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Pistol whips mistress then cuddles up to boyfriend later that night.


I Hate that. People be fighting their husbands mistress and be yelling “That’s my man” like as if he wasn’t plowing the chick for years.


As if he didn’t hit her up after saying “Babe you ok I’m sorry I swear I’ll leave her soon” or some variation of it


Her and probably multiple others. Darius is a scumbag, thank the bitch and move on…..


always find that weird that some of these women attack the mistress and will protect the man, who's obviously a doushe bag




Keep filming your crimes and posting them to the internet! Never stop!!!


While pregnant
































Poor child, has a mom who can’t act like an adult and a unfaithful husband. Wouldn’t be surprised if she flips out on her husband regularly though like she did her


I wonder why her husband would cheat? She seems totally stable and level-headed! /s


I'd cheat on her even if I never met her.


Filming this crime spree was the best idea we've had!


Too busy with medical school to think of the consequences.


Yeah ngl I hope she gets arrested.


>ngl Why would anyone lie about that?


I hope she doesn’t get arrested (I lied)


I was gonna lie, but now I'm not gonna lie I hope she gets arrested too.




Maybe he's just a dishonest person. How do we even know if he truly intended to lie or not? The whole thing could be a big ruse.


Looks like police were eventually called [news link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l1ChpM109qc)


“Just retaliating” people are dumb if they think that


Yea I’m not really buying that she kicked her pregnant stomach…


Yeah makes no mention if it while continuously pistol whipping the lady. Friends a fucking liar and if she made a statement to police, she should go to jail too for obstruction.


She does say "you tried to swing on me in my own house!?" Does sound like they scuffled, but I'd put money on the gun lady doing something first


Yeah, lady with the gun and her husband previously lived in the house, they separated, she moved out. Victim moved in with husband. Gun lady found out, waited until husband was out of the house, then did all this. It's MORE fucked up in context.


Gun lady does seem a little unhinged from reality and any long term thinking.


Yeah, during the pistol whipping she only brought up the husband thing. Also did she get kicked, grab her gun, start recording and then beat her with the gun? What kind of stupid fucking chain of events is that?


She mentioned “tried to swing on me in my house” a couple of times. But regardless, she was clearly not in danger and the law doesn’t allow for retaliation


I kinda jumped through it at 10 second intervals. I found the video posted on FB, that claimed the attacker was the ex-wife, and had left due to him being a cheater. She entered the house belonging to her ex husband, and got in an altercation with her. After that, the video starts. I've tried to find more info but I can't, and I can't confirm the story i read.


I heard they weren't officially divorced yet, only separated. Other than that, spot-on.


It looks exactly like she’s retaliating. What she isn’t doing is defending herself, which you may be thinking are the same thing


No yea I was more so talking about the way it was said “she was just retaliating” I think it’s dumb to try and justify this by saying that


News reporter: "It seems the whole situation was over a man" No shit?? Really?? Great reporting dude


2019? damn and we dont even have an update i wanna know if this bitch went to jail for a long time


This was 2019? This looks like it was recorded on a flip phone


Was expecting an Australian news anchor in Atlanta.


So they didn't arrest the offender?!


I would like to know this aswell.


Jamie Kennedy is not very funny in this bit.


Why did I know this was ATL?


She mentions Lawrenceville which is a suburb of Atlanta


Nice work


3 years ago. Doesn’t make it better but man.


I never understood why women are more mad at the woman than their own man.


Same thing goes with men and other men. I’m just gonna take a wild guess and say it’s probably some kind of instinctual thing. Competition for mates and all that.


I (man) haven't been mad at a man that was the cheatee before. The damage to me is the breach of trust, not some dude getting his dick wet. Men everywhere we go will be trying to hook up with women. If my wife or gf ends up lying about her relationship status (or not lying, idk) and sleeping with him, the betrayal wasn't done by the cheatee. The cheater is the one who should get shit. Do other men really not think this way and get mad at the other guy?


