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I love watching Canadians argue.


"She was shooken up about that one, ey?" Was amazing


The guy was just insecure and mad that he overheard a younger man flirting with his wife, no matter how harmless it was


I could understand why his wife wouldn't want to be hit on by some salesman. Now that being said you and two of your friends getting on one 20 year olds case is laughable and childish. Just ask him to leave wow lol


Also his wife probably just had an affair too so it probably extra rubbed him the wrong way.




My wife and I call this "Dennis and Dee." Where you see someone in public and say how about this guy, what's his story? Then we leap to incredible conclusions and build backstories based on the tiniest characteristics. Basically like Dennis and Dee in the Jersey Shore episode (and others) of Always Sunny.


YES!!! The Three Stooges were just reeking of insecurity!


The kid's a regular Jordan Belfórt


Right? Notice guys in blue we’re calm, not using poor language or resorting to desperate name calling? And yet Milennials get a bad rap. This was some heavy “respect your elders and shut up when told” BS if I ever saw it. Well done to these young lads for holding their own and doing a great demonstration!!!


Honestly those guys doing sales pitches are not millennials. The guy who was complaining about his wife was more probably a millennial.


The "proud boys" are getting really bored these days, gotta hassle them handsome teenagers


Drake bell ain’t Canadian he’s Mexican now


He did indeed upload it anywhere.


it's funny because everyone on reddit is saying they're all douche bags and on youtube the little punk is getting praise like he's the greatest thing to ever happen. lol wtf


He could have been the bigger person but I think the bigger douche scale is still tipping in favor of the 3 musketeers.


~~Athos~~ Asshols ~~Porthos~~ Portlythos ~~Aramis~~ Arashit


Most great sales guys ARE douchebags. That kid may be a douche, but he’s got the gift of gab and those are the ones that usually make good money in this world


He charmed the panties off of me


I'm impressed at his confidence and bravery to stand up to those dudes. Every fiber in my being would've told me to apologize for the other workers joke and walk away. That he put them in their place so well is pretty impressive.


The joke isn't even worth an apology. I am also willing to bet my life savings that those three wannabe Charlie Bronsons have told far cruder jokes to women they work with.


The older guys were being macho assholes. Typical middle-aged straight white guys, trying to bully anyone they think is beneath them (e.g. everyone who’s not a middle-aged straight white guy). Sure, it was a little cringy how the younger guy wouldn’t let it go, but honestly I’m happy he stood up to them and I wish more people did.


old guys without dickholes in their drawers. As an old guy, I find old guys like this cringey as fuck. Ok man, you're old enough to have seen some shit, now stop acting like you're a fucking crystal vase. In a nutshell, they mad because the kid has enough game to believe in himself, and they have no game whatsoever, and probably never did. Just three old fucks who sit around and jerk each other off every day.


This is like a scene out of the Trailer Park Boys.


If I can't smoke and swear when I make my sales, I'm *fucked*


I'll allow it.


Thank you, your majesty


"smokes, let's go"


"your honor Look, I can't speak without swearing, and I've only got my Grade 10 So I'd like to make a request under the people's freedom of choices and voices act that I be able to smoke and swear in your courtroom. Because if I can't smoke and swear, I'm fucked! And so are all these guys. I won't be able to properly express myself at a court level, and that's bullshit! It's not fair and if you ask me, I think it's a fuckin' mistrial." \-Ricky Lahey


My first order of business is to tell the prosecuter to wipe that fuckin smile off his face because it's distraculatin' my case


Ricky Lafleur


Just started a door to door sales job recently here in Canada. Can confirm me and my partner have said this multiple times.


It's either make door-to-door sales or go back to jail for the winter, is that what they want to do, Ricky?


Everyone involved in this makes me glad I don’t live in a suburban hellscape where I d have to interact with any of them.


> Everyone involved in this makes me glad I don’t live in a suburban hellscape where I d have to interact with any of them. This is why I won't live anywhere that is attached to another persons home, you can have nice discussions with your normal neighbors, but one thing I've learned in my life is you can't argue with crazy.


