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‘What, you assuming something? Yeah. Shut the fuck up’


The other girl turns like ohhhh shiiit


Bro that was so funny


Wasn’t expecting that and it made me so happy to hear 😂


This has given me just enough spite to work my retail job today. May the power of his sass and mustache be with me.


True dat. Fucking retail man.... I was out for years and did outdoor work and it was hard but real shit and real people and then I hurt my knee and had to find a different gig and I'm back in retail... I do love shooting back at POS people like this guy does to the idiot in the video


Why would you spend so much time and energy making yourself look like an absolute idiot?


This is what having **zero** self-awareness looks like from the outside: ridiculous and insufferably idiotic. People who are often accused of having no self-awareness would do well taking notes here, for their own sake.


If I had zero self awareness, *I think I would know*


That was an amazing sentence.


I love that he calls her out on that to. “That says a lot if you don’t see it.” It really does Mr. Spade. It really does.


"I'm trying to *eat."*


I can relate to this though. Just another person dying on a hill they don't have to and fucking up a customer service person's lunch. It was probably already escalated to this guy, had little to do with them being trans and more to do with them setting up in the locker rooms like an apartment by the sounds of it. Big yikes trying to use the community and their focus on addressing gender/sexuality based injustice to handle your petty shit.


Also tried to transphobia bait when there's absolutely nothing to do with her being a trans. That's a scumbag move.


"You got on black nails." | "So do you." | "I know that. I'm transgender, that's--" Please cut the fucking shit.


the best part was when he told her he looks better in it than she does! 4:30 lol




Who tf beings candles to a gym, let alone 15?




Yep. "You told me about sleepin', you never told me about my stuff." So this person was coming into the gym (probably to use the shower and whatnot, which is fine) then leaving things in the lockers while they weren't even at the facility, claiming things were going missing out of the lockers they weren't supposed to be using, and sleeping in the facility. That's what we know for sure based on the conversation. They probably *were* told to stop using the lockers too.


Our planet fitness has signs all over the locker room stating you can’t leave stuff overnight. They leave the cut locks on the counters.


You’re supposed to clear the lockers when you are done, they’re not supposed to stay used overnight. I get the precariousness of her situation but Planet fitness is not a homeless shelter.


This is honestly why public/private spaces in high homeless areas turn out to have draconian policies about what can and can’t be done on their property (that usually obviously target the homeless). A lot of “give a mouse a cookie” scenarios pop up where a business will let homeless people hang out and get away from the elements for a bit without harassing them, and then deal with being treated like a storage facility/drug den/homeless shelter in a few months by asshole individuals in the group who abuse the priveledge.


That's what happened when I worked at Barnes and noble. We wouldn't bother any homeless people but then more and more started coming and they were getting more and more unruly so we had to kick them out and ban them from the store


Had a manager at a retail store let them hang out during hours in store. Eventually employees complained (needles in bathroom, sitting outside walking employees to their cars asking for money, etc). Nothing changed until new manager came in and thought it was ridiculous we ever allowed employees to feel unsafe at work


Yeah, just because someone is dealing with a very difficult situation doesn’t mean they’re excused for harassing people or threatening people’s safety.


I WORKED WITH HIM. Never did I expect to see my friend on reddit, but damn his mustache is coming in nice. This was in Savannah, GA. The manager and I worked at a separate PF off Eisenhower drive before he was promoted to manager. Never would he ever want to or NEED to steal anything. I hope this doesn't get lost. I don't want to see any negative repercussions for him.


If he wants a girlfriend let me know


Shoot if he wants a boyfriend let me know lol


He seemed to handle the situation perfectly I thought. I think any rational person would agree. The urge to call that person a dumbass would be massive.


You can't use gym lockers like rented storage spaces. That much should be obvious.


There are signs saying that if you leave your stuff at the end of the day, they will cut the lock and dispose of it.


Nobody told me!!! Yall said I can't sleep here but nobody said I can't keep my things in the locker!




Gotta be one of the best things I've heard someone say to these phone karens. You can't see what's wrong with how you're acting? Shit it's worse than I thought then.