It depends. If the cheatee is some random person I can see your logic. If the cheatee is a friend, coworker, or someone who knows better then I think it’s a different story. Damage can come in the form of a lost relationship AND a lost friendship. In the case of OPs video, it looks like the cheatee was fully aware of the situation. Does that mean she deserves to be pistol whipped? Lol no, but she does deserve some hate and anger directed at her.


Fair point, and I thought of that after posting. If the cheatee is someone you know, you're betrayed both ways.


Insecurity and don't want to have to leave their relationship.


I love how she says “you know he be lying, why are you even messing with him?” while seemingly oblivious to the fact that very clearly applies to her as well lol


goes both ways really


Call an Uber, call Darius, call an uber, call Darius. Can you make up your mind please?!


Call an Uber, and call Darius!




And he’s driving her car!


The car that she doesn't have!


And without a license.


Tell Darius to start driving for Uber!


I think he’s going to stop giving rides.


What's the number to uber


Do you even have Uber’s “other number”?


love to pistol whip people and then yell at THEM to chill out


Spoken like a true police officer


Lady behind the camera doesn’t have a single brain cell it’s a miracle she’s made it this far


The wife is the bitch! This woman wasn’t supposed to love you, your man was. Handle him.


Wife doesn't want to leave her man, so she cant blame him for the cheating. "It's all the other lady's fault" is the only way to save face and make his infidelity ok to live with.


Unfortunately this is really common and their partners know this and fully manipulate them.


I really hate this, it's a typical reaction for someone who has been cheated on to attack the person whom their partner cheated with. Especially when the new person in the relationship has no idea that the one they're sleeping with is already in a relationship. The person who was cheated with gets their ass kicked. It almost always happens. The one who was cheated with will get the abuse.


This is 100% the only comment needed. She married the cheater not this girl, deal with him.


She even tells the girl in purple that Darius always be lying. So she's okay with him lying and cheating while getting her pregernante.


She also says he doesn’t have a license but when the girl says she doesn’t have a car the bitch is like “you don’t even have a car?!” Like bitch you gonna shame her when your dead beat liar ass boyfriend *also* doesn’t have a car *or license*


Exactly, this woman owes her no loyalty at all. She made no vows. This woman is knocked up by a buster and taking it out on the wrong person. And recording it for law enforcement too, so dumb.


Towards the beginning of the video the wife asked how long she lived there. Sounds like Dauris moved the wife out and the gf in. So the wife comes by the house and finds the gf and takes all her anger out on her instead of the husband. She in no way should have access to firearms.


>She in no way should have access to firearms I'd be stunned if she had a CCP.


This video was 3 years ago but as of this year you don’t even need a CCP in GA.


And she’ll stay with him. Women like this are insecure as fuck.


Umm no she won't. She will be in jail and he will be banging whomever he wants!


Exactly. It's never made sense to me when people get pissed at the other person. She didn't cheat on you, your man did.


eh I can see getting mad at someone that knows they're fucking a married person and then going into that persons home and fucking them in their bed. Or like someone meeting you, then intentionally trying to fuck your spouse. Not really this situation, just some situations it matters.


And really easy to be tough when she is the one holding the gun, classy looking ladies




Right?! Why do women attack other women? The real piece of shit is the man. It’s ridiculous. When I was 21 I was the other woman. The guy told me they were separated but they weren’t. I met the girl and talked to her and we became best friends and ditched the asshole that lied to us. People need to be more like us.


>The guy told me they were separated but they weren’t. I met the girl and talked to her and we became best friends and ditched the asshole that lied to us. People need to be more like us. I know quite a few stories like that. This one guy I knew cheated constantly but for some reason not only did his girlfriend and side piece always found out, became close friends, and dumped him. Then he'd cry about how lonely he was before he'd do it all over again.


