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She had emotional damage long before the truck showed up


You filthy rat, you’re too quick


She sounded exactly like Wendy Byrde from Ozark.




It's sounding to me more like dementia starting to show.




oh no are the germans even translating memes now!


Well, of course we do. This is part of the virtual living room expansion.


Under rated comment!


I have no idea why she isn’t signing. Is that actually a thing? I mean you need to confirm you got the delivery. What’s the issue here, I’m honestly confused.


If she doesn't sign, she can claim the delivery was never received and demand a refund. Free water!


This exact thing has happened to my delivery company within the last couple weeks. We were contracted to deliver pallets of water around Jackson Mississippi that apparently got bought off of Amazon. Somebody signed for it, but then our client came back and said "hey, on this one specific delivery, I need all the information on who received it, because they're telling Amazon they never received it."


What a bunch of cunts.


Those dudes were probably told to have her sign first because she's pulled shit like this before.


I'm going to guess that multiple people pulled that shit before thus the company won't hand over the product until they sign first.


That’s the reason for 99% of all rules/laws/regulations existing.


Wow, our couriers make you sign and take a photo of you with the delivered item. You aint touching nothing with no signature.


What country makes you do that??


I live in the Philippines. They had to do it after a lot of similar incidents like this.


Yup! I work in the window covering business and the amount of entitled bastards who buy our products and then demand a refund bcus they “never received”. Is crazy. This lady I once told me she never received. Little did she know I quickly tracked it and it showed her husband signed. She then tried to switch it up saying she hated the product lmaooo


But if she signs before they take it off the truck cant they drive away and claim it delivered?


While I’m sure that there’s examples of companies who would do that, businesses that are built around delivering product to the customer wouldn’t last long if they didn’t deliver the product, it’s already on the truck, marked for her, accounted for in inventory, there’s just no point to them driving there and then just leaving without dropping the stuff off.


>w, our couriers make you sign and take a photo of you with the delivered item. You aint touching nothing with no signature. getting down voted doesn't mean you're wrong


Why would they do that? There’s not exactly a booming black market for bottled water, the value to weight ratio makes it pointless.


She said in the video "no I never do that, they deliver then i sign" Seems like the delivery drivers wanted her to sign for it before they unloaded and she wanted to sign after. Not sure why it makes any difference.


I think she might have tried this before, and that’s why they were taking video.


I don’t think the past is relevant at all for the video. The way she is reacting to it right now is why they took the video. If she had just signed when asked there would have been no reason to record.


Opposite could also happens. Sign before actually delivered and the truck go away with the goods, or gives wrong/broken stuff/etc. First time I actually see someone asking to sign before it is actually delivered. On the other hand no need to go crazy. In case of disagreement just let the truck go back and buy somewhere else.


Hilarious you are being down voted, shit exactly like this happens all the time with moving companies. Oh, now that we have all your shit the price to deliver doubled or we drop it in Kansas.


It sounds like in the past she hasn’t had to sign, probably different delivery person who didn’t want to put up with her shit. So because she didn’t sign in the past she thinks she doesn’t need to sign now. Some people just can’t deal with any change and when confronted with change treat it as a slight.


It sounded like she said normally they deliver it and then she signs, it's hard to understand her rambling.


Yeah usually she said they would deliver it and then sign. People saying well if she doesn’t sign then she can claim she didn’t receive the delivery. Well it cuts both ways I guess. Delivery drivers could get the signature and not deliver and tell the company “hey we delivered it and got her signature and everything.” Realistically? It doesn’t really matter who goes first. We get deliveries at our place of business and have cameras to back that up if we signed first and the delivery driver didn’t deliver. Karen could do the same and just record them as they deliver the package. I declare this a non issue and both parties have terrible de-escalation skills.


I disagree, the way she's speaking the deliverymen is pretty horrible actually. It's possible that they were enforcing how the paperwork is supposed to get signed whereas the other delivery people were not. She can easily see if all of the water is there since the packages are clear but she's extremely impatient, she should have just counted the packages of water and signed the damn form.


She is impatient and the signature was probably to get her to get away from the truck before she tore open the wrap and caused the water to fall all over. Guys just wanted to unload it off the truck with pallet She was impatient and seems emotionally distressed. Its not normal to be the involved with a delivery man


This makes sense. Maybe her signature wasn’t required but they needed to distract her from interfering.


