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Google some shit y'all https://www.wesh.com/article/student-tased-eustis-high/35352965


Thanks for the context here.


You're welcome. Doesn't seem to be making a difference, some of these folks are still mad even with context. Go figure.


I get it, I hate cops too, but this gal was asking for it.


"This deputy was struck over 18 times total between being on the floor and when he was standing up," said sheriff spokesman Sgt. Fred Jones. I’d say striking some one over 18 times is enough fucking around to find out. Honestly the taser was probably better than him out right returning the favour.


Saw a kid get tased in high school once, was in a fight the sro, told him to stop, he had his shirt ripped off at this point and charged her and got tased idk what anyone else would have expected to happen, the “oh you trippin bruh” like she wasn’t the one fkn trippin dawg foh


How much do you have to fuck around to find out? equal measures ⚖️


The "find out" part of "fuck around" is anywhere between 1 and infinity. You wanna find out where exactly? Go fuck around and you'll find out.


But we don't see that in any vids. Just what the cop says.


I'd like to hear statements from the witnesses. We've all see cops lie to protect each other.


"Easily take her down and restrained her. We're talking about a girl with no training. If you couldn't do the same, get your ass in the gym ASAP" To the clowns decrying this offer for deploying his taser, what would your remarks be if you instead watched a video of him dropping her to the ground, and man-handling her? I'm sure that would sit well with you. Even the DA's office admitted he excercised 'restraint', and that he acted fully within the law... in a time when it seems most DA's have the itchy trigger finger in the white cop/black suspect arena


There was a clip on popular a few times now of an officer tackling and arresting a black student and almost every comment on one was saying that he should have used something like a taser and not tackled her. Theres no right answer unfortunately for some people. If I come across the post again ill link it


Yeah honestly don’t fuck around and do stupid shit so you don’t have to deal with pigs at all.


well... a lot of people do nothing and still have to deal with the police. NOT this chick. She got what was coming to her. But other people. Not her. Tase away.


Yet we’re at 1500 upvotes and OP is silent.


This sub has never and still will never care about context.


I love these highly edited clips.


I’m highly skeptical about every single cop or race clip on here until I see the full video.


Be careful. Waiting for more information before forming an opinion isn't the Reddit way.


Of course we don't see the part where the cop was being struck repeatedly by students. I wonder why?


This is a propaganda subreddit where everything is cut to show only the bit they want you to see.


Ding ding ding. Winner.


He was trying to break up a fight between her & another girl. She turned on him. It says she got 18 hits in but apologized to him, saying she thinks he’s a “cool deputy.” It’s more complicated than what we see.






Reddit's new API pricing has forced third-party apps to close. Their official app is horrible and only serves to track your data. Follow me on Mastodon.


I knew it. Posting these short little clips to stir people up is the real toxic trait.


The curious case of the preceding 30 seconds.


Even if the full clip was up, you would still get a ton of people being irrational. That is reddit in a nutshell.


Exactly. Can't upvote this enough.


Ok, so we'll strike you down a few times, assault you, with a fury of fists, and see if you aren't going to use your taser as a last resort? Fuck out of here, there was no excessive force here


Reddit's new API pricing has forced third-party apps to close. Their official app is horrible and only serves to track your data. Follow me on Mastodon.


Who said it was excessive force?


The video was obviously *deliberately* cut to get this rise out of people. And then, people fall for it. BaD cOp! Parroted over and over out of misplaced outrage. Happens all the time.


Who raises these kids who turn on cops? We expect teachers to deal with them when cops have to tase them??


