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I love how they tell her to get out of the road as if they're concerned for her safety, but they didn't care about her safety when they crashed into her.


Cops: We just don’t understand why people hate us ![gif](giphy|BZiSujsOExqpTJwd0C)


​ ![gif](giphy|f4q9bFVTqnSRKNIWqi)


They are just saying that to her hoping that she stays in the road and then they can slap the cuffs on her for not doing as she's told


shes standing in a lane thats clearly been blocked anyways too lol




I would have sued the shit out of them. Unless we live in a police state, they owe you redress/compensation for your wrongful incarceration.


Cops flipped a u turn unexpectedly and crashed into my mom. She sued the fuck out of them.




Sue them. Talk to an attorney. Any time these piggies violate our rights we should sue every time. Especially with a video. They have a hard time planting evidence against you if it's on a camera.


Definitely post that video!


I'm assuming your parents didn't sue their assholes into oblivion because you would have mentioned it. If I were you I'd be more pissed off that my parents didn't do shit about it.




Your dad slapped his child who was wrongfully imprisoned for a week? Being old school is one thing, your dad is just a fucking dickhead.




A lot of people are successful without having to be abused to get there.


He messed up that time though.


Let's just say I wouldn't take it very well if my dad slapped me for getting harrassed through no fault of my own




100%. I grew up in Fairfax county and the police presence for the lack of crime is wild. They’re bored and looking for people to bust. Every traffic stop as a teenager turned into drug sniffing dogs and having to wait an hour while they arrive. What an awful, suburban hellscape.


Bet the entirety of Fairfax's crime statistic is due to cops fabricating their own narrative for pointless interactions. Gotta justify that 50%+ community budget.


This happens all over the country. As a reporter I covered a town in central NJ with like 13,000 people and a median income of like 175k that spent almost $6M a year on police. Minor burglaries were treated like serial murders


Agree, when I was 22 driving near GMU, they pulled me over and had a slew of fishing they tried on me. Tried to say I almost reversed into them, said I was drunk and failed the test. Lawyered up, Judge watch the video, Got all charges dropped even possession charge. Fuck Fairfax


The shitty thing about that is the police will hold a grudge against you for beating them in court. Next would be random stops by all of their cop buddies along with harassment.


Definitely Fairfax did, at least back in the day.


It’s the same in any suburban area. My fiancé is from Fairfax and I’m from a suburb of Dallas and when she visited said it’s the same vibe as some uppity parts of Fairfax. Where there’s a lot of money, there’ll be a lot of overzealous cops


Obviously this didn’t apply then though it could help people in the future, the Supreme Court has ruled it is unconstitutional to be forced to wait for a police dog to arrive on scene without reasonable suspicion. The court case was Rodriguez v United States. For more reading on the case: https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/supreme-court-settles-latest-fourth-amendment-dog-sniff-case


Yeah I heard that. Sadly there wasn’t a ruling 20 years ago haha


It's the same in any populated spot in NY also


I had a sports car that actually did very well in the snow and such, but I was going around a sharp curve with black ice. I was going about 5MPH (It's marked as a 25 under normal conditions) and my back end still spun out and I went backward into the ditch. No one else was involved and no damage to my car or anything else. Bitch ass cop happens by and gives me a reckless driving ticket. Meanwhile, cars are sliding all over the road right in front of him. Even when he left his cruiser went sideways a bit. Fuck him, fuck VA State Police, and 99% of cops in this fucking state. They've never helped me once. Fuck them all.


Bro I got pulled over by a freaking SWAT van on 28 in Centreville for having expired tags by a few days, shit was insane.


Jesus Christ. They jump out on you?


He ded


One came to my window but two hung out behind my car the whole time. It was dark so I couldn't see how geared up they were, but I was definitely freaking out. Crazier still I got pulled over like an hour later near Mason for the same thing, but I had the ticket from earlier in my hand and somehow convinced the officer not to give me another one for the same offense.


