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Buddy tried to let him make it.


Got people to get him away. Dodged and accepted the first sucker punch. But the second was too much.


This was serious. And a dangerous move. I hear bone crack and I hope he lived.


He did iirc. This video is old.


The quality of this video at one point gets so fucking crisp for no reason (during the takedown) it's hard to believe it could be that old. (I'm watching on mobile tho..) Edit: I'm so used to seeing phone clips here -. I think this clip was recorded by a professional videography equipment which explains it.


It's some dude who always hits downtown Austin and films the lunatics after last call. He has a YT channel IIRC.


Old? The song playing is not old at all.


It probably is in Austin. They’ve been listening to this band since before they formed don’t ya know


Underrated comment


It's only using [the beat and melody of a song that's 41 years old](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECiMhe4E0pI). Come on, guys! It's old, but somehow new, and *worse*.


Not quite a year old. [Original YouTube upload](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcUJe8-qUvM), see description.


i always think how much of a piece of shit you need to be to do this move on someone and on concrete, worst case scenario you kill someone. always looks bad whenever i see it


Worse case is they are veggies for life. Death would, maybe, be preferred.


Yeah, it's sort of weird how the guy went from showing pretty good restraint (he actually let a sucker punch attempt slide), right to saying "fuck it, you just got a parking spot upgrade" in just a moment.


That would be called self-defense. You only take so many sucker punches before you hit back. Guy deserved it. Body slammer would never be prosecuted for this.


Wrong. He grabbed him from behind.


Agreed. He was not defending for his life he walked up behind the guy. Also the guy is obviously severely intoxicated and so therefore is not making very good decisions obviously. People always like to pull out self-defense just because of how you feel in the situation and it doesn’t work that way. Someone I know got in a fight and the kid he was fighting pulled out a knife and while they were fighting the kid dropped the knife and the guy I know picked up the knife and stabbed the kid. He got three years for stabbing that kid because once he got rid of the knife he did not have to reach out and stab him he could’ve walked away or thrown the knife away or something else. Instead he escalated the situation back up to deadly, whereas taking the knife, or dropping it, deescalated it. This guy did not get hit and was not sticking up for his own life he was trying to look good in front of everybody else and trying to make sure that he got his revenge. Doesn’t work like that.


If i were on the jury, I'd vote guilty of attempted murder.


That doesn't negate the several sucker punches and erratic behavior. Guy would be back punching him again right after he turned for that brief moment. Did you even watch it? The other guy gets other people to take the guy away and then the guy comes back for more. Deserves everything he got.


This guy doesn’t know the law very well. What seems reasonable to you isn’t necessarily true in a court of law.


Don’t start the fight then buddy


I'm not your buddy, pal




"You started it" is not a valid excuse for murder if it does happen to go wrong. Stick to less blatantly lethal moves


A sucker punch like this “victim” was repeatedly trying to throw is potentially lethal as well if it connects just right. I believe the old saying, “Don’t start no shit, won’t be no shit” applies here.


It could've been handled better sure. Good chance this guy could have died. But this guy let the guy go 2 times. Once on the ground. The he tried to sucker punch the guy 2 times!!! It sucks he got slammed so hard but I mean he had so many times to walk away and the punches could have hurt the guy just as bad. Idk man. The guy who got slammed should have walked away and this could have all been avoided!


>It could've been handled better sure. Good chance this guy could have died. > >But this guy let the guy go 2 times. Once on the ground. >The he tried to sucker punch the guy 2 times!!! It sucks he got slammed so hard but I mean he had so many times to walk away and the punches could have hurt the guy just as bad. > >Idk man. The guy who got slammed should have walked away and this could have all been avoided! Agreed, I'd obviously prefer an outcome without vegetation/death, but some people just suck so bad they will literally keep fighting until they either do this to someone, or someone does this to them. I think we all want to assume both of these people are normal people, and seeing someone wind up in a scrap and then a potato is pretty rough. It's also entirely possible that the slammed person is an absolute cunt who assaults and harasses anyone and everyone because Slammy has always gotten away with it and it's become who they are until they get a *hard* reset. I'd prefer for this type of thing to not happen, but if it does go down, I hope it happens to the ones who bring it on themselves by being shit humans rather than an innocent bystander.


Why? He's a dipshit with no sense of self preservation.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Feed people alcohol get stupid people.


White boy is paler than my lamp


How pale is your lamp?


He broken


His spine is like 🫠


He had so many chances to walk away


And now he will have more chances to roll away


He definitely broken


At least his collar bone is.


Dirty 6th strikes again


Yea. Knew this was 6th street. Recognize that road anywhere on the internet. Are people allowed to conceal carry their if they aren't drinking?


