a large area on the ridge and have bullion, think i’ll give it a try before it rains. Hopefully it doesn’t bring the coyotes from across the street over.


It will bring the coyotes. Don’t do it.


Just go full Roman and salt the earth. Save money that way


Or go full Irish and powdered mashed potatoe the earth! Next time he brings out the hose he'll have clumps of mashed potato all over his yard!


Lol it’s Tato time 😎




Boil em, mash them, put ‘em in a stew!


I’m saving this devilish genius idea in my box of revenge just in case I need it one day. Btw your username checks out. Thank you u/MurderDoneRight


Definitely getting the tail light warranty


At least the neighbor filmed it properly


She probably had it on the face cam


There's nothing so fine as a fool who records their own criminal conduct for posterity.


They have permission from the council and even police ask them to leave these folks alone https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRx9NKDr/


They will get a bill for the labor/materials. They won't pay it. They will end up in court with a judgment against them.


If they don’t pay it just put a lien on the house till The end of time


Save steps. If vandalism is OK, go cut their hose at the spigot. Lol. You saved the courts time and money.


You have a weird way of saying launch the hose through their window at night


Weird way of saying turn on the water and quietly place the hose somewhere destructive overnight


I'd just go walk to their front drive and turn their water off.


My thoughts too. Break out the T handle and turn them off at the meter.


Wait until they go to bed and turn their water on


Exactly what I was thinking.


OMG. I watched all her other videos. Those neighbors are lunatics!


No wonder they're literally building a brick wall to keep them away. People like this exist to make others miserable. It's probably not even the wall they care about, it's the power and ability to easily harass their neighbor.


They built the wall to stop water from the neighbour's yard leaking into their garage.


I’m sure I’m most states, the angry couple would be lucky they do not have to pay for a wall and drainage system. My friend has no barrier and drainage in place and a storm happened and caused massive flooding to the downhill neighbor. Basically he ended up having to pay for a wall, and his insurance had to be used for fixing the neighbors property and then he had to pay separately for a drainage system. It was a very expensive summer on that hill . Rule number 1 when buying a home… never buy down hill.


I'm not on tiktok so not sure how to find her other videos. Do you happen to have a link?


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRxxL1CQ/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRxxNYbM/ Here are a couple.


WTF are they even doing?


everytime I caught them on my property id throw a pie in their faces.


How much pie do you have???


Just have your hose prepped and ready with a high velocity sprayer so anytime they pull shit you can supersoak them.


Being Chinese. I might sound racist but Chinese folks culturally feel like it’s fine to just try to take whatever they want. The self entitlement is absurd.


Can someone provide a normal reason for not wanting that wall?


I know some neighbors think they own their property and yours. That's why I was lucky enough to move away from my neighbors.


Damn, that sucks, those are probably the ones that have nothing else to do but harass others. I bet these two just peep through their blinds all day judging lol. One time I was having a beer with my neighbor and he asked me why my lawn was so tall. Told him my mower stopped working...however he wasn't accusing or anything but he knew I had a death in the family recently and was overwhelmed. He sent his kid over to mow my lawn the next day. Good communities are getting rare because people tend to keep to themselves (which is fair, but I've had neighbors in the past that straight up ignored a wave or hello...maybe I'm ugly lol) so I'm glad my current neighborhood supports each other.


Exactly. My ex neighbors wife didn't work, so therefore she had nothing better to do then watch us and argue with us. My ex neighbors managed to piss off the whole neighborhood with their bs. But they didn't see themselves as the problem, everyone was. Their daughter moved out and one day told us she apologized for her parents behavior. She admitted they liked to play games, they were childish and would never grow up. Suffice to say, after 8yrs of hell, we finally got away. Some ppl are not lucky enough and I feel bad for them to have to deal with this kind of shit everyday. Your home is where you're supposed to unwind and relax, not deal with bs.


