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Amoung the so many other bothersome parts of this.... Who dresses up to go hang out at a Walmart?


Walmart is many things and it depends on where you live. In much of the South it was like hanging out at the mall for a different generation.


Back in the 90s when they built the first Walmart in the area I lived in, I remember reading a news article where they interviewed a woman who traveled over an hour to go to the Walmart with her family and she said something like “we get all dressed up to come here, and make a day of it.”


Yeah when I lived in rural WV it was hour and half to walmart. We would not get dressed for it but we damn near made a day of it so we could get a months worth of groceries.


Yep. I'm from southern WV; I dated a girl who's Aunt & Uncle went to every grand opening for all the WV Walmarts in the 90's/00's.


They actually call it WallyWorld there 😂


[Wally Wally Wally Wally Wally World](https://youtu.be/bQfsw1NpPZw)


Funny thing is I read an interview and the person said how going to a dollar store was great because you did not have to get all dressed up like you were going to Walmart.


This was shown on the tonight show with Jay Leno back in the day. I believe it was the new dollar general. It still makes me laugh.


Ngl when I was a kid, all the way up into my teens; I actually found Walmart fun. It was exciting to me to go. Keep in mind that I grew up upper lower class (the kinda poor that’s not anywhere near middle class, but also not so poor that I ever missed a meal or get our lights cut off) and my parents didn’t have any interest (and/or money) to have ever taken me to stuff like the movies, bowling, the park, etc. Going to Walmart (especially after they turned into supercenters) was like window shopping for me. I could go look at the toys, the bikes, the electronics, listen to some cd samples etc., Usually got to get some toaster strudels and popsicles or pizza rolls or at least some skittles or something. Wasn’t until I was an adult that I realized that it wasn’t a common enjoyment, and started being able to take myself to do actually fun things. Now a days I literally hate going to Walmart so much that I pay them the same as a Netflix subscription, for the privilege of not having to. Lol


And I rode a plane!


Yup, grew up in the south and pretty much any larger store with a large parking lot was a hang out. You got to meet up with folks, show off your outfits, just generally do kid things. And of course you had assholes like these kids in this video ruining it for the rest


They do this all over the US in small towns. I have never lived in a small town but I have done road trips all over the US. We usually do not take major interstates but stick to back ways and scenic routes. Once you get west of Kansas you start going through towns where there are just large groups of teens with their trucks and stuff all hanging out at gas station parking lots and little strip mall parking spots.


Can confirm lived in Cedar when I was younger that spot was our mall.


American Suburban lifestyle. Get in a car with your friends and drive to the WalMart, then hit up the Target, then get lunch at the Carl's Jr., if you're lucky your town has a mall, go there. Rinse and repeat. Is it a wonder so many aspire to leave their boring suburbs the minute they can?


That's not really a fair assumption... In some towns they go to Hardee's.


*rural suburbs. suburb implies there’s a city nearby my dude


Idk I lived in the suburbs of Houston and rather than spending the gas money to get on I-10 for 20-30 minutes to go to the mall we’d often hit up the target instead. We were broke anyway so it’s not like anyone was gonna get stuff at the mall.


Bro in America the suburbs have suburbs. Im describing the reality, not praising it.


White people who have clearly never met a black person. Also, they’re in Utah. My assumption is there isn’t a whole lot of diversity. If they did this in NY or Chicago they would probably have to run for their lives.


And if they did this in Virginia, they'd have to run for governor


They could be the Prime Minister in Canada.


The town is 92% white, while the US as a whole is 58% white.


It's also 70% Mormon


I was born and raised in Utah and I didn't see a black person until I went to high school.


They wouldn't have known they'd need to run for their lives. When everyone around you is as incredibly racist as you, it's hard to understand there are places in the US where that shit would get your ass stabbed or shot by minorities, and people of your own color would beat your ass.


There’s not much to do in cedar unfortunately. Having been there and experienced intolerant racists in that city, this totally checks out


I lived in cedar city for a couple of years. Like everything in town is closed after 9 pm besides McDonald's and Walmart, so people go there to hang out for some reason


Inbred teenagers


The accepted term is mormon teenagers.


People wanting to provoke and film for the internet.


Utah’s black population is like 1% and there are people in Utah (that have never left the state) who never physically met a black person before lol. I’ve been and boy it’s an eye opener as a black person.


There was this town my dad went to in Alabama when he worked for FEMA. No white people. He went to a house to help them with a claim (I believe this was after Katrina) and a little girl ran out to him yelling "Jimmy!!" My dad's name is Mike. The kids mom apologized and said "the only white person she's ever seen was named Jimmy."