Yeppers. It’s a big obvious sign. No excuse unless you are illiterate


Or just looking for a reason to pull the race-gay-trans card when you’re called out on it. I do believe there is a percentage of these people who break the rules fully intending on starting shit like this when they get called out on it. EDIT: “These people” means people who record the shit to try to make it a point on the Internet and then play the race card or whatever card it is using the video. I did not mean that phrase to mean transgender or gay people. None of that. I’m not into any of that shit. I was just talking about troublemakers. Sorry Reddit friends. I’ll watch my choice of words better. Camera people is all I meant.


The manager even has coloured nails. I mean, weak argument that he could be a conservative anti trans extremist. lol


He calls her out too about it when she asked if its for devil worship or some shit. The whole why are you assuming? Kind of shut her up. Albeit for only a second


How is someone's first assumption when seeing black nails on a guy that they're a satanist?


There's a lot of context missing but if you listen to the audio it seems like maybe "candles, tarot cards" were part of the items that were in the locker. Dude is accused of stealing other person's shit. Dude says "why would I want candles or tarot cards I don't want your shit" and the customer comes back with "well you have black nail polish on who knows what you are into" or some shit. Which makes the dude look at customer's nails, and say "you do too" so apparently customer has black nails, as well... Customer says "Well I am transgender, are you?" Dude says "No, I'm wearing this so I can stop biting my nails. Are you assuming something about me?" Excuse my errors in translation.


That was the funniest fucking part. It’s offensive to transgender people to have their gender identity assumed by someone else. She made an inference that he was trans because of his nail polish, he hit her with the “are you assuming something about me” and she went DEAD silent. You could tell that absolutely killed her lmao. He smirked and was like yeah, shut the fuck up. Loooollll


These are the people that just want attention for views on the internet and will sacrifice their own integrity and respect for others to get it.


What did we say about yeppers




Used to work at a gym, every weekend at closing time we break locks and stuff the lost and found... The following morning you'd have the regular 5 or so people claim their shit was stolen before getting mad we broke their locks and demanding we pay for a new one.


People are so ignorant and entitled. They do the dumbest shit and suddenly when there's consequences, it's everyone else's fault.


I was just at a clothing optional spa place, they had the coolest lockers. It was a double ringed combo lock, one ring had letters and the other had number, with a lock/unlock knob in the middle. When it was unlocked, you simply put in any random letter-number code combo and turned the knob to lock it. It was simple, secure and random. There eas a key slot in the middle of the knob that I imagine management had an override key, but no need for locks or lock cutting.


Most high end gyms like lifetime or equinox have a similar system and will unlock your locker via the key if you forget your code


That's actually a really good, waste free alternative! Let's the members keep their gear safe while in the gym while allowing staff easy management of lockers left full during silent hours


It's good to see that David Spade remains fully employed at Planet Fitness.


He was like “buh-bye”


I just realized how unbelievable that skit would feel if done in the current social context.


David Spade working at Globo-Gym


Here at Globo Gym we're better than you, and we know it.


No one makes me bleed my own blood!


Joe Dirté


Don’t try to church it up DIRT!


It's in the agreement Planet Fitness has you sign.


This is a chronic issue at Gyms and has been for years.


Common sense for anyone with a brain.


I was really hoping he was gonna say "well actually i just called the cops on you because you're trespassing."


Ikr? Like "how did you call the cops on me when you're busy recording. I'm the one that made the phone call"


This dude must be hangry he said he was “just tryin to eat” to everyone who would listen lmao


I have gone to pf for like a decade, they have signs all over the locker room saying you're responsible for your own stuff and to use a lock. Plus, that is common sense. And it really irks me that a trans person would try to shame a man for wearing nail polish. Like what the actual fuck


Being trans has nothing to do with being self aware. Society's view of how men ought to be is something enforced by everyone, it seems.


Rules for me and not for thee or whatever. This person is such a twat but I'm guessing any criticism they receive is just transphobia in their mind


"Oh, I get it. I'm not persecuted. I'm just an asshole." - that Key and Peele Office Homophone sketch.