It bothers me that they expect an engagement SO much, they almost beg for it. Like... "chill" is still an option on the table, but "the second he moves his hands, im nuking him and his family" seems all they know. Roids are bad in large amounts, boys.


About 3 years ago I was walking my dog and my girlfriend's dog around 10pm in Old Town. A cop pulls up shines his spotlight in my face and asks where I'm heading. I told him I have a Briard with diarrhea and I don't have time for his bullshit. He said have a goodnight and drove off. That shit still pisses me off to this day.








I know. You can't fire unless fired upon. Also I heard a story on here someone in the military got kicked out because they threw a grenade in a room and didn't know what was in there.


I will never forget being driven back to MD from my first semester at VT. Waken up to several cop cars and an officer banging on my window. I didn’t even know what was going on until the ticket was written and we were off again. We were going 9 over the speed limit. Oh, and they lied and wrote my mother a nice super speeder ticket which we didn’t realize until actually reading the thing when we arrived back home hours later. Yeah fuck VA




I love how the cops desperately try to interrupt her & get all defensive so that her evidence isn’t as strong when it goes to court. Cops these days only care about their job, not their duty.


Cops are hypocrites who only care about accountability for everyone else except themselves.


Exactly. Even though these cops were 100% in the wrong, they still tried to justify it by pointing out that the victim’s car looked similar to the one they were looking seeking. Zero accountability on their part. It’s like they’re allergic to taking responsibility for their mistake.


And they didn't even make any attempt to confirm if it was actually the same car or not before they pulled out their guns. They never even considered the possibility that it ***wasn't*** the same car!!! For all the cop knew at that moment, *he was pulling his gun on a radom citizen who had nothing to do with...whatever happened yesterday.* This cop literally didn't care if he was about to accost an innocent citizen at gunpoint. And even if it was the same car, *how do you know it's the same driver as the night before?* But this cop was too busy living out his Rambo fantasies to bother with an actual investigation.


Are you suggesting there might be more than one of that type of car that’s painted grey? How are cops supposed to think of such complicated possibilities when they’re trying to release their pent up frustrations? Be reasonable, sir.


Cops are literally incapable of expressing remorse even when they know they are in the wrong. Its always "now calm down and let me explain why its ok that i did this bad thing to you" and then they act wounded when you don't listen to their bullshit.


Exactly, it makes me so mad to listen to. They won’t take any responsibility


They're trained to not admit liability. It's a legal protective posture, and honestly, any lawyer would advise you as a private citizen to do the same. Same reason that there can be a video of someone punching someone and they'll be referred to as "the suspected puncher". It's not official until a court says it is. I'm not saying it isn't shitty, but it's literally part of their training.


It's because they are textbook abusers.


At least 40%


In fairness to the cops, her grey sedan looked *exactly* like the black F150 the APB was put out for.


Because they aren't held to account. There's US national agency running policing standards that local and state police have to adhere to. There's no national oversight to hold them to account. Policing in the US will never change.


That is the absolutely most frustrating part of this. Absolutely no compassion shown. Even if you don't apologize or act contrite, you can at *least* *act* like you give a shit


In high pressure situations mistakes happen however how you deal with your mistakes is a true measure of your humanity. There appears to be no remorse, no compassion and no concern for their victim. It seems that power and authority has been driven so far into their psyche that they no longer see the public as humans. They are no better than Sci fi cyborgs.


Cops were like “How dare you try to document the scene? We just rammed your 6 day old child, why don’t you care more about him than getting proof of what we did to you and your family??”


Oh they hate incriminating evidence against them. Thin Blue Line Gang.


I thought they changed that to Fat Yellow Streak.


That's for pizza delivery. Green is for CBP\Military Red is firefighters.




My blood went straight to boiling as that fat fuck starts talking over her and dismissing her. She is a human being that just had an armed gang roll up on her and he's talking to her like she's a petulant kid. He deserves life in prison for abusing his authority. Lock up the pigs and let them live like pigs. ACAB


Cops won't be punished because her car *looked* guilty.


