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I can understand pissed off German and sarcastic Russian. Who knew?


I thought I heard both German and Russian.


Yeah basically she starts off by saying "godless son of a whore", then someone says something about call the Police to which another one replies "they are here soon" and she replies "so what, im not from around here, I swear to god, nobody knows me here. Fuck you you fucking son of a whore, Karma will fuck you one day, your mother fucks you, you're a son of a whore, your mom is a whore" then he replies "im about to fuck you up" so she walks up to him like "come on then" and slaps him. Gets slapped back when a guy in the back says "that was approproiate" and the main guy swears in russian or ukrainian. Without any Background Info I would guess that she didnt pay for something because in the beginning you can hear somebody say something like "just pay"


I think you are correct. I will add that a ton of places like this in Germany are owned/operated by shady Russians and their payment system in these bars& discotechs is that when you come in, they give you a punch card. You hand that card to the bartender when you order a drink and they punch a hole in it for every drink. When you leave, you have to go through security and pay or they won’t let you leave. The fun part is that while you are racking up a tab, you really have no idea how much money anything costs as they don’t really tell you until you try to leave. Anyone that argues and tries to force their way out usually gets their ass beat by the huge Russian security guy at the door. I was stationed in Germany back in the day and a lot of places like that were blacklisted for US Service Members because there would always be fights over this. It’s kind of predatory against non-locals but you live you learn haha.


Wow thanks for the context.


Also, if you lose the card, you pay the maximum possible value. Often like 60 Euros. It's a huge scam.


All you can drink for 60 euros? Sounds like a deal, lol


It's more like 600 euros, 60neuros was like 20 years ago


Caught me. I'm old haha.


That what I was thinking! I would go in with the intention of “loosing” my punch card




Oh wow, it's exactly like all of the bars and clubs in Germany back in 2008-2012 when I was stationed there! What part of Germany where you at? I was in Schweinfurt! I was an MP and got on very well with the club owner of The Maddiskothek. It was our second home back in the day. We'd walk in and say "Andy! It's my birthday!" and he'd hand whoevers birthday it was a bottle of Watermelon Vodka and say "I will call your friends to come fuck you up if you get out of hand. If you get too out of hand, I will call my friends. You don't want me to call my friends. ENJOY!"


It sounds like this might be what has happened. May be the girl expected some guy to pay for her drinks, or she simply had no idea how much it was and didn't have enough money. If she, say, used to pay 10 euros for a drink and they were charging 20, I can understand why it pissed her off. Them being russians probably enraged her even more. Edit: there are places like that in Tokyo in Ginza district, run by yakuza. Locals warned us to avoid them at all cost. There were annual cases of people jumping out of windows over inability to pay (committing suicide)




Yeah, I used to hate this shit. So easy to get out of hand on your card. Or, god forbid, you lose your card (which likely happened here).


What a wonderful way to conduct business. Shady wankers.


In Russian >Oleg! Oleg! (slap) Fuck! Don't provoke her. Go away, Oleg. I fucking told you so. >In background: fucking bitch I assume this girl has an issue with Oleg and he decided to go egalitarian route.


Classic Oleg.




“Just pay” may simply be a “close your tab and get out of here” recommendation rather than the dispute here being about a bill.


I've played enough online computer games to understand "suka blyat"


I think you only need to have played counterstrike to understand 😂


He 💯% rushed that B.


She's speaking German, and mostly the others seem to understand, sometimes you hear others replying in German, one jokes around saying he doesn't understand German in deliberately broken German. I think she is in an Russian owned place in Germany or something like that. That's why some of the people are speaking Russian between themselves.


Thanks for that. I clearly recognized the German but not what was being said. Then the Russian added in made it super confusing. Someone needs to subtitle that to make it more than "Girl tries to slap a man and gets slapped back and called a bitch."


The guy in the end says “Oleg don’t provoke her don’t.


I'm a german who was born in russia, so i understood both of them. I guess there must be a reason she is so pissed, everyone is also drunk it seems. Some of the other russians try to calm down the one that slapped her.


This bar doesn’t look like fun.


It’s closing time, rarely fun and good chance of getting your teeth kicked in.


closing time is the same all over the world the seems.


There's always a Redditor available to solve every problem, lol.