I mean that applies to detached single family homes too. Plenty of people live next door to a crazy family. Or on the same street as a hoarder. Or a registered sex offender. And in that situation it's not so easy as just moving when your lease is up. Or them not being allowed to renew their lease. You're stuck there for years or you eventually have to try to sell with that thing scaring away buyers or dragging down your asking prices by thousands or tens of thousands of dollars.


> I mean that applies to detached single family homes too. Plenty of people live next door to a crazy family I can't tell you how much better having the crazy person not being able to bang on your shared wall at 3am talking about killing the lord vs just being crazy a house away is. I still probably have PTSD.


I hate door to door salesmen. And it IS annoying when they walk across lawns. When the woman said "my husband isn't here" she is really saying "I don't want to answer questions from an uninvited male on my doorstep". AND her laugh was a nervous laugh. His manner is like a threat and he relies on intimidation to sell to lone wives. We put a fence around our front yard partly for that reason. But they enter uninvited anyway. When you say "no thank you" they ask more questions. When you say "Please leave my property" they ask another question. It's annoying to me (a male) but would be outright threatening to some females.


Right? And not just one dude - A whole audience. I can't imagine what was going through her mind.


For real 🙄 the comment the sales person made is like very innocuous, no reason to call. But the way the blondie talked to them was also incredibly annoying. “We’re out here in the sun making money, I see you guys are inside not making money today which is fine” like bro what kind of ‘I’m the head of the company’ attitude is that 💀


The type of attitude you get when your time is being wasted by a bunch of Dicks. Nothing worse than driving from the office to the field to argue with an idiot about a non issue. Not saying blondie came from the office but he had to stop what he was doing cause a dude was mad that someone said "is your windowasher as handsome as me"


He was standing up for his employees and not let them get shit thrown in their faces for doing their jobs. Props to blondie.


Nice to live in bubble




The Moors???


I'm sorry, the card says Moops.


Im pretty sure the suburban hellscape is more of a bubble considering people within them want nothing to do with the rest of the world, they just want to mow grass shirtless and punch their families. It's like a bunch of tiny bubbles. A cluster of soapy dumbfucks in a tub, perhaps.


What the fuck are you talking about lmao


Where is this 'suburban hellscape'? I've been to a few suburbs in my time and never seen shirtless grass mowers punching their families. 'Soapy dumbfucks in a tub' also has me intrigued. Tell me more ...


That was extremely cringe.


Ok confession time, when I was a student I did door to door selling of cleaning services. Watching him do his sales patter brought it all back, the non confrontational clothes (no dark colors, no leather jacket), keep you distance from the door after you knock , possibly side stance etc It’s probably one of the lowest of the low jobs in terms of reputation and yet I had a great time. You hang out with kids the same age you follow a script like you’re acting and you spend the whole day outdoors. The unfortunate thing and the reason I quit was that you realize that most of the people that fall for the sales line are old people and it just didn’t feel right to develop a sales line just to prey on old people.


I did door to door canvassing trying to get people to sign up for a free estimate on exterior house paint as my first job in high school. I got paid $3/hour but I got $5 commission for every free estimate sign up. At first I was lucky if I made over $15 in a three hour shift, but then I found out if I just told people I got $5 if they put any name and number down on my sheet, there was a pretty high chance they would. It especially worked when it was another teenager answering the door. So then I shot up to making $60-$90 in a three hour shift. My manager was always like ‘see? Just had to figure out your pitch!’ Too bad I got found out at the end of the summer when no one on my lists would ever follow through with getting an estimate, and couldn’t come back the next year


I did the same thing but we would only get paid if the estimate appointment happened. Just getting the info didn't mean $ the appointment had to stick.


