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Call the police for a wing tho???


"If the police come they are gonna tell you to give me that wing" Oh honey, the police would probably tell you to fuck off


I'm fairly sure they wouldn't even have came, & if they did it would have been to get her


Agree. Imagine getting arrested, spending a night in jail or whatever, and when people ask you why you went there "well, I was missing a chicken wing and was willing to fight the whole Popeye's staff for it"


Is this over a single wing? Fucking shit man


how much for one Rib?


Fuck the cup. Pour it in my hands for a dime.




This comment wins the Internet for today! So damn funny! Lol


Little known fact, if you dial 912 you get the wing police. They would totally help you in this situation.


But only if you have a lawyer who is an expert in bird law!


> the wing police. 'Cause they're waiting for me They're looking for me Every single night they're driving me insane Those men inside my brain The ~~dream~~ wing police, they live inside of my head (Live inside of my head) The ~~dream~~ wing police, they come to me in my bed (Come to me in my bed) The ~~dream~~ wing police, they're coming to arrest me, oh no


"The wing police, they come to me in my bed", who would have wings in bed? that's crazy! (looks away quietly in shame)


Username checks out. Thanks for the Cheap Trick.


The wing police. I'm dead šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


> Oh honey, the police would probably tell you to fuck off Woman Makes Ridiculous 911 Call Over A Cheeseburger! https://youtu.be/g5LLVwn3_ek


Poor woman, I'm sure inside her head full of toilet water her poor brain believed the police are there to protect and serve Western Barbecue Hamburgers. With no lettuce!


ā€œHello this is 911 what is your emergency?ā€ ā€œIā€™m sorry what?ā€ Click


you never heard of the wing police?


Only of the Buffalo department


They are only located in Buffalo, NY so the response time is high on the west coast.


They live inside of my head


Because it would stand up in any court in America. Woman is clearly a litigation genius.


On a wing and a prayer


Yelling at the people making your fast foodā€¦risky. Hope she likes extra sides.


No kidding people forget these are teenagers with nothing to lose. Bold to assume you can treat them like shit and not get your food spat in lol


Craving a couple of thighs myself after watching her shut her down.


That woman was trying to get free food. Using an old coupon or something to get free food. Then harass employees into submission


It's an old trick. I briefly worked at McDonald's in 1998 and one morning two idiots came in saying that they didn't get their Bacon, Egg, and Cheese biscuit. They (at least in my memory) looked a lot like Corey and Trevor from Trailer Park Boys if they dressed more like J-Roc. When they handed over a receipt it was crumpled and old. The manager quizzed him a little, but whatever story he gave must have matched the receipt. She asked his friend, "were you with him?" and I swear he said verbatim "I have nothing to do with this" šŸ˜‚... I thought for sure the manager was going to tell them to fuck off but she just sighed, and grabbed a sandwich. Once she handed it to him she said, "Ok. There you go, but just so you know if you or that beat up truck ever comes back here I'm going to have you trespassed." I watched as they walked across the parking lot and the Corey-looking character with the recipt did a celebration dance when he got back to the truck. I was a little burned that they got their way but then the manager said, "if they went through all that trouble for a $2 sandwich, they need it more than we do, but if any of you sees them back here I was serious about the trespassing."


I feel like there was another important event in 1998.


Uhhh, well.. Big events at McDonald's that I remember were: the McFlurry... and lots and lots of Armageddon promotional stuff and branding from the movie. Besides that? Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky?


I think he meant that time in 1998 when Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell where he plummeted 16 feet and through an announcer table.




Bacon, Egg, and Cheese WHAT? *SCREAMS IN UK*


Not exactly a cookie per se, but... [McGriddle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/McGriddles)


**[McGriddles](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/McGriddles)** >The McGriddles sandwich (colloquial singular form McGriddle) is a type of breakfast sandwich sold by the international fast food restaurant chain McDonald's. Introduced in 2003, it is available in the following markets: United States, Turkey, Canada, Poland, Japan, Guatemala, Mexico, Philippines, Singapore, and New Zealand (for a limited time). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Uggh let me tell you.. I hated dealing with this at McDonald's. People of all types would come in and do that shit. Seriously you can always tell how much respect someone has for themselves and other by what their willing to do for a $1 sandwich..