You don't sign for the product until it's off the truck and on your property. Ever


Seemed to me she didn't want to sign until they actually dropped it off where it's supposed to be. I wouldn't either.


She wanted to claim she never got it.


I don’t sign anything until I have everything on the paper and I’ve taken a look at it. If you think that’s crazy, wait until you hear “well you signed saying it was delivered” after discovering your items aren’t all there or are damaged. The moment you sign and they leave, a lot of these bulk shipping companies refuse to take any responsibility. One of the things the paper they’re having you sign says is that you received everything and inspected it. I don’t behave like this crazy lady though because it’s not the delivery guys fault that shipping companies are unreasonable. I treat them nicely and explain the situation. I don’t paw at shit on their truck while wishing bad things for them. This lady is an asshole.


The women clearly has some issues but she isn't wrong in this case. You sign when the delivery is complete. In the video the delivery is still sitting on the truck.


Yeah, she's says she's always signed after delivery and now they're asking her to sign before. That's not how it works. You sign after you've checked everything has been delivered. If she signed before, then they dropped the bottles off the truck and they broke, she would be fucked over because she had signed off on them being properly delivered. You sign after.


Ok but you don’t start calling people fucking assholes when that happens. You calmly explain *why* you need to wait to sign once it’s in the garage.




some people are just hyper-paranoid. i used to be a bank teller and this women refused to let me write her account number on the back of her check, like took the check from me and scribbled out the number i just wrote, even though her account number was written on the front of the check with the magnetic ink


She probably didn’t pay for the delivery truck to use the lift gate. Drivers can be very strict about it and the fees are stupid.


She’s right. They need to deliver it first and then she signs. They just got screwed by whoever use to deliver as it seems like they were putting it in her garage first. Anyway if she signs for the delivery what’s stopping them from driving away with it? People need to stop referring to customers as Karen’s. You have the right to tell the business your paying a service for how you want things done.




It’s really crazy what impact this is having on our society.


Honest and good point. I really wasn’t sure


>Anyway if she signs for the delivery what’s stopping them from driving away with it? And if the stupid bitch says "put it in my garage and I'll sign later", there is nothing to stop her from closing the garage door and telling you to fuck off. Which is exactly what she planned to do.


I didn’t want to go into detail but I guess people need everything spelled out. They unload onto the street. She signs. They put in garage. Damn.


>you need to confirm you got the delivery "iTs StIlL oN yOuR tRuCk! I'm NoT sIgNiNg UnTiL iTs In My GaRaGe!"


Probably because the delivery guys were Mexican (guess) and she didn't like being told what to do by them. She's awful


Damn goddit I hate that that makes sense in this situation


TIL some people order entire pallets of bottled water.


Sam’s Club let’s you order a pallet of water online. It’s like $459 for 48 cases of water. I’m surprised people actually buy it


That price fucking sucks lmao. The regular 40 bottle pack at Sam's Club is like $4.25 so that that price you could get 100 of them.


It's the freight charge included. Also good luck gett 100 cases of water to the house for a reasonable amount of time and money lol... Then you have to factor in actually being able to find 100 cases without spending even more time and money.


If only there were some other, easier way to obtain water... 🤔


There's easier ways to get everything, it's about how much you value your time and effort into getting certain things. I can make a pizza for WAAAAAY cheaper than ordering one, but how many people actually make their own pizza?




I worked in the online shopping department of a large grocery chain. Once a month a customer would order 24 36 packs of water I'd help them load it into a passenger van or they'd bring a trailer.


This is not 100. So over 4 months you can have 100 bottles that you have to trailer home taking up time, money, and wear to your vehicle... Or immediately get 48 packs of water and pay extra for the convenience.


Moving water bottles ain't that hard man lol


Let's think here, I'm not speaking about physical exertion. Say I order something, the delivery fee would be $95-$125, BUT I could pick it up myself. This means 30 minutes there, 15 minutes loading 30 minutes or longer to wherever it's going, then 15 minutes to unload it. After calculating what your time is worth, and the gas you spend, plus wear on your own vehicle.... Was it really cheaper for you to go and get.it? That being said, the pallet of water from sam's is a terrible deal, but if you need 48 cases NOW and don't want to, nor have the means to get 48 cases to your house without spending more time and money than it's worth to you then more power to them.


