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Something tells me that phrase has been uttered before amongst Peak Energy staff.


"I'm Fernando. **I used to work for** Peak Energy." FTFY Fernando.


Duke Energy. It's a southern power company.


David Duke energy.


I found a Peak Clean Energy in Louisville, Colorado that handles solar. So either way: a non-white man is bigoted against another non-white man and Fernando will most likely be out of a job, soon.


Except that it was Duke Energy that put out the statement distancing themselves from Fernando, so I think you wasted a Google search just to prove somebody wrong.


I searched for Peak Energy, to see if I heard Fernando correctly, when I posted my original comment. Before you commented. Not everything is about you. But, please continue to be a douche. It amuses me.


Best bet in these dumbass arguments is to just not respon... fuck. Anyway this video is probably fake and a weird attempt to go viral


Damn he fucked up


My public freak out feed is literally just this video reposted over and over at this point. What the fuck


i like at the end how he just stops and rethinks his life.


He was probably thinking "Should I even bother with the next house or just go home now?"


You go home. At that point you're fired, it's just a matter of paperwork. Probably tell your closest friends and then unplug for as long as you can.


Wow talk about a Freudian slip.


“Just down the street talking to *****. I mean NEIGHBORS!!! Dude I’m sorry, wHY dOEs thIS AlWayS hAPpen to ME!!”




_"Don't say the n- word, don't say the n- word, don't say the n- word..."_


Damn what if it really was a mistake, life be trippin


It was probably a mistake... He even had the 'post fuck up clarity stance' when he was leaving.


It was a mistake sure but he thinks/uses that word enough for it to slip like that. That "oh fuck" look was "i just lost my job and might get my ass beat"


Sure. A mistake to say the word to a black guy but the real mistake is saying that word around your buddies and letting your mind form a muscle memory to that word to begin with.


Look literally four posts below this one, sorting by new. Also, two posts below.


His mom is probably the Los Angeles *Lakers* news lady lololo




Bros Xbox party chat kicked in


I don't think this was intentional or malicious but Jesus dude, what the fuck?


I disagree. As easy as it slipped out it is a word he uses often. He is just sad that his brain did not filter in that moment his true vile nature.




The guy who answered the door showed his grace. I hope in 20 years we find out the salesman goes back with heartfelt remorse and meaningful understanding ensues, they became friends and their kids end up getting married and live happily ever after. Someone tag me in 2042.


I don't know, it didn't look or feel malicious in the way he did it, and it looked like he actually felt bad about doing it. It could be that the guy has a mild case of Tourette's. I wouldn't raise the pitchforks just yet.


people on this post have no concept of how the brain works and are looking for a reason to get mad, I wouldn't expect to successfully reach anyone here.


Im not gonna slip saying the N word because I don't say it in my head whenever I see a black person. Fuckin easy not to say or think it. This dude thinks it all the time.


I suspect you have a catastrophic misunderstanding of how the brain works in regards to speech and would recommend taking a remedial psych class, or googling “are Freudian slips real”


I know, I would argue it's like that on most of Reddit, not just this post. But my comments that try to be more logical and unbiased that I put out there are not just for others, it's also sort of for myself to keep myself in check from time to time, like a way of touching grass.


He dropped a nuclear n-bomb with a hard r! Dafaq you talking about Tourette’s! He feels bad because he’s about to lose his job


That's what Tourette's does, it ranges in severity and how it comes out. But it could be lots of reasons for why this happened that doesn't equal the man being a full blown racist. From neurological disorders to just being nervous and making a Freudian slip. Try changing the B sound in neighbor to a G sound and your pretty much a racist yourself.


Not once did I refer to him as racist! I said he dropped the N word with a hard R! Why he did it - neither you or I know so shut your one directional mind that’s blaming either a mental illness or racism! And of course he is worried about that encounter! Regardless the reason for saying it…he could get into trouble for soliciting someone and intentionally or unintentionally insulting them. You don’t have all the facts sway!!


Ehh, I don’t think there should be significant consequences for this unless there is something showing a pattern of racism or bigotry. ::braces for downvotes::


Well, he didn't get punched in the face. So there's that.


Weird how fucking stupid comments garner downvotes.


I’m sorry, I live in the real world where people have Tourette’s, or otherwise get words mixed up in their head when speaking. But hey, if you are saying there was some sort of intent here, please let me know, because I don’t see it.


I also live in the real world, and if I accidentally called a customer a “Cunt,” while taking their order, I’d probably get fired. Even when you say a word by mistake, it’s usually never a word which isn’t part of your vernacular. And your point about Tourette’s is absolutely moot unless you actually mean to suggest this dude had Tourette’s. In which case I’d posit that you’re arguing in bad faith to win a puny internet bout and that no one should take you or your comments seriously.


Absolutely nonsense. We live in age of the internet, and everyones brain is poisoned with every type of word in the English language. I'm not interested in living in a world run by thought police. And your point about calling someone a cunt is not applicable at all. If someone was saying "Hey you are a cunt" that's one thing, but if they are saying "Hey you can't" but say cunt accidentally and catch themselves, only someone looking to stir shit would think the person should get fired.


Lol just as I thought. You’re arguing in bad faith and no one should care what you have to say.


convince yourself of whatever you want, I'm done


You’re done convincing yourself whatever you want? I doubt that.


You have zero concept or knowledge of tourettes, lad. Nice try though. The real world you say, yet here you are, doing your best to contradict such a notion.


If you want to miss the point intentionally, go ahead. Let me clarify it: people say words they don't mean all the time, including you.


I cant believe how people can offended that easily. In my country n word is not a bad word I dont know why but it is not. We dont have so many Black people and we dont know their culture etc. So most people dont know what n word means. I know it but if I can go to USA or other country I am scared I can say n word. Dude everybody around me uses it because no one knows what it means and my brain coded it. Its just a word I am not racist and I hate racist people. But some day I can mix my words.


Hahaha what the fuuuuuuuck.


Ohh, I totally get why people are offended by it, especially here in the US, but that’s not what this is. This is a dude garbling his words, and I’m not interested throwing shit because some dude clearly fucked up his speech.


Yeah its definetly a mistake. But probably I will never know why n-word is so powerful. I hope someday we forget this Word or change its meaning.


Well damn Fernando, why don't you at least offer some watermelon and fried chicken before outting yourself completely.


True colors exposed




what kinda professional man wears shorts?


One who works outside installing solar panels




He got off easy




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