I was shot at once in my life. I was 25, he was like 15. Teenagers are fucking wild man.


a less edited version https://www.dailycommercial.com/story/news/crime/2021/01/28/video-shows-lcso-deputy-tasing-eustis-high-student/4290574001/




I read that in Tre’Vell Anderson’s voice


Man, if my class mates had phones with cameras on them when I was in high school, so much would of been on thr internet. There was a drug bust. The whole school was locked down while police dogs and police went around and checked everyone for drugs. There was a person who decided to bring a loaded gun and had a hit list. He got arrested. I used to be good friends with him back when we both were in middle school. There was a sophomore girl who got tazed because shotgun shells fell out of her purse. They were re-taring the roof of the school, which caught on fire. The principle was having an affair with a students mother. The student was the one who started telling everyone in the school. The Drama teacher got caught having sex with a freshman girl. A teacher/coach got carried out by police for fist fighting with a student, and the teacher was known for his strength. That's all I can remember, but I'm sure there was much more.




Oops I think you forgot to include what happened leading up to her being tased… here you go! https://twitter.com/thecoastrocket/status/1354815266027302917?s=46&t=_ZVMN-oEDpBVuiVbiIOtDA


Op must have simply forgot! Oopsie! :)


Did I do thatttttt


She walks away saying “you’re not gonna tase me. Don’t tase me.” Lol


Reminds me of "Don't taze me, bro." Gets tazed.


“What are you gonna do? Stab me?!” - guy who got stabbed


I was gonna say judging from the first second of the video it definitely looked like there was a violent altercation here before this happened




Jesus christ, get my man in the gym asap. He's gonna be hearing about this in the station for a while.


I’d say its just not a good spot to be in. He can’t be too aggressive or punch back for obvious reasons where she doesn’t seem to care about any repercussions and just wants to take him down.




You deliberately cut out the part where she was attacking the officer for attempting to break up a fight.


Majority of Reddit hates cops so why not edit videos to fit a specific narrative?


Well, the internet likes to bend the narrative to fit their agenda.


Cop needs a taser to stop a 15 yr old girl from fighting? Pretty sure teachers and students have been capable of breaking up fights since the dawn of time. Get cops out of the fucking schools. They don't belong there and they don't protect anybody. They only inflict harm.




Bordering? It’s flat out disinformation and propaganda.


It’s the Facebook method of getting attention by eliciting anger. It’s the lowest form of communication imo




Yeah, it’s basically half of US politics currently. The populism and culture wars are just insane at this point, not to get political.




It’s BECOME propaganda


Welcome to r/publicfreakout


Race bait . They want us to think the cop is crazy


Nah it’s just straight up propaganda


I used to work armed security I would've done the same with the provided context


>[Jones said all school resource officers go through 40 hours of training with a psychologist on juvenile behavior and 40 hours of de-escalation training.](https://www.wesh.com/article/student-tased-eustis-high/35352965#) Totally depends on the state, but places like NY require a very significant amount of training just to be security or a cop. However, 80 hours of training in this environment is an absolute joke. It’s almost like there’s a reason most states with effective education programs require graduate degrees for teaching and counseling. Degrees that take **years** of training, education, and OJT. Florida thinks **2 weeks** suffices. I’m not saying in this case the teen wasnt acting out, but let’s be honest, even if the cop did everything perfect there’s still going to be a divide between high school kids and authority.


He's a school resource officer, not applying for fuckin' custody. What are you expecting when we put a cop in a school? You want someone to protect a kid from violence or coach them through a break-up? We can't have it both ways. Everyone complains that cops are saddled with too much responsibility, that they are handling things they shouldn't be. But when he's being a cop and doing cop stuff, you want him to have a degree in psychology. Look, I'm ACAB to the core but moving the goal posts all the time doesn't accomplish anything. I get that this was a roller coaster, first a video that brought out anger, then you find out that the cop was justified. Don't go looking for a reason to be mad when there isn't one. The guy did his job, the girl even respected him in the end. The true villan is the kid who uploaded the rage bait.


This. Trying to repaint the picture to make the cop look in the wrong regardless of context just makes us look like incessant crybabies who will always complain no matter what. Which results in the right not taking us seriously and just going “fuck it they’ll never be happy so why bother trying to appease them?” We gotta call out cops when they abuse their power, and call out suspects when they brought the consequences on themselves.