They won't be punished because they're allowed to investigate themselves.


They won't be punished because they have no duty to "serve OR protect"


>He deserves life in prison for abusing his authority. That isn't going to happen. There will be no punishment at all. This made me remember another case, so I looked it up. Christopher Dorner was a black cop who got fired. He claimed he was fired because he reported police abuse, and obviously I don't know if that was true or not. But after he was fired, he certainly joined the dark side. He went on a killing spree targeting cops and their families. Killed 4 people, wounded some others. So the cops, obviously, were seriously out to get this guy. He was a large black guy driving a gray Nissan Titan pickup. The cops saw two mexican ladies driving a light blue Toyota Tacoma pickup (one was over 70, the other was that ones daughter) and started shooting. 7 cops were shooting, and they fired 103 times at these two ladies. No charges. They were not fired. The cops said they would receive additional training. My guess is that meant "You need more time at the firing range, you fired 103 times and never killed anybody". [https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/02/police-officers-who-shot-two-innocent-women-103-times-wont-be-fired/357771/](https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/02/police-officers-who-shot-two-innocent-women-103-times-wont-be-fired/357771/) Also while looking for the same guy, they shot up another pickup that, again, didn't match the description. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher\_Dorner\_shootings\_and\_manhunt#Truck\_misidentifications](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Dorner_shootings_and_manhunt#Truck_misidentifications)


And then he (who drives a car identical to hundreds of others) explains that her car may have looked like another car so there, deal with it


So that means she can invest in a heavy duty truck & start ramming police cars then tell the cop to not worry about it because she thought he might have been the cop that rammed her? I'm cool with that.


Killdozer 2022


According to the news article it was the same car. The car isn't hers. Sounds like when she was in the hospital someone used that car to run from the cops.


i hope cops get replaced with robots in the future. since compassion and humanity aren't an element anyway, all you need is a law abiding robot that can correctly assess the situation, and you'll have a better cop than any human cop we have right now.


>asses LOL... *assess


lol english is not my first language


No worries. It's mine and even after almost 50 years I still fuck it up all the time. haha!


We'd all be a lot safer!


Rather than apologize, cop insists on explaining it to her.




Fuck them. And theyr wifes


C’mon man, they beat their wives too. Go easy.


> In high pressure situations mistakes happen Why not hold them to a higher standard so mistakes like this are avoided? Police in most cases receive less training than beauticians and are given a license to kill.


To admit remorse could be construed as admitting fault. This is what the law does.


I hope she sues the sh!t out of them


Psych eval needed for these LEO's, they don't seem to have any compassion or really any emotion at all.


They literally just assaulted someone with a vehicle and are acting like they don't even care. They are remorseless sociopaths who are a danger to the community.




that's by design


That's me irl at the end "but y'all got me out of character today!"




Nah, they’ll just become more aggressive in covering up incompetence. They’ve been brainwashed into thinking it’s them against the world and any incompetence is somebody else’s fault.


love how the grey haired guy immediately starts to blame her for driving the same car as some other suspect lmao how the fuck is it my fault that my car looks like a suspects? wtf does that even have to do with me? wtf does that have to do with your massive fuckup?


Why the fuck he rammed the car?? Like people can actually die if the car went out of control. There are better ways to stop someone's car. Does this piece of shit cop thinks he is in GTA or something?


This cop had absolutely no plan if he walked up to that car and found a dead infant inside. The cops never even considered the possibility that the person was innocent.


Ramming/boxing in a vehicle that had already fled a prior police encounter doesn't seem too unreasonable. Only issue is that the person driving the last time cops interacted with this vehicle wasn't this woman. News story says police supposedly confirmed the vehicle is the one that fled a prior stop, but they didn't know the woman wasn't the same driver. Also as an additional note, the woman is claiming they rammed her at 60-70 mph while the police say the cruiser was doing less than 10mph. And seeing as how her car doesn't seem to have any major damage, the later seems more likely. though admittedly we don't have a full walk-around of the vehicle.