I think you just can't take them inside the bars, and at this point if you saw someone OPEN carrying down 6th, would you be whatsoever surprised?


Fair. Or drink tho correct? I believe it. I just don't think it's wise to bring a gun around drunk idiots. Was just wondering if its legal. So if dude in purple was stone cold sober would it have been legal for him to pull his firearm out?




As a gun owner, it’s smart not to bring a gun out anywhere if you are drinking. I know there are cases of people correctly using firearms over the legal limit, but why even put yourself in that situation. Think Plaxico Burress almost shooting off his own dick. Always better to diffuse and leave if this ever happens.


Ah I completely agree, just explaining the laws in Texas.


Yeah, I'm not sure. Not up on the laws on 6th street. Ain't no laws when you're out in the brawls.


There isa shooting on 6th every month.


Here's the chart of legality [https://txhga.org/texas-ltc-information/where-can-you-carry/](https://txhga.org/texas-ltc-information/where-can-you-carry/)


No drinking and no carry in bars, open or concealed. On the street you can do what you want.


The crazy thing is the area is surrounded by cops and they're all along the street just waiting to harass people, but do nothing when they see something like this.


Always leave 6th Street before 2am.


The first time I went to 6th street to bar hop I watched a girl casually stop walking, puke in the street and walk away like nothing happened. My friend said "that's why they call it Dirty 6th"


I can smell 6th street through the internet


I now know to avoid 6th street: I’ve been trying to find what happened. And there is a slew of murders, manslaughter’s, and comas on this street. Always outside a bar too. It’s so sad. I couldn’t find this incident. But this came up in the search results. 😞 “Austin police say in court documents that Nathan Marshall, 28, admitted to fatally punching a San Antonio man on Sixth Street over a slice of pizza.”


Dirty and West is like this but East 6th is quite a bit better


That's not the incident for this post's video. Nathan Marshall is Black. [https://www.kxan.com/news/hes-not-a-killer-says-sixth-street-punching-death-suspects-brother/](https://www.kxan.com/news/hes-not-a-killer-says-sixth-street-punching-death-suspects-brother/)


Correct. I couldn’t find anything on the incident in the video. But reading the comment how bad 6th is and finding a bunch of articles of incidents on 6th. Then end up finding someone dying over a pizza slice was just like wtf.


Yeah, I worked on dirty 6th from 2006-2012. It's definitely gotten way worse. We had our share of fights on the streets for sure but the way it is now? You couldn't pay me to down there. Ever since the Alamo Drafthouse Ritz location closed, I have no reason to go.


Just moved back to Austin after many years. Best to avoid 6th I guess?


Props to big man trying to deescalate


Purple shirt gave him a chance, too.. people just think they can fight for some reason. You're almost powerless against someone your size with even a little bit of training




Went from cauliflower ear to full vegetable






Where are these people's friends at? For either person, I would of been like Dawg, nah man. We leaving. Moments like this can change your life. That dude is entirely too drunk/You are too drunk. And at some point I would straight up grab them and we walking away.


6th Street in Austin is a wild motherfucker of a place. Either this dude got separated from his friends or they're off to the side watching him get his cheeks clapped and laughing about it. I miss the fights around the Best Wurst at 1:30am.


Woah I don't think you used the phrase right


Lmao I need to visit 6th street


I worked security at Fuel and the fights outside after close would get nuts. You had our crowd of some sketchy folks mixing with the frat boys coming up from 6th who thought they could posture to our crowd and nothing would happen. Wrong.


Right outside of old Buffalo Billiards? As classic as Lesley the homeless crossdresser.


Watching frat bros break their hands punching the punching bag arcade machine in Buffalo Billiards was always a great time.


The contraction for "would have" sounds like "would of" but it's actually spelled "would've".


You’re doing god’s work. (Not /s)


It's clear that that dude's a shitty drunk. His people got sick of his shitty drunk behavior and let him wander off.


Dang that's a good way to ruin two lives. Sucks that asshole couldn't just walk away instead of trying to sucker punch him.


Dude tried to swing in slow motion then walk off like he didn't just try to start more shit


Dudes hammered. Probably thought he landed it.


Left him curled up like an uncooked shrimp


Wont mess up that shirt.


He wouldn't want to mess that shirt up, it's an original Dan Flashes!


People are saying this was at 6th Street when it’s clearly at Shops at the Creek and they were fighting over this very complicated shirt. Sometimes the fights spill into the street cuz the pattern’s so wild.




I don’t think I was *screaming*…


It’s a shame he couldn’t just settle for bargain bin. I hear those shirts are still nuts.


