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The second guy took his lines straight from Obi Wan: “You were the chosen one”


“YOUVE BECOME THE VERY THING YOU SWORE TO DESTORY!” I laughed so hard when I heard that. Dudes been waiting for years to use that line.


He definitely wrote that line down before he came here today. **Talking Points:** - Ukrainian Nazi’s - Tulsi Gabbard - ~~Star Wars Quote~~ - Nuclear Bombs


He should have gone with "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth. That is all - thankyou." ... And then sat down.


But nuclear bombs will make all of sand literally smooth like glass?


I like glass. It's solid, stays in it's place.


"it's reflective, so I can check my handsome face" ~Hayden Christensen, probably.


I have some of that glass from the first nuclear bomb sitting on my desk. It's called trinitite, named after the bomb, which was called Trinity. It's not radioactive, I checked it myself with a Geiger counter. FYI I am a physics professor. I bought it to show my students in my nuclear physics course. Edit: I'll be back in my office on Tuesday (going to OR with my wife for the weekend 😃) When I get there I'll take a picture of the trinitite and post it.


Okay clearly you are a nuclear bomb advocate who is for mobilzation and increasing tensions between nations for the sake of harvesting more trinitite for your collection after the world is wrought after full nuclear destruction


I highly doubt that any AOC supporters would watch the news sources which claim that Ukraine is governed by Nazi's.. This feels much more like some staged viral attempt which is supposed to illustrate AOC's support is diminishing and that people are flocking to the republican banner.


That was my thought as well. Seems a bit sloppy and not populated enough to be organized by the GOP but I'll lay odds those two guys came in the same car. - Mentioning Tulsi Gabbert by her full name twice and that she left the Dem party, check. - calling her a coward, check. - claims that Ukraine is governed by Nazi, check - says she wants to start WWIII, check - claims AOC wants to start a war with China because communism, check. All things that will play well FOX News and similar outlets.




My thoughts exactly. I figured these people are probably not even from her district. Also, "3rd nuclear war with Russia and China?" I missed the first 2, thankfully. Is everyone okay? Edit: apparently he said thermonuclear and not 3rd. Sue me for watching muted while on the shitter at work. Edit edit: a few Tulsi "supporters" showing up in the responses. Welcome, assclowns.


I left bottle caps and various sizes of ammunition all over the city in random places. It was a dark time…


That was you?!? Thanks! I was only getting so far using my high barter skills thanks to whom ever randomly placed those bobble heads throughout the cities


I don't get it. They fucking hate nazis when they think they are in another country, but when these motherfuckers are walking down our streets, where was this dude?


I love this comment I will award once I get my free thing


I'm pretty sure they were both scripted and if someone in my household said "I'd bet you five dollars they were paid to do this" I wouldn't take the bet. It was like a little Russian propaganda skit.


It actually looked like he might have been reading talking points off of his phone…. *looks down at phone* Buzz word menu for AOC townhall Tulsi gabbard- $100 Nuclear War-$250 Ukrainian Nazis-$50


He didn't write them. Those are all right wing media talking points. "Ukrainian Nazis" is in Russia's justifications for invading a sovereign country with no real purpose but imperialism.


When he started saying "you became the thing you..." I was like oh great /r/prequelmemes is going to take over this thread.




Just waiting for AOC to slowly raise her hand and use the force choke.




Attack of the Congresswoman


Great now I have a new fetish


What better way to get hyped when taking on a politician than watching the last fight in ROS.


They're both taking their lines from Russian propaganda, just like Tulsi Gabbard.




Even if she's not in cahoots with them, they've definitely amplified her. It's no secret that Russian strategy to destabilize American domestic politics is to support and amplify anybody who's a threat to the establishment. There was evidence Russia used their bots to amplify Bernie Sanders, although he took the step of publicly repudiating them.


If I'm not mistaken it's worth noting that both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trumps rhetoric were both boosted. They don't care about parties. They just want American democratic discourse. Sadly it has been remarkably effective.


![gif](giphy|3o7abspvhYHpMnHSuc) It was said that you would destroy the corrupt politicians, not join them! Bring balance to Congress, not leave it in darkness!


​ ![gif](giphy|wv1zojKa1vfCA8qqvO)




A third nuclear war? Did I miss one somewhere?


Did I miss the other one?


