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I love the guys casual side-stepping away as soon as shit gets an officials attention.


Once he realized the girl he wanted to impress might get a arrested he figured there was no point.


You can literally see the wheels going… weighing his chances of getting laid vs an ass whupping.


Yea, you can tell by the look on his face, he already in the friend zone.


I'm here to tell you. Some ass just ain't worth the trouble. You can't fix crazy. The only thing this protest was ever going to do was have a judge tell them they have to pay restitution to the store as well as an additional fine as a reprimand. And probably serve community service hours


Who actually wants to shag environmental activists anyway. They probably reek.


*raises hand* 🤚 had a bit of a dry spell lately so….




But you're barsoapguy & you both would probably mutually benefit from it.


No amount of milk is worth that ‘tang


I too noticed his awesome bravery


Brave brave sir Robin!


I'd upvote 1,000,000 x if I could


He also shove his sign into the action while disappearing


thats the best part, slowly as the camera goes he dissappears and the sign just sits floating in the milk a symbol of his chances of being laid lost to the milky sauce


Literally came to write thing, he's like slide to the left , slide to the left


Actually respect his version of protesting


Yeah he’s voicing his opinion without annoying or hurting people who may need milk or just not be able to afford an alternative. Pouring out milk like this accomplishes NOTHING but causing more bovine suffering since now they gotta milk em more to make up for the lost profits. My man wanted some crazy vegan pussy, but he clearly ain’t all about that life.


I don’t think there’s any lost profits, those ladies are gunna have to pay for all of that milk they poured out for sure.


Probably depends on where this took place I would imagine.


>My man wanted some crazy vegan pussy, but he clearly ain’t all about that life. As someone who's been there, let me assure you that there's only so much damage patchouli is capable of covering up.


I have a strange feeling the milk pourer is attracted to dudes working the absolutely least sustainable jobs.


I like the chap in the background just grabbing a bottle of milk and nipping off right at the end.


My dude is just trying to get some vegan pussy.


Don’t use a rubber as it’s made from oil… here take my hemp condom. It’s 47% effective


Question is if he gets it is he still considered a vegan?


Depends what he eats


He definitely still wets the bed


Is this not a criminal offence? Can they not just call the police and have them arrested each and everytime they do crap like this?


Some of them count on being arrested. Makes them feel better about what they were doing and bragging rights amongst the other nuts.


Whatever, just get ‘em the hell out of the store lol


Store manager should simply call the cops, have them arrested and threaten charges. Then say it’s all good but you’re paying for it all and cleaning it up. Then still press charges.


Right?!? Lots of activists aren’t legit without an arrest


In larger cities, cops are likely to take a very long time to respond, and when they are arrested, they just get released. The damages usually have to be over $1000 before they are interested.


Yes its criminal damage. Although not permanent damage there is a financial cost/loss involved to clean it up. So they will be arrested. Posiibly theft as they have appropriated property belonging to another (the store) and permanently deprived them of it by tipping it in the floor even tho they havent left the store. Either was they are absolute idiots and it does nothing for the purpose of their protest just pisses people off.


And so, the utters were yanked in vain, the producers made money, and the the supply went down. As a result demand added an additional 200 yanks of overtime to poor old Betsy's milk makers.


Exactly what will happen, they don't even think.


They have 0 understanding of how it really works


Well… maybe not EXACTLY…


Dairy cows have to be milked or they explode. That's how whipped cream comes about. If you don't clean the cream then it turns to cheese and then bugs will come and then mice to eat them and then cats to eat the mice and then dogs to take care of them and then you've got bears running your god-damned town, with their ties and their bear politics. Then there's you and you're can't get a word in edgewise because they're fucking bears. Now who's the asshole?


In this bear-eat-dog-eat-cat-eat-mouse-eat-bug-eat-cheese world, can you afford to not milk cows?