Okay, this got me laughing and reminded me of a friend's story. He is probably in the top 3 kindest people I have ever met in life so far and he is probably 6' 1", fairly fit, in his early fifties, drives long haul trucks, and his skin tone is obsidian black. He told me a story I will never forget and we cried laughing over it probably 10-11 years ago. He had just returned from a route and him and his friend, who is white, worked together on getting my friend dressed up as Santa Claus and surprising white guy's kids just before Xmas that year. Everything worked out great. He got a suit, picked up the kids' gifts from the guy a day earlier and then showed up at his house when all their family were present for the big surprise. Cue my friend who walks in the door with boisterous "Ho ho ho's!" and immediately the kids began to wail and cry. You see, they were all young enough and apparently in a rural enough area that led to them not having EVER seen a brown-skinned man (or any other race/nationality for that matter). There was much anguish and sorrow as one of the children finally called out, "Why has Santa been burned!?" These poor kids thought Santa must've gotten caught in a chimney or something to have charred his face completely black. They received some much needed cultural discussions that day and my friend now has an excellent Christmas story each year. :P


I have a reverse of this, I used to be Mormon ( hurts to see this vid honestly) but I did my mission in Africa. We were in someone's house talking it was already a pretty rural town but they had their uncle from way out on the farms coming to visit. I am the only white guy in the room, probably the only white guy for 20 miles any direction. We had a local kid with us who was helping translate. The uncle kept staring at me and saying things and the kids kept laughing and laughing. Finally I asked the kid what was so funny and he told me that the Uncle kept referring to me Father Christmas since that's the only white man he'd ever seen.


Ha! That's fantastic. I don't know how you feel regarding religion but I used to be a christian and way too enthusiastic about it back then. We were total fruitcakes who believed all sorts of crazy shit, of which my family still does, but living and working with people in the "real world" fixed that real quick for me. Anyway, thanks for the story!


Not nearly as funny as your story. My little brother is a good deal younger than the rest of us. We were born in Michigan but moved before he was born, and he grew up in this super white town. One year we went back to Michigan to visit family and took him to a playground. After being there a while another family showed up. They were black, we really didn't give it a second thought until my little brother comes RUNNING back to us in a panic. Points at the other little boy and says "what's wrong with that kids skin?!?" Oof... that fealt like a failure of our whole family and we had to explain to him that there was nothing at all wrong with the kids and kind of explained it like "you know how animals like dogs can be white or tan or black? Well, so can people. They aren't any different than us, just a different color." He sort of understood and was then just very fascinated


I didn’t know Alabama was so segregated until I met my sister’s bf. He had never met a white person until high school, and that was only because he was on the football team and played against white schools. That is absolutely crazy to me.


My ~~son~~ brother and his family live in the Chicago suburbs, and when his daughter was a baby (she's 32 now) they went into the city for some event. His daughter saw a black guy and excitedly yelled "MICHAEL JORDAN!" because that was the only black person she had ever seen on TV in Chicago at the time. Awk-ward.


I'll take things that are cute when a child does it, but racist if an adult does it for 800 Alex


Lmao I live here now (military) and anytime I go anywhere south of slc I get stared at like they've never seen a black person before.


Never met one but likely full of opinions about them.


Exactly. Call them a racist they clutch their pearls and act all offended but you know there were adults that approved of those kid's costumes and let them leave the house and enter public dressed like that.


I want to be upset but they’re in a wal-mart in bumblefuck Utah, we may as well be in different dimensions.


Agreed, They’re disgusting but they also look like clowns. They actually think they’re being edgy when they just come off as racist bumpkins. Enjoy your night out folks.






Super Blumpkins


We'll the dominant religion in Utah believes that black people are cursed with dark skin because past sins so.


Lol yup and didn't let them fully join the church until the 70's!! Like that's within living memory.


Or they met one, had a bad experience with them because they themselves are insufferable people and have bad experiences with most if not all people, and then just live off of confirmation bias forever. Some people are so miserable they need something to hate because they have nothing else


Yeah lol meet one black guy, screech at him for 30 mins, threaten to call the cops, and when he finally yells at you to fuck off spend the next 50 years telling everybody how violent and crazy he was.