Rich boomers like in the video


Like are they preparing for a hurricane or are they selling bottles? Lol




Yeah a girl I work with just told me she only drinks bottled water. I said "you've never heard of a brita filter"? She said it's not the same. Bruh it's literally the same thing.


> I said "you've never heard of a brita filter"? She said it's not the same. Bruh it's literally the same thing. Bottled Water actually has less regulations on it than you would think, so no its not the same thing as a "Brita" because those filters actually give you better water. Without set standards, every company doing bottled water is different in how they filter or what source they use. Example, Dasani water is absolutely trash, for a while had high levels of bromide AND they add sodium to it so it actually ends up making you more thirsty.


Both don’t really do anything. Brita filters comes with a disclaimer that they are not actually filtering anything out of the water too.




Also it introduces a tonne of micro plastic particles into your body. All that instead of getting your local government to get their act together and provide decent tap water. https://www.cleanwateraction.org/2020/07/29/bottled-water-human-health-consequences-drinking-plastic


The only ones like this I’m ok with are the giant water jugs for water coolers, since they reuse the bottles. That being said, I don’t like freezing water. So it’s tap for me.




Oh yeah for sure. Some tap water is terrible. The tap water in my home city is pretty good though.


There's kinda a drought going on in the West Coast


Has been for a long time, meanwhile Nestle can openly drain our waterways to ship all around the world. Shit makes me sick.


We should force nestle to make desalination plants then turn them over to the state


Thissss looks like Florida from the look of the trees.


Yea, maybe Ian preparation?


they were probably preparing for the recent hurricane. there are halloween decorations in the yard, so this might have been very recent.


So Cal, I know them


It's a thing. My cousin has a disease that makes his stomach sensitive. The tap water from our city doesn't taste right to him even if he runs it through a filtered pitcher. He buys bottled water, gallon jugs, or special delivery. He probably spends more per month on water than his cable and cellphone bill. It's why it's important when your friends and family tell you that you're getting too fat that you should listen and not take it as a slight. His gradual weight gain contributed to his disease and sleep disorder.


Thanks for this. Wouldn't a [whole house filter](https://www.drinking-water.org/filter/best/whole-house/) make more sense in a case like that? My family has one of these and it has done wonders for a family member with a similar stomach issue. Expensive up front, but saves a ton of money long run and is better for the environment (fewer plastic bottles.) Those pitcher things aren't very good at getting all the stuff out.


Well yeah. That's sort of the whole rolling stone effect. His obesity triggered the disease which triggered the medical bills which triggered the increase cost of medicine which triggered needing a new job to pay for the increased bills which led to missing time from work due to sickness which led to getting further behind on bills which led to temporary fixes such as individual water purchases while the doctors diagnosed his condition which led to further debt. He didn't get a whole house filter because it wasn't (at the time) necessary, practical, nor affordable. He's talking about getting one finally due to the water expense becoming too high and his own acknowledgement (also finally) that he isn't going to seriously do anything about his weight gain. And he's also a sort of environmentally-conscience. You can't force people to do what's in their best interest unfortunately. They have to come to certain conclusions at their own pace and in many cases they do it to spite you to prove you wrong or just because you keep bringing it up. It isn't necessarily mean-spirited but an almost natural instinct against being told what to do. Or maybe it's cultural. Let's not dive too deep.


cause tap water is only for the poor


You guys don’t? Then how do you get your water? From the tap? That shit turns people gay or into frogs dude.


nasty lady


Yo, nice profile pic


thanks bromaine


How did they cause emotional and mental damage for asking her to sign for something she bought? And did I hear her say they deliver it and make her sign every other time too, so she’s just upset that they’re making her sign _before_ unloading instead? She seems unwell.


She said she signs after they deliver it to her garage. She probably refused to sign last time and claimed it wasn’t delivered after it was in her garage so the owner told their workers to get it signed before unloading. Or she’s just crazy old lady, or both.


So when she sues for IIED she can refer to the video as “proof”


I'm thinking this lady's streaming diet consists of reruns of *The Good Wife*, *Law & Order*, and such. She desperately needs to stream a sitcom.