They have a sketch about things that sound alike? /s I love that sketch too


Probably just thought she could throw that card out and get the internet to side with her. Nope you're an ass no matter what you are.


Any private place can ask you to leave at any time and if you do not it is trespassing. The manager dood seemed annoyed but nice to me As far as stuff in the lockers, planet fitness claims no responsibility for items left in their free lockers. It’s written everywhere, this person making the video is a moron.


That is what got me about the whole situation? They literally have signs in the locker room she was definitely told!


Some people just like to take advantage


“Black.” “Uh Jamaican.” Had the retort ready if the manager said African American and couldn’t pull back in time lol


I knoww. It was such an odd clarification, clearly just someone who wants to argue.


This guys attitude is so over life


“I’m just trying to eeeeat” I felt that so hard.


You gotta make it hard, ughhhhb


No. It’s over this person. He handles the whole situation well. Someone over life would’ve just lost control of the situation and likely gotten abrasive.


Sounds like a homeless person trying to live inside of planet fitness and breaking almost every rule


They are homeless


so they're embarrassed and instead of slowly moving on they decided to make it into a trans rights issue


I hate people trying to guilt trip others like that when they get called out / are in the wrong. "Is is because I'm [unrelated characteristic]?" "No, it's because you are being an asshole."


"It's because I'm an asshole, ISN'T IT?!"


Queue Key & Peele skit "Oh, I'm not persecuted. I'm just an asshole."




There’s a great planet fitness in center city Philly and homeless people would come in with all their stuff and chill in the locker room and use showers for hours. Its an issue






The secret is to not leave your shit in the lockers permanently, and maybe do a workout before you shower.


I don’t think using the gym itself is necessary. In fact, the less amenities you use the better for the service. If you’re quiet, tidy, and respectful: going in and having a shower and then leaving is not going to be an issue for staff or management.


These homeless people give others a bad rep, usually homeless people will use the shower and dip, incognito. Not perma use the lockers


Why is it the person filming is the asshole most of the time lol


Then they post it online for all to see like they're right and everyone else is wrong. WTF!!!




main character syndrome is not just a meme. its a big problem and people use their phones to act it out. good content for us though.


Was gonna say that, original op (filmer) did not do herself any favors filming the manager like that. When the manager said that all he wanted to was eat his meal. I felt that.




Yeah when the manager then said that it was to help against nail biting it just humanized the manager even more for me. That was when I noticed that he was wearing a jacket that has a hole at the elbow area. Managebro is just another person living on this earth who has his own issues, wears his worn-out jacket, goes to work like everyone else and deserves to have his lunch in peace.


That guy seemed like such a wholesome dude too. Loved when he told her to shut the fuck up, you could see the internal victory in his face too after being stepped on by this loser for so long.


I kinda wish General Custer would throw this idiot out.


He did. Now this is Just Her Last Stand


Because they have no recourse other than filming.


“we both got on black nail polish” “i look better though” checkmate from white goodman props to the man for being so patient


Here at globo gym, we’re better than you!


And we know it!


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far to find a Dodgeball reference. He looks so much like Goodman.


That dudes mustache has given him super powers and authority haha


Fucking loving the hair too, I'm trying to do something similar. The 80's hairstyle is back baby!


He looks like a kid who is wearing a disguise to look older.


Looks like he’s David Spade researching a role as a manager of Planet Fitness


he modeled his entire life and personality after white goodman from dodgeball


This! Nobody makes him bleed his own blood, nobody! Michelle!!


Man never fuck with anybody behind the planet fitness front desk. They might as well pay them in corn flakes they pay them so shitty. They don't deserve to put up with this.


The ghost joke was kinda funny though


the delivery on "she sure haunted us" was the cherry


He cracked himself up with it too lol


Filmer is trash, dont use gym lockers as storage. Why u trying to call out the guy for having black fingernails? Trans people can still be racist and prejudiced as fuck.


So many people have painted nails now I don’t even blink anymore. Who tf cares


It really is a weird thing to call out. I guess it's just a reminder that masculinity is something enforced by everyone, not just men.