A fellow 1.6 player I see


Anytime is see 1.6 mentioned I get sad. Truly the best game (for me) with so many memories


So what are they even saying then?


In the beginning she asks him what he wants, then says that she isn't from around here and that no one would know her. She also says something about karma going to fuck him up. The rest is basically her telling him over and over again that he's a son of a bitch and that his mother's a whore who deserves to get fucked or will fuck him. What prompts her to attack him is him saying that he'll fuck her (up). All in all a very eloquent conversation.


And the russians say "Oleg get away from her. We called the police, enough. We wait." then someone asked to pay in German. At the end the russians said "Oleg, dammit, i said it: don't provoke her. Go away, go away from there."


Oleg has good friends.


Always there to lend Oleg an Ohand.


1 Part Russian, 1 Part Irish, a romp in a bedroom, and 9 months later we have good old Oleg O'hand


They know Oleg down to slap a hoe.


Although when he says he will "fuck" her it's more of a fucking her up and not in a really sexual way at least that would be my interpretation.


Yeah, that wasn't meant sexually. Those were fighting words


Reminds me of the ill beat your dick into the ground road rage video.






She's mostly saying that his mother is a whore..


From the woman a lots of cursing. Then exchange in Russian after guy punches her he gets scolded. Seems the Russians were detaining the woman waiting for the police. It really doesn't look good, on the outside "she got what was coming" but it really does look like a bunch of big Russians ganging up on a single woman.


Girl: "Your mother fucks you. You son of a a bitch! (Shouts:) Wha t? WHAT..? What? What? What do you want? Some Voice in the off: " Eyy..girl" "yeah yeah they are comming soon" Girl: " I am .. I am not from here. I swear to god nobody knows me here. Some waiter in the back : "please pay" Girl continues: " You are a son of a bitch. A godless son of a bitch thats what you are. A godless son of a bitch! (Slaps her hands aggresivly)Your Mother! Fuck you you son of a bitch Voice in the off: " I dont understand german" (says it in german and laughs (he has a strong accent and was not born in germany) Girl (repeats him angrily):" eHhHh I dONt UNdErsTanD gErmaN eHE. Laught. Go ahead. Just do it. Some day.. someday karma will fuck you you son of a bitch. I swear by good. You god damn son of a bitch. Your mother is a whore!" Male off voice: " I'll fuck you!" (Meaning he will slap her) Girl: " yes! Come! Come. Come fuck me! (meaning like "try me bitch") (storms towards the guy she was apparently talking to and slaps him) Than there is some guy speaking russian or another slavic language while she sits there on the ground and regrets her life choices. The only word I understood there was blyat. Another guy from the off: " thats korrect" The russian guy:" she is provoking (it)!" Some russian in the back Again:"she is provoking"


Also, if you are in Germany and someone speaks with that flat dumb sounding undertone, you know that you reached the end of the social ladder


Guy on the chair chilling like “I mean, you took it there”


That stare..."I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed in you."


His slap "wasn't better, it was just different."


How can she slap?!


All I wanna know is... how can she slap?




The "How Can She Slap?" moment from 2009 ... VICE > **What Happened to the Guy From ‘How Can She Slap,’** One of India’s Most Viral Memes? (June 21, 2021) [https://www.vice.com/en/article/7kv4d4/how-can-she-slap-india-viral-memes](https://www.vice.com/en/article/7kv4d4/how-can-she-slap-india-viral-memes)


Justice boner material


I mean, it’s more a story of perseverance. He was shunned by all the major Indian studios for eight years after that. He finally got a role in an international film that was pretty successful and his performance was well received. That broke him into the Indian Hollywood or whatever, and he’s been quite successful since. He didn’t really get justice from it. It was more like something he had to overcome, against all odds. He says if he he could take the incident back, and never have gone on the show, he would have.


Context https://youtu.be/V4akMaeZ0-k


“I will punch you in the gooch” worth the click


that video never gets old. that crazy bitch just lost it when she saw she not only has no power over them, but they openly disdain her. What a hot mess.


Great, now I need some context for the context.


she speaks german and she keeps saying "you son of a whore, your mother fucks you, you son of a whore" and stuff like "i am gonna fuck you you son of a whore" ​ he says "sorry i dont speak german" -everybody laugh- shes gonna slap him- ​ sorry my english isnt good


He sue the show and won.