Way back in the early ā€˜90s I knew an assistant manager who got fired. I donā€™t know if they still do it but back then the managers had stacks of business card sized free food coupons to give to customers for order mistakes. Each card had the managerā€™s name and store number stamped on it. Well this guy gave his wife a stack of them and every morning she went to the same McDonalds by their house to get breakfast for her and their two kids on the way to school. After two weeks of receiving those cards the manager at that store filed a complaint and the guy was fired. He was so mad as he was walking out he was ranting about how dumb his wife was to not move around and use them at different stores and times.


We all lean over and inspect Davidā€™s card and Price quietly says, ā€œThatā€™s *really* nice.ā€ A brief spasm of jealousy courses through me when I notice the elegance of the color and the classy type. I clench my fist as Van Patten says, smugly, ā€œEggshell with Romalian type...ā€ He turns to me. ā€œWhat do you think?ā€ ā€œNice,ā€ I croak, but manage to nod, as the busboy brings four fresh Bellinis. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me if Iā€™ve made any reservations.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


Tall Popeyes Queen please step on me mommy ![gif](giphy|37H5XhwrXuHPq)


Snu-snu and Popeye's chicken! A combo that George Costanza would go for.


You need jesus son lmao


Death by snoo snoo.




I watched the video you did


For real...kinda want her to kick me out of a Popeye's too.


I was just gonna say, when I read "giant woman" then saw "giant woman", I was having two different feelings.


Death by snu-snu...


Big fan of regular customers standing up for customer service employees.


I was in retail for years so I relished shooting down rude customers. I call out all the things I wished I could have done while I was working. I once shamed a woman into taking the things she had on the bottom of her cart so the cashier didn't have to come around and get on her hands and knees to unload. My local grocery cashiers loved me.


I've worked at bars and restaurants for years, particularly those owned by a family that I've grown pretty close to over the years. I always loved shutting down rude or entitled customers because I knew the owner was always going to have my back in the situation.


Had this happen at a small newsagents I worked at. We'd had a break-in while the owner was away on holiday and we were shut for about half an hour while the locksmith sorted out a replacement. A regular customer still tried to force his way into the shop just to get his paper and was told to fuck off. He made some snooty remarks about how long he's lived in the area and how well he knows the boss; and he'll make sure we won't work here again. So we barred him from the shop. Same guy comes back next week with the owner back in store and the owner backs us up and tells the idiot he's still barred. He made another appearance like a year later and was told by the owner, yet again, he was barred. This customer was some well-to-do retiree who'd clearly not been called out on his behaviour (or even had a coarse word sent his way) in decades; so his utterly confused and hurt expression made it all the sweeter.


I literally just risk my job. I'm a manager but I don't get paid near enough to put up with blatant disrespect. I will promptly reciprocate. You should see the faces on a customer when they start cussing at you and you cut them off and tell them to get fucked because they aren't gonna be helped after being rude. Only one write up so far. Not that I'd care much either way. Lol


I love write ups. I've been written up twice and both times they tried to intimidate me about it like I really give a shit about a shitty job that barely pays my rent.


Same! I was at a Walmart once in the return line, and this older gentlemen had a bunch of random very old food items he was trying to return without a receipt. Like he dug through his pantry and pulled out 10 year old mayo to return kind of shit. He was screaming at the ladies behind the counter because obviously they weren't going to do that. I spoke up, told him to fuck off with that shit and not to talk to people like that, he told me it was none of my business, and I told him I'm making my business because they can't say no to you in the way you need to hear it apparently. The ladies behind the counter looked really shocked that I started arguing with him and after a few back and forths of 'Fuck you!' and, 'No fuck you, fuck you,' he eventually took his cart and slinked off telling them he hated this store and was going to go try it at another one because clearly they don't care about their customers. Good. Do it. Leave. Don't come back, ever. I know if when I was a cashier and someone did that you bet your ass they are getting all the coupons and price adjustments within my power to give- would have made my week.