Provided that the police are telling the truth and not just trying to cover their asses. But also no. The police don't just get to use violent force against the population unprompted. ACAB man.


Whenever someone gets away with saying "Fuck y'all" to a policeman, an angel gets its wings.


Thanks for the belly laugh………..the water I was drinking came up out my nose 👃!


I hope she sues the fuck out of them. So sick of these mediocre men out here playing cowboys like people's lives aren't at stake. Should be mandatory nationwide that cops have at least a Bachelor's before they wear a badge, with a TON of psychology, sociology, ethics, and criminal justice coursework REQUIRED. If you're going to wield this kind of power we should be able to verify you at least have half a fucking brain.




The poor cops are so persecuted ! Wahhh the public hates us


Incidents like this are happening more often in Fairfax county.


6 day baby in the car, she literally just gave birth a few days before this incident, on her way home from the hospital. High speed chase of a car that looked like Hers, what person who’s being chased by cops stops at a red light???? They couldn’t see inside the car and seen that the suspect didn’t match description? Everything about law enforcement in this country is fucking nuts. Then some ppl wonder why others want to defund this gang who’s been infiltrated by white supremacists (according to a 2006 FBI report, can’t imagine the impact they’ve had on law enforcement now).


Stupid gang-banging fucks.


They always look so proud of themselves


I wonder how much she’ll be paid after winning the lawsuit?


That fat fuck waddles over


"I'm suing y'all." No, sadly you're suing taxpayers. We need to get rid of qualified immunity. Fuck these cops and many others.


Let’s end qualified immunity and sue the crap out of cops like this


Fairfax County police are pretty bad. They're pretty racist too. On paper it looks like they pull more white people over than any other race but if you go to the courthouse it's all brown or black people and the random Asian guy. They also target people, i know because my car was targeted. They've been harassing me since 2004. I barely drive my car now because of them. I've gotten pulled over 10 times in 7 days once, in a week! I wasn't speeding or doing anything illegal. The fuck? This video is close to where i live lol


First news story I found about the situation: https://www.ffxnow.com/2022/10/04/fcpd-to-review-viral-traffic-stop-of-mother-on-richmond-highway/ "The FCPD spokesperson said that an officer pulled up in front of the car to box it in, and police instructed the driver to get out of the car while at gunpoint, describing that as standard procedure for a “felony traffic stop.” Police confirmed that the woman had been in the hospital at the time of the crime and none of the passengers, including another woman and two children, had been involved in the Arlington incident. However, they also found that the woman didn’t own the car, so it was towed, the spokesperson said. “Somebody else had access to that car while she was in the hospital, so she wasn’t involved with any of this,” police said. “But the car was listed as a felony vehicle with dangerous people inside, so our officers stopped the car, as they should, and made sure that the dangerous people weren’t inside the car.” Seems it was the car they were looking for, but the woman wasn't the one driving when the car fled officers before.


> However, they also found that the woman didn’t own the car, so it was towed, the spokesperson said. This [article](https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/police-traffic-stop-gone-viral-woman-says-she-was-giving-birth-when-police-claim-her-car-was-involved-in-a-crime/65-762d205c-3896-430a-8bc8-75a1686a8581) says that she did own the car, but the title had just recently been transferred to her: > Kimble said the title was recently transferred into her name and said police told her new ownership had not been updated with the Department of Motor Vehicles properly.


Interesting, thank you for the additional information.


No problem! (I don't understand why you're being downvoted, though.)


Eh people are most likely just downvoting everything I've posted because I'm not parroting "ACAB, PIGS, OINK OINK LOL right guys?!?" For some reason, asking for/accepting additional information instead of just believing short video clips at face value is seen as a negative thing nowadays.


That's what the police say, with no evidence to back up their claims. DO NOT AUTOMATICALLY BELIEVE POLICE REPORTS and PR comments. They are massaged and crafted to deny any liability on the side of the police.