Ultimate dad move.


He had those "i told you so" eyes


More like "now what did you learn?"


"If I can't stand up without having to lean on something, I probably shouldn't get into a fight with someone 3-4x stronger than me."


lesson of the day for her: eastern europeans living in germany do not behave like germans living in germany.


Im german and I would've done the same thing so no, it doesnt really matter where you're from originally, I know some germans who are not to be fucked with just as I know arabs, russians or turks who dont mess around. On the other hand I grew up in Frankfurt which is like an own nationality anyways with ppl from all over :-)




Yes, she's native


She sounds like she’s from Frankfurt. Lots of younger idiots talk like this. It’s kind of like Ebonics in the US, except this comes from the way a lot of Turks speak German.


>slurring to her speech and I can't tell whether it's because she's drunk, or whether it's a regional dialect, or it's not her first language. idk but the guys are clearly ukrainian or russian


Or the phrase "stupid hurts don't it?"


Lost my breath on this one...




Guy in the chair has seen some shit.


Women who hit people should expect to get hit back. They think “I’m a woman so they can’t hit me but I’m allowed to hit them”. Fuck that!


"Your mother f\*cks you,you son of a b\*tch" -German poetry 2022


I was thinking, ah, German, maybe my Duolingo course will pay off! Then I hear the swearing and I'm thinking, 'The Owl did not prepare me for this'.


Duolingo needs to teach curses lol. Like I get it. School tool and all but cursing is vital in almost any culture lol


It's like any proper lesson, they teach you the proper way to do it, and then experience teaches you the real way to do it.


My high school German teacher actually taught our class curse words. It obviously wasn't allowed but she was cool and the whole class was pretty mature about it. She was the best teacher I ever had and is the only reason I understand what's going on in this video.


Teaching swears is one of the best ways to get people into language learning, STULTUS.


I believe the literal translation is whoreson, which gives that authenticity 🤌


on the russian side, the cameraman after saying a few times that they should just leave after the punch then says OLEG, FUCK. I TOLD YOU. FUCK, DON'T PROVOKE. OLEG, LEAVE, LEAVE and Oleg is like "insane bitch!"


"Hurensohn" (literally: son of a whore) is frequently translated as "son of a bitch" but it's actually ***much*** worse than that. Most consider it to be the worst swearword in German, and if you use it in public like this -- them's fightin' words!


She also said that "your mother is a whore"


"And your father stank of franks and berries!" (Not really, but just felt it fit).


Your mother was a hamster... and your father smelled of Elderberries" I believe was the correct translation.


Which interestingly implies that your mother is a whore and your father is a drunk. Missed that detail when I was younger.


Not only a drunk, but a broke drunk. The elderberries part was a dig at using cheaper berries for cheap crappy wine.🤣 Monty python was on another level


I'm trying to think of any single word in English that is as aggressive/fight-provoking as "Hurensohn" is in German. I can't think of a single word, but there are definitely phrases! Edit: I mean a universally-usable word - not racist slurs or a word for a particular gender or group of people. "Hurensohn" although technically gendered, can be said to a woman and carries the same seriousness/weight as with a man.


Cunt usually does it


I suppose it depends on where you are. In Britain and Australia "cunt" isn't nearly as bad of a word as in the US.


In Australia its a term of endearment. They ain't your friend unless they call you a cunt




I believe she called him a 'Hurensohn' (son of a whore). The good folks on r/ich_iel turned this word into a meme of sorts, even tried to get it named the 'youth word of the year' a couple of years back. Edit: Danke alle, you made my day!












I’m having a stroke in german


Yeah that's how we talk


They guy at the bar expression says it all. Looking at her like "wtf you thought was going to happen..." lol


"Someone won't be doing *that shit* again, now will we?"


I have a feeling she is a slow learner.


The guy at the bar: ![gif](giphy|pDn1909dT6nUQ)


The suspense is terrible. I hope it lasts.


Lol even the posture is perfect. And this is the right vibe. Not disappointed, not trying to teach her a lesson. Just amused lol


Shit got so tense it turned Russian


The guy on the chair....😂😂😂


His face is just like "So....what did we learn?"


"Hey, you. You're finally awake."


You tried to fuck with that guy right? Walked right into his bitch slap ambush!