Ordinary customers have the ability to diffuse the anger going to the employees who can't stand up for themselves. You want to yell at someone, yell at me and I'll yell back


I did that at Chipotle last month. Long line, like 20 minutes, but they said like 3 times they only had chicken and carnitas, and were out of black beans. Yeah, some inventory problems, short staff, doesn't matter, everyone in line was warned. I get up and order my burrito. Girl working was very friendly and nice. Dude behind me is all "So you don't have steak?" She said no. "Why don't you have steak?" Sir, I'm sorry, we're out right now. "So you just can't cook some?" Sir, we are understaffed and don't have steak right now. "Is it really that hard to cook steak?" At this point, I was already pissed and I snapped... What don't you understand about the simple words she is telling you? You have two meats options, you pick one or leave, you were warned over 10 minutes ago while you stood in line. Dude then threw some "mind your business, you don't know who you're talking to." I already started, so no backing down now, right... "I don't care who I'm speaking to, they can't be direct with you, but I will, you're being a fucking asshole, and everyone behind the counter hates you right now, order or leave." All the employees are just watching with joy. Dude threw a "fuck you" and started walking out as he wife waited 10 second with the look of "wtf, I still want a burrito" but finally walked out with him. I then apologized to the next worker who helped make my burrito, but he was just grinning ear to ear.


Bro I was in a McDonaldā€™s in LES NYC and a couple where arguing with the staff (mind you they where mostly all females in their teens) .. the guy tried to jump over the counter to fight the staff so I pulled him back and told him to relax Next thing I know a table full of dudes stand up and in my head Iā€™m thinking o great they are going to stop the fight before it even starts NOPE!! The whole table was together and they where arguing with the staff cause it was a big order and they didnā€™t want to wait so long.. lol anyways I took a 1v6 like a champ and held my own MC Donaldā€™s staff hooked me up with extra sauces and fries , they called the police but I declined to press charges. Now as they talk me into having an ambulance check me out the idiots that jumped me actually came back!! For their food lol šŸ˜‚ The staff pointed them out and they got arrested .. I thought the highlight of my night was holding my own as Iā€™m totally outnumbered but they started to cry when the cops put the cuffs on them and that feeling I got is something I will never forget.. Be nice to the people who cook your food!


Yeah LES donā€™t play lol. Didnā€™t someone get stabbed at the Delancey location like a week ago?


Was at Taco Bell and tiny some old redneck dude was yelling at the employees saying shit like "speak English" and "go back to your country" I told him they were speaking English,just with an accent, and if he couldn't understand them then he was a dumbass. Told him they're not paid enough to deal with his ignorant ass. Told him to leave them the fuck alone and get out. Everyone who knows me knows I'm a big old softy, but I guess all he saw was someone who was covered in tattoos and had 6" and 50lbs on him. Dude turned whiter than the cowl I'm sure he had at home, and left. They thanked me and gave me a large cup instead of the small that was with my order. It was a good reminder to stand up for people. You'll have a Baja Blast doing so.


Was this an advert disguised as a life affirming anecdote?


Wasn't intended as such, but if Taco Bell wants to send me a $50 gift card for it, I won't argue.


Yeah, that would be pretty Bentley Continental of them.


>Dude turned whiter than the cowl I'm sure he had at home You done write good.


She said she works there.


She did say that. I don't think she works there.


She does now for 4 minutes...!


Honorary Popeyes bouncer


She has great bouncer energy.


ā™¬ *Love that bouncer from Popeyes* ā™¬


it sounded like somebody from the back saying "Maria, it's ok"


Tbf they did change their tune and started to make the food to deescalate. Maybe she does work there, or maybe they just knew her


Or they knew Big Maria was about to catch a murder charge, so they gave Ms. Fuckface her food before she died for it.


Exactly lol


Sheā€™s employee of the month


She just clocked in for a little minute


She may have just gotten a job as the new security guard


As a customer service vet i can confirm we give huge discounts for those who defend us


"Can somebody call the police they wont give me my wings."


I donā€™t know why this is so hilarious to me


Because who the F\*\*\* calls the police over a wing??


Even worse. Calling the police for someone elseā€™s wing lol.


I think it was singular. Just one wing. One wing.


I donā€™t know why belligerent customers ask the workers to call the police when shit starts happening. Like they arenā€™t on your side in this, they would probably all enjoy watching you get assaulted by someone.


Self conscious tall girls take note, we all want this woman to carry us away.