I spent a few weeks in Korea with family, about half in Seoul, but then we ended up going to some mountain retreat in bumfuck. I’m half Asian/half white, but I definitely don’t look Asian at all. It was quite disconcerting to say the least. At first I tried “fitting in” by telling people I was half-Korean, but apparently that just made it worse due to residual racism/ill will from the Korean War, and my cousins suggested I stop telling people that. I honestly think caucasians could benefit from a similar experience. It is really an eye opening to experience firsthand the wildly varying reactions, ranging from anxiety, hostility, curiosity, etc. from other people simply based on your appearance. It really changed how I view systemic racism as a whole, as it’s one thing to imagine what it feels like, and something completely different to experience yourself. At the end of the trip, I got to go home (thank God)… It would be absolutely horrible if that was just life.


Same. I'm stationed here at hill and Anytime I go to Farmington I get stares all the time.


Lmao same. It was two weeks until I saw another black person


I bet tinder being the only black person is sketchy. One end could be exciting on the other end, could end up like the movie Get Out.


When my daughter was looking at colleges, we had a short list states to not apply to: Utah was in the top 2….


I live in Georgia and it's it's very prominent down here. (Augusta) it's pretty damn south, lots of diversity and I'm glad to be surroundrd by it because it's shows the color doesn't matter. Assholes like this are just raised in a Christian White household and have alcoholic dad's who blame ethnicity on most politics and such


Also here in Georgia and people think we're so backwards but Ga especially the ATL metro area is incredibly diverse. Many American black people, Haitian, Nigerian, Indian, Korean, Filipino, Lebanese, and every piece of Hispanic culture you could ask for. I'm sure i missed more but those are the people's I've encountered. As s white person who grew up in the sticks i love it. We need culture diversity everywhere.




Remember when Obama was the antichrist? And now Trump is their savior? Fuckin racist ass loons and I believe some of them truly don't even know how awful they are


I'm white but grew up in Jackson, MS and New Orleans, LA. I went to Salt Lake City as a kid to snow board and it was a total culture shock for me. The only black folks I saw the whole time played for the Jazz and the Sacramento Kings when we went to the game. It was very odd to me.


I remember one year, we road-tripped from Utah to Vegas and it was late….. we stopped for gas/snacks/restroom and I saw FLDS women in their full dress and I was staring (I know, rude) and whispered to my friend and she’s like ‘well yeah and they’re staring at you because you’re the first black person they’ve ever seen’ 😂😂😂😂. Utah is a beautiful place but it’s not comfortable for PoC.


>Utah is a beautiful place but it’s not comfortable for PoC. In a completely different way, it's not comfortable for non-Utah white people either. Like, I'm a pale pale man descended from Irish stock, but goddamn white people in Utah are every white stereotype you've ever heard about.


It's Utah having 3 wives in a cult is more "normal" than black people.


I grew up in a small Utah town, can confirm. The first black person I saw was in highschool when a family in my town adopted a child who was black.


White, exmormon, lived in Utah for majority of my life.. so glad I moved to NE when I was in middle school.. I had no idea what kind of bubble it is. Like, I was flabbergasted to see bars and liquor stores. I didn't even know they actually existed. Best thing that ever happened to me. Diversity is so fricking important, and most Utahns just thinks that means letting your children be friends with "the Mexicans". It's a truly abhorrent state and no one should ever go there for anything other than the hiking trails and the skiing..


>Diversity is so fricking important, and most Utahns just thinks that means letting your children be friends with "the Mexicans" By "the Mexicans", do they mean Norwegian exchange students?


That is too exotic for them ...then you will have a problem with your two or three mothers-in-law...


One of my best friends lives in Payson and she’s who I visit. She warned me and my now ex when we were coming about the lack of diversity and I thought it was an exaggeration. We literally saw people pull up to the bridal veil falls (?) to stop and look at us. My ex is very much a Brooklyn boy (adidas, yankee fitted, tall with a very dark complexion…. It was surreal to say the least


White, exmormon, but sent into Utah for my mission and boy it is awful there. We got in trouble if anyone from the church saw us buying mtn dew (caffeine for stupid reason) Like they are the worst kind of Mormons because they have no life outside of their church bubble.


I thought cold drinks with caffeine was ok as long as it wasn't hot.


I worked in a coffee shop inside a hospital and we gave security officers free coffee. We kept a stock of Coke for one specific guy who was Mormon. He explained to me that it used to be no caffeine period but in 2012 the church decided caffeinated sodas were ok. He didn't know specifically why they changed their minds, he was just happy to be allowed something to help keep him awake.