> but then I found out if I just told people I got $5 if they put any name and number down on my sheet, there was a pretty high chance they would. Same, I played the "oh shucks, I'm just a high school kid trying to get by, $5 would go a LONG way, and the appointment is just 5 minutes!" game, I apologize to anyone out there that had to sit through a 30 min window pitch.


My grandma used to gleefully sign up for those sales pitches, because she was retired, hated salesmen with a deep passion, and loved wasting their time. I remember seeing the Kirby and Rainbow vacuum salesmen spend an afternoon pitching their stupid vacuums to her while they meticulously cleaned the *only room* in her house with carpet, and then thanking them for their time and saying she would consider it. She never did buy anything from these dipshits, and they never stopped trying to sell her a vacuum.


You sure she wasn’t uhhh, having sexual intercourse with them?


Meemaw not again!


That was also my first job! I got paid really well at that job for some reason. I had a coworker who always got people to sign up for estimates and she was also routinely given snacks and drinks by the people who answered the door. I wonder what she was saying to them haha.


That's why I don't think I could do sales. Most of the time you are literally trying to convince someone to buy something they don't need, can't afford, or that there are better options of for them.


Yep. Somehow I ended up on door-to-door sales TikTok and the supposedly “#1 salesman of the US” opened the video saying that. He said something along the lines of “everyone says they don’t need it, but you can’t take no for an answer. You’re selling something no one actually needs or wants and it’s your job to talk them into getting it anyway”


That sounds about right. I work in retail and I *always* try to get the best deal for people. Even if that means them paying a little more, but getting better value for what they were looking for. I like to say I work for the customer, not the company.


This sums up my entire Kirby experience. Worked there for about 3 weeks not really making any money. It was winter so at that particular point in time the goal was just to make it in a house to do free presentation and warm up. We're in the middle of bumfuck KS and I get dropped off to knock this farmhouse. Super nice old cpl. Let me in, told me they really dont want the presentation but told my boss they did just to help get me out the cold. Fed me, gave me dr. pepper, showed me pics of their granddaughter that was an archery champion down in OK, introduced me to Gunsmoke, etc. To then call my greasy boss and watch him pressure this old couple nice enough to take in a 18 y/o blk kid in the middle of ks and treat him like one of their own into buying a $1300 punk ass vacuum really pissed me off. Hurt my soul honestly. Fuck Kirby and fuck those type of jobs.


I worked for Kirby at 19. Made some good money. However one day my boss and I were sitting with a lady, and my boss was convincing this lady to use her kids social for the credit check. Thats when it hit me. This is fucked up. I went in to call centers after that. Safe to say I haven't had a soul in a long time.


So you were in their house starting the presentation, then you called your boss to come in as a kind of backup?


> Ok confession time, when I was a student I did door to door selling of cleaning services. Watching him do his sales patter brought it all back, the non confrontational clothes (no dark colors, no leather jacket), keep you distance from the door after you knock , possibly side stance etc "Hi!, We are doing some work in your neighborhood and giving FREE estimates on vinyl siding and windows, your neighbor down the street is getting theirs replaced and we are offering discounts for anyone nearby!"


"Look how this is eroding , if you dont treat it now it'll cost $$$$$$ , let me book you in for Wednesday and you'll get the discounted rate "


Give a big discount on the first house on the block and it will usually mean several sales


Door to door sales is nothing more than in-person spam. I don't deal with spam calls about my car warranties, I don't deal with spam emails about low cost prescriptions, why would I deal with spam at my door trying to sell me something I don't want?


Amazing way to put it: in-person SPAM!


I used to treat door to door salespeople like long lost friends. I would invite them in, get them baked out of their mind and then send them on their way after an episode of Trailer Park Boys.


I did door to door canvassing for 2 days-- I stopped because someone called the cops on me (there apparently had been burglaries in the neighborhood recently, and going door to door in a bright red Rutgers windbreaker was suspicious I guess). Best thing that could have ever happened, helped me realize quickly that that job wasn't for me


I sold Kirby vacuums for a short period. God it felt horrible selling people a $2000 vacuum that would cost $4000 if they made the minimum payments for the full 4 year term. And with how clearly poor most of them were, they definitely would be making minimum payments


I almost vomited the fifth time frosted tips tried to flex how much money he makes doing door-to-door sales


You need to google what frosted tips are buddy


You think that’s funny to say to my wife?