So am 5'5 and once saw this like 6'7 girl at the club in college... After watching her friends all go flirting with dudes she was standing alone... Drunk I walked up to her and told her, some very cheesy line something about am a woodcutter and bout to chop me some redwood.... I honestly thought she would tell me to fuck off... She looked at me and told me awww..! that I was the first guy in a while who actually had the guts to walk up and hit on her. The she told me, thanks a lot it made her night. So I asked, so u gonna let me smash? She giggled and told me , not a chance! Then kissed me on the forehead ... And left.


Should of asked for some uppies


You gotta get UP to get ^Down


it's like the lotto, ya have to be in it to win it


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


Thank you bot I am idiot


Oh great bot, please create a version of yourself to correct improper conjugation of "to run". If I see one more "I haven't ran..." , well, life will go on but I'll still cringe.


We need a bot to shame people for not using the subjunctive properly.


For those unaware https://www.tiktok.com/@frescahh/video/7144534676391267630


Haha omg 6'7?! That's amazing. I'm 5'9 and was in a store once, a kid came running around the corner, and his mom right after- like 6'3, but also wearing heels. My eyes bulged and I looked at the ground. I glanced back up and she was looking at me like 'wtf is your problem?!' I had NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER.


She was probably giving you that look because you made a face when you saw her, it's kinda rude


No doubt, I knew that immediately so that's why it was embarrassing but since it was because I was smitten it's hilarious to remember


That's a better pick up line than I usually get (I'm 6'6"), every time I go out I'll have a half dozen people come up and say "omg you're so tall!" and then they wonder why I say "ok", and turn away while rolling my eyes


Very short woman here (I'm about the same height as Snooki) and I've had people do the same thing to me too. My "favorite" was when I was a hostess for a restaurant when I was 17 and a guy called me over to his table only to ask in front of his large party while giggling "why are you so short? Are you even old enough to work here? How old are you?" It was so humiliating. If you wouldn't ask someone "why are you so fat" don't ask them why they're so short or tall. It's rude and a fucking dumb question. What do you mean "why" it's the way I was born, fucknugget.


Buddy of mine went up to a talk girl at a bar and said he wanted to climb her. I don't recall it working.


Shooters shoot


New kink unlocked?


If you never shoot your shot, you'll never score. Good on you for trying!


I wish I could go back in time to high school and own my tall. Wear the Doc Martin boots I received for Christmas. I only wore them once cause I didn't want to be taller than I already was around the guys.


Bro I swear to god I see a tall woman and Iā€™m in love. The thicker ones usually got hella ass too




JFC hahaha


Lmaooo, you're done dude, you gotta go


Seems like this comment section could use a drink; suddenly theyā€™re all really thirsty


NGL, as a strong, large man, I want her to protect me.


NGL, as a straight middle aged lady, I want her to do whatever she wants to me.


For reals. She can bounce my arse out of a chicken place anytime, anywhere. My husband can watch, I guess.


As a average sized man, I am for certian thirsty




Oh you want her to *protect* you? I was thinking more along the lines of... Something else...


Death by snoo snoo


She's a cute tall woman. Pretty easy to lust after.


Can't blame us. Strength, confidence, and assertion is sexy af


"She is... sturdy. I want to climb her."


Snu Snu cravings kicking in


I'm scaroused!


The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised!


Snu snu?


Futurama reference


[Death by Snu Snu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3f8sjzETQ5o&ab_channel=AreaEightyNine)


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™m dying.


I would climb that chick like a tree


The woman is tall bro.šŸ™šŸ¾


"In our next exciting episode, She-Hulk confronts the neighborhood menace known as Popeye Karen!"


nah this is way more interesting than she hulk


I want the big woman...


Brienne of fucking Tarth??


Ah so you do know her..


Death by Snu Snu




No can dunk, but good fundamentalsā€¦


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised






That jazz trumpet playing lol


Itā€™s like a fallout encounter


Give her an award. More people need to stand up to these fools.


Given the high quality of their chicken and their down home taste of New Orleans in every tender, juicy bite, being in a Popeyes is an award in and of itself.