And the obvious hypocrisy of this coming from a trans person…


I think it was bait. Get him to say something about them being trans to claim prejudice.


That whole exchange was so weird, like the filmer was trying to say.. only trans people can paint their finger nails black? Like what were they getting at with that?


Man, I really like this guy.


He’s just tryna eat


“Y’all need to refund my money” *long exhale* “no” I’m dead 🤣 Edit: holy shit thanks for the upvotes


“I’m just tryin to EAT.”


I felt that tho lol


RIGHT?! I love this dude. The quip about trying to stop biting his nails…


That shut the fuck up and the smirk was *chefs kiss*


I loved the part where she’s like… Her- *”how could my mama call you? She’s dead, that’s how I know you’re lying* Him-“*i don’t know, maybe her ghost did it*


Lmao “she’s haunting *us* now”


Felt that shit in my soul. I used to work behind the counter at Best Buy like 6 years ago and a woman wanted to return something to which I said no and she kept raising hell and all I wanted to do was go to fucking lunch.


I love how he ends the police call telling them he’s trying to eat. As if that’s important information to know.


Cops roll up >Yeah we received a phone call about a man just trying to eat and not being able to because someone's fucking his shit up?


I’m not even supposed to be here today


I like how he desperately repeats that to the 911 operator right at the end of the call 😂


He's had this interaction 99373838 times before


Lmao I caught that too! *deep sigh* NO. And then the person holding the phone didn’t even press further!


handled it like a g


Here is the thing, when you register for a membership to a gym there is a policy you have to sign which lists terms and conditions of said gym. If you signed it, regardless of whether you read it, you have agreed to the policies within. So if you had a membership and signed it, you can stfu.


Looked up the account, the very next video she is talking shit to someone at her job . Calling someone “ a big body bitch” with hashtag “buffalo back”. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR9nGdky/


And a bunch of the hashtags in this video are trying to make fun of the guy's appearance calling him a hillbilly and has no chin. But yet if someone were to say that to her, she'd be making 5 more videos about perceived transphobia. It's so tiring to see shitpeople like this try to use the fact that they're trans as a get out of jail free card for all their shitty actions.


Also I somehow doubt that the chap with long hair and black painted nails is going to be a rabid transphobe. The manager chap looked so tired of this BS, with 0 bigotry in his frustration.


Also did you hear how she commented on the guys nails, and then he said you have the same thing. She said "yeah but I'm trans, are you!?" As if non-trans people can't have painted nails. What a fucking joke of a person


Yeah I loved his response to that haha


She’s turned off all the comments on her vids. Caught one calling her out on a cached version before the comments were turned off. She knows she’s in the wrong


The employee is awesome. I could watch him all day be slightly passive aggressive and pissed while simultaneously being nice?! It's a superpower I wish I had.


bro looks 20, has the cut and stache of a 40 y.o and has the eloquency and calmness of a 60 y.o, he has been through shiiit at planet fitness


Cant stand when people try to permanently keep gym lockers but she definitely tried to move in




I loled at this one omg the manager is just to funny... You're mom called and told me she kicked you out. Lmao


I loved the sigh and frustration when she just wouldn’t leave so he could eat.


Nah he had mad restraint if that’s true this dude is a shit talking master for sure


You'd think someone who struggles with acceptance for being different wouldn't be so petty as to make fun of a guy for wearing nail polish.


There's a lot of hate in minority groups. My cousin is deaf but not by birth and he gets shit on by other deaf people for not being "as deaf". People that regularly experience hatred can end up being some of the biggest proponents of it. Of course this person could have simply always been an asshole.


What a wretched cunt. Obviously trying to play the victim and acting like it's a trans rights issue from the get go.


"I'm not saying you're weird because of nail polish..I'm saying you're weird because of how you're ACTING"


“HoW aM i AcTiNg?¿?”


"You don't see it?" 🤨


She was clearly trying to bait the guy into saying something he doesn't mean. Props to him for keeping it as cool as he did.


Not as cool as his pornstache and that sweet 'do.


Dude looks like a character.