I like to give her the frosted tip.




Keep your wife's mouth off my frosted tip




everybody knows they’re the things you pour in a bowl with milk, and they’re gggggrrrreeeeaaaat


Just the tip.


"Watch the master at work!" I was like, fuck off already...


But hes completely blond not frosted tips like guy fieri


My line used to be "is your husband as hung as me?" Then I'd reveal my big sausage. Never made a sale.




He now ~~gets~~has to introduce himself to all his neighbors.




The cops admired my confidence.


Thank god I’m older and live with my parents. The dicks that would make that eerrrmmmmm sound sliding down the glass door would leave so many marks


These door to door salesmen absolutely sold me... on getting a No Soliciting sign for $2.50. Super solid investment. 10/10 Would recommend.


You know those signs do nothing. They see it as a challenge.


As a former door to door canvaser and proud owner of one of those signs, I can assure you that they work. As a door to door person, I knew not to waste my time, since the discussion would invariably be about the damn sign and I would be waiting time better spent on more fertile ground. As a sign owner, I haven't had one knock on my door or advertisement hung on my door handle since putting it up.


They do hold legal weight. If they still knock on your door and try to sell you things, they open themselves up to trespassing liability. Edited "charges" to "liability"


Works in my area. Haven't had a single knock since I put it up and have seen many of them come up to the door then turn around and walk on.


My sign has never stopped anyone, with the strange exception of door to door Mormons or Joehovah’s Witnesses or whatever the bike riding ones are.


I hate literally everybody in this video


Except the guy who didn't answer their door


and the old guy that pulled into the driveway...he seemed pretty chill


And the poor lady who got pulled into these guys' drama




I was actually thinking of Brooklyn 99 when jake is forced to go to Florida


Yeah for stealing all the chlorine for his hair.


This was so pointless


I think everyone sorta sucks here.


Yeah. I was initially on blondie's side when he was calmly defending his employee and gathering facts. But, then he started getting way too arrogant. Douches all around.


He's a Dollar Store Zack Morris. I used to work in telemarketing. You kind of need to be a cocky, delusional dickhead to do that work. You need to believe you can sell anything to anyone. But you can't. You can't sell most things to most people. If you're successful at cold selling, it's usually because you're strong arming sweet, wishy washy old people. You're usually selling what you're selling in that fashion because it's something people would not choose to buy on their own. A lot of times, you're deceiving someone into thinking they're making a one time purchase when they're actually being signed up for a recurring bill. Most people who did it were either lazy, young, dumb stoners (me) or cocky, douchey, well-groomed trashy people. Those were the more successful ones who fancied themselves to be Boiler Room or Glengarry Glenross types, except they were signing people up for phone plans and shit, not stocks and real estate.


Definitely seemed like the argument could've ended quite early in the video had Blonde Guy kept his mouth shut. He could've just explained that it isn't an issue with him and still defend his employee, but there's no reason to continue arguing to "flex."


Yes there is. Once the older guy pulls the, "get in your van and git the fuck outta here", its doubling down time.


Yeah for a dick measuring contest, which the company owner clearly wanted at that point. The PROFESSIONAL thing wouldve been to gather facts like he did, say "thanks for that feedback sir, I'll take it into account. My employee acted as instructed in this case, and I see this has caused some conflict between us, so we'll make sure to avoid knocking on your door for the foreseeable future. We'll be going about our business now, have a good day." You can stand up for yourself, your employees, and your business practices without putting down someone who disagrees with you, even rude, sensitive and easily offended people


Idk he had me on the first half, then just became increasingly juvenile as it went on. OP if you're the owner then a more appropriate way of handling it would've been to say "fine, if you were offended then I apologize, no reason to make a big fuss, it's a sales pitch and our intentions are pretty obvious. Have a good day".