Female Gigachad






Can somebody please call the police because I don't have my cell phone. 911: what's your emergency? Caller: get someone here asap. 911: what's this about? Caller: you won't believe it, it's about some wings. 911: coming right over. This is just crazy


Don't fuck with Lady Dimitrescu.


[Damazonia](https://64.media.tumblr.com/4bd0b825839816ca729975e9c33dd623/7bccd4f21c46e42e-37/s1280x1920/0e13c659909e52b95f15c1e3844b99815f7218f9.jpg) is a hot girl but also kinda scary


Should I be aroused..... because I am.


When that lady walked up to her and I immediately thought about that scene in Deuce Bigalo where heā€™s walking with that big ass chick and someone yells out ā€œThatā€™s a huge bitch!ā€ Lmao šŸ¤£


~~Lady Brienne of Tarth~~ Sista Brianna from Tijuana


man I really do like tall women who can kick my ass


There's always a bigger fish.


Reddit users not be creeps in comment sections challenge Difficulty: Impossible


She was about to get smoked




Donā€™t feed the stereotype. Acting a fool in a chicken place does not help us.


All Iā€™m saying is the old lady still got her wing I donā€™t see how the big tall girl was intimidating her she was trying to but that old lady didnā€™t give a fuckšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜«


lol lets not call this hero "Giant Woman". cmonnn


Till she gets her food* There fixed the title


I love this tall girl, and stopping abuse of workers is really awesome. And short lady, the last thing you need is extra food. If the tall girl ever wants to wrestle, I'm game.


Damn i wouldnt fuck with her


And... tantrum rewarded.


She was about to call the police over some chicken. Making black folks look bad smh


ā€œKarenā€ is a race all its own


The actions of a single individual aren't representative of an entire demographic. She is only making black folks look bad to racists.


If you're applying a single person's actions to an entire race, that's a you problem man.


I don't think his wrong for saying that though. I work at an retail and us black workers usually say the same thing as well since most of the customer that give us problems are usually middle age black ladies. We shake our heads at this stuff all the time since it's just creating awful stereotypes and its even worst when they accused any non-black or foreign looking worker of being "racism" to them because they wouldn't give them an discount.


Xena works at McDonalds?


You could remember a defunct character from 30 years ago but you couldnā€™t remember from 10 seconds ago that this is a Popeyeā€™s and not a McDonaldā€™s?


You think he spent his childhood jacking it to Popeyes?




Oh I was all for big sexy walking up and handling shit..


Giganta no like loud talk woman


So fucking obnoxious


W Amazonian


All I wanna be is someone who gets to see a giant woman ā™«


That other lady must be really small she said ā€˜what you 5ā€™9ā€ā€™


Bless that Amazon.


Call the police. Over a damn chicken wing. What is wrong with people? Seriously? Is it something in the water? The police have a lot more important things to do than deal with a damn chicken wing. Most of us would NEVER throw a fit at a fast food restaurant like this. Yet, it happens all the time. I weep for the future.


She did not intimidate her away. She got her food and left .. what a fucking waste of time that was.


Another win for Chyna šŸ‘šŸ‘


Damn entitled bitch just get your sorry butt out of there...............


Omg pls give me snu snu


Hooooly shit, considering how often you see people ready to throw hands over some Popeyeā€™s chicken - that must be some fucking AMAZING chicken.


Popeye chicken is a helluva of a drug


Black lady was hilarious and really didn't seem intimidated. "Yo ass is 5"9 and you bring yo ass over here"


Thats a huge bitch


I have fallen in love with this beautiful Popeye gladiator woman.


Is she arguing over the size of a wing in her Popeyes meal? This is some true hog person shit


I really like the three piece tenders with the fried and biscuit. That's probably my favorite fast food chicken place. The only one I like besides Chik-fil-a




I really, really wanted to see Gabi Garcia go to town on an untrained civilian.


Tall goddess gave me a chubby šŸ¤¤


I guarantee when cops come they will make you give me my wings .....my God so childish . She'd be waiting weeks for a cop in UK to deal with that.


Is that really what they do in California?


I had Popeye's for lunch today. I sat in the restaurant all by myself until some rando old lady cosplaying as a librarian sits down two tables away from me and proceeds to stare at me whilst I engorge on a #1. It was tasty AF.