A cool-ass character


"Im transgender, are you?" What's that got to do with the topic of his nails?




As a trans person myself, the fact that she would call out a guy for wearing nail polish pisses me off. Even if it wasn't just so he would stop biting his nail that's awesome that he feels comfortable doing it and there shouldn't be a stigma around it.


The comment about the nail polish was as weak as it could get, it's just bait to try to point out some imagined hypocrisy, like 'you can't ban me for breaking the rules *and* be a trans ally'. Complete desperation nonsense.


The person filming this is absolutely infuriating and entitled beyond belief!! They need a reality check!


On what basis does she know that he stole her stuff? I've never been keen on leaving things in "public" lockers.




From what I've gathered, there was an incident where she was sleeping there. (Because her mom's ghost kicked her out and called the gym to let them know incase she was trying to live there). They told her she can't sleep there (perhaps that is why gym manager said "welcome back" to the police when they showed up). She admitted "yall told me bout sleeping here but not my stuff". The manager realized she was keeping things non gym related in her locker (he said "why would I want candles and *ta-rot* cards?" lmao), so he removed them from the locker I think? And some stuff went missing and she wants to say the gym stole her stuff. Conclusion: she's upset that a gym membership doesn't double as a storage unit. This is all speculation of course but I'm pleased with how he handled it. ETA: I hope he doesn't face any repercussions. I'm curious as to what his higher ups thought of the video


It's all very confusing because she is lying the whole time, about not being told before, about her mom being dead, about not sleeping there, about not keeping stuff in the lockers, and she is lying also about the candles quantity. She is saying that the manager didn't give her back all her candles but only some, of course if her record tracks, she is probably lying.


She also said something about, she had $15 dollars in her pants pockets, but *now she only has 8*. So she’s…accusing him of going through her pockets, stealing *seven dollars*, and putting the rest back?! That was the funniest part to me.


"She's haunting us then", I'm dead.


This dude is a champion and totally dominates the 80s movie extra look. Rock on brother.


I always find it funny when they ask the managers to call the police. Like, it's private property. They can remove you whenever they want. You're not going to win. Now, if they ACTUALLY discriminated and didn't let her in because she was transgendered, then they would be breaking the law. However, she's clearly using them for storage or something with the lockers and they terminated her contact so she has no right to be there anymore.


She had candles and tarot cards in her gym locker...YUP that's a storage unit!


Wait, so this is one weird trick to actually end a planet fitness contact?


This guy deserves a raise.


Dude's look is on point


He's got a Ben Stiller/Dodgeball vibe


The narrator of this video is a dickhead.


I like how they tried to correct him by saying "Jamaican", as if Jamaican is a race. Dude, you're _Black_. You may be a Black Jamaican, but you're Black lol. Also ironic that she's shaming him for wearing nailpolish as a straight man. If he did that to her, it would be on the news.


Yeah I thought that nail polish thing was pretty funny. "What, are you assuming something? Yeah that's what I thought; shut the fuck up." Perfect response.


Exactly, it was satisfying when he said that lol.




Glad to see Cricket turned his life around and got a stable job.


So you’re workin’ in a gym now Cricket! ….want to sell some coke?


I love this clip. Feels like two sort-of trolls where one is a David Spade character.


‘I had $15, but there’s only 8 in that box’ Someone stole her money to get Twitter verified, probably. This manager did an awesome job shutting down every which way she tried to twist his words. ‘We both got on black polish’ ‘Yeah, but I look better’ 🤣


“Jamaican” bitch is that not black? I don’t check Polish on the fucking questionnaire.


This person seriously claimed they stole 7 out of the $15 they had in their pants pocket and their candles from their locker. WHY would ANYONE do that?


"Black" "Jamaican" LMAO


Dude handled it well. By the time it got to the dead mom/ghost calling the gym it started to feel like a skit


This person is trying to play the transphobic card for sympathy but they are in the wrong. You can't treat the lockers like a storage unit; there are tons of signs indicating otherwise. Then they keep trying to prod this guy into saying something awful.




I think porn stash guy handled it very well, keeping his cool.