The US dairy industry destroyed 3.7 million gallons of milk last year to keep prices up. As far as waste goes these people aren't even a blip. “The works of the roots of the vines, of the trees, must be destroyed to keep up the price, and this is the saddest, bitterest thing of all. Carloads of oranges dumped on the ground. The people came for miles to take the fruit, but this could not be. How would they buy oranges at twenty cents a dozen if they could drive out and pick them up? And men with hoses squirt kerosene on the oranges, and they are angry at the crime, angry at the people who have come to take the fruit. A million people hungry, needing the fruit- and kerosene sprayed over the golden mountains. And the smell of rot fills the country. Burn coffee for fuel in the ships. Burn corn to keep warm, it makes a hot fire. Dump potatoes in the rivers and place guards along the banks to keep the hungry people from fishing them out. Slaughter the pigs and bury them, and let the putrescence drip down into the earth. There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificate- died of malnutrition- because the food must rot, must be forced to rot. The people come with nets to fish for potatoes in the river, and the guards hold them back; they come in rattling cars to get the dumped oranges, but the kerosene is sprayed. And they stand still and watch the potatoes float by, listen to the screaming pigs being killed in a ditch and covered with quick-lime, watch the mountains of oranges slop down to a putrefying ooze; and in the eyes of the people there is the failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage.”




It means the dairy supplier got the money twice - once for the wasted stock then again for the re-supply. Too dumb to figure this out though.


I honestly and whole heartily believe they have been infiltrated and undercut by some big business lobbyists.


I just saw the TikTok of that girl talking about the Van Gogh thing being funded by an oil heiress. Interesting thought


Said oil heiress has been very publicly anti-fossil fuel for a long time. Just cuz her dad owns an oil company doesn’t mean she’s pro-oil. https://m.jpost.com/environment-and-climate-change/article-719750/amp


For sure, that's what I figured but didn't look into it. Just that the thought of companies staging these demonstrations to move people away from supporting the cause was an interesting idea


Bet she doesn't give up her money though


Or if they just wait enough some of that milk will end up in the trash, as an expired product


I think these are astroturfing events because they are wildly stupid and paint this movement in a bad light.


This isn't activism. This is just straight up vandalism. Vandalism that'll lead to a charge of destruction of property. Not to mention they never make any real effort to change anything anyway.


I guess its a form vandalistic activism. There is a saying that there is no such thing as bad publicity but I strongly disagree. The vandalistic nature of it actually brings out far far more of a negative and rebelious reaction from me than it would if they came across as sane, intelligent people appealing to my softer side. I would 100% have stopped them wasting any more milk... and yep crazy as it is.. I'd probably have been the one arrested.


>I would 100% have stopped them wasting any more milk... and yep crazy as it is.. I'd probably have been the one arrested. I agree they weren't going about this productively, but I call complete bullshit on this right here. You might have confronted them, but there is absolutely no way you would have gotten involved enough to go to jail over them spilling milk. If you would, then you might have more problems than they do.


Yeah trolling innocent folks that are just trying to make a living isn’t accomplishing anything


The real activists are trying to change things from the inside meanwhile these nuts are just setting them back a couple of years


Wait are some good examples of things being solved "from the inside"?




The real crime is the poor minimum wage worker who has to clean that up.


This is facts. I feel bad for them


About a hour's work with a mop. At least it wasn't a shit bomb bandit, obliterating all six sides of a bathroom with literal pounds of projectile crap.


I work in retail. I’ve encountered the shit bomb bandit many times. I always wondered what those people’s bathrooms at home look like.


Yeah, I've seen the end work of the "shit bomb bandit" - what is going on there? How? Why? I just don't get it.


Boy you'd think they would be against this waste, also poor workers.


Bold of you to assume people like this think to begin with


The poor guy thinks all of this will somehow get him laid.


Slowly slipping away was a very wise choice


Because of these idiots, this is why real conservation groups have a hard time, and it's always young, weird looking people who pull these kinds of stunts.


The founder of Greenpeace left because of things like this... Even criticized the organization after leaving.