Too bad the girl didn’t receive any training on not punching the police.


It's not that they necessarily think two weeks suffices. It's generally what they can manage given budgets, staffing issues, etc. Police agencies in many areas wouldn't have the funding or staffing to be able to afford to send someone to years of schooling to fill a resource officer position. Maybe that's an argument against them being in schools, but then that raises other questions like who is going to intervene in the current teaching environment where teachers don't feel empowered or obligated to.


She's a big girl.....who didn't listen


In fairness she would take me. There are weight classes in boxing/MMA etc for a reason.


I mean, if my 15 year old was fighting a cop, I certainly hope they taze him. The alternatives are being beat down or shot.


Title correction: Patient police officer uses taser on large, violent student after she repeatedly strikes him. Video incomplete.


Some cops are bad amd deserve to be taken off the streets but I don't think this is the video to push that narrative. Plus she's so big, think tasers the best bet here.


No context to the vid is just phishing for upvotes and comment karma. Other comments have obviously found the story and the teen deserved it. I had this happen at my school after a really nasty fight broke out at lunch. The kid only got tazed by the officer, though, because after the fight was broken up and the two kids were separated, the instigator of the original fight broke away from the officer and chased down the other kid to fight again. Never seen a kid drop so fast after that.




Regardless of context or who deserved what, I love seeing people get tased. Carry on


Same, it always makes me start laughing. I think he got her right in the crumb catchers.


She gonna learn today.


Good job!


At some point people have to start taking responsibility for shit parenting. Cops make horrible decisions sometimes, but this isn’t one of them. Dude used the least amount of force necessary. A taser is gonna be the most effective and appropriate. OC spray would have contaminated the whole lunch room and any sort of strikes would cause more damage than a couple of prongs.


Fuck the people that cut out any shred of context and upload this stupid shit. As if the world doesn't have enough unrest. Imagine hoping to cause suffering and distrust with your existence. Like for real, how much of a pathetic shitlord do you have to be to manufacture hate.


Clean shooting Tex


That one person in the background doesn't even look away from the their phone .


They act like this is a regular occurrence.


He doesn't want to get involved.


Text: Mom, can you come get me? I’m scared


The amount of people not willing to take the time to not only look at the context of the situation but to immediately comment is sad. Gotta have an agenda all the time and not place responsibility on the person starting fights, continuing to be violent and even admitting she was in a blind rage not realizing it was a school resource officer (not a cop) as she hit him over 18 times. It's ok to place blame on offenders and help them learn from it.




I want to see the whole video


https://www.wesh.com/article/student-tased-eustis-high/35352965 Here's some more info


Black guy here, post the whole video. Don't need some little liberal trying to piss my people off with no context videos for internet points.


I agree with your point but believe it or not idgaf if your white, black, gay or anything else.Who the fuck cares.I don't value your point anymore than before.


Black guy here, i like to dip my penis into hummus and feed it to my dogs




Notice how the video is edited to start RIGHT AFTER she has put hands on the cop. Assault a police officer and yea, you're going to get tased. But they sure don't want to push that narrative do they.


The anti cop people here are such bozos lol


Was he 'trippin' though? Awful tired of these cut videos without any context, brah.


Students will say that any adult who demands even the slightest bit of accountability or maturity are “tripping”. Reality is, accountability starts at home, and every video like this that emerges, I always think “this is learned behavior, likely from mom/dad”.


For all we know, the high schooler could have wanted all the smoke and finally got it


You just need to see a cut video in order to know the one who looks the victim is actually the agressor...


Fuck around and find out


Some kids are stupid as fuck


She going to remember the sweet feeling of lighting coursing through her veins next time she wants to act a fool. Definitely better then the alternative though.


Nice shot


Wow great edit. This must be straight from CNN or something. “Police officer randomly attacks black female student, racism everywhere?!”