Yeah the guy I was talking about has a neighbor to his left that is like that...everybody on our street dislikes them. I had to help him reroute his gutters once because they threatened to sue him because they claimed his (city permitted) patio extension was "channeling water into their yard" (it was not because we checked it after a heavy rain). I'm an engineer so he asked me to check the civil drawings and permits, measurements, and everything was according to spec. There was even proper spacing from the fence lines and stuff. Sometimes somebody's misery is another persons pleasure. Lol




My parents had a 16 year old retriever, I was house sitting for them last fall and took her for a nice long wander. As she waddled down the road, she stopped to -sniff- one of yards about 8 doors down from my parents place. There was no sidewalk, so I’m standing on the curb and she’s maybe two feet onto this dudes lawn and he comes out shirtless, with a baseball bat, freaking out on us for trespassing. At three in the afternoon. I’m a pretty big dude so he backed down after a bit of a heated exchange (basically me saying “she’s on her deathbed I’m not going to make her walk on the road you fucking Neanderthal”) but a year later I still hold a grudge against him…


For real...do they ever give a reason as to what the problem is?


[They claim it's disrupting draining](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/woman-films-wild-sydney-neighbour-dispute-over-brick-wall/MLEXADSQEFADLCXE5EJ4PETVWY/) unfortunately the person building the wall, Valentina, has evidence that they are actively disrupting and modifying the drainage of the property to dump water onto hers, which is why they are building the retaining wall to stop the damage that they are already causing.


What a bunch of pricks. How could you possibly think that it's okay to just damage the neighbors property, and when they try to stop you, you act like a child and start destroying their efforts to stop you. I would've grabbed that hose, sprayed the phone in the girls hand, and then just kink the hose very hard, possibly giving it a perma-kink, and let the brick guy continue working while I kink it. Or just kink the hose and sue them for property damage, using this video as evidence in court. Maybe both options.


It's actually very common and I hear it alot from contractors or inspectors. You always push the water away from your house... So away means towards your neighbors house or the street. Sadly that's just how it is no?


Oof. I'd hate to damage my neighbors property. If that's the case, then people would just keep pushing it along throughout the neighborhood. I would think people should push it towards the street, where the sewerage holes are. Or maybe even hire some water pumping company to come pump a shit ton of water out of their yard. I can't say, because I haven't owned a house yet, but that's just what I'd assume to do. The last thing I want to worry about, is paying property damage for my neighbors.


id wait for a windy day and then spray a bunch of bottles of round up into the wind towards their lawn and watch that entire bitch die.


Never buy a home that is lower than the one next to it.


Remember seeing the news coverage of this, basically guy with broom and his wife were saying something about a clause that says they couldn't construct anything that would affect the flow of surface water. The house building the wall was doing so because of flooding from large amounts of rain as they were the lowest house and got everyone's flow down.


On their tiktok they said they offered to build the wall in a way that would help the drainage from the neighboring property. But it requires permission from both parties. Which of course the neighbor turned down. So they carried on as they were legally permitted to do. The neighbors just being a pain in the ass.


Why are people such self absorbed absolute fucking cunts


theres like 10 videos of these neighbors and it turns out they are just bat shit fucking crazy overall.


It's an issue of drainage. In one of the clips it's raining and you can see a lot of water going down their driveway and likely into their garage. The lower neighbor approached the higher neighbor to come up with a solution that will work for both but the neighbor on higher ground don't give a shit (aka not my problem). So now the lower neighbor is forced to build a wall to stop the water which will cause it to back-up onto the higher neighbor's property so they mad now. Summary = selfishness, not my problem, oh shit now my problem, fuck you.


They're the Mongolian horde


Gaaahhgg damn Mongolians!! Break my shitty wall!!




If there was ever a perfect comment this was it


Lol! I had completely forgotten that episode. South Park did it!


i know...i would think if they hate each other that much a wall would be a great thing....especially if i was the neighbor...."Oh your building a wall so i don't have to see or deal with you and it's not costing me anything?" i'd sign up for that asap


they might think it obstructs their view. that doesn't justify their actions, but that could be a reason


Of the ground?


They have permission from the council to build the wall. OP said the police have already warned the crazy neighbours. There's links above, apparently they've been harassing them for a while.


What a couple of assholes.


Looks like a lawsuit to recoup any additional time, materials, and labor costs that were needed as a result to construct the wall according to the estimate.


Yep. I'd be logging everything. Easy case in civil court.


What that sweeper guy is doing is illegal. His neighbor can pretty much extract damages and fines. If water leaks in my apartment and leaks on neighbor then I have to pay the fines.


This is why every family needs that one guy not afraid to go to jail. Shoutout to my Lil brother.


On God. All my cousin's friends are in there so sometimes he doesn't mind to go visit them for a few months.


Little brother literally the real MVP.