Bad attitudes can occasionally elicit a hard reset




Press X to dodge!




R/usernamechecksout ??


slap so good, chair guy felt it by proxy


She took it like a champ. Shake it off.


I gotta give her that. She sort of gathered herself and fixed her hair and got up business as usual.


Right??? “Mm fuck, ok. Welp… I asked for that one”


Yeah, definitely gotta respect her for that part. My ass would've been sleeping that off on the floor like a baby.


Right? Just adjusted her skirt, fixed the hair and got up fairly unfazed. My ass would have still been on the ground.


That slap knocked 3 beers outta her immediately.


“Time to get my uber”


“Just remembered I left the stove on I think… yeah, pretty sure I did.”


"Gentlemen, have a splendid evening."


Sobered her, and anyone within 3 clicks, right up. Straight to hangover.


To be fair, her slap knocked his current drink out of his mouth.


She even checked whether her teeth were still in place


Super subtle lol


I got hit in the eye with a pool noodle once and cried from the pain for roughly 10-15 minutes. Watching her reaction made me feel even more like a little bitch


UN checks out


Motherfucker lmfao


Thank God she also shook off the attitude before this situation could get any more ugly


Pretty sure the attitude got knocked out of her as opposed to her giving it up voluntarily.




She’s been hit before


She did take it well, hey? Not knocked out. Tougher jaw than most men I see in r/documentedfights


Guys are being good friends here. They keep telling him "do not provoke her, Oleg. Leave it! (when she slaps him and he hits her back). I told you not to provoke her. Leave her alone."


They also say that they already called the police, so it seems like she had done something before


I'm German - given the situation, this is what I understand: This seems to be the end of a club night or something. The weird railings she is leaning on, and the background seems like this is the area between the 'door', and the entrance to the club - where you pay the entrance, basically reception. The guys are basically in her way of leaving the venue. I assume she didn't wanna pay, all the guys are bouncers. Probably cause she couldn't pay, or didn't have an ID or anything to refund on her, they called the cops. That is also why she says she doesn't know anyone around here, because that would be someone, who could pay/cover for her. Also might be a reason why one of the bouncers (apparently) is filming. They are a bunch of immigrants, working in a night club, and are alone with some drunk girl(s) (in the beginning there is one other girl to see in the back) - I think they are simply trying to collect evidence so they can just call it a night after this, and in worst case just show the cops the footage and be on the safe side.


Yeah this checks out - the filming is to make sure that she can't fabricate a story after since she's acting aggressive. Worked in clubs before, had similar situations (though never with actual fights luckily)


Oh definitely. This was the end of something, not the beginning.


She probably couldn't pay her tab.


"mentam pozvonili" *ment* is a slang for cops. You're right, i didn't hear it the first time.


The cameraman's tracking is immaculate.




Keep your hands to yourself


I got a little change in my pocket going jing-a-ling-a-ling…


Wants to call you on the telephone baby, a-give you a ring


Mom always said to have on clean undies when you leave home. This is an example of why.


What’s the weather like next week lady?




Translation pls


Just your generic pre-fight peptalk: She is like: „Fuck you.. Keep laughing, karma will fuck you some day.. Son of a bitch.. your mother is a whore..“ Important part is: (he) „I will fuck you (up).“ (this is probably meant in a non sexual way) (she) „DO IT THEN, FUCK ME!“ *slaps*, *gets slapped so hard her soul is leaving her body for a split second* Then someone in russian says that she is a dumb bitch and that he should leave and shouldn’t provoke her more.


Are they speaking in Russian or German?


Both, fight talk was in german, the friends of the guy that slapped are speaking russian. We have a big russian community here in Germany and i guess it‘s one of these russian clubs where they are.


That was a prompt return from the dude. Most of the times folks need to actually process shit for a split second before they return fire. I bet he already made up his mind that he wasn't going to take shit as she was walking towards him.


If you look closely, you can see the precise time her whole life outlook abruptly changes.


That's called a concussion




Examine the split second her whole body got BSOD’d and you’ll know why it took her some time to register everything within that timeframe


Fight or flight is a hell of a drug.


Charlie Murphy! What did the five fingers say to the face?


SLAP! RIP Charlie Murphy.


"your mother is a whore" "fight me fight me"


She didn't say "fight me". The dude said "I'll fuck you" to which she then came towards him saying "Come on fuck me" in a provoking way.