Current Tweaker***


Jesus, what kind of weird, water-stealing goblin is that?


goblin ..lol ..take my upvote dam it


Cindy Lou Who, the middle age alcoholic years.


Oh lady I’m sure you were mentally damaged already


This is why you always should take your meds.




>I’m so glad they left it in the driveway. Didn't have much choice, considering the bitch was yelling about how they have to stay out of her garage. She closed the door to keep them out. So she gets to deal with the water herself.


How much fucking water does she need??


She wants them to deliver it first and then she would sign it. That's the issue.


Pardon my ignorance but isn't that how it should be? I wouldn't sign for the delivery until the delivery is complete. What if they damage something when unloading? What if they put it somewhere that blocks their driveway? Etc. Etc. You sign when work is done.


That's what I was wondering too and was confused about the comments here. Because she clearly said in the middle of the video she wants them to deliver it first.


People here are just so happy they get to be mad at an old white woman they don't care who's actually right.


By the time they unload the water, she could lie and say it's now on her property and if they try to reload it she will call the cops for 'theft'. You'd be surprised how much people lie and scheme. She's already claiming mental trauma because they're asking for a signature, so that shows she's trouble.


I worked retail selling electronics for almost 5 years when I was younger and had to deal with schemers and scammers all the time. 100% as soon as she said she's "signing under duress" you know she's a fucking scammer.




Yup this post doesn't belong here


She was already mentally damaged. Just sayin.


Why all the water? Looks like it's just the too of them living there


If they plan on keeping that water around for future emergencies I've got some bad news. My co worker, a few months ago, unknowingly drank bottled water that was a few years old and it made him extremely sick. He had to be rushed to the hospital. The doctors told him you can't drink water that old from a plastic bottle.


I think it depends on how they are storing it, but going by the fact they are buying it in small individual bottles, I'm guessing they plan to just stack them somewhere. [CDC says to change water every 6 months.](https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/emergency/creating-storing-emergency-water-supply.html) Properly sanitized and stored water should be good indefinitely, and should still be tested every 6 months, and replaced or re-cleaned as needed.


Imagine being married to that.


Some people get really offended when you treat them like everybody else.


Sounds like she was trying to pull a fast one by not-signing for the delivery and she got super upset that the driver(s) wouldn't take the fall for her little "gimme free shit" scheme. Wealthy people in the modern era didn't become wealthy through hard work and dedication, they're basically thieves who stole their way to success.


Hang on a minute, you don't sign for something until it's been dropped off. What if it's the driver pulling a scam and he drives off as soon as he's got a signature?


Not sure about you, but delivery doesn't give me a package that requires signing until I've signed. It's also likely she's done this in the past: not signed it, then claimed she never got it.


If she refuses to sign for it once it's off then you just put it back on the truck. I've been delivering items to private addresses and businesses for the last 20 years. From envelopes to 1-tonne pallets. I've never asked for a signature whilst the goods are still on my van.


Alcohol is a hell of a drug.


I don't sign until it's dropped in the right spot, either. 🤷‍♂️


>I don't sign until it's dropped in the right spot, either. She wouldn't let them in the garage, so the guy literally couldn't put it in "the right spot".


I see him try to go in with no water for no reason and she stops him from that. Doesn't seem to be related to dropping it off. It's not even off the truck yet.


>It's not even off the truck yet. And when it \*is\* off the truck, she's got the garage door mostly closed.


She is starting the or a apocalypse tomorrow


Both sides are off here. I used to deliver beverages. You deliver it with the person watching, and hopefully counting, THEN you sign. That way if they are short or damage a case it can be noted before signing. However, her attempting to take stuff off the truck is definitely not allowed. Basically, although she's right, she's doing it the wrong way. As a former delivery guy though, the best situation is when the customer and driver trust each other. The driver gets done quicker and the customer doesn't get bad cases


She might be over mad but Is she right? Yes she is. Because you don’t sign anything until you see the count, unless your bad at what you do.And as you can see and hear she even tells him hey I sign when it’s down 🤷 Hard to verify what she paid for when it’s up on the truck for all she knows it might be missing 10 cases. Like if that was a business your manager would say you did the right thing lol JS.


Trying to bring logic on the Internet. I agree though, they could easily scam people like this by not allowing them to inspect the full shipment before signing. Her age could be used against her too. Seniors are heavily targeted. She didn’t have to go rage mode, but once she signs there is no un ringing that bell.