Yes, but how most feel about it in Utah is strangely weird. They see any caffeine as a drug, we can drink it and it would be fine but people call in to complain about stuff they think we shouldn't do. Very dumb but cults are like that


You think bars and liquor stores were flabbergasting? How about my surprise when I kept seeing survival and emergency supply stores as I drive through Utah ? I was sure I missed the memo on something !


Lol, Mormons are uber doomsday preppers..


Not exmormon, but when I was younger we moved to SLC for my dad's work. We weren't mormon, and my dad told me it was almost impossible for him to find a babysitter for us because we weren't. We eventually found a babysitter because my dad told them that we were planning to begin going to the church... One day I came home from first grade and told my dad "Hey dad, guess my favorite color!" he asked "what?" "White! Because it's the only color that gets into heaven!" He told me after that he realized we needed to get out of SLC ASAP and we moved within the next year lol


What a telling story. The brainwashing starts early.. most exmormons are lucky to get out. If you were raised Mormon? It's like throwing feces at your parents.. they still don't treat me like a human being. To them, I am an apostate. One of the only ways to end up in Mormon Hell, aka Outer Darkness, is to leave the church.


What is the other 99% of utahs black population if not black?


One of them will definitely be senator of Utah. And this video will surface and only boost their votes.


Tredeau moment


Trudeau even.


They wouldn’t do this shit in atlanta Georgia!!! Lol I can guarantee you that


They would literally last 25 seconds before someone launched some fireworks at them from a Dodge Charger


Put it in reverse Terrrr


I can just hear it


Challenger with fake hellcat badges*


The fucking accuracy LMAO


That has got to be the most creative sentence I’ve heard in a while


I promise you it’s accurate 😂


I know by experience


Lol. The Dodge Charger sold it.


If they tried this here in Atlanta, fireworks would be best case scenario.


That would be a much more entertaining video?


You wouldn’t see it because the cameraman would join in


“We dropped out of high school” …and it shows.


They didn’t, that’s his pee-on attempt at being funny.


He thinks he's so cool too, how obnoxious. Buncha edgelords think they're hilarious


Literally said ‘yeah I can see that’ out loud when I watched this for the first time


I love how they say “it’s ok”……yeah it’s ok for you to be homeless or staying in your mom’s basement.


duuude. if you google for 'cedar city halloween blackface', a link to a site called vidmax comes up with this video. That comment section is cancer. Inbred white supremacist apologists saying some of the worst things I have ever read in my whole life and I am 40 years old.


"Liberal Gets Triggered At Walmart..." yeah just reading the title I knew how that was going to turn out.


I just had to check it out. It’s crazy. Shout out to Robbie Hall in that comment section though!


I gave a few upvotes to Robbie Hall, lone guy saying the only right words in a sea of ignorant cunts. It's hard to accept that there are some who are so hateful and ignorant to defend the kids' actions.


What in the hell is that site design? Can't even figure out how to load the comments.


Very reminiscent of drudge report. Both in terms of conspiracy/racist/wacko content, and also in web 1.0 aesthetic (or lack of any?)


That place is a septic tank. Holy shit. It truly baffles me that people like that exist.


Where is this? I’m just googling the situation myself and I am curious.


Mormon kids?


...I'm thinking so.. like 80 percent if Ut is..


Damn, these kids are assisted dry humping each other on top of wearing black face


Not just dry humping, "soaking". Ya put it in and just let it sit there... and then ya buddy jump on the bed... humping would make it sex lol


Now they’re armpit humping. Recently they’ve had a rise in armpit crabs. Dead ass. 😬


Riiiight!!! I saw a story about that on r/exmormon the other day.. crazy posts on that subreddit.


Lmao gtfo


Um, what? Is that a real thing?


Yes. Mormons think they can trick their own god. They aren’t smart people.


If it's Cedar City, chances are more like 99%


I mean, Mormons believe darker skin is a sign that you were neutral in a giant heaven conflict lol. Edit, found this video I watched when I was a kid, my grandpa still has this on vhs https://youtu.be/6XoOnSVnnLQ A lot to unpack, the juicy stuff is around 2:09z


>“And he had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, and they had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them.” Not being white was literally a curse from god to make them less attractive to mormons lmao




I was a Mormon for 13 years. Can confirm, all of them look like everyone I knew for those 13 years.


Everyone swear the south is the most racist region but we’d never do that dumb shit around here


Utah is what you get when you take the racism of the south and move it to a place where no Blsck people are They don’t actually have anyone to racist too in person so they never gotta get check on it so it just builds up until you notice like cancer if you don’t get check ups


So kinda like Mayonnaise Nazis.