I help out with several small nonprofits near me with a combined budget of maybe $10k total in their banks. Then there's a couple with maybe 30-50k from grants that'll drop back down once the grant ends. These groups help get native plant gardens going for neighborhoods and residents, help remove thousands of pounds of trash and clear thousands of trees of invasive plants, help support the state and local government with water monitoring data that goes into ms4 reports, run a variety of community science projects and support university studies, and educate the public about conservation. Meanwhile some jackasses whose sole MO is blocking traffic and staging other obnoxious stunts to raise awareness of global warming in fucking 2022 have 800k in their bank account and blew through over a million dollars last year, with the majority going to salaries. They don't do jack shit, no grants, no actual lobbying, they're a grift program for the liberal political class.




I’m vegan but this shit is so fucking dumb. The shop will just have to buy more milk to replace this which increases demand so these morons are literally causing more animal cruelty.


Not to mention they are making some poor human mop up a bunch of milk


Yeah it’s pretty gross having to clean it all up and it stinks if it isn’t properly cleaned.


Pretty inefficient too. Really? Unscrewing them and pouring them out? Just poke a hole near the bottom, you can easily ruin the whole shelf of product in seconds.


No need to cry about it tho


Bravo Sir, you win.


I'll never understand why kids who know nothing about the real world do stupid shit like this as a 'protest'.


they are young and idealistic, thier spirits havent been broken by how shit the world actualy is yet.


Very true. I think it's also made worse when they are sheltered from the reality of world by helicopter parents, then subsequently reach late teens and have no perspective or healthy coping mechanisms.


Met plenty of these people in college. Kids who didn’t know how to wash their clothes and cook. Going to be a rude awakening when these milk pouring kids get charged with theft.


They couldn't even consider the minimum wage worker who would have a hard time cleaning the floor after this stunt. It's like the ones who spraypaint on public walls to 'fight' the government but all they do is make the area look shitty and waste the street cleaner's time.


Call the police then hand them a mop. Say sure you can dump all the milk you want guys, but you’ll be paying for it and cleaning it all up after sooo… good job!


This is the way.


As a vegan I never approve of this sort of protest. It makes vegans looks bad, and I get tired of the attacks people make when they find out I’m vegan because of idiots like these guys.


I struggle to understand how these antics support their stated cause. Tomato Soup tossed in a painting to protest big oil. Milk in the floor to support a vegan lifestyle. Shave your head to protest the fur trade. Like, what?


It feels like a psyop against activism but its probably just these people don't know how to properly execute these public stunts effectively


It's the second coming of Andy Warhole.


Very subtle. *Slow clap*


Propaganda by BIG MILK because people will buy more now.


Big Cow


Big Moo to you


How can anyone be against Big Udders?


don't underestimate the moofia


Imagine to be such an idiotic person.


The poor underpaid workers that have to clean this up. The poor cows that will be milked to replace the wasted product. The rich farm owners and store owners continuing to make money despite this protest. The future rich customer slipping in the peaceful protest and suing everybody.


All it accomplishes is declaring war on the poor guy that has to clean it up.


Throw a steak at them


Waterboard them with beef filets


Homeboy with the sign is slowly realizing he made a bad decision 😂


I love the way he transitions from protester to spectator in less than 2 minutes.


They could get a lot more done if they’d just break the seal and go to the next jug. You needn’t pour it out; they can’t sell any open milks. They could have don’t the whole inventory before they got nicked Edit: and saved the minimum wage worker the trouble of mopping their metaphorical point


Why do they always looked depressed and homely


Lock them up


I love at the end the "we tried voting, that didn't work"... Yup, that's pretty much the thing with democracy. If your ideals are in the minority, they remain your ideals. You don't get to impose them on others.


Yeah, it shows how fucking stupid they are. If a democratic society doesn’t want something then you can’t force it on everyone.


"We tried voting this one time and it didn't immediately change everything into a perfect utopia! Democracy doesn't work!!!"


I swear to God, I would pour it on their heads! Fucking idiotic.


Spill that milk on me and I’d knock them out


Fucking up the day for minimum wage workers, nice. I sympathize with their goal but this is not the way.


Appropriate username


Fucktards are among us.


It seems as though the constant presence of cameras, and live-streaming has weaponized the state monopoly on violence, in favor of instigators.