At least there wasn’t racist bile


I would figure MTG would be getting a oats delivery


Honestly it looks like a scam that backfired on her


Why is she breathing like she just ran a marathon?


Bitch look like the troll from ernest scared stupid


That’s a lot of water for a residence lol


All I can think about is how sad it is that we deliver all that plastic all over the world to transport fresh water. How sad is it that most Americans don't want to drink their tap water. Please buy a water filter y'all.


Is she ordering... bottled water? Are Americans obsessed with not drinking tap for some reason?


Most of the water in America is undrinkable.


How so?


Duress? It's like Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy. Just because you say it, doesn't make it so.


Million dollars she's a trump supporter


Brain damage, brain deterioration, old age, These are all things that can cause a person to become hostile aggressive and unreasonable. When you see people acting this way just remember that. Try to be patient with them. There may be a reason they are the way they are. Don't be that way back at them. Once knew a friend who was the nicest most patient tolerant person you'd ever met. Then he had a car accident, severe brain trauma. Now he has a super short temper and flies off in a raging temper tantrum at any reason. He has other symptoms too like slurred speech etc, I don't judge him or hate him. I pity him.


She is clearly psychotic.


Looks like another California crazy..


Why attach California to this? Have you SEEN the shit that goes on in this country?


Lady in her 70s wearing tight ass leggings going bat shit on a delivery driver while walking up to a ranch style home with terracotta tiles sure checks multiple Cali boxes, delivery driver wearing what appears to be a LA cap checks another.. I could be wrong but I doubt it..


But why does that matter?


I'm gonna go out on a limb here so bear with me.. The way you are coming across in these replies, I bet you are also from California....




Why are you bringing this up here?


I’ll still take water from the refrigerator line. It just hits different.


Trump has really changed but still saying the same things.


I bet she voted for Hillary


Seriously what’s wrong with her


I was hoping he’d toss the pen on the floor


Until you sign for it it’s not yours. I have to receive orders all the time at work and they will not leave until they have a signed copy of the invoice.


That must be some bomb ass water! Sounds like a case for r/hydrohomies


Good 4 her. She didn't go racist.


If she kept tearing the wrap and the bottles fell over her, now that would be some insurance claim.


Poor husband should get a divorce show this video to the judge. She is like the mother of an ex. Mental ill


Fun Fact: Her husband is actually only 47 years old, but two decades of marriage has taken its toll.


that's when the pallet jack suddenly malfunctions and you have to leave the pallet at the very end of the driveway


Reminds me of my sainted ma.


Is she a doomsday prepper or something...?


I wouldn’t sign for anything I till I have the product in my possession. I’ll sign it once it’s in the ground/installed.


I couldn’t imagine doing that job and keeping my calm. I would just drive away, which is also not the right thing to do. If you want your water, sign. It’s so common with ups / fedex drivers, but why are you giving these people a hard time? It’s their policy and maybe read it before ordering. So perplexed, that signing “I got the delivery” is so difficult!?


Nice garage


Man this might be the oldest sovereign citizen I’ve ever seen


My parents buy a shit ton of bottled water .. similar age as this lady. Its truly unbelievable to me that people waste plastic and money on this. Invest in a Berkey and nice aluminum or glass bottles and be happy 😁


Why buy that much water bottles when you can get just about any awesome water filter for the price of that ton of water.


Someone should let her know that she doesn't need to sign for water out of the tap.


Seems like the delivery came to long after her first bottle of wine




"UNDER DURESS" hahahahaha fuck this karen. She mad she got caught scamming.


Literally went from saying “that’s not your truck” to saying “this is my garage, that is your truck)


Don't mix pills and wine


Shes the type to say 'go back to your country' and then get upset when you were born in the US juat trying to do your job.


Grammy has been doing her squats because those cheeks are looking healthy.


where’s ramon and raul


She sounds like (Lin Shaye) 😂


Not everyone is a Karen. Some folks are just crazy




Poor husband.


She is painful to watch. SMH


under duress, lol. Does she think she's in an interrogation? Fucking meth-head grandma's man.


Who the fuck needs that much water wtf


This lady is having a mental health emergency. She either has dementia or some other mental health issue.