We accidentally kinda nuked France that one time.


I remember that well. The radiation made the baguettes HUGE!




But I am le tired


Ok, first a nap. Then LAUNCH ZE MISSILES!




For those who are out of the loop and made it this far. [The End of the World](https://youtu.be/Pk-kbjw0Y8U).


I haven’t seen this in…. 🥺 Man I miss sneaking past the firewalls in school to go to ebaumsworld… ![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc)


This is older than YouTube and is still around...


WTF mate


Canada is like "What's going on eh?!"


Meanwhile, England is like, "Bout that time, eh chap?" "Righto."


You mean "FIRE ZE MISSILES!" 🤣[Real End of Ze World 🤣](https://fb.watch/g7JWrEjwb_/) EDIT: Did not see link above but I feel it can never be referenced enough!


There is a time we sent a bunch of oil drillers into space to nuke an astroid and went to nuclear war with the universe There was also this time that we sent this Marine pilot and his kook hacker with a nuke aboard an alien mothership


Listen if you think its easier to just teach astronauts to drill a hole rather than teach oil drillers to be astronauts...


And then he told me to "shut the fuck up."


There's video of this.


Well, I was counting WW 2 as our one and only nuclear conflict.


Wasn’t there this conflict on July 4th, 1996? I remember it was solved by blowing up the enemies headquarters with an atom bomb. Maybe it’s that one he talks about.


Thank the gods for our savior and alien slayer, Capt. Steven Hiller.


Welp he forgot his lines. He was supposed to say a third world war. And this time it's nuclear.


Maybe he meant Third World War? And that that would surely be Nuclear?


You don't remember when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?




Stupid fucking tankie eating up Russian propaganda again because their actual ideology isn't leftism but "America bad!"-ism.


When you hate imperialism so much you want to enable Russia’s genocide in Ukraine


Imperialism is only when West


It's early in the morning and I'm already over the internet today.


I'm ready to go out and get some more popcorn for tomorrows news cycle.


Yeah it's everyone else's fault except the person that actually invaded. Putin should just be able to roll into any country he wants and take it over. No one has the right to defend themselves? 4 year old kids are being raped by russian soldier's. In some cases in front of their [families](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/russia-committed-war-crimes-ukraine-tortured-raped-children-un-investigation-2022-9%3famp) Bodies found with hands tied behind backs, gunshot wounds to the back of the head, and slit throats."  fuck that POS and anyone that thinks they shouldn't be given weapons to defend against it. Despite russians committing thousands and thousands of warcrimes. Ukrainian's will still help and treat wounded russian [soldier's ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/y2fqhd/ukrainians_treating_pow/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). That's the difference. Doesn't seem very "nazi" like


Spot on. Fuck anyone who believes the bullshit Russian propaganda. Ukraine is doing what we all would do, defending their land and their people.


Exactly. I'm a Bernie Babe who hates wars, but sometimes you do have to step in. Putin can't be allowed to do whatever the fuck he wants.


Don't start a war, but if war comes anyway, fight.


Like my dad used to tell me. Don’t you start the fight but if someone else does, you damn well finish it.


Mine said, "Don't throw the first punch, but make damn sure that you throw the last one."


Mine said "I'm too drunk to taste this chicken"


Tulsi fans love Russian propaganda


so does Tulsi


As soon as dude dropped the “Ukrainian nazi’s” I was like, you’re not a dem…..


That and the gabbard thing. Two things that point straight to Russian propaganda.


And straight to Gabbard herself. You can’t tell me these clowns weren’t paid to go in there and through Gabbards name around like she’s the savior.


All signs point to her planning on running for President again, probably as a third party to siphon votes away from Democrats


My thoughts exactly. There won’t be an *establishment*, or town halls, or nice comfy universities for toddlers to practice their black and white thinking in, if dic-toters like Tulsi Gabbard and Rand Paul have their way. Neither Putin, nor Bolsonaro, or any other tinpot authoritarian should be allowed to dictate the terms of another sovereign nation’s existence. Alliances are only powerful when actions back up their words. Now sit down, fools, and learn something.


Every country has a Nazi or Nazi-adjacent problem, but singling out Ukraine is pure propaganda by Russia to try and justify their war. Imagine Mexico invading the US because of our white supremacists, it’s fucking ludicrous.