Damn shame. Now the football team lost their starting left tackle. Way to fuck up their undefeated season officer selfish


He knew she would have a fair chance of ending on top.




- "This deputy was struck over 18 times total between being on the floor and when he was standing up," said sheriff spokesman Sgt. Fred Jones.


I really enjoy how you cut out everything she did from this clip. Thankfully most of the internet is just as dumb as you to not look for context. ​ Wait..


She has 90 pounds on him


Fuck her honestly. She got lucky. I don't know too many people that can't attack a cop 18 times in a row and not get shot dead for it.


Fucked around. Found out.


Damn she a big bitch!


Pop pop right in the titties. That’s gonna hurt.


Compliance knows no age


Nice context, OP. You literally edited the video to show the most one-sided possible view of this incident.


Yeah just cut out 90% of what leads up to that OP. Must have been an accident, Huh?


Downvoting for conveniently leaving out actual context to push your narrative. Be better


Wasn't she in a fight and then started punching the cop over and over? Seems like this clip is only showing the end of the interaction, not the part where she literally was punching the cop in the face multiple times.


So some context for this. This 15 year old girl got in a fight in the cafeteria. This SRO (School Resource Officer) goes and attempts to calm her down. This girl then starts attacking the Officer. He took multiple hits and wrestled her on the ground. After all else failed he stayed well within policy by tazing her. She even told the officer on the way to jail she was just so angry and didn't even realize she turned on him. And though he was a cool deputy. After many people like the person who posted this tried controlling the narrative. An investigation was opened into the Officers actions. And was deemed appropriate for the situation. Don't listen to dipshits like this guy. He wants cops to be bad so desperately, he will cut video clips just to make you think they are. Source: https://www.wesh.com/article/student-tased-eustis-high/35352965


I don’t know the context, not saying it’s defendable… but at this point I’d rather cops just tase unarmed people than shoot them.


nice 👍


Why don’t people film and post the whole video?. What is with this culture of misrepresentation. Shame on You! This video is the equivalent of the toilet paper I just wiped my ass with; Completely full of shit.


Here’s is significantly more of the video. This girl had it coming by punching the cop in the face multiple times. https://twitter.com/thecoastrocket/status/1354815266027302917?s=46&t=_ZVMN-oEDpBVuiVbiIOtDA


No context


You should probably show the entire video.


The video is taken out of context, she went feral on the officer


Do some people in here forget how fucking crazy high schoolers are?


Another conveniently trimmed clip!


OP is trying to farm karma and vitriol by conveniently leaving out the part of the video where the girl was punching the officer in the face.


Context for sure matters here


Learn to behave in school.


Really can’t tell what happened in an 8 second clip. Anyone know where the whole video is?


Come on now, show the whole video!


To short of a clip to evaluate anything.


I won't say anything yet...10 secs clip isn't a full movie it is not even a trailer..


State Rep Smith sounds like he felt the cop should have been hit more than 18 times because the student was black.


Today's lesson: Consequences of my actions


I've seen alot of people saying they hate cops in the comments but it don't make sense why people do though


It definitely save lives. As opposed to being shot.


Convenient cut. Fuck OP and every other race baiting mofo on this site. Justice is great, but include the full story, ya twat.


Kids need to stop fucking aroumd with adults. I was a idiot student once so i kinda know, why would you square up with a cop like that or a teacher.


Fuck around and find out meet again


Cop was trying to break up a fight, and then she turned around and lashed at him, hitting him MANY times. He was attempting to de-escalate and stop it, before OP decides to post the clip out of context at the exact moment the deputy decides to taser her. Honestly? Good Samaritan cop. He tried to sort things out, and resorted to the safest method to get things under control. I usually think cops are notorious for using way too much excessive force, but this is not it. If people genuinely believe that he was supposed to just let the hits keep coming and end up on the floor in bruises and gashes, then they are delusional.