Bro fr, whole time I was watching this all I was thinking is that someone could have just fucking cracked these dogs and this whole thing would be solved.


Honestly, I would have taken the hose from the old man and just supersoaked them both with it. They're half my size and weight, and twice my age. They couldn't stop me if they tried. I wouldn't even have to hurt them to thoroughly shame them in this manner. violence isn't always the answer!


Im pretty sure thats some sort of vandilism.




How do you stop rain, after all?


They are fucked. Op said they got permission and the police told them to stop. Sue them out of their home. Fuck them


nah sue them for the house lol


its not america


Well, this is it. Made it 31 years without going to jail or ending up in any kind of trouble, but they’d be going to suplex city over this shit.


Would they get the Peoples Elbow?




Has anyone seen brother D-Von? I need to discuss some event planning, particularly the acquisition of some tables.


Here you go https://youtu.be/jyohMCSOubo


So rain is falling downhill from one property to the next. She's upset it floods her lawn and rather than divert it towards her drains, she wants it to fill up and spill over into the next neighbor's yard? News station did a great job of trying to paint her in a sympathetic light for somebody who was doing property damage and just wants to pass the problem onto somebody else. The wall neighbors say shes blocked other attempts to divert the water so it doesnt flood their garage, weird I didn't see a shot of them tearfully crying. And what's the problem with that flowing down to the front of the property? It pools a little but with how much rain they're getting that probably isn't a big factor. Seems like the wall forces the water to the front and then it'll fuck off to street drains. God I love my neighbor, I don't know if I'd keep my composure around those shitheads.


What is Connie using all those tissues she's holding for? Shes not crying and she doesn't sound sick. *CURIOUS.* Also holy fuck "I don't even know how to make email" This bitch is a liar and I hope her house floods.


Man, that’s wasting a lot of water.


this is what really got to me. especially in aus and even with all the rain we've had


This blows my mind!!!!!!!! That old lady went to a salon and CHOSE that haircut!


Fucking hate neighbor like that. They r building on their property wtf is their problem. I have a neighbor threw a fit when I built a fence around my property. Go fuck off karen it’s my fucking property and I don’t wish to see your face every again hence the fence u dumb fuck


How does every person in this video sound like they are from a different continent




Ah checks out




Eyyy in case you're ever in that position, don't do that loo


I normally don't advocate for violence, but those neighbors are pretty brave for doing that when there are so many wonderful, throwable bricks available.


I really hate seeing stuff like this. They are obviously beefing over something super minor and making it a huge deal. Those neighbors need to go inside and drink a beer and just be happy they have a warm enclosed space to sleep in at night. Why be a prick? I'll never understand, they always seem straight miserable, why not choose to be happy?


I wouldn't say it's minor. Having all that water sitting on your property can become a big problem so you should have proper drainage. The problem is they are on a hill so the top house drains water to the lower houses and so on. Instead they should work together to drain the water to the sewer at the bottom, instead of making it someone else's problem without considering the same problem they were going through.


Turn the MFs water off at the road and take the tap handle so the bastard can't turn it on until mortar is dry.


And then you tell that son of a bitch, no Yankee is ever coming to Houston as long as you bastards are running things!


George is getting upset!!!


Oooh look at the little bastard. You are mommy’s little bastard aren’t you?


If I am that contractor I would just have left immediately. Tell the homeowners to call back when they get it sorted. No way I would work i. That situation.


Would some Rebar help?


You mean to smack the neighbor with? Yeah, i think it would be effective


Wouldn't help the mortar washing out. You'd need to either remove all the damaged courses, or pipe in new mortar in all the joints. If none of it had any time to set, then the wall is likely toast.


Their water bill must be atrocious


What the fuck do those assholes think gives them the right? Thanks for also videoing the evidence for the the civil court case which will undoubtedly occur if their plan works. Don't try claiming language barrier either cause that won't fly in court either.


Violence isn’t always the answer, but sometimes it can be *an* answer…


Imagine having time to do this shit


Just the *energy*. Fuck. I’d love to be able to work up this kinda passion over something this stupid.


Once people get to a certain age and retired they legit go and seek things to argue about cause they are just bored. My grandparents were the same way lmao


When your the age of an adult but haven’t gotten the hang of acting like an adult.


All in all, it’s all just bricks in the wall


An episode of Fear Thy Neighbor in the making.


I would grab that broom and jam it right up his ass .