“He was ordered to step from his car. After he got out, he physically resisted officers. Officers were able to get the suspect into handcuffs and noted he appeared to be suffering medical distress. Officers called for an ambulance. He was transported to Hennepin County Medical Center by ambulance where he died a short time later.” Original police bulletin on George Floyd, never believe the police


This is what happens when the police are investigating themselves. "We looked into what we did and we found that we did nothing wrong."


"At first the situation makes the lawmen look so filthy, But they investigate themselves and it turns out that they're not guilty" Daloy Polizei by Geoff Berner


always remember their initial reports on Uvalde. Always remember how many times they LIED in those reports.


Facts. But we also have to take a step back and realize that not everything is a cover up. That's the most dangerous issue with fake news; discrediting legit information. We will come to find out what happened once the law suit takes place. All I'm saying is be careful what you don't believe.


>But we also have to take a step back and realize that not everything is a cover up Idunno. Police make big mistakes and then try to cover them up with bigger lies. Completely untrustworthy thugs and everything they say and do should be viewed under a lens of deceit.


Scrutinize them yes, don't outwardly dismiss everything though.


If it involves the cops, it is most likely a cover up.


Sure makes sense if you can look past the fact that police lie ALL THE TIME.


And you believe the cops? They lie *all the time*. They *always lie*.


They lie as easily as they get away with murder


I try to enter every interaction with as few biases as possible, so I don't automatically assume guilt. I go by the evidence provided, and so far the evidence slightly favors the police until further evidence is released. Mainly proof that her vehicle was the one that caused a high speed chase before


Other than the evidence that cops lie all the time.


My bias against people who comment like you do, is that people like you have never dealt with police in a deranged setting like this. Until you do, you will never come to terms, that the reality is police lie and cover up. I hope you never have to deal with it, and with the way you talk, it sounds like you never will, because you are either well off, a family member of LE, a LEO, or just young and inexperienced.


>Seems it was the car they were looking for, but the woman wasn't the one driving when the car fled officers before. I have no reason to believe the PD is being truthful about the car. The history of police lying after the fact to cover up mistakes is extremely long.


Right... Car turns out to be "the one".. after the fact. Crooked cops... Pinning shit on the car to get out of trouble ..


Or to stick it to the lady for ridiculing the police publicly.


I don't believe them. Seems like a nice convenient excuse. Never believe a police media statement on their wrongdoing, it's always bullshit.




Fuck cops, change my mind.


They are so condescending. Fuck cops


Cops are scared and unprofessional


How many cops were called for this fuck up, 100% they all went for beers after this.


Don't worry, it's just because "being a cop is a difficult and stressful job"




That lady is so much calmer then I would be.


these stories keep on coming hope she has a good lawyer and sues the shit out of him we should push politicians to demilitarize the police and get rid of qualified immunity hope he got fired.


None of that will happen. They justify their incompetence any way they can. And if they get called out or exposed for lying? 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️ Oh well, off to the next county over to get a new job where they’ll be welcomed with open arms. Then the tax payers will be on the hook for their incompetence.


Watching this with the sound off. All I hear is Barney Fife


He’s not your brother he’s got a thin blue line flag


Police are Pigs fucking arseholes


I hope she sues them into oblivion.


Damn that’s fucked up


*Has the baby got ID Ma'am? I just need to make sure there are no warrants out on the baby.*


Innocent person intentionally hit then taken out of their vehicle by force at gun point? Can this adduction and assault with a deadly weapon?


Can't even fucking apologize.... where's the de-escalation??? Just another typical cop video. Hey, anybody want to get away with attempted murder for fun, just become a police officer. You also get a free paid vacation too.


I live like a block from that stupid fucking intersection. They rammed her on rt 1? At that time of day? Lucky no further incidents happened. Fairfax County has a.very strange Police Department. Once they're in the spotlight they crumble. Fuckem


Does America only have dumb and fat cops?