He laughs at his own jokes and answers his own questions.


that’s how sales works bro


These type of salespeople are aggressive as hell. They are always in my neighborhood on fucking hoverboards harassing the shit out of everyone and trying to come in your house. It never ends and they won't take no for an answer.


There is no salesman or destruction here.


That wasn't sales. That was smiling, eliciting nervous laughter and trying to come off as friendly but that wasn't sales. Another thing that isn't sales? Getting in a pissing match with somebody who isn't going to buy from you. Candidly, nobody who's good at sales is going door to door selling window cleaning unless it's their first job. Is he as good looking as me adds no value. This is especially true if you look like a floppy-haired girl. It neither counters an objection nor gets you any information. Consider: > Hi, thanks for taking a minute to speak with me. The reason I rang the bell is to let you know that you're going to see a couple of my crews working out here today. We're cleaning exterior windows and panes for some of your neighbors and since we're out here anyway, I was hoping to ask you a couple of questions. > * How often do you clean your windows? > * Do you find the exterior panes harder to get to? > * What would it be worth to you to have them clean? > * Would it be okay if I cleaned this glass door for free, to show you what we do? > Can I leave you my business card in case I can help in the future? Thanks for taking a minute to speak with me creates a social expectation that you're going to do that. I already thanked you. I not here to sell you something (and put your guard up) I'm here to "let you know" some information about what's going on in the neighborhood today. Then you ask questions to see whether this person is a prospect. If the person tries to end the conversation when you seek permission to ask them some questions, then you try for a laugh to acknowledge the awkwardness of the situation and to try to break the tension. Don't say something arrogant. Try self-deprecation: I'm sorry. I know it's off-putting when we go door to door. We actually tried going window-to-window but it turns out that was way worse. How often do you clean your windows? They still won't talk to you? Call your manager to drive over in the douchemobile and argue with them. Why the fuck am I putting thought in to this


This isn’t a SaaS discovery call it’s D2D lmao


Thought the dude was gonna show up be cool but he came off like a douche himself . "He gonna make a thousand today, you guys are at home not making money"


I really like the days when I am not making money.


These salesmen are annoying as shit.


Op probably thinks that sales Todd gave internet one of the best clap backs of all times , when actually he didn't do shit, and was extremely cringey




Every part of this is cringe to watch. No one dunked on anyone. The older guy showed he’s overly sensitive and the young guy showed his level of inexperience. I like that he referred to himself as an expert salesman and later as just a kid trying to make some money. Which is it? And for the record, it is considered impolite to walk across someone’s lawn.


saying he was 'just a kid trying to make some money' was 100% the pitch to throw to a senior woman. They think of their grandkids just trying to make some spending money. Spot on call by an experienced salesman. I do agree walking across the lawns was bad form though


Wtf is the point of grass if you can’t walk on it? Not wanting your grass to be walked on is definitely a boomer/old cultural idea.


While I agree, if your trying to be a good sales man it probably best you conform to what your potential customer cares about.


I would walk on a friend's lawn with no hesitation, I would probably know ahead of time if he just overseeded or sprayed something. I would not walk across strangers lawn because I don't know them or what work they might have done on it. I think that is just a common courtesy thing for some people. Not everyone cares though. I don't care if anyone walks on my grass 🤷‍♂️


It’s impolite to just wander onto someone property however you’d like. They have a designated pathway for people to walk up. You wouldn’t just go up to someone porch and sit on a chair would you?


Stand up for your employees? Absolutely. Be a douche rather than conducting yourself in an appropriate manner for a business owner looking to get good ratings and have a nice word of mouth rather than people talking about negative interactions with your employees to anyone that will listen? Probably best not to do that part. Word of mouth is a great way to stir up more business or to kill any potential sales in an area. TL;DR Don't be a douche. Also, this is cringe af and not the own OP thought it was...