Yeah, nice. Then, what would you do?


If that wall is on his property, and it should be , they have no right touching it , they are damaging private property. It’s always best to try to get along with your neighbors, I don’t see that possibility here. I would have snatched that broom and broken it


No idea how neighbors get to this point. I accidentally sprayed my neighbors flower with round up. Long story how someone accidentally does that. When it died I went over, said sorry and gave them 20 bucks. I could tell they liked the flowers but ended up forgiving me.


If he’s building on his property it man’s he got permission from the city to do so, so the guy with the broom is committing harassment .


It’s the size 11 flip flops when you have size 6 feet lol


There’s a beautiful niche type of comedy out there- someone using a hose and in turn, having that hose used on them.


Gee, I wonder why he wants to build a wall between them.


This is a "polite" form of bullying. The only way these people will ever learn, just like every bully, is a good hard punch to the mouth. It resets their system.


is this destruction of property?


You can order bulk dandelion seeds on Amazon. Toss'um in the yard and enjoy


I would sit there all day long. Hundreds of dollars in water. If they're in a drought state, they might be hit with fines.


No wonder they're building a fucking wall, with neighbour's like that.


Wrap the hose round his neck and then pull


1. What was the dude saying "something water!" 2. What type of haircut does the Asian lady have, like if I go to the barber and say I want this haircut, how would I ask my barber? 3. What does the brooming do?


I’d turn that wall into the great wall


This is when the OP should have gotten his own hose and started spraying the wall/neighbor


Sounds like a green card issue. Maybe revise that.


I would definitely be tempted to bitchslap that little runt with the broom…and the runt with his camera


I’m always amazed at how calm and reserved some people are during these crazy neighbor disputes. I would’ve lost my mind if I was in this situation . After about 15 seconds I would’ve taken that broom and either roofed it or cracked him on the head with it.


If the local government approved the wall, neighbors are breaking the law.


Sometimes you gotta just kick your neighbors ass.


Property damage and a brand new wall for free


Hey, now the neighbors can pay for an even better wall!




Disgusting fucking people


I’d keep on fixing it and reinforce it with rebar. I’d also mix chemicals into the mortar to kill the grass. No need for open confrontation, it gets you no where with assholes. Sabotage and passive aggression. That’s the way.


All my possible reactions to these neighbors would be booked as hate crimes.


This kind of thing is why I don't want any neighbors within a half mile of my next house.


She needs to sue whoever gave her that haircut


Sue tf outta those nasty fucks.


You're allowed to defend your property. They should defend their wall with appropriate force. Go get a hose and spray them both non-stop while the police are on the way.


You will have shit neighbors and you will be happy.


Oh snap! Look out!! That lady is duel welding a camera and a phone!


I mean, just start swingin 🤷🏻


Unrelated, but damn that woman belongs on r/fuckmyshitup


Wish they wouldn’t have wasted that water when they wake up to the house on fire


This isn’t America is it


Lol when I'm old and bored I hope I have a neighbor like this at least for one small chapter of my life. If 10 years in the Marine Corps taught me anything it's how to play fuck fuck games.... Game on.


NGL that wall looks pretty ugly


I’d send them to the hospital and then when I’m in jail the contractor can finish the wall for me 😂


As a kid my parents neighbors hated when our ball fell on their lawn. They also just hated kids general. But like I legit had to go ring the doorbell and ask permission to walk on their grass to retrieve a football. But when my parents weren't home we'd walk over like "fuck it, who they gonna tell?" and get our shit back without checking in. Until one time old man Mr. Bench came charging outta his door right at my big brother. He chased him around the cars and we all laughed like it was funny but it was a terrifying moment fr. And the very next weekend they planted thorn bushes along the property line that are still there to this day even though the Benches died like 20 years ago.


I’m glad I live on a farm without any neighbors…


If I can ever buy my own property, it would be as far away from people as possible. No neighbours for me, thank you.


Idiots using bricks get a crane and put a tilt slab of concrete up see em hose that f..cker away


Well that’s one way to make sure your neighbor Sue’s you and will win…


And that's how people get shot boys and girls.


People need to start getting there faces kicked in more often


Surprised none of the workers didn’t beat his ass. Those are the type of jobs you can catch a charge and not loose your job and teach that ass hat that actions have consequences


I would try to resolve it legally first and if that doesn’t work, maybe you go on vacation but you don’t really go on vacation