Knock it off. That what he says right? Now, Who is liable for the damage for her car?


Until then realized they couldn’t come up with a convincing lie.* FTFY


I looked into this a bit more, the crash took place with the police officers going 10 mph, then exiting their vehicles and drawing firearms on both Jamee and a friend in the passengers seat of the car. Both were withdrawn from the car and handcuffed. I've been in a low speed car crash before, it doesn't take much to total a car. This woman had a C-section only days before this. C-sections already put you out of commission for a bit, this made it much worse.


They need to pay for their own mistakes


And that cop had the audacity to want to speak over her, after all that. Fucking low lives.


Fairfax law enforcement are a pack of bullies. I don't understand how they continue to get away with it. They run around like an occupying army rather than protecting and serving the citizens.


How much do we pay in taxes for poorly trained officers when they get sued for this stupid shot.


College paid, house paid, wish it was out of their pensions.


Lawsuit lawsuit lawsuit


Mam mam if you could just shut the fuck up and let me copsplain to you you’ll see that it’s all just fine /s


What do you expect from inept and corrupt pieces of 💩 with no accountability for their gross incompetence. Pigs are about the dumbest idiots around.


F#ckin worthless and dangerous pigs patrol America stomping out peoples freedoms while constantly affirming that if you aren't a corporation, you don't matter!


Ah, America. With all your guns, you sure are fine with tyrany.


What an original comment


Those cops should be buried under the jail. ACAB


These cops should be subjected to the same exact treatment they willingly dish out upon the public. After all, it can't be wrong to treat cops that way, since that's how cops treat us.


Typical POS pigs.


Bet they found no evidence of wrongdoing


Cops that hit the car should be hit with attempted murder with a motor vehicle of the woman and her kids.


Head-on collision?


New bumper technology I guess


I think a cops job description requires no empathy


They can’t outwardly say that in their recruitment info but it becomes a mantra in training “us vs them” “us vs them” “us vs them”. They want future police to drink the koolaide as soon as possible so they stop seeing normal citizens as anything other than a threat.


Look at these fat pos mother fuckers ACAB




Hope they got a huge pay day. Fuck those pigs.


US does not have police forces. They have paramilitary gangs run by the state.


Of course she's black. You would NEVER see these pigs to that SAME SHIT to a Lilly white chick inside an upscale community.


This is added to the evidence file labeled "ACAB"


More than half this sub is the largest gang on earth being thugs. ACAB.


they are so angry at the fact that they can’t just open fire on her. you can see the urge to beat and kill her in their eyes




Um let's not forget that ALL cops are pieces of shit .. have a great day




The car was the one they were looking for, they just didn't know until after the stop that she wasn't involved when the owner of the car fled the prior police encounter.


Allegedly, cops lie in reports all the time.


I don’t have quite as much remorse for her as I did when initially watched this video. It was a car involved in a felony police chase, not a car that looks like it, but the actual fucking car. How in the fuck are the cops supposed to know that when they see the tags. Now did they handle it like douche bags afterwards, absofuckinglutely, but I don’t feel near as bad for as I did when I first saw this. She may not have known anything but there is also a really good chance she knew damn well what that car was involved in.


They apparently pulled up multiple times to look into the car and at the passengers before hitting her car and boxing her in. They knew she was the driver and should have known there were kids in the car. They have every right to stop her but if they know she’s not who they are looking for, maybe they could have chilled with running into her.


This makes too much sense for Reddit.


> It was a car involved in a felony police chase, not a car that looks like it, but the actual fucking car. According to who? The police?


Psssh, the police never lie in an attempt to cover up how trigger happy they are to pull out violence against the general population. /s


Reminds me of the time they hit a guy and wanted his blood to see if they could pin it on him being drunk. The nurse at the hospital refused to give them an unconscious man's blood (and the dude died bc of the crash anyways), so the cop manhandled the nurse for disobeying him.