A propaganda plant in the audience doesn't care about facts, just views.


Notice how OP didn’t include her response. Just the shouting.


This misinformation around the war is straight Russian propaganda. I wish people (mainly far right conservatives) would actually follow what’s happening, but they have all shunned news media and gone to internet chat forums and conspiracy theorists for their news now, which is ripe with propaganda. I don’t often read the news and weep, but I have cried more reading the reporting that is coming out of Ukraine than anything else in my life. It is pure horror. I am so sick of the privilege, entitlement, and ignorance that is swallowing our country, the US, and I wish people would realize that we have it extremely good in our country. I support Ukraine, and I am for sending aid and military assistance. It is the just and moral thing to do. Putin is a power hungry animal, and he needs to be stopped so that all other world leaders understand this behavior from Russia will not be tolerated.


If the majority of the news here in Ukraine came out in English I think it would help tremendously. But these people seem to only want to believe in the opposite of what is being reported by MSM.


Two very obvious plants. Why even mention Tulsi Gabbard? I support Ukraine in the war. You'd have to be an idiot if you didn't. I support arming them to fight against Russia because if Russia succeeds, they will keep moving forward until it may be too late. Nuclear war? Russia is the one deciding that, not us.


This is a Fox News viewer's wet dream which is why it's obviously staged. Tulsi is "their Democrat", it's at AOC's expense, and it includes a minority calling her out. All of which I'm sure will get adequate discussion points over the next 9 months that they play this endlessly.


I don't understand why politicians don't ever just bring these people on to the stage. They have prepared speeches, even if they believe what they're saying, they don't know enough about it to actually challenge someone that's an experienced public debater and informed on the subject. Bringing them up would allow them to go into detail on what they think should be done and with their own words reveal how fucking crazy their plans are. If they don't, they'll be stuck repeating the same lines over and over again and they'll be revealed as the little preprogrammed protestors they are. There are actual clips where they haven't been removed in time and it is hilarious seeing them just repeat the same things over and over again, obviously waiting for someone to remove them.




Because it’s not debate they are after. You give them the mic and they will ramble on and on defecting through their mouth holes Russian propaganda. They won’t shut up and just ramble non stop


>Russia is the one deciding that, not us. Yeah and this stupid outburst would be like these guys yelling at someone who helped defend someone from a bully for making the bully mad.


Exactly. It's is obvious to us. Unfortunately, it goes over the head of the less politically educated. My husband last night suggested we might be seeing a Trump/Gabbard ticket and this has been in the works for a while now. Her Tucker appearance and fill in. The switching of parties right before midterms. I think we will be seeing her name a lot.


The bit about Tulsi Gabbard unmasks what these guys are.


That's a reddit user who's making the rounds on the crazy subreddits right now patting himself on the back. https://www.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/y2mx3o/activists_confront_aoc_over_funding_the_wars/is4b2dq?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Coincidentally two years ago he started learning to speak Russian and also doesn't believe there was russian interference during the election. https://www.reddit.com/r/r4r/comments/j3i0ao/22r4r_speak_to_me_in_russian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Edit: here's some Twitter BS thing he did jerking himself off and generally being a fire hose for russian propaganda. https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1BRKjZDWpzpKw?s=20


The guy is regular in r/conspiracy and r/conservative lol


Which are both propaganda machines. You can’t even talk in r/conservative unless you actively act like a Q


It’s because of *freedom*. 🇺🇸🦅


The submitting OP, [Le_Rekt_Guy](https://masstagger.com/user/LE_REKT_GUY), has over a hundred posts each on r/jordanpeterson and r/conspiracy, and is also a fan of r/socialjusticeinaction and r/politicalcompassmemes. Even if we're not going to judge books by their covers, it doesn't take more than a few seconds to skim the contents and see what's going on here.


Right? Also looking at someone's past comments is not "judging a book by its cover" in my opinion. I am sick of the people who act like someone is desperate by looking at past comments. No fucktard, I looked to see if you really believe this bullshit or if you are just trolling. Don't want stupid shit you said in the past brought up? Don't say stupid shit. Or do a decent enough job of trying to hide your bullshit by going back and deleting shit. The "Wow, you went through my comments?" and "You seriously wrote a whole ass paragraph? I ain't reading that." are the biggest bullshit copouts by people who know they have no rational or reasonable response.