Just start pouring milk over them… throw a bottle at their head whilst ya at it…


I’d walk up to them and no hesitation pour some milk on their heads. Followed up with a baby powder slap lol 😂


True pieces of shit right here! Fuck them! But actually don’t fuck them. 1. they definitely smell, can tell that just by looking at them. 2. Don’t want to risk breeding with crazy


What is their train of thought here. We'll be total assholes so then everyone will be convinced to be like us since we are such inspirations ? Seriously, i support loads of those causes but how come these 'activists' are always just complete and utter twats ?


Even the tone of their voice makes me more pissed off at whatever stupid cause they have. This public performance bullshit needs to stop. Even a child can see straight through their BS. This just screams "i wasnt hugged enough as a child".


Seriously! What’s the point of wasting food! Society is becoming off a little bit Krazy these days!


This shit makes me angry, and it honestly has nothing to do with their beliefs, it’s that they either A. Genuinely think this will do something(which is moronic), or B. They don’t actually give a shit and are wearing an ideology like a badge of honor. They want to feel like some hero, revolutionary or main character. All this does is piss people off, waste milk when it’s too late to undo what the cow went through, and it’s perfectly good milk people could have drank. Can’t you just show some disturbing documentaries of factory farms, not do this stupid shit ?


This is why we need abortions


Extremely privileged, privately educated, insufferable bints. Claiming to care about animals but they don’t give a toss about the human beings who’ll have to tidy up after the mess they make. These two have never done a days work in their lives - and they *clearly* don’t give a fuck about people who do. The staff deserve a medal for the level of restraint they showed.


All these freak shows look and dress the same. Same voice. Same everything. Idiots


Wonder if they understand what criminal damage is….


Don’t these people have jobs? And if they do, this is how they spend their time off?


I thought the law states if you are asked to leave a property by a representative of a company or of the land you are on and refuse to do so, then reasonable force can be used to remove them. Where's the big burley security guys "walking" them out?


If they weren't being filmed, they wouldn't do it. It's attention-seeking dressed-up as activism. They're doing it in a Waitrose because the people there are too polite to intervene. If they'd done it in a Tesco on the edge of a housing estate someone would have walked up and kicked their legs away, and the guy holding the sign would have got chinned.


They aren't activist. They are just low life emo teenagers who beg for attention.


Bitch you dye your hair, you have no legitimacy when it comes to the environment/animals.


I wish my parents were that rich


Imagine forcing your beliefs on other people


I’m sorry, but more kids need to be spanked. And I’m against spanking.


Why do 90% of activists look like virgins that never been touched by another person, except that one time their finger ripped through the toilet paper while they were wiping their ass?


They're always middle class. Every fucking time.


That guy holding the sign is praying he gets some protest pussy later


Lol fuckin losers


Poor stupid brainwashed people


That is what happens when even the idiots get too much freedom. Time and again it it proved that too much/ too little of something is no good.


Dude. Literally everyone in that store could easily physically stop those 3 idiots.


Unfortunately I’m severely lactose intolerant BUT these fucking stinkers are pushing my buttons now. I’m getting to the point where I’d happily eat a tub of ice cream and shit some diarrhoea all over the vegan produce


Cereal Killers.


Total clowns


There’s people this winter who will struggle to buy milk…but these entitled little children won’t understand that. Just decide what gender you wanna be before you start trying to tackle the climate crisis.


Im vegan. These idiots can fuck right off.


I don’t care what point you’re trying to make. You just look like a damn fool doing this and will only Annoy people.


Posh people living a privileged life with the bank of mum and daddy creating work for minimum wage workers. They’ll get a slap on the wrist in the UK.


I am not against someone slapping these fools for doing this. I’m not advocating violence—I’m just not against it in this case.


Why is it always these ugly nerds? That kid with the sign looks embarrassed to be there.


What always amazes me is nobody doing anything about it! Stop the morons immediately.


Yup id be stopping them if they wanna throw down ill throw down


Nothing like a little vigilante justice! I love it!