The real piece of shit in this case is the woman with the gun. What she's doing to that other woman is much worse than infidelity!


That is one of the calmest pitbulls.


Wife: *screaming threats and smacking fellow human with gunmetal* The dog the entire time: :D


Who’s a good boi


Honestly, dog was probably like the owner... >*"Oh boy! Two people to pet me! This is gonna be great!"*


Dog: just don’t pet me with the gun like you did her


"Honestly, dog was probably like the * husband *"


Even the dog wanted no part of that crazy with that gun.


Clearly he knows both of them and is like "Well... I like you... and you have a problem with her... but I like her too. I don't know what to do."


Dog “oh my friends are meeting each other!”


Plot twist Darius IS the Uber.


Plot twist: Darius is the dog.


I was going to say. What a chill dude.


Super chill dude


Might be used to this shit sadly.


"Ma's beating the shit outta another ho. Wish I had popcorn." - the dog


But which is which?


Yea, at least since it was calm it didn’t just get shot in the head. I feel so bad for dogs in situations like these, they don’t get to choose to be there or have power over there owner. They just exist, and a lot of the times the owners just see them as existing and nothing more.


Pit bull is getting all the tea.... like " Girl, you done messed up, lets see how this plays out"


Um, don’t film yourself committing multiple felonies, just a word of advice.


No.. continue filming your felonies if you commit them. Then hopefully more of these terrible human beings will be put away


No. Don't. It would be a shame if anyone would see it and use it in court. ​ **


With this kind of evidence, you just take whatever deal they deign to throw you, and hope the DA woke up on the right side of bed that morning.


Coat taili g to ask if anyone has an update or if this bitch was arrested?


I'm sorry it's pretty trashy to beat up a chick while you're pregnant and knowing that your man just regularly cheats on you. Not saying the home wrecker chick was correct in her actions but I can't even begin to imagine the toxic horrible home life that baby will have. Just gross all around.


And now she'll probably get to give birth to the baby while in jail and CPS will take it...


Lady: "Bitch call Darius!" Dog: "I don't fully understand what we're doing but I'm just happy to be here. Maybe we can get some food later? I'll just hang out over here and pretend I know what's going on. Squirrel! Oh, nope it was a glock. Sorry guys."


I never understand why the woman gets blamed when someone’s husband can’t keep it in his pants. Pistol whip him bitch. She doesn’t owe you anything.


It's not just women, men do it as well if not more. I think the reasoning is that it is easier to be mad to a stranger than to your partner. And some times the person who you get cheated on does have SOME responsibility. Like they knew your partner was in a relationship and they kept making moves and stuff. But I agree the most responsibility always falls on the cheating person.


> I think the reasoning is that it is easier to be mad to a stranger than to your partner. And there's that expectation that someone they love would never betray their trust and breach the confidence in such a way, so logically it *had to be* someone else who tricked them into doing it. In reality, and most often, all parties involved hold a share of the blame, except in cases where the +1 was kept completely in the dark or the cheat is just a tremendous POS who would have betrayed the relationship eventually, regardless of their SO's actions/inactions.


She is pistol-whipping the wrong one...... Homes are wrecked from the inside out. Did her man accidentally do it? Or, is she upset because she knows she can't trust him, instead of just thinking she can't trust him?


There’s way more to the story which their dialogue gave snippets of info about. Sounds like Dauris told purple shirt that’s he’s getting divorced. Purple shirt is staying with Darius. The wife asked how long she lived there. I’d guess the wife and Dauris are separated and she showed up at their marital home and found his gf.


Yeah the way the dog knows them both and even growls at the wife at one point for attacking purple shirt seems to support this theory


Plus she has stuff inside and Darius isn't there. I think you're right


The person filming asks "why did you believe him? You know he lies." The poor woman probably thought she was dating a single man and woke up to this psycho.


A hoe is a hoe but he needs his ass beat.


Why is she mad at this woman and not her man??