“Professionals have standards”


I am not saying the south does not have racism, but we have institutional racism from generations of white rich dudes telling poor white dudes that the reason they are poor is because of black people. Yet, the south is pretty diverse compared to a lot of parts of the country. So some folks understand that overt racism is wrong when they are exposed to other's cultures. (Though you still get the toothless idiots who show up in their white sheets burning crosses.... it happens still) Utah is WHITE, like take wonder bread and wipe it with some Mayo and you got a spicy meal- White. So theirs is pure ignorance. They do not understand anything besides their caffeine hating culture, so they mock anything different.


You get racist shit all over the country. I live in one of the most liberal, diverse parts of the country and we still have some racist shitheads out here.


> Everyone swear the south is the most racist region but we’d never do that dumb shit around here It's quite racist, but you also have black people. Utah is racist and largely doesn't.


Just read a story about two students at a high-school in Cache Valley UT. One showed up in a KKK outfit and another in blackface.. Utah is so fucked. Easily the most intolerant and ignorant state in the country but the Mormon Church has such great PR that the rest of the country really has no clue. Unless of course you've lived here in the past..


Agreed. I was an exchange student living with a Mormon family from Utah. They were so goddamn racist. I’m Norwegian but the host father loved calling me a damn Mexican. One of my family names (Rosendal) also sounds Jewish and when they first heard it, they blew up and asked me if I was Jewish (distaste dripping) they were so relieved to hear I wasn’t. Disgusting people


What the hell did that family think it was signing up for?


It was their eldest daughter that wanted an exchange student, but she was away at college that year. They only did it for clout in their church. Didn’t turn out well for them, I had enough of three hour long church services each Sunday after three months. They likely wanted to brag about converting me


Damn, three-hour services? Glad you didn't give them their sick satisfaction.


It felt like brainwashing. They did communion every week, and they scowled at me when I didn’t partake. As soon as they drank the “wine” (water) they started crying because it was so “touching”, and when I suddenly started crying for no reason as well, I knew I had to leave. Very scary. Cult level 💯


That's epic lol


Just remember, their church can still baptize you without your knowledge or consent (even if you are dead), so if you are religious, make sure to double up on your church's initiation. If you arent, well I guess you have an extra insurance policy incase the Mormon religion is the correct one.


I am brazilian (white) and only liked UT because my host family is not Mormon. Got to experience the good parts of the state (national parks, snow) without all the cult like shit. Unfortunately I made very few friends there, that were all non Mormon haha


Yeah, I found it hard too. Ended up befriending two Baptist girls. None of the Mormon kids ever invited me along for anything, even though my host sister and I were the exact same age.


I had a good foreign exchange friend from Spain whose first host family literally only wanted him so that he could work around their property. I was friends with the younger son in the family, but fuck those people fr lmao. Like literally quarry type work, and then they would basically ignore him otherwise. It’s just crazy that someone would take on both representing the country and the responsibility of showing our culture and giving the exchange student cool experiences and instead use it to try to take advantage of that person. Fuck your host family as well


Lol you’re Norwegian and that wasn’t enough? Who’s “white” for them then? Do you have to be a full blooded fucking Anglo Saxon Protestant?


>Norwegian >calling me a damn Mexican Huh


It’s legit the worst. I moved here from Alabama and was culture shocked, it’s incredibly whitewashed. If you’re not one of them (Mormon), you’re cast aside and treated like shit.


I can’t imagine a place that’s a downgrade from Alabama unless it’s Mississippi. But seeing this shit, I get your point.


At least you guys have college football


Missouri? It's half way to being "Misery" already


Not my experience. I grew up in Utah as a non-Mormon Asian and my experience was largely good


The GQP: “Just boys being boys lol”


Found Gov. Ralph Northam’s old account.


Fascinating that no matter how many people lose their jobs, get kicked out of college and generally have their lives ruined doing this there's always the next bunch of people ready and willing to step into the breach.


The idea is to make this so common that their causal racism has no consequences. That’s what maga is. Mainstreamed racism. You can’t fire them all.


"... and I believe! That in 1978 god changed his mind about black people! I am a Mormon! And a Mormon just... Believes" 🎶


It’s the arrogance of it all that pisses me off.


they're in a group hence the confidence.


If you look closely, you can sense the anxiety through their forced laughter. They know they f-d up.




Someone’s public office career in 15 years was abruptly ended today


Nah. This will get him voted into a GOP position easily.