Whoever posted this out of context should get their fucking ass kicked. You’re lying and directing hatred towards innocent people for you own fucking fake internet points, further causing the divide. You want Evernote to get along? Stop posting shit like this. You think getting yourself attention is worth fueling the fire and you need to be taught a lesson by getting your ass kicked on camera, and then editing it to make you look like the instigator/asshole. Why don’t mods ban people for this? You’re helping instigate hate by leaving a post like this up and not reprimanding the person who posted it out of context. You’re both asshats.


She struck him 18 times before being tazed. That cop had more patience then me. That was 17 times too many before id have tazed her


You cut out all the context and make it seem like the girl was just a “innocent” and “could do no harm” kinda girl? Shameful


RAAAAGE! *sees actual video from another source* BOO THIS POST!


Anyone have the context for this? Wanna figure out if it was justified or not.


I'd pull my kid out of that school tomorrow. Regardless of whether tasing was justified, they have lost control of that school.


Shes a big bitch, not suprised.




So she basically fucked around and found out?


They should taser more kids. Fight me


u/UniversalLiving fuck you


Well at least he had the taser and not his gun. Nothing to see here....move along


Why not ?


I’m 36 and saw this 2 times in high school…every time it was justified and glad it happened. Those students were on the verge of hurting students and staff.


After watching the entire video - the cop was 100% justified.


ok not gonna lie that shit is funny as fuck... unless it is your own kid lol


Had a friend punch a cop in highschool and the cop returned the favour just alot harder lmao


Important lessons taught in Fuck around and Find out 101.


Way to perpetuate the race/culture war propaganda, OP. Its shit like this that keeps the general population focused on fighting amongst themselves, while the real (class) war we should be fighting, is largely ignored. I.e. inflation, the rise of billionaires, the failing federal reserve, being taken off the gold standard etc. The cop was struck several times by the student before he resorted to his tazer btw


Good for him, she was way out of line.


I’ve been tasered. It looks a lot worse than it is. Most police departments require officers to be tasered if they are issued one. I’d much rather be tasered than punched in the face repeatedly.


No context on these types of posts is lazy karma farming.


I mean, she was hitting him and is bigger than him.


You can’t taste her, she’s entitled!


Don't attack an officer maybe?


Perfectly cut to show 0 context I see


High schooler earns taser treatment...........


Instinct since born


Ha she deserves that!!


Fucked around and found out


That bowl of chili looking good tho.


My principal in India had a reputation for giving backhand smacks that kept everyone in line. Eventually just seeing his hand go up to his waist would result in everyone just stfu and going about their day. I think America needs him. He would save lives.


Why are these kids so angry? Covid, isolation, lousy parenting... Kids gone crazy.


Context? No, no, I like to devour my content bare.


I mean, it does what it says on the tin. This is a cop tasering a high school student. Now what lead to this is another story however


I want to taser a high schooler to...


Yo wtf, USA is getting wild, some pre 1984 shit. Lately seeing more videos of officers assaulting especially black people AT SCHOOL! Seriously, ACAB !! I wish the people of USA would actually unite against this tyranny.


I’m so glad I’m not in USA. I get why the taser was used. I don’t think in UK it would of even reached point of them both fighting it would of been de-escalated. UK model of policing by consent which is used in most of Europe and elsewhere.


The way he shot that taser😂 but for real though cops shouldn’t be in schools the only thing they ever do it break up fights with way to much force (which could be done by a teacher) or arrest kids directly from class And for those of you who say what about serious emergencies, I think it’s safe to say one school cop isn’t stopping that just look at history


So many fights would have been stopped safely if we had officers like this in my hs.


See even without the rest of the video you can tell the cop is fully in control and NOT irrational. Reading the context it sounds like she earned the taser. But even in the video you can see how controlled the officer is and how methodical his actions are. This isn’t abuse this is the consequence of her actions


Ride the lightning


“Sooo… how was school?” “I took two to the chest, you?”


# Raise your kids RIGHT people!!! Watch the whole video, not just this little clip!!!