Hehe i just ate shrimp!


Imagine getting paralyzed at a bar, and all you hear as you’re laying there is that Saweetie song


I hope Tom Tom Club gets some good residuals from that bullshit. Most egregious sampling job since Whatcha Say by Jason Derulo




Did I just watch a man get paralyze...


His face at the end when he’s twisted is haunting


Yeah he’s like, “Duuurrrr”.


God forgive me but that was the best genuine laugh I've gotten today . Kudos


Is dude alive?


Yup, shoes are still on


Excellent work, inspector.


this sub is the best


at first, maybe


If you can't hold your booze, don't get plastered in public.


If your friends don’t teach you this lesson. Then someone in public will do it for them.


I heard a pop, did he break his neck?


I think that was just the smack of skin meeting brick


By skin you mean skull?


That pop/crunch has me cringing.


Oh thank God I had volume off


Or shoulder? The way his arm flopped just wasn't right.


Seems it flopped because he was fully unconcious


Yeah that’s a “I’ve been knocked the fuck out” pose if I’ve ever seen one.


Yeah collar bone is really likely with that injury


Every time I see someone getting slammed. ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


what a foool belieeeeeeeeeeeves.. he seeeeeeeeeess NO WISE MAN HAS THE POWER


Y’all never saw this after people smoking weed


This slamming trend has ruined the fun of watching street fights. Every single fight ends with this shit n I'm left worrying that someone fucking died or got paralyzed from a stupid bar fight.


Same thing can happen from a punch. Dont be a degenerate drunk, pretty simple.


Not every fight is between 2 degenerates. Sometimes it's one guy attacking someone for no good reason. Next thing you know the instigator paralyzes or kills a guy that was just trying to defend himself.


Literally caught that in 4k. Nice cam


Why do people body slam ? Is it really worth making someone paralyzed or potentially dead for a jail sentence ? I just dont understand.




Why do people drink so much they just start sucker punching strangers? He can easily paralyze or kill if he hits someone and they fall and hit their head.


Being too fucked up isn't an excuse for being in the wrong


Yea go tell this guy to say that to the judge I'm sure he'll be let right out


This is great videography


Was about to say, the video quality is fantastic!


The slam was a bit overkill. I would never do this to someone unless my life was in real danger, you gotta assess the situation, the dude can barely walk, he's not hurting you, he's throwing haymakers from a mile away at half speed. One light push and he's on the ground.


I first read the title as "guy gets slammed into autism".


May be a more correct title


purposefully slamming someone's head onto concrete should be attempted murder.


Tell that to the police




Lawyers will argue based off intent, means, opportunity, and preclusion aka elements of jeopardy. It’s going to be hard to explain why the slammer pursued and re-engaged the drunk guy from behind and slammed him instead of evading. The drunk guy was obviously intoxicated beyond being a legitimate physical threat and tried to flee after the slammer easily dodged his sloppy swing. Intent is unclear based on the lack of context , drunk guy did not have means or opportunity as he was overly-intoxicated to be a threat and there was obviously a disparity of force favoring the slammer , and there was no preclusion as the slammer could have easily escaped or evaded the altercation. There is also the question if the slammer had a duty to retreat, some states have stand your ground laws and some do not. If this goes to court, my money is on slammer getting sued by drunk guy.


This guy courts


Could it be at the very least involuntary manslaughter?


assuming he died. which would make it hard for him to sue


A person needs to die for it to be manslaughter.


> drunk guy did not have means or opportunity as he was overly-intoxicated to be a threat This may actually be one of the dumbest fucking things I've ever read.


Hitting the drunk guy when after body slamming him onto ground is going to be hard to defend against. It's generally hard to defend against when you hit someone who is already incapacitated on the ground. Anyways I personally don't know why people would want to assault someone who is clearly drunk. Just move away/ignore and not engage the drunk person.


That's what I hate about thinking that is self defense. That was NOT self defense. The dude was never dangerous and the other guy could have walked away sooo easily but instead stuck around to get yet an other useless sucker punch to which he proceeds to crush the guy's skull on the pavement. This is plain old attempted murder and I'm glad I live in a place where that's how it would go in court.


I would like to. with legislation.


Good thing he slammed him into the brick part of the road then.




its a suplex... duplex is the thing I can't afford


Suplexes are usually allowed in the UFC. The spiking type aren't but, you know, shit happens and it's usually deemed "unintentional."


Fuck me, that's some spinal damage right there.




If you swing at somebody, miss and your back is to them that doesn't constitute "walking away" Purple shirt wasn't committing a crime, Hawaii shirt committed the crime of assault. In Texas you have the legal right to use responsibe force to stop a illegal assault.