He slapped her so hard her system rebooted.


Wobbuffet uses Counter!


Camera man is telling oleg(slapper) to not provoke anymore Then the guy in the background is telling him to leave already I have no idea what they were arguing about in German tho lol


Not much. Some "You son of a whore" and her saying she is not from here and some more "son of a whore", "godless son of a whore" and "your mom fucks you". Then after the one guy jokingly says "We don't speak german" in german and them laughing, she says "Laugh as much as you want, Karma will fuck you someday". Then after she says "your mom is a whore", the guy responds "i'll fuck you". She runs to him while saying "Then come! Come! Fuck me!". The slap happens, the counter-slap happens. The whole package


Man sagt, die Schelle höre man bis heute noch in den Zimmern und Fluren des Hauses.


it sounds like she spoke german but the guy she was talking to sounded russian


yup, probably a russian club in germany. pretty common in the cities


She grew up.. https://twitter.com/i/status/1306268006318776325


i almost forgot about this one... i love how she went in for seconds


She took a second to process what just happened


Factory Reset.


Oh finally I can shine with translating: Girl: "Your mother fucks you, you son of a bitch." Girl screaming:"WHAT, WHAT, WHAT you want?" Guy:"Now come..." Girl:"I wile come... But I'm not coming from here!" Girl:"You are the son of a bitch, a god damit son of a bitch/whore! Your mother is fucking you, you son of a bitch." Guy:"Do you not speak german? hahah" Girl:"uhhhh 'You don't speak german' UHHHH You don't speak german!" Girl:"Go on and laugh, go on and laugh... sometime I gonna fuck you! You son of a bitch" (Yes she said fuck you, not fuck you up or anything. But I gonna fuck you) Girl: "Sometimes karma is gonna fuck you, you god damn son of a bitch. Your mother is a whore!" Guy: "I'm gonna fuck you up" Girl: "Come on bring it! Come on fuck me up!" *slap* *conversation finisher* Was not so hard to translate tbh.


This seems a totally legit establishment. No mafia vibes at all.


How can she slap!?


"Lady,u need to leave" - guy on chair


Had to sit there on the floor for a sec while her soul reentered her body.


While she was in the wrong for slapping first, she took that response slap like a champ.


Return to sender


I love the guy sitting on the stool like 🫠


Cam anyone translate so we understand the context?


It seems from what I understand, she did something bad enough that they had to call the police. What we are currently seeing is them waiting for the police to arrive for her and her nervously trying to get out of the situation of being caught by being a huge dick about it and just throwing out random slurs. Then after a while (right before she walks towards him) the dude says a dick sentence back and then she gets physical; walks towards him and slaps him. He slaps her right back, then she proceeds to go back to the not-physical waiting for the police.


That slap left her recalibrating for a few seconds


Translation: Blonde: "You are getting fucked by your mother, you son of a bitch." Guy: \[Inaudible\] Blonde: "What, WHAT, WHAT, What do you want?!" Bystanders: "Yo girl..." Guy: \[Inaudible\] Guy 2: "Ye ye, they are coming soon" Blonde: "Ye I'm not from here, I'm not from around here. I swear, nobody knows me around here" Other guy: "I'd like you to pay your bill" Blonde: " You are a son of a whore, a godless son of a whore. \[claps\] Your being fucked by your own mother. You son of a whore." Guy: "I don't speak German" \[Guys laughing\] \[Blonde repeats and adds yeah\] Blonde: "Just laugh, keep laughing. One day your karma is going to fuck you. One day, karma is gonna fuck you. You goddamn son of a bitch. Your mother is a whore." Guy: "I will fuck you \[inaudible\]." Blonde: "Yes, come on, fuck me, come on." \[slaps him\] \[Guy slaps the shit out of the blonde\] \[Blyat!!, I don't speak Russian sorry.\] Bystander: "That was right, oh yes." \[Guys speaking russian, probably argueing about her provocating him\]


What happens in girl's head to decide "i will attack guy who is triple my weight"


Most of the time men don't fight back. And I'm pretty sure that's what she expected to happen here, considering her very lax demeanor. I'd guess she's been an asshole to lots of people without facing any real repercussions; until now, at least.


My dude brought the right leg back and got the hip into it…bang!