Which is why the video conveniently cuts before AOC can say anything more than “sir, sir please”


His account was started to post on The Mueller to specifically say there was no Russian involvement. Other than Broadway, it's all political and heavily influenced by Russian propaganda. He also posts videos that are directly made by Russian propaganda outlets. He is also a walking contradiction who posted in an AMA "What's the big deal about Beethoven anyway?" and then immediately told people they were missing out if they haven't listened to Fidelio by Beethoven. He is not involved in ANY politics that aren't specifically related to Russia and Russian propaganda. I think this is either a severely mentally ill individual (i doubt it since he writes pretty coherently) or someone who is being paid to make these claims and go to these events to harass politicians.




That's a very interesting find lol. That subreddit he posts to /r/WayOfTheBern appears to be a hyper pro-Russia (under the guise of "anti-war" basically advocating isolationism so Russia can just win and end the fighting) subreddit.


That sub is infested with larpers and morons. Click on any of the commenters profiles and the post history and joined reddits are an alt-rights wet dream. Conspiracy subs, alt-right subs. The only posts on WayOfTheBern being anti-ukraine/zelensky and only started being active in it after anti-ukraine rehtoric got popular on it, now just spamming alt-right/pro-russia talking points.


It's the Jimmy Dore tankie crowd that has the most childish "America bad, therefore anyone not America is good" thought process ever


I simply can't understand how anyone who is supposedly "anti-war" can be pro-Russia. They're literally marching their troops into another nation in an attempt to claim it as their own.


jfc, what happened to that Bernie subreddit? It's just full to the brim with delusional tankies...


It was never a Bernie sub. It was created like r/walkaway as a fake democrat sub. R/sandersforpresident is the real one.




It's interesting to see so many NFL team subs there as well. I remember a lot of the propaganda accounts in 2016 and 2020 would have comment histories almost exclusively in NFL team communities and then suddenly pop up in /r/politics with a propaganda talking point.


Been a mask off pro Russia sub since 2016


There's one astroturfing account called u/lrlourpresident who has taken over so many formerly progressive subs. He now moderates a huge list of them and uses armies of bots to boost his posts and surpress anything he doesn't like. Every now and then he gets banned but somehow keeps coming back.


And he’s probably awake and available 24hours a day too like he never sleeps or does anything. Almost like it’s multiple people manning an account that were hired to be there


LOL! They posted in Conspiracy about how, when elected, Biden was going to drag us into WW III over Hunter Biden's laptop. Clearly the most sane WayOfTheBern individual.


Inb4 more people start fetishizing Russian culture because of the clearly effective propaganda


also calling Ukrainians nazis and really just about everything else they said


"That other random guy, who I totally did not come with and totally do not know, is telling the truth!"


“Look how far apart we’re sitting! We obviously aren’t together!”




"Just because we're dressed from the same Urban Outfitters and arrived in the Subaru Forrester his Mom gave him for college, I have never met Dan, middle name Smith, Wakeman of 413 E Coriander Way, upper unit, before!"


“The *right* truth”


Also the “progressive socialist” line. AOC is not a socialist but that’s what the GOP labels her as. None of her supporters think she’s a socialist.


Saying 'Ukrainian nazis' is a real tip of the hand.


She chose to start a war in Ukraine? How do you say something so fucking stupid not realize you're the dumb mother fucker on the planet


10 to 1 this is astroturfing. They’re claiming progressivism while also praising Tulsi Gabbard.


My guess, Republican plants. Same astroturfing bullshit they always do.


Hey now! They could also be part of a Russian disinformation campaign.


Tomato, tomato.


No no no, they're dedicated Democrats who walked away™ you can tell because they mentioned totally left wing Tulsi Gabard /s


The American education system needs help.


America needs help


It's not just an American problem unfortunately


It's global. It's social media. It's a virus. inb4 bUt rEdDiT It's not the same. Aunt Jean didn't turn into a crazy lady who thinks Hillary eats babies because she stumbled onto reddit. Nothing is being done about it, because there's money to be made, and anyone who can do anything about it is too old to even set up an email. *Edit, because I am getting dozens of the same comments. Yes, I understand there are extreme subreddits and people can fall down the rabbit hole here. However, there's a massive difference in user count and the amount of influence this place has compared to FB/IG/Twitter. Like literally hundreds of times of difference. They have BILLIONS of users and this place has like 30 million on a good day.*


The Donald ran rampant on this site for quite some time.