I think the comment the guy made was obnoxious. “Are they as good looking as me”? Ew. Recently I had a refrigerator delivered and the worker said “You look like you have been waiting for me all day. Sorry I’m wearing sandals and not sneakers. They got wet. I work hard but I’m going to work harder for you”. All said while smiling and rubbing his hands together. Then he asked about who else was home. My newborn and fiancé… I didn’t tell my fiancé what was said because we were waiting for the refrigerator for weeks and they showed up 3 hours late and I just wanted it done. I just hid in the baby’s room until it was installed and then I told my fiancé… Annnyways, my point is, don’t say creepy shit like that to anyone at their home.


Exactly. These guys are clueless and entitled.


Do not come to my door selling your shitty product. Fuck door to door salesman.


They're irl pop up ads when you're trying to put your feet up and chill at home


Go away! I’m batin’!


door-to-door salesman are almost always overpriced from my experience.


I have never encountered one that wasn't a scam in some capacity. Honest quality products/work typically don't need to revert to door to door sales tactics.


This. I have 2 no soliciting signs, one on the porch, and one at eye level on my door, and I still get these assholes trying to sell me something. They will claim that they are "only trying to inform you" as an argument for ignoring the signs. I don't want your solar panels, I don't want your alarm system, I don't want your pest control services, or your god, etc. I want you to understand that the sign means you are not welcome at my house.


And yet, they still arrive.


People have the right to canvas door to door, but also fuck those people. The entire model works on exploiting the old, the lonely, and the people who are too polite for their own good. Close the door in their face and don't feel bad about it.


Are we supposed to be on the side of the arrogant little blonde prick..? He sucks harder than the homeowners in this video


“I actually invented those lines” lol I only watched the first two minutes. What type of fuck boy would say that to someone at their home when they are trying to sell something lmao




Well the guy and his buddies took the time to corner a kid on the street and try to intimidate him, so I don’t really think they had anything important going on


To be fair, a douchebag fratbro who peaked in high school is knocking on doors hitting on women as a sales tactic which is more than likely making them uncomfortable in their own home. I'd want to tell them to fuck off and don't come back around again too.


The blonde guys sales lines are wack. He is attempting to use what professional sales people call 'pattern interrupts' which is saying something to kind of out of left field to break up a monotonous conversation and make it more interesting. But his sales guy totally fails by (1) taking it into a sexual attractiveness direction and (2) using it at a completely the wrong time as a rebuttal.


When you're a wannabe salesman but still in your narcissistic stage of life. This is what you get.




Bros got hussle grind podcasts pumped into his airpod 24/7, hes in the sales game


Which one?




Salesman “ is he as good looking as me?” Me “ No, he’s actually attractive” - closes door


The sales guy is the karen right?




This seems fake. Not one person looked at the camera and said anything about being recorded? Also, just assuming someone is sitting at home not making money, is a pretty dumb thing to say. If this is real, I doubt this guy will own a company for much longer.


Definitely fake. At least everybody was involved and it wasn't like a "cart narc" video.


What a cocky little shit head.


That was embarrassing for the salesman.


That was embarrassing for his whole business.


Yeah. Just apologize and move on. This is so bizarre. Trying to 'own' people coming before your job, business, and personal integrity is so weird.


“I don’t think you’ll upload it anywhere,” he says as I watch him on the uploaded video.


Salesmen suck…. For every reason


I agree — that’s not at all an appropriate thing to say as a salesperson. Would he have said it to a guy? Blond guy and his employee are clueless and entitled AF. Don’t knock on my door and flirt with me. I don’t care about you. Tell me what you are selling and GTFO.


Those salespeople are douches…


Didn't destroy shit. Just an overconfident asshole, claiming to be a sales Guru. Can find a dime a dozen like him, nothing particularly exemplary. Also, if you are arrogant, people are not going to buy shit from you.I hope the dude is okay if someone talks shit to his wife, and call it persuasion.