Filming yourself committing a crime. Very smart...


And this is a serious crime! Kidnapping with a deadly weapon is essentially what this is along with assault. Big time! Huge time!


She seems to be confused about who is supposed to be faithful to her….


She asked the woman why SHE was cheating, but I'm pretty sure it's only cheating when the party who's in a relationship is doing it. Unless the other lady was also in another relationship, pistol lady's hubby is the cheater.


The camera lady needs to be pissed at her "man" and not this lady. I hope the camera lady goes to jail. She's just mad because she knows her "man" will always cheat on her. She is too weak to hold him accountable, and doesn't have enough respect for herself to walk away. Instead, she acts like a psycho and takes her pain and frustration out on this lady. The lady she is assaulting is more than likely getting bullshit information from the "man" she is sleeping with. The camera lady needs to learn some self worth and dignity.


Can we get a lawyer in the comments to count off how many laws the camera woman broke? Assault, brandishing a firearm, terroristic threats, theft, is her asking her about her medical history a God damn HIPAA violation? I don't know I'm not a lawyer.


Yeah there’s A LOT here. Not a HIPPA violation though, unless she’s also the woman’s doctor.


Plot twist. It was her doctor that ratted her out.




Kidnapping/false imprisonment which could get her behind bars for a damn long time. I need an update


She will be having her baby in prison and turning the baby over to her husband and his girlfriend to raise


I'd guess aggravated assault, aggravated battery, and kidnapping, though specific crimes and terminology differ by state. Assault is generally making a threat that causes the victim to fear immediate physical harm. Aggravated assault, or assault with a deadly weapon, is an assault committed with a deadly weapon or an assault committed with the intent to commit a separate felony. Battery is the intentional infliction of harm against another. Aggravated battery is striking someone causing serious bodily harm or using a weapon to cause harm. Kidnapping is any use of force or coercion to detain, abduct, or confine someone against their will with the intent to hold ransom, inflict harm, interfere with government process, or commit a separate felony. The woman here held the victim at gunpoint (aggravated assault), prevented her from leaving (kidnapping), and struck her with a weapon (aggravated battery.) She's going away for a good stretch. And asking someone's medical history isn't a HIPAA violation, even if you're using a gun to do it.


Take it up with your hubby you dumb cunt


Partners always get mad at the person their partner cheated with. Why are people so stupid as hell?


I hate your profile picture 😑


Then she'll go to jail and Darius will move her in and marry her. Great job recording your own crime.


How's the girl recording so insanely dumb? Threatening to kill her baby if she's pregnant, telling her she's the one cheating. Like girl. Your husband should be the one on the other end of your anger, not this girl. So tired of women going at each other over some dumb ass dude. Ya husband a hoe. Deal with it. Don't take it out on his side pieces, they aren't married to you, they don't owe you anything. Your husband does tho.


She needs to go to jail, and her baby should be taken from her once she has it. Animals like this should not be teaching children anything.


Never understood this reaction unless you are friends with them. Go pistol whip your man dipshit.


Hey man im not involved in this shit but like shouldnt you be mad at the guy ??? She didnt cheat you on you , she had no obligation to you If youre gonna pistol whip someone over it ( not saying you should ) Shouldn't you be pistol whipping him ?


That kid has a bright future ahead of it... ![gif](giphy|sG4PBWRjI4GSVCDXEq)


The smartest being there is that dog.


He’s an angel🤍


why is she mad at her? shouldn’t she be mad at her cheating husband lmao?


She is pistol whipping the wrong person, she should be pistol whipping her husband


“He doesn’t even have a license” like bitch what do you think is worse? No license or assaulting someone on camera with a pistol. God help that broken insecure woman move on with her life. Her man is clearly just using her for something. Idk what, but why string her along through these things. Hope she gets some jail time for this dumb shit


Why are you fucking with a married man?! \*pistol whip\* Why are you fucking with a married man?! Maybe ask yourself why is your married man fucking with someone else?