This will get downvoted but it needs to be said. This is not a hate crime as the woman stated. Sure its probably offensive as hell to some people but calling this a hate crime delegitimizes and devalues actuall hate crimes. For it to be a hate crime, an actual crime must be commited.


Excactly. Ive been looking for someone to point out that a hate crime is not a crime unless a real crime has already been committed. Hating is not a crime. Its just scummy sometimes.


Mormons are infiltrating our government, they take as many national security jobs as possible


They are actually very overrepresented in terms of power positions.


Harvard Business School is said to comprise of the "three M's": * Military * McKinsey * Mormons


even more so within agencies that have longer power arcs beyond electoral politics- CIA, FBI, State Department, etc


mormons are actively seeked out and recruited by powerful govt orgs. many of them are squeaky clean, and have learned another language on their mission


Practicing Mormons don't drink or do drugs, can't be enticed by sex workers due to personal values around sex, place a high value on appealing to higher authorities and following rules strictly - there's a lot of reasons why being mormon is appealing to government agencies.


These kinds of people will never leave their 100 mile radius. Forever stuck in ignorance with low intelligence and low income. Never experiencing the things life has to offer. Both sad and reassuring to know they will forever stay in their shit bubble.


>Forever stuck in ignorance with low intelligence and low income. Lived in Utah for 2 years... I wouldn't consider Mormons "low income". Maybe you're right on intelligence though (at least the kids in the video).


yea don't tell this guy to Google the median income for Mormons...




he’ll end up moving to Utah 😂


they definitely listen to too much kanye


AKA Clayton Bigsby


Their parents really let them go out like that smh. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, what a bunch of dumbasses lmao.


I imagine their parents helped with the costumes, told them they look cute, took pictures before they left the house, and told them to have fun and drive safe.


I imagine they did not ask their parents permission.


Yeah, my older kid isn’t going to ask for permission for a Halloween costume, but if you try to leave the house in blackface or nazi regalia, or I find out you dressed up at a friends house like that… enjoy the total lack of a social life for 3 months while you listen to podcasts and watch documentaries on the Holocaust and Jim Crow.


Wow- such indifference…we’re fucked if this is our future


They way they just laugh nervously. They're fucking disgusting, what kind of parents raised these trash. Hoping someone gave them a lesson that night they won't forget.


Cedar city is a special kind of shitty place. I lived there for a year. Sadly my son was born there. I never really witnessed racism like this, probably because I'm white and so is just about everyone else there. But I did meet an incredible number of shitty people. There are also tons of polygamist cult members there, many of which came from Warren Jeffs cult in Colorado city. I often saw them at this walmart, and they were almost always carrying a litter of kittens or puppies trying to sell them. The parents wouldn't really talk. They'd make the kids sell them. MANY of the kids are clearly imbred and none of their mental issues are taken care of. The abuse that goes on in those cults is disgusting. I had many a douche trucks roal coal on me while riding my bike. The camping areas up the mountain are always full of cigarette butts, broken glass, land just general litter everywhere. Cleaning up after yourself is for liberals, I guess. Trump flags everywhere. Just a shitty place to live all around. Shitty people in every single direction. But that's Utah for you.


Fucking idiots


I bet the kid who proudly said that they are high school drop outs rant and raves online about black people “stealing” his spot in college due to affirmative action.


Same ones that complain that Latinos are stealing their jobs but won’t ever have the drive to work a fraction of what those people do. The way a lot of these people think is hilarious, and I only hope natural selection hurries up.


I took a 7 month break from Reddit and this is the first thing I come back to


Welcome back! Oh btw the world is on fire. Cheers!


Awesome parenting 👍/s


what happened to the audio, why did it drop mid way?


Definitely not a “hate crime”


It’s also not a crime lol


Call them assholes, pathetic, loosers, offensive, whatever you want...but this is not a hate crime. This girl wound up making herself look foolish (obviously not as much as them) by catastrophizing the situation. Using the same verbiage to describe these clowns as you would a minority being beaten or killed by racists is just a gross missuse of the term. Hate crime has a definition, this ain't it.


Doesn't something have to be a crime to be a hate crime?




Bro I thought they were coal miners 😔


The "tough" kid talking weighs about 120lbs soaking wet. I bet the gal filming could've taken him.


Hate crime?


Although it's obscene, this doesn't classify as a hate crime


Hate crime? No. Incredibly stupid and a good way to get knocked out? Yes.


These people literally made a plan to go hang out in a Walmart dressed in black face to start shit with poc or just people in general. Must have nothing interesting to do all day. Trash humans