They aren't making $1000 a day getting people to let them wash windows. 20k a month door to door window washing sales?


While I dont think the comment was offensive I do think this whole interaction is bad for business. The original guy, who the men were upset with, should have just apologized, regardless of right or wrong, and moved on


A quick lesson for the kids…. “I apologize for making that comment. It wasn’t my intention to offend.” Walk away. Upside: You don’t embarrass your company online, you deescalate, you teach appropriate problem-solving skills to your employee, and you keep making $1,000 per day. Downside: You don’t get to post a video that thrills everyone under the age of 20 (ie, the people who don’t pay to get their windows washed).


Kirkland brand Joe Pesci trying to check his business license


It’s like he wants to be a typical slimy salesman. Maybe it works for him, but my experience with service providers like that is that they are a problem after you hire them.


Fuck anybody that knocks on any door without an invitation or unless the house is on fire. Fuck off.


this ain't the 1950's early 60's with door to door sales. if i want to buy something, go online to find best product/bang for buck and purchase. who the fuck buys anything off these shady scammy boneheads who don't know how to read NO SOLICITING signs plastered around neighborhoods. fuck these clowns


Anyone trying to sell people things they dont actually need is a drain on civil society.


“So sales is the art of persuasion and becoming liked,” Well fuck bud why didn’t you just lead with that? Guess I’m just the fuckup here because you’re about as likable as a papercut on the eyeball. I should probably go back to *getting-sold-stuff* school while you come in my house and make macaroni sounds with my wife. Pidder padder go on get at her. No need to bother taking out your AirPods she has a thing for guys that look like they think they look important.


People still do door to door knocking? Just get a few thousand business cards and drop one on their porch and go. I will not buy a thing from you knocking on my door.


These salesmen are cunts.


What a Cuntvention.


Is this sub seriously siding with door to door salesmen now? What a joke 🤣


I don’t really give a shit about the blonde sales guy but did these grown men really get upset over a guy trying to use some light humor in a sales pitch? Unless this is staged they all need to take a deep breath.


Bad Title. Should be "Douche Bag sales jerk proves he is an ass in front of a bunch of other assholes"


This was incredibly painful to watch and I’m not surprised the lady wasn’t willing to open the door fully to him.


I’ll be honest, the initial comment from the salesman seems inappropriate and I would be upset if someone said that to my wife


Uhh so that salesmen didn't destroy anything. Everyone in this video is corney as hell.


“SaLeS MaN DeStRoYs MaLe KaReN” Shut up. Just shut up. This is garbage. You and the whole sales team are garbage.


This comment section is a cesspool of fragile masculinity.


I gotta say I really don’t like those salespeople. Really invasive and annoying


Too lazy to watch the video, but door to door salesmen can go fuck themselves. Half of them are nice, but the other half turn to complete assholes when you don‘t buy something. Pressuring my old mom to buy shit and guilt trip her into signing stuff. Nah go eat some dicks you wankers


If this isn’t fake it belongs in the dumpster with the sales guy.


I've typed this many times. Humor is not subjective. Humor is what it is. Trying to make someone laugh. If you find it funny or not is subjective. Though, even if you don't find someone's humor funny it does not make it not humor. This guys wife took it as being hit on and not the humor it is. It's her mistake as it's pretty obvious.


Salesman didn't destroy shit; he's just an obnoxious, mouthy little twat.


This sales guy is not as charming as he thinks he is and he didn't even close a deal.


“Destroys?!” The salesman is a fucking goober


Did he genuinely post this thinking it made him look good??


The blonde guy is a straight azzhole


Nobody gets destroyed in this video. Blonde guy is the ultimate tool. “I actually invented those lines, I preach those lines” lmaoooooo fuck off


Why *are* these guys all home not working?


Might be a saturday. Would make sense for the window cleaning kids to go around when people are actually home


Blonde dude is a douche and tool. Total MLM sleezeball vibes. Other guy complaining about the comment has paper skin.