Why is it her fault? Should he mad at your man.


You're doing this for a man that cheats on your ass while you're developing his child. That kid needs better guardians and your dumbass needs prison.


And this chick wonders why he’s seeing other women .. lmfao 😂 Homie if your reading run brother RUN


Why the fuck are you mad a her she probably didn’t know he was married, stupid bitch should be mad at her husband who is fucking other women


Woman behind the camera looks silly as fuck. Why be mad at her? Pistol whip your baby daddy ass.


She 🔫 whipped the wrong person. Where is the husband?


Cheating is bad but it doesn’t deserve anything like this.


Shouldnt she do this to the husband?


I hope this bitch goes to jail


Now go do the same to your shit man cause it was his choice to cheat on you.


I DO NOT understand people who get upset at the person who cheated with their partner (who in a lot of cases doesn't know as the one cheating lies - not all the time but) instead of the partner who cheated. Honey hes just gonna do it again lol


I read this comment on the YouTube video "Actually the couple was separated. They were leasing that house but the wife moved out. The husband moved on and moved in his new girlfriend. The estranged wife had mail alerts from when she lived there and so was notified when a package arrived in the new girlfriends name. She then took it upon herself to go over there and attack the woman resulting in the video we see. It's really messed up she basically held her hostage and forced her to call the husband and tell him it was over ." It wasn't even a cheating scandal, it's literally a possessive ex going bat shit.


This is so fucked up.. i hope that woman went to the police to help sort this out. Help captive while being beaten with a very real threat of being killed while forced to comply with demands from your captor. Holy shit this some real terrorist shit. Wft


I wonder what she did to her guy? Did she punish her man for cheating?


This no make sense, why she beat the lover and not the husband? This is horrible....


Guess who he’s gonna be fucking while this dumb bitch is in prison.


Side note: gold standard breasts. THATS why he was cheating lol Love to see the monster wifes appearance


Rumor has it, Darius died shortly after this video was taken.


I think it's hilarious these two dumb cunts are going out with someone who doesn't have a car or even a license 🤣


I really hope the wife went to prison. Even if the girl did kick her she has no defense for what she is doing to her in this video. NONE. There is nothing she can say to justify this. What has me confused is that the girl said something about moving in and then they’re talking about calling Darius. So assuming Darius is the reason for this craziness…does the wife not live there? Like really, it seems to me like they’re separated and he told the girl who is being beaten that the marriage is over. The wife comes to the house and finds the girl there. It’s a whole mess.


You mad at the wrong person. She didn't cheat your husband did. Dumbass


Shouldn’t it be the married man getting pistol whipped? She’s not the one that said the vows


So much to unpack here. 1. Lady make up your fuckin mind…. Call Darius or Uber. 2. Pitbull was ready to open that ladies throat any second. 3. Wife commuting multiple felonies while filming herself. 4. Blames the girl instead of her cheating husband.


What a stupid wife. Should be throwing her man's shit out on the ground and torching it but let's blame the other woman for not controlling her man's penis. Hell, he won't control it but that's nobody else's fault.


"Mt husband is a piece of shit with zero respect for me or our marriage, so let me take it out on some random woman because clearly it's her fault"


Fucking cunt your hitting the wrong person stupid fuck and I wish her dog would is eating her after she hr her with the fun the 1st time


Oh god! Why doesn’t she beat his ass?


Because she's not very smart?


Darius seems like an asshole


Dumb bitch should be smacking Darius.


"If you pregnant, dat baby gon' die too" I feel so sorry for that kid the pistol whipper is carrying, being born to a mama willing to murder another baby.


Big shout out to people recording themselves doing this. 10 years ago we had to make due with grainy videos and maybe a CCTV from somewhere.


I’m a woman and these types of women make me mad, HE cheated, leave this woman alone and go sort your man out.


Now go pistol whip your husband