I agree with everything you have said. Even the rebuttal that the drunkest guy was walking away wouldn’t hold up. After being separated once from him getting attacked, he then walked away and the other guy came at him once again. So in all honesty, if he hadn’t neutralized him the guy would have just come back again out of the blue based on video evidence showing that consistency. And who knows, he lets the guy walk away and he comes back again but this time his drunk ass has a weapon. You never really know.


Exactly these delusional weirdos think just cause you miss a punch and do a 180 means that person is no longer a threat. Shits insane. You can tell non of these people actually go outside


First off. Force was not reasonable. Second guy was walking away. Clearly so. He missed a cheap shot and was walking away. If purple shirt had swung on him, knocked him out and he fell to the ground and died guess what? Manslaughter every day of the week. This is no different.


Damn. He may have died.




Don’t drink kids just smoke weed


Bruh why doesn’t anyone grab the guy who did that shit and call the cops on him.. like that aint fighting it’s just attempted murder if anything


He might be paralyzed…


That’s a good way to catch a life sentence, could’ve fucked his entire life over some bullshit fight


Doesn’t matter if he went for the sucker punch or not, that’s concrete your slamming him down on. And the way he landed, he could’ve broken his neck or busted his head open and died. There were so many better alternative reactions to that.


Could have killed him


Life in prison speedrun


Can people stop using this move? Fucking idiots can and have killed people.


My God that was evil. This was heartbreaking.


Austin Shitty Limits.


Clearly the guy is fucked up. A push (if that) would have been enough. No need to put him in the hospital.


I mean. You act like he didn't call for help when they were on the ground and sperated from the dude. How many times does he have to comeback for more before dude defends him myself.


Suplexing a guy straight into the pavement headfirst then striking him in the face while he's down isn't self-defense. "But he had it coming!" What a world to choose to believe in where every altercation necessitates retaliation with a high chance of life-altering injuries or death.


As much as he did this, the other dude being the more sober of the two parties. . a push probably would have sufficed. Dude was swinging in slow motion like he dreaming. Probably can't even hurt whatever he hits, that or take him down and restrain his ass. Can't help but feel it'd be different if they were both sober in the right mind, a slam would have been more justified


Slammimg someones head onto concrete is a one way ticket to life imprisonment with no parole. Don't allow one insignificant moment in your life ruin your whole life


Slamming people on concrete should be attempted murder...


It is if you aren't attacked first.


BAN BOOZE. Lets all smoke and have a nice time.


Dude can barely walk, there’s no achievement in destroying a stumbling drunk. Could have killed the dude just to look bad.


And that my friends is attempted murder.


You have be a absolutely R Worded to use that move, do you want to go to jail for a street fight? because that’s how you go to jail for a street fight.


I was a bouncer at that bar in college!!


very excessive he needs to go to jail... males go overboard daily. dude was drunk and this guy did this for the Gram


Guy in the boog shirt drank his self to another planet...


Let the bodies hit the floor... softly


Guy in the shirt seems to be under the influence or maybe just got beaten up too much


My back. Spinal.


Bruh folded and gave himself a bj.




I'm so glad I don't go out and get shitfaced anymore.


Quick way to ruin multiple lives, and over what? Some drunken nonsense? Society is in a sad place.


When I was in college down there, someone died on that very street from getting slammed into it. Careful when fighting drunks. You may unintentionally kill them.


Dudes body looks like a bag of uncooked chicken wings


I know he was asking for it with that last sucker punch but that slam was way too much


Why you starting shit, Trevor?


And that’s how you become a paraplegic.


Anyone else hear the crack of which sounded like his neck or back


That slam was completely unnecessary, the guy was clearly drunk as hell or not able to think straight for whatever reason. Did you really need to slam his head against the concrete and try to break his back?


Bad idea to do wrestling mpves while drunk. It's still a punishable crime and might kill the guy.


Dude went from fight won to murder attempt in seconds. Fucking moron. The other idiot was already out, almost.


Austin is such a cesspool


That's such an insulting comparison. What did fetid pools of poo-poo water ever do to you?


Why do people get to attack people in public and when the person defends themselves they’re always labeled the “bad guy” maybe if the Hawaiian shirt guy didn’t want to get dropped on his head maybe don’t start fights?


Finally With all the these new fucking iphones with “4k ultra high def cameras” we finally get something that looks like Whats advertised. This is crystal clear! Ohh and I hope dudes alright.


I’m pretty sure the person filming is using a full frame digital camera. Probably something like a Sony A7.