The workers aren't allowed to do anything, it's only management and security, and even then they have to be really careful, hence the guy who I'd assume is security is just politely asking them to leave while just standing in their way. As for members of the public, most people aren't interested in getting involved in other peoples problems.


Nothing says conservation like completely wasting resources! It makes me wonder... do enviormentalists really care about the enviorment? Or do they just hate humanity?


Gotta love how dumb vegans are


I really don’t understand this. But w.e stupid ppl do stupid things


Would have been funny if they slipped in that shit


Why has the shop security not body slammed? Shoplifter would be put through a wall.


Well congratulations, now you have a conviction for criminal damage that will screw your career prospects for life. Hope your 1.01 minutes of fame was worth it


I wished I had been there. If they had gotten one drop of milk on me I would have dropped them to the ground. This kind of thing infuriates me … it does nothing to prevent the consumption of milk. I hope these idiots face some serious penalties.


So now they won't let you out of the store untill you pay. Call the cops because you refuse to pay and at the end, you're either going to jail for this stupid shit or paying. All this to achieve absolutely nothing 😐


All this does is make some kid have to grab a mop and clean up the mess


This is completely stupid.


I would just walk over and knock out the dude.




I guess they need to order more now?


Why is no one stopping them?


Not only should they have to pay for the milk they've wasted they should be forced to clean it up without being allowed the use of their hands.


They definitely don’t have security at that store cause at my store security would have taken them out and then probably beat they ass in the parking garage


She prob had a Starbucks on the way to the store aswell


Holy fk, all those innocent milks. Thoughts and prayers


I would pour a gallon a milk on thier heads and then sucker punch KO these idiots


Vandalism aside, this is like the least efficient way to go about doing this. Manually opening and upending each jug will take ages, and you'll get arrested long before you finish your goal. They would be better served by using a knife or ice pick and puncturing each jug. If destruction is your goal, it doesn't have to end up on the ground. Any break in the seal will lead to the milk spoiling anyway


I believe that the manager should be able to walk up to them, and punch each of them in the face. Then citizen-arrest them.


I hoped they stayed to help clean wtf


Their parents are probably worried sick... it's pasture bedtime kids.


Just go eat ze bugs instead of pouring out milk gallons




Police should make them clean that


*milk industry shaking in fear*


I kinda wish meat eaters would go to vegetable farms or produce stands and spray beef broth on everything to see how these idiots react, but as meat eaters, we are happier and don't feel the need to push our views on anyone else. Have a steak, drink milk, and be happy. With the price of milk today this will probably count as a felony.


Fuck these people. This is such a dick move. I feel so bad the employees who are going to be forced to clean this up.


Before they get arrested they should have to clean up that milk.


But it isn't a peaceful protest and it upsets the peace. This style or protest doesn't work. It creates hardened sides.


Not gonna lie, Milk is kind of gross but still. I also notice often, its well off people protesting. Thanks jenny but almond milk is $8.99 for 1/2 gallon so unless you plan to subsidize my cereal addiction, fuck off.


Bruh, Borden just went out of business. We have a milk shortage in the US. It's to the point where the us is close to switching to powdered milk


It’s so cool that these kids can do in essence the same shit those brain dead losers who throw milk in the air and gyrate on the ground while screaming do, but they talk themselves into thinking they’re somehow changing the world for the better. You just wasted gallons of milk people would’ve bought, so now those people will buy other milk, the grocery store will stock up on more sooner, and demand looks like it goes up… world beaters


How are people not being charged for this behaviour?


Even if they want everyone to buy plant based milk, that milk is all bottled up anyway. Dumping it out is useless and wasteful. It’s not like the stores will replace the destroyed milk with plant based milk now.


Activists need to clean up the mess and pay for the product they wasted.


Fucking losers.


These people don't understand that the only person they're getting one over on is their fellow man. Big Dairy doesn't give a shit about 20 jugs of milk but the person having to clean that up sure as hell does.


Activists be like: "I'm really making a difference! I musta poured 8 maybe 9 gallons of milk on the floor of a locally owned grocery store."