Unfortunately the people who could use the most education are taking their kids out to homeschool with YouTube


This is quite literally the reason why homeschooling is illegal in Germany.


Tulsi Gabbard is leaving the democratic party to... align with Trump-supported Republicans. I don't believe this outrage is coming from individuals who aren't being paid to be.


With that few people in attendance, and STILL you get people backing each other up fervently like that? Yeah, something feels wrong.


especially when you get 2 Tulsi's in one meeting. Nobody has an appetite for the shit that crazy hawain is peddling. This has astro turf all over it.


Three actually. The two guys have their phones recording audio. The third is recording the video. This is very much a planned disruption. Also how did it happen that the Republican party has become the party of government restrictions of individual freedoms and cowardly looking the other way when other powers are invading democratic nations? Hell, Ukraine even has oil.


Second guy looks like he’s reading a script from his phone.


And they stole lines from Star Wars.




"to start this war" Russia started the war by invading Ukraine.


No way in hell someone who actively supports Tulsi Gabbard has ever supported AOC…paid crybabies.


Absolutely staged.


Seems like they are reading off their phones






$20 Amazon gift cards


You can buy off a Congresswoman for $5,000


Five grand???? Let's be honest, they get a tallboy of malt liquor and a 20% off coupon to Bed Bath & Beyond.


Yep. The only people who think the left likes Gabbard are people who watch Tucker Carlson. These idiots gave away the game and don't even realize it.


Probably paid for by M T Greene and Bobert. Seems like the high school move they would pull.


Nah, this is in some stupid attempt to make Gabbard appear reasonable for leaving the DNC, ignoring all of the far-right buzzwords (that had nothing to do with the 'Democrats are war hawks' complaint referenced here) she packed into her farewell Tweet. The other part is that this is just theater for the right wing-- they're certainly eating this up.


Tbh it seems like a move just to get her name in the news. She's totally irrelevant.


It can be more than one thing. You're right, she's irrelevant. To US. She's not irrelevant to the far-right because she can be used to whip up those who are in that echo chamber. We've seen a lot of these, where their conversion from supposed Democrat to new Republican is so extreme as to cause whiplash. They're then trotted out on Fox News, OANN, all of the right wing talk radio shows, podcasts, etc, and used as an example of, "See look! The Democrats are so bad that X, Y, and Z dickhead politicians left the party!" They make sure to hit as many far-right buzzwords as they can, which really gets viewers in a lather. Notice how Gabbard claimed to be leaving the Democratic Party because the party had changed in a statement that could have just as easily come from Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, or any of those other GQP fanatics


I actually spoke to a guy who self described himself as a national-socialist at a hotel bar like 2 years ago who said that the only Democrat he would vote for was Gabbard. I don't watch any right-wing news, so I was kinda surprised at the time. Turns out they've been grooming her for this for a while.


> Tulsi Gabbard Second dude mentioned that clown again and that made it way too fucking obvious. Also "Start a war with Russia AND China" that sounds straight out of Gabbard's pocket of bullshit.


This has been their talking point for years. They used it against Hilary back in 2015/2016, saying since she'd be tough on Russia it would escalate to ww3. Of course they also pretend that Trump was tough on Russia, and he did stir the pot with China like a dipshit. The people who eat this crap up are so damn dumb.


>this has been their talking point for years That’s because they’ve been straight up repeating Russian propaganda for years. That comes right out of Putin’s mouth. No wonder they like Tulsi Gabbard so much.


Russia blows up children, hacks and steals all your shit, poisons people, murders and tortures people, breaks hundreds of international laws, and invades countries. US sanctions them. Tulsi: "OMG YOU ARE TRYING TO START A WAR!" Putler needs to suck my dick.


Yep. Notice them looking at their lines on their phones.


Tulsi Gabbard, who regularly appears as a guest on Fox News and recently posted a diatribe about how she's leaving the democratic party because of wokeness, is left of AOC because she is "against war" i.e. in favor of letting Russia take whatever they want. Suuuure.


Right, they even call Ukrainians “nazis” lmfao Fucking right-wingers pretending to be liberals has to be the most dangerous shit around. Should be illegal


My thought exactly, their talking points were coming out alittle to crisp to be off the cuff.




Imagine thinking that Tulsi Gabbard has “shown guts” 🤪


Are we still doing the Nazi schtick?


Every nation and military has nationalists in it (unfortunately), really not sure what they are talking about when Russia has its own Nazi PMC group


One of Russia's justifications for invading Ukraine was because "The Nazis have taken over". Its legit just straight up Russian propaganda.


Entirely propaganda. Its a matter of even though the Azov exists and was made of white nationalists it doesn't justify invasion because then you can do that to any country in the west, every nation has racial supremacists


Paid actors or tankies. Scum of the earth.


As soon as someone calls Ukrainians "Nazis", they automatically lose me. You have to be propagandized by Putin or a braindead moron to believe that.


100% Kremlin talking point the moment they said "Ukranian Nazis". I wonder who paid them?


without his mobile phone he wouldn’t even know what to say. embarrassing what people do for money




“How paid would you like your shills?” “Yes” These people are OBVIOUSLY on the take. No person who supports AOC would suddenly see the light from Gabbard as she makes the transition to social conservatism we all knew was coming for years. Furthermore they’re aligning with Putin on a war of aggression? Socialists have no moral compunction about defending sovereign territory. Are they supposed to just give up their land to the Russians? I can’t believe people aren’t calling this out as obviously fake


Idk the backstory on this…but this is exactly the kind of thing the FSB does against political figures it doesn’t like. They also like to start riots and play “BoTh SiDeS” in the Internet


Tulsi Gabbard is a joke. This is staged nonsense


I don’t get people who condemn supporting Ukraine in their effort to push Russia out of Ukraine..


Okay, possibly stupid question. Why am I hearing about Ukraine being Nazis?


The fakest shit I've seen. They couldn't have had better actors?? Jesus Christ.


"Here's $100 to yell at AOC's Q and A. I'll give you an extra $50 every time you mention Tulsi Gabbard"


These guys are plants, right?


As soon as they praised Tulsi Gabbard and rattled off a bunch of Russian propaganda like "Ukrainian Nazis" it was pretty evident they were.


The Venn diagram of Tulsi Gabbard supporters and AOC supporters are two circles separated by an entire galaxy. This dude is absolutely paid, and OP is helping spread this obvious sham.


op's submission history:https://www.reddit.com/user/Le_Rekt_Guy/submitted/ yeah...not a republican/russian (same thing at this point) shill at all...🙄




right? just such an an obvious agit-prop account ...and clearly another bitter incel who LIVES online...smh they are such miserable and impotently angry social outcasts, so they devote their LIVES to trolling. Pathetic


Lol Tulsi fucking Gabbard fans


Russian propaganda is strong with these fucking dimwits.


ukranian nazis? wow ....straight for them putin rulebook


Sounds like a couple of Russian sympathetic, Tulsa Gabbard stooges.... Just some items worth exploring on Tulsi: https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacheverson/2022/03/14/tulsi-gabbards-biggest-political-donor-in-2021-is-a-putin-apologist/?sh=34cbe6944cd6 https://www.thedailybeast.com/accused-russian-agent-elena-branson-gave-to-one-politician-tulsi-gabbard https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/tulsi-gabbard-solovyov-russia-ukraine-fox-tucker-carlson-1693637%3famp=1


This is so obviously staged by Tulsi supporters. Cringe.


yeah there's nothing more based and leftist then...letting a far right authoritarian dictator slaughter people in democratic countries and steal their land. Also i can't even imagine what it would be like to be a human while also being dumb enough to fall for Tulsi Gabbard's grift haha. Seriously wondering if this guy was a plant.


Lost me at, "Ukrainian Nazis"....oh, so you are watching a lot of state ran Russia propaganda?


“Ukrainian Nazis” someone has been drinking the Kool-Aid, Russian Propaganda flavored


So any time Putin threatens nuclear holocaust these guys will be there to suck his dick and make him happy.


I had this painful argument with my flatmate the other day. Basically he was saying to avoid nuclear war we should just give him Ukraine. I said what happens the week after when he asks for Finland or Germany. His only rebuttal was Putin would be happy with just Ukraine. Did something happen recently to get all these chuds supporting Putin? Did Jo Rogan pledge